The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 05, 1940, Page 8, Image 8

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v. . -. -. -.
Remains Slow
Decline Canaed by Lack of
Export Trader and Small
- - Domestic -Demands
: CIIICAGO,"OctPhC?tln
uation of the- C hi e ft K o .wheat
price setback which -'has been nn
dor -way since the three months
high were reached Tuesday car
ded values almost a cent lower
today. - '
- :Prot taking- and selling in
spired by Mtlnen In securities.
International political, newt and
lagging domestic flour demand
as veil, airestricted Vorld export
trade contributed to the decline.
There was no -particular pressure
to - sell - but the market Buffered
from lack: of aggressive outside
support:.: " r'
' . Wheat! closed lower than
yesterday, , D e e ember SI-.
May 80-.
' Despite higher-than-loan-rates
prices ia most localities except In
the spring wheat belt, storing of
1940 grain as collateral under
government" loans made headway.
During the week ending Wednes
day, 19,121,000 bash els were
sealed compared with 45,111,000
the previous week. The total was
brought to 177.0J0.S02 compared
with iaa.468.S4L a year ago
, - i i i r'
Vetch Is Issued
" '
To Polk Farmers
DALLAS It ha been learned
the past week that hairy retc
seed will be offered as a grant or
aid to cooperators under the ag
ricultural conservation program
In Polk county.
According to information re
ceived from the office of the Polk
county Agricultural Conservation
association, hairy -retch seed may
be obtained . by cooperators. for
feeding Cither in additional acre
age over that produced l&fit year
or for those growing It for the
first time.
Only 180 bags bare been allot-
ed Polk county tor this purpose,
consequently it will not be possi
ble, states W. C. Leth, county ag
ent, and secretary of the Polk
eonnty association, to allot a very
large number of bags to any one
person. The county committee
has not as yet ruled in this re
gard, states Leth.
Those interested in securing
the hairy retch seed in this man
ner should contact the Polk coun
ty office at Dallas Immediately
for It Is quits possible that the
seed will be given out in 'the or
der In which requests are received
for It.
Rally Day Held,
Woodburn Church
WOODBtJRN Rally day will
be observed in all departments
wf the Woodburn Methodist
church and at eTery serrlce this
cominr Sunday.
. This Sunday will also be set
aside aa world-wide communion
Sunday in connection with the
country-wide church loyalty pro
gram, sponsored by the Federal
Council of Churches in America.
, The entire month of October
j - , has been designated throughout
'. i the land as church loyalty month,
i i the annonnced purpose being: to
nrtje all church members back to
multr ittendance it their tt-
arpectiTe churches. - -
;Veteran of Civil
War Dies at 94
EUGENE, Oct. 4-ATV-John
Forncrook, 4, one of -Eugene's
last Clril.war Teterans, died here
Wednesday night.
. He served as a corporal in
company H, Slat Wisconsin in
fantry, in the war between the
states. .
SurTirin:, are a son, Leonard
D. Forncrook of Medford, and
A daughter, Mrs. Mabel Byer,
Pool Receives Filberts
, , WOODBURN The Independ
nt Growers' pool will receive
filberts the rest of this week at
the warehouse on First street. De
Uyerieje comlni in after this week
sutd before the walnut season
tarts, will be received at the
home of Tim Bjelland.
Stocks and
October 4
CaBBpOad by The Aseoei
80 ' 10
' Kails Indus
i Wot ekange , D .4 tlneh
day SO.S 104.S
Ziwvioaa day Sl.S lea.S
Xootb as S.4 los s
Tear ago 63.8 99.0
1949 -lf . 11.2 1011
19.0 lev 48 8 . Hi
ted Press
10 10
Util Torga
D .1 A 4
ss.t ae.i
S7.s aa.s
s4.o .e
98.7 III
.0.1 ill
so is is se
ladss JUils TTtil sHoehs
Ket ehango m I .7 1 Jl X .1 J .4
JVidsy. 83.9 17.1 85.8 48.8
Prsrieua day 84.8 17.8 85.8 44.4
Month ago 41.4 1T.1 tg.8 48.0
Tear sgo 74.9 ' 89.S 98.S S9.9
'1S4S hish 74.S - SO.S 6.S r SS.S
1S40 hich 74.S 90.6 40.6 SS.S
J94 law 8S.S 1S.0 80.9 67.S
. ' , w Asnrva wart.
