: I - Th OSEGON STATESMA1T. Salem, Oregon, Satardar Morning, Angnst IL page in-zs QUICKLY, . CHEi&PLY; - . : TESE' GIiaa3!EIED WTiLy SELL Statesman " ' Classified Ads ; Call 9101 . ClaMlf ted ' Adrertlatn; Tire Insertions per llnJ.lS Six insertion! per " One month per tin fl z& Minlmoci charge z5e; S U tnln- Ifflum SSe; U min. 46c No refunds. Copy for this pass accented oe tfl -tl th evening before puMica ttoa rot elaselflrattoa Copy re ceived arte this time will fee run under the 1 neadtns , Too Late t Classify Toe Statesman inuniet no ftnan eia! ' responsibility for errors which may appear la advertisements pub lished In It column and tn caa where thta paper la at fault will r- firlnt that part of an advertisement n which the typographical mistake nnmra ; The Statesman reserves the right te relect questionable advertising It further reserves the riant ta place all advertising under the proper Hasslftratloa, A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman boa number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor ba answered by letter The Statesman la not at liberty to divulge informa tion as to the Identity f an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WBJ PICK up dead and worthless animals at a moment's notice. Top prices for fox-feed horses. OREGON RENDERING . & FERTILIZER CO. . Phon Salem T13. Collect FARMERS ; MONTGOMEHT : K E1f DBRINO WORKS PICKS - TiP. FREE OF" CHARGE!, DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANTWHERB IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONES US COLLECT. 411 SALEM 2 SADDLE HORSES. I years old. black, weight 1100. Gentle for lad lea One hot blood sorrel! mare, weight 1000. Terms. See at Roy Nash barn north of Salem. FOR SALE or trade 6 Jersey and Guernsey cows, 2 to 5 yr. old.: Just fresh; heavy producers. Joe Burke, R. 6, Box 530. 1. ml. E. state hospital. 4 mL north. Gray .Percheron horse, 8 yra. 2 24 ST. Auctions Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Bliss AUCTION SALE . Monday. Amrust 26: time 1 :S0 p.m. Where? 2745 N. Front St. Salem, op posite Poor Farm. They have- sold their home and are moving back to Ohio. They Instructed the undersigned auctioneers to sell all their rersonal property at Public Auction on Monday, Auk. 1, consisting; of the furniture and furnishings of their 5 room home. Partial list aa follows : Duofold, ra dio, smooth top gas range, bed soring, and mattresses, folding cots. Savage elc. washer, dininpr table and chairs, library table, clocks, dressers, cup boards, double deck steel beds and mattresses, dishes, tools, and a hun dred other articles. Terms cash. F. N. and Glenn H. Woodry, auctioneers, Salem. Phone 6110. If you want to buy, sell or exchange, see us for .lust a little better deal. Salem served, since 191f. Nuff sed. House Cleaning AUCTION SALE at the T. N. Woodry Auction and Furniture Mart, 1610 N. Summer St. thla Saturday 1 :30 p.nu consisting of tools of every description, furni ture : radios, floor coverings, pitcher pump, beds, springs, mattresses, da venport chairs, dressers, stand ta bles, breakfast sets, froit Jars, dining tables and chairs, book cases, cream separator and a thousand miscellan eous articles that snace will not per mit to advertise. For whatever you may want, come to this House Clean ing Auction and buy It at your Own Price. We need the space for the sew and used merchandise that Is coming tn. so we were forced to clean house of tha accumulation of the past year. F. N. and Glenn Woodry, father and son. auctioneers : Salem served for ' the past 24 vears. We are Veterans In the Auction Business and sell the earth and everything on it Today, Tomor row and Every day. We have satisfied thousands and we can satisfy