TEi CZCCTT CTATm IAI7. EcJara. Oraejoix, EcrluitJay I-Sorr.ftvfr Odcir 17." t?C7 4H Program Is r Held, Turner Ticket .Sale. Said ..Success ;: t . Knight Memorial Gives - - Three Comedies . 'v ; f TURNER The,, program ' -"Ved-; nesday. night- sponsored.: .by. tie Turner 4H. clubs .was a success financially; ticket- sales ; amount ing , to $ 2 8.20:" The Ibfgb school . auditorium was' kwell filled - with an appreciative - audience and ' the three comedT. plays .'presented ' by r the; youhgVpeoplet of Knight M- uivi ia I l uunu u.-oaicui . wi vvu- thusiastically '"relved.-"'. ,'1 Douglas. B. Parkes - was direct or, and Introduced the .play "casts as ioiiowi: "A, uargain in Tiair " cuts,', with- Jewell Williams, Don " Bowers, Beverly Davenport,"Elea- nor parkes.GIen rWIUlams 'and Ailene Beard participating. .'Arthur -Parkes; Mercel., Mohr, June Wagoner and. Don .. Ellis comprised., the . cant for., the . sec ond comedy, "B-29 8.". Instrumen tal numbers were played by. Fer- nel Gilstrap between acts. Glen Williams . as ."Sylrlas the Magi- elan", delighted ' the people with his tricks. . He was , assisted by Dick Barton, also of Salem.' The concluding " comedy,; "Al most Seventeen," had the follow ing players:- ,Lee Nieswander, Herbert Lucas, Alma Tantls and Jean Nieswander. In behalf of the 4 H club teach ers. Principal James O. Russell announced the proceeds will be added to the scholarship fund for Corvallls sumnler sehool. Pursley Is Slated To Appear, Court SILVERTON Charles W. Purs ley will appear before Judge Alf O. Nelson In local Justice court October 30 on a charge of as sault and battery brought by bis wife, Pearl Pursley. The ease Is a transfer from the Salem justice court after the defendant entered a plea of not guilty. Burton Asbahr will be tried on the same day on a charge of oper ating a four-wheel trailer with no license plates. Nelson - reported that Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Forest had Ironed out their difference before him - and the court had made an order dis missing both cases, costs baring been taken care of by the Forests. Some time ago Mrs. Forest had her husband arrested for non-support. In turn he had her arrest ed for destroying a nearly new radio. School Menus Are Made, Silverton SILVERTON , To plan the menus and oversee the general work of the bot lunch arrange ment ' for ' the Silverton grade school, a committee has been ap pointed to Include Mrs. L. R. Neal, Mrs. Kenneth Hewitt and Mrs. Leonard Hudson. Both Mrs. Hewitt and Mrs. Hudson are for mer home economics teachers. The women will discuss the menus to be used, will plan their preparation and, in general, an swer questions which may be put by the cooks at the school. The committee was appointed by the Parent-Teacher association of which Mrs. F. J. Roubal Is president. The next meeting of the association will be Novem ber 7, with Mrs. H. W. Adams In charge of program arrangements. Linn Registration in ALBANY Total reglstnatlon In Linn county selective service has reached 851. Since registra tion day, October IS. therehave been IS cards received from Linn county men living outside the county. Lyons News LTON3 The Lyons and Fox Valley 4H sheep club members met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing In Fox Valley Monday night with a no host supper served at 7 o'clock. Work was discontinued until spring. Roy Akins and Orville Downing are the local club lead ers.'"; . Present were Mr." and Mrs. Roy Akins, Lee Akins, Mrs. Clyde McRae, Johnnie and Virginia Mc Rae, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Ny degger," Cletus," Betty, Shirley, Beverly and ' Mabel, Mrs, Ross Kellogg and sons Ross and Bruce, Betty Bassett, Bill e and Leonard Surry, Mr. " and .; Mrs. . Orville Downing and Duane, Juanlta and Modena. Mrs. Rudolph Brader, leader