The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 05, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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1 t
. TL 02IG0I? CTATICMA!!, Sakea, Orgosu Scrfardoy Hoxslag, Octdr 5 !Si3
Miss McLeod
Honored at
Parties -
M1m Dorothy McLeod, popular
Teiie-elect ot Mr. William Beard,
tu : the Inspiration for sereral
parties this weak. '
Miss Peggy : Minklewits and
Mr. John Marvin Ritchie were -Joint
hostesses for a smartly ar
- ranged bridge party Thursday
night at the former's home on
Cneraeketa street for the pleasure
of Mlaa McLeod. --
At lata hour sapper was
serred irith guests seated at small
tables and a bathroom shower
feted the bride-to-be during the
evening. Bosquets of autumn
flowers In Tarled shades were
used about the truest rooms.
Honoring; Mia a McLeod were
Mies Vivian Wilson, Mia Marga
ret Campbell, Mlaa Katie Quieted.
Miss Barbara Williams, Mrs. Har
vey Quieted, Mrs, Andrew Halvor
sen, Mrs. Truxton Foreman, Mrs,
Glenn LaDuke, Mrs. Thomas Mc
Leod, Mrs. W. J. MlnklewlU and
and hostesses Mrs. Ritchie and
Miss MiBklewltz. -
Wednesday night Miss McLeod
was .honored with a no-host din
ner party in the Cottage Room
4 the Quelle. A bouquet of asters
centered the dining table and a
miscellaneous shower was given In
honor of the bride-elect.
Covers w e r e placed for Mlaa
McLeod, Miss Marjorie Weum,
Mrs. D. Pinfey. Mrs. Pauline Hil-
man. Mrs. Llllie Zile, Mrs. Stella
Hotter, Mrs.. Llllie Benjamin,
Mrs. Eleanor Staabf4tM rs. Selby
ShuntermanV Mrs. Virginia Ward,
Mrs. Eileen Coffel, Mrs. Zelma
Verba um, Mrs. Audrey Sherwood
and Mrs. Esther Hagedorn.
Dinner Meeting
On Thursday
Members of the Salem Zonta
club met at the Quelle on Thurs
day night for a dinner meeting,
with Mrs. Phil Brownell presiding.
Present were Mrs. Byron Bi
Herrlck. Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans.
Miss Mabel Savage. Mrs. Arthur
Hunt. Mrs. Phil Brownell. Miss
Helen Barrett. Miss L. May
Ranch, Miss Nellie Schwab and
Miss Maxlne Buren.
jl 4561
A blouse 'n' skirt la practically
a necessity with every school-going
youngster! Pattern 4581, de
igned by Anne Adams, Is an espe
cially smart style. Both the long
&nd short sleeve versions of the
Blouse have neat bands. There's
deep yoke that goes into spirit
wd scallops in front, and a young'
rounded collar that may contrast.
Take particular note of the gath
ered softness below the jokes so
flattering to adolespent figures.
The skirt flares out jauntily, with
eJlght gores and smooth waistband
that's nice with button - trim.
Match or mix the blouse and skirt.
The Sewing Instructor will help
rou do a "hnrry up" Job!
Pattern 4581 is available in
felrls sixes tt.' XV. IT and 14.
Slse g, skirt, takes 1 yards 14
Inch fabric and short sleeve
blouse, 1 yards 19 inch fabric.
in nmn ckxts (isc) a
eoias tor tkis iiu Aeaau pattera.
Writs pUialy SIZE, NAME. AD
Tares theers far tko AKJiS A IV
TKBN BOOK Jot eff tke oressl
: It's right ta key with tke Amsrirea
spirit af freedom eat indirHnality.
Tkere are rireeioes yenarster styles
" . . . wsrerobes fas career, sir! as
' roller iate . . . bemeotaker aaodes.
, Yea'U aaa tailored wear, stoaaiag
efterneoaers. aaa a "faJl-e'raaa pa.
nl" far maiic A Sopertn ail ta
aevotee) ta ali at sains frocks ; aaotker
ta llnserie ana accsssorioa. OrSer
Seal year ar ta Tee Oreawa
sa. x-attere papers, aaaa a. ,
Alice Arnold
Ezperiencexl Teacher of
' ; 50e'Pr Hour
1111 2nd SU.Wewt Salem
Will Be :
In compliment to ais - Peggy
MlnkiewUs whose carriage to Mr.
Kmery Bebbs will be, an,, event of
October 19, MIsa Vlfton Wilson
and Miss Margaret Campbell will
preside at a smartly- appointed
breakfast Sunday morning.
The affair will be-held at the
Quelle at ten o'clock , and guests
win be seated at a long; table cen
tered with an arrangement! pink
rosebuds. A pottery shower will
fete the bride-tojbe following the
breakfast. ' t . ....
Covers will be nXacedtos Miss
Mlnkiewltx, Miss Barbara Wil
liams, Miss Lou Hickman, Miss
Patricia Noonan, Mrs. Glenn La
Duke, Mrs. John Marvin Ritchie,
Mrs. William Monroe Hamilton,
Mrs. Chester Pickens, Mrs. Harvey
Yuistad, Mrs. W. J. Mlnkiewits,
Miss Wilson and Miss Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckestgrea
have had as their guests Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Mundt of Roseburg,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of
Portland. Miss Lavina Jensen and
Miss Kathryn Hodges of Green
River, Wyoming. Misa Hodges
has a position with the Salem Gen
eral hospital as medical librarian.
Pringle Women
At Meeting
Mrs. H. C. Stapleton and Mrs.
T. B. Welts were Joint hostesses
Wednesday at the Stapleton heme
when they entertained the Pringle
Woman's dub.
