The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 24, 1940, Page 7, Image 7

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    i'Tl CSTGOn STATES-IAZI,1 Cclsaa. Oregon, Ccturday I Jcaxlag; JLnqixd 2t ISO
1 XT 1
ltiiiitary nignway
Prospect Viewed
Board Has Qosed Session
With US Agent; M6re
i Jobs Are Awarded
; t - - - -
PORTLAND, Aug:. 23P)-The
state highway commission went
Into a- closed session discussion
of military road uses today after
awarding six project contracts and
referring another to the engineer.
The meeting "was attended by
Dr.' L L Hughes, chief ot the
western region for the .federal
public roads administration..
Earlier, County Judge Charles
E. Baird of Baker asked Improve
ment of the -Baker-Honrstead.
Sompter r and Medical , : Springs
roads and Fred Hall, Crescent
lake, urged a new road from
Crescent lake to the Willamette
. A Eugene delegation requested
the commission to pare Seventh
avenue there so one-way traffic
could be routed over both Sixth
and Seventh avenues.
Contracts awarded to low bid
ders included:
Baker county Grading 4.79
miles and constructing a bridge
on Keating road-Ruckles creek
section, Baker-Homestead high
way. Leonard ft Slate, Multno
mah. 51.818.
Harney Furnishing 9700 cu
bic yards of crushed rock for
Sage Hen hill-Harney section,
central Oregon highway. Chester
T. Lackey, Ontario. $18,835.
Lincoln Redriving pier fen
ders for Yaqulna bay bridge, Ore
gon coast highway at Newport.
Tom Lillebo, Reedsport, $15,865.
Polk Reconstructing multi
plate culTert nine miles northwest
of Salem, Salem-Dayton secondary
highway. J. F. Johnston, New
berg. $5H)0.
Tillamook Widening bridge
over Beaver creek, Oregon coast
: highway at Bearer. Birkemeler
ft Saremal. Portland, 811,376.
Baker Grading and surfacing.
.73 of a mile of Troy ranch sec
tion. Old Oregon Trail. McNutt
Brothers. Eugene, $30,921.60.
Referred to engineer with power
to award.
Civil Aviation Is
Helpful, Defense
SPOKANE. Aug. 23-;P)-Amer-Ican
civil aviation has "success
fully met the challenge of the
greatest aeronautical nations"
and the country can do the same
in the military arena, Lieut.-Col.
J. L. Strom me said here.
The lieutenant-colonel, Indus
trial planning officer for the air
corps In the ninth corps area,
was here to confer with manu
facturers on defense matters.
"If the challenge now comes
to us in the arena of military
action," he said In an interview,
"we will meet it in the confidence
that the same genius, the same
skill and the same courage that
gars us our supremacy in the
eirll field can be relied on to
establish our supremacy in the
field of aerial defense."
Irrigation Needs
Gted by Teutsch
CORVALLIS, Aug. 23-JP)-Th9
nly major method of increasing
western Oregon's capacity to ab
sorb more rural population is
through continued irrigation de
velopment, William L. Teutsch
aid today.
The newly appointed director
of the Oregon State college ex
tension service traced the growth
. of western Oregon Irrigation from
1900 to 40,000 acres in ten years
fa a speech to farmers on the
11th annual irrigation tour.
Teutsch said that with most
stream flow appropriated, future
development depended upon stor
ed water supplies, capable of
furnishing water for 700,000 to
1,200,000 acres of land. '
Aluminum Plant
Location Talked
KEXNEWICK, Wash., Aug. 23
4JP)-2 e o r g e D. Peters', Kenne
wlck business man, said today the
Reynolds Metal company of Rich
mond, l Va., was considering the
location of an aluminum manu
facturing plant here.
The company established itself
as a manufacturer of tinfoil at
Richmond and sow produces plas
tics also at New York City.
Peters said the Kennewick dis
trict was suited to the establish
ment of a plant due to the "near
ness of one of : the most import
ant raw materials needed."
