Thm . CTATnSIAl!. Sclaxa. Oracoa. TAdar .'UeaSa Ssglss5r S3,lSi3 of Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Johniton aad attending high, school at Mill City. . Odd Fellow. Plan ; Lodge Bleeting i SCIO Carda and refreshmenta will .feature an open jneeting oi the Scio Odd Fellows lodge Satur day night, October 5. . -Winter meetings ef IOOF lodge are scheduled to begin at t : St pjnT each Saturday. Summer meet Inge were called at 8 pja. ; Dates Announce For Handicrafts .-U -; t;- '.v.. ..-1--- - - ' r' r' a WOODBURN Classes la knitting-, crocheting, needlecraft and basketry, conducted by Mra. Inga Hansen, will start September 14. Thelee wfll be conducted In the following order: Aurora, Tuesday, 1-4 Woodburn. Wednesday and Sat urday. 1-4 P-m- - ' , . Hubbard, Thursday, 1-4 P.m. ; Brooks, Friday, 1-4 p.m. Reward for a Warrior Fox Valley Woman Niglit Shift Is Swcglo Nowo Doerfler Funeral Yisited by hon 8WEGL.E Friday Mrs. , Homer Held at Albany A T.T A VT. w-n naral aarricea for Planned, Conklla and daughter, Jane, re FOX VALLET- afra. turned home from a ten day Ylslt at the home, of Mrs. CoaklIn aunt, Mra. William Varner of Jailaa and aon. " Bex, went to Pendleton last week. . where they VALSET2 Starting- Monday the planlnr mlU numint a niat shift In addition to a ten how day shift.- ' ' . ' ' :'-'. Mrs. Guy Wait has eae to Se attle for an extended riait with her dsaghter. The school, principal. Mr Rothe of Monmoeth, will oc cupy the west home while Mrs. West la cone. ' Joseph Andrew Doerfler, 71, who passed away at the Ai&any.uea- risited-the roundup. Mra. Jolian Qreer, Idaho. -rr- T V ..4 tit1- eral hospital Taeeoay, wiu oe aeia fMn h Tnrt miliar fan era! home tnea went oa to spnngneid, Mev, to riait her mother- and other , Mrs. xicarj iu uvu v ..- at 1:30 Friday afternoon. Ber. J. relatiree for- a . month. . J alien dren ret armed Sunday from Ash land. where they hare been with Tan Lea most of the rummer, where he has work. Barbara en tered the first grade at school. w nirkinr at the De 8art hop t m,wrt iu tut ii cum os plans to go .east later and. bring her .home. 1 -RtMr a if am a f tfia riVlinVii the serrlcea. Burial wUl be la the Marion cemetery near Marlon.. district is staying at the home Ham l n Austria on December 11. 1814, Joseph Doerfler came to tii TTnitMl States whan he was Mr. Lerl CTPhert la Tisitinc ber sons In Toledo tor a week. . fields, the only hop yard in this kn fmr mra of mi and - since district was nnUhed on saiuraay afternoon.. then, had maae zus name at af mi9 ferent times in the sUtes of Wl- rnmln. Wsshincton. Idaho ahd Has Three Beginner TOOTiTT.ivn . Thar were 21 ur and Mrs. S. Frank Porter hare moved from Salem into the California before coming to Ore- n railed at the Wheat- Swegle coramanity store ana bats opened the store aad gas sUUon for butlncaa. The family Ured in ii a AUtrlct for sereral years. con 35 years. ago. i.- uhnAi Mnndn. The three ittm nut mtmi veara he has first graders aro Jamee Ured In Linn county. lie followed lette. Manrtn Baser aaa ctnnnhrr. Haiel Swanson of farmlnr aa an occupation. 