The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 04, 1940, Page 7, Image 7

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    Hot Faviriiein Governors RaceToday
M . 21 im 11 Rmmm
e-ms " nt a a a arm v n a u .
Fall Coverage
Of local and national
sports daily in Thm 8tatae
Senator String
Follow ' Salem m". Senatom
srtth this pagsv Daily hatting
Palliation, with Owner Edward Jelly of Loe Angelee up, mm the slx
time la tne featured uovemors
owner avers.
Sport Sparks
Chomp, chomp, chomp. (Business of Maizis chewing
"I say, chum," chomp, chomp, chomp, "I say."
Well, Maizie, say it. You might as well here as hereafter.
"These here, now, bangtails," chomp chomp. "Would
you give a girl a tip on 'em? I understand (chomp) there is
money to be made (chomp) If a
girl knows what horse Is solas
to win. Would you say oTM
Do you have to chew gum and
talk at the same time, Malzle?
"No (chomp, chomp) champ,
no. Bat I choose to chew because
the doctor chooses to hare me
chew. Wanna stick? ' No? Well,
(ehomp) you don't hare to set
huffy about 1L I was only trying
to be polite. Tell me about the
Whatever ' possessed you to
think I. know anything about the
ponies, Malzle?1 Or that anyone
else knows anything about 'em?
The only thins 1 know about them
Is that they are notoriously poor
investments. Many a m a n has
bought enough horses to put a nag
between the knees of every soldier
In the Sixth Army, yet hasn't had
ren so much as a bottle of slue
to show for It. t
I don't think you know
anything about them, (chomp).
I'm merely trying to find out
how much you don't k n o w,
chump. Chomp, chomp.
Missed 35 Cents.
Suppose, Maizie, you know all
about them. Suppose you made
money yesterday. Suppose you
cleaned the pari mutuels, eh? Sup
pose they won't . be able to op
erate today, eh? Just how much
did you make, smart girl?
"Well, (chomp), I had a little
tough lock. In the first race
I picked High Laeai to pat my
sawbucks on, but when I got to
the window I somehow,
(chomp, chomp), made a mis
take and pat them on Sky Lass
le. High Lamie wonld hare pay
ed me ft5 cents. Sky Lassie
should hare stood in bed. And
I do mean, (chomp, chomp),
"Number two canter found me
riding solid, straight across the
boards, on Dough Needy. He led
the field strong all the way. That
Is, all the way except the last 20
yards. He slipped, feU and
(chomp) didn't finish. If he had,
I'd hare won 95- cents.
I hare stayed clear of num
ber three, except that I did
mark down the two horses I
liked. They came In, one-two.
Had I been on them, I'd bare
netted S1.SO. But, (chomp,
chomp, chomp) I got right on la
the fourth. Fickle Filly, it was,
. (chomp) and she romped home
an easy winner. Gnees a eonple
of other folks was on her too,
(chomp), for she payed only
Miss Maizie Learns.
So far. Malzle. It doesn't add
p to much profit. But, I suppose,
you made a killing In that last
race? .
"Did I? (Chomp, chomp).
After drawing also-rans in the
fonrth, fifth, sixth and seventh
races, I studied the field bard
in the finale. I, (chomp), had
made up my mind on Biscuit
Eater when (cbomp), along
cornea Mary with a hot Up. She
' tells me to by all means get on
Last Knight, n likely looking
horse if she erer sees one. 1
"Likely looking was right. Like
ly to stagger in to Its; grays any
minute, so I find when;' they start
running. I mean (chomp), when
the rest of 'em start runnnig. Last
Knight never started.
