; Th OHEGOir STATCSKIAIt. Calsra. Orotjoa, Saturday Morning. October 5. IS 13 ran If LMSSMMB, .way .'t,."JL""..'i Statesman Classified jids CUsciirieti' AdvertlsiBaT. Three Insertions per lint 25c Six insertions per lino . --40e One month psr,llne $1.5 Minimum charge 25c; Z ti. min lmnm lS S L mln.4e.-,No i refunds.; .. V , Copy for tbl page accepted un til f ;S9 the twrrtnr before public. tlon for clauilflt'ition.' Cop r calved after thle .time will b run under the b-adtna-. "Too Ut to ' Classify." Trte Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear in advert!aement9 pub Hatted In its columns and tit ease when this "paper la at fault wfll re print that part of an advertisement la wbtcn too typographical mistake oetom ' Th Statesman re tenet the right to reject questionable adrertlslng. It further reserves th right to ptaco -all advertising under , the - proper classification. A "Blind" Ad am ad containing a Statesman box aumbcr for an ad draw la for the .protection of the advertiser and Must therefore V answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty,!. divulge informa tion as to the identity of an adver tiser ualng a "Blind' ad.'-- - I r - ' Dead or Wltock Removed on l.Toroiv?t,c Top Prices Paid Tor Pot Feed Horses Call tClfe OREGON RKOTWNG - AND FERTILIZER GO. JERSET COW. Just fresh, very aun tie, easy milXer. Whit' Ranch, 1 mils .east, of . Turner, ; .. , - . , . " v; , Auctions, i -auction; SAX, O-t- I, 1:1 p. TO. F. N. WQQDRY MART 1111 N. Summer Phone '1110 ' Help Waiilcd-r-Male FIVE BOT8, about 19, Immediately, to travel witH organised crew,? Be in south all winter; 118 wk. Drawing acct Steady work; See Mr. Farrel, Salem Hotel. : .this morning: ' . . Help Wamed-Female TOUNO OR rniddXfe , aged . woman uaekeeper. 1535 N. ' Summer. KXPBRI ENGPD- OIK I.. ; for bouse work. Phone 8244 or 651.' . RELIABLE COOK- haekpr. bet 25 & 4 5 for permanent position for f Bra iny of 4. State experience A salary de Sired. Box 1297. Statesman.'' keeper and stenographer, ..automoDUe ibustness. Prefer woman over-3(1 years lot are. Answer giving: expeiiende and Fferencea, Box 124. Statesmnn, EXP. LADY for hsewrk. May go ihora nights. Box 1Z92. Statesman. WANTED, GIRL for scleral house iWerk and care of invalid sidy, modern ihoene, 2 adults, Ref. Box 1293, States- ELDR. CHRIS, hsekpr., H8J nines. t; OIRL CAHE for 2 m. children, daya COOK, no-wash. 1943 N. CapltoL 1 LICENSED BEAUTICIAS, pftder 25 lyats with makeup experience. Apply Bruno Studio between 9 and It. Situations Wanted MECHANICAL. CARPENTER or ether work. R. Wells, P. X)j Box 12. Tfr i ""-aiy i i i rrarariLrnj'xru-rxj'xrT-ri j" KXPER. HOLLTHjl OOO U A. apt. haa, mgT. desires local worltl PIT. 3603. THROW 131 Trpod. firdenlng. 5247. ' For Sale Miscellaneoas i UN FIN. DROP-IJKAF tabTes. $4.45. 1: WRECKING. 14th A STATE. J ft B. KOtir-A-WAT FOLDING ,bed, com lets with -mattress. $14.95. f , GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. aasaaaiai afcaaa TiVVVyVVVJUAiS x!8 TRAILER HOUSE furnished. 1 niK. k. county shop. USED DAVENPORT & chair, up holstered In figured vejour, $14.30. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. USKD DRESSERS-t5.75. GEVURTZ FU R3f ITURE CO. ; WESTS GRAPES are now ready on tha .Garden Rad. Bring contalnera J - ?PW' . ??P3'. bor- Center. tt. CONCORD ORAFE&,- JHc ib. Too pick them. Rt. 1. Bx. Wallace Rd. I.AST PAT I. fftf MWlV .TAtlAana. - vsw y Mini -j c uuf i vzu tulip bulbs, 35c doxen. John Crabtree, Rte, i, Boi 0d. i ' a s ai a. a a,a , r--M-v-v-u-J-u-uj(, jGOOD PIANO ' "Melster concert Orand urirUrht, . 75.00. Mornings, 17S0 R Liberty. , V THE APRON. Shop. ,;79: N Hl:h J AiftTXSlNO'-;-v Western eldvartlking v RepresentatlTet George DC3oae, Inc. Saa Francisco, Los Angelea, Seattle Eastern AdvertialDC rj; - RepresentatlTeir :f Bryant, Griffith Brunson'lnc - Chlcaio, New 'Tor a, Detroit. Boton. 'Atlanta - BnUtrm at ( Powtoffie at- atele-m. orr, mm Second Class Matter. P--litaed vfry morafiia trcrp ifonday. Btiei oftici US fiovth Commercial SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - Mall Sabacrlptlon Rataa In Advance : WttUla Oregon : Daily and Sunday, Uol cents; S afoa. 1.5; Moa IJ.5; 1 year I5.ee. Elsewhere cents per at o.- or f .O0 for 1 year in advance. Par copy 1 cents. Newsstands l eanta, By City Carrier, id cents a month. IT.Z a year in advance in atari oa and adjacent coantlea. U " ' ' ' i i ' n " 1 ' ' ' 1 is- a i " ... i i r... ...u,.. i i .i r ' r t .. v.y - ,,, . ,.' ." ; f r,:rs,z-i , . .:;-i-jL-., - ,.. r : t : i :. ..." ; ' : " ,f . - . ,..." V' .- ; ... : . u ; .. : - ; ' - . ' I C ) . Z ' u r.- ' ' ' i ; ,Ti-?'v 1 Kfiis rz - tw TF 'this - Money to Levsui I QUICK GASH LOANS CALL, WRITS or phone (91(1) t e imanaaed fine ace laetltutton Tear v4n ftf Mil, Wv n m m ,,il,, ' 1 v . i ii vi & -"-Sf w- .WMeiawsMa - v . 1 to 24 Months to Repay ; Teu caa pay hi full say time to reduce tn coat. Only Borrower- Signs rot h sracaioNa. Man. U No M-15I General Finance Corporation 1I So. Commercial Bt. 15 " Lie ' No. S-1SS Phone 1CS firs door south of Ladd Buab, Bank Convaolaat ground floor locntton Anto Loans. '"""r Willamette Credit .Co., ITH riiOOR GUARDIAN. BUtLPLNO UCENSS UCl M-IM aaaeaaAaaeatVSas PRIVATE MONEY auto AND TRUCK- LOANS' CONTRACTS REFINANCED .U re duce paymenta Money for now oa. iisad cars. No delay or red tana Ton win retain possession of the Vehicle. r ' I TO t MONTHS TO-.PAI-ihM ROY H. siMWpNgrf: " 1H Sooth Commercial. SttaVt . 1 Phone 9141 Lie., No; M-ltj- FRA LOANS also prlv; to. A bra ma ft Ellia. Inc Masonic BJd,.- WB LOAN on farm, resldarrtla ft business property Will buy mortrapts; or contracts HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC. Realtora, Guardian Building. esaeaa'aaaaasssaew 93S TO ftOOV ON TOUR CAR. CONSUMERS CREDIT CO I XT New Bligb Bidg. Ph. 9291 Honey immediately Lie. af-232. PRIVATE MONET to toes on real estate. CHAS HUDKINS, Phone 9494. 175 Stats Street Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATES MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real tats. Will pay interest W a GRABENH0R3T a CO REALTORS For Sale Miscellaneous USED WOOD cook stove. $9.75. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. PINAFORE APRONS made to or der The Apron Shop. C79 N. Hlarh. USED LOUNGE chair U.SJ. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. VACUUM CLEANERS, new. ft uaed Parts A rapalra Vlnce'a, Ph. C292 $180, NEW ELECTRIC range for 110 cash. Ph. 224(8 after ( p. m. Folding bed reasonable. 