PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon Wednesday Morning. September L 1913 Chicago Grain Qoses Strong Near Peak for Session Is :'' Reached; "Wheat Higher Than on Saturday CHICAGO. SepC Z-(JPChiee- to rrsin future closed strong today at or near the best prices or the session after moving er ratically earlier oyer a range of about one cent.' Wheat finished cent higher than Saturday's final quo tations upon a late display of strength at Minneapolis attribut ed to mill buying. Closing prices were September 74-74. Decern ber 71-. May 77-78. The market opened strong in sympathy with securities and up on buying by mills and local In terests, but profit taking sales after the first hour forced a re action which dropped quotations to below the previous closing ley els. The market again firmed in the closing minutes at the best levels in a month. Visible wheat supplies In - the United States increased 5,371,' 000 bushels last week to 186,' 602.000. Corn gained 1.307.000, oats Increased 2,004,000, rye dropped 29,000, and soybeans de clined 4000 bushels. Schedule Given rnr .wn rnpp . vra. --'. a. -a a. County Agent Authorized to Approve Purchase of Lower Grades Word has been received from the office of Harry L. Riches, county agent, that his office is authorising to approve the pur chases of lower grades of mixed Eeas and vetch and hairy vetch i accordance with the following schedule: Mlxrd Peas and Vetch Ktaimaa. acrtnioation Lira Med Puritr Fries Iatladinr hard sacs? Pni VetrH Pr lk. 56 to 90 73 25 2e r aar ar ! Hairy Vetch . Xlntawa ffarsaiaatioa 1At d Hairy Total Trif laelaaiaf bard acad Tatefc All T'ck rr.lh S V lO 0 7c - tC to 85. 15 to S4. 54 to 83.. 83 to 82. 82 to 81- .95 90 7e -.95 -95 -.95 ..95 -.95 90 90 90 90 90 C.90 .SO (.70 .0 f.SO 81 to 80 95 90 f.40 Those interested should con tact their warehouseman or the county agent's office as soon as possible as September 15 is the closing date for signing memo randum of purchase forms. Lebanon Resident Buried Tuesday LEBA.NON Funeral services were .held yesterday at 2 o'clock in the Baptist church for Robert Bruce Keefhaver who died Sun day, September 1, after an Illness f several months. . Interment was In the Masonic cemetery. The Howe Funeral Home was In charge of the arrangements and Kev. LeRoy Crossley assisted by Rev. Hubbell of Albany offici ated. Bruce who was born in Lebanon June 19th. 1921, had completed the junior year In high school end was a member of the junior high school band. He was a mem ber of the Baptist church and was active in Sunday School work. Besides his parents', Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Keefhaver of Lebanon, he leaves six sisters. Erma Keef aaver. Mrs. Lewis Sidebottom and Mrs. Reese Scott of Portland; Mrs. Leon Fish of Albany; Mrs. Na than Spishakoff of Loa Anreles end Mrs. Harry Christensoa of Xueka. Calif. Mrs. J. P. Bohannon f Lebanon is his grandmother. Rickey Woman 111; Goes to Portland RICKEY Mrs. Lewis Deik who has been 111. has been removed to Portland where her laughter, Mrs. James Budlong, will care for her. W. H. Humphrey is attending Ms 73rd consecutive state fair. Humphreys said the first year that he attended be wore a dress end ' went In a lumber wagon with his parents from their home In the Waldo Hills. Stocks and Bonds PjtaiBhr S STOCK AVERAGES Compiles by Th Associate Prass 0 15 - Xadas Rfells Wat et a(ra -AS Uaca Taniv - , . Sl.S . 