A no-host luncheon was served
at noon, followed by the business
Guest were: Mrs. George Pet
erson. Mrs. J. M. Sandlfer. Mrs.
Era Sandlfer, Mrs. L. I". Tony.
Miss Ruth Stapleton, Shirley and
Jerry Hohler.
Members present were Mrs. B.
A. Hllflcker, Mrs. Ben F. Miller,
Mrs. Paul Gurgarich. Mrs. O. T.
Sealer, Mrs. Homer Ramey, Mrs.
W. K. Schendel. Mrs. John Fabry,
sr.. Mrs. J. Nailln, Mrs. C. W. Qra
benhorst, Mrs. Sarah Keys, Mrs.
E. A. Hoge, Mrs. George Adams,
Mrs. Lyle Lorentz, Mrs. F. C.
Wiltsey, Mri. Ray MoWer, Mrs.
Joe Klinger." Mrs. Fred Ramey,
Mrs. H. C. Stapleton and Mrs. T.
B. Wells. Mrs. T. C. Wiltsey will
entertain on "October 18.
Teachers Enjoy
Travel Talk
The PEP teachers club met on
Wednesday night at the Wooden
Shoe, with Miss Thelma McDon
ald, president; Mrs. Carmalita
Barqulst, vice-president; Mrs. El
sie Carpenter, secretary-treasurer,
aa hostesses. Mrs. Carmallte Wed
dle is reporter. The group will
hold a social meeting each month.
Following the dinner, The
group went to the home of Kra.
Marie Flint McCall and heard a
talk about the latter's trip
through the east and south this
summer. Mrs. McCall, Mrs. Kate
Woodward and Mrs. Alice Cool
idge were guests of the lh.
Members present were Mrs. Char
lotte Jones, Misa Carmalita Bar-
quist, Miss Margaret Barqutrt.
Miss Thelma McDonald, Urn. Sa
na Grant. Mrs. Carmallte Wed die.
Mrs. Willow Evans, Mrs. Xoretta
Martin. Mrs. Grace Craig. Mine
Clara Girod. Mrs. Elsie Carpeatur.
Mrs. Grace Sehon, Mrs, Agues
Booth and Mrs. Jessie Rams,
Eaales Auxiliary
Hostess Group
The district convention of the
FOE which is being held 1a Sa
lem today and Sunday, will In
clude event of interest to he smx
inary. Registration 4a today. Os 1 o'clock tbere will bs
a business meeting, with the
lem auxiliary doing the opening
ceremony, the Portland trrtn team
the Initiation and th Albany team
the closing ceremonies.
There will be a parade and
drill team competition at 4:50
o'clock in the armory, "followed by
a banquet at 6. A floor show and
a dance will be held at o'clock.
Women will meet fen Xahor tem
ple on Sunday at 1 o'clock. "
e s -
The first meeting oftlte Junior
American Legion auxiliary will be
held in Fraternal temple Monday
at 4 o'clock. Miss Theism Smith,
president of the Junior nft, will
preside.' '
Mrs. W. H. Bainie.'iaviaor to
the group announces ai 'toriaf .bus
iness meeting. Momteaittons mt-vt-
ficers for the comliug quarter will
be heli tad plans tfffUtea Mr
the! year. Mrs. Fitnk llarshall,
membership chairman of Capital
unit, will give a. short lk. out
lining plans tor a saemowsmp
contest All girls "eligible to -the
Junior unit are lntlted to ttes4
this meeting. .
i 4 . . e
Dr. H. C. HutehfcSBrlll be the
speaker attha Tonaareo 'Sunday
school class of the 3Ftrst tlethod
ist chnrch Sunday morning: at ten
o'clock In the new ttrtpUce room.
" Dr. Hotchlns, OTmerly tt
Washington. DC. Is mow AmmO. Jef
the department of fedueatlm mt
Willamette university. -Hb topic
will be "Modern Trends 'f Re
ligious Thought." AU-nsambersf
the class and friends are invited
to attend... ....
American legion auxiliary
with Fraternal temple, S p. m.
Junior American legion aux
iliary, 4 p. m., Fraternal tem
ple. AAUW pre-echool gronp with
Mrs. Z. J.. Bell, 265 North list
street, 7:45 p.m.
Delta Tau Gamma Mothers'
club, la DTG rooms.
'Wesleyan Service grail d of
Jason Lee church, with Mrs.
Archie Brewster, J.IS5 North
18th street.
Alpha Ma Delphian. Salem
public library. 9: JO p.m.
Macleay 4M club with Mrs.
J. Vinton Scott, 2 p.m.
Alpha Psl Mothers, t p. m.,
with Mrs. Lloyd Reinholdt.
19 85 Saginaw street.
DeMolay Mothers salad
luncheon at Masonle hall, 1
p.m. Reservations at 4320.
Miss Putnam Is
Miss Pauline Putnam, bride
elect of Mr. Wilbur Parker, was
the honor guest at a dessert sup
per Thursday night when Mrs.
Joseph Bernard! and Mrs. O. B.
Putnam entertained at the lat
ter's home on West Millar street.
G nests were seated at small
tables centered with arrangements-
of antumn leaves. Bridge
was In play during the evening
and a miscellaneous shower hon
ored Miss Putnam.
Honoring Miss Putnam were
Miss Barbara Earls, Miss Mild
red Andersen, Miss Hilda Fries,
Miss Ona Mae Maatey, Mlas Srea
TJader, Miss Laurel Emerson,
Miss Helen Staadt. Miss Eleanor
Moan, Miss Violet Garter. Mrs.
Virgil Sexton, Mrs. Peter Di-
Paolo, Mn. "Wesley Oooirtca, Mn.