of the " Camp Fire Girls, enter tained at her home with a wiener roast. Members present were Ixna Jean Roye, Elaine CItpfell, Hazel Biiles, Evelyn CUpf ell, Charlotte Burk and Mrs. Brader, - Mrs. Jack Cornforth won first place In the county grange can ning contest held at Albany, The prise was a small sack of sugar. She also won fourth place la the state meet at Portland," winning a. a mall rad'o . Earl Allen ' and Leland Man ning left for Bend Tuesday where they - will spend . the rest of the week hunting. Mr. and Mrs. William Prichard are the parents of a son born at their home Tuesday. .This Is their fourth child and third son.' OLD TIME DD A ETC 13 XLzzzl Grc:n IZlllaf Owl dJ . Wayne Sirahan and Bis Orchestra Featuring Virginia Grevson, Vocalist Music where the eld time swing" 1 the natural thins. SU'Sc - F. A. Kywem Customs Officials ", t ' ' ;. ; " i - - ' .- ir' 'f: - ' . f- f ; - 1 " 'X i - f . : i ' i If ' 1 From every Pacific coast port, custom collectors . met m a five day conference im Sam Fraaclaco recently ' to ponder method of improving tbeir eervlco d with view toward expediting handling of good and paying customs. Pictured la conference are W. i. Bryan, Los' Angeles, left; W. B. George, Baa Diego; Paul Leake, San Francisco, who Is also a Woodland, Calif., newspaper publisher, and Fred risk, Portland. Saur Haas, collector of the Port of Seattle, also waa In attendance at the confer ence. UN photo. Chilean Envoy ofi Tokyo, Rome,' Berlin is the itinerary iib-secretary of war for Chile, who sailed from Los Angeles recent ly for Japan. The darklhaJred dllporaat was accompanied by his wife and their 10 year old daagfrter, Odette, pictured above. He will visit in warring capitals aa "military observer," be declared. The envoy laughed at any "treasonable activities" in Chile, said only a few Japanese and Germans are settled there. nN photo. Salem Hoights News SALEM HEIGHTS The Lit tle Garden club will be enter tained with a dessert luncheon on Tuesday, October 29, instead of Thursday, October 11, at the home of Mrs. Charles Sawyer. There will be no Sunday school at Salem Heights November S as all are expected to attend the semi-annual convention held by the Red Hills district of Sunday schools at Liberty. All flowers left from the re cent Hobbby show were taken by the Sunday school to the Dea coness hospital. Dr. Ralph M. Btolzbelse, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Stolsheise of Salem Heights, who has been on the staff of the pneuro-psy-chlatrie institute of the Hartford retreat at Hartford, Conn., for the past several years, has a leave of absence to take a eourse in neurology at Columbia uni versity. At its close he will again be at the retreat for at least two more years. Mrs. Ruth Graham and Mrs. Nora Bennett attended the Srd district meeting of Woman's clubs at Salem October 21 as dele gates of the Woman's club of Salem Heights. Birthday Party Given at Kimes ZENA--Walter Kims and Ralph Shepard were complimented with a surprise' birthday party at the Klme home at Zena Saturday night. Five hundred and pinochle were la play preceding a buffet supper served to the honor guests, Walter Klme and Ralph Shep ard. Mrs. Leland Bassett and Maurice I of Brownsville, Mrs. Ralph Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Lockle Cooper and Charles - and Marilyn and Mr. and Mrs. Sheri dan Everett and Gordon and Bobby of Portland, Mr. and MraJ Elmer Rlney of Monmouth, Mrs. j Anna Cooper of RlckrealL Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cooper of Carlton and Mrs. Walter Klme. School Merger Talked PEDES Representatives of Alrlle, Kings Valley and r- Pedee school districts met at the Pedee school .Mondaay night to further discuss consolidation of the high schools. D. A. Emerson of ; the beard of higher education