1.S PraTioaa day SI 4 1S.S Veata ao 5S.S 15.7 Tea at 7J.5 lt. 1040 kifk 74 1 SO. 5 1040 lav 62.S 1S.0 IS SO TJtil Steaks A .1 A .1 S5.9 4S.S S5.S 4S.S S.l 41.6 57.1 60.1 40.5 61.1 0.9 S7J 10 10 CUy ferca A .1 A J 97.2 41.9 97.1 41.T 94 4 SS.1 90.4 49.9 97.6 6S.6 0.S . S6.1 20 10 lad-l Uacfc Hat cbaafe -Curb TaaadaT 17 1 67.4 103.4 PraTvoaa day 67.4 10S.4 Moats. a( 64.6 101.9 Tear are . 65.9 96.9 1940 bifb 69.9 TOt.9 1940 low 40.S 9S.9 "XTnriT i l - . a ', Y -w s o f vm av better then your basic jacut Toe eotnplete ceverage et lnf i sm and finanflal newa read . ' Mf Cnttl Edfon THE T7ALL STREET JOURNAL -T& Morning MUST i . . o a- a cf the MoneymekerJ Tern srve tsty Tears' tie" Joansal -4 Jantlneaa rW as a-Otoa'a exec-tire mad Clve yo -rself the be et ef 6per atle and eorrplete aoorce) turn , sm for ocr rpeclal tntrodnctarj FIVE MONTHS FOR $5.00 Fa rVaa Iao ' Lao AArese Si Se-a fet 10S We miM Salem Market Quotations . (SaT 1 ttiemt) Tk priaaa baiaw anppliad my a laeal pn ara tatliaatias ml tka daily aaaxkat prieaa paid I crawara by Salaa hajara ka ara ast (maraatrcd ay Tna Stataa- TEOETABLES FYssk torn, sack Baa a a. gtn .. Cab oaf a. la. .-. Carroll, local, doa. , , Caaliflswar, local -. , CnWambara, doa. Calary . JO . . . JO . J5 . Ui . .so . 1.00 . us . i.eo . J jot . .09 . I SO . -AO . JS , -0 , .04 , JO , JO . JtO , ' .OS , . JO JO Latluca. local Oaiaaa, (0 lbs. Graaa anions, do. Pap pars, greaa Psppsra. rad Niw Potatoes. 100 lbs. Ka. SO Iba. Wa. t Radiabaa 84a ask. Craokaack. das.. rssak Zaeckiai lb. gqoaak. Daaitk. dot. Spiaack. 6attla. box Tomatoes, lac - Pass. lorsL 1 Beets, do. ' Spear Melons C-AIB. HAY AXD SEEDS WkasL Ks 1. rarUaaad. ba. .TO Oats. Ma. 1 18.00 la 10.00 read bane) toa 18.00 fra S0.00 Claver lay. toa , . , . ., S.00 Alfalfa bay, toa 10. oo ta IS 00 Erg aiash. No. 1 prftda. SO lb baf 1.S0 Dairy feed, SO lb bai ., ! Bra acratrh faad I SO Crmekad cor . '1.05 EGOS AJTD PODXTBT -fBaylod Plica af Asdarsaa's) Grada A larce. doa .20 Grada A mcdiaaa. dos . .14 Grada B larja, di .IS Pallet , Jl Colored bens . .11 Colored fry . .IS Wbtia Lecher. beaTy .0 Wkite Lech era fry . Jl Former Marion County Resident Dies In Puerto Rico; Was in Government Service 25 Years; Funeral Is Today WnnnRTTRM Funeral ccrvia fnr 1ot T ionf rrt ww w -t -- -- WV4 mnnaor CZ C. .Tnnpa will rvo ris - --- o "- o mm ---w sr VA PVIMVtll w ot S .& If t V. AJVC-aJ- day, September 4, at the Ricrdon funeral parlors. Rev. E. B. Hart, pastor of he First Baptist church of Corvallis will of- xiciabc. oci vicca win uk xiciu uy me uu vais iiasoiUC lOQgQ also. Commitment services will be at the Pioneer re'mpfprv on French Prairie, where he will be buried with numerous mem- bers of the pioneer family of wnich be was a son. Georee Clsv Jonpa was born on French Prairie, Marion coun ty, Oregon, June 20, 1890. He oegan scnooi in aisinci mo. is anrl latpr attpnHfH Portion I schools where he was graduated from Lincoln high school. In 1011 i rrmn1ptA1 in'nrlnr Ing course at OSC