Chisess remedies. Asuslaf Jf
CS3 for Sjuu yosrs
Ka ai'ur with was ailment yea
re AFFLICTED diswdera. a
BBsitic. heart, ha. wr, --hd may.
Ste?RrH, gas, oeaetipntiea. slcaars.
ithtSt: ttV8 ,,,
C? ''.at?-
Herb Co.
i. "
rs tJ
6 P. B
a U 13
p m.
f a-., . Ore.
"V A Why.
Jj ) Sdfcr
mi i ' 1 a Aeims Fill. ase aw
Salem Market Quotations
i fBaylng Mess)
n prices Mow sapplied y a
, mm a iailndva mt a Sails1 m
nrfeaa nai4 ta RHMI B SaleSS Sn
hst art as gnarnnteed by The etatea
81881 '
Apples, teess sacs, sea
Braeael pnH
Ca abaca, 1a. i
Celery, whit
Calery, rma
Garlic Ik
- 1.1S
- -o
- .05
- .03
- .48
- .40
Oaioa. SO lbs,
Oaioa. Soiliag. lO lba.
Oaioa. green, dry ..
Peppers, frees ... . ,
Peppers, res
Potatoes, 100 lbs- Ks. 1
60 lb... No. S
Squash, Danish, box .
Squash, Hnbbsrd, lb.
Tonsto, lug
TnralDt. dot. ,
Wheat, No. X. ntlwixl. ba .TB
Oats. No. SO OO
Feed barter, tea
Closer hay, tea
20.00 to sa.oo
; s.oo
H.0Q te 14.00
Alfalfa bay, tos
Egg sassa. No. 1 grate, 80 lb, bag 1.80
Dairy feed. 80-lb. bag 1.85
Has scratch faed .. , ," 1.90
Cracked earn S.OO
(Baying Prieei tf Andreten'i)
Grade A large, .: ,,. , ,. .19
rSsds A Madiasa .aos. .81
Grade B large, aos. - .11
Pallets J3
Ordered keaa Jl
Celered" frya .1 T
White Lathers, heavy ,
PORTLAKD. Ora, Oot. 4. (AP)
Ptedses exchange: Batter litres 80 He;
steadaxds SOe; prime firsts 19 He; firsts
17e. -
Batterfst First auslUy, nsxiosom -S
f 1 par oaat acidity. daHveraS' Portland,
Sltt-S2 lb.; praamiusi qaslity (saaziaaaaa
ai .as ef 1 per eeat acidity). 8S; Tal
ley roatea ss4 eoantry points 2e less, or
SOe; secost! quality 2e nsder flnt, sr 80s.-
Eggs .Portland Prodaca Xxchsage:
largo extras .- , , .36
Larfs ataadarda . . .3S
hfediajs oxtras - .81
Medium standards .19
Small extras .IS
Small standards .18
Chceso Scliinr pries to Portlaad ra-tailcT-s:
Tillamook triplets 20 lb.; loaf
21f lb. Xriplets to vhelsajra. It, lb.;
loaf. 1 9e. f.o.b. Tillamook.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND, Or... Oet. a. (IP)
Wnsat: Opea Hiab - Low Oloas
Doeomber 7 76 76 76
Cssh Grain: Osts, Ko. 2, 881b. white,
34. Bsrley, Ko. 2. 451b, BW, 82. Cora,
No. 2, EY shipments, 2$. Ko. 1 flax,
Cash Wheat (Bid): Soft white T4H;
waatora white 7a ; wesVsra red T4H.
Hard red wiater: ordinary 74; It par
cent 76; 13 par coat 78; It per cent 80;
14 per cent 88 H- Hard white-Baart: 18
per teat II per eent 1H.