8am Hughes, Mrs. Oleason Young,
Mrs. Merrill Falkenhagen. Mrs.
Charles Johnson, Mrs. Elaine
Marsh, Mrs. Bernardl and Mrs.
Hostesses Fete
Club Members
Mrs. William C, Jones and Mrs.
Tinkham Gilbert entertained
members of the. XYM club at
the former's home on Madison
street Friday afternoon.
The afternoon was spent in
formally and tea was served at
a late hour by the hostesses.
Bouquets of autumn flowers deco
rated the guest rooms. Mrs. Wal
do Zeller is president of the group
this year, Mrs. Gilbert, vice
president; and Mrs. E. A. Brown,
Members are Mrs. Kinley K.
Adams, Mrs. Arthur Bates, Mrs.
E. A. Brown, Mrs. Vernon A.
Douglas, Mrs. Waldo Zeller, Mrs.
C. A. Downs, Mrs. Robert L. Elf
stron, Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs.
Tinkham Gilbert. Mrs. Lloyd
Hockett, Mrs. Winston Leavens,
Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. Roy
Harland, Mrs. W. C. Jones, Mrs.
Richard Uebes, Mrs. Michael
Panek, Mrs. George Rhoten, Mrs.
Clinton tandlsh and Mrs. Ken
neth Waters.
Mrs. Johnson New
Club President
Officers for ensuing year were
teeed by the PLE and F club
st Urts meeting Thursday night
are: Mrs, Laura Johnson, presi
dsat; "Mrs. Dorthy Wilson, vlce
nresldent; Miss Daisy Hayden,
secretary; Mrs. Mary Aplln, trea
surer and Mrs. Pearl Klnier, presa
eomspon dent. Plans for a mer
ehnats' lunch were discussed. Af
ter the husineas session, cards were
played, prises .going to Mrs. Mary
Aplln emd 2Irs. Eunice Bark.
Members present were: Mes
damss "Laura Johnson. Eunice
JBurk. TJatoy Hayden, Mabel Peck,
Axzle "Htaton, Mary Aplln, Mary
Andresen, Pearl Klnser and Dor
thy WCson.
a a e
Ctiayter -O of PEO met oa
Thursday 'Xer a luncheon at God
frey's and meeting later at tbe
home of Urs. C. K. Logan. Mrs.
alary Roth King, organiser of the
state chapter, was a apeaial guest.
Member of chapter B, "Mrs. A. A.
Slewert nd Mrs. Ivan Stewart
were also guests during the after
noon. s . '
tBelsjg welcomed as newcom
ers ta the cspital are Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Hale and their three
children "Who are taken a honss
ut 248 ISast Wilson street They
have Tusade their hones in Baiter
and rr. Sale is with, ties anant
plojrmeut aaompenaatson fommla
lOU. ; .
; ,
J)r. ana ilrt. Carl D. Ashley are
-parent Of son. born in Portland
aa Ortohf 1. The baby Is the
Mgrasulsow of Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Tooxe t Balem, and Mr, and Mrs.
.T.ojc9 0. AiMey ot Portland. The
mother its the former Annabelle
betag !
rtoVr.acBrd-Mrs. Reuben Stem oa.
thstlrta )f e daughter at the Sa
lem General hospital Friday mern
Ing. ; as a -e ,
WOOnBUItN Krergreen - as
sembly' rorilrr f " Rainbow for
Girls tbett -Its regular msetiac'la 1
the Masonic temple Wednesday
-with Patty Tsts worthy d-'
visor, .presiding, .... ' - - . - 1
St. Joseph's -
Is Scene of
St. Joseph's Catholic church
was the setting for the marriage
ot Miss Jane Bee km an, daughter
ot Mr. and Mrs. George Beckman.
and Mr. Herman Domogalla, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Domogal
la, on Thursday morning, at t
o'clock. Rev. Father James P.
Heade performed the ceremony.
The altar .was decorated with
.bouquets of pink gladiolus aad at
the chancel, rail were baskets of
dahlias In shades of red and plak.
Mrs. Lawrence Alley sangf Ave
Maria before the wedding and
Miss Mary Barton played the, wed
ding marches. "v
Of white satin and tails was
the bride's drees. The tight-QUlng
satin bodice was made with long
sleeves and a sweetheart neckline
and the- full skirt was of ulle.
Her fingertip tulle veil was Arran
ged In a coronet of orange blos
soms. She carried a white prayer
book and a shower of Cecil B run
ner roses on white satin stream
er. The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. ' r.
The honor attendant was Miss
Florence Feilen who wore an
aqua bine satin frock. She car
ried a nosegay of Cecflle Brenner
roses and wore a pancake hat of
pink flowers.
Mr. Charles Domogalla was his
brother's best man and Mr. Jack
Beckman, brother of the bride,
was the nsher.
Breakfast Follow!
Following the wedding a break
fast for members of the bridal
J arty and Rev. Heade was held at
feReynold s. In the evening Mr.
and Mrs. Beckman entertained
with an informal reception at
their home on Marion street la
compliment to their son -In -law
and daughter.
Over 75 guests called dating
the evening and fall flowers were
used about the rooms. The bride's
table was centered with a white
and yellow bouquet of chrysan
themums and marigolds flanked
by yellow tapers. Mrs. Lottie
Hertner of Portland, annt of the
bride, cut the cake and Mrs. Dai
sy Barks of San Francisco presid
ed at the punch bowl. Mrs. Joseph
Dona oralis aaa is ted infer mally
about the roqms.
The couple left for wedding
trip to Seattle and points north
and for traveling the bride wore a
navy blue tailored suit with black
Mrs. Domogalla received her
education la Lewistoa, Idaho and
Mr. Domogalla attended the Sa
cred Heart aeademy.
