! PAGE TWO The OHZGOII STATESMAXI SaLsm, Orgoxu Saturday Morning, October 5, ISO Spartans Gain Kar I v Vintorv "Sore 21-0 With All of m- Tallies) 'Accraired in j (, xirgi a., iuuimes .r i j ' . " (Continued from page 1) ' aic Went rat on the Willamette three-yard Ma. '.: . Walden 'a retarn boot was tak en by Costello on the Willamette . S. He reteracd to tha 30. and la Severn plara the Spartans were orer for the ' third time. Nyfren and Costello packed to a first ydown on tn 10, Tornell aided Costetlo to another tint down on the Kren, - mad then Nygreo in ft two slays swept end for bis sec lcpnd touchdewn. Reynolds Sparks k Offensive Drive m Buddy Reynolds, opening at ethe tailback spot in the second t jhair, sparked ' the Bearcat to illheir first offensive showing 'of a the season. After an exchange of tpunts and a recovery of Half- back Aubrey Minters fumble on ,fae,. San Jose 41-yard line by .Guard Tony Fraiola, Reynolds fhp a pass to End BUI Reder that ,was ooa tor zs yards and a first down on the San Jose IS. IA JPflPnoi? hipped through tackle icf tm yards to the 12, but bis ttffeeomd down pas into the end Intended for Reder, was in .wovaa -U4W.OA I;T. f- a MJ . Sufiway Huddlers oi London Get a Dictator then never again After holding the Spartans on ' J Aa. a a. j. a e a downs aiier uiey 1002 me nan on tithe to, and forcing them to pant, tVthe...'Cat eame' storming back. ."Reynolds picked op two at right guard and then he cut back .through left tackle for a 32-yard .gallop to the San Jose 30. There Ijthe 'Cat attack again bogged ,d own. and -threatened. , Touchdown Called pack for Penalty 1 The Spartans came back with Mho major share of their f!rt tMm Ian the final quarter and were in (Willamette territory moat of the iway. iney naa one toucoaown walled back because of one of 140 boards worth of penalties called plagaiast them. Center Morris PtBackLnrham InterceDted Stew. j' (art's pas on his own 40 - and graced 00 yards into pay territory, iljbut the play was called back on in flipping penalty, j Larry Dairy, backing up the linfc from 'his quarterback spot, upidj yeoman service for the 'Cats lonjght. If it had not been for his fifing defensive play the score might ijfeaaily hare piled much higher. An rbther defensive standout was Al itiWalden, who tossed for a loss ev- Ff i V it a 1 a m . a fry piay mat started arouna me Willamette rlht end. iff Remolds was easily the best of jiTensive Bearcat back on the field, jllla passes, with, one exception, Hjirere on the targets, and his run- umn fare the BearcaU their only offensive spark. On his 32-yard gallop he- faked his way by three 2rotl(l be tscklers and was past a$ Mrut the safety, who. cornered ifhlfii against the boundary line, jlfferee Best Ball Kperriev tor WIT Th Bearcats were'aeUallT t1t- fa,- more yards in penalties against jinjc oparians man mey earned jtik acrlmma.e and pasm They iolaled 89 from scrimmage and 41. from pums for a total of 135 il f . . . . ji -jww Ave tiiwi iue iiu yarns Siren tnem on penalties. UJ 'The Spartans, on the other side ((Of' the ledger, rolled through the jiWihamette line for 218 yards from scrimmage and went through Uae air for 107 more to total 325 ijjrsrds. A weak side reverse, with tike right wingback carrying, !ained them a huge chunk of the j$etal ground yardage, n It was the third successive win .f the season and the 16th in 17 , jnes in two seasons for the Spar tans. while it was the second 'ftralght beating for the Bearcats. ($ia Jose j Willamette 'Allen .z. LE Reder Hnsea ., ... LT Barstad .Ktanger LG fraiola C . White .RG. Holland -RT Constable RE Cookingfaam Q Drury LH Ogdabl New Methodist Hn gh JiZ . . Society Elects Paul tlftufer Column C Con tins M from paara U earl; ;rflcrj swampeoL Un: Jtiu Bunch, Forest Grove, Sesuls Women4 ' Organization . Mrf. Jtw$ BuBch