The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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    " " ' t V.-. Vi"- ' a":-'1' ----" ..'- .A i 5 " ijv
Tho OREGON STATESMAN. SoIm. Oregon. Thursday Morning. October 10, 1943
Local News Briefs
. To Rcoair SloTi-r Perm i HKimi to
repair the Senator Beauty Salon,
.216 North High street, w grant
ed yesterday through the 'brricea
'-. at the Salem building department.
Cost was aet at 50. Other per
mita I s t e d iaclnded . Cart E.
Wood, to reroof private garage at
712 Chureb. $15; Pheobe Basick.
, to repair house at S35-South"20th
street. $50; MS R. ilohr, to alter
garage a n d woodshed at l!i3i
Trade -street, 140: H. B. ;Raed,
to repair radio itatioa at 33
North Front street $30; II. L
Relmajin. to erect a" house and
'carareat SiS Imperial . d ri
$420; R, 'X. Rei?iftBB. tlo ereet
house and garage at SIS Imperial
dr!?e, 14300. . ;
' i '.-, . v",
. . . ' . . . ' " "-..-""-' 1 - .
Reserve . RfM la . - H ere , Sa
lem's, unit: of the US - naval cam-punieatlonw-
;reaerTW,r t not. af
fected ; by last Saturday's mobili
zation -order by Nary Secretary
Frank' Knox because . It Is con
nected with, the volunteer rather
than Ihe enlisted "reserve, accord
In to c. M. DeBroekert. , petty
officer In charge. DeBroekert said
yesterday, however, that he had
received a call lot members of
t be-unit willing to subject them
selves voluntarily to mobilization.
Only other members of the loci!
unit at present are James B. Pi-
land. of Salem, and Don Roto way
of Corvallls-
l.uts rtorlat f 8532 1 2 7 C N Lib
Oat linen Plan The troop bud
ret plan was outlined Tuesday
night for the benefit of local
couter? by John Triplett, assist
ant director of registration of
Boy Scouts of America, with head
quarters In New York City, at
dinner n:eeting with Cascade area
council commissioners In the
Quelle. Another speaker 'a Bob
Hayes, deputy region executive
of Portland. Eleven scout units
were represented by th 26 men
who attended tbe affair.
To Address. Klks Guest speak
er at tonight's meeting of the
Salem Elks lodge will be Profes
sor Franklin Thompson of Wil
lamette university, who will take
as bis subject, tbe foreign 'situ
ation from the point of view of
personal observation. Professor
Thompson has spent a great deal
of time in Europe.
Safety of four savings Is Insured
at Salem Federal. 130 S Liberty
To Address Rapti-M Hannah
Martin, sereralrterm member of
the state legislature and candi
date for city recorder this fall,
will address the First Baptist
church Missionary 'society at 2
o'clock this afternoon. She will
diacuss measure appearing on
the November election ballot. !
Meeting Post point! Meeting
of the state land board, sched
uled -for yesterday, wag post
poned indefinitely due to the ab
sence of Lewis Griffith, secretary.
o.imjo iiuiuuti ui iupuneu iuic
c To u res' will be considered an the
next meeting of the board.
Ray "L. Farmer Hdwre. moved to
123 S. Com'!., opposite Ladd k
i!ush.';,';',.,.v . ' ' t;u.-
n oodinen lay Visit Friday
nisht member of the newly or
ganised Woodmen of the World
drill team wfjl visit tbe Albany
taap. On Monday sight. October
21. both carojs will visit with
th Shedd local.
J. M. Roofint Mathis. KK S.Cml.
Driqceis Hedcced
Which is now the most
economical fuel we know.
All Heat Xo Ah
14.75 Pr Ton
Telephone 3 131
i t "
Invitation by The Spci
r : Xo visit their newly decorated' and furnished din-
; ing room in tan andpecch walls wilh furniture
: in green, rose and'just. Heavily padded carpel
to eliminatej noise. .Dust-proof, all-glass Pastry
Case and new washable cushions for the booths.
-Com Anytime '
' Jf Pays to Trade at Schaefers )Vhere Prices Are Always LoTv
Th Original YeUow Front Druo 'Proscriptions Accurately Filled Sole Agents Penslar
and Candy Special
Store Honra: Week Day 7:30
t Build Sir englh "
Keep Up Your Vitality
Use the Mineral 7
' Vitamin Tonic '
Esdriol - $00
Buy It at SctiaeferV
Tccih Powder :
TI-arge Size lc
. Wheat ' You Boy the Glaat
' 40c Siae :
. ' for.
