The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 25, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    Th CZZOOII CTATSCIXAIL Colasx. Oracaa, TAdsj Korriag. Octsbar S3. XSi3 ;
Piano Readied
Kennedy Bids Churchill Goodbye
Cbssrvers Say
Trhue 17 as Late for Her Heals
Nctv Deal Quid
: Deal C3inclied
- - ----" "--" .,., ,w M1..,,il,.Jlll.w
Former President States
. ; New Deel Is on Road
1 tn Nnziam
5 (Continued from pace 1)
faartr till. A political machine
has bMa built which places all
If ee election la. jeopardy. An co-
homfc ' system Is- befng created
hlcb- drifts steadily- away from
Tree - men 1 an trV (enterprise
down J the - suicide' road 'of na-,
"Under assumptions of person
aVpower we are steadily drifting
' t ward -war. Aad one result, of
1 use of these powers has been
t x stifle the restoration of pro
active employment and a pro;
J jxous agriculture aad to involve
tli - oeace of - the American
rTop!e Election of Republican
Candidate Wlllhte, Hoover said,
HV- safeguard "representative
t avernment under which only
Lralted powers rest in any one
man's band.'
.Peacetime .expansion of presi
dential powers in toe past seven
years , haa .exceeded, any granted
tli the aanon'a previous 110
years, said Hoover, who drew a
parallel between -new deal ae
tfvlttM art A EornlMi'i 'Vitsa Trt'
dictatorships. ". ; " .
,"A few. days ao Mr. Rooee-
.1 sought to dismiss all -of, this
jr " the statement ' that- no dic
tator ever, dared to run the gaunt-
let of a really .free ..election.
Hoover added. tThat is not the
answer. The answer Is that there
aa be no free election with such
a 'political' machine as the
cdcal. Does; any man believe that
even today tea million household-
. era are not tied to this party by
other forces than, pure reason?
I'Tjnl Tern Leads '
t t to 4th Tena tti. .
T 'Do yon want to give another
four years to building np a single
uidef eatable party? i After fonr
years more, then' what? , Does not
t,tt surrender of -a ( third term
tradition leadto a political ma
cUne which can elect to a f oarth
trrm . or even a life term?"
" Hoover charged that it waa an
'itetlectual dishonesty for the
! t wdeal to contend that it rep-
' resents liberalism;
rfVLt. Roosevelt 'scarcely ever
crikee an address that he doea
r t refer to 'we liberals'." said
J, over, J .
rf'He sammoos all liberals to
i !n him. arl Browder and Hsr
ry -Bridges were Joiners tor a long
tine. But yon' cannot be or make
liberal by lost shotting 'liberal'
aAl denouncing: everybody else as
f fOne of the , great triumphs of
true liberalism' was the independ
ence of the Judiciary. Some ap
pointments to the supreme court
art abOat as UberaJ as Charles
iXm First and hangings Judge Jef
Jery."., : "Another one of the triumphs
of true liberalism was the lade
padenee of the -logVUatLro arm.
Ibis yee-yes manipalatloa of con
: tX9B has a counterpart In that
great liberal George the Third."
' .Tha former president reiterated new deal has failed to
olve problems of poverty, unem
ployment and agriculture, and
'.free enterprise was paralysed.
Leslie Delegation
Visits at Parrish
As a climax to the high spirit
rf aning through the student bo
dies of the twe Salem junior high
schools, a delegation from Par
rish appeared at Leslie Wednes
day to partlcipato in an assembly.
Principal R. w;:" Tavenner of
t..1l. 1 M J
atrodnced the speakers, includ
ing Principal Preston Dough ton
of Parrish, Jim Wenger and Bill
Reinsert. Parrish- and Leslie
team captains. Coach Tom Drynan
fronii the north elde said never
before had ho come to a school
wliere.ths team actually went on
the stage to play, as was done by
f ur boys - who showed "how to
play football snccessfuUy' in an
original manner. Coach - Loren
Wort of Leslie said only that the
boys would bo out fighting.