spoke, explaining cost of building, etc No definite' action. was taken. - Sidney: Howard and Leo Con Son are spending the week hunt ing and fishing on the north fork of Smith; river. Endeavor Meet Set ". . ' fILVERTON : Marvin ten ter, newly elected, president of the Marion county officers, la an nouncing a meeting ef the Mar ion county - Christian . Endeavor executive officers - at the1 First United . Brethren ehurca at Sa lem on Monday night.' ' , - From all Coast Ports in Conference to Axis Capitals facing Colonel Osvaldo Valencia, Crawford District Items TURNER Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Given, accompanied - by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Savage of Vic tor Point, drove to McMlnnville Tuesday to the home of their sister, Mrs. Irvln Archibald, who honored her husband with a birthday dinner. Alice Titus is soon returning from Caldwell, Idaho, where she has been visiting friends for the past month. Raymond Titus Is recovering from a ten day illness. H. Jenkins is suffering with sinus trouble. Ever Ready Club Resumes Meeting PEDES After two years of Inactivity, the Ever Ready club met at the home of Mrs. Rittie Kerber, Wednesday, to reorgan ise. Mrs. Milo Gage was elected president; Mrs. Clinton Rulter, vice president; Mrs. Anna Ar nold, secretary-treasurer. The group will meet the second and last Thursdays of each month The next meeting will be at the Ernie Johnson home Novem her 14. Present were Lavina Simpson, Minnie Rulter and children, Mrs. Rufus Dodge, Edna Mae Alder man and children, Ella Sheythe, Alice Ritner, Anna Arnold, ..eva Kerber and daughter, Grace Gage and daughter, Mrs. Ernie John son, Irene Weise and the hostess, Mrs. Rittie Kerber. Oak Point Women Arrange Meetings OAK POINT Independence Rural Woman's club met Tues day at the home of Mrs. M. R. Black. Mrs. Grove Peterson gave a report on the program of the meeting of the Polk county Fede ration of Woman's clubs which was held 1 in Independence, ' and Mrs. Hugh Rogers reported ; on the neighboring club meeting ef mo woman's dubs. - - An all day quilting' win be held November 1 at the Harns- berger home. ' a no-host dinner will be served at noon. Mrs. Hngh Roger was appointed to arrange the sal of Christmas Seals. Mrs. T. J. Primus will entertain - at the next moetlag, November 13. S) 1 l" , 21 Eczzirj zzi Zh Crcicrira ' Dorothy Dale. Vocalist - S Miles "North cf Indcpendenca - Adaus Ladies 25c ; Ilea 4&e, Iaelod. Tax Silvorton Churches SILVERTON . "How Shall A Christian React to the World Today?" will be discussed by Rev. Edward Terry at 11 o'clock Sunday at the Methodist church. Sunday school preceeds the ser vice at 9:45. Junior high and senior Epworth Leagues meet at 7 p. m. Worship is at 8 p. m., with atereoptlcon lecture. "The Old Book Finding new Friends." The Queen Esther society meet ing at the parsonage Monday after school. Mid-week services are set for Wednesday at 7:15. Toung people's choir Wednesday at 7:15 with play night follow ing. Junior circle Friday, Novem ber 1, at the home of Mrs. Ralph Ehli. The Solberg brothers speak at Calvary Lutheran church at 10:45 in the absence of Rev. O. C. Olson. Luther League called for 7: SO. The Naomi club meets Tuesday at 7:30. at the church social rooms. Choir rehearsal set for Wednesday at S o'clock. Rev. J. M. Jenson is announc ing "Christian Liberty with Re straint" as the topic of, his Sun day morning 11 o'clock sermon at Immanuel Lutheran, church. Sunday school and Bible classes at 10 a. m. Leagues meet at C:S0 and 7:45 . Sunday night. Mid week devotional services Thurs day at 2 o'clock. - Sunday school arid adult "Blblei classes at 10 a. m. Sunday at Trinity church. Reformation and mission services will be observed at 11 o'clock with Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr speaking on "Mission Mind ed." A special offering to the general work of the synod will be taken. There will be special music. Rev. Fuhr announces the meeting of the Oregon circuit at Portland at the Portsmouth Lutheran church beginning Sat urday and continuing through Sunday and Monday. The Luth eran Daughters of the Reforma tion meet Monday at 8 o'clock at Trinity church. Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will mark the beginning of a spe cial series of services at the Christian church on the great outstanding doctrines of the Bible. This series will . continue through the month of November. The first sermon is "The Most Startling Tragedy in All Human History." Rev. Frank Zook, speaker. The choir has a special anthem. Christian Endeavor meet at C:30. Gospel service at 7:80 with the old-fashioned revival hour song service. The subject, "What Kind of Bodies Will We Have in Eternity?" The Loyal Women's class Is planning a sli ver tea and bazaar at the Chris tian church November 18. Mrs. Minnie Preston is president of the class. Waconda Club Has Meet, Fromm Home WACONDAThe first fall meeting of the Waconda Commun ity club was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Robert Fromm. Following the 1 o'clock covered dish, dinenr 500 was played, with prizes I received by Mrs. Peter Russ and Mrs. A. J. Rasmussen of Labish Center. The next regular meeting will be held Wednesday, October 30 at the horn of Mrs. A. L. Lamb, 537 Knapp street, Salem. New Books Bought At Independence f INDEPENDENCE rMr. F. p. Hewett, city librarian, has an nounced 87 books recently added to the- public library. r - Among these are fiction, : 8; non-fiction. 4 : reprints, fiction, 10; western stories, 9 ; . mystery and detective stories. 8; Interna tional books, gifts from th Car negie Foundation, 1; and new children's books. 39. , , TOHIGIIT t (I V.I"- f- I . .. tj f .r...M UVi ' mm Sale Is up T; Indepradence . , INDEPENDENCE The. total stamp sales and other postal re ceipts of the Independence .post offlee,.cn . which ; th grating; of the- office,. is .based, Increased 420S.33 for. the. fir t nine jnonths of. 1940 over .the same period of 103 9. The total for the first nine months. ,1 9 4 0wV8 7 0 0 8.1 1 aer cording .to Glen . C. Smith, post master. ,'. : v J- .y . '4 iPost . of flee , boxes .r. rented In creased from.lir 101939 to '.Hi'. The opening , of the, migratory game. bird, season saw. more 'mi gratory ,bird. hunting ' stamps sold than : heretofore .at the 1 opening of. the' - season A 'total of 73 stamps .have been - Sold to Oc tober. lt.X';C:V-t.i:uVwi Money. order Issued t he In- oepenaence - oriice. also , snowed an increase oyer, the correspond ing .period ' In - If 39 "The total Issued : for the first nine months of. 1940 was .4730 as compared to 4843' in U939. The ; money, repre sented 140,730.77.-for 1940 and 837.1C1.40 in 1939. ! Only 12 aliens have .registered at the post officer to date. Smith Is of the opinion ' that many :ar waiting until; nearer the closing date,' December 2. ' ' ' - v " -H " "J: '- v- . huT Jones Has Serious Accident WOODBDRN Arthur Jones. who is an employe of the utate training school near Woodburn, is in the Deaconess hospital in Salem as the result of an auto accident Wednesday night He received --a sever arm injury when - the car he was driving skidded - on the . wet pavement and struck a power pole on East Cleveland and B streets. His con dition was said to be satisfac tory, although there was still a question of whether his arm could be saved. Myor and Mrs. Harold Austin returned from a ten day trek into California Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Willaford left Wednesday for a ten day vacation In California. Mrs. Nettie Gregory of Moni tor and Mrs. Wayne Gill return ed Monday from a trip to Klam