W Ul
- SOc Value
75 Sheets.
. 75 Envelopes
ah -Oi
tor mJ -
'Coming Eveniai
. October 10 to 12 Pacific In
'eraatioaal livotoclt ripofitloai
mt Cortland. -
' October : 12" Columbus day,
bant eIoed. -v.
October IS- Marioa County
Jersey Ca It le club at .Hal era
chamber 'of commerce. 1 t St O
; ;;- .
V Oriober IS Marios county
Odd 1-v-lleM ntBTrstkia, Ka-
'-".I . : .
October Jrt Rclcciivr vcrvkvr
registration day.
;- October- Mtw-rhla
Ml . Kami hafMfuct of tlx-
anekeva-lote, 0K.'
, .Ortober S3, 26 WUIairieite
unirfrstty linmccnnilni.
XovcmUrr Oeaeral elee
flow, f .
Kalem for low auto lireNxe
- platen.
Interviews Set Membei-ship
committees cf the Harrison Elli
ott and Arthur Cotton III-T clubs
will Monday night interview pros
pective -members for their clubs
from senior high school stndeuts
who , recently indicated tbetr de
sire for membership. Branch Rick
ey and Abel Gresg clubs will in
terview on Tuesday night. Mem-"
hers ot the committees are presi
dent, advisor, and three others.
The- clubs will vote Wednesday
night on their choices.
State Motors Hudson - Packard
dealers new location 340 N.
High. Now operating complete re
pair Dept. '
To Select Officers Selection of
'Officers for the mountain climb
ing Ss.lem Chemeketans will be
tbe order of business before to
night's meetinR of the recently
elected board. Those named to fill
board vacancies at the Monday
eight meeting are Virginia Wells,
Dorothy Middleton, and Kmil Ron
ner. Hold over members are
George Fske. Kenneth Jennings,
Robert Keudell, Walter Minier.
Bessie Smith and Otto Bowman.
Listed on IKn lift Listed on
the Salem police docket yesterday
were Hernard W. .Moritz, 2390
South Church street, barged
with violation of tbe basic speed
rule; Willard Lang, route six, box
327. Salem, chased with violation
of the basic speed rule, and Earl
Cassellius, 765 Judson street,
charged with violation of the ba-
fic speed rule.
Wall paper. Mathis, 164 S. Com!.
Mother Organize The Salem
Hl-Y Mothers' Hub. with Mrs. Ray
Vofom as president, niet for the
first time this season "Tuesday. It
was decided to sponsor a Y Mo
thers council of three divisions,
those with children in grammar
school, junior high sr-hool and
senior high school.
Visits Here On furlough from
the US navy is Arthur Boyle of
Salem, stationed aboard the USS
Pennsylvania, who is here visiting-
his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. K.
A. Boyle. 1590 North Winter
sttret; t also risited early , this'
&kititb la grandfather,
Smith, In Albany. ' "
Closeou.t - 40 dresses & skirts.
1,98. 50 dresses Sc. skirts, 2.95.
No alterations, try-ons or ex
changes. Morrison's, 415 State.
J union Klect Doug Olds of
Salem was . Tuesday selected as
junior class representative on tbe
Willamette university student
council. CHfr -Stewart- of tJreat
Falls, Mont., is president of the
class, which will graduate in 1942
aa the university's centennial
Son 'With Caoadiam Wo r d
was received here recently by C. B.
pfValkeri rate expert at the public
utilities, commissioner! office.
that his son, Jim. has enlisted In
tiie Canadian army and la at Mai y
htll training camp. Victoria.
Stors in Salem
A.M.-0:00 I'.M. Sat. 7;80 A.M.-:40
Nalionally Advertised Ilerckandise
75e! Pepsodent
Antiseptic ..:....-.59c
75c Fitch Shampoo :.59c
35e Vicka Rub ..v.-27c
10e? Turns .....3 for 25c
Modess 68's .-89c
: ' Stop That Cough !