Superintendent Prank Bennett
wished rood luek to the teams,
and the assembly waa closed with
a song led by Donna Unruh and
a yell by Newell Williams.
Hi-YCIub Makes
Football Programs
' Parrisa Jnnlor UJ-Y dab pro
vi:d the regrema for last
at gilt's Parrish - Leslie football
gsuieJ Travis Cross and BUI Mor
ti t ill the actual work: oa these
pre grains, not only gathering the
u: aortal . aad writing It np bat
dc 'ag. the mlmeograpLlng.
. . These pro frame conuined . reo
or s of past games and a resume
of the work done by Lor en Mort
ac 1 Tsm Drynan Leello and Par
rl i coaeheay as wall as the ltae
b: ?. aames ct fcityvs and their
Kbrr GOP Election
Quarters Planned
: rrtrtst-levsl caapalga ae6
C rtrs Willi be opened Saturday
at 141 Ksrta Commercial street
tj ti. XIarlaa county republican
c ,tnl uEaKtee, . Mrs, XL L.
.'rtht. Tieo-chatrman, announced
y i;.rday. C3uaiy..Aeadauarters
v-'.'A contuse tn bo rsaiatanied at
tl Jtarloa tul-1. : --,.; ;,
,-" "" 1," ' . .,. . 1 U'fi
hm-t in Sl"f v .
.. : t, ii... i
rhjrts "xi-.'TS .. ti- ParrTth
t. .:A. ficu.!ty ; -will
M:i ex
it 9
.... i.
r t c v . tissscii
i i-r, 2S,
t: -1, fi :
2 T - - -
.. - r-zx Ersra
S "X 'CwAi
i:iai.ii aa
VB Ambawador Joseph Kennedy
jij goodbye Co Prisno Minlsteir
rente to 11m United States from
12-Year-Old Editor Shows Patriotism,
Tells Reader He Needs "Liver Pills"
VALSETZ. Oct. 2WAP) Editor Dorothy Anns Hob-
son of The V&lsetz Star runs about the "republicantst' pa
per in the state of Oregon but she has her own ideas of where
Berlin h Bombed
In Two Hour Raid
... .
(Continued from page 1)
station, and: the Charlottenburg
power station.
Ice froao oa their windscreens,
tho pilots said. but. nevertheless.
they were able to set fires "right
la tho center of tho city." Flares
guided their bombs.
(The bermaas reported that "a
few" British:' planes managed to
drop incendiary bombs and leaf
lets and a few etplosive bombs
tn Berlin.) I'. -.y "
Tho air . atlnfettT news servleo
reported that - other ' : Waves of
bombers spread tiro aad devasta
tion athwart the docks at Em
den, North oa asval base:
bombed factories east of Berlin
aad Bremen and at the mouth
of the Elbe, penetrated to Wismar
on the Baltic coast to attack the
Dornier plane plants; seats of oil
refineries at Hanover and Mag
deburg and blasted docks and
shipping near the Hook of Hol
land. . .
Two nasi supply ships were re
ported sank by torpedo planes off
tho Frisian Islands and a third
"large" one bombed near the
Hook of Holland.
Parrish Students
Rally at Assembly
Stndents. faculty and song and
eheer leaders gathered In the Par
rish junior high school gym
naslnm yesterday morning, for
tho big pep assembly : of the se
mester. This was to promote
friendly rivalry between Parrish
and Leello, who met at Sweet
land field last night. The purpose
of this , assembly waa also to
demonstrate proper cooperation
with the song; and yell leaders
and proper conduct at the game.
Those who presided were Dor
othy BoysU Song leader; Barbara
Crawford, assistant song leader;
Bob Skopil, yell leader, aad Joe
Lowery, aasisttat yell leader.
Britain Adds New Unit to Navy
J'c-rf rre!ctr, m it b. ttriil. i csor-i jrovei err i' : i t7 la A K- -t
4vlitioa to ta Brftlsb.nvyw,aIlojM ilowa tli ways as a..mKU
.. clooedl alUpyard, as Groat ZU-ltain pashes to the limit its war ISm.
