TSi OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Saturday Monfi August 21. 1S43 Profit Taking Lowers Wheat Weakness of Securities, . Upping Crop Estimate . Are Factor CHICAGO, Aug. " 23-VPy-Gjln traders who had modest I pro1! its as a result of a -4 -cent wheat price advance since the 1940 lows were established a week ago, took advantage; of the p- portnnity today and their selling, plus some liquidation of Septem ber contracts, "caused prices to fall more than a cent. ; Weakness of securities and aa upward trend revision of a pri vate Canadian wheat crop estlj mate lenconrage profit takers. Some hedging also was la evi dence but this was on a small scale Inasmuch, as trade reports indicated large quantities of the .sew crop are being held off the market temporarily due In part .to the government loan program. Minneapolis reports were that out of 692 cars, received there 8 5 to - 60 per cent went Into storage. September contracts, which be come deliverable in about a week. led the decline, showing a loss of as much as 1 cents at one time. Closing prices were lower than yesterday, September 88 December 71-. Some mill buying was in evi dence on the wheat price break but lifting of hedges by elevators against wheat sales or placing of hedges on purchases were on a mall scale. In tome cases mill ing operations to secure . grain requirements may be directed to investment in futures, traders said, inasmuch as they represent the cheapest wheat available at present. s . , 1 , Storijog of new wlveat has maln ialoed good premiums , for - cash grain over futures. This also stim ulates acceptances of loans and encourages the holding attitude on the part of ineligible produc ers, traders said. I The estimate of the Winnipeg market news placed wheat pro duction in the three prairie pro vinces at 498,000,000 bushels compared with 467,000.000 last season. Local statisticians said that on this basis the total Cana dian crop may reach 625,000,000 bushels, second largest on record. Stocks and Bonds August 23 f Compiled by The Associated Pfets BOND AVERAGES Cuban Gourds Provide Fun for Trainees !'- 4- , 7 RA TT LINCCOODTIM E tuek la New York after a 18-day training eraise that took them to Goantanamo, U. 8. naval bate en the Windward Passage Up of Caba, these V-7 naval reserves try oat sound effects with their wi arses s, er Cabas jreards. Left ts right: George A. Hayes, K. T4 Prank Mabley, Detroit; Lucius Kentfleld. H. MUf ord Levtn, N. Y. This V-7 rreua comprises college graduates sad andergrads whs hope to become naval officers. 20 10 10 10 Rails Indus Util Forfn Ket clung D .4 Unch A .1 DA Fridsr 82 3 PreTious ay 56.6 10S.4 86.7 43.1 Moth f o 56.1 102.8 6 4 ST.5 Ytu ago 54.5 98.6 85.8 55.5 1940 high 69.9 103.6 97.5 53.5 1040 low 48.8 98.9 90.8 S5.1 STOCK AVE RAGES 80 15 15 0 Indas Rails Util Stocks Nat change D .7 I .3 D .2 D .5 Fridsr , 69.8 15.5 85.3 42.2 Previous day 60.0 15.8 35.5 42.7 Month ar 57.6 15.2 85.6 41.4 Year ago 65.6 17.1 87.5 46.3 1940 high 74.2 20.5 40.6 62.2 1040 low 62.3 13.0 80.9 87.0 Wool in Boston BOSTON, Ang. 23 (AP) (CSDA) There waa considerably more activity on the Boston wool market today following report! of large scale government orders