Today's Car Rareipts: Whoat 41; bar
ley 1; flonr 20; corn 6; oats ; hay 4;
saiUlead 10.
Portland Produce
POBTL.AND, Ore., Oct. 4. (AP
Ceaatry asests Sollias price to ratailara.
Coaatry ailied boss bast batcbera. 13a
1SO lb.. -ttc: eealera, faaoy 1S-1 Oe;
light-thia, 11-lie; hoevy . 10-llo( lajaba.
ipri, lie; fffi, 4-7; food svtttr
sows, 9tt-10e; etancr eewg, 1-9 7t; kails
11-12.. ,
U pooJtry Baylms prteost Sfa. 1
srade Lo-bera broilers, lk-S lba., 17a;
fryers sadsr 8 lbs., 18c; fryers, H te
d fti., 16e; roaiters over 4 lbs., 18c;
Leghorn sens otot SVa' lba, lie; Leghorn
bona sador Is iba 9e; colored bona
ever 8 lbs.. 16e; colored boas 1 to 8
lba. 16a. Old roosters Se lb.
Ztareaaad tarheya Bayiaa; prices : Bens
19; tome, life -14c. Nosaiaej s 0 1 1 i a g
prices: few crop Aeas, 80-81; terns IB.
Onfoas Oregon ''crystal wsi S.78 per
80-lb. beg; Orogea Daavora 90o-1.00;
Yakimaa SO-Saa.
Potatoes Kaatars Orogon-Washlagtea,
1.1S-1.2S cwt; ansaaath 1.88-1.40.
Hay Boiling price is retailers: Alfal
fs Ko. 1. 14.00-18.00 ton oat-vetch 10.00
ton; eloTer 11.00 ton; Timothy, eastern
Oregon 17.00-19.00 tos; valley Timothy
14.00-15.00 tea, Portland.
Weal IS SO eastern Oreoa rango 98
SS He: croaabrad SOo; WUlassatte Tml
ley 13 saontbo SSe lb.
Hope Onfos lSO, ao-dle lba. 1SCO
aoatraeta SOe lb.) 1S40 aeadlesa S7-40a,
DomMtli flour Bellini price, eltf Is
lieory 6 to 94-bbL lots: Famiiy patents,
!, e.OO-S.OO; bakers' bard wbeat. net
S.SO-5.45; tskert' blaootoas. S.OO-S.80;
bloaded wbeat flonr, 6.10-5.S5; soft
wheat 4.53-4.00; graham, 49s, 4.60; wholo
wheat, 49s, 4.S5 Vbl.
Mohair 1040, 13 monttis SOe lb.
Csseara 1946 peel 8c lb.
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 4. (AP)
(USDA) Hogs: Balable 150, total 800;
market alow.
Barrows tad gilta, gd-ch.
140-160 lbs. - r S
6.00 3 6.00
do sd-ch. 160-180 lba
8.95$ 6.40
6.S55 6.60
do gd-ch. ISO SOO lba
' do s4-cb. 22O-3C0 lba
do 4-cb, S4O-270 lbs
do gd-b, 970-SOO lba
Feeder pigs, gd-eb. 70-120
6.60 6.10
a. 8 5 4 S.7S
8.50 8.00
Cattle: Salable 50, total 200; calm,
salable 10, total 50 ; fow sales steady,
Staora. rood. S0O 1100 los 9.7S11.00
do asodiaas. T50-110O lba
do cosaasoa, 750-1100 lbs
Hoifora, good, 750-900 lbs.
46 media, 100-000 lbs.
4o coaamos, 800-800 lbs.
7.7 Si
6.75 C
Cows, good, nil wta.
6.50 d
da medio ra. all wta.
6 50
do eat-eosm all wta. ,. . .
do mub, all wta.