1080 Erixon. .Trad Miscellaneous ALFALFA HAT to trade -for fer tiliser. Ph, 50F4. Wanted Furniture P. N. ft GLENN WOODRI. Aae ttoneers ft furniture dealers will pay you more eaah or trade for furniture ft household goods We buy or sell v- eiTtWnr Ph. 6110. CASH FOR uaed furniture A house hold goods. R. Forgey Ph. 144a. Miscellaneous FREE. PER. kittens. 735 N. CoroT. Dental . Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bi-tns or Mall Tour Plates for Repair DR. HARRT SEMLER. DENT I SIT Alisky Bids 2d ft Morrison BR 343T For Rent Rooms HOUSEKKEPINO Center. ROOMS, 2C0 WARM SLP. rm closa in. Ph. 8273. 4easrraaeee NKWLT FURN. quiet rms.- near atate bldga Pref. cap. men. 36S N. 13. COMFORTABLE SLEEPINO rm, steam heat ft bath, men preferred, 744 N. Capitol. SLEEPING OR hsekpg. rm. for one adult, 340 Union. DOWNTOWN FURNISHED rooms. Rot water, steam heat. 93 per week. Special winter monthly rate. Ph. 4792. NICE ROOM for man. Ph. 7772. HOTEL SALEM, low mo. rates. SLEEPING RMS. close In. 4499. HOTEL MARION Rooma Special weekly and monthly rates to perm guests. Msrlon Coffee Shop delicious meals at low pries. Room and Board RM., PRIV. home, with or without brdV.lilS N. ISth. R., 1271 Chemeketa. .Ph. 2-1637. , BRD. CHILDREN, ei. care. 6207. NICE RMS., gd. eats, 932 N. Church. - HTD. RMS. ft excel, board. Adj. atate house ft college. 149 N. 12th. T"JJara,a-Jsrv"aOr" EAT AT Ullmana bv day. wseh- or month. Lovely rooma. 459 Marion.' Fop Rent Apartmrnts t R. FURN. Lights, wataXrxAS-la week. 1299 Oak. Ph. 637. v r' - 1 ft 3 R. eURN 1449 WaUar SMALL S RM. torn, apt, adults. reasonable. Ph. 5715. , .FURN. IS. kitchenette. Het, lights, water, 985 Saginaw. - MODERN t RM. apt; Ftd40l..t. SIS. LOVELY s RM. flra. aptvarb batb. 1S97 N. Commercial.' rrjRN. UNrURNV Kshtfr-swater and Mavtai:, $18 and $14. Corar'JBth, and. Ferry; CaU after SUA p. nCApU T. apatairs. - -- - TcHWCS AnawmlSaUj modern Fisher Apt a So Coal, at Oak. Phono 198 T. V , - 7 NEW, ATTRACT, apt..-93 an an. 1545 N. : CapltoL Adonis Motet "Apt. Not Money to Loan 8slem'a eldest targes financial affairs) will noma owned and discuses il sai smde ea rizrmltBre ejr see. Tim CLAPur, Asrr. acai .1 For Rent- Apartments 4 4 R-, BATH, part furn upotalra. ffaier, tiguis, gar. lot I erry. A-aayMMMMNSjaeMWM 4 RM. UPSTAIRS apt., completely ram., lnciuamg its., water ft ht, Zs -no. aoiuu onijr. ra. ( or (ill. ' -rii i n i i.i-u-ij-un.-. i. lvuuuiju CLOSE IN 2 rm, apt-, gar, adults, i vi i a. commercial. 2 H1L NEW gas rg., oil clr lta. w., gar, sze. rn. jjii. a PULLMAN APT, Phono 8842. . FURN. APT, cloae tn, water, ft.. eat gar, iu oak. rn, iao. rUKN. APT. 153 N. 13th. ''assaasa4sssaaaaaasssav VAC, HAWTHORNE CT. Tel. 7S37. s. JaOiiaarnrLiaO-ruTJXOJ"' ATTRACTIVELT FURNISHED 8 rm, apt $10 LESLIE. - 'ri'i -nn n jjjrLrLiTjij sjkr NICE 2 ROOMS, dose In. 991 N. uommerciaj st,.aT montn. Unfurn DupUx Apt. M N. W later. 1, 3. 4 ROOMS FURN. ft unfurn. ins a. istn 8t up. ATTRACTIVE HTD. fum. apt, flre- P, po, asrv, rrigia. gar. lftBt center. 'asaaeassaas4aaa SMALL FURN apt. 219 S Cottage iiafarr-k1araB LOE. FURN. 1-rm. apt, 912.99. 