"Bat it Just goes to show
yon. If rd stayed with Biscuit
ater rd cashed in 4.SO.M ;
Uh-huh. I see yon hare learned
all about the oat burners. Tour
total inrestment for the day was
ISO. Had you won what you
thought you should hart won. In
cluding the Si cents on the first
race, the 9S cents on the second,
the 1.80 on the third (which you
marked but didn't bet) and ths
91.10 on your last race 'killing'
you'd hare cashed In 117.10. i
All of which figures out, Mat-
sis, that yon actually lost 15.80,1
whUe if yon had won as much aaj
yen thought you should hare, yen
would hare lost 'only 82;70 for
the day. Not bad, eh? - ,
' Chomp - GUI p. (Business ml
jfaisle swallowing gnm.)
i Ex-Bosox Hurler Dies
ST. LOUIS. Sept. l-P-Johnny
Vernon Welch, 11, former pitcher
with the Boston Bed Sox. Pitts
burgh Pirates and Chicago Cubs,
died 'today. ; .-y- -;j :-
race at Ione uax today. Palliation
Tcday'i Selections
On Lone Oak Daces
nut Btmraro
Baeby Effort, 10a Should wia, off lt
On Bffeft, 119 Esess ben fair.
Creoteria, 101 Comes from a good stable.
ICaa Siaka, 101 Cob 14 b ia tae Baoaey.
17 WlaHM, 11 Could apset the dope
Calm, US Showed om f x4 race.
AjrU'a Dettcfat, US Ha aaowa aotala.
seoohd nunrora back
Geerse'a Hair, lit Hm tho stoat class.
Maxlae Star. 112 Baa good ia tho aorta.
Covpo D" Or, 110 Spood to barm, Uat
raeo in troablo.
Barw Boy. 112 Loading to atrotab. la
laat. Stopped.
King Tostagtoa, 10 World of eorlr
poed. Obo to oateh.
Jold ram, US Led forfait la dUtaaa
Kay D, 104 Alao a winner ia tbe aorta.
Okeatertoa, lift Bona wide ea terne. Haa
Holster, 11T Looka Jik a stand out.
Oar Xlaacs, 10 One to beat. Trouble
ia laat.
sTiaey's Beaa, 11 Woo la the aorta.
Baraaa, 114 Honeat horao; aiwaja does
hia but
Crete, 114 Been away from races a long
time. Fast nor.
Pararaat, lot Won a faat race at Omaha.
rouKTH xmraixo bacz
Mom Wagon, 109 Powerful raa Labor
Propel, 114 Hay be a little too far.
IrlaS rear, 114 Coold apaet tbe top toe.
rtdemaa, 114 Won two ia North.
Front Maa. 109 Always runs a good race.
ClaXlag, 114 Should hare woa first oat.
Went wide.
tattle Baraga, 114 Plenty of speed.
rslllatloa. 114 Juat hia diataace, power
fnl raeo laat.
XAtaorlas Jane, 101 Classy three year
old from Long-acres.
Pesilipo, US Woa oaaily Labor day.
Ferrortta, 114 Baia apoiled ehaneea
Mies Booter, 11S Oonpled with KaUaria,
Kitty's PoIto, ICS A good looker. Don't
Dark Xaaato, 103 Will try a ran away
race. "
Janlper Bwtta, 114 Speed horse of race.
Sky Daady, 117 Woa easily ia the
Dave T, 114 Could wia at price.
Tale Boater, 104 Macfaddea b a r a .
Watch oat.
Oeaaa, 114 Aaother with, a chance.
Boaai Check, 10S Contention ia deep
ia this race.
Fair Heart, 100 Looks beat, moat claaa.
King Bartea, 114 May apset tep one.
Baak King. 104 Speed la all race.
Baay Body, 111 Seldom oat of the
Laay Martha, 10S Look for improvement
Boaaie D, 111 Can do better.
Hags, 104 Good Boy. Light weight.
Spanish. Xrtght, xpf Ia trouble. Xe
chance to ran Taesday.
Xraate Sheflc, 1S4 Meeds a Ion ear raeo.
Sleepy Zriaa. 114 Woa at JUongacrea.
Looks bens. '
Abe Farat, 1 OS Won easily first day.
Mors Claaa, 114 Back at right distance.