(left) calls at 10 Downing; street te
whsatom Chare hi 11. Kennedy Is est
bis poet in London.
politics should end. ;
"Wo sat In a picture show aad
some people booed at President
Roosevelt." 11-year-old Dorothy
Anne .wrote la' her current Issue.
MWe do aot boo at ear president
of the United States. We do laot
boo at anybody. We sat Tory dig
nlfled." Dorothy Anne drew a wordy
"boo' herself this month from a
choleric Philadelphia reader who
wrote that Tho star "shows ae!
ther grown-up Intelligence nor a
child's perspicacity" and that Dor
othy's choice of a presidential
candidate "Is. on the level with
one who never reads, studies nor
has any brains."
"We guess he needs little liver
pills," succinctly commented ye
Dorothy. Anae came ap with
"Will ohr readers please n
tlco," the wrote, "that the word
'American' ends with I can.- it
gives us courage."
Negress Is Loser
In Damage Action
z4.-4PV-LuciIe Bluford, Kansas
City newspaper editor, tonight
lost her $10,000 damage sui.
against S. W.. Canada, University
of Missouri registrar who denied
her admission to the school be
cause she Is a Negress.
A federal court Jury took only
41 minutes to return a verdict
for Canada after a three-day
trial. - ;
The Jury was Instructed by
Judge J. C. Collet that in order
to award damages It must find
that Miss - Bluford gave Lincoln
university, Missouri's negro col
lege, a "reasonable" opportunity
to provide the journalism courses
for which she demanded entrance
to the state university..
- Spanieling Active
Bruce Spaulding, Polk county
district attorney and ' democratic
nominee for attorney general, will
spend the remainder of the time
before tho November t election.
looking attar his ' campaign in
Portland, ho saM here yesterday.
Ho has toured all counties la the
state except Curry.
France Probahlr to Gel
Back; Part, of Land ;
' , 4 ' , : for Uasea' ' -Z .'L--(Continued
from page 1 ) -
avcidance of possible German oe-
canatlaa of all France.
To what degree France wlll'So
forced to aid la the military plana
of tho axis was uncertain, .but
government sources at Tlchy laid
emphatically that Marshall Petain
and the former allied generalissi
mo,- General Maximo weygaad.
under no circumstances would
sign .any ' documents , I e a d 1 ff g
Franco Into ' war with Britain.,;
i Diplomatic sources said, . hew
ever, the agreement would permit
the axis to ' use French air and
naval bases In Africa, Syria, and
Franco for a double-barreled of
fensive against Britain's Mediter
ranean ead south" Atlantic ' lines
of communication aad the British
blockade oa Europe. .:
Spanish Parley r ' ; . ;;. -.
Has Same Goal,' " ' ,
Hitler's visit to t h e Spanish
border for a face-to-face. talk with
uenerallsalmo Francisco Franco
for the first, time also was report
ed, to .have the-aame objective
the use ot Spanish -ports and air
fields, not only out the- mainland.
but la the canaries. , '
(Informed Berlin sources , said
Germany understands It is too
much' to expect 'Spain, to loin In
the war against England now Tn
view of her strategic and econom
ic position because of civil war.)
t French sources reported Hitler
used tha argument, both with
Spain and Franco, that unless the
British blockade is broken" both
will be la a precarious position
for food before spring. :
Dakar la west Africa. Toulon
on the Mediterranean. Blberte in
Tunisia, and Casablanca, In Jaoro
co, which It waa -reported tho axis
will use, are strategically situated
for an air and sea offensive In
the eastern Mediterranean : an d
south Atlantic, synchronised with
a land, sea and air offensive la
the Near East. v . - .