for wool needed for defense purposes. This activity consisted mostly of in quiries -from mill buyers and topmakers he are anxious to determine the quan tities wool available and the price , at which siisble lots were being-told. Only limited quantity of wools were sold, bnt number of wool dealers reported that bnycrs were asking for options. Salem Market Quotations (Baying Prices) The prices be law sapplted by s toeai grocer are indicative ef the daily market prices paid to growers by Calem beyere but are not guaranteed by The States- HI VSOBT AXLES Fresh corn, sack Beans, gieen Cabbage, ib. Carrots, local, do. Cauliflower, local . Cucumbers, do. Celery Lettuce, local Onion. 60 lbs. Green onions, So. Peppers, green "JL .0 . .03 .03 .25 1.15 .20 1.00 1.25 4.50 .25 .03 .09 1.50 .60 Ji .40 .04 .80 .90 .80 .08 .80 .90 CHAIN. HAY AND SEEDS Wheat, No 1. rerleaned. bu. .70 Oats, No. 1J 18.00 to 20.00 Peppers, red New Potatoes. 100 lbs. No. 1- 50 lbs. Ko. 2 Radishes Squash, Crookneek, dpi -, Squash, Zucchini, lb. Squash, Danish, doz. Spinach, Seattle, box Tomatoes, lag Peas, local, lb.... Beets, dos. . . ., Spear Melons 19.00 to 20.00 8.00 Feed barley ton Clover I ay. ton - Alfalfa hay, ton 10.00 to 12.00 Egg mash. No. 1 grade, 80 lb bag 1.80 Dairy feed, 80 Ib bag 1.86 Hen scratch feed 1.90 Cracked corn :. 1.85 EGGS AND POULTRY (Buying Prlcba of Andersen's) Grade A large, doi Grade A medium, doi.. Grade B large, dox. Pullets - Colored hens , Colored frya White Leghorn. heavy- White Leghorn frya .23 .21 .20 .11 .13 .17 .09 .18 Batterfat, No. 1, 88 He J No. 2, 27 He; p rem tarn, Hc A grade print 82eHi B grade 81 H ; quarters S3 He White Leghorns, light Old Koostera .88 .06 Heavy bens. lb. . . .11 Bnylag. Prices ef Marion Creamery) 6rakfe A.Trgejdoi. .. ,. .28 Grade A medium, doi. .21 Grade B Urge, dos. Checks, undergrade Large dirty Pullets, dos. . , Leghorn hens Leghorn fryers, 1 lbs.. Colored fryers 1-8 lba. Colored fryers, 3 lbs. and up- Colored bens - 1 1 HOPS (Baying Prlcea) JO JS .17 .11 .09 as as .15 ai 80 t .40 1939 1940 contracts, Ib LIVESTOCK (Buying prlcea for No. 1 stock, based an conditions aad sales reported ap to 4 p.m.) 1940 siring lambs 7.00 to 7.25 Yearling lamba 6.00 Ewes 1.00 to S.60 Hog, top, 160-220 lbs. S.85 Sows 4.50 to 3.00 Beef cows 5 00 to 6.50 Bulls . 6.25 to .75 Heifers Dairy type cowa Live veal Dreeaed vest, lb. 6.00 to 6 50 8.75 to 4.26 10.00 .14 WOOX. AKD KOHAIB (Baying Prices) Wool, me'lium, lb. . Coarse, lb. Lambs, lb , ,. Mohair .83 .32 .26 JO Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 23 (AP) Produce exchange Butter: extras 29H; standards 29 r prime firsts 28; firsts 20. Butterfat 80-30 Vi- Eggs: Large extras 25; standards 31; medium extras 28; standards 19; small extras 14. Cheese: Triplets 15 ; loaf 16. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 23 (AP) Wheat: Open' High Low Close September 70 70 70 70 Cash Grain: Oats, No 2, 38 lb. white, 2X50. Barley, No. 2, 45-lb. BW, 20.50. Corn, No. 2, ET shipments, 81.00. No. 1 flax 1.45. , Cash Wheat (Bid) : Soft white 72 ; western white 72; western red 71H. Hard red winter: ordinary 70 ; 11 per sent 71; 12 -per cent 72 ; 13 per cent 73; 14 per cent 74. Hard white Baart: 12 per eent 77; 18 per cent 79; 14 per eent 81. Today's Car Receipts: Wheat 83; bar ley 1; flour 13; oats 1; millfeed 2. Cross Word Puzzle 12 1 10 22 21 32 37 HH Me 23 s r v ss s 3 2W -1 37 20 33 35 16 i 25 30 3 50 21 Ho 17 21 36 2 1 HI 26 27 2SI 1 r2 HQ 31 .1 Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 23 (AP) Country meats Selling price to retail era: Country killed hogs best butchers, 125-150 lbs. 8-lOc; vealers fancy 13. lSe lb; light-thin. ll-18e, heavy 19 11c; lambs, spring, 10-lSc; ewes, -7e; good cutter cows, 9-10e lb.; eaaner cows, 8-9e lb ; bulls, 10-llc lb. Live poaltry Buying prices; Ho. 1 grade Leghorn broilers. l-2 lbs., 14e; fibers under 8 lbs, 15e; fryers 24 to lbs.. 17c; roasters ovct 4 lbs., 18e; Leg horn hens ever 8 lbs- 11c; Leghorn hens under 8 lbs., 9e; colored hens over 6 lbs., 13e; colored bens 1 to 5 lbs., 13c; old roosters 6c. Dressed turkeys Nominal. Old erop selling prices: hens No. 1, 16c ; toias 12-14e: new erop 23e lb. Onions Oregon crystal wai 2.73 per 50-lb. bag; Oregon Daavers 1.00-1.19; Yaktmaa 1.00. Potatoes Eastern Oregon- Washington, 1 4O-1.50 cwt. Hay Selling price to retailers: Alfal fa No. 1, 14.00-14.50 ton; oat vetch 10.00 ton; clover 11.00 ton; Timothy eaatam Oregon 17 00-18.00 ton; valley Timotiy 14.00 ton Portland. Wool 1940 eastern Oregon range, 10 24e; crossbred1 27-2 8c; Willamette val ley 12 months 83c lb. Mohair 1940. 12 months 35s lb. Caseara 1940 Teel 6 lb. Hope Oregon 1939, 40-41e lb. 1940 contracts 80e lb.; 1940 seedless S7-40e, nominal Dometlle floor selling trice, city de livery 1 to 25-bbl. lots: Family patents. 49s. 5.70-6 SO: bakers' bard wheat, net 4 40-5.85: bakers' bluestein. 4.75-6.05 blended wheat flour. 4.90-5.10; soft wheat. 4:80-4.85; graham 4. a, 4.50; whole wheat 40s 4.55 bbU Portland Livestock HORIZONTAL 1 Spanish hall 6 S-fihapd worm ft metallic cinder 12 legal claim J J flying mammal 14 timid rodent It pertaining: to study of insects . 15 clumsy and stiff Id flickers 20 neater pronoun 21 engage in 22 fish sauce 25 shrinking in fear -2d the turmeric SO Tibetan '.monks Zl fish eggs J2 city in Burma ' 24 enrre rider . S paradise -3 note cf ' " tin scale 87 eotrardly ' 413 MiKriean -tljmket 44 newly fixed over 46 one 47 one-spot card 48 Italian coin 49 fashion 60 ribbed fabric 81 frail VERTICAL 1 killed 2 aborigine of Japan . 5 mother of Apollo 4 pertaining to positjTe , electrical terminal ; I black j 6 salt f 7 one who bides on a ship 8 tremble . 8 openwork - fabric : Answer to yesterday's pntile. BlAjHeFARfcfjSTrOiVV H ARNE Sic ANOE illNOSgEit TSAP LAV EWS U L GlA RA PiAlN I WYXi jA L atsmi Usee of aebrtassu 81- 10 sandarae tree 11 jelly-like ' materials 16 joined 17 estimates 21 female person 22 limb 23 meadow 24 bring forth young 25 schedule 26 anger 27 incline the bead 28 teamster's command 80 hardened S3 apply 34 sings S Hawaiian wreath 27 morsel 88 city in NeradA : 29 eour 40 ace 41 Indigo shrnb 42 Persian . fairy 43 Dutch - cheese 43 frozen water PORTLAND. (USD A) Hogs market steady. Barrows aad gilts, 140-163 lbs do ffd-eh, do fd-eh, do gd-ch, do ad-eh, do rd eh, do gd-eb. reeder pigs. Ore.. Aug. S3 (AP) Salable 60, total 300; gd-eh. 6.00 6.76 a 7.004 6.85 6.50(9 6.85 6.15 7.00 111 7.S5 7.18 T.00 6.75 6.60 160-180 lbs. 180-220 lbi 200-220 lba 220-240 lbs 240 770 lbs 370-300 lbs . a-oo4Uehoiee. 