you So fl you have anything to : sell Just phone 5-1-1-0. Finn Pirker WE ARE now registering plckirs for our late hone. 4 mile west of Sa lem. Williams A Thatcher. Ph. 2-1121. Help Wanted Male.' GOOD EXPERIENCED man to dry hops, also fireman needed at once. Call at farm 2 mile north on Wallace Rd. from Marlon-Polk county bridge. S. L. Sun. WOOD CUTTERS with drag saw. Roy Stevens. Phona 7327. : ADVERTISING Western Advertising 1 Representatives George D. Close, I no, Saa Francisco. Los Angeles. Seattle Eastern Advertising Representative Bryant Griffith Branson. I no. Chicago. New Tors, Detroit Bo,rton Atlanta Entered at the Pott o( net at aleet. Ortgon. as Stcond Clatt Matter, Pvfr tished avtrv momiaa ex cent Mo An t Bui0t effUm tit South Commercial Street. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates tn Advance Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, Mo S cent: Moa. 11.60: ( Moa 32-: 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere S cent per Mo. er $6.00 for 1 year In advance. Par copy cents, isewartanda 6 cents. By Cltv Carrier. Cs rants nuuiih 17.2 a year In advance tn Marion and adjacent countl BLONDIE Muney to Loan Money to Loan I ' tM QUICK GASH LOANS ' - CALL, WRITE or phona til (I) to Salem's oldest largest bom ewned and noma managed finance Institution. Tear financial affair will ba discussed and loan made In strictest privacy. Too will be given every consideration la the re pajtng of vent loaa or granting of stenatons. I to 24 Months to Repay Tou can pay In fun any time to reduce tbecost. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans mad ee furniture or note. EES ?PTtt T"fONS Uan- JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. Us. Me. M-152 General Finance Corporation ; III So. Commercial St. Lie. ffn S-Ut First door south of Ladd 4c Bush Bank Phone Convenient ground floor location) Cash Loans automobile furniture livestock farm equipment Calkins Finance Company "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 201. 2nd fl. First Nat l. Bk. Bid. Salom. Ore. Lie No'. M-27S A S-228 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 6TH ritcOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-1S9 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape Too will retain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAT ' ROY H. SUMMONS 131 Sooth Commercial Street Phone 91(S Lie. No. M-152. FHA LOANS H. also prlv loan. A bra ma A Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bldg. :WR (LOAN dsm farm. neeVieftf tal A bualnesa property Will buy fnorlgages or contract HAWKINS A ROBERTS INC. Realtors. Guardian Building $20 TO $I010 ON TOUR CAR, CONSUMERS CREDIT CO 127 New Bllgh Bldg. Ph. 211 i Money Immediately Lie. M-232. PRIVATE MONET to loan on real estate. CHAS. HUDKINS. Phone $494. 27S State Street Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real tate. Will pay Interest, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS Insurance AUTO AND. fire insurance. 3314. I Help Wanted Female GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. Board, room and wages. 303 S. Winter. COMPETENT GIRL or yng. woman to take complete charge of household. 2 children and good wages. 1202 Statesman, - WANTED, GIRL for general house work. Go-home night. Ph. 7839. GIRL? for ren. housework. Sept. 1. Steady employment. Ph. 3940. RELIABLE GIRL for gen. house work jind care of children. Room, board and good wages. 720 Stewart St WANTED GIRL 22 to 27 year old. single. Bust be good typist and take fast dictation. Also be able to show Initiative and handle detail work. Permanent Job to right girt. Please do not apply unless you meet these re quirements. Arrange for appointment by phone only. Call Mr. Miller, 2191. ' WANTED : Housekeeper, about Sept. 1. between age of 18 and 20. full charge motherless home, modern, elec trically equipped, no children, must be unincumbered. Write for appointment giving full particulars aa to age, wagea expected and experience. 