Caas Bidftv 11 Woa twice ia fart time,
Poacbe a, 10S Coald apaet all sat top
Woo Spider, lit Alweya oa the poos.
Bod Caaoo, 114 May go oat with the
S aim ere, 109 Ia moaey last three atarta.
Warrior Lyase, 10S Can do better.
Plata Clothes. 114 Not with taia kiad.
San Diego Legion Win
-The ' San' Diego, Calif., Junior
American Legion baseball team,
which has swept through all west
ern opposition, defeated Albe
marle, 0 to I, in a game of the
national final series her today.
Petrovich Of f ered Post-Grad
m m . 1
Assistance, A
-John. PetroTich, Alhambra foot
ball star, was declared lasllglble
to participate in athletics at eith
er . University of Southern Call
forBJn or UCLA because tho nal
erslUss offered to- finance his
post-gTaduate worh In - Another
school, Ednin N. Athtrton, com
missioner of the pacific- coast
conference, disclosed ; today.
Atherten declared- Petrorleh
aad nine other prep school stars
ineligible to play for three con
ference members on the ground
the schools Ylolatsd provisions
of i n rigtl new antl-prosclytlng
code adopted last January.
The Petrorleh case raised .
furore in collegiate athletic elr
elea In southern California, but
la . releasing his report Atherton
polated out this and other cases
could be appeals to Us confer
ence and reversed If tho confer
. J.
- 1
- yerMld mare will he seen at poet
is capable of a SS-eecond mile,
Lady Lakeside
! Wins Feature
$160 Quiniela Sets Record
to Date; Governor's lac
Is Feature Today
H. Sieck's Lady Lakeside, black
sta-year-old mare, finished strong
here Tuesdsy In the state fair rack
ing meet to win the featured sixth
race. Lady Lakeside beat off .a
stretch challenge by Holster to
pay her backers 911.10. 9. 10 and
Shasta Battle, brown gelding of
the McFadden stables, paid the
day's highest returns, tep price of
935.80 for straight bets. Shasta
battle coupled with CoL Clolstsr
for the highest quiniela of the two
day meet, paying 9160.40.
Jockey McGahan was the day's
oaly double winner, booting home
Lady Lakeside, and Mona Conard
In the third race.
I Summaries:
First race, haameas, classified pace aad
tret Pointer Woollea (Darm) 93.80,
S2-S0; Lanriae Woollea (TUdea) 94.S0.
Tim 3:10.2. Alao ran. Carlabad, rraa
cia Brewer, Yakima Cbiet, Viola Leaf.
Second race, harness, claaetfied pace
and trot Anal Minnie ( Cn ad Bourne )
$11.70, (13.10; Eastera Woollea (Dea
aia) 925.70. Time 2:14.2. Also raa.
Bernico Biagen, Gaily Woollea, Carolina
Woollen. Maytima Woollea, Eddie Brewer.
'Third race, fV, furlong Mona Conard
(BeOahan) 92.70, 92.80, 92.20; Kay D
(Sbermatt) 94.70. 93-40; Fredericka
(Trjon) 12.40. Time 1.09.8. Qainielg
1.00. Also ran. Cram a, Maria V, At-
'Fourth face, 5 farlong Baby Vela
(Sherman) 94 10. 95.80, 94.S0; Haidet
( Schilling 94. 92.50; Cremona M. (Laaa
wall) 97.80. Time 1.08.3. Quiniela 910.70,
AUo raa, Paalinne, Hickory Bob, Jalia
'Fifth race, S furlcngs Bogato (Dye)
9t.eo, 94 80, 94.70; Saragoa (LaaaweU)
91.50. 93.70: Chicaa-o Swift (UalUday)
91.40. Time 1:14.8. Quiniela 9H-90V
Also ran. Sad Iron, Prince Heather, Gay-
ette, W arrier Lyons.
' Sixth race, 6 furlong Lady Lakeside
(McGahan) 920.10, 6.50, 94.10; Hol
ster (Dye) 94-50, 98.60. Juniper Butt
(EMllea) 93.50. -Time 1:14.8. Qoiaiela
SEB.20. Also raa, Star Dome, A lie graze.