of roreitUo omth,J5 Grov was elected president of the coat bat wnat put it on but know yon wai be .;i!JI:. ,i'-' X aTr sro oat witaoat my rain j Cabinet Scans Orient Lineup Dillcr' BEd Mn::olini et Dresutr Paas Outline Wevr Europe ALap (Coatiaaed froa pax 1) , fact that both diplomatic and mill ' & " It trains and X never I what the ana com oat blazing! not. I hope 70a can about tali. , Specifically. I am f taring on Women's Society of Christian j day m4 x isi , to pia7 iB I tary experts accompanied the dues Service of the Methodist ehareh the rain. X Iwiaiti you would trans-1 and the faehrar. jesterdtj tt tht first t n n tt 1 1 1 mlt m inaihlnj d7 tempera- ; Rorae'i tccounU of tha raeetlns; leetlns held by the combined fin j oczrze wiitt m gen- Mid dJUtOM were not eeeking women's organisation, of the Me-1 "-TJ - ,11 to 1ot.It. av oth-r i I thodlst cnarches hare. Mrs. Banch 1 M ,hk.. .- MS t&t UnialmOM choice Of the! Orderlnfi farther m advance,! b.mftriitcjr was eaUblished tor v This is home and shelter for the folks who live xa the Camden Town eecuoa. of London. Oosw Um bombers and they head for the shelter of the sab way, prepared to spend the night. Now the home less have a "dictator" Sir Edward Eva to take over all shelter problems. All who had M aTfmt reason to remain in Ixnva were Invited to leave. j Allied Planes Blockaded on Martinique wife of Rev. Bunch, pastor of the Methodist church in Forest Grove. Other offlcen elected are: Mrs. R. L. Reed, Portland. "rice-president. Mrs. Paal - Edwards, Klamath Falls, vice-president of mission ary education. Mra. N. E. Compton, Cottage Grove, vice-president of Christian I social relations and local church activities Mrs. .Laurence Taylor, Halsey, recording: secretary- Mrs. F. R. Sanders, Portland, f corresponding secretary. Mrs. J. J. Oeder, Portland, treasurer. Mrs. Franklin Thompson, Sa lem, student work. Mrs. L. J. Gates, The Dalles, young women s work Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Portland, children's work Mrs. Georgia Richmond, Co- quille, literature and publications. Mrs. J. C plies. Mlai County Books ! In Good Shape SuxTCjjror f C6ntroTcr8jr( Cited; Justice Conrt " . Fees Get BTentioia Is small consinia sled on thst oeca-J eoviet Russia:: and aion and If Xtj isn't too much trou-J. dealt with, no sort ot paace moves. ble please transmit me- about mix I .Report ?,that daao might; later see Russia s premier-foreign rain Inches of ancjw on December 2S. tours Sincerely, PAtJt H. HAUSER, Jr. later. Molotoff, vera not denied. - 4 By - The AasocUted " Press ) Vritrl Ttstllexn tmAna m-aalaa. A. ! "f vsv ssp Mwvs auewotua vu pie iPftK trontler and German- rakdej'WaescrnisIng protectively over ,njtn Teacher Activity Tar it i t" i i i?'siv''rummu u" uu,.u oa- now under rrodeTJST?..S,L.?i,o,tS! I " . mwcajirrtiiey hoped that an axis Un-Ameriean Tnstr-iiftira X Arplotnalf offensive might be the " i . a wewiasn. luht jsgr-. an r- Suspected, SilvertOXX ' L'Ckionierlna: - the aecre 'I .arprlse ".Kale-Bp' la J l'JA-s a.a A . a . . HT I Trf'a1l- 1J U7frs,oi iyy yiuer siae, Jtiriiaux an- .7'.':r-S TwWlW TTWSSW cSrpP Snvh ' v ..oa-o-,. I" ...wetejSIS' . the niT eommartl alilA'uiil rtia BILVKRTON A thorouan In- I vestlgation it alWed nn-Ameri- kay f aelflo post and gave to can leacninga in me siirerton this youngest fighting service Its high school la being made and youngest chief to Increase the air findings wll) be made public, O. offensive against Germany and k. lee. cnaxrmaB. 01 ui aenooi 1 italr. Tucker. Madford. ann- "aro, said JTriday morning. I Air Chief Marshal Sir Cvrll Lee also reoorted that there had I Newall. C 4. chief ot the RAX. was Helen Oiborn, Portland, been anapiclon for aome time and appointed governor general of Wesleyan service guild. investigations had been carried inew -eaiana, niro 07 japan'i roUowing a short devotional I out. But caution, he added, baa 1 sphere In the Pacific: Sir Charles rvlce led by Rev. B. Karle Par-1 to bo exercised in this matter or I Portal. 