Miss Nelson Will
Be Honored-
Miss Roberta Jean Yocom and
Mies Mary Elisabeth Slaeoa will
entertain with a delightful infor
mal party tonight at the Yocom
home on North Summer, street la
compliment to Miss Janice Kelson
on her birthday.
The Mexican theme will be car
ried eat in the table appointments
with a buffet supper served by
the hostesses. The ereiitng boon
will be spent Inforailly.
Guests will be Miss Nelson. Miss
Marjorie Hill. Miss Jeanhette WJe
der. Miss Miriam Becks, . Miss
Mary Jane Kestly, Miss Harriet
Hawkins, Miss Edith Moxley. Miss
Helen ZlelfSski, Miss Dorothy
Mott and Mies Yocom and Miss
a a
Dakota Club Has
The Salem Dakota club met
for a no-host party Wednesday
night at the Moose hall with Mr.
E. Elwell presiding. Mrs. Ferrol
Gibson reported on the state pic
nic held at Dallas with over 200
The ladies will meet on Fri
day afternoon, October II at the
home of Mrs. O. A. Noyes, 1295
Marlon street, at 2:10 o'clock. On
the committee for the Novem
ber program will be Mrs. Noyes,
Mrs. John Bobbins, Mrs. Ferrol
Gibson. Election ot officers will
take place at the November meet
ing. aaa
Delta Tau Gamma
Tea Wednesday
Delta Tau Gamma sorority will
entertain informally at tea on
Wednesday afternoon at Univer
sity Souse in compliment to all
Willamette university coeds.
la the receiving line will he
Miss Olive M. DahL Mrs. Chester
F. X.uther, Mrs. Roy 8. Keene;
Miss 3azel Magee, president, and
Miss Aileen LaRaut.
"Presiding at the' tea urns will
be Ifrs. Daniel H. Schnlse, Mrs.
Charles H. Johnson, Mrs. Her
bert IE. Rahe and Mrs. Cecil
Monk. Sorority girls win assist "
in the .serving. The table center
piece will be of fall flowers and
tapers in m tender and gold.
Initiation services were held on
Sunday for the following Delta
Tan Gamma girls. Miss Loans
Green, Miss Lola Rae, Miss Flor
ence Xlaaeser and Miss Jeanette
Fnlmeri Pledging will be on Oc
tober is.
Wrd 1ms been received from
Los -Angeles of the birth of a
daughter. Donna Fern, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wllmer W. Willis (Anna
bell Cooter ) on Thursday in the
southern city. The errand parents
aratlr. and Mrs. John Cooter of
Salem. Mrs. Cooter expects Jto
leiTs in letertl dayi for Lei Aa-
gates td be with her son-in-law and
daughter for a fortnight. '
Firdt Gphgrsgafionnl
" CJhxirch
Etwtt Sunday cd 11 A.L
ROBI21T A. HUTCHINSON, fMlnlater..
Today's Menu
A. rarlety tt dlshee art planned
for. the weekend menu. -
- . , TOD AT , -
. Cinnamon apple salad ,
Corned beef and pepper hash
With poached eggs
- Fresh - spinach
Lemon pis
e i e e
Red cabbage salad '
Rolled real roast
Baked sweet potatoes with
Orange marmalade
Buttered , summer squash :
Coconut ice cream.
4 ! ' Cookies '
" e e -
Celery root salad
Steak and kidney -pie
. - t Hot . yeast .rolls.
: Appls butter . '
Mincemeat tarts'
Cook quartered applea with
cinnamon candles In syrup until
clear. Cool and serve on lettuce
with mayonnaise dressing.
For" the corned beef hash, try
green fcubed peppers until be
glnnig to clear, add the corned
beef and potatoes and proceed as
usual tor hash. . . .
; X fresh coconuts
: t : cups milk
" 1" cap sugar
1 tablespoons flour '
Orate.. coconuts and pour over
then 4 cup boiling water. Let
stand for 30 minutes. Heat milk
and sugar, add flour that has
been mixed with cold water to
make a smooth batter. Cook until
thick and cool. Squeeze coconut
through a cloth and add liquid
to the cooled milk mixture.
Freeze. This recipe is from the
department of public instruction
of the territory of Hawaii.
Wedding Will Be
Event of Sunday
An event of fSunday afternoon
will be the wedding of Miss Eve
lyn. Mae Dunn, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis H. Dunn, and Mr.
Wesley Curtis Kelly, son of Mr.
aad Mrs. William C. Kelley.
The wedding will be solemnised
at 4 o'clock in the etadlo of Pro
fessor and Mrs. T. 8. Roberts with
relatives and close friends of both
families attending. The bride-
elect has asked Miss Erma Ostrom
to be her maid of honor and Miss
Bernita Cannon as bridesmaid.'
Helen Janet Pritchett, cousin of
the bride, will be flower girl
Mr. Francis Tanner will act as
best man for Mr. Kelley. Ushers
will be Mr. Delaaer Dunn, brother
OT the bride. Mr. Gilbert Kelley.
brother ot the groom and Mr.
George Stewart
A reception will follow the cere
mony. aaa
Mrs. Macy Fetes
B6ok Club
On Thursday afternoon Mrs. O.
A. Maey opened her home to the
Boo k-a-Month club. The rooms
were decorated with Jerusalem
cherries and autumn flaxen. Des
sert luncheon wu lerred by Kit.
Macy and her daughter, Mrs. Rob
ert Wilson. :
Mrs. Charles. A- Ratcllff re
viewed the noyeL "Paris jGaxette,"
by Feuehtwanger. Other members
of the club present were Mrs. Fred
Annnsen. Mrs. Erie Bntler. Mrs.
Ira Kirk. Mrs. K. A. Knrts. Mrs.