I Serentk race, 5 furlongs Tommy W.
(Joaephsoa) 95. 93.20. 93; Dimity Gay
(Sherman) 94.10. 92.70; Too Laay (Ti
mentwa) 95.20. Time 1:03.9. Quiniela
80.7.80. Alao raa. Sweet Laaa, Betty 'a
11 de. Saga Sage.
i Eighth race, S furlongs Shasta bat
tle (Headrick) 925.80, 990-50. 9860;
OoL Cloister (HalUday) 94. 94.S0; Boar-
lac Witch (Lesswell) 94.SO. Time 1:03.
Quiniela 9180.40. Also raa, Shasta Spark,
Africa. JoeeMa, xlnmoroaa, Vroftoa.
i Kinth race, one mile and TO yards
Pat W. (Conley) 93.S0, 93, 93.10; Tiede
nana (Ualliday) 94.SO, 93.70; Little
tmeaga (Dahl) 93 00. Time 1:51.8. Quia
isla 811.90. Alao raa. Propel.
Broom Sweep, Wee Spider.
Helser to Coach,
Linf ield- College
llcMINNVILLE, Sept. 9-iipV-Henry
W. Lerer, former Llnfleld
college coach, will resume his
grid duties next week as result of
Coach Wayne Ham's leare of ab
sence to join his national guard
Roy Helser, Llnfleld gridiron
and baseball player of past years
and currently a pitcher with the
Salem Western International
league baseball club, will return to
Llnfleld as assistant coach. Ted
Gebhardt, former , Oregon star,
and Earl G 1111s. ex-Llnfield line
man, wQl also assist.
Ham Is a second lieutenant In
the guard.
ence disagreed with hia opinion.
Petrorleh was : promised .'ex
penses for additional post-graduate
study at California Institute
of Technology In aeronautical
engineering if he enrolled at
Southern -California, . Atherton
disclosed ' in his press release
today., ; ' . : T
! was also given to under
stand that a sponsor would be
appointed to furnish him such
financial assistance as he . might
need in addition to hia compen
sation from a regular campus
Job Atherton ' report added.
X similar promise of - post
graduate work at Cal Tech, with
expenses paid was . made by
UCLA. Atherton ' declared.' The
commissioner said neither school
offered such an -engineering
coarse- and - USO offered - to - en
roll him for a mechaaleal engi
neering course - while there.
Tigers Lose, Yanks now 2nd;
Cincy Reds Drop Cubs 4 to 3
Amerleaa LaaaBt
W L Pet W L
ClsTel'd T5 .991 Cnleago SS SI
N. Tork 11 SS .568 Wash. S4 T8
Detroit 73 87 .558 St. Lewie S4 74
W L Pet W L Pet
Bos tea 6S SO less PhiUdel 47 14 J88
CHICAGO, Sept. . I-PV-The
unpredictable Chicago White Sox
put the "Indian" sign on De
troit's Tigers again today.
Scoring seven runs In a first
Inning marathon, the Sox trounc
ed the Tigers 10 to to throw
another damper on Detroit's
pennant chances and put the
third-place Tigers rour iuu
sinisi hsr.k of the leaarae-leadlnc
Cleveland Indiana, against whom
the Sox have had little success
all season.
it u rvtra!ta aJarbth straight
loss to the White Sox, who have
been losing to cieveiana almost
as consistently as they have
whipped Detroit. In 10 games
this season Chicago now has de
feated Detroit it times, whereas
the Chicago club has lost 18 out
of 19 to the league leaders.
Drop Behind Tanks
Detroit, dropping a half game
behind the second place New
York Yankees, lost the services
of Barney McCoskey, possibly
for as long as a week. The star
center fielder strained muscles
In his side in the second inning
trying for a diving catch of Taf t
Wright's double.