Body of Missing
Bridegroom Found
PENDLETON, Aug. 23-(P-Coroner
Allen Folsom said today
the body of Raymond Jasper My
ers. 26, who disappeared Satur
day, the day before his wedding,
was found today near the Umatil
la river.
Myers committed suicide with a
.22 calibre rifle taken from the
Greenacres dairy; where i he was
employed, Folsom said. -
No motive was learned. Myers
applied for a, license August 15
to marry a Stanfleld girl and was
to hare obtained the certificate
Saturday. His grief-stricken ; fi
ancee,! Laura Be mice Gregory,
said they had not quarrelled.
Blind Vendor Has
Double Bad Luck
i " r - - 1 --'
VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 23
(JP) Thursday distinctly wasn't
Clarence Peddicord's lucky day.
When Peddicord, blind vendor
who operates a tobacco and mag
azine stand in the postof flee, ar
rived for work he found a bur
glar had robbed his cash register
of $250. A few minutes later he
learned that the state supreme
court had reversed a superior
court damage award to him of
"Ditch" oi Suez Guarded Against
V ';:-.n:'".
- ( v ' - ;f
- , - . rj
In this remarkable photo of British warplanes soaring over the long, flat ditch of the Sues caaal
through which a troopship passes below, is expressed the energy with which Britain Is guarding her
vital link to India, the Orient and Australia from Italian invasion. UN photo.
Klan, Bund Combine for Rally in
' I -Iff"
r4 rf-
..y. .........
H f
August Klapprott manager of the German-American Band's Camp Xordland at Andover, NJ, la shown
addressing a Klu Klux Klan rally held at the camp. Three band leaders were arrested after a scnffle
which developed when six men tried to distribute pamphlets at the meeting.
Photo shows various points la the center of London, whose environs
have been 'combed recently by nazls. 1, Old Bailey, central criminal
eonrt. 2, Port of London authority building. S, St. Paul's cathedral.
! jfr. Shooter's hill, Kent. C, Tower bridge over Thames.. , Cannon
N . z4'
i 4 .
Bombers Strike at
t ,
r, I
i -
1 lit 1 w
n ill1
Italy's Attacks
-c ! - - -
New Jersey
f I
t 1
-;- 7 v .
. " .-i-
4 f-A
t t
Heart oi British Empire
, . Ifl .
...... i 1.
street station. 7, St. Bride's charcb. S, Liverpool Assurance Co. 9,
public records office. 10, law courts. 11, St. JLunatans-n-ne-wr
church.' 13, well-wooded Uncoin's
Like Mother,
Two aad one-half-year-old Jacqweliae Freach, f earleasly aqmaplaaea
with her mother, Mrs. J. wniita Freach, at AtlaaUc City, KJ. Tn
notorhoat towiag the eqiu plane Is piloted by Jacqueline's Oadtfy
who, f oar years ago, received a Carnegie medal for heroism daring
the north Atlantic hurricane.
Off to Moscow
it ".
..... ...... . .....
... i
US Ambassador to Russia Lanr
ence A. Steinhardt sailed from
San Francisco en route to Moe-
rw br wav of Yokohama and
the trans-Siberian roate, to end
a four month' leave of ao
seace. I IX photo.
Chrysler Dies
; ' ;
.. , . ', v
. .... '' . ". .
' A ' - - .
Walter p. Chrysler
Walter P. Chrysler, 5, above,
who spent $5,000 in 1908 to buy
an automobile to take apart and
see what mads it go and thus pre
pare himself for a career in the
automotive Industry, is dead at
his Great Neck, L. L. home after
a long mneas. Chrysler became
one of the great and wealthiest
figures la the motor car Industry.
I" . . .
if f
i ..i.J
ui neios, surrounaca py -
Like Daughter
S , ... j
Tigress Loose
- i
Mrs. Eleanor Jarmaa
Known as the "Blond Tigress"
during her Chicago crime career
capped by complicity in a slay
ing, Mrs. Eleanor Jarman has fled
from the women's reformatory
near Dwight, m. Mrs. Jarman was
serving a 199-year sentence. Mary
Foster, serving a larceny
tence. also escaped with her.