J. P. Smart. Mrs. H. O. White.
Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. Ray
A. Yocom. Mrs. Margaret Rose
crans was a guest of the club.
Ths next meeting ot the club
will be ou the first Thursday of
November at the home ot Mrs. J.
P. Smart, and Mrs. Erie Butler
will give the bodk review.
e a a
Auxiliary Meets
To Install
The first meeting of the. new
year of Kingwoed unit, Ameri
can Legion was 'held Thursday In
West Salem. New officers are:
President, Hasel Lace 7; first vice
president Marion Jessup; second
rice president, Gladys White;
secretary -and treasurer, Amelia
Diets; sergeant-at-arms, Ella
Adams; chaplain, Mrs. Bob Hing;
historian. Lillian Williams.
Special guests for the evening
were: Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs. Ann
Perkins, Mrs. Martha Galesdorf,
Mrs. Z. .Williams. Mrs. Merle
Travis. Mrs. Marjorie Fisher, all
lira. Xiao Cemwf ord have
returned from a deer hunting-trip
In smith era Oregon sear Laie
riew. e e
Hiss Car Talfclngtesi has left
for a several days stay In Orange
vllle, Idaho, to be the uest of her
tain the Spinsters jt later home
on Chemeketa street Monday
a a
' MIL ClTTr s. Kthyl Hill
snd Mrs. Crockett were hostesses
at a -shower .tor Mrs. Lowell
Cree in the social Tooms ot the
Christian church. The tea . table
was centered with a bowl of
asters. Ths hostesses were assist
ed by Mrs. Fani Crso and Mrs.
Floyd Johnson. Gnests 'were:
Mrs. Lowell Cre. Patsy -and Betty
Lou. Mrs. .Del TwraMgs and Joan.
Mrs. Bertha . .Baltimore and
Jim aay. Mia. Lwcy -Bhepherd
Billy, Mrs. Ooxdy -ad Jackie.
Mrs. Gladys Chance, rzirs. Paul
ine Chinee, Uri. Uiizj HusiBert,
Mrs. Grace Hutchinson. Mrs,: Ed
die Drayelia, iMra. - Phaeton
vRVpH Apples
Baking : apples '- Is ens . of ths
favorite-, ways to cook this pops,
lar fruit, .producing a never tir
ing dessert or meat accompani
ment. Some apples are far supe
rior bakers. to others there ars
Rome Beauties best of all,, Ort
leys' Spltxenbergs and - Newton
Pippins. - - ;:
There are lota of ways to bake
apples, but none mors full flav
oreeU.than when -the eeaters are
filled with raisins and a gener
ous' sprinkling of grated orange
rind la oa top. A syrup of sugar
and .water, or honey aad water is
added In he pan and need for
basting the fruit frequently.
To keep the apple skins from
bursting, either peel part way
down or prick with a fork. Some
good cooks, halve their apples,
turn cat sides np and bake in a
heavy syrup until done, then- co
ver vita a meringue and bake
again until the top is - lightly
To make baked apples, a .part
of the maga: course, fill them with
a regular, sage dressing, moisten
with water and bake. Serve with
roast pork. .' ;
Another flavor for apples is
clove. Make a syrup of 1 eups
sugar aad t eups water. Peel and
core spples snd cook until tender
In the syrup, putting a clove In
each apple. Cook peelings in syrup
to make the juice Jell and to-give
some color. May add a dash of
fruit coloring too.
Apples baked with orange
aauce is another variation of this
popular fruit . dessert.
C Rome Beauties or other bak
ing apples
Jules of S oranges
Jules ot 1 lemon
4 cup sugar
1 tablespoons butter
Vfc cup raisins
ii cup chopped nuts
Wash and eore apples, peel an
inch down. Boil orange juice,
lemon, sugar and batter until
syrup is clear. Stuff center ot ap
ples with raisins aad ants and
pour syrup over them. Bake la a
alow ovea, S00 degrees for 1H
hours or until tender, basting fre
quently. Serre either hot or cold.
e e e
Honey Cookies
Are Dropped Kind
Drop cookies are the best whea
they use honey. Try this recipe
from the national organisation
of honiT growers.
Cream 1 eup shortening. Add
1 tt cups honey and cream to
gether. Beat S eggs and add.
Sift together:
S cups cake flour
t teaspoons baking powder
tt teaspoon salt
- and add alternately with
tt- eup milk -
tt teaspoon cloves .
tt teaspoon einnamoa
teaspoon nutmeg '
tt cup candled pineapple
1 eup candied cherries.
1 eup candied raisins
1 cup English walnuts
Mix all together well. Drop by
teaspoontuls either on greased
baking tin or in tiny paper eups.
Bake in moderate oven (S7S de
Beef Appears
On Meiiu
Ground roast beef appears' in
another guise the second day.
1 cup roast beef gravy
. 2 cups grpund roast beef
S tablespoons minced onion
2 tablespoons chopped .green .
Combine above ingredients.
Make standard baking powder
biscuit recipe adding S table
spoons of minced parsley. Roll
dough In sheet about tt inch
thick. Spread with beef mix
ture, roll up as for a Jelly roll.
Bake tn a moderate oven (X75
degrees) for about. SO minutes.
Slice la thick slices aad serve
with other additional roast beef
gravy or tomato aaucs.
Mexican Sees No
Break With US
PORTLAND, Oct. 4-rriend-ly
Telatlons between the - United
states and Mexico -never will be
broken, bat instead will become
solidified. Xavier DeQnevsdo said
hers today.
JDstJnevodo. a Guadalajara bank
official and business .man, raddsd
that Mexicans were somewhat con
cerned by tbe number .of Oermsm
agents in the country but it isn't
so serious; fact, 1 believe ;tou
have more German agents :1a this
jtonntry than we have in anrg.