1 was Mrs. Porter is superintendent of nmmhM' of the Woodmen of the Portland Is the teacher. . the Sunday school. World, being a charter member of the organisation and was also a member of Western Star grange q He. Ccanercial Yd Phsae O10 of the Marion Presbyterian snxi 4 ' r .... -L - - , Monday X i I r i i 1 ? V 2T- ? fit j 1 1 w .if ! v. 'i t iL "if """"" " f rMIkOC irm' scam 5 Is. S f la vma MAM Warri c but giomn Free with 2 pck- mgea of Morton' Slt mt mil groeerat When extended to its futt leath of IS inches, this adjustable periscope enehfro you to look orer fences or to watch parades from beikd the crowd. You can also mm it for seeing in beck of you. end for pUyinc snldfer or "G man. Easily worth 10c but given ahaWufejr free with the purchase of 2 packaea of Morton's Salt that fatnoos non-caking brand with a wwe hinged pouring apoot that wont tear eutl ODIZIB Ol PLAIN Oa January JO, 1890, Mr. Doer fler married Rosa Amy. wane ai Lewiston, Idaho. She died on April ix. it IS. Surrlrlnr are two sons. Lee Doerfler and Orrilla DoerOer both of Albany, and eight grand children and two greai'graiiacnu dren. Man Disputes Way With Truck, Car ZENA Roy Barker of Zena. wfcll wnrkln An thai talenhone line along the Wallace road. Fri day bad tne mtsiortune to do m the path when a truck and tour lng car tried to get through i imp too narrow for them. Barker was talking to a man in a car parked off the road when caught . between his car and the track. He was thrown to tim lumiMnt and hrnliM and lacerations necessitated a trip to tne aocior. Aurora Residents Move to Woodburn AURORA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welganroth. who for the past year hare occupied the house oa Main street owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Strickland, bare mored to Woodburn, where Mr. Wlegaaroth is agent for the Oregonian. The Aurora grade school opened unndiT with Mrs. Willard Hunt. Joan Gibson and Mrs. E. C Dlller as teachers. Forty pupils are en rolled. Silverton Has Four Pair of Twins SILVERTON Silrerton's fourth pair of twins since the first of the year were born Tues day at the Silverton nospuai. The twin boys were born Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd warren i Genera! John J. Perthla. who led the JJlS . . -m t iv. j:(Mn.iiM uttIm cross on sua tn the wona war. is gircn m cttow J, r i .,,rm SOtt birthday by President Eoosrrelt, In Washington. Center, t Secre- tary ox war uenry xm owbw Molalla News D D Corner N. Commercial and Chemeketa T,TTr,T Phone 7335 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8 P.M. WE DELIVER GRAPE IIUTS CMsp, Tasty Pkg. . . lOc Pancake &sd Unfile Flcsr 9 Its-. ....29c iiAnGAimiE Per lb. . . 10c pnniiES New Crop Dried 3Ibi. .... 19c JELL-0 Assorted Flavors 3 pligs. . . 14c Deviled Heal 3 cans .... 10c Ginger Snaps Crisp and Crunch 2 IBs ... 25c Peannl Bailer lbs..... Frail Cocldail No. 1 Tall Tims 3 cans . . 29 C Graps Frail Juice $-cz. tins . 15c Orange Jcice 43-C2. tins . 19c Sea Island Sugar 100 lbs. $4.9! Elorlon's Sail Cofle 2 plrgs. 150 Free Periscope) with 2-pkg. Purchase Canned Foods Fancy Whole Kenel Corn 2 cans . . . 23c Bantam Corn -Peas String Beans 3 cans ... 23 c STZ1BC13 . Cora or GIom 3 kgs. . . . 25c TOM FLAKES Va 10 c Fall Oeaaa 2 lis. 33c SUGAB 10 IBs 49c Salad Dressing or Sandwich Spread Quarts.... 