Todsy's victory was nothing
like either game of the close
double victory which scored yes
terday over the Bengals. Before
the first Inning was ovsr IS
Chicago batsmen had gone to
the plate, scoring seven runs on
four hits, a sacrifice, six passes
and ons error.
Fred Hutchinson, young right
hander, gave up. three walks and
two hits 'before he gave way to
Hal Newhouser. The letter walk
ed three batsmen and allowed
two hits before Clay Smith took
over the hurling chore and end
ed the Inning by forcing Julius
Solters to pop out with the sacks
loaded. Smith worked until lift
ed for a pinch hitter In the
eighth, Tom Seats hurling the
final Inning for the Tigers.
Detroit 2 I
Chicago : 10 11 0
Hutchinson, Newhouser (1),
Clay Smith (1), Seats (8), and
Tebbetts; Knott and Tresh.
Bithorn's Effort
Goes for Naught
Whiff 11, Allow 6 nits,
but Angels Win 3 to 1 ;
Oaks, Padres Win
Pacifle Coast Leagne
W L Pet W L Pet
Seattle 109 58 .040 Sac 'm to SS 81 .808
L. Aag. SI 71 .561 Holly's 79 94.485
Oakland 87 70 .834 8. fraa. 78 SO .451
B. Diego 84 7S .625 Port I'd 49 118 .803
LOS ANGELES, Sept. t-P)-Hollywood's
Puerto Rican fast
ball pitcher, HI Bithorn, struck
out 11 Los Angeles batters to
night and allowed only six hits,
but the Angels woa the ball
game, 3 to 1.
Hollywood 1 0
Los Angeles , S 0 0
Bithorn. Mustaikls (8) and
Dapper; Wetland and Holm.
Salveson Wtns 18th
Jack Salveson, bespectacled
Oakland twlrler, won his 18 th
victory of the season ' tonight as
his mates pounded three San
Francisco pitchers for a 7-2
Coast league victory
Oakland 1 10 0
San Kranclaco 1 11 t
Salveson and W. Ralmondl;
Dasso. Kittle (7), Jensen (t)
and Sprint.
Padres 12, Bevos 10
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. t-(JP
-Night game:
San Diego ; 11 14 1
Portland 10 II I
Hebert, Craghead (I), Morris
(7) and Salkeld; Orrell, Swope
(8) and Adams.
Drowns in Netitrts Bay
After Crabbing Trip
J. Davis, about tO, of Port
land, fell from a rowboat and
drowned in Ne tarts boy - Monday.
He had been 'crabbing. .
The widow , survives.
Bed Rail Strangles ,
- Four-Year-Old Boy
' - '-fv; :
HILL8BORO, Sept. -(fly-Frank
Herman, 4, slipped between
a bed rail and mattress In his
sleep Sunday night and ansesled
to death. He waa tho so af Mrs.
John Leightoa of Bew!lAL
Lcaguo Baseball
Seas tec BatUmg Averages
Elliett ,
Pet raa
Us 'tar
sis ids
491 183
111 SS
134 99
140 48
430 137
SI 148
499 140
.3 BO.
.3 SO
Bob tea
Pewter ',
84T SS
848 70
390 44
74 IS
T 19
. 48 S
33 11
43 S
Anterican' Association
Indianapolis 10. Louisville IV
St. Paul 0, Minneapolis II. . 4, Kansas City 1.
Scdezn. Omgxm. Wdnda7
Vattsatf Leagms
W L Pet W X, Pet
Ciaeia. SI 44 .S38 If. York SS SS .800
Brook la 73 88 .STS Ckieagw SS OT .488
St.Lowia 84 SS .SIO Boa ten SS 78 .431
Fittabg 44 59 .530 Pkiladel 41 SI .338
CINCINNATI, Sept, i-VPr-Forty-year-old
Jimmy Wilson,
sometime manager, . coach and
catcher and who has a son near
ly ready for pro baseball, batted
tho Cincinnati Reds to a 4-S vic
tory over St. Louis today to tend
them eight full games ahead of
Idle Brooklyn in tho National
league pennant race. .