Balls (yearlings excladed),
' boot, good, all wto
49 I8DIII, food, all Wll
4o taaufe,-BeL, all wti
do aaoaage, ant-cons, all
4.O0 .625
a.aoas O- ou
4.15 1
f 7.35
I 175
Vealors. sd-ebolee. all wta- ll.OOf
do oom-asod. all wts 7.S0
do call, ail wta. 6.00
Sheep: Balable 18. total 100.
I 7.50
fpriBg Iambi, food ebolc6 1.15 (
4e asedjasa sad good 7.10 (
do eosnmoa , 8.78 (
last abora. eood-cboiee S.OO (,
do ssmmas sad asedimas lSO
Central Hovoll
Gower neeaoed nirlnti lnlnr
Monday nlcbt when a horse be
came xngntened in tne barn
stall, knocking him down and
kicking him sereral times.
Mr. 'and" lira. A. K. Gower re
tained Sunday after an absence
of ten weeks spent In the middle
west, .
Mr. and Mrs. John Tweed spent
Snnday at their Neskowln beach
eottaf e, i
Mr. and Mrs. Laran Cowae
and : - two f children droye to
Brownsrille recently where they
were gnesU t Mr. and Mrs,
Iceland sassett.
Visitors at the Clarenea Sim.
mons home last week were R. P.
Dougherty and his danghter, Mrs.
r. ; B. iaoiri of Brownsville Xr
and Mrs., Clifford Dougherty and
emiaren ex cioyerdale and Mr,
and Mrs. Charley, Dongherty -f
Walnata, fllbers
nonius nonra:!
PJLC2i;0 CO. '
4SO N. Vromt f Itw tS
Bwtserfat, Ko. 1, Stic We
M. 0e presslam, 2c
A pado priat t3Hc; B
gradB 12H quarters UHt.
White Lack
(Baying les at Kariea Craesaecryi
Grade A large, 4m
Grid, a Bidiao. loz.
6rs4e B large, o. .
Ohaeka. aaaargraAa
Larga dirty
Pnllata. daa. ,
. JO
. J
. a
. je
. J
. 44
. Jl
. 48
. Jl
Lsgbsra bass
Leghorn fryers, 1ft lba
0lere4 fryers, 8-8 ibi .
Oolorad fryars. lbs. sad
Colored haas .
(Bayiaa rzloM)
SO t
1140 eontracti. lb.
(Bnyisr prleaa for Kb. 1 stock, bated so
eoadltioaa and aalaa rsportod ap to a p.Ba.)
ISaO aprims laasba - , , . S.OO
Ysulist lanba . . S.SO
Kwaa : - S.SO to S.SO
Horn, top, 160-200 lira 6.1S
Row? : 4.80 to 8.00
Beef eows 8.00
Ball 8.00 to S.SO
Baifsra 0.00 to 0.50
Dairy typo oowa
4.00 to s.oo
Live eal
Dreiied Teal, lb.
(Baytag Fricoa)
Wool, aaedalm, lb. -SS
scarss, lb. , -
Lambs, lb. , .80
Mohair ' 48
at Portland
Wool in Boston
Pino wools were wot naOTiag aa rapidly
today es aarHe la the week, largely be
came ef diminished efferiass at prerail
ing prices. Prices, howovor, were very
firm. Good French oombiag length fine
territory woels in eriginal baga wore
bringing aroand 98 eeats, seenrod basis.
Medium fioocea worn oolling rapidly st
48-44 cents, in the grease, tor graded
combing bright three-eighths and cnartex
blood grades.
Resident Returns
To Monmouth
ley, longtime resident here, who
has been Hying in recent years at
Newport, returned to Monmouth
this fall and has taken an apart
ment for the winter. She is recov
ering from a fractured left hip.
Her farm tract bnlldlngs In the
north city limits are being im
proved, and an old barn rased.
Monmouth young people attend
ing other Institutions of learning
Include Avis Klemmo at the Uni
versity of Oregon; Clifford Stump
and Kermit Roth at Oregon State
and Jean Inlow at Washington
.Mark Daniels. Portland bari
tone, appeared in eoncert here
Tuesday night. His appearance
wu iponiored by the Oregon Col-
ledge of Edncatlon as part of the
annual recreation and entertain
ment program provided for the
students and faculty.