15c Pork and Beans SU Cans 3fcr 25c Golden West WK RESERVE THE RIGHT TO XJMtT QrANTTTIES Mb. can . . . 22 C 3-ib. can . . 63 c Pearson's Good Cciiee Made by Golden West Special Green Bag, lb. 3 lb. Air Flightj 2 lbs. Red Bag lb. 2 lbs. If- ..39c 25c 23c ..45e FLOBIl - FEED - US i BUY EGGS Fnrner Joci Ilardwheat, a real faror- Kitchen Queen CJ1 CJ 49-lb. sack ; Happy Family For Particnlar People Ilardwheat Bbt .... : Lavinr Scratch. 100 lbs. 'J.: Ezz Produce, 100 lb. S2J5 Bim Ron SO lb. . : $1.05 Rolled Barley, 75 lb. $1.09 Dairr MeaL 80 lb. 1SK15 $4.50 1 Dairy Meal 100 Jb. $1.65 MOL1LL A United SUtes Senator Rntas C. Holmaa ssent the erenlnc wlta reiaaree in Molalla Monday. Ben IJndland. Lyman Iaaaan, Stanley Ray and eon, Harrey Ere r hart. Mr. Stetson ana A. . Carnenter made n a party colaaT on a hantinc trip this week. Mr. and Mra. Claries H. a Krirht l.ft TknrsdaT on a annt- lai trip at Twin Sprinss eaasp In eastern Oregon. Mr. ana Mrs. uon Allen And Mr. and Mra. Walter Waldorf left a fe-r days earlier for the same camp. Molalla trade school teachers attended teachers' Institute Mon day afternoon. E. O. Harrey. who waa lnjared in an automobile accident la Ore gon City last week, has returned to bis home in Molalla. UnioDvale Store Has New Lights UNIONVALEr A new electric lighting system has been installed In the Unlonrale store for trial. Thi cement foundation has been laid at the George Westfall new home for a combined garage, woodshed and frultroom. Mra. Clarence Crawler and Mrs. Claude Shelburne hare been employed to clean the Union rale school house. School will start September 85. Dinner Is Given Sunday Night DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. James Putnam of Webfoot entertained with an 8 o'clock dinner Sunder night. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wlthee, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Newhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Gray and Chandler and Marlon. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Putnam ana Oswold Putnam. Rosedale School Enrollment Is 38 ROSEDALE Rosedale grade oMnad Moadar with a first day enrollment of SS. Beginners this year Include Keanetn saxir. Jane Hamilton, Eleanor BerndUl Johnnie Smith and LaVern jonea. fiw ant Mrs. Owen Williams ! attMidad the National Holiness as sociation meeting in Salem, Tues day. Gervais Rebekahs Meet First Time riERVAlS Harm onr RebekabJ held its first meeting of . the win ter season at the Masonic nau baiuraay usub - Plans for the winter and for the annual Homecoming to be held rvtahar t ft were discussed. A read ing by Mrs. A. R. Siegmnnd was foUowed by group singing ana -with n rises s-olnir to Thelma . Bamett, Ellen Vogt and Robert Massey. Benefit Dance Is Given at Rail ALBANY The benefit dance tn km riren at tne Moose nan Fridir nle-ht for members of bat- rr n I4th coast artillery, is helnr Knon sored br the junior chamber of commerce. Proceeds of the dance are to be used to augment the mess fund of the battery. Athletic equipment and sundries not otherwise iurnisnea by the US army will be bought with money from tne mess mna. Leaves for McMinnville