The champions 11th triumph
in IB starts also was Fireman
Joe Beggs' ninth in a relief role,
and dropped the Cards to a third
place tie with Pittsburgh.
Jimmy got his chance In the
eighth and turned In hia second
double since returning to active
duty yesterday as sub for the in
jured Ernie Lombard!.
McGee Derricked
After Ival Goodman sent an
easy hopper to First Baseman
Johnny Miss, Frank MeCormick
drew a walk off BUI McGee. who
until then had ' been pitching
handsome ball. A balk, roundly
disputed by the Cards, sent
Frank to second and Manager
Billy Southworth yanked . McGee.
Lombards, out of the game
with an injured finger, batted
for Jimmy Ripple and Clyde
Shoun rare an Intentional pass.
mueh to the displeasure of 11,-
808 fans In the stands, Monie
Araovich ran for Ernie.
MeCormick was out at third
trying to make hay on a short
passed ball, but Morrie got to
second. Jimmy then sent his
grass-ecorchlng double down the
third base line to send Morrie
across with the winning run.
St. Louis 1 11 0
Cincinnati 4 7 0
McGee, Shoun (8) and Pad
gett, Owen (S); Hatchings, Beggs
(7)3 and Wilson.
Van Horn Ousted,
Net Qiampionship
College Youth Conquers
' Veteran ; Favorites
Win Otherwise
NEW YORK, Sept. e.-UP-Wel-
by- Van Homy who set the' tourna
ment on fire last year, was the
only fatality among tho seeded
stars at the second day of the
national singles tennis champion
ships today at Forest Hills.
Van Horn's conqueror was 21-year-old
Harris Everett of Jack
sonville, FlaJ, a University of
North Carolina ace who baa had
an - "almost" year almost beat
ing several nationally ranked
stars in previous tournaments.
The- scores in the hours-long
match were 8-0, 8-7, 0-8, 0-0,
16-18. The defeat, not unexpect
ed, brought to a drab conclusion
the year's career of. the flashy
Californian who last year was a
finalist here, bowing to Bobbr
Otherwise the favorites mowsd
down lesser-known competition.
Rlggs asy Winner
Pitted against Ernie Sutter, the
former intercollegiate champion,
Bobby. Rlggs showed a game
ready to carry him far in this
meet. He covered worlds of court
and showed virtually ne flaws in
bis armor as he romped through
6-1. S-2. 8-8.
The two opponents expected to
give him the most trouble Frank
Kovaca of Oakland and Don Mc
Neill of Oklahoma City came
through po but In widely sepa
rated manners. Kovacs dreamed
and laughed his way to a f-1,
I-l, -l, 10-8 victory over the
former Dartmouth captain, J. Nor
man Anderson, while McNeill was
. ZiSi l ' wt l
van m s r m a
Morning, Soptnmbor 4. 1VH9
He Was up on Big Name Horses
Lee Hnmphrlea, caught by a Statesman photographer yesterday as ho
leaned back In n tack room bed at Lone Oak and talked of the days
when, as a Jockey, he rode snch big name horses as Omaha, Gal
lant Sir and Discovery.
6 Rode Omaha9 9 Says Man
Now Owner at Lone Oak
"Yaa, I ohm rods Omaha," said ths husky redhead who
lounged back on an improvised bed in the tack room of the
northermost paddock at the state fairgrounds yesterday.
Lee Humphries said it casually, as if it had been an or
dinary beagle instead of the great Omaha 1935 winner of
the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness, winner of tbe Bel-
-mont Stakes in the same year and
the cautious workman in beating
Joe Flshbaeh of New Tork 8-4,
8-4, 8-7.
They were Joined by Frankle
Parker, who beat back the two
handed South America champion.
Pancho Segura, 8-8, 8-1, 7-8; by
Joe Hunt, Henry Prusoff. Bitsy
Grant and El wood Cooke, none of
whom looked good enough to give
Rlggs much trouble.