and a few years later entered the US coast and geodetic survey service. Dur ing tne nrst world war ne was stationed at Manila, PI, where on a subsequent assignment he received distinguished recogni tion from the Japanese govern ment for the rescue of a ship wrecked crew of Japanese. In 139 on the way home from Alaskan waters he - found the Chinese Jank, Tal Ping, burnished it witn necessary supplies and set it on its eourse to Seattle. He died from a heart attack August 15 at San Juan. Puerto Rico, where he was in charge of the US coast, and geodetic ob servatory. He is survived by his widow, formerly Bernice Corrie .a r 1 ... . - i iurTsuw; one Bisier, Mrs. A. E. Austin of "Wood bum- thr brothers. Elton and J. R innti of Portland and Wallace Jones of Woodburn; seven nephews. five nieces, five great nieces and two rreat nenhews. He belonged to Kappa Sigma iraternity, Bigma Tau engineer ing fraternity and Phi Kappa Phi honorary fraternitv. Later h became a member of Blue lodge no. 1 or the Masonic order, Phil ippine Islands, Mixpah chapter of Eastern Star at Kr YTlTa the Order of Sojourners and Heroes, Washington, DC. the Woodmen of the World, Portland, ana tne Propeller club, San Juan. Mt. Angel Youths Will I rain Soon MT. ANGEL Vive Mt Inr.l boys will leave for a year In me army wnen the national guard is called out. Moat of them Joined the. guard two years irn. inree or tne Doys. uene Hol ier, Tom piennett and Bill Hol land, are students at Mt. Angel college. The other two are wn. fred Faulhaber and Jake Stumph. The loss of Piennett and Holland will be keenly felt in school snorts sseHall'V In riaakof Koli They are to leave on September i ana remain in Woodburn nntil September 28. Then they are to Droceed to Cimn Mnmr in Washington for six weeks and rrom mere to barracks still un named to them. Wlllard Berin anrl Jr Hetter. scneld. also of Mt. Angel, have oeen exempted. MT. ANGEL A rreat ner centage of Mt. Angel people spent Labor day In the hop fields In this vicinity. Although the dav started with rain anrl showers followed at -Intervals, picking was continued. The pick ing season is estimated as about half over. John Phillips Buried; life Was Spent Here LEBANON Funeral services were held Sunday at two o'clock at the Lowe Mortuary for John Phillips, who died August 39th. Rev. LeRoy Crossley officiated and interment was in the 1 Nye cemetery. Mr. Phillips was born la Dakota City, Nebr In 15 but was : brought to Linn county when a very young child and had spent all his life In this vicinity. ' He never married.' He was one of nine children. One brother, John Phillips of Water loo, survives : him and many nephews p and nieces. " ' Prune Packing Is Earlier Tnls Year LICniKOMTh Rnnrr PsrV. Ing, plant is running two shifts now, wiin a Don i ltw employed. Prunes are coming In earlier than In other -years.' The crop while of exceptional quality la Tory- light and indications are that ail will be picked within a week or tea days. As a role prunes are not ready until after hop picking. The blackberries are about gone and most of the pack at the plant now is toma toes. These will be brought la ntll the - fall rains berln. Then sqnaab. will be canned. - .. i