47. head; of tha RAI Iter of Euarene. the deleaates eon- I a treat Injustice mliht be done. I bomber command, was named to VSned In a business session at I The school I board has been ap- I sacceed him. and Air Marshal Sir whlcn time the ititi of Ortfon proached on the subject a number RIhard Peirae, vice chief , of the was districted into three of Umea recenUr. Lee itld. but the -tiff, replaced Portal matter of Investigation was being j The jockeying on both sides In carried on as rapidly as was feasi- 1 Preparation for winter warfare ble in Justice to ail. I w accompanied by a day of far- Bible Class Protest- Ir eeuvity with Anonr th'a rronns annroachlnr tneae resnlti: the school board members was I Supply Ship the Loyal Berean Bible class of 1 "eporteo: Bona: tha First Christian chnrch. which I n British reported sink Ins Thursday night made its standi0" G,m.u oPPl ship and set- public. Members of the class said 1 e -"r r Ir Dombs that it had become Incensed at I " NorwT- The recent sinking of . . .1 . . .... . ! ulna anltniipfiiM a a w a g a. . me reDorta maaa nv cniiaren or i - w ,cu vxouiau u. m.miiari - a ,.rn end ' two Istlisn and an Italian m3!d,?t Z AdJanc" the issue directly to the district dftroyer; RAF bombers blasted M S .u1 former school board-at the earliest oppor- Jh German-held continental coast nrBTO niTS rlAns W hlih e M w .a, Manual IflaeaKA . 1 M a, a . a a. tunity. r oayiignt aitacKs, vitn It was declared by the group f manT ew-type invasion barges that attemnts bad been made and I bloWB1.to Pieces. . . possibly are being made to In-1 . ptx raiders continued bomb- culcate the communistic theory of "nooa into tne night after a areai which are eligible to send repr sentatlvea to the state Jurisdic tional conference ot the new so ciety. The three districts are the Salem, Mn. J. Edgar Purdy, del egate; Portland, Mrs. E. R. Mar tin, delegate: Cascade. Mrs. E. M. Tllton. Cottage Grove, delegate. The date nor location of the eon ference has not been set but it will-be sometime in mid-winter. Bishop Bruce R. Bater, who presided at the meeting, in his organizations which the new one succeeds. Those were the Worn en's Home Missionary society. CO years of age; the Women's For eign Missionary society. 71 years in existence and the Ladies' Aid ! aoclety. The newly formed society con tains a combined charter mem bership of 5 6 45 women from the Am- 9 11. . ... . rovernment Into the mlnda of fwraig aiiacas. an wg the students in the daily course BePM OTer area of study. But what aroused the Ira of the church group most. It was" and a convoy moving through' the channel. The Germans declared British aviation camps were de molished, gaa works destroyed in In r'ort-de-Fnince on the island of Martinique are planes purchased in the United States tor ttte Allies before the fall of France. The fighting ships were unloaded from the French aircraft carrier on when France capitulated and stored on the Island to prevent capture by British wanhipt waltifif outside the harbor. three districts. Mumhanliln Iit dlitrlctg li Salem 2207. Portland 'ia' WM ine "port inat a -eer- M - -.17: 1147. and Cascade 1071. in addi- UIn iMtrncwr naa maae cut- rM.n-. "717.. "n ", .T IT'lZlZZLf "L61 Uvely attach to the midTd. 10 .organisations ware .. pels. It was amid la one Instance vlmp ot in a TOPd during the sented in the charter roll. gospels, remarked he hoped no- -i.A, 4Tv. Kt k.K...j v.a loiaiea inat Lamour Kisses Tested by Machine s jrrrr--'rr:'"m- wmmmsjpnwmi) jmm, mm 11 "wsaaj Buckingham Cooke ..... Hamlll r.Wenberg Riahwain "ygren Costello Tornell . RH Stewart ... F Walden Score bv periods! pan -Jose ...i. 14 7 0 0 21 tVillamette ... 