Use the Family: Tested
'r Cough Syrup!
i Scliacfc
r mm
Herbal Balsam
00 a -$3L:
. i' Schaefer's :
'Antacid Tabids
For Dispepsia
, a Box
Approve Hoards Marlon
County Clerk U. G.f Boyer . apd
Harlan J add., his chief deputy,
were lis rd at work yesterday in
approving precinct board mem
bers who will regslter young" men
under the selective service act "on
October l:iThey lso prepared
supplieu to be mailed out to pre
cinct boards in anticipation; or
.thel.r work next Wednesday. s .
Don't forget to payayoor bills. To
day Is the 10th. zib-' i
Oolaa; to :Confnwnce Walter
MoM-oy. president ot the American
Association of Bakery Eogiaeers
and formerly.; manas;er...ot the
Cherry City"' Bakery.' left last
pight.witb G rover Htllraaa. oper
ator or the Company, for Chicago,
where they will attend m national
bakers conference. MolJpy now
operates - a ' bakery ln Kareka.
caijf.. . , .
ilckay Selei-cl Justico f
the Peace QveVtoa of Woodburn
has sentenced Albert: McKay, St.
Paul, to serve six months in the
county jal) and pay a $250 fine
on a charge of drunken driving.
The jail sentence was ordered
suspended on payment of the fine,
but McKay ;was committed when
he failed.'lo pay. ' 1
Piiinting-paperhdngiag. '1--281S.
To OpM Many Bid The- ttate
highway commission will meet in
Portland today and Friday, when
bids for road and bridge con
struction involving an expendi
ture of. more than $1,&00,OO0 will
be considered: This is the largest
letting of road and bridge con-"
tracts in recent years, highway
department officials aald. ;
Buys llrng Store Purchase of
Smith's Hollywood drug store,
199 8 North Capitol street, by
James W. Tindall, pharmacist at
Schaefer's drug store for the past
seven years; was revealed here
'yesterday Under; new manage
ment, th establishment will be
known cs Tindall's Pharmacy, the
Hollywood drug store.
1 roup 40 dreeses A skirts,
$1.98. 1 group 50 dresses & skirts,
12.95. No alterations, try-ons of
exchanges. Morrison's, 4 IS State.
Iearn Firt Alt! Classes in
standard first aid are being held
each Tuesday and Thursday from
7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in room 3M on
the ?rd floor of the old high
school building. A few more mem
bers may yet register for the
classes. according to Maynard
Clark, instructor.
1 Shop Opens The Salem YMCA
hobby shop' has opened for the
winter under the instruction of
Cliff Spaulding. Willamette uni
versity student. Facilities are
available for model airplane build
ing, metal and wood work and
other crafts.
Your bedroom needs a new spread.
Choose one of tbe new fall pat
terns at the Better Redding Store.
115 N. High St.
Named Secretary Fred Smith,
boys' work secretary of the Sa
lem YMCA. announced yesterday
that Jim Armstrong has been
named membership secretary for
the junior division and will be In
charge of enrollment for that
Brinfc Hack Deer Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Km user, 1025 North Com
mercial street, returned early this
week from a hunting trip to the
Lakeiew vicinity, each with a
four-point mule deer to prove that
tbe trip was euccessful.
Thompson believes that drunken
drivers should be prosecuted as
Woman Suffers Burn SaUm
first aid officers were called upon
yesterday to treat Mrs. W. L.
Close, 174 5 State street, for first
degree burns suffered when she
spilled a kettle of scalding water
on herself.
Club No. IS Mxt Swegle
Tuwnsf nl club No 1 5 will meet
tonight at the) home of J. J. K I ew-
man on Hollywood d r 1 t e at 8
o'clock. The public is invited to
hear bulletins read.
Auction Tonight Woodry'i.
Walnuts Burn Salem firemen
were called out yesterday to ex
tinguish a blare at 1820 South
High street caused when walnuts
left to dry on a furnace suddenly
burst into flame.
Allow Pipeline The Marion
county murt yesterday approved
an application o S. B. Torrent to
lay a ten-inch water pipeline
across a county road.
135 N. Commercial
P.M. Sun. 9:00 A.M..:p0 P.M.
Dr. West's Vray ....47c
75c Anacin 59c
50c Vick's Vatronol...39c
75c Listerine ....59c
25c Bayer Aspirin ....19c
the pain of - neuralgia-
and rheumatism by
taking . . . . 1 ; , .