Th foUowina Is the
official publication of tht
record of flalm before .
the Marion county com
missioner's court for th
August term, 1940, with
the amount allowed, bills
continued, etc, according
to the records in the of
fice of the county clerk.
Assessor's Office Acct-t Paul
Griebenow, deputy, $112.76; C. A.
Lewis, do, 112.76; Alma Acker
man, do, 102.7S; Myrtle Beecroft,
do. S1.75.
Clerk's Office Acct.: H. C.
Mattson, depoty, 112.78; H. A.
Judd. do. 131.75; A. If. PresnalL
do, 130; Lee Ohmart. do, 72.2S;
O. M. Six. do, 97.76; M. L. Pugh.
do. 76.
Co. Court Jk Commissioners
Acet.! Roy 8. Melson. salary,
115; J. E. Smith, do, 139; H. C.
Mattson, clerk. 20.
Court House Acct.: J. H. Kirsch.
janitor. 81.09; Chas. McKlnley,
do. 84.S9; Mark W. Baker, do.
4.s; Alice Oahlen. do; 44.74;
Margaret Welser. do. 37.71.
DUt. Atty's. Office AccCt Jo
seph B. Feltoa, deputy. 176; Oral
Addy, stenographer, 60.
Co. Health Officer's Acct.: V. A.
Douglas, health officer, 1X5; J. L.
Geren. sanitary officer, 12.50;
Margaret Me Alpine, nurse, 13S;
Ethel Lerraon, clerk. IS; T. R.
Coleman, sanitary officer. 60: Lu
cille Ayres, nurse. 6.
Salem Justice Court Acct.: Al
ma Johnson, stenographer, 100.
Salem Jastic-Constahle Acct.:
Rea Doan, stenographer, 30.
Juvenile Court Acct.: Nona
White, probation officer, IB.
Recorder's Office Acct.: H. C.
Schofield. deputy 97.75; E. M.
Niles. do, 71.94; Janice Henry,
do, 100; Mabel Tr PhllUpa, do,
Co. School Sopt's Office Acct.:
Cora E. Reld. assistant. 116; J.
W. Kennedy, supervisor, SS.71;
Carmallte L Weddle, secretary,
Sherifrs Office Acct.: Kenneth
L. Randall, depety, 147.09; B. R.
Smith, do. 1 34.09; L. L. Pltten
ger. do 134.19; H. U. Daniels, do.
109.C9; T. J. Bra bee, do, 149.C9;
A. M. Dalrymple. do, 114.19; B.
Glen Savage, do, 125: A. M.
Roethlin, do. 112.75; Wn. lie
Klnney. do 115; Harry L. McGee.
do. 115.
Treasurer's Office Acct.: Regin
ald IL Rees. deputy, 115.
Dog License Fund Acet.: Lee
Ohmart, clerk. 50; Paal Mamach.
nf. officer, 114.19.
Co. Property Acct.: H. Wa.
Thielsen. clerk. 100.
Engineer's Offlco AccCt N. C.
Hubbc. engineer. 174.74; Basel E.
Ward, clerk, 27.75.- -
Indigent Soldier Relief Acct.:
A. M. Johnson, commander, relief
of Catherine Creason, .15; A. M.
Johnson, commander, relief Chas.
C'Lovell. 15. .- ;
Poor Farm Acct.: L. D. Waring,
payment on contract, 60.
Poor SUsc AccCt Jama W.
Corey, relief, 15,
Court House Acct.: Robert Lee,
extra Janitor, 23.25; J. P. Aspia
wall. labor. 122.81; Richard
Boehringer, 15.97; James Croker,
94.94; P. A. Dutton, 91.01; Orlo
Emmert, 45.49; J. J. Hollett,
68.45; Mm Mellwala, 134.72; H.