While the frontier of unoccu
pied Franco will bo moved north
ward to the Seine ead Paris, It
was reported, Oermaay will keep
control of the Atlantic seaboard
and a strip contiguous to 8wit
serland and Germany for military
Charles Bier Has
Draft Number 13
(Continued from page 1) ; '
servioe board up to last eight. A
few more registration certificates
probably will be received from
out-of-eity registration points to
raise the city's total. Chief, Clerk
W. H. Meraa said. .
The numbers " ast! vned , yester
day and Doeted tho smart
bulletin -board at p m. do
net rep reseat the order la which
draft registrants will be . eallsd
oa te answer questionnaires, ead.
If they are not deferred, te under
go a year's military training.
They are merely identification
numbers, whose holders will be
come subject to the call to train
la only If their numbers hasoen
to be drawn and in the order
they are drawn In tho lottery to
be conducted la Washington, DC.
next week.
Toung men who registered last
week for selective service crowd
ed about the armory bulletin
board all yesterday afternoon and
until Moran removed the number
lists last alght. The lists will be
posted again today until f p. m.
Auto Industry to
Increase in Spite
P0R.TLAKTJ- Vt. 4 yjcrv.
automobile industry will show-a
II per cent gala In 1141 and
still handle all the defense pro
gram -msy-ii load oa us," C. XL.
Whlttaker. rice - president of
tho atudebaker corporation, tn
charge of the Pacific coast area.
wm laiemewers "tee automobile
Industry knows haw t
mass production. We can use our
vr snuss ana our engi
neers, though wo will have to
develop new machinery for .the
Noising of Bibld -,
Shoim, Parrich
Parriah iunlor1 hlsrh kImI
llsh classes had tho opportunity
uua wmmm. ok sssuf a XUSS Ott ti
tled "Tho Book Of Books.'
This nictnrm. met m - h iw
National Bible Press, showed tho
soxupieie prooeso ot the printing
and bindlne? of . the ihi- u.
interestlns- thlnew tn
and ocplalaed tn eonnoctlos. with
am priaung, maoxina ee the con
struction of tho cover, and par
ticularly tho palatine el the leaves
with S3 carat gold. .
Printera Provided;
I Portland Coltxirc
PORTLAND. Oct. Ss-sLl.
forts of early day printers made
Portland tho cultural coals f
tho northwest. Dean Alfred Pow
ers of the state system of hlsher
education toil printers meeting;
hare last alght, . - ,
The meeting commemorated the
1 3 8 ta anci vtmrr : of the isrsa.
tloa et the prtatiojc prtsav - ,
llllilsry Training Hided '
tor Liexicen 2chocl Hayg
nimco ctrr; Oct. ti-irf
Presileat Cardenas todjtj die reel
mntary tialaicx "for Mexico's
2,1 00,0 0 9 school children. -The
tataljtry of education, which d3e
the cTjcreo pi Lite, acneenced that
iaj'.rriiloa nosli stj.rt-ia' .11 faV
I'm and ceil -private jehcclj ea.
I'-ixtTztct 1 BBisr gnperrlsija ct
tut 5Par. nlaittry r' 1'
.(Hzteat and exact nature of
tho tralnlnjr were aot disclosed.) i
Xrixie, a'fox terrier, was kmdvertenay locked in m box cow 14 days
age fa Republic. WaaU. .Wbon
roeomcauvo vr iionsu sm. ioasm, nvwa. w "
wonid recover. . Her owner wfeswl tho pet, telegraphod tho
etgaee . !,; -.
jSprague Says War
Makes Camoiiflage
: (Continue! from page 1)
velt had promised domestic re
covery in 111) but had boon aide-
tracked by hie latereet la eocial
Now' domestic recovery mast
be undertaken." Pre gee. de
clared. "And the man to under
take that great task to Wendell
Li.' Wlllkle.
"The new deal philosophy says
that 'our plant Is built'; that
there are no longer any frontiers
where people may settle. Wlllkle
aad McNary chaileago that philos
ophy, aad denounce tho defeatism
oa which It rests.