V Sc;haefer's -;
Rheuinalic Hemedy
IlcDfl s Loiioa ;
For ; Poison
Stops the itch and pain
of poison oak,- insect
bites and slings, t 4i
- i'
Gillespie Held
Justice Court Defendant
';Posl Bail of $500; :
! Stop CountDenie! : i n
Oakie Gillespie wa bonnd over
to the Marion county-grand Jury
yesterday on ;au charge of contrib
uting to the delinquency of a min
or when h appeared before J us
tlce of 'tbe Peace; Miller ,B. ; Hay-
dea for preliminary: bearing.
Gillespie w;h released after
posting 5o ban. . ; ; r
, Henry M. Dinhit pleaded Inno
cent tf a charge' of failure" to
stop for an arterial highway, and
his case- was continued" to-be set
later. Bernard Joba- Grate waa
assessed tl on defective muffler
charge.-' ' ' - ;
Circuit Court -Norman
JlabtiDgs vs. state acci
dent commission; 'complaint for
totar permanent disability allowr
ance as allowed' in state statute
for Injuries suffered iu fall Julr
15 at : .Oregon Pulp, and Paper
company. mill in Salem.
Idol's: A. Shearer- vs. Toramy-i.
Shearer; complaint to establish
King county, Wash.,,dltorc
cree of August 1. 1913. as for
eign judgment In this Jurisdiction,
and to give specific enforcement
of decree granting 1120 and 90
monthly for life to plaintiff. .
State Finance " company vs.
Faith E. Mclntyre, administratrix
of Verne E. Mclntyre. and -others;
receipt lot plaintiff's attorneys-tor
copy of report of sale ef real pro
petty by Sheriff A.,C. Burkr. .. . ..
G. 11. and Mabel Benjamin vaJ
Frank Koehler and Harry Uptde
graff ; counter affidavit of defend
ant to plaintiff's nou-SHlt motion.
Credit Bureaus, Inc.k vs. Morris
Klorfein; st!pulatlon allowing
amended complaint.
F. T. G laser .vs. Homer M.
Smith stipulation of settlement.
Willard Chamberlain vs. Ellen
Chamberlain; answer alleges mat
ters have becu adjudicated ' in
Multnomah county; copies ot
pleadings and divorce decree at
tached to-answer.
Probate Court
Gustal Fandricu guardianship;
second annual account of Edward
Fandrich, guardian. approved;
guardian allowed $26 for services.
Fannie N'eckerman estate; ap
praisal of W. E. Keyes, E. M.
Page and Dorothy Winegar at
83155.92. of which 13140.92 is in
savings account.
Elizabeth E. Lewis estate: final
account of Connell Ward, execu
tor, shows inventory of SI 800,
on claims, accounts paid from
private tunds; final hearing set
for November 11.
Mary Becker estate; Mrs. E. F.
Brown, administratrix, authorized
to sell personal property; apprai
sal of Walter, Lawrence and
Frank Simon shows $18,851.77 in
cash, mortgages and real pro
perty: final account' of admin
istratrix shows $18 3 2.09 cash re
ceived. $1468.45 disbursements.
1363.64 balance.
Julia M Parjter estate; flnaljie-
eree granted Clara A. 'Clark,adT
. Robert Hall estate; J. S. Laird
named administrator, and Rose
A. Morgali, S. P. Freeman and
Lydia Giant, appraisers, of $900
in personal property.
Ole P. Dybevtk estate; semt-an-
nual report of William Dybevik,
administrator, ihowg inventory,
$6787.63: disbursements. $389.
SO; balance. $6397.73.
Harry Clay Hanson estate; final
account of A 1 t a Marie Hanson
shows receipts and disburraenti
of $8429.42; final hearing set for
November 11. "
J. R. Ltndion estate; final ac
count of George R. La n son, ad-
Assembly Held Parrish school
enjoyed Its third assembly of the
year . Xuesday afternoon, when a
movie called "Adventures of
Chlco" and a comedy, "Boy Meets
Dog." were presented.
Seek UcenM John K. McCaf-
ferty of Salem and Zelma E.
Smith of Portland applied for a
marriage license in Portland yes
terday. Club to Hnt Townsend club
No. 16 will meet tonight at 7:30
o'clock at the home of F. M. Ber
ry, 714 South 15th street.
Rifle Stolen Theft of a rifle
from his home. 237 Myrtle, .was
reported to poltce Tuesday by
Fred Weisneiu .