Oroehle. Mrs. arleen BaJker.iAUss
Daisy Jlendrlcson, Mrs. iPaul Cree,
Shirley Jean -and iEdbby. Mn.
Floyd Johnson, Joan And Jran
ces, Mrs. . Morrow, . Mrs. .Qlen
Sbelton. .'Mrs. i George iTjrea, iMrs.
Alice Burton rof Scio. .Mrs. HIU
and Mrs. Crockett.
nn Ann
silicic Company
-Come :ln siifl Get Acquainted .
' A. iSouveriir if or lEacJi Wisitor
Jtoyndlcis cmd Rcgcnt
Band liicirumonta
aa mnM ' ff
I a. , sill as it Veewisrs4
123 8. IZzb. CL
oononzoasxoiiax. f "
Sflaateeata aaS tmrrr atraata.' Hews
OL Stores, ndaiate. aiaraiaa weraaia at
a. "-llkristiaa Belief aaa - as-
Serriee as T:SO
'Malarias aa Xiaara.
at IS a. aa yeeea saesla'a aa
aiettaa at S;Sa 9- aa. -.:
- Baker A. Hotehtasea auaiater. Wcr
ship - srevies - si U 1 a is Ossai
Uaatre. senass, 'Tae Peed LUs.' -
' ' ' rtnarf baptist " ' "
Career Liberty ana Maries streets.
Dr. Xrrias A. i'ax. sttaiatar. Bibla aekaeL
t:4S: veraaip. tt a. at, "Taa Chares
liar Jlisiberaaip." paster: aeaioe BIru
:1S p.-s.; kick scaeel BTFD S:l p.
BL. aad velSBteera :! 1. ar aervtee
T:iO . a, "Thm Mystery ef the Craat
Ckaara ar a Oeaaratiea ef Cariitians
Was Will Karsr ra Thrasgk.Destk ssd
tke Orava," . paster. . Prsyar steateag.
Wesaaasar, Vsso p. as.
sUuer ana Sostk Labartr tracts. Bav.
Arse Q. Weaicsr, paster. Bssdsy urv
ieaa, Bikle sekeel 9:45 s. bl; worthia li
a'cioek. tapte. "A. Teaie for Treabled
Tiaiaa." Bar-. Staalar 8 nit It at Vaa-
eaBTer, . BC, ' apcaklas. Oaaarvaaea at
eaaamaaioa Hick ' ckael aad aaalar
BYPU teetiaas 6:1S p. as.; worship
7:30 p. nu topic, "Will Thare Be a
Werld Clares!" Kidveek terries
Wedsetesy, t:90 p. u. ,
- ' iiOLajmax. baptist 7
Vertk Saxal aad Aeadaaiy atraata. Sav.
Jaaus T. Martia, pastor. Bible seaeet at
19 a. as.f aracskip serriee a 11 a. 'au,
VTks Chsistiaa Dar at Warship; BTPU
t 7 p. au; raspal ssrriea, 7:S0 P. SL,
Tas Ufa ef .Christ is ReUtioa ta th
Crass."- PrI atestiag Tharsdsy, T:J0.
" XiTISVIui BBJUrCH op -
Ona aiila aarth eC Ska eity iiaaita ea
tha PortUad kichway. Bible aekael. :S
a. ' ." Dswey Xavia, aapu
Herts Cottag ssd 2 straats. . T.
OltkoU. DD, pastor. Bible -wekael :4S
a. aa. kCaraiac wankia at 11 o'clock.
Soratoa. Proclaim tka Lord'a Deaths"
Warship at 7 :30 p. m., sermon, "Tha
Crias of ths Atea." Frsiso sa4 prsysr
servieo Wrdnsidsy st 7:45 p. at. Hale
eberas practice Thersdsy at 8 p. ss.
. Caater aad Hirfc atraata. Gay I. Drill,
pastor. Cksrek sckaal at 9 :0 a. . sa.
CasuBaaiaa and worship ssrriea at 10:45.
Messes by tha pas tar, "This Is tka
Victory." asrsery for tha babies d ar
ia tka worship hoar. kCass stiaf
ad yaaas paapla at S:1S. Sorrica at T:tO
p. bl. by pastor aa "Tka Ckaack aad
Fereeasl Tictory."
8srsaUsBth sad Court strasts. W. H.
Lysua, ausistar. Bibia sekeel aaSsstMy,
t:45 a. bb Meraiag worship aad eess
asaaiea. 10:45, saraiaa. "Pre-Pasaa Pra
pasaaea." Ohriatiaa Xadaaror, S:SO p.m.
feerrlae. T:SO p. sa. Sarmaa. "Lnnimf
ta Bailor.' Mid-weak serriee, Tkara
day, T:e p. sa.
ran fuirrazui
; V. Wlstor ssd Ctsmskits. Sav. W. Ir-
w4a WilUaasa, adaiater. Ckarck sskaal.
S:4S a. as. Moraia worskip. 10 :S.
Ctouassies asodiatioa by tko poster.
"CracUlad WHk Ckrlat." Xadoaror
sioopa ant at 6:0 p. at. Worship,
1:10 p. nv. top4c. "Wkaa the King
Ooeios" Tty pastor. TsQd-vsak torvice
Tharodty, 7:10 p. nu, "Pilrria't Prog-
lod sy taa pastor.
Saata aad Ckarck ooroota. Ir. 3. Ok
Harrisea, sualstar; Bar. filess OIss,
silaUter t ysath. Ctorek school-1:45,
reamry 11. Btoraiaf vorthis 10:50. Holy
ceanraaiaa admiatstarod this Saadsy.