627 North Winter St, Salem. Oregon. Situations Wanted DO TOU NEED a steam dleeL truck or cat. mechanic f Box 1202 co Statesman. For Sale Miscellaneous PULLETrf-peclal this week E0 White Leghorns, $ weeks old, 40c 100 10 week old Reds. 50c Lee's Hatchery. CHOICE Elbertaa, Hales, Mulrs, Late Crawford, Clings and windfalls. C. M. LaFollette and Son. Wheatland Ferry. Organ, reasonable. 1390 N. Liberty. vnrxiLiLi.iLr'ijiiis'tri -i--' SECOND HAND PLUMBING. FIXTURES We have 4 complete sets of bath tuba, lavatories, water closets and such; all in good shape. Call at Ber nard! A Son's Plumbing shop. 453 South High St. See them at once. NEW GLIDER 'house trailer, 22 ft. long, fully equipped, sleeps 4 people. Gentle, well-trained saddle horse. "Duke." Term or cash. Abner K. Kline, Ph. 4875 or go. hat DrtTltfT .IvtHji rmnrm. A-1 condition, $35. Man's balloon tired bi cycle, line conaiuon, Tu nings, 20143 Trade. CANNING corn. L. Zielke. 22571. ttt3 rTTf iinq Tt SSe. ntL 85c Hugh Evans. By Waters' Ball park. 2358 Sbelton St. - mtra unlfnrm. new. Ph. 223(2, TRAILER, MSB. Call 58 N. 20th. PEACHES. TOU PICK. Carl A spin wall Orchards at Brooks. DEI. COLDSFUT rr. aso snipping. - - .- 4 HORSE JOHNSON motor end boat Price reason. Phone 3849. KENTUCKI WONDER beans. A. B, Mln ten. Aumsville. Ore. rrwr TTQTPr Mahtn. ma UWA WIO.-' C''-' china. Ph. 7125. 440 S. Summer St. PEACHES ImiK Elbertaa. J. H. Hale, lata Crawford. Britt AspinwalL waconda. . ii i 1 1 i i ii ii ii i ii ihi -1 - i i i n. . VACUUM CLEANERS. w A used. Part A repairs. Vine'. Ph. 4292. Gravenstela apples, Bartlett pears, Mrs. Wright. mL WalUce Rd. i ;; f J For SaleMiscellaneous THE APRON Bbop. I9 H High - -1 i! I, i runjjnrujLnjLrijLn CANNING CORN, $1. ak. T. C. Mul ler, 3 mL south of Brunk's Comers. Furn. showcases, counter. 41 S Ferry COVERED WAGON trailer-house. 3455 Laurel Ave. Phone 7115. Wanted Fnrnitnrc F. N. A GLENN WOODRT. Auc tioneers A furniture dealers will pay you mora cash or trade for furniture A household goods. We buy or sail ev erything. Ph. 5110. see wasaaaa iMsjtnrruu'xririri CASH FOR used furniture A house hold goods. R. Forger. Ph. 744. Wanted Miscellaneous WANT TO BOARD and room boy, pre-school age: nice country home near Oregon City. Box 1204 States man. Miscellaneous DentaT Plate Repair 1 1 TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Tour Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Allaky Bide 3d A Morrison BR 2437 For Rent Rooms ROOMS. IS mo. 2 CO Center. NICE sleeping rm. Bus. girl or teacher. 14th A Court. Ph. 8471. . SLEEPING ROOMS, comfortable beds, nice home. Close to state high way, forestry and state police hdqta. 130 S. 24th St. HOTEL MARION , Room Special weekly and' monthly rate to perm, guests Marion Coffee Shop delicious meal at low prices HOTEL SALEM from 34 a week. SLEEPING RMS. close In. 4498. AAeaaaeAeepa4paMMssaaeaaasw SLEEPING ROOM. 725 Court. Room and Board WANTED child to board, age 3-13 ; can give professional people as ref. isox lzua co Statesman. NC. HOME. gd. eats, 9,32 N. Church. For Rent Apartments '3 "R. 1st floor," flfcrtly HuFlL. light, water. $8 mo. 947 S. Com'L ' APTS., 1398 N. 4th, p.m. or Sun. 2 ROOM furn. apt. FrlgldL. business district. Adults. 255 Center. FURN. APT. 255 Division. 3 RM. APT. available Sept. I. Ph. 3842. CHOICE APT now available at the modern Flatter Apt, So. Com'L at Oak. Phone 7057. 4 rma. furn. The Devereaux. 1. 2. A 2 R. apta 841 N. Liberty. 2 R. furn. apt, 444 S. High. Furn. apt. 88 mo. 833 Water. 