"They point the way to con
structive solutions of oar econom
ic problems, not political sotatloae
based oa raiding the public treas
"The tree, good lead was prao
tleally all takes up by ItSI. Yet
ntaeo that time this country eev-
yoyed Its greatest period of proe
pertty. of wealth production aad
ef Increase la standard et living.
"We can revive the pace of
progress: but we cannot do It un
til wo bring eur idle resources.
ear idle capital, our idle men to
gether aader new and aggressive
leadership driven by optimism and
by sublime faith te the future of
HSSTS oeio Kase wdon evoa fie horeTv
cU fects reesl the m se$e eel
'ef story bocll There irhy we T .
IsMfge tnls cer. by fee oyleleeee'
ywe tvaeei yeore la tfearo behind
Jeds ft by ttm tre&Ienel Oodo
era ftsmatuh that kofps explain way
raeie ere saore Ceetsa cars cn the
read Oedey lien eny efher car la &e
Demise field UAvffaess
i-: cr.- -
TlzZl Crfve e L'scrl at CZ-ii '
. . eiw-iIi2oBi&l eert , .
aao roacnea new xorsc, asruair
Roosevelt State3
Defense Is Ready
(Continued from page 1)
palsory, each aiaa lives in terror
of his neighbor, end the dominant
atmosphero is that of the concen
tration camp.
The strength of the United
States, Mr. Roosevelt asserted,
lies in the fact that tho nation Is
a partnership, operating under d
system In which government and
people are one. One, almighty dic
tator, backed -by a highly-organised
minority, hv the basis of tho
strength . ef every dictatorship,
Mr. Roosevelt said.
Wo depend, ho continued,
"upon the power and allegiance
ef the IS 0.010.000 members ot
ear national community from
whom our government's authority
Is derived and te whom, our gov
ernment Is forever reepoasibIe.n
First Car of Ltttucm
Shipped From Malheur i
On of ZOO-Car Crop
TALI, Oet. It-aV-The Tale
seetloa of Malheur county shipped
tho first of e 100-ear lettuce crop
east today at prices netting grow
ers ll.lf e crate for No. 1 stock.
Growers estimated that Tl te
lie cars would bo shipped from
here, another toe from nearby
Jemiceoa ead a few front Brogue.1
qri72Ci vcp; cod
ce:tetrurff pen!L..The tr&rzt
tad c!eeat fa-Ue c3verwaretM.Ta
ojeefjv pSawfyfe vphelgefy! - -
' Thore are) aew safety and
efifvenrosoe besides! e xamp!ev e
tprfeg-beJaacad rear edk CJ te rhe
C5 ceiRortmeaV tlet raises or
lowers wttaeut orTort nd thot coat
faS ecdiefttsflyl rUw fy Wheel
.rJeit te welithe tfre te tae rbuj thevtJ
"Rcf" ecCTjnowCa C1t AirOoaflor
the aew
L . . I
- .'tit . . , . , 1.. i 1 j V y . , . 1 '
Slot-Caw U2?mmmm? g.Z2 Mrk'tZ Co, CnTertcC Cc.
7ilUdc ' State He . Vsit
to Unlfr the Spirit
, Z of 'America
(Continued front page 1)
had aet ihroaght , re-mploymeat
aad hadj helped the rise- ef dlo-
tatorshipg la Europo.
Only through collective tar-
galnlng la Its (J broadest .sense.
WiUkie asserted ?stehls Akroa
addresa, -eaa-the-8 aaUoa .eep
faith with the half inHHon young
Americans .whoenfer the .mature
life of America oach year.
The aew deal's ? method ? ef
keeping' faith with -these young
people,- he said," '"is to treat
them .as problem children whose
only hope Tls government hand
out. American youth shall not
be regarded as a surplus to be
plowed under into the muck ot
fascist or communist - doctrine.?
"More Goods . . - f- -More
Wlllkle called for Increased
production, saying" that s "unless
we go oa making more ead more
goods, unless wo go on making
morn and more jobs, , democracy
cannot pull-through.