BatterfjU. No. 1, 2flMci No. a, 87Hci pttnlim, SOMc A grade print 82c Ht B grade S1H I quarters S3 He Wklta Lckaraa. Old JUoatera Bsbt - . JS Haarr baas. la. (Bnylaa Prtea ai aCarlaa Craa ry) Grada A lerce, A' JO Grade A aaedioas, , , .14 Grade B lerce, dot. JS Cbecks, aadargrads , . .18 arre dirty . AO Palieta. doa. Jl L eg bora baas 9 Legbora fry era. 1U lba-. JS Colored fryers I I lka. 4S Colored fryers. S lbs. sad s J Colored baaa Jl HOPS (Xsylag rrlcee) 19S9 1940 SO to aoatraets. lb. JO UTESTOCK (Baylac prices for Ka 1 stock, baaed ea eoadiuoaa sad aales reported ap te a p as. ) 14 lambs T.OO ta T.S5 TearHnc laba . ,. S.OO Ewes 1.00 te 1.60 6.60 6.00 6.60 Hoc. top. 1S0-220 lbs. Bow i 4.60 to Beef sews .6.00 to Balls .0.16 ta S.7S Heifers S.OO to 0.60 Dairy type cow Live eal , S.76 to 4.60 , 9.60 Dreaaad Teal. lb. J5 WOOZ. ABD MOHAIB (Bortis rrlcet) Wool, ana liara. lb. , Jl Jl .20 .86 Coarse, lb. Lambs, lb. H oh air v --4 4V6 l4iV e4VV Al VU U'WiU" M in Salaam of O r ri W4vsa- Quotations at Portland POBTLAJO), Or.. Sept. 1 (AP) our c-rinta. A grade lie la. ia pareb ment wcappers, SSe ia cartoas; B grade 1 ia parchment wrappers, S2e ia car tons. Butterfat First oaallty, maximam of .0 of 1 pr ceat acidity, delivered Port la ad 10-30 He lb.; premium aaality (mu iiaara of .85 ef 1 per ceat acidity), tlHt; Talley rontca and coeotry point Se loss or ISHc; aecoad quality la vader first, or IS ib. Obeeaa Selling price to Port lead re tailer: Tillamook, triplet 10 lb.; leaf 11c lb. Triplet to wholesalers ISo lb.! loaf 19e FOB Tillamook. -gga Baying prices: aUtres, large, Soc doa. ; atandarda, large 12c; extras, medium 14c; do atandarda 19e doa. , Portland Grain POBTLAND. Ore.. Sent. S UP) Wheat: Open Hifh Lew Oleae Beptembar 72 7S 73 7IH Cash Grain:' Oats, Ka. i. IS lb. white. aa.uu. uarlaj. No. S, 45-Ib. BW, S1.C0 xie. x iiax, .oa. ' " b w .v , weatera white 74 ; weatern red 74. Hard red winter: ordinary 78 H; 11 par seat per cent 7; i par seat nsrd wnite-Baart 12 per cent SO IS nai east 2- is it ..ui as Today"e Car Receiptee Wheat 0; bar imj . iioor au; corn a; oata a: fear l nillfeed 10. ' Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., Bept. AP) unirj ieata eeiiisf price te retail ers: Cos c try killed hos-a beat botchers. .OC.KA IL r t n . .... ib., ri; veaiera iaicy loVk 16 lb.; light-thin, J0-13e. heary 10 lie: lambs, anrine . a. 7e; food ratter cows, 9t lb.; canaer owa, a-ve .o. ; doiis, lu-lle lb. Ue pealtry Boyinf prteaa; So. : rrada Irhnr. tir lli.o ik. it. J -- ' - Iba. 17c; raaat' ever 4 Iba, lie: Lec V i. ... .. Mura aaa eer a loa, lie; LefBorB bans ander t Iba., ; aolored has rr a ids., lac; colored bens 1 ta S lOt.. IOC. Draaaad tnrltc-ra Kanlxl nn .... aauinr pneas: baas No. 1. 16c; toa new crop Sl-Sl lbs. unions uretoa crystal wax 8.71 per Takimaa 60-90e. ' Potatoec Eaatara Oretoa-Washlaftoa. Hav ! . t.n. . i i . wwj . ... a. i i m, i.uv soa ; oat-vetca 10.00 toa: clovev 11 ftl tn. - ri.M.v. .. Orefon 17 00 18.00 ton; Talley Timothy le.eo soa remand. Wool ISao .iit.n n,.,.. ..... an. sac; rosairaa J7-2S; Willamette al 1st 13 nmithi ai. lt Hope Oregon IBS. 40-41e lb. 1S40 oomcis aue id.; iseo seetfleas S7-40e. aomiaal Dom"atla fin rt ..