2 RM. furn. 3 12. Hot w. elec wash er, gar. 2590 Lee. TeL 3948. 2 R. FR. apt. $12.50. 1935 Center. CLOSE IN. MODERN furnished apt. Adults only. Phone 8490. Mod. 2-r. apt. Bus. worn. 1852 Court. 2 LG. ROOMS. 1st floor. New fur niture, kltchennette, bath, fireplace, Frigidalre, heat, light. Phone 4494. 590 N. Summer St ( COOL 2 RM. apt. 845 Ferry. 1 APTS. $8 AND up. 1310 S. 13th St. SMALL FURN apt. 358 8 Cot tag VAC Hawthorne Court. Adult. APTS. H. K. rma. 2954 N. CapltoL For Rent Houses MODERN FURN. 2 room cottage. Edgewater Court. Elec. refrlg, oil heat, garage. $25. Ph. 8413. 4 RM. FURN. house. CaU 8181 or 7529. NEW 5 ROOM house in West Sa lem, by owner. Albert Hllke, 1178 2nd. S RM. cabin, elec well. P. 7125. NEW 5 RM, elec. or gas, (no base.) N.S. $25. Ph. 2543. NEW 4 ROOM house, vacant Sept. 1st. 1390 K. Liberty R. MOD. 20 Hansen Ave. 2-1341. FURN. HOME. 2078 Frederick St. ALMOST new suburban. P. 1-1143. 5 RM. furn. house, 2 bedrooms. Phone morning or evening, 8158. f R. house, close to schools. Phone 8893 or after 5 3409. MODERN 7 room furnished bouse. 883 N. 14th. N1CELT FURN. rm. elec refrlg. and range, 135. 950 Union. WK HiVB THJE PROSPECT IF TOU wsnt to seiL scbange, lease, rent, see Mr Larsea or Mr. C4- lin wita tiawains Hooena. HOUSES. Meivin Johnson. Ph. 8731. eWaejaeeS NEW MOD. 4-rm. 844 N. 18th. Is Thf a Ixwysr In fix Andlsncs? Money to Loan Personiil Credit Logans Up to $300 Borrow rash to ear rear bina. Then have LESS to pay each mooth, be cause you have only ONE plaoa to par. There'll be snore LEFT OVER for liv ing expenses. Mala-requirement, jus your ability to repay small sums res nlarty. "Personal Credit" - leans are mad as the tndlvtduaTa signature only, or those of husband aad wife. No Indiscreet Inquiries. Quick, qaiet service. Come m or phone NOW! Personal Finance Co. see irv- mtt j. rm For Rent Houses 8-RM. HSE. $22.50. Wired for rang. 1738 & Liberty. Ph. 8784. For Rent WE RAVE store space to rent In a Dew building to be erected on the northeast corner of the intersection Court and Commercial street. Build ing to be readr for occupancy No vember 15th. Call at our office, for de- J. If. TJLRICH Co.. Realtors 382 State St. Phone 8472. OFFICE ROOM, 1st fL 478 Court. TRUCKS FOR rant. C-Drlve ; move y ousel f, save H. Phone 9(00 Church A Center OFFICE ROOMS, 381 State StreeL Inquire room 30. 1"L 3713. For Sale Real Estate 4 R. and bath, plastered, wired for elec range. New paint on house and new garage, new lawn, oak tree, shrub bery, fish pool. 1 lot. oa paved street. 31500. Take good car aa part. 1316 ith St. West Salem. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Choice close in one-half acre tract on, naved, road, city schools, 8 room house eWctrlcIght. drflred well'and waiter system! Priced naif $2150, cash 3250 balance easy. Bee CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street . Phone 9281. THE LOVE NEST Here Is just the spot for a couple young or old. 1 acres, NE, nearly new 3 room house with bath. A fine drilled well 100 ft deep with auto, pressure system, good garage, very at tractive grounds and shrubbery. It's a real buy at $1950. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9281. 48 ACRES. 9 miles south of Salem nn Liberty highway. Nearly all under cultivation. No buildings. Price 32504. Good terms. 80 acres, 8 mile southeast of Sa lem. 40 acres under cultivation. Bal ance In pasture and timber. Good set of farm bulldlnga Price $7500. Strictly modern, 5 room house, cor ner lot, double garage, near new high school building. Tou will like this home when you see It Price $4000. 8 acre tract. 1H miles south of Sa lem on Liberty road. Some bulldlnga. Price $2000. 