Cecil Klnr has been placed In
charge of the new Richfield gas
station built - here this summer.
He will be assisted by his son,
Mill City Women
Conduct Session
MILL CITY The Mitt City
Woman's elub met In a business
session at the home of Mrs. Curtis
Cline October S. Two officials
were elected to fill vacancies
Mn. Charles Kelly wts elected
first vice-president, and lira. JL.
L. Peabody was elected secretary.
The first regular meeting will
be a no-host dinner at the home
of Mrs. Frank Pottr October I.
Mrs. R. C. Runde and son,
Theodora and wlfa arirfa-suf fmm
Brnobilsls f!a1tf nnlu. 1 Cav
a short visit with R. C. Runde
Home Ec Club Has
Meeting Arranged
UNION HILL The Union Hill
grange Home Economic elub will
hold its first meet of the fall
with a no-host meeting at the
grange hall Wednesday afternoon
October 9. '
Plans will" be made for a ba
aaar to be held this fall. Officers
are president, Mrs. M. M. 011
more; vice-president. Mrs. George
Scott; secretary, Mrs. Floyd Fox
and treasurer, Mrs. John Bteln-
Hop Transactions Light
PORTLAND, Oct. 4-r3-Trans-actions
on the Ores;on hop mar
ket last week were limited to
small quantlUes of 1940 regular
type hops, the agricultural mar
ketlnr service said today.
Top Quality prices remained
at about 80 cents a pound net
to growers. Rain and a shortage
of burlap ' supplies hampered
baling of the new crop.
Brothers Sell Rarps
TURNER Friday Gath broth
erg and Ahrens brothers took II
head of sheep and a. truck load of
feed to the Pate If ic International
Livestock exposition in Portland.
Each have sold av ram which will
be on exhibition in Portland and
after the showing, snipped to I
buyer at Oakland, Ore.
Prominent Man Dies
Jacob H. Shearer, president of the
Forest Grove Clay Products com
pany, city councilman and for
mer school director, died here
Wednesday. ,
Polk Station No ws
. POLK ? STATION Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Blllingaley and Ada
May Williams were Detroit . and
Mill City visitors Sunday. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Wlens and
family vers In : Toledo recently
visiting ' their son-in-law . and
daughter. Mr. and Mm. A. M.
Delke. Mrs. C. " Teata and son.
Bert, went to Kelseott Saturday
to visit her sister. Mrs. Hayter.
Lorlce . Dashiell ot West Salem
Is ucndlaf tWi week tlsIUas ier
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Voth. - ? .
tKTZSlJlKa. Zt&meu
lading Stocks
Turn Hownward
Pivotal braes gtill - Above
Scason'i Low; Motori
Trsul With Rest
NEW TORE, Oct. 4.-iI!-rur-ther
light profit selling pressure
turned leadhn, stocks downward
In today's market
While most pivotal issues fin
ished above their lows, e losing;
losses ranged from fractions to a
point with a few inactivea off
more than 8. Scattered airlines,
coppers and specialties managed
to emerge with modest advances,
gmallnesi of offerings through.
out was seen aa an encouraging
feature. Transfers amounted to
only 466.080 sharea compared
with 78 4,8 8 S yesterday. The As
sociated Press average of CO
stocks was down .4 of a point at
41, the first setback in this com
posite since Sept 17.
Motors trailed with the rest of
the Hat notwithstanding this
week's output of new automobiles
pushed np to 105,163 units ver
sus 95,190 the week before. Steels
mnn than halved early declines
as mill production was expected
to hold at current hign leveia.
Rails kept losses to minor am
ounts. On the upside were US Rubber,
American Smelting, Phelps
Dodge, Chesapeake A Ohio, Loft,
Market Street Railway preferred,
Kastern Airlines. Pan American
Airways, and United Air Lines.