He reiterated that he wanted
to keep already-achieved social
gains, and said:
"Wo intend to put the whole
powers of government behind a
drive to abolish the slams et
our ' great d ties and to give de
cent housing to all our ' people
both tn the ' cities nd on the
farms. -.
"America should be e land
where there is no wrong aids of
tho railroad tracks, and we will
make It just that.
.While the train paused la War
ren, a little girl perched on the
shoulders of a policeman plucked
roses,:, from a basket and: tossed
them. one by oae toward Wlllkle.
Three womea tainted, as the
crowd, estimated by police at
upwards of f 10.000 pressed ' to
ward the train.
.Wlllkle said. "I grew up la a
tla plate -town and fought, tor
uaioaa since I waa if years old
when " my father was , attorney
for tho steel unions.
This Is the most Important
campaign since tho Civil war.
Social gains which labor has
made can only be maintained It
this eountry remains solvent.
. "Social security, minimum
wage protection, shorter hours for
labor ead relief ' are' aot Issues
ta the campaign since both can
didates favor them.
"Only by production eaa we
bo strong aad only by strength
we remain free."
.atjd dqsuo CL7
that prevents grit from attack. I 9
tie esUieo "Inncnis ead cetV
prcJ; tt Cfel
- Aad now, the ear fhet ffMeree!
the Aj.Sfs!' leey, Cwcl-Preiwre
r HrdmeZ IciUtcxj ether llai la
prwmmttn effort yea nW Drive '
for tfo frst fune In lew-priced carl
iL11 ? Me...d
rsfwf ?mim w tf absi satf-Sna tm
- ATTM-asJ Cm Jo& OH fri e :
oe beer te tcp ipeed i;ket ever ahlfffegl
tls taamsm ct e?f . . t- .
. ToTakeMes
US Vould Act VTitli Other
American Nations in
Acquisition - -
(Cob tinned. from page 1) v
especially close Amerlcaa curveO
lan?s as a possible trouble rpet
because of some -101 Amerlcaa
made military, planes, taken there
oa the, French, aircraft-carrier
Beam immediately. , , aftsr . the
Franco-German , s rm Is tlce. .Brit
ish nayal vessels also) have main
moral of the planes or the Beam.
. The United States, has been ne
gotiating . with . France for the
return ef - the planes but- the
necessity of obtaining permlasloa
of tho Franco-German armistice
commission has - been an obstacle.
Should occupation of nay
French- colonies be decided upon.
It was believed that Amerlcaa
naval forces 'would earry it eat
with consent of the other Ameri
can republics represented on: tho
emergency committee.. : i
The occupying forces might be
sent from the United States naval
base at Guantanamo, Cuba."
Local Option Rlay
Cause Funds Loss
.-1 -:-
Adoption " . of ; -Pro-Rating
Revenues Would Cut
Public Assistance ' ' v
- ... -. '
Counties voting ; local ' options ' in
tho November election ultimately
may lose considerable . la state
public assistance funds, ' Robert
Boyd. Oregon lienor control com
mission attorney. . said today.
The state legislature appropri
ates funds for public assistance.
soya explained, ana money de
rived from the-state lianor busi
ness pays the appropriatloa aa
rapidly as possible.
Should the original' plan of
pro-rating Honor money dlroet
to counties for public assistance
be achieved, local option counties
would lose most ot their 'state
Speelfically Boyd aa!d'. they.
would lose their own license fees'
their ahare of the general reve
nue from sale-ot liquor ta state
stores, and 'their chare of the
taxes oa manufacturers ant Im
porters et wines aad beers.
Boyd added that at present. SO
cents of every 11. SO collected by.
the state from beer distributors
was pro-rated to tho counties ead
weald be : lost to local option
counties Immediately. However,
this sum would be smalL.
Why net see artd ttrfve HI Drs ta
ee ffwr Oedse dazltr now! ; ' -
. , mrwww vm muni r.w
-x'rfea ilia.