0- 0 0 0 0 ISah Jose scoring:' touchdowns, ostello, Nygren 2. Point from try after touchdown, Cooke 3 place kick). 4 Officials: Referee ' Wade WI1 t Ssmav (Iowa): umpire, Elton JJenne ( Washington State): field . Jadge, Mike Moran (Washington "State); liawman, Ralph Coleman j Oregon State college!. : T Sabstitntions. for Willamette: Xnds. : Xeiner. Kolb, B a r b o a r; tackles, Mayfield, Preston, Ran- tall; centers, Morlejr, Olion, Rog J era; guard. Moore, Bettia; backs, ' McGlinn, Weakley. McXeel, Ow - ons, Reynolds. Kor Ban Joae: Sods, Kasparovich, Ion nelly, cie- snent, M&rellch; Ucklei, Belnap, earn,3 'Hansen; tuardj, Mayi Eerrick, Ramsey; centers, Buck ingham. Wool; backs. Carter. Lindsay, ford. Sarkisiaa, Pursell. VTott tngton. Minter, H a b b e 1 1, f iWagner. - , , - -."'ij, -r. GctmoSStalistics 1 Vt i 4 .CRH . 111" L ' )"--. .? j 1 ' i r - 7 Lato Sports (Continued from page 1) Collr FooUmH Jose State XI, Wlllam- 7, Emporia Teach- South- San ette 0. Washburn ers 38. Sam Houston IS, Miss, ern 16. Findiay (Ohio) 1, Transylra nla 13. Hamline 0, St. Thomas (St. Paul) 19. Ia wo Teachers 15, N. Dv Univ ersity 0. Georgetown-1 14. Temple fl. Detroit Tech S, Youngs town 34. Western Reserve S, Akrqn 0. Mt. Union 0. Muskingum 21. Heidelberg- 37, Ashland 12. Rio Grande (Ohio) Between 400 and 800 individ uals attended the ban a net Than. aay sigat at tha Marlon hotel where Mrs. Silwlng- J. C. Jk.tr, wife of the Chinese consul at Portland, ipoae, Mrs, j, Edgar rorty of 6a lem presided. installation of newlv alaotaA erilcers ws held lridav- after noon. IX. Because Director Henry Kins was skeptical of the genalnenera of Dorothy 1 Amour's kisses for screes purposes, a machlae was called lato action to prove she really pata sooaetMaeT into them. Here la tho teat, dtb Iorotby giviajc ber lips to Actor Ted Nortb ia the Xtol- ' lywood test, The eletrcarligraph ( foreground ) reported her pwlae Jumped fi-om i to 110. 'Gnat-TanW Tested by Army . - J-'--Sai Jose SI, WTJ . ;$ : ? - v.. .. -:, WU " SJ Tarda gain.' scrim sil tl 11 Yards lowr- serin, t - rT- jJ4 Passee attempted - - 1 4 : l C passes; completed - , . 4 : t trd jjaiflV paasa.a" ' - 1 1 : Itf Gain, passes and scrim115 J25 Passes intercepted '- ;- X 7r'4 First downs' scrim -.. g iq First;dQWna, pss,, . e 4 First anwns 'pan. ' ; L ;1 -X ' g Total' flrift: downs. r 7 ,1 4 Punts, mim , J g Puntsravg length 40 f'Ul Punt returns, "f 13 2S Kickoffa. avg. ,,, . .;. t 41 Yards penalised .7 ..,. .: (1(1 11?; ail: o -;:A-L;o; o M fif 'j Wet Vea aa,wew ' 7 j aaw - itki ai v, a mmw em w -a i j 1C34 rode 4-Door Sedan at i t he Salem Parking Serric', 113 So. Cliurca St. - f " - . " Cash- Trade -Terms : ' i! - This tough lookina- vehicle, known as the Gnst-Tank, is wnderxotng testa la Baltimore, lid, preliminary to a lOOO-mlle croes Country . torture"! grind. The midget armored car, designed to carry three soldiers, a 9 calibre swircl'machlne gun. and 8000 round of am munitios, has an SO-inth wbeelbase, seats like granite, over-sized txstt ion-tread tires and four-wheel drive. AP Telemat. I Wofford X6, Oglethorpe 14 Culver Stockton X0, Tarkio (MO) 1. George Washington XI, Man hattan 18. Mo. Mines (Rolla) 0, St Louis U. 0 (tie) Fort Hays (Kas) State S. Okla. City U. 6 (tie). Grinnell 7, Drake 20. Hillsdale 14, Kalamazoo 6. Albion 19, Adrian 0. Alma 19, Hope 7. Texas Mines 7, La. Tech If. San Diego Stats 20, Occidental o. San Jose State 11, Willamette o. East. Sound 6. Eolse Jr. 1, East Ore. Educa tion 0. Santa Clara 9. UCLA S. -Pro XfooCbaJEt Philadelphia 17, Brooklyn 10. body believed that stuff. Fir, Pine Lui Industry Indicted (Continued from page 1) Portland, and the following Ore gon firms: Bohemia Lumber Sales Co Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Bradley Woodard Lumber Co., Carlton