Idanha Nows
IDANHA George L. Rand and
Etna Wilson aire announcing their
marrias-a of Bentember 1 at the
sivt,1an niriAnm In Alhsllv
-srith Rer. Micks reading the eere-
mony. sar. ana sirs, jamea Ksno,
er were the couple's witnesses..
Jamei riymeii 01 iauu
Mildred Morrison of Mill City
were msrnsa in eaiem uciooer a .
Mrs. Tom Bowers Is - spending:
two weeks In Lakeriew at" the
home of her sister, Mrs. Lew Con
Willis Orafe left Sunday to re
anme his studies at Oresron State
vuc.Pni i vm i ttAKrV tMAesiKtsc
I rd"-n act im -jj w. -frrs
, WHEW aHC OV 5v
.I've jrjttY3f A J l
TOOTS Kt CKSm . " ' ' . . . A PcaineriHp
H8 AT TH8C DOO.-rOQrr I 1 1 CASPER. MV H tlxitA - t - I I . YE5. rd THE sVuY "X WHY - I ( NO RSASOM STaCnTPT T YOU AND X - I a
thbuv who so very ' HZgOoo ihickio, if PooCHSVfl . who lsft the 1 vrtpe Hou so rva more money VouSlVrA rsrr 0
hrVrsTRlCUSLY LEFT 500,2 I 'HAD NUl VrtiSN WO YOU MONEY FOg tflntW. h - 4CNfTROU3 .1 THAN J KNOW ytrncR.
1 xLw cah liens roa oun , Ivn EMj! et in town? .lid To 9b:p,-. Z with . SwurvrTo do- rf xou purnh .-
TinMSLE TE&TBEtsrx2acj Popny
VEfj. TOP6YS, I'M '
i mi
s i . CvCarWw .
I ".A
1 ,
Oregon. Saturday Mcn!na. October 8. 1M3
Closing' Quotations
i- NEW JORK, Oct.
Al Chem oh Dye 164
American Can, 100
Allla-dialmexs ' 88
J - To -
Elee Pow
Qeneral Electrie 2 6
General Foods) 4 1
General Motor 494
Amer Car Fdy t1
Am ltd Btd Baa 7H
Amer Roll Mills -11 H
Am Smelt A Rf 414
Am Tel dfc Tel 1684
Ariation Corp 4
Am Wat Works
Goodyear Tire .lSTa
Great Northern 18
Greyhound -11H
Illinois Central S
Insp Copper 10
Inter. Harv 48
Inter Nick Can 17
Inter P t, Pnlp
Inter Tel A Tel 2
Johns Manvllle. 70 -Kennecott
Lihbey-O-Ford .44
Lockheed .29
Loew'i 26
Loner-Bell A. 8
Monty Ward 42
Nash KeMnator -5
National Blf 1S
Nat Dairy Prod JX.t
National Dlst 2 2
Anaconda .
Armour 111
Atchison 11 M
Bald Loco 14
Bendix Avia
Beth Steel
Borden .
Borge Warner
Calif Packing:
Callahan Z-L .
ralumet Hec
Canada Dry 13 4
Canadian Pac 3
Caterpillar Trac 4H
Celanese 29
Cheaa A Ohio 40,
National Lead
Chrysler 79
N T Central
Col Gas & Elec ..oi
Coml Solvents 10
rnmmnwlth Sou 1
N Am Avia
N Amer Co
North Pacific
Consolld Aircraft 22Mt-
Ohio Oil
Consolid Edison Utt
Consolld OU 5
Contl Can 40
Corn Prod 60 4
Crown Zeller 15
Curtlss Wright 7
Pac GasftEIeo 29 H
Fae Tel A Tel -111
Packard Motor 3
Pan-Amer Airwys 18
Param 17
J C Penney 190
Penn RR .2
Phelps Dodge U
Phillips Pet 31
Doug Aircraft 78
Du Pont 17S-
Eastman Kodak 183
Union Hill Club
Has Social Meet
UNION HILL Mrs; Adolph
Heater was hostess to the mem
bers of the Union Hill Women'
club on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs, Byron Royce of Silverton
was a visitor. Present for the
afternoon were: Mrs. Maurice
Heater. Mrs. Henry Peters. Mrs.