Phones 5197-7023
In Marion County
Hotidap t:00 A.B1..9:00 P.M.
24 HOURS h
Break up your cold in
twenty-four hour by
usin; . . ; ' ; v
Ccld Capsdes
. 70c Value
. Glover's
;' Glsver's Scap v
For the Scalp
'Both. pQlf r
, for cJtJK)
Penetraking- '
, For, Your Cold
Is in Charge.
:S- i:;T;; : Ai iwindishaiC : -
Golcriiibus Knights
: Program arrangements for the
Columbus day exercises to be held
la.1 Portland.: Sunday. October 13
Indicates a record-breaking nuni
ber of; participants. At that time,
11 councils of the Knights of Co
lumbus will-participate la a joint
Initiatory service at the Cathedral
hall, when, 100 candidates will be
Inducted into that order. The 109
will be -known aa the "Ed ward D.
Howard. Archbishop ot Portland
In Orejon Class' In honor of Ills
"Excellency, the ; Most tReverend"
Archbishop. T-.
' , Tha committee In chage of .ar
rangements is under tbe leader
sbip of the state deputy, T. A.
The complete program:
11:15 a.m. High' mass, Ca
thedral parish, Rer.jB. 'V. Kelly,
officiating. Rev. Michael Murnane.
sermon. (Candidates ad visiting
Knights and their ladies will assemble-at
the Cathedral school at
11 a.m. and the Knights will
march to the church in a body).
1:00 p.m. Initiation, Cathed
ral hall, first three degrees of our
order, class of 100 candidates to
be known as, the "Edward D.
Howard, Archbishop of Portland
in Oregon, jCIass."
1:15 p.m. Reception and party
for visiting wives and ladies to
be held at Mrs. Helen Masaee"s
"home. 731 NW 24th avenue.
7:00 p.m. Banquet- Women's
elub. 1220 SW Taylor, fl per"
Forms for Draft
Registration out
Last of the forms to be uced In
the resist ration of Oregon men
subject to the Selective service
law were sent to county clerks
yesterday by selective srvlce head
quartera here. The registration
date has been set tor October 16.
Colonel Elmer V. Wooton. state
selective service director, said 3il
reports indicated that most of the
county clerks Tiad Completed ar-
rangementa for he registration
operations. Election machinery of
the state will be used.
In cases where, member of
election boards are unable to serve
volunteer workers will be. used.
mJnlstrator, shows receipts, 832;
di?burrrmentf, $319.7$, wltb
$1152.28 in approved claims.
Martin Kitteison estate; semi
annual account of Clarence Kit
telson, administrator, shows no
receipts or expenditures and $293
on hand.
Abhie Eckhout estate; semi-annual
account of T. C. Gorman,
executor, shows receipts, $322.23;
disbursements, 165.16; authority
given to repair house from estate
Benjamin F". Hall estate; Kmil
annual report of Carrie B. Tyler,
administratrix, abows receipts of
f 783.65; disbursements, $440.75.
Jonas Y. Kauffman estate; semi
annual report of Loney Todr,
executtr, sliows receipts, $49 9.17;
disbursements. 1251.54.
Celine Miller estate; final ac
count of George H. Bell executor,
shows receipts and expenditures
of $1059.89; final hearing set for
November 7. '
W. I. Staley eatate; claim of
Israel Hartmaa disallowed by pro-J
bate judge.
Frank Coffman estate: third an
nual report of Fred I.oske. . ad
ministrator, shoVs disbursements
of $35.
Marriage Licenses
Robert P. Goddard, 40, sales
man, and Lra Turley. 3 4, x-ray
technician, both 1599 State street.
Earl E. Lyons, 22, truck drirer.
4 62 State street, and AlmaE.
Halkinreid. 24. waitress, 698
North High street.
Fanner To Mr. and Mrs. Le
Roy A. Farmer. 1345 Pearl street,
a son, Michael LeRor, born Oc
tober S, Salem General hospital.