4 room house, nearly new. Price $2500 or will trade for acreage on highway. If you have anything to trad or ell, tell us about It. ULRICH REAL ESTATE CO. 382 State Street Phene 8472. , rii ii ij 1 niiii.i"innrij OPEN HOUSE Two new homes Open all day Sun day. 1455 East Ave.. (1 blkfg. of Market) $2450. 2045 N. Liberty, 333S. Furn. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 13 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965. $500 DOWN, good T rm. home, mostly furnished, good electric stove, bath rm. on 1st floor, toilet A lava tory, basement, furnace, close In. lot of fruit. $3350. $4500, almost new English type home, f rma A unfinished upstairs, hardwood floor thru out, ale lawn, la new district. $2900, good 8 rm. home oa east Washington St. fireplace, basement, gar&g-a, nice shrubbery. Term. MONET TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3722. MUST BE SOLD Only 2 blks. from city hall: T It house full of furniture, also 2 R. house In rear. Lot 44x145. All for $3500. A steal : some terms. See Mr. Larsen, with HAWK INI A ROBERTS. INC. Realtora HOUSE A 2 ACRES. Light A water. ml. north of Salem. Make an offer. M. E. Langdon, Harrlsburg, Ore. Business Cards la thla directory oa a monthly basts only. Ratet SI .25 per Use per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panes. 271 Sooth Commercial, Auto Repairing AL FEILENS garage, 246 SL High. Bicycles BICTCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 14T & Cem'cX P. 4116. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4466. R. K. Northaesa Engineer-Surveyor S u r v y a estimates, specification. J. H. Neef. 805 Guardian Bids. P. Excavating EXCAVATING OF an kinds, Bae menta dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal. Salem Band A Gravel P. 9408. Florist Breithaupf a 441 Court. Pboo list. Funeral Directors Terwtnicar Ph, 8928. Ilonse Pain ting GOOD WORK, low prfeea, 81382. filoney to Loan Example of Payments Cash to 8 ma. - II so. 39 f 84 810.92 T 18.88 .108 t.8. 14.48 f 1.03 f 2.89 TJ8 8.84 19.01 8,73 2IU3 18.89 opl88 Phone 8191 House, Cor. State A High State License Number S-122 M-1SS For SaJe Real Estate PARK STREET SUBD1V. . Englewood school dlst. trees. Terms, 435, $100 down. $3000 restriction, H. P. GRANT. 539 Court 6744. 7 Rm. bouse, good location, will take small place as down pymC P. 4381. - isnininru'TjTjxruJV EXTRET 8PECUL t big. beautiful room, closets ga lore and all oak floors: air condi tioned, maiden's dream kitchen, gum wooo iiiusn, ruu easement, s-ora fireplace: vea. blinds, lifetime red cedar exterior: 20-vt. roof: wonder ful neighbor; bath. Priced for the bars-am of the year. Very painless terms to rood folks. A. J. FLINT, Builder-owner, 1864 If. Church. Ph. 3920. 8 RM. house with bath, cheap. 803 Masonic Bldg. HA. north $200. $6 dn. $6 per roe. Budrow-Kaamlr. 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. S-RM. HOUSE, lit W. Lincoln. Falrmount HilL 6 bed rma. 2 bath rma See owner, A. Matthews, 838 Ferry. Room 30L Exchange Real Estate WANTED North Salem home of 8 or 6 rooms to exchange toward 13 acr river bottom, farm close in. oa paved road, good six room house, tarD, etc. Call Mr. .Bartlett with ' CHILDS A MILLER, Realtor. 344 Stat Street Pboee 9341. LOS ANGELES suburban new co lonial frame. Exclualve vicinity. Want Willamette Valley farm. Pa. 3612. 1139 N. Cottage, Salem. FOR EXCHNGE : Nice country home with modern 8 r. home, electric water system, best of soli, located In the Kelxer district. Price $7500. 6H acre can be un divided. Owner will consider a rood home In Salem hi exchange. SEE W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 & Liberty 8t. EXCHANGE MT eoultv tn four room bouse. West Salem, oa three to five acre with fair bulldlnga. Phone owner at 6637. Acreage - 1 A. 6 rm. ha. 1 A. 4 rm. has. More acreage. City conven. 