70-120 lbs ; S.000 0.(0 Cattle Salable 85. total 60; eales. salable 10. total 25: market steady. Stem, good, 900-1100 lbs-8 B. 90O10.00 do medium, 75O1100 lbs 750-1100 lbs 750-000 lbs.. 500-800 Ibe 600-800 lbs. do common, Heifers, good, do medium, do common. Cowa. good, all weights. do medium, all welghts. do eat-eom, all weights do eanner, all weights.. Bulls (yearlings excluded, beef, good, all weig fate do sausage, good, all wta do aao.se.ge, med, all wt do sausage, et-em. all wts Vealers, gd-eh, all wta .. do eom-med, all weights, do cull, all weights 7.7 5 ft? 6.50' 8.250 8.50 S.25 5 75( 4.751 4.00 ( 3.35 ( 8.60 7.75 S.50 8.35 6.60 6.80 6.75 4 75 4.00 T.O06? 6.75i 6.25 O 8.00(9 9.50 0 10.60 7.00 9.60 5.50 6.50 T.5 T.00 6.73 6 85 Sheen: Salable 1250. total 25: steady Spring lambs, good-ehoiee 9 7.75ft 8.23 do medium and good 7.25 1 7 60 do oommoa ; , ,,- 6.25 ti 7.60 Xwea (ahora), goed thoiee 8.00 8 60 4 common mai mediam 1.25 Q 8.00 jf jj) Seller m Ay Q? Leaner? w .-ww WBza OTHEIS rsILI aae eirr Chinese) rrmediea. Amaaiag BOO CESS for 6000 years in CHINA. Ko matter with what ailment yea aro AFTLICTED disorders, ai BasltSa, heart, lnags. liver, kidney, stomach, ni, aeastipatios. aloora. diabous, fever, aJUa, female laJata ; Ctiyrlis Cfci'n CSilaese Herb Co. & B. Foag. Off! eo ' a 1 a aaa V aiaant fSnndar and 1 rreoaesoay, is is jf 2 Prune Purchases Made at $25.Ton Considerable buying of pranes for drying ia reported at $25 a ton In Talley orchards, with some Ten higher prices being quoted. Last year $12 a ton was the top price. First deliveries of prunes for canning started this week, but no real Tolume will be received before the middle of next week, local cannerymeq report. Allhough It is agreed that the pack this year will be the smallest since prunes became a major crop Leading Stocks Take Tumble s , - Trend Lower for . First Time This "Week; Transfers Low, NEW YORK. Aug. 234 Leadlng stocks stumbled In to day's market for the first time this . week. : . The trend waa lower from the start J but the Tolume dwindled after the first hour. Occasional recovery shirts met with faint response and prices generally closed around the lows of the day at declines of 1 to 2 points. Steels, motors, ' aircraft and specialties we're the- principal sufferers. At that, there was a smattering - of plus signs at the finish. -.. ' , The Associated ' Press overage of SO Issues was off .8 of a point at 42.2 after fire successive ad vances. Transfers amounted ' to 24,460 shares compared with 442,180 the day before. The cashing In of profits by speculative forces, brokers said, waa natural In Yiew of the leng thy upturn. The fact activity less ened on the setback was Inter preted as constructive. Aside from 'pessimism . over congressional delay In mapping a national tax program and set tling disputed excess profits pro posals, business. Items remained fairly comforting to. financial quarters. On the cheerful side was a further upturn In this week's re tall spending, an expansion In output of new automobiles with manufacturers preparing to take on a large side line of armament construction. and brightening prospects for airplane makers and the railways. in this district, eanners; dq not agree on (estimates of the size. Last year'a pack was one of the largest known here. Closing Quotations' NEW TOItK, Aug. Al Chem DyelS3U American. Can .. f &H Allis-Chalmers . 