W. H-- Rabens, Mrs. B. E. Bower,
Mrs. Xolpn Heater. Mrs. Verny
Scott, Mrs. Henry Tate and Eliza-
hetll, MM, Douglas Hsater and
Mary. Mrs. W. M. Tate and Mar-
jorie, Mrs. C. C Carter. Mrs.
C. E. Heater, Florence Pottorff
and Mrs. Adolph Heater.
Officers for the year are: Mrs.
Veany Scott, president; Mrs.
Adolph Heater, vice-p resident;
Mrs. C. C. Carter, secretary and
Mrs. Mertle Hunt, treasurer.
18 TO I
I I nr fm Wt-tr I a I nn I I -n irna i rn inn S I inn rr ii .i i an I 1 ruv-arwOT,Auov.Mfu.JMl "
B2"r 2J3Sacr r I lTHE. VVSey HE aViAfS S - I MVwscAnvurruvesS K'lrrisiT i 1 I uif ana ua j ..x'c TcrvwvvVn ill
1 ivbu-SEg.ouraaxiviTRy
Smth all w re-sourok
1 AM 1M r PCrSmON ID .
. ' i jJ ..... r e - tjer-ity
e Lt
qnotatloss: -
Proe AOamMsj I1H
Pub Berr NJ 33
Pullman - 14 4
Radio .,,
.11 H
Rayonler Pfd 29
RepnbUe Steel 18,
Richfield Oil a
Safeway Stores .48 "
Sears' Roebuck -81
SheU Union u -.8
Socony Vacuum 8
Sou Cal Edison -17
South Pacific - 9
B perry Corp 41 4
Stand Brands- S s
Stand Oil Calif 17
Stand Oil In . IS
Stand Oil NJ 38
Stone Webster- 8
Studebaker - . 8 V
Sunshine Mining .8'
Texas Corp ,-35
Trans-America 4 4
Union -Carbide -744,
Union Oil Calif 1 2 4
United Alrltaea 18 -United
Alrctaft -394
United Corp -1
United Drug -4
United Fruit -.71 ,
US Rubber ..: 20
US Rubber Pfd 7IV
US SUel 60
Vanadium . 3 2
Warner Pict 1
Western Union -19
Westing Elect -107
Woolworth 33
Farmers Union Is
Slated, Mt Aiigel
. MT. . ANGEL The quarterly,
convention of 'the .Marlon county
Farmers Union will be held in the
Mt. Angel auditorium today,
starting at 10 a. m. Lunch will
be served In the basement dining
hall at noon.
E. A. Rhoten of Salem is gen
eral chairman In charge. Heading
the committees are: Ronald Jones,
finance; George Potts and Mrs.
Potts, reception; Mrs. Jessie Wll-
li&mi and Mrs, Homer Smith,
entertainment: Mrs. A. C.
Spranser, Mrs. Earl Desart, Mrs.
Joseph Bernt, Mrs. William Tate,
and Mrs. Ronald Jones, refresh
ments. Ronald Jones will discuss the
principal Issues of the Novem
ber election. "
Easy Recovery
It's No Droami
s,j. -!,.
0 O r"
A Dog's Intuition
1 7 fci
- - . " - - -
BLTHVES. JUST TCOAV MV MAlO LOST" ) I ' ' . - '$t&t$50
PLAK0sllr46f OF -
I -- X. VI
Former Lebanon .