Manufacturing Co., Coos Bay Log ging So., Corvallls Lumber Co., Fischer Lumber Co., Foster Mills. ardlner Lumber Co., Ingham Lum ber Co.. B. - f. Johnson Lumber Co.. Kingsley Lumber Co., Lewis Lumber Co., Moore Mill 4k Lib- Good morninr Mice. Here it Is Der - Oregon-American Lumber 0. Union the f rst SatnrdST n Oc Ober and ruiuauu uuuiuvt mms, time for another Mickey Mouse romy juumoer UOX UO., ROW show. KDeakinr of October, tha River Lumber Co. list (Hallowe"en to you) isn't Silver Falls Timber Co., South- too far away, and plans are being set now for a big Mickey Mouse spook show. any challent-e of tha Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis on her van - wonia plunga bar Into a "bt to a flalsh.- Xa a r s a d Americana to throw in their' lot with the nil powen in pairj over the world. M M Hunted Indian Givem up For Death Questioning KLAMATH FALLS Cot Sheriff Lloyd Low announced that xvoiana tire is, ss, Klamath Indian sought for questioning In the iUb- . , (Continued from page 1) us of the,, blueprlntini e.ulp- ment have been expended. . Obvionsly. :all fees , received should be recorded and turned oyer tb the.cosnty treasurer, and any ' and : all expenditures should : made by -.warrant aad approved by the county court, the auditors - The report noted that a total of S8S.S0 In fines asaeaaed. bat nn eollected was due at the and of the year audited, bnt stated that ISO of that sum was due from a defendant given time In which to par by executive-order of the gov-, ernor. - -f ' " ' -". A total of $2 4 7.15 Ja f inea col-, lected but not turned over to the state ; by the seven justice court district of 'the! county during 1939 was' a.referred to, as well as IXXflO; djta. Marion county from the? same sooree. Collection, thoara aot suggested By the au ditor, wai IntlmiteL ' ! ThW Xee too Bib .-.., ' Hera 8ar AadJtn ; The report alsd referred to the Salem Justice court specifically in the matter of trial fees. Statutory fee for trlal'-eif - civil matters la ' JuaUce courts Is f." It stated, but t la charged,, ia the Salem justice court. The auditor stated that this practice was contrary to a deci sion of tha attorner aeccral artven in- 1SS7. . . . The auditors ; also made men tion ot the fact that road taxes are apportioned en the basis of SO per cent or the current year's taxes levied tor general road : purposes. rainer man on so per cent of the read tax collected in accordance1' with statute. ..;; . : ;.v Inclusion of credits for ktock piles and other supplies should be credited, the. road revolving: fund.--the report Indicated; and appor-' tionment of Oregon and Califor nia land grant receipts should in clude the non-high school district In the county as well as other high school -districts. , -Budgeting .Practice - - Suggestion Iade ' ' ' . .'t xne auditor suggested that. all receipts of tender and trust funds and dog license snspenso funds should be treated as daily cash receiptor. the clerk, and indnd-; ed in' daily' cash reports. . several suggestions as to bud geting practices-were also made la the report, among them ifha comment t h a t all expenditures should 'be charged to appropria tion accounta for the year during which the obligation accrued ' in stead ef permitting the December expenditures of the 'county to be nciuaed on the budget for the year following. - Auditors who participated , In tne- atady et onty books mn Kobert . Amoe. Ward navia .iui Floyd Bowers, all certified public : ccotintanU; The work vai under the general auservision of Sanbns s'rr sapervisor of the division of aUdlts ot the a a e r a t a v r states office. - Club Notes Washington IS. Paget MMC Say Mice, those of you who missed last week's show really 'missed something good.. Joe Dwight, tha little Hawaiian boy from Honoluaur- really brought down the house with his native