Olov er--To , Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne TV G lore r, route -two, a
daughter, bora October 3, Deacon
ess hospital. - -v-
Hflnkf To Mr. tad M rm.. Glen
K. Helnke, 234 8 Myrtle avenue,
a aon, Garry KIden. born October
, Deaconess hospital. " ' - -
EkiB To Mr. and Mn. Arthur
L. Ekln. route two, a daughter.
Donna Jean, born October ' 5,
Deaconess hospital. ' - '
. Arnold To Mrand Mrs. Sam?
tt el E. Arnold. 506 North Com
mercial, a daughter. Donna Mae,
born October 5. Deaconess hos
- Phone"
WPA Pulls Dotvn
Wages, Declared
Sprague Say 'Agency to
Be Used -Only - for
- 1 Suite J Projects ;
: Tbc federal government,"
through the WPA. has become an
agency v' forcing1 . down ;V wage.?
Governor "Charles ; - Sprarne
charged at a meeting of the state
board of. controrhere jesierday,
' ; Tbf itatementwai mtd dur
ing 'discussion of terms of a pro
posed contract- with , the jrlty ;" of
Salens for bwatruction -of ja -sewage
disposal , plant. Tne'; ,WP
wpuld coastrict tthe sewers ! from
the stat tostltutloesUotthe xlty
: GoveiVior - Stprnjcue said tie did ,
n't like the WPA because the govi
ernment becomes an agency
force- down wages.' "
. "However, the- WPA Is her and
we hare" to use It to prorWe em
ployabent,'" Governor S p r a g a e
aid. "Well let the. WPA work on
those projects for which it IS best
Suited." - ' -V ": "
' Under the proposal the state
would pay $56,000 or ' 18 per
cent of the cost of the plant. The
board of control, will.asjr the leg
islature to appropriate the money
after which the' efty will; call, a
special election ' to - provide . its
hare of the cost.
The state's share ef. mainte
nance' will aggregate $1750 a
year. " " "
Commission Okehs
Budget on Welfare
60 New Applications Arc
Accepted in Month;
Over 400 on File
The Marion county welfare
commission yesterday approved a
November budget totaling $56,
430150 at its regular meeting held
in the welfare offices on North
Liberty street.
The board also considered par
ticular cases brought to its atten
tion by M. E. Holcomb, welfare
administrator, and authorized re
newal of lease for the county
medical offices.
The November budget provides
$11,100 for general assistance,
$33,452.50 for old age pensions,
$7353 for aid to dependent chil
dren; $875 for blind assistance.
$150 for soldiers' and sailors'
care, $500 for the county farm,
and $3020 for administration.
! Approximately 0 new appli
cations for old age pensions were
I accepted during September. Ad
ministrator Holcomb told the
commission, and additional ones
will be accepted as rapidly as
cases can be Investigated and ap
proved. Over 400 pension, appllca-.
tions are now on file with the
Sprague in Favor
I 0h4Home Gtiartl!
Governor "Char lea-A. Sprague in
dicated yesterday that he would
favor organizatloa of, a h o m e
guard" la Oregon, to rarve pend
Ing the return of the Oregon na
tional arnard: which recently was
called into training for a. period
of one year.
The bill aiithoritiBK organisa
tion of "home guards'',- In - t h e
states passed the senate "W'ednes-'
day. It previously was' approred
by the honse-
Latvn Patrol I Chosen
For 3 Weekt at Parrish
New lawn patrolmen at Par
rish Junior high school have been
chosen to serve for the next three
They are Winston Cobb, Lorita
Garrett Pearl MiniC Janet Mil-
ler. Patsy Nickens. Wilma Sharp
nack. Cole Stephens. John Watte
and Phyllis .Welling.
The members are chosen from
tbe seventh grade.
, In Lebanon, Ore., Wednesday,
October 9. Sarah Craven Wann. I
aged 78--years, lato resident - of
888 Mill atreet. Salem. Mother or
ioren Wright Wann of Moscow.
Ida.,Mr8. James Albert of Salem
and Mrs. Emmel Reeves of Leb
anon, grandmother of Mrs. Clar
ence Bakes ot Lacrosse, Wash.,
and Mrs. J. W- Kanaxlclc of Spo
kane. .Wash. Funeral announce
ments later by llje W. T. Rlgdon
company." w
- - Hansom
' At the ; residence in Turner,
Ore.. Tuesday, October 8, Mary
Olive Ransom, aged 77 years.
Slater, of W. P. Gulvin and Mrs.
Evalyn I. Wall -of Jefferson: also
survived by several-atep-chlldreB;
Funeral services will be held un
der tbe -directioiii of ,the W. T.