3 mL Liberty rd. so. Easy mo. payts. Rt. 8, Box 645. lira Oakman. Suburban SUBURBAN HOMES $158 DOWN, new 4 rm. bouse Just outside the city; some trees. $1200i $310. A. on Evergreen Ave. English style borne, 6 rma. bath, fire place, hardwood floors, laundry rm. $30t down. 5 rm. bungalow, mL from. .xity. hardwood floor, bath, lights,?- garage, chicken house. $3000. MONET TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 726 Court St. Phone 3728. Wanted Real Estate WE TNVITTB your "tor Bale Mat ing If fairly priced. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. Realtora, Guardlaa Build ing. Resort Proi WKCOMA BEACH HTS. New. strictly modern, beach home: beautiful oceaa view: sell or lease. Owner, 227 SW 3rd, Portland. Carl Schamoai. AT. 8447, er at beach home. Business Opportunities FURNISHINGS tn 9 rm. mod. apt. house cheap. Ideal for room and board. Close to Stat House and col lege. One apt. now rented for 814. See Mr. Badger with C. H. SANDERS, 231 N. High or see at 1208 Court. Directory Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUO A MATTRESS Co. New mattresses, old remade, rug cleaning A weaving. 8. 13th A Wilbur. TeL 8441. Zwickera, CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4669. PaperLrxg Painting NEAT Work, reaa Johnson. Ph. 8771. EXPERT workmanship. Phone 4828. Plumbing PLUMBING, GENERAL repair work. Oraber Broe, 154 & Liberty. Ph. 4594. Printing FOR STATIONERT. earda pamphlets, firograma book er any kind of print nr. call The Statesman Printing De partment. 216 Si Commercial, Tele phone 910L - Trailers USED TRAILERS 1208 up. New trail er $300 up. Term to-suit. Guy Trail er Co, 405 9th. St. Independence. Transfer FOB LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner OIL call 8181. Larmer Traasfer Ca, Trucks to Portland daily. Well Drilling R. A. WEST, RL 1 Bx. 448. P. 2-2298. By CHIC YOUTJQ For Sale-Used Cars , PRICES HURRY McKay Is Qeaning House Between Now and August 3! st Our Stock of OKd Used Cars Reduced as Much as $50 1939 Chevrolet DeLuxe To-vm Sedan, No. 281 - Was $675.00 NOW $645.00 1939 Chevrolet DeLuxe Town Sedan, No. 90 Was $645.00 NOW $615.00 1939 Chevrolet DeLuxe Town Sedan, No. 208 Was $650.00 NOW $625.00 1939 Chevrolet Master Town Sedan, No. , 241 Was $625.00 NOW. $595.00 1939 Chevrolet DeLuxe Town Sedan, No. 260 Was $695.00 NOW $645.00 1938 Chevrolet DeLuxe Town Sedan, No. 282 Was $565.00 NOW $545.00 1940 Chevrolet 34-Ton Pickup, No. 253 Was $725.00 NOW $685.00 1938 LaSalle Touring Sedan, No. 131 Was.StoiOOitr NOW $750.00.; : 1938 iluoson ferougham, No. 262 Was $565.00 NOW $545.00 MAKT OP THESE CARS ARE EQCTPPED WITH RADIOS, HEATERS A OTHER EXTRAS. ALSO MA-NT MORE TO CHOOSE FROM. McKay Chevrolet Co. WALT HOLMAJ LAWRENCE 333 CENTER ST. OPEN SATURDAY SPECIAL 1938 Pontiac 4-Door condition 1937 Ford Club Coupe. Very low mileage. In excellent condition. Good rubber ...$445 VALLEY MOTOR CO. OVER 22 TEARS OF FRIENDLT SERVICE USED CAR LOT: MARION M LIBKRTT 8T. A9eeMSsa j Used Cars That You Can Depend Upon DEPENDABILITY IS THE PRIME ESSENTIAL IN THE USED CAR YOU BUY. YOU WANT TRANS PORTATION. WHEN YOU BUY IT HERE, YOU GET IT. 1936 DODGE SEDAN 1933 DODGE SEDAN 1916 DESOTO SEDAN 1 T PUOTSI 1TT KKniN 1396 . 196 448 871 1937 STUDEBAKEB SEDAN 496 Your Car Taken in Part Payment. Easy Terms to Suit Your Needs. Salem Automobile Co. 435 N. Commercial St. .. rtrcv mutwi to wreck. 828. Til xioeenuMn. t. . nr. cl. si PONTIAC sed A-1 cooL reaa. 1990 2rL. W. Salem. . . --u PRICED FOR QUICK: SALJB 1617 Deluxe Ctoev. tws L 1948 Pontiac 4 -door sedan. 