T mm aad Uairoraity Vospora S:SO.
Worship T :0 p. sa. witk IB J. 0.
Debeek at Orssoa State coDstt spoakar,
topis, "Tke Hsad ef Gad la s Treabled
Nortk Win tor at Jeffarsoa. 8. BayBor
Samitk. asiaistor. UaUy day la aU da
parloisats. Ckarck sohool at S:4S. Iforst
rna worship at -11 o'clock witk Bar.
Claada Ooopor of Soatk Arrioa. Kasrortk
toaaaoa at S:SO. Worskip at 1 :SO p. ok.
Ko asid-wook prsysr moottaa: bocaaso of
tke reriral eampaira at the hirh school
snditorium. ;
SosUk Coaaerelst aad streets.
C. Poinds tor. aiioistor.- sssssr
school at 0:45 a. at.. Worskip at 11.
Tkeoia of tke nesssra. "ComBnunion la
tht Chnrch Universal.'' Wesleyta Icogso
st ff:30. High school learo. 8:80. Dr.
J. Edgsr Pordy, sapsrintendent ot ths
Bslom district speaks at T:80 serriee.
raaa bcbthocist
Coraor Market aad Wlatsr
9:45 s. a. Worship 11 s. in. Tooar
poopls'i irrrics T p. a, Ivncmtie
servieo 7:45 p. m. Midweek prayer aeet
ias Tkarsday at 7:45 p. at.
Lows 11 Gilfsr, pastor. Serricss st
WCTTJ kali. Commercial and Ferry
streets, Sunday, 1 a. m. aad 7:45 p: m.
Coraer iCarioa aad Samsaer straats.
Bev. Jsmes B. Campbell, suaistsr. Saa
dsy school st 9:45 s. a. Sorviees st It,
Her. Dssa Vermillion spesklsg, :I0 p:
ss Bar. Vermillion. Berries at T :S0 p.
at.. Bar. Wilnor M. Brows speaking.
Bible aad prayer serrico Tksraday st
7:80 p. as.
Serenteeath aad Mabraaka araaae.
Zarid Ik Biaclaad. minister. Saaday
sekeel. S:4S a. bl Worship 11 a. m.. holy
eeasasaaioa. Ckristiao en dearer, e :10 p.
a. Worship, 7:80 p. at. Midweek ssrrics,
Wsdsesday, T p. as.
Herssaa H. Maey, pastor. Bsadsy
aekael at 10 a. m. "The Can at tka
Bridec-room." tkems far tka 11 o'clock
serriee. Jaalor aad senior CB at S :0.
Serriee at 7: SO. topic, "Tka Compssaiea
ef Jsaas." Prayer neetiag Tkarsday St
7.10 p. as.
saxjoc TBrxroe
al at Wsshlartoa
saxeet. JDUloa W. MiUa. pester. Saadar
ackoal lO a. as. Worship 11 a. as. -Xns-
aaett OmUay -ef Pacifla -eoUoa will apeak
at kls'srerk is 8paia. CkrUtiaa ssdssrar
:45n. aktScrrico TS0 p. au setasaa.
Tklakisg sa Osr Wys.,r Prayer aoet-
nSgTksjndsy. vUO p. am.
hamokataaatd Ukerty streets. Seaday
eekeelat 11 a. res. -Serriees st .11 a, av
aad S p. av Lesiaa aeiasa; Csefcty."
Wedaaaday auetiac at S p. as. k raa pss
Ha asadiar tsssb lieatsd at SeS -Msssaie
keildiac is epsa eaery,
aad seltaapa, Irom 11.
aatu mo.
tTbatek fStraat trwssa Ckeaseksts sal
OaataT t etsaeta. .Bev. P. W. Erlkaan. see
rex. 0:4Sa.ras Saaday aekooU 11 a. aa.
so rasas I'lswmnnisa aas use. Bstssoa.
'Us Bur Times -SkaUI Far sir a Mr
Bretker.' :0 -p. -aa.. Xatbar ieacse:
Jfeadsy, T p. au Bey 'SeemU ; "Thorsdsy,
s saalor ekotr rehearsal,' satarday
leA'Sk, eeaiimsiiea class.
tttsteaata aad A streets. :E W. Crsea,
Saaday sekeel 9 a. au Prepsra-
yr-soewae jf v' "
. as . as .
3 Doors XT. ci Eilaosre
tory serviees 9:S p. ss., Serricss witk
kelp eoasataaiea 10 a. as....'
? oamisT iAjruuct alo
.State aad Sorootoooth streets. P. H.
Tkeaer. paster. Bsadsy sckaal. 10 a. sa.
Borricoa witk koly eaauBaaioa, S ..'
(Conasa) aad 11 a. as- "lies Use Prasa
tko Iord." Psrent-tesekera aad Aaiari
caa latborka oonforoaco x st 3:10 aad
7:13 p. a. Ckarck eoaacil Tsetdsy 7:19
p. au Dot ess aid sad Histiossxy society,
Wednesday, S p. am. Coafiraatioa instrso
tloa, Sstarday, a. aa.
Hoed sad M. - Sassssar straeU. S. I
Piaeeaot, pastor. Babbstk school Sarar-.
day aeraiag st 9:S0; preeekiaf serrico
tt 11 o'eloek.-Yaoaf people's moetiag
at S :10 p js. ; Prayer ssaetu c at S p aw
' San day school eoaroatioa. Bethel aa
ioa gsadsy school. Anmsrille. Thems :
"Adrsneinr tka Kiafdosi Afaisst Odds."
10 a. au, Seaday sekeel; IS sa lellosr
akip boar; 1 :SO p. bl. aoas semes ; S p.
as, Bikle sals; :SO p. bl. basieess ssoot
iaf ; S:1S p. sl, eesTeatiea senses, Bev.