ath Falls where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. George HIllls and children, Sylvia and Bill. Rites Are Held ForW.ICWinslow AUMSVILLE runeral rites were held here at the Christian church Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock for William K. Wlnslow, with Rev. Ralph Putnam of For est Grove conducting the serv ices. The local choir sang hymns with Mrs. R. T. Mountain ac companying. Beautiful floral offerings bank ed the altar, testifying to th Jiiga esteem in . which the, de ceased was held. Interment took place at the Stayton cemetery, with the Weddle Funeral home of Stayton in charge. Pall bearers were six nephews of the deceased. Dr. B. I. Pound, Salem; Rexall Ross, Earl Ross, Mt. Angel; L. R. page, Charles Wlnslow, Frank Wlnslow of Olympla, Wash. William K. Wlnslow was born in Pontiac, 111., June 18, 1871. He moved to Kansas In 1874 with his parents. In 1889 he moved to Olympla, and In 1898 came to Aumsvllle, where he had since resided. May 15, 1901, he was united in marriage to Albenia A. Darby. Mr. and Mrs. Wlnslow were the foster parents of a daughter, Rose, who passed away In 1923, and a son, Elbert Wlnslow, who survives.' Mr. Wlnslow united with the Christian church in 1902. He died October 19, 1940. Morris Funeral Held at Lebanon LEBANON Friday at two o'clock funeral services were held In the Low Mortuary for Miss Bess Morris, who died sud denly of a heart attack Wednes day morning. Interment waa in Franklin Butte cemetery in Sclo. Rev. Bixler of the Christian church officiated. Miss Morris was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, pioneer residents of the Sclo dis trict where she was born and grew' to womanhood. In 1929 af ter the death of her mother she came to Lebanon and from then on was associated with the Heyne music store. She made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Heyne. Equipment Purchased - SLDRIEDGE Some play equipment has been added at Eldrledg school this week with Allyn Nusom, director, and E. J. Becker doing the work. . Tfca 4 ' m MM f WILL SOOH Stamp ffiTiTf Held after Willkles Hit With Eggs ,-:-: :- - f . J v. w y. jj. . A man (center looking Into camera) booked a Charles MsJrain, 88, is taken Into custody by police at the LaSalle street railway station tion in Chicago, after Wendell Willkie, republican presidential nominee, and Mrs. Willkie were straek with egg.' Police .Captain Thomas ThmttT id that Malnm was charged wltt breach of tbo peace and asaaalt with a deadly weapon. Wooclbiirn Clubs Co-Hosts, Meet WOODBURN The members of the Woodburn Woman's club and the Junior Woman's club were joint hostesses at a recep tion given In the club rooms of the city library last Wednesday night tor the teachers of Wood burn schools. Mrs. L. C. .Austin, president of the Woman's club, welcomed the guests, expressing the wish that parents and teach ers would take this opportunity to become ac qualm ted. Mrs. Rodney Alden, in charge of the program, presented two vocal numbers, "Silent Starlit fNlghf and "Shortenln Bread," by the ladles' chorus under the direction of Mrs. R. R. Mitchell; the Misses Beverley Hughes and Virginia Olson played two piaho duets, "Galop de Concert" by J. Peabody ' and "Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Sousa. Mrs. L. Bergsvick of Salem announced the purpose of PTA and gave objects and alms of the organization. She then introduc ed Mrs. Walls of Portland, state president of PTA,. who stressed the importance of an understand ing and cooperation between par' ent and teacher. Th program was greatly en joyed by th many present. Zoa Lowthlan was in charge or me "get acquainted ' games and group singing that followed Vera Jean Huber, president of th Junior - Woman's club, and Mrs. Kelley Stanard presided at the refreshment table.' rAT YOUR