' Tho women's seeded stars
swung along effortlessly. Helen
Jacobs taught Cecllo Bowes of
Philadelphia, the national squash
racquets champion, a lesson, 8-1,
6-0. Alice Marble breesed through
Josephine Sanflllppo of Brooklyn,
8-0, 8-1 and Sarah Palfrey turned
back Nina Brown of England by
the same scores.
Hayden Captures
Horseshoe Title
Losing only one game in 19
pitched, W. H. Hayden of Port
land captured the Oregon state
horseshoe title ia a tournament
conducted here over Sunday and
The class B title went to James
Harland of Salem, and Mrs.. Elsie
Baldwin of Garibaldi successfully
defended her women's champion
ship in a two-of-three games
match with Opal Gettman of Sa
Hayden posted a ringer average
of 61 per cent In throwing 1096
shoes during the meet.
Schmaltz' Hens Lead
Herbert Schmalts' pen of hens
continued to lead the Future Far
mers egg laying contest at the
state fair yesterday. His hens had
produced 18 eggs at yetserday's
counting. Francis Stupfel of Am
ity . was second and Alton May,
Dayotn, third.
PAG2 ssvni
. xm : : a
sr irifsatfi
champion .ree-y ear-old money
winner tpr 1935 of which he
talked. : J :
Lee. together with Brother Har
old, who also acts as trainer, own
a string of seven race horses now
running dally at Lone Oak.
"Have I ridden other big time
horses 7 Yes. I rode Discovery the
same year he .placed second to
Cavalcade In the. Derby. 1934, and
was to have ridden him in that
race until It was found I eould
no longer make the weight.
Ready With Tip
"I rode Discovery at Plmllco.
Gallant Sir at Agua CaUente and
Chicago, and Head Play and Ob
servant at several tracks. All of
these, as well as Omaha, I rode
when they were two-year-olds.
That was before they became big
money winners.
Now scaling 178, Humphries
admits to having gained almost
78 pounds since hfc had to give up
Jockeying In 1934. He started
from his home town, Gooding,
The Humphries' stable contains
Esrevinu (universal spelled back
ward). Paravant, Gingeroo, Wild
Top. Col. Cloister, Monk'a First
and Tiedermann.
"It's a good string," said Lee.
"We were consistent winners on
the Canadian circuit this summer.
"Can I give you a hot tip in to
day's races? Sure, it's Propel in
the ninth.''
PS Propel ran fifth'.
Kolb and Dniry
Keport to Keene
B e areata Larry Drury and
Johnny Kolb arrived in Salem
yesterday from their homes in
New tTersey and immediately re
ported to Coach Spec Keene.
Drury;, for the past two years
used at fullback and blocking
back, is to be converted into a
guard this year. Kolb is a veteran
The boys stopped in Chicago
en route to see Dick Welsgerber,
former Willamette little all
Amerlcan, perform with the Green
Bay Packers against the college
2109 to Receive
NYA Aid, Oregon
The national youth administra
tion announced today that part-
time jobs would be given an
average of 300,000 secondary
school students during the com
ing school, year. .
The money available by statss
and the estimated average em
ployment included: "
Oregon. 888.282 and 2101:
Washington, $182,410 and 2722.
Two Hurt in Wreck
W. P. Brocken - and her son. of
Grants Pass, were Injured Mon
day In an automobile that plunged
ore - the road 12 miles south of
here. Seven other oceupanta es
caped Injury although the ear
van demolished. . r-;
IndtuMoa Wcmt
- -- See
. Patent A Industrial
Co-ordlnator :
Oregon State Fair or
Salem Chamber of Com
Caps, Solons
44 Blows in Prolonged
" Contest; Time Limit
Halts IrLtrathon '
" Western International
t ' W L " Pet
epokana -...88
87 .590
64 .538
i Tacoma
r Wenatchee
71 .488
88 .401
Tuesday Results
Vancouver 21, Salem 21
Tacoma 2, Yakima 7 ,
Wenatchee 4, Spokane 1 -
-Officials late tonight called a '
western international baseball
leagus game between Vancouver
Casllanos and Salem Sanafnra af
ter they battled through 11 Inn-
ingj to a xi-ii count.