1T9S S. Cottage. For Rent Houses 9 ROOM HOUSE, newly conditioned with basement and furnace. Corner tfouth High ft Judson, 929.99. Unfinished 6 room house, furnished, at 140 Hanson Ave. $12.50. Two bedroom house furnished.' T miles out, including 2 acres paature. tiiucnu and garden, axd.ee. J. F. ULRICH CO, REALTORS Phone 8C72 SCI State St. PRACTICALLT NEW 4 ra. modern home at JSJ5 Center St, $15.00. 40 acrea, all In cult, fair bldga, S mL north. azza.ue. see nr. (Jolllna, .HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC SM. HSE. nr. school, 950 N. 17th. ,," ii V AVi VkVuVUVlAn 3 R. COTTAGE, wired for alee. range, 115. Inquire 2140 N. Fifth. , SMALL MOD, house. 2397 HaseL UNFINISHED S RM. furn. has. 10 months rent $80 cash, 140 Hanson Ave. 5 ROOM STRICTLY modern house, 2465 S. High street, newly renovated. Will lease with option to buy. WINNIE PETTHOHN, REALTOR 47 7 Court Street FOR RENT NEW MODERN house. C rooma ga rage, on bus line, fine location, 129.00. 10 MADRON A AVE., Phooa 1-1261 -i-ri-i-iViwwuvtnio LGE. MOD. has.. 479 N. Cottage. HOUSES AND apts, 73 N. Com! WK HAVE THX PROSPECT IF TOTJ want to sell, eiobanfa. lease, rent, see Mr Larsen or Mr. Cel llns with Hawkins ft Roberta HOUSES. Meivtn Johnson. Ph. 9729. For Rent 'Farms 72 A, 4 MI. W. Dallas, IS cult, about 2 A. orchard, 5 rm. house, barn, $160. (2) 160 A,, 45 cult, 7 mi. NW Yamhill, creek, good bldgs. $250. (3) 165 A. near Cherry Grove, 40 cult, bldg-a, 3225. (4) Other farms, near Carlton. Goble. Astoria, etc. D. Mabee, 410 Pearson Bldg, Portland. -- - - - ii-ii-i M-i-,-,-r--ir-utrtrvruxrt FARM FOR rent nr. Dallas. 240 A. pasture, 100 A.' grain. See Mackay, Argo Hotel. 70 ACRE FARM. Ph. 4371, 2184 Chemeketa. For Rent SMALL SHOP for rent cheap. In quire at rear S2S S. Winter. OFFICE ROOMS, 3S1 state Street. Inquire room 300 Tel 1718. For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE a six room house at 310 Salem Heights Ave. with one acre of ground, house has three bedrooms, fireplace and utility room. Garage. Mortgage of 11900 payable $15.00 per month. Interest at , if you have $750 cash you can purchase this prop erty. House was built 4 years ago and the property is a wonderful bargain at this price of $2850. May we show you? At 1580 Bellvue St. we have a two bedroom bouse with corner lot. 100x100 feet for 9950; a down pay ment of $250 will handle. J. F. ULRICH CO. 362 SUte Street V, ACRE PLACE, close In. small modern ha., fit. VALLET LAND CO. NEW E R. MOD; home, small down payment. Easy term W. A. Cladek, 1435 N. 13th. Ph. 4277. laeaawsieaaaeaaa BRAND NEW S K, hardwood, flre- ?lace, utility room ft oil furnace, lot 0x70, outside city east, 92950 $200 down. -4 bedroom house t blcka from state buildings north, lot 45x175; lota of fruit. $2750 $300 dn. PH. ART MADS EN, 5590 11 Ml TTOTTfiPT V.wl A.tl a. -ctttions. Suitable for boarding bouse w apu roce irees ana snruDS. Stssa. Small down, baL 1 18.50 per mo. lot N. 14th St ""I LriruTjnjnjnjurLTui WpTGiTT A Tf -MODERN S RM. home near Jr. alam and high school. Corner lot, paving aw. u:e lawn ana snruDS, LTit irorn 4500 to $3750 for cash. . A. roKKSEH, 1953 N. Capitol - OWNER, cosy mod. S apt. house. Income -9149 me. Consider car sort down pymt. Phen 4719. S Rnnil RennrMrv ia or r sain ralrnuw. nut p - - a Matthew a 438 Ferry St, Room 89L by a Lobq Slghi" lor IolarrI Money to Loan - -f - Money to Loan $10.00. 