songs -And hula dance. Also on the "big hit" side were Shirley Bon- trager. Eileen Fisher and Leo- tine Lebold. MMC Today's show. Mice, really has east Portland Lumber Co.. Van Vleet Lumber Co., West Fir Lum ber Co., West Oregon Lumber Co,, Westport Lumber Co., Willamette valley Lumber Co., Winchester Bay Lumber Co., W. A. Woodward Lumber Co., Youngs Bay Lumber Co. Selective Service . Program Praised (Continued from paga X) ft Il3t Of surprises, First Of avll, what they hare done In this case the theme ef the show win be throuih their repreienuuTei U that of a rally. We are coinar congress. ' to have some real song and yell I Selective service, be added, is leaders leaders from various l better for the nation, for tha res. schools In Salem. They will lead n that industry Is as Important ns all in school songs and Tells, as the army at the front in war Then. too. we are going to have I time, and government should de4 the two outstanding drum maior-lclde whether the Individual ts ettes from Salem high school. I more valuable as soldier -or who will demonstrate the way In worker. i Domestic Rlineral Supply Is Ignored t Yl n ww l I ueiuoniirsie iam way in Savs Kufe Houimn tUj kandli tteir ltoM I Others on tha Mnmn will V. PORTLAND. Oct. 4-UFV-Senm-1 E1 Fredrlckson who used to Woman TCillexl in ! mr nci xx ax Mnirann e h iivai aa. i a-aa, vmwoib imuiu. aavaaa eased the army and navy muni- Ww wlli, "lnl at MIckeT Mouse ShootillfT IVTislinr. tlons board today with 'playrag j lrerry Bot Serenade,- Ramona "V"l? .AT""P Into the hands of the importers B.p.enV wenaeu uaiseui and your of atrategto war materiala." Iia. :onte' Bhby Hagedorn. Such action, he declared. 1 Ana : Mice, we will have another "paralysing the possible develop-1 BOVei MMC- The Mickey Mouse ment of mineral resources of our own country, and particularly of the state ot Oregon, to supply these same strategic minerals." Hoimui said he would seek re vision Of the board's contract specifications to male the domes tie supply , of strategic minerals available tor national defense. - The bureau of mines and geo logical survey ..should be riven funds and encouraged ter cooper ate with local groups la develop ing Oregon's previously charted deposits of manganese, ehromite, antimony and. other minerals, Hol man' continued. r , WALTERVILLE, Oct. i-JP Coroner's Deputy Harold Poole ot Eugene said Mrs. Henry; Holmes, 44, was killed today by the accidental discharge of a rU tow will ba I fie she snatched nn to kill a dscx to its original place today, J nawa;. I the nUsiaors theatre. j Poole said be was unable to J determine the exact circumstances MMC I but believed she Wooed and felL So nntU l -o'clock. She wai aloni at the Haa an . Tour own. Idled soon after being found en w w ess- , 'tne Dack porch ef bar homo.-' mm . - mn mm , 11 . W J V. feel it rub on. fast-acting - 1 i V . TOlilGHT ' irTesnfihi'" a lhirn luvjagenient With ill Uczrisj ind IBs Crd:c.ira f . . ' .. Dorothy "Dale, Vocalist 2 Miles North of Independence Adta.c.Ladlcs 25c filea 40c, Inclcd. Tax tC :tii I blng death of Gaylord Mills r , white logger, surrendered Wednesday, night. The sheriff said Hicks denied knowledge of the affray, r ' . V u TWO MASS MEETINGS SUNDAY SOUTH AFRICA'S NOTED YOUTH EtfcVIVJST from mighty reylvol raw to four h! ;i.iory-jnaking weeks. reerwrUTorViW u IUUUUU, -. - Will Coinmoncor 1 Wide eampaicrn ; la Old Ulch ScW Audltorluxa TJSlfi HIQH STREET ENTRaNCB ONLT . -riSUNDAY, OCT. 6th AT 3 P. II.. , f : . Speaking on th Subject 'THE LIGHT THAT :F AILED" . . . AT (:1S p. n : - ' z "IN THE : ; SHJIDOW OF THE; CROSS" r : - - Mis Preadiing- Moved a Consent ' - You Must Hear, Him for Yourself x; d-ASrme8 Methodist pynod. S. Rhodesia 1 Vnnwr. Hious revival Rhodesia baa ever v v;.-. V ni codrrriATicir . . . . ; Vmi 1112 LOCAL CirjCIILo : i