A j home run by Ralph Sam
hammer In the llth Innlna with
one man on base brought - Capl
lanos up from a 21-19 deficit to
ue tne count arter the two teams
held) a alugglng spree for more
than three hours. Score at the
end i of nine innings was 19-19.
bsisiu used three pitchers la
an effort ta hold, thm rn
while the -Vancouver squad sent
six men to the mound.
The Senators were down 18-11
at the end of th aiTth tnntn.
Six home runs wars knocked out
aurtng tne contest four by
Vancouver. Samhammer hit his
first Circuit -Clout In tne,
inning. Wimpy Qulna hit one In
tneinrtn with two men oa and
Tommy Lloyd got the other la
the eighth.
Fred Knoll and Cliff Barker
smashed homers for the visitors,
Lowly Chiefs Nip
Big Injuns, 4-3
Lien Pitches Pippins to
7-2 Victory Over
Tacoma Tigers
WENATCHEE, Sept. t-fjp.
The Werratchee Chiefs, ' Western
International cellar dwellers,
handed the league leading Spo
kane Indians a ninth Inning 4
to 8, defeat to open their series
here - tonight.
Wenatchee Manager Frania
Morehouse rapped out a hard
single In the last of the ninth
to score Plteher Hal Clemence
from second and break up the
8mead Jolley hit one homer
for the losers with two aboard
for all of Spokane's runs, while
Morehouse and Volpl both hom
ered for two of Wenatchee's.
Hal Clemence struck oat 10
Spokane batters while his I mates
were outhitting the leaders II
to 8. . -
Spokane jt g
Wanatrhes a is
Ancfrews and McNames; Cli
mence and Volpi.
Pips Pound Tigers
"TACOMA, Sept. 8-p-Led by
Ed Weigandt, who collected a
homer, dnnhla anil ia inu
in five trips and drove in three
runs, tne rskima Pippins ham
mered out a 7 to 8 victory over
the Tacoma Tigers in a Western
International baaAhaii
series opener here tonight
Tne pippins teed off oa Ta-
coma's Milt Cadlnha tnr is hit -
while Al 'Lefty" Lien was keen.
ing 10 Tiger blows well spaced.,
never tllosinr mora than tw
per inning.
Weirandt'a homer. whfh ama.
in the fifth with a mat iKni
accounted for the Wlnnlnr mar
Don Trower. dimlnntiTa Tarn.
ma shortstop, also hit for the
Yakima : 7 ii
Tacoma . "l 15 l ,
Lien and Younker; Cadhlna
and Brenner,
It's Football,
Not Golf, That
Interests Berg
Bllnnesota's great girl golfer,
Patty Berg, reached Portland
today with another mld-wetts -ace
llnkstress, Mrs. Opal H11L
but displayed more Interest in
football than golf.
Minnesota (university) win
bo good but we're got a tough ,
schedule "and no breathers,'
Miss Berg, who formerly attend
ed the Gopher Institution, de
clared. The two will appear in an ex
hibition match Wednesday.
Too Late to Classify
Turn, S rm. hae. for rent to respect
able party for III. 15 fi So. Church,
T. I. Ua n o. Ck Coaa. n. IX
Herbal remedlea for ailments
of stomach, liver, kidney, skin,
blood, glands aad urinary sys
tem of men aad - worsen. 22
years la service. Naturopathic
Physicians. Ask your neigh
bors about CHAN. LAM. - V
" OIL COilll L21II
802 Court St, corner. Liber
ty. Office open Tuesdsy : and,
Saturday only, 10 a. m. to 1
p. 8 to 7 p. m. Contulta
tlon. blood press-nre and urine
tests are treo ot charge. , .