Man Goes, Japan
Accepts Position on Tokyo
PopCTt Taught JouriiaKsm
in Jlinncsola Collcgo
LEBANON Jack " BeUinger.
who has been . "visiting his
mother. Mrs. Kmma Bellinger for
the past week, left Thursday
morning for Seattle. There he
will board the Japanese liner
HIkawa Maru bound for' Tokio
where he will be' oa the staff of
the Japan Times, one of the' best
known and most often qjnoted
dailies printed in English -in the
;0rteri5(;-- ' :
Durlna;, the 'put Tear Bell-
lne-er. 'who Is ar graduate of Ore-
SonQ . liad 1 been on the staff of
the -department of - journalism of
the -state university In Minne-
sotaV;-. , : U
Wednesday Mrs. Bellinger en
tertained at a family dinner in
hQno of;h!s departure. : All of
the children were present except
Fernr-. (Mrs. Paul Williams) who
lives In Ohio. Mrs. Harry My
tinger came from Pendleton for
the reunion and Ralph and
Howard Bellinger recently came
front California. The others pre
sent were Mr.- and Mrs. Frank
Bellinger., and Bobby.
' Rev? and Mrs. D. Lester Fields
went, to Shedd to take part in
the dedication of the new
Methodist parsonage.
Detroit, News
. DETROIT James Rand, jr..
failed to. find . any . deer while
hunting near Detroit Tuesday
afternoon, but he did find a
rhododendron bush In bloom and
bronarht some home as proof of
the find.
Dorothy Hammon of Salem Is
ijendin' i few dajs in Detroit
visiting relatives.
- The Detroit high school is put
ting; on a carnival at the Com
munity hall October 10.
Mrs. Bell Webb Is announcing
the marriage October 4 at Van
couver of ker youngest daughter,
Frances to Lester Warner.
. t-aysv. ,rtaa a
rai 'Tb-but he
. IT...
. A re- a-an- -
i n imtn ai rrs mim " - m ml I iT 1 J
" ' . - --- - ?'.'- . ? i i !
Suvcr NoviJ
.. BTJVER Harold With row had
rented -the John Staata farm.
C J, DeAraond was takes
quite ill Monday with append!
cities and spent sereral days in!
a Corrallis hospital. V ,
: Quests at tba . Ralph Keste '
home Sandaf afternoon were; Mr. .
gjid Mrs. Grove Peterson aid
children of Oakpolnt, Mr.- and
Mrs. J. R- MeCmistoa of Dallas,
and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Benedict
and Linda. " '
John Allen is' visiting, relatives'
la Washington tor a few Care
John Crippen and eon are hav
tng luck catching salmon at Wa ld
port. They i caught another,
weighing 2 founds last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gallatin are
moving to. Albany. They spent
Tuesday in Salem oa sv business
To Dallas Women
' DALLAS Mrs. ; George Ger
llnger of " Portland, republican,
national ' eommltteewoman, ws.s
the guest speaker at the meet
ing of the Dallas Woman's club
Tuesday : afternoon ' at Library
hall. Mrs. GerUnger gave an in
teresting and Informative alk
on the subject MA Clubwoman's
Responsibility gj a Voter."
Mrs. Elmer Schnlson, president
of the club, presided at the busi
ness meeting. Mrs. C. K. Phelps,
first vice-president, and Mrs. A.
R. Cadle, corresponding secreUry,
were Installed ' by Mrs. Harvey ,
Carpenter, a past president, Mrs.
Phelps and Mri.' Cadle were .un
able' to be present la the spring
wen tho , -other, officers -were in
stalled. . -!"h . '
At the program following- the
business meeting Mrs.' Phelps,
program chairman, introduced the -
speaker and Mrs. Ivan E. Warn
er, chairman of th musie com-
mlttee,- presented the muslctl
numbers. Mrs. Chauncey Gettman.
tang: two. selections aceompan-
lea by Mrs. - Don Robinson and ,
Helen McFetrldge flayed tare .
piano, numhen,
A1 pleasant1 tea hour Moved. ,
Hostesses Included. Mrs. ' Oscar
Hayter, Mrs. W. V. Paller, Mrs. j
A. B. Starbuck. Mrs. Earle Fulg-
ham. Mrs. J. G. Van Orsdel, Mrs,
Bruce Spauldlng. Mrs. Don Robe
inson. Mrs. Howard Fleming; and -Mrs.
C. L. Crlder.
rs Ms
. - . s
a -a, aar I
- A
i -