125.00, 5550.00 and up to $300.00 LOANS TO HELP YOU BUT WINTER FUEL MAKE CAR REPAIRS CONSOLIDATE BILLS , REDUCE CAR PAYMENTS PAY TAXES MEET EMERGENCIES i Auta Loans and Refmanclna to 9594.01'. - - The easiest. ejuloAast. saost belnes aw ui i. Drraa year innnai .0 Be- nwe you win sua en Kneec uoeraA I oft S Seal owing. Baar repaytnewta aAinsaed to income. L1CT UI UACLP TOO TODAI IS HONIBS TO JUCPAT CALKIN'S FINANCE CO. SALmri PERSONAL LOAN CENTKR Rosa SSI. Sad V- JTuta Ktoiaal aTenar BuliMas -.Um Onmxsm Pbone 444S S-238 Stabs Ltceaas M-371 FOR A PERSONAL LOAN Come to 512 State St. Opposite County . . tt rourt House . . . THAT'S THE ADDRESS OF THE PERSONAL FINANCE CO. where W prefer to make loans of 928 to 9259 or snore YOUR WAT oa tuat your alg- narure ' Our SHORTER APPLICATION speeds up service I u you neoa casa, rant la loaay. or. , . . PHONE 319L . . . Ask for Mr. Millar PERSONAL FINANCE CO. License Mas. aV193 M-149 For Sale Real Estate IN CLOSING AN ESTATE: We offer 38000 value, for 00. Wall built 9 room house with basement, fur aaca, lot 92Hxl4S, close to bus iness district Terms caa be ar ranged. Be Mrs. Ellis with CHILD8 ft MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9281 $1789. 9 RM. PLASTERED house ta GOOD CONDITION, bath on 1st floor, plumbing In for bath on tnd doer. Nice lawn ft shrubbery. $200 down. MONET TO LOAN AT MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 711 Court St Pnona Sill. ANOTHER AT CITY LIMITS : On acre wvtbi srood room house, beautiful trees and aarubbery. Price $4009 worth mora. 8ee Mrs. Ellis with CHTLDS ft MILLER, Realtora 344 State Street Phone 92C1 S175C -S R- bemc car. If IS Sf Ilow. For Sale Farmfl MR. RENTER r Why rent when yon can buy a farm of 119 acres SO acres under cult, bal. paature and a nice set of buildings and a good spring in the pasture. Can be had for $500. baL like rent Will give you a nice home. 8ee Larsen with HAWKINS ft. ROBERTS, INC BOTTOM LAND LAKE 189 A. NEAR INDEPENDENCE, 12 A. rich bottom in cultivation with lake for .Irrigation, bal. hill pasture ft tim ber. Old house, good barn, spring wa ter piped to bldgs. To liquidate mort gage, this is offered at 919 per acre term like rent. See Mr. Collins at HAWKINS ft ROBERTS Acreage HERE IT Id: II acrea of Cne river bottom soil, olose la oa paved road. S room house, basement, furnace, bath ; barn, etc, alee yard, small orchard. Property ex tends froar pavement t-Ttrer Ideal to fcrlgaia, Va!u f 8190, taka trade of North Salem house to 93500. See Mr. Bartlett with CHILXS ft MILLER, REALTORS 944 Btate Street Phono 9241 4 RM, 2 A. FRUIT, bam, 91260 $100 dn. 172 So. Liberty. Ph. Tilt. Suburban IT'S ALL READY : Move right 1b to this new home 5 rooms. In the country, H acre good soil, close to fine school. Hardwood floors, electric water heater. It's a dan dy for only $3000; would take va cant lot as part : -8e Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS ft MILLER. Realtor 244 State Street '- ' ' t. Phone 9241 ,- - 'i- - Wanted Real Estate WB INVITE your "lor sale- list ings If fairly priced. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC.. Realtors, Guardian Building. Business Cards In tills directory rum on a monthly basis . only. Rata: 3)1.25 per Uao per month. Anto Brakes Mike Panes. 