22 Am Car A Fdy 23 Am Rad Std San C K, Am Roll Mills 10 Am Smelt 4V Ref tt Am Tel & Tel 111 Am Tobacco B Aviation Corp . Am Water Wks Am Zinc LtS. Anaconda Armour 111 . Atchison H i . Bald Loco , Bendlx Arlatlon Beth Steel ...;, Boeing Airplane Borden Borge Warner Calif Pack Callahan Z-L Calumet Hee Canada Dry L. Canadian Pacific Caterpil Tractor C el ansae --.; Ches dt Ohio Chrysler Col. Gas A Elec Coml Solrenta -Comwlth V Soa Consol. Aircraft. Consol Edison Consol Oil . Contl Can - " , , . Corn Products Crown Zellerbh. Curtlas Wright 7H 44 tH -H 20U 4H 15 14 2t 1$ 11 1 lt 14 1 I 14K - 424 274 284 UH S H 1 21 27 ttt 27 4t 14 7tf 2S-i5:V-Today,s closing e,uotatlona: Douglas Aircraft 8- Penna RR Da Pont ' ism Phelps Dodg . Eastman Kodak 128 Phillips Petrol -El Power A L 5 Proctor dV Gamo General Electric 32 Pub Service NJ- General -Foods - 41 Pullman . General llotors. 48 Radio Goodrich 11 Rayonler Goodyear Tire - 14 Rayonler Pfd Great Northern- 22 Republic Steel Greyhound 11, , Richfield OU Illinois Central- "1 Safeway Stores- Imp Copper , 8 " Sears Roebuck - Int Harvester 44 SheU Union Int Nick Can 27 Socony Vacuum Int Pap dk Pulp. 87 Soa Cal Edison. lat Tel A Tel . 2 Southern Pacific Johns Manriiie. S' Standard Brands Kennecott 28 Stand Oil Calif. Libbey-O-Ford - 38!i Standard Oil In Lockheed Loew'a , Long-Bell A - Monty Ward Nash Kelrlnator NaUonal Biscuit 12 NaU Dairy Prod 13 28 Standard Oil NJ 24 Stone Webster -2 Studebaker 32 Sunshine Mining 4 Texas Corp Trans-Amenea -Union Carbide Natl rnt 3Q Union Pacific National Lead-. 18 United Airlines. NT Central 11 United Aircraft. N Am Aviation. 18 - United Corp North Am Co 13 United Drug Northern Pacific 8 United Fruit Ohio OU , 8 US Rubber Pae Amer Fish. 8 US Steel' Pac Gas ft Elee. 28 Vanadium ... Packard Motor. 2 Warner Plct Pan-Am Airways 13 Western Union.' Parana Westtagh Elee J C Penney 81 Woolworth . 19S 23 32 81 24 19 4 18 27 18 .3 43 77 8 8 28 7 8 174 24 34 7 7 8 25 4 70 ss 18 28 1 4 81 IS 21 30 2 17 88 22 Grows Big Cucumbers WEST SALEM Harry Phillips of West Salem planted some en cumbers last spring. They grew and grew and grew until they were veritable giants of the en cumber family. He brought two samples Into the Statesman office yesterday, saying that It took only two, j similar fzf encumbers to weigh four pounds and fire ounces. Labor, Weather Favor Hop Picking PORTLAND, Aug. 23-rT-Har-rest of early clutters was speeded la Oregon hopyards this week by favorable weather and ample la bor, the agricultural marketing service, said .today. ' Ttb tonality of new ei-op f ugfcles and early clusters Is "generally good." the service said, with spl- Wool Advanced By Army Buying BOSTON, Aug. 2S-)-T. Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow: . :' ' The.wooI trade came smartly up on its toes Thursday, with tht announcement from Philadel phia that the army would opea bids ea September 3rd for aa ad ditional 7,840,000 yards of army overcoatings, serges and flannel. Prices Immediately were advanc ed la many shops as sales were effected at 2 to S cents, clean basis, abors last week hut chiefly on wools that might be termed specialties, The market, however, la generally stronger and hopeful that civilian business may now Improve. .... "J . "Western operations hare heen few and far between this week with prices hardly changed aa compared. with n week ago. Grow ers aware of the government or ders, howerer, are . rery firm is their asking prices. "Foreign offerings have been drying ap latterly with prices oa some descriptions somewhat firm er. The trade is awaiting develop ments on the Australiaa storage plan for 2 SO million pounds and the' suggested trade agreement with Argentina, "Mohair Is slow here. Efforts to . buy the first shearings of the new fall clip at 45 and 85 eenta haave not been productive of much business. der damage occurring oaly la scattered sections. . " Demand from all classes ef buyers was slow and the market remained Inactive. Trade advices indicated nominal values around 30 cents a pound, net to growers, for; regular type seeded clusters from the new cropi Yields la yards picked are It line with pre rious estimates. POLLY AND HER PALS II She Could Only Cook! By CUFF STERRET VUA.L. I SUTT1NLV f jr7. foo TELL 'SI aQ 0 n Jr jj MICXXY MOUSE An Ear for Music By WALT DISNEY Tic EAGLE TJCATREOXTIsr CASHES ON, ' AJO MICKEY rs snu. w . TKERUNHlHOf LTTTLE ANNIE ROOIIEY And Ifs a Small World, After AM ty BRANDON WALSH YOU KNOW, ZCHO-TrC COUMTW r SWELL- Evrjyue. tocato vc GRUkKsO AM I1A HMAhT LOTS A. WJJt BUTIKNDAGOT I KsTEP'TMMslKiN' bOUTAWMAPPAC DAD BLAAAIT-. UVW BACK 4 HALLE" i iA,aVAYaUITIsJALJ-'ryaC BADMEH WHO ARC fl-OOT1M'AM' OO'M'AACAKI "TMATTJ VNWAAHl HAPPV TOUD "TO fkRSMQ MCNtKKiD UVC ATHEk mouse: where woeooy riNO AAE ajsT THaT BAD AAEKI CANT KSXTCM JsJK AM'HOlOME UNTU.AAR. HAPPy PVaVS'EAA LOTSA SXAMSO AAOMavtr KM U I AA I x Guess T"MrSB wtty i 15 n1r'1 I - - - A l i I P IDOH'HAVETO VS0V."BCIJXATyTRKIG kJLIT I KIM TElL8yTHEWAy6HeU)OK9AT MCI? OWNSELTAU.THE -TWVE" t fiUESSTHOH WMT I GOT THg WW VXAAAg Cj Ca" , i TOOTS AND CASPEB The Colonel's up a Tree By tlMMY MURPHT " SO LON6r ,T0OTS! rTTl I'M NOT RCOOCJNi, FAST 1 THATLL JUST f VATCH JW ShfenSS? SOPH1B IS "TAWING MS Iff sfNOUlsM TO PIT aSTO JTHOSC ABOUT KILL. Mc! If tbUR VLa-5i?aSS( 7S?uLu P OP TO HEP BROTMERS 1 WHS.SO SOPHIPS WHY, I'VE LOST Q CALORIES BJSZSFOR ) .orf-riP HOMtS STEAD "JftUt MS TO HglP HER BROTHER TWENTY POUNDS 4 WHILE H,S , ffJiZFT -,r nPn iil CLEAR FIPTV ACRES OR OUST FROM TOObE AWA CASPER! f UStn TO EAT " j THIMBLE THHATRL Slorrtag Popwr . Ask Dad. Ho Kncmal , f . y f NOW I KNOW POPEYETl I OTHERWISE. I WOld1 Y WHV tXDWT I I 1 PoOPDeCK, rWE NOU VZ " ( BESUES, t DOM KNOWED HE ) fS IN TROUBLE 1 CAM J HAVE HEARD FROM OP THAT BEFORE ? HEARD FROM NOUR, SON, CANT V-i WAS AWAY r S ; V FEEL. IT 1M MY ' vJJM EW NOW rTTT' JN POPEYE? HAS HE WRTTTEN READ ) V -v rS J T AVWRnEjOJflSWP y r WRITTEN q i ( HEGOTO El Ss52 YfT II . ( WOPDECKWW A LETTER. LJ : J 111 Mk, n. " I m mm Mm'M ISST ECD3 70 FnESSIIT LCCATIOn SK. i 1 PMrtDetedkraisseMmBB41alM ltt V. Ooml ft., 8alem, Ora. f