Bvy Isllor.i
Bead aaa Cettare streets. Roe. J. P.
Xrfiwaow. pastor. Saaday ackeoi at 0:4S
a. as. Tka 11 o'clock aissssss. "Why Ood
Calls Us aad What it Is For." Prayer
and . praise serriee, Wodaosdsy, 1:10 f.
Arasy citadel corps bead aad aaorstara
froas Partlaad ia essrri af tka woekoad
acrrseoa at Arasy citadel. S41 State street.
Satarday Blgkt, precraas by tke band;
Bssday moraine 0:10 to 10 ever KfiLlf ; .
Sunday school, 10 a. int.: halissss serr
iee, 11; pabUe eoaeort, 8 p. by. st the
First KstkodUt chares, Stste sad Church
streets; yaaas people's leffios, I t. a
aad Salratioa ateetias; T:30 p. am. Csp-
laia &. Tiaeaac. aposser. iaoiia
Tkarsday aad Satarday. 8 p. bl. -
Kiaetoeatk aad Breyataa streets. Bar.
8Uwart 0. sad Josait M. Billinfi. 9:11
a. bl, prayer sorviee; 9:45 a nw Sondsy
aekael: 11 a. bk. "Tka Gift a tka Holy
eboat.' Kor. Stewart 6- BilUaaa; S:0
p. aiu. yessf people's meetings- t :4S p.
sa, orsaralistie service, Bev. Charles A.
Jsyses. 1
Tkirtooath aad Center. Lee Webster
Oollar, pastor. S a. m prayer ' asootias ;
S:4S a. bl. Bible eckoel; 11 a. scorn
ing worship, sermon, "Tka Dyaaaue at
Peateeop"; 8:30 p. bl, yaaas; people's
serriee; 7 :30 p. bl. araajelistie serriee.
sersaea, "Bnildins; ea the Sssds or tke
Solid BJoek; Wkiekt': :
S15 M. CeauBereial srraet. Bible
aekael, S p. bl; derotioaal. S p. as.; araa
relistie, 7:45 p. as.; rerirsl serricas orsry
aifbt except Hoadsy is ebsrra et Xrsnte
lis( Afass Beppesd. 7:45 p. bl; Thun
dsy. diviso healisg, 7:45. J. C and DsUy
W Us oa, pastors.
Saaday aekaol as S:4S a. bl; anemias:
worskip at 11 a. blc yooar people's aseet
iag at S:Sw p. bl; arsarelistle .sarrice
at T:I0 n su, Xtv. Saaroly. Kissionsry
nsatisg Taudtr, t p. L la eharek.
Wsdaasday, Bible ssd prsysr ateeUaf
s T p. am. . ".
... arxssioa
410 StaU street, flaadsr sekeel at IS
o'elosk, MoraisT wonhip. 1L, asMeet.
Tke Art et Playlag Seosad riddle,"
Serriees at 7:45 p. bl, tbssae, "A
Toaas- Chrlstiaai'a Patare." Midweek
ssesico Wodaoaday aad your psoplo'a i
asootnns- Pridar at T:4S p. am. Bar. George
Bads, associate pastor. i -
iTjuarusno taiimacij '
Tkirteoatk sad Perry rtraet. C. 0.
Weston, paster. Saaday aeheei. S:4S;
worship Md remain niua at 11.
1410 Madisea street. Sunday scheeL
19 s. m.; worship, 11 a. av.; ssrrics. I ,, A
p. sl aid week serrieee Tstsday, S p.
bl. Tkarsday, S p. as. . ".f.
At tha Prateraal tampla.- 44V Catater
Street. Sawder at T :SO o. no. Smkloet for
Bible - atady Pnalma S A. .
To Use Theatre
Commencing Sunday morning
and cob tinning until tbe new
church edifice is ready for use,
the Sirst CojBg-resa.tloBal ehurcb
Its won
the Grand theatre.
A "doiAle featureH b an
nounced for the initial service to
morrow. At 19:45 an orsran re
cital win be given by Frank Alex
ander, well-known Portland mu
sician; the latest model of elec
tric organ has been Installed for
the service. The worship hour will
be in charge of the pastor Rev.
Robert A. Hutchinson, his sub
ject being "The Good Life." The
Junior choir under the direction
of La Belle Tartar win sing the
anthers, "Come Unto Me; Mark
Valla, Willamette university ba
ritone, will serve as soloist. Dr.
W. C Jones, church school sup
erintendent, announces that . the
classes will be held In the Wom
an's clubhouse. 1
Oregon Ballot to
Omit Socialists
PORTLAND. Oct 4-(rP)-SocUi-Ist
party presidential aomlnees
will aot oe listed oa the, Oregoa
ballot Not. t. R. D. Snyder, party
stale chairman, said last night.
He Quoted Darld O'Hara of the'
secretary of state's office to the
effect i that ths party sponsoring
the candidacies of Norman Thom
as and Maynard Kreuger for pres
ident and rice-president had not
met legal requirements for a place
eat the ballot. -1
O'Hara added that the socialist
labor party presidential candidate,
John W. Aiken ot Massachusetts,
had met requirement and would
bo listed. -T - -t ' .:
of tha
asetasAoa m
18Lh sued Cessteii
U W. Collar
; , Pastor
11 A. M. The Pyncanlc
of Ptntacosl
70 P; I. "Building- on tlio
Sands or tha Solid. Rock,
which?-. m , : -
Special raasic by the orchestra!
and choir. ' vocal ouei. -1 ue
Hof far ; Twins. -Vocal solo, Mr.
Lowell Loveall. : i
licra io AKen!