(.. .1.. J - UearT 1 tu IS hkL Int. r.n. ....... 49a. .70-e.80; bakers' hard wheat, art; oakers' blaeatera, 4.75-5.50 waeai iioor, 4-.HO-b.10; aoft ul i io-i as mK. .ia. i in. wi mvu a D boi. Mohair 1B40, IS aiontha SSe IK Caeca ra 1940 peel Se Ib. Portland livestock ,?SSTLA.?D' r (AP) i qua inori K.istki. "inn mrwf slow. Barrows cad silts, sd-cb 140-100 lbi 9 6.006?$6.76 ao ga-ea, joo-ldo lbs S.50 7.2S do (d-ch, 180 100 lbs 1.00 (3 7.26 do s-d-eh, 200-220 Iba .50 A 7.25 do fd-eh. 220-240 Iba . S.85 S.86 do (d-eh, 240-270 Iba. S.15 S.76 da rd-rh S7A.S(.A Ik. a nn.i man reeder pigs, gd ch 70-120 ids. S.OOca S.T f .vwa., a . 1 aa. 160; a-tarkes generally higher. Steers, good. 900-1100 be..S S.75Q 10.60 a. lli. fui.B . i-iftii larui. . - i ao BMinB, 70V-1I00 lbs S.26CA S.76 do common, 750-1100 lbs S.15W t.76 da MAinin fA.11AA IK. a-IK- a a ..vaa V.luVf Heifers, good. 750-900 Iba- 8.50 ji 80 axadmrn, 5OO-O0 Iba- 4.75W 8.60 da MHWMI KrUa.aUUi 1 a. - . KaV . a. . , . .w m.aviw m. 9 a wwi. iwfl, au wte S.2S T.00 da Biedinm. all -t. S.OO S.S5 da eat-com, all wts.. 4.00(4 S.OO de miM .11 8.50 lij 4.00 Balls (yearlings escfudedK beef, goed, all vti de saasage, good .all wta de saaaa ga. saed. all wta T.SS 7 00 e saasage, eat-com arts 00 O S.1S B.6010.50 e.60(A 9.60 S.OOQ S.60 Testers, gd-ch, aU wta do eeai-med. all arts-. d ealL all wta- Shaaa i A. 1. 1.1. tAAA a , ' - .wwv, a.,., ,.UU , tracked fa spring lambs steady with late total SSOO Spriag lambs, goo4-eholce 7.65(9 S d "-d-," M T J5 ee 60 I -ves (ahera), gwod-cheice- S.OO F eemmoa a ad nediarn- LS0 I . . . 11 ' i a. .VW I T.oe S-S s.oe Wool in Boston BOHTOV Ami' a. iavmon'A Early tradiae wi. i. n t. -as rather light. Bayers were tbeaghk e -' - e wares el contracts eta gveerameat ardors Were making tmt tha eemmitaaeats a raw weela. Orar - wssaead sad holiday a lair Weight af flaa (Imm wavni .vin ji ' the eeoatry was reported te hare - 7.-n raaged mostly 29-82 cents, ia k. . . ... . . "ti?t?,,r? 4-BBtry packed flaa arirht i. l. r pie and Vreatch eembing lengths. V if. Blclon Night Featnred MACLEAT : ' Iminil M.u. nlbt wUl be fMtare- at tie rrang e meetinff Friday - nlfht. Mrs. J. s. Arcol is Horn Econom ics ehairtaan audi Mrs. XL. A. Wslls Is leeturer. . Market (limbs owlv Steels Lead Early Push ; Pins Signs Shown by Other Stock NEW TORK, Sept. - l-(P)-.The I atvV m.-V. l 4 v- . M "a w rKOT wr taut ioaay aimougn tne go tag was a bit difficult at times. Steels led an earl- moraine - -ash vrhlfk lntntl .. .i..t I aV " uww a w 4 fvVKISj ag T J al .industrials. The advance fal Ured after the first hour, how- ever, and' extreme gains running to a point or so were reduced or replaced with minor declines In some cases at the close. The Associated Press sTnr or so issues managed to emerge Up .2 Of a point at 43.8. Trans- fers of 544.550 shares compared wun v. 3,5io last Friday. TnouffhS ,in scanning today's tradlnrlrni Oae A El 5i N Am Aviat volume It was recalled that in the war-boom session following Labor day a year ago an aggre- gate of nearly 6,000,000 shares ehanged hands. For the entire iau-ia 01 August, isu. tne tottl wn ooij aooui (.ovu.vvv snares. Among Issues with plus sirns were Chrysler. American Tele- v w