494 S. win ter. Ph. 4688. COUPE, $48 cash. Easy te drive. Fbone 9436 before 8 PA Business Opportunities WILL ERECT bnfldtnc tor -rt" ral (to Pay-Nell city) to editable tenant: also have cafe fixture lease for sale at 8tb and State -m-t CX E. RAE. 1356 State, Pa. 7t. aj8ej6eeeeeeeelee Comer lot, 83x111 ft- Salem, al bvslneaaea, 4 apta. 7 H. raa Ae tomatlo ateam beat, aotoenatle h.w. ye tem. Grose income 83341 per "i5r? 916.449. 318.999 cash. baL carried by owner. 1. Bx. 118$. ee Statesman. For Sale Wood DRT O.F.$8JJ8. Knots $5. Pv 8134V. Ot F. In mniwood. aewduat. PK 8832. uitt. wrrtrt till load. Pl 8888 or 4341. Wood at weet end Court St. DRT WOOD, eld fir 2nd trowtB. pbone 47SS for pr-eea. U9LJIniTJTjnnili 1 " m WOOD Ph. 6376. Oraea. 413 w. -lex lasea-fSaeejsjaBsjeae-.- SUPFLT LIMITED erdev Bf--Rr. lad old growth, oak. Ph. 4169. DRT O. T. and Sad rowU. P. T66T. Wood Sawing PHONE 8822, 828 N. Commercial. WOOD SAWTNOT Pb, 4744L - Schools MTLLTOVS OUT OF WORK f BTO PAT I SHEET METAL, JOBS GOING BEGQUtQ t It's bard te believe, tea t itt Tet. with the rovemment defense proa-ram rettlnf under way. trained men are bard to find. . Partlcnlarty trained abeet metal men who can de saa aad electric weldlns. rtvetlnic lay oat. deeln end fabrlceUiw. If Too want to ret tnte this field that baa buadreda 8 poesibilltiee with bi pay toon, write- today for Information oa the new ADCOX SHEET METAL COURSE f It'a yew first step te a bis pay lob. Boa 114S. sUateexaaa. . ; Persona! ' LONESOME! Servtnj aj) at4t Clttl Elite. P. a Bx. Tl-Q. f-oe Afsxele Cat For Sale Ue3 Cars SLASHED HURRY FLATHERS VIRGIL SLOAN EVES. PHONE S1SS Touring Sedan A-1 in ..$585 1938 FORD TUDOR . 1939 PLTMOTJTH COTTPE 1988 PLTMOUTH SEDAN. 1937 PLTMOUTH SEDAN. 1936 PLTMOUTH SEDAN. .$51$ Phone 4915 Saturday Specials '32DeSoto Coupe.... 195 '32 Plymouth Sedan 185 32 Chev. Tudor. 145 31 Chev. Victoria 145 31 Chev. Coupe 125 ALL THE ABOVE CARS HATE BEEN RECONDITIONED AND ARE SOLD ON 46-. 6 GUARANTEE. ORVAL'S USED CARS CENTER AT CHURCH STS. Salem, Ore. The BEST for LESS in Pontiac Good Will Cars SATURDAY SPECIALS 8T Dodre 4-dr Tr. 4498 437 th .) 4dr ril Tr. radio A beater 38 Plymouth 2-dr. aedaa - , - 197 26 Chevrolet coupe ------ 317 38 A-nbura 4-dr eedaa 147 36 Poetise 4-dr. Tr. aedaa 337 37 PONTIAC 4-dr. DL sed. 647 32 Nash 4-dr. aedaa . 97 88 DeSote 4-dr. . 87 - 8 Model A'a CHKAPH3 . 27 Chevrolet 2 -dr. 81 Old sedan 29 Hap sedan 28 Cbryaler eedaa . - Terms A trade w Lot: Corner Cbemeketa Cln-rch . fhoa 8444 HEimAI-L-OWENS CO. DETENDABILTTT PONTIAC SiLES A .SERVICE 228 8. COMME&CLAX,' ... Ph. 8169 See, this car at Shrock's '37 Master DeL. Spt- Cpe. Very clean Nearly new deluxe Urea, etc A- very attractive car. . PRICED OXLT tiKS Shrock's Used Car Lot AT $17 N. CHURCH For Sede Used Cars This Bargain for Today 1936 Dodge Tour. Sedan t RADIO A HEATER ONX.T 39t New . tromnetal - patat A. ale motoc. SHROCK'S LOT AT $2T N. CHURCH PH. T9 . 1928 DELUXE FORD 4-doer eeaan. $436; 2S.ee mile. Scbeelar Ante Co. 1118 N. Comiaimsl. Annual Reunion i : Of Clan Is Held INDEPENDENCE Tit couip try horn of Mr. And Mrs. W. McB was th scene of th an aaal reaaloB ot Ui Emm on a Shortridfr clan last S andar Af ternoon. Th dan eoncLtU of tn direct descendants of th J atari WMtely and Caroline' Shortrldj Emmons, who were early ploaeera of Oregon, set Ulna; on a donation land, claim near Cottar Grove. In chart ot arrangements aad th program were the officers for the year. W. B. DUlard, Eufrene, president: L. Y. Emmons, wnia mlaa, rice-president; Mrs. Elea nor Smith- Tarrill ot Entrene, secretary.. Honorable O. "W. Em mons of Salem was th - raest speaker for the day. New officers elected for the year are L. V. Emmons. WUIamlaa, president; Cecil Emmons. rice-president. Tucson, Arizona; Mrs. A. W.. Em mons, secretary. Portland-' The following; were present: Mrs. Samantha Jane Dillard. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. DUlard. Mr. and Mrs.1 T. C. DIUard. Anna Dillard. Kenneth Dillard. Kathleen Dll Urft, Mr. and- Mrs. Robert Rob ertson; 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Emil'Eren son, Mrs. Nellie Tyson, Dr. H. C. warns, Mr. ana Mrs. Koy Tur rill, Mr. and Mrs. James Lax ton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith an 4 Dick Smith ot Ensene; Mr. an Mrs. Sam Shortrldre. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shortrldre. Msrrsr- et Ann Short ridge. Patsy Short- ridge, Mrs. OliTe Brown. Wanda Brown, Norman Brown and Jan ice Brown of Cottage Grove; Mrs. R. O. Kelley, Maurice Kelley and Elton Kelley ot Battle Ground. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Em mons, Jeanne Emmons. Brnce Emmons, Suzanne Emmons ot Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Verl Em mons and Joanne Emmons from Besrerton. and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Humphrey. House Is Damaged At North Santiam NORTH SANTIAM The C. L. Young bouse was bsdly dam aged by fire Thursday. The fir destroyed, the greater part of the roof and damaged the Inside ot the nous slightly. Th Stay ton fire 'department answered the alarm and assisted by neigh bors and bean pickers extinguish ed the blaze. Th fir was believ ed caused : by one of th young ehlndreu playing with matches and paper. Robert Smith Is convalescing from pneumonia. Mrs. Leland Kelthley and daughters. Mary Lou and Betty Jo. returned home Saturdsy from a week at Bay City. Mr. and 'Mrs. Antone Bauer of Los Angeles hsr been stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ras mussen,. jr. Mrs. Rasmnssen is their granddaughter and tiny Al len Rasmussen Is their first great grandchild. word has been received from Portland that Mrs. Mary Reec has improved sufficiently to leare th hospital. Albany Delegation To Honor MciNary ALBANY Plans are under wsy for a large delegation of Al bany people to go to Salem Tues day to Join In the Charles Mo Nary celebration. Mrs. Walter Kropp. Tice-ch airman of the Linn county republican central com- ' mitte. is asking all those inter ested in making the trip. Includ ing .those from other sections ot the county as well as those tiring in Albany, to meet at the Albany chamber ot commerce rooms by 1:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, so that a caravan may b formed. On the transportation commit tee are R. W. Tripp, Mrs. G. C. McClellan and Melrin Goode. Th Albany American Legion Junior drum corps will also participate la -the day's program, bat mem-, hers will leare for Salem at o'clock Tuesday morning. Walter Kropp Is making arrangements for -transportation ot th young musicians. - Wpodburn Boy Gets Eagle Scout Badge WOODBTJRN Mr. and Mrs. FYed Erebdoa were among thos present at Salem Wednesday night te see their son, Fred. Jr receive his. Eagle Scout badge. . Mrs. Iran C Beers and daugh ter Jean are spending th week at TachaU. Mrs. Ted Shaw and children returned from Sacramento this week. They expect to remain in their - home her for the next thre months. Mr. Shaw remain ed -la Sacramento. . Picnic in Portland -: TICTOR POLNT Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Loreno met at Hoe City park. Portland, for a picnic wita other relatives Sunday including Mrs. Alex Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brady and daughter Bev erly of snrerton, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hurgetl of Portland. Mrs. Lorence. Mrs. Hargett aad- Mrs. Brady are daughters of Mrs. Ltnd-iT.- - - : : ' Lodges Faeifie Loire Ye. 80. AT A AJL EA Xecree, Wee, Aa. 18, T .3 x m. WK. A. KX3-U0TT, ICM. t - - -.-.."-