279 Sooth Cean tnerdal. Anto Repairing Cliff Parkburst. 1949 Hoyt. Ph. 7432, Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry WScoU. 141 & Ctnn'cL P. 8511. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. ft 88. Northaoss Engin eerS urvey or J. H. Neef. 90S Quardian Bldg. P. 999. BXCAVATIifO OF aB ktada. 9as saeats oau Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal Sales Stand ft OraveA P. 9409. FlorlsU atrettbaapra 449 9199, FixnersJ Directors. TerwUltger Fanoral Ptv 8118. . PAT DOCTOR OR DENTAL BILXJI SEDUCE FURNITURE PATMXS. - ilke way to solve yoor financial ore. Pick Your Own Pajmeiits uFS?l!Dg T "aos. 12 moa. 29 anoe. hi i s.ss 9 4.9a 9 a.91 98 19.74 9.84 8-39 . 14a a. f 14 as eat . " l ll 4-88 21.19 I4.lt -209.. 15 51 I 11 1111 FORM cuts questions In halt oaves time. Business Opportunities SACRIFICE. SECOND band atore. with llvlag quarters, rent only tie per montn, aoing excellent ousmeea, loca ted on mala street and highway at snenoan, ure. irwner moving to Salem, only reason for selling, priced at 2750. N. J. LINDOREN or It LARSEN 179 South High St. Phone 9999 anfjaaessaaakaSaa FOR RENT, large or small business apaoa. uooa in. rn. oiil For Sale Wood DRT WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 9999. DRT OLD fir knots. Win. Beran. I nu. east ei bcio, " - 1 1 - - - - 'i - -.r. MILL WOOD 22.4S load. Ph. SSS1 or i4i. wood at west end Court St. - - -- - - i-i-n-ii-yini-u-iji-nj-u. WOOD, Ph. IS70. Orsen. 41$ N. list Wood Sawing SSS N. Commercial. Ph, S62S. For Sale Used Can Blitz Krieg ON USED CAR PRICES HERE'S THE PROOF: 37 Buick 4-Dr. Tr. Sedan $498 37 Pontlae Tudor Tr. Sedan 495 97 Pontlae Coup , 495 These cars are one ' owner cars. have radios and beaters. 1 Pontla Tudor 134s ae Pontiavo Coupe IS Plymouth 4-Dr. Tr. SS Plymouth 4-Dr. Tr. It Chevrolet 3 -Dr. II Model A i 27 Willys Sedan 99 WUlys Sedan 225 545 974 338 III 198 179 -See Pontiacs 1941 Torpedo Fleet Now on Display Lot ; Comer Csemeketa-Churcli ; Phon9 till HERRALL-OWSNS CO. DKPENDABILITT PONTIAC SALES ft SERVICE 235 S. Commercial Phone 81. akeS9eseeayav 39 CHEV. CPE., to wreck, $18, T91 Roaemont, w. saiem. .-ST TJKPflLN Zenhvr. by owner. fins cood. throughout, low ml 7533. 37 BUICK CPE, reas. A-l shape. Call noons. 685 N. Summer. Apt 102. t vr a rvn rui.trrr. dtev. Conn. reaa. excel!, eond, mUeage 32.000. Priv. owner. Ph. 21252 after 8 p. m. Directory Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4499. salem ruirr buq a mattress Co, Nsw maltreasea. old remade, rns cleaning ft weaving. S ISth ft Wilbur. Tel. 944 1 Zsrtckera - Nursery DAT OB HOUR 2 099 Laurel. Papering - Painting NEAT Work, reaa. Johnson. Ph. 8778. Plunibing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work, Orabsr Broa, 164 S Ubsrty. Ph $698 Printinw FOR STATIONBRT. cards, pampnjeta. programs, books or any kind of print tar. call Tn SUtesmaa Prtntlnf Do partment til K Cmrntfdal Tals Staeae 419L . Transfer FOR LOCAL or aUstaal trajasfaf ataa ner eO. eaUl I1S1. Uarmer Veil Drilllan BX 8L Ba. 446 r. 8-229 C By CZSCTOTXTaQ For S&lerUmed Cara HUBBARD MOTOR CO. MAKES laCTTOFYING DECLARATION:. tlTETIME GUARA1STEE ON ALL USED CARS! IIEGA11DLESS