c, vueiuicai, jonns- Manville. Eastman Kodak. Don ar ias Aircraft. Zenith Radio. Me- Keesport Tinplate, Du Pont and Union Carbide. A trifle behind were General Motors, Santa Fe, NY Central. Sears Roebuck. Boeing. United Aircraft and American Smelting. Alinisvillf PliiJia --.XniJJli: at r air AUMSVILLE 4H elub mem- bers have been preparing exhibits for the state fair. Marian Row- lanjl ta ATiltiltln ffwt a. M mm ..u A Ifffl llCl UUU vor.fc i xva j . v cooking, Betty White sewing ex- Mrs. Alice Parks and Mrs. War hiblts, Grace Aahford and Agda ren Clark of Lebanon, and John Malone canning, and Alice Rob- Karmo, also .of Lebanon, who in ert sewing, canning, eooklng hired his hand while working and cattle exhibits. at the Sewell-Wlnn mill. Alice Roberts and Marian Row - land will represent Marlon eoun- Baker of Lebanon at the hos ty In the clothing demonstration pltal, a .first child, a 6 pound 14 Wednesday at 4:30 p. m., and Grace Ashford and Alice Roberts in the canning Judging contest.1 POLLY AMD HER PALS MICXEY MOUSS LITTLE ANNIE ROONET "MB AAISSCO C STILES' AADEAAV. ( v 5 T. JT N.I 1 CAN AH... ISN'T TKAT .JUST I I . n ! v-W. f W i'Lt ( MXI -AM G4Gtt TRACE KfV fiAMILV DANDy, THOUeH r -5S f WHAT ELSE rii c GJ MISS PERKINS, ') BACK TvVENTV- AH t-S vfeC V CaSTmS Jtl m'W - i CfLJl s BOY-OH-BOY' III V X mJXgvr ( I1 SORRY, I j ji' INDEEP WELL, I'M NOT ShmST QIXSTHOTOOj-' r MAYBE I SHOJLD S CRDE...FrV HAVE XTJK MXPAM, J tt-j IR0N1N3! I MERELY 1 xkOaLTTW' JftirpcN QUIT THIS JOS BEFORE V"--rs OracT T ( BUT IPS II S-, TND TO FRY J Vjyf WIT'S )-r r I OET LIKE THE J 1 ffTO-JL1 J K3KIHST ( ' yWTV KH EGO ! t 051 v OTHERS THAT f I IfrTT f THE RULES V CT I Tl WO! Kho i dear' if toeySnt XZLWTTli v 1 V0 HERE! r-J L I IVvt'QdT S ( TO DO IRONING JrSM - V-, READOOG -WRITING -AND ARITHMETIC TEACHES A UTTLE1 ft i-ff u. ia TOOTS AND CASPEH TOOTS. PLEASE CALL UP'CHUCU . CRlCKETT" AND TELL nM riL BE brLD TO DINE WITH HIM AND MIS IIS WIFE. TTCMSLE THEATRitaritna I MUST&ETTO P0Fve6oe AWD 'TELL. HM-WHOTt HMS IJtRNED. BEFORE rrs too LATE FLEA5E WSuB-V IrtJ. rc r: Tut SE HA-AMD HER EVEN ! - OTTS PIOT A6MKlr POPGVG.BUT JrS UMA8LE TOfegT MEARTHB RlN6f Closing NEW XORK-ff)-'roday Allied Ch & Dye 15f Dn Pont Am Can , 1H Eaatman Kod 133 Phelps Dodge 394 AlUslChal 12 4 El P A L. S. PhUlipa Pet 34 Am car & Fay - 36 Gen Elec Am Ka eta sn ij uen roods Am Roll Mills ll u Gen Mot Am Smelt dfc Rf 3f Goodrich Am T A T .13 Goodyear Am Tob B 75 Gt North Aviat Corp . .4 Greyhound . r. Ttrv a m't . - central - Am Z L & S Insp Cop - 1 Anaconda 21 In t Harvest I Arm 111 4 4 Int Nick 1 Atchison 1 In P & I BBJ LiOCO 15 Int T dV.T Bendlx Avla 31 Johns Manville 87 Stand -Oil Cal - 18 784 Kennecott Boeing Airp 15 Lib-O-Fd 19 Lockheed I Borden BorK Warn 17 Loew's ,Bi,:J , 2 T " 1 Long-Bell A . 1 Montg Ward 8 Nash KelT rainm rn p 3 Nat Bise Caterpil Tract 47 Nat Dairy nalanpee 29 Nat Dist chesap & Ohio 40 Nat Lead Chrysler 7 NT Central com Solv 9 Nor Am Co comwlth So 1 North Pac Consol Aire 22 Ohio Oil , consol Edison 28 Pac Amer Fish consol Oil 8 Pac O & rn r-on 39 Pac T 4b T tmA 50 Packard 15 Pan-Am 8 Param Douglas Aire 74 J C Penney 84 Woolworth Lebanon Couple Move to Marcola LEBANON Mr. Guy Mackey has announced the marriage of his only daughter, Martha Jean, tn Mr. Benlamln Schultx. The Marcola where they went directly after their- marriage In Portland, but the last of next month they expect to go to California. Recent admissions to the Leba- I . ttsiamttol A an ..... 