GROCERS Budget Is Passed By Turner Council TURNER Turner city coun cil met Monday night and the budget waa passed as advertised. Total estimated expenditures are listed as $2548, divided up into general fund 3210, road fund $2 41, water 9100. street Ugh ting 9400. bond redemption and In terest 11595, with 9601 the amount necessary to balance the budget. Outstanding water bonds of the refunding issue amount to 9 0500. with $348 as interest to be paid. The budget committee was comprised of J. S. McKlnney, chairman; Charles Standley, Jr., secretary; Mrs. Hallle Endlcott, Fay Webb. D. 8. Riches. Guy Dow, Henry Bower, Harry Soren son and Albert Jensen. Recorder Charles Standley was authorised to call for bids on approximately 8000 feet of four inch wood stave pipe, and 3800 feet of six lneh pipe. The project Is under WPA sponsorship and expert engineers and is slated to start November 8. Pet Parade Staged DAYTON At J p. mi today th second annual Hallowe'en pet parade sponsored by th Day ton post American Legion auxil iary will ; be staged. Mrs. Anna Leckband, the president, announ ced. Children must appear in eostume. Trimmed bicycles also will entitle children to enter and compete for prises. Goalod in every Party Is RIpninoutli People ...MONMOUTH Th' birthday of Mrs. Clare ; Winegar.- October 32. was the. occasion for a sur prise party at their heme; arrang ed by Mrs.7 John Rlney and other members. of the, Home. Economies' club, of th . Rlckreail grange. , i" Present r wer Mr.- and Mrs.' Rlney; and Mr.; and Mrs. -Winegar, of ' Monmouth; 'Ml, and Mrs. Del bert Shelton - and'Mr.'andt Mrs." George Wan. Santen' of 'Dallas: . Mr. and MrsOra Lants, Mr. and Mrs. Tred Dewey and Airs. Dewey, sr all ef Rlckreail; Albert Rlney and Joy Van Santen. Other, guests were Mr. and Mrs, .George Staple- ton of Independence. . ?ii . T An autumn, fellowship - dinner'. was held Wednesday, night at the"' Christian Church.' Roy M. . Miller" , was program chairman. - Speakers'. Included- A. C . Powers,' .T. C Hutchinson and Rsv. W.- A. Ek Ins E. If.." Gilliam read two of ? his original poems; the .Chishelm " brothers ' of I Independence sang- duets with guitar aeeompanlment: Mrs. R"D. Elliott gave rwp mn-v- slcai, readings, . ana chorus . sing ing was led by Mrs. F. E. Chamb ers, with Mrs. Elliott at the piano. Politics Bmviiig : ; At Independence INDEPENDENCE Ther ar - five county offices being cob test ed In the November election: Clerk. E. B. Go bat. democrat;'' C. S. Graves, republican, and W. "BUI" Blackler. " independent. Sheriff. Arthur P. Black, demo- ' erat, nd T. B. Hooker, republl- ; can. Treasurer, O. L. Hawkins, republican, and T...D. Pomeroy, . , Jr., democrat. Assessor. L. . V." Seeley, republican, and Ed C. Dunn, democrat. On the non-partisan ballot for county school superintendent the names of Paul T. Franxen and Joslah Wills will appear. The city ballot finds Dr. M. J. Butler still unopposed for mayor. Four have been nominated t fill the vacancies on the elty . council: Dr. George D. Herley, Melford M. Nelson, H. M. Ams berry and Harold W. Plankett. John K. Black is unopposed foe eity recorder. ' Farmers' Union Meets, Anmsville AUMSVILLE A rally f : Farmers Union members and visitors was held Tuesday night , t thm hall - with visitors from Marion, Salem. Brooks and Red ; Hill attending. Th speaker was Avery Thomp son of Salem. Following th bss- lness meeting, a social hour vras held when guests and members enjoyed an oyster sapper gtven by th host local. 1 ' Th hall, in which vral clubs and organisations ' meet, is soon to receive needed repairs and changes. Th root will be " repaired and partitions changed , inside and more table added. Th Tilllcum club. Farmers Union, Townsend club and Boy -Scouts will cooperate in raising ' money and making th changes. loaf "- rr.