OF AGE OR MODEL! We Take the Guess-Work out b Used Car, Buying tCheck This List for Your Used Car: 1936 Hudson ScdatiFinishcd in to-tonc broyn. Immaculate interior, very good rubber, etc. ..'i Our price -wiU surprise you, too! ' 1939 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe (Mginal siker wing gray. Finish, flawless. Real low mileage." This is one of our NOW! 1937 Plymouth DeLuxe ditioned - Interior perfect. And its priced to sell. 1937 Dodge 4-Door Touring Sedan -Beige finish like new - Mechanically perfect - It's simply tops . . This won't last long Hurry! 1939. Buick 4-Door Touring Sedan--Series i 40; low mileage - new rubber - In the very best of con dition throughout. 1932 Dodge Sedan Runs like a watch and it's a bar gain - This also carries bur lifetime guarantee. --PICKUPS and TRUCKS 1937 Dodge Pickup Low mileage 1937 Plymouth Pickup 1936 Dodge IVi-Ton Truck Dual wheels 1929 Chevrolet Panel All cars mentioned above carry our LIFETIME GUARANTEE HUBBARD MOTOR CO. High at Chemeketa - - Phone 4119 Open Evenings VVVWWVWVSWVVWVVVVVVAAaA TRADE. SELL my equity in '87 V-8 4-paaa. Cpe, 1C3S N. Cottars. MODEL A FORD. Ph. S0F4. Wanted Used Cars. WANT TO buy equity in later mod el car, cash or trade. Rt. 7, Box 40. Lost and Found LOST LADY'S wriat watch liber al reward Mra. R. M. Morton, Rte. s. LOST IN North Salem, ladya sip. per puree cont a Inina scnool suppll liberal reward If returned intact a undamasad. SSS N. lttn St. Personal LONESOME f Serving all aa CTub KUte. P. O. Bi. 71-44. Lo Angelea, cai. HEALTH HOME for elderly or con valescent Pleasant convenient Esther Ogdea, 999 S. Commercial. Legal Notices No. lossa IN THE OOTJNTT COURT FOB THE STATE OF OREGON FOB MARIO COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of ths EsUts ot Barbara H. Davis, Deceaaed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That th undersigned by an Order of this County Court of th Stats of Oregon, for County of Marion, duly mads and entered Into on ths 11th day of September, 1940, was appointed as executor of ths last wilt and testament of Bar bara H. Davis, deceased, and that Letters Testamentary hare Issued to him. All persons having a claim against said estate are' hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law to the undersigned at Room No. 20t Oregon Building, In the City of Salem, Marlon County, Ore gon, on or before six months from the date of ths first publi cation of this notlcs. The date of the first publica tion is the 21st day of Septem ber, 140. DWIGHT LEAR, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Barbara H. Davis, Deceased. 202 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon. 8.21, 28 Ov 5, 12, It NOTICE OF CLAIM AND REGIS- TBATION OF TRADE-MARK. Notice l hrhv siren, nursuant to Title LTX, Chapter 1, Oregon Coda 19 20. that ths undersigned. The W. E. Long Co.. an Illinois eomoratlon ha viae Its principal offlc at 15S North Clark street. Cnicago, Illinois, naa adopted ana used and desires to secure within ths SUte of Oregon t&t txeloalTs ownenhlp and nss of tht follow- tn a- trada-raark and haa filed th aam with the Secretary of State of ths SUte or Oregon, consisting of tht followinf words: - ' AUNT HATTIET8 -Said trade-snark Is to bo applied to food products, namely, bread sad other bakery goods sold by the applicant, said The W. E. Long Co. . Ths asms of ths prlrats corpor ation owning, the same Is The W. K . Long 'Co.. an Illinois corporav- Ths W. E. Long Co. Piatt Black. - ; SOS-It Piatt Building. Portland. Oregon. " : Attorners for spplleant. : Data of first publication r Sep tember 21. 