Rtgdon eompaay in the Methodist
church at Turner. Friday. Octo
ber 11. at l:t0 p.m. Rev. C. W.
Bicket will officiate. Concluding
services" la Twin Oaks, cemetery.
Turner. - ? . - , '.4
In ' this city Tuesday, October
8.. Emily Turrey. late resident of
Grants Pass. The body waa for
warded Wednesday, October J, by
theW, T. Rlgdon. company to
Grants Pass for services and In
terment. - '
Hill . ,y- -
; Abram J. .11111. at the family
home - In - Klngwood Drive, West
Salem, October- S at tbe age ot 81
years. Survived? .by .widow, Kffie
V. .Hill; "daughter. " Mrs. .Aubra
Stf lckfaden of Salem. - Mrs.-. Thei-
ma : Reese of West Salem;- son,
Lloyd M. Hill of Salem ; Msters,
Mr.: Kater Wells of Oklahoma
City. Okla.; 'brothers, Joe Hill of
California. Rasa' Hill of Farmtng
tonr Xew Mexico, and Ed Hill of
Missouri: a Is " grandchildren.
Memorial - seiicea from Walker
and: Howell Funeral home Thurs
day, October 10, tt J: p.m.; " Rer.
Guy L. "Drill officiating. Conclud
ing set-rices City View cemetery.
Physical Activities at Salein T IC A . T
. .On" Way for Winteiy Director Teports
1 - Physical department activities at the Salem YMCA are
wen unaer way ana ciuds wunin tne department are oeing
organized, Carlton Greider, physical directori jsaid yesterday;
The basketball committee- trjll
meet ? today noon, at 'the Quelle
'with Chairman Kea" Potta -tode-cide
on opening da tea for the two
city and three church hastetball
lea rues. A basketball school wllli
be held In "two sections - aa 1 laat
year. The men will meet on Wed
nesday nights beginninf "Novem
ber - 9 for four weeks, and the
boys on Saturday .afternoons be
KinniBa;. Novewber v - Coaches
Harold. ' Hauk of Salem aenior
hifh school and- Howard ilaple
Till b the : instructors.' assisted
by "- members ' of ithejr ; squads. .-
, , Aa opea toarumeat sometime
In Nevember- la: planned: by the
badminton club, whose new-president
is Norman Winslow4 Other
officers are Echo Staadish, Tlce
president; ' Mike Balkorlcht treas
nrer. and Delia May Greider aee
retary. Wlnslow : and Roy Mink
last, night attended a meeting In
Portland of the state badminton'
association, which the-local club
Is contemplating- Joining. "?
Dr. Lloyd Horkett and Robert
Board man are captains of volley
ball teams 'playing a tournament
in, noon classes. Thirty two games
will be played In the next two
months and the losers will give
a supper for tbe winners. Stand
ing Is determined o a running
.... mm'
--Hrf vn '
I 11 1 J a a M I V. .1
: 1.95 ; VdfeS
t .XO I .
I 3.95 '
l :
. U
b Vt. work A tar JOtir . - '
Look for tha
Dig Nacn
357 Court St.
' ni n m ri n -ri
W , . I V' l'r
score and attendance.
Classes and Individual work in
gymnastics, . swIioTiiln"' weight
lifting !and " many 'pthei1 'physical
actlvitfes are also available to- Y
member, '3relder-aW
To Meet J Saturday
An ', fjspirttionat ( 'lifreji - t y
Rev. Robert - A. Ilutc-hlnsoh4 ef -Sa-
1 - B t a . . . i j
of.-the. Harioa roiiatT iJ.iii rl-
lows convention being held In Sa
lem. Saturday.- - - ;
- According- lo- 4he -pfesldeuu: D.
George xCole of SUyton,Jbe on
ventlon will begin at ,ip,m' for
the regular business session.
Sevea-minnte talka will 'be one of
the features of the" afternoon pro
gram. Another feature ('will he a
-Ton r Best Story CQntest.'",,the
judges of which wit" report .to .the
evenrog session. 1 . i VI
The open, meeting In Whe eve
.1.. tn v. .aIi.j i.
uui, nw vi vaitcu .y uiuar. vy A.
E. Peebles, noble grand of .the. lo
cal lodge, and turned over to the
officers rof i the conyentloe. who
will present tbe speaker 'of the
evening. :; ' v " ..
A U S N ;