1 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack ounce daughter who has been named Becky Joe. .August 28 th. Born to Dr. and Mrs. Quirlnus The frl ADDITION TO ALL "THE SOCtAI. ABC SO IAAPORTAMT FXJR A GIRL. MANNKR3- YOUMQ LADY TO 'OlSTWSCTaON T 3 DON'T WANT TO TO HIM, MYSELF! THE SOUND OF HIS SNAKY SURecY. VOICE WOULD INFURIATE MP.- DICVSON4 MC "TrV-l IS I WLJ I Popeye' WE TTEAt-V. Wv .THE POST jrLlH mmtt I W I AhJYTVUWGceS tsl THK. PV-iUT am vau C II). I - - L'V Quotations closinr anoUUons: . , ,, . ,1f 7 Penna RR . 11 , , 34 Proct & Gam 61 ...'... 41 f4 Pullman 20 : , 48 Radio :" S . ' - , ,. 11 4 Rayonler . ..... 17 Tire 1 Ravonler Pfd 29U 26 Repub Steel 17 11 Safeway Store 444 7 Sears Roeb 80 9 Shell Union 9 4S Sou Cal Ed 28 Can 37 A So- Pae 8 P 3!4 Sperry Corp 39 . 2 Stand Brands 28 Stand Oil In . 25 41 stand OH NJ 35 27 Stone Web 7 28 Studebaker . 7 s sunshine Mln 8 41,Texaa Corp .,;-.: 35 5 Trans-Amer ; 4 19 union Carbide 74 Pr is un oil Cal 22 Un Pac 17 H Unit Alrl .. 13 United Aircraft 17 United Corp 20 United Drug 7 unit Fmit US Rub 7 US Rub Pf El 29 C S Stl 124 Vanadium Mot 3 Warner Pie Air 14 Western Un 5 Westeh Elec Breen, August 30th, in the Sa- crea Heart Hospital In Eugene, BOIl. Mr. and Mrs. George Surry and Margaret have returned from a week spent at coast resorts. Mrs. Vern Reeves drove to Til lamook ana spent a few days wna ner cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Dickey nave oongnt a lot on Wheeler street rrom John A. Brown. The Lebanon high school band made third place In the Hop Festival parade in Independence Fridays Harvey Cutts, the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Cutts and a graduate of the Lebanon high school with the class of 1939, will come out to practice as substitute center for the first team at Oregon State. Miss Hazel Josephine" McMul len received her diploma with the August class of the Oregon State Teachers college at Monmouth. Mayflower Didn't Hare OarsI Keep the Sunnyside upi Out of the Frying Pan MICCTWe TU,T 12 - 37 18 40 1 4 65 19 84 54 32 2 19 101 33 OK DeAf?. MOTTHE VOJK1Q ) LAQE3 WHO GRADUATE; ACQUIRE FTSOAATHE AAISSES DE STILES' ACADEMCV VOO VMAKI MOW TO COOKAKf UWAN1 ) ALL HAVE SERWVNTSTO. COOK AMD SEW "THEAA Lore Is Blind Mad! TALK HELLO. MP TUB CRICWETT? MR. DICKSOM WILL RE wrru 4 pass AW "YOU TOMORROW AT 5E 11 A Passing Acquaintance - - 7 -syi V FGHTTKf VFAIR. fV V VMnJEMEN V. T ' Lebanon Builds t New Dwellings Plywood Plant to Increase Need foi-Houses; Several Under Construction LEBANON While the Evans Products company. which, is building the new plywood - mill here, maintains the policy or hir ing local workers, they are or ing Ing In the managers and tech nicians from their other plants That means an increased demand for houses. There ' has ; been rapid increase In construction all spring . and summer and though there are abont 25 new dwellings under way now, .: still more . will be needed as soon