1949. - i ; Date- of last- publication: Octo ber 12, 1940. S21-28-Oa-12 Ccplured Ecgls Has 7f Foot VTingtpread MAILS HYTELD, Oct. ' t-UVA 2 0-pound - golden carls with, a wingspread of 7 feet wag cap tured at Sunset Bay this " weett by WUllajn rtorcay Marsh field. The bird was disabled by a broken ( For Sale Used QZars extra fine cars! See it Sedan Refinished - recon Pledges Peace' v An nlfo Arias. SO, tn a speech at teaadlcug h Is lag ration svs yoautgrst president in the hJu tory of Panama, plcdgrs his ad ministration to a policy of "peace and friendship toward all nations." ' Cross Word Puzzle ' 2 13 VX1 e " YA IO 111 i 1 ll 22 7 23 2W 2 26 27 32 33 3M - 3S flZZZ-lZZIiEZ HO HI H2 . W3 iiziiiziizzi HQ HI . SO S l . S2 nORHONTAL ledtabU 4 additional - 9 away 11 H8tsntJy 12 tired 14 4Qe 15-4jirtrnet 17 heavy cloth 19 Islet , tO Hebrew letter Zl weight 44 Eonincoii 4Afiotsln Gmdo'e L seal - . 47 dialled dry frttit . AS slow, stately 51 heaJed S3 tnature 14 gsnns of (5 Assam - . aHlwuiia S7 eaict S3 treadle 89 - e shaped . worm . 12 perform zJ toothed -wheel -Z5 pertaining ' - to ths car ; "23 evergreen ..." . treo ' i'" XU-t eminino l" ' S2 tree of " r-v dogwood family- 84 eigaal Cghl 36 Greek letter 27 Mooriih i draa " -S3 Fresch - -r article 4 depend 2 assist ' Answer to L ACFSjCgr;U;s?t-lS; gff :;O.C4 Vichy Command . , . i :. 2oaarsi Himtrtrrr General diaries HunliH:er. for mer cornmander of the French Second army, haa been named; genersllBglmo and commander-ir chief of ths Vichy rtyrerrimerit'a forces.' General Huntxiger, 59, gucceeds General "Maxima Wey - grand. Author Mourned BUey Wen-lniown author szut ctrens ZA3 No. 1," Courtney Rttey Coop r, 53, Is dead. Cooper committed suicide In his New York hotel room. Mrs. Cooper told polic her hus band had been morose over el leged snubs he had received la Washington when he sought to Inform offlcisls of Gorman activt ttes he said bs discovered la Mexico, - Lodges , Pseifls Ledre K. 69. AT k AW, Stated nesting FrL. Oct. 19. 30 p. m. Wsa. A. Kerriett, WK YEOTCAIj 1 toward th stern X eontxrvance for de ' -tcetdinr istie - 4 possess 5 symbol for .tellurium 9 writ of - . tMrpns 7 go astray 'S peasant of - India f lerixie4 " lC-pol4J U-4inaebte4 to IS pircon's cry 13 Spgnish ' 'game S3 common . - "flower -! ZS pertsininr . to feetivities 24 kind of . . . joint 25 pagans . 27 made with - :. rattan 29 exist -20 solid foodj 22 taDtldlr yesterday puzzle. IS Indian -iimu nil J...IM1H.H:.,.-J i w. -IK i; I iiiwi. II ' - ...'...-.-. V A.1 . . ' V aSSSSawaaaekalaBwe Csmtnar BUey Caepea- . , madder 28 maltreated 41 afirmatiTS ' 'Tote ,' 43 thick soap -"" 4 S break short 47 Greek letter 43 animal 'a ; foot 4J forra er -.--Tnrlital : i efeer SO--ttight before ' as event- 11 wcIirarrJts ' 12 Hoaaa'r underworld "god ' 53 syrnbol Tcr - aodina i .Utqir t 99 wing. - - . - 43 enshion Plaunaiaslsy