DETROIT Mrs. Lena Rlnnrd left this week for her home in McMinnville. Sba formerly' oner. ated the Rinord lunch and gro cery, which she recently sold to Kay Baxter or JJayton. Instituted Chapter i SCIO Members of Leone Re- halrah 1n4a No 4 at Rein I recalled this week that Mra. Hat tie Crneon. who died receathr at Lebanon, Instituted the chapter i her in 1S9S. Parochial School Begins GKRVAI8 The parochial school opened Monday with 14 registered. There were 11 who entered for their first year. Missionary Makes TURNER A large attendance enjoyed the inspirational address br Rer. Ira Gillette, missionary on fnrlonch from Portuguese East Africa. Saturday night In thei Methodist church. A large display of missionary articles, animal vn haaketrr and other ma terials were enjoyed by the group. Program Arranged SILVERTON Arranrlnr tne program for Tryphena Rebekah inrira for its Sentember 2S. meet ing are Mrs. E. E. Taylor, Mrs. John Gerhke and Emma AOtm- son. Visits From Portland TTNTOWALE--Rnlaa Ferrusoa nt Partlnnd cant Bandar to Ylslt two weeks at the home of hla cou sins, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hibbs. School in Seeond Week UNION The Union grammar school opened Its second week of, school Monday with Harold Seely serving as instructor. Phone 5151 irocerv 162 N. Commercial Sweet Potatoes ni ....6n. 250 Potatoes Oranges Cabbago VS. No. 2 Barbanka 50 lba. ; 48 in shoppirtf baf Solid, WeU Trimmed Beans ReV.r 250 10 lbs. 490 490 .....20 490 Coifeo TZ 3.20; 3 lbs. 350 Valhcr's Bcsi ir!. ...210 Bel Ilontc whiu iflu ... 2 on390 Sugar . lOn.490 CrQchers r- : ; : Araonr's Ililh 3 for 3L90 Brcons 25? T?1MVM nsher Blend, Drifted Snow.l IT lulir or POlsburr'a, 494b. sack... ii mJ ri50 CIC Morlon'a call V7EDGE-LIFT CAKE ' SERVER oau 25V with euaauit sasHsMslBBmemSBBBBani Ssa ee 01$ HAY muwa flUilllTll Ululo Clond Shoriening Honeymdd Grahams and Snowflalxc Sodas 45r. r? n fni k iiiu & M3. mil, mm im . . . . Gclica Uesl mils ILI.D. Schillings - SCiU 1 lb. 220 21bs.440 BOBEIIS BADS 4 bars , . .'. . 5150 D0E1EIIE SOUP Powder, large . 240 linsiei" BelllhogSemng -.Pau Uh Salad 111 One Gallon Pineapple Hillsdale Broken Slice 21 Size Cans, 2 Cans Sofiasiils Ga!se Flou? Pkg. IPalmolive Soap isv vnr. Reel's iraimlailed ioap cakes ONE FREE WITH COUPON Pkg. 2a3) t ro rovcTiT wmitb QOAP FTiF.P! WTTFf COUPON One large pkg. Concenlraled Super Suds 17c, (with coupon) 7c 3 Bars Cryslal Uhile Soap . . . . 9c Z B AK lyKX&TALi W till IS SUAT fixer nun kkjvji r7rannrrc 5-lb. Blue 31 0 irOOP 5-lb.ed 330 CMCIIE1I AIID IIOODLES F0BI3AY Premimri Corn Bee! KITCHEN SERVER FREE 1 (S In. can llM) cans 1.... 32 (D UATCIES 70UAT0 SOUP 6 Boxes 1 Canpiell's 1 fS io Carton ... . . . vy VU 2) cans .:. . . . tLijCS) vU FL0UE1 SPECIAL ' .r rX-'ZZf FISHER'S BLEND imLl CROWN BEST PATENT Vf PILIBURlTS BEST mmmf'Mi 49's sack . . . . uSS) Kellogg Corn Plalres . . 50 Kellogg Krnmbles . . . 90 Kellogg All Bran . . . 170 Ilclioa : 2SI, lb. ' cLIa Dc O HEAT DEPABTI 1EIIT FEATUQES Tender Sieahs . .Ib. 190 Sifla Bacdii . . .V. Ib;140 Sansagb cd lb. 10 Cccl D:a lb. Jnict Oranges dozes' N. Ta juw'y s Tckays 3 noEnda lidwi Calif. Ice Ber Lcilnce 2 - -J heads JrlttiE Periscope pzJLiZi: .'