as actual ope rations at-the new plywood mill begin. To- relieve this housing shortage. George Harden will erect 40 houses between 4 now and thr first of the year. The capital is to be furnished by the First Federal Savings and Loan association of Albany. Ac cording to R. C. Miller, secre tary of the association, Harden will be guaranteed the sale of each dwelling as It is completed If the houses are not immediate ly sold to Individual buyers, the Evans company will assume the obligation of renting and selling them. i These houses, most of them to have five rooms, will. cost about $3000 each. They are to be built on the ten acre tract on Franklin street, halfway between town and the' plywood mill, which Harden recently bought of R. W. Merri- weather. Silverton Park Is Picnic Scene SILVERTON : Honoring Ar thur Lais of Molalla and James Troyer of Canby, who are leaving this week for Kansas where they are entering the Kansas Heston college and Mennonite Bible school, a picnic was given by the members of the Hubbard Mennonite church at the Silver ton city park Sunday, following their morning worship service. The afternoon was also a me morial complimenting the Trov ers. Bishop Troyer was head of LEARN WIU KOR JJATT IKl YUFt rVE WAITED YEARS TO seven Years HR STOLE MT ,7?J rlRL AND k' MARRIED il V HER. HIM LIMB HM3! - the ' Hnbbard organization fop forty years. Five of the eight families represented ,. were s A la. v aMa-l f f A ' aVfAllTl . - - Preceding the dinner Rev. Ed. Z. Yoder, minister of the Hub bard church, asked the blessing, and ' the group T sang a familiar hymn. ': i . -n , 1 Present by -family groups were Mr. and Mrs.. J. S. Fisher, John and Joann Fisher Hubbard; Mr. and Mrs.- J. S. Troyer, James, Lloyd,. Richard, Donnie, Barbara Esch and ; Luclle Kaufman, Can by; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berkey" Richard, Ruth and Helene, Hub bard r Kenneth Berkey, Mr. and , Mrs. Willis Berkey, Larry, Robin and Jack, of Hnbbard; - Mr.- and Mrs. "Lee Toder, Beverley' and Rodney, . ; Oregon City; Mrs. Gladys Heyerley and Shirley and Keith, Hnbbard; Mr." and: Mrs. Don Wolf er. Merle and Edward, Corvallis; Mr. - and : Mrs. E. Z. Yoder. : Kathryn, Sanford, . Ed ward, Hnbbard ; - Mr. and Mrs. -Dick Larson, Silrerton; Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kenagy, Mllo, ari ana josie, tiBooara, sven neth Mischler, Molalla; Mr. and1 Mrs. A. J. Lais, Blanche and Ar thur. Molalla; Mr. and Mrs. D- D. Hostetler and Betty. Hnb bard; Mr. . and Mrs. Rolla Hos teler, . Betty Rose and Patricia, Canby, and Hattie Perkel, Hub bard. - Down! With Old Debts Up! With Clean Credit Money to LOAN At Low Rotes i vl No Embarrassing NJf Questions Asked Lei Us Help You Fly the Banner of Success Slalo Finance Co. 344 State Phone 82S1 lie. S-213 M-222 By CUFF STTBILCT By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSH SM ADOmONTQ AAUSIC-. J gee! I 1 art trrErao rrurv i irec t . VI LATIN FRENCH VbET-RRBLC - ... OCO BETOCE" T SSf KIN EVER. 1 ARM ALL THOSE By JIMMY MTJRPHT GET REVENUE!! HE BROKE MOOSE. -L BREAK CONTROL ill TEAR i TOURSELF. FROM MAYBE HES VOT WORTH jEiETTNi IK) ROUBLE OVER. J1 A FUiLRS AIL fMrr OVER THE- AlJDlPlslgl- ' 05S!i I RECEIVE