Paulson, 107.01; C E. Powell,
107.45; Lee A. Wells. 48.60;
Clyde Woodruff. 107.35; W. ; C.
Woolridge. "94.30; Omer Bartruff,
120.93; Merle Beckner. 120.27;
C s. Bergaa, 8LI0; J. F. Bewley,
II. 34; O.D. Blaegar. 119.24; Tom
Bowden, 5.12; Elbert Bradford.
97.29; CW. Brant, 53.37; Lee
E. Brant, lOf.54; Ivan Brown,
113.01; Dick Baell. 20.39: J. A.
Burns, irt.01: C A. DeLoog.
4I.S7; W. a DeRosa. 11T.35; F.
M. Elsey, 111.51; Harvey M.
Glrod, 101.23; Clyde Bread rid ire.
1.29 Frank Engelhart. 13.40:
Anton Griesenauer, 3.37; Joseph
Lux. 1.39; Arthur Drake, 95.22;
John Saere. 93.54; A. V. Fisher.
109.37; Fred Farrow, 37.73; Joe
WrigbU 75.94; R. L. Green.
III. 75 Oscar W. Hancock. 65.71;
Geo. A. Hendersoa. 1136; C B.
Hant. 109.90; Bert Ivarsoa.
112.73; Geo. James. 104.30; Wm.
R. Kiag. 45.39; Henry L. Mar
tin. 109.52; Lester MeDwaia,
145.94; J. L. TnMf, t.52; M.
8. Ramp. 110.44: Kick Schab,
119.73; Dan Seharf. 122.07; Hagh
Webb. 124.51; L. W. Webber,
101.29;. Joe Weidaer. 77.11;
Frank Woe Ike. 129.95: Greg
RobI, 34.92; Geo Kappauf. 1.11;
E. J. Richards. 19.95; A. H- Hen-
nies. 130.20; Don Blades, 98.15:
Anton Feskens. 54.41; Lloyd
Jarman. 105; Theo Kennzi,
106; Theo Keunxl. 104.33; Ralph
Glrod, 149.74; B. A. Snyder.
84.49; G. M. Snyder. 83.49; Roy
LaFollett, 80.92: Kenneth D.
Snyder, 84.49: Harry Becker,
hauling dirt, 39.30; Lyle Beckner,
do, 51.70; Roy L. Beckner, do,
37.60; Lyle Caster, do. 32.90; A.
O. Cater, do. 37.40; G. R. Dicken
son, do, 9.40; Bea E. Gipsoa, do,
89.30; Herman Hoeschen. do.
23.20; Wayne - Hindman, do,
81.30; M. J. McCormlck. do, 4.70;
Gayle Redmond, do. 42.20; Orin
F. SchoUlan. do. 28.20; Ed Ricks,
do, 45.80; Joe Sonnea, do. 37.40;
R. M. Stewart. dor :18.80; Joe
Uphoff. do, 24.60?' Albert K.
Wengenroth. do. 22.50; L. M.
Case, hauling rock. 177.60; Cleo
Kepplnger, do. 144.25; Fred
Stewart, do, 144.25; Ed Ricks,
hauling dirt. 22.50; Chas. Weiaen
haus, do, 28.20; Robert Adams,
hauling gravel. 426.24; W. J.
Davenport, do, 383.72; C B. Hen
Jum. do. 333.92; V. J. Herts, do.
99.84; John Nag. do. 445.12; J.
F. Rlngwald. do, 49; A. B. Wilson,
do. 207.90; Chas. H. Hoyt. gravel,
1560.39; Oregon Gravel Co..
gravel. 4787.78; Geo. Keech,
roadviewer, 5.88; Fred J. MUler,
do, 11.65; Alford R. Nolan. Jr.,
chainman, 33.91; F. D. Tan Swer
ingen, do. 43.89.
Miscellaneous Accts.: Geo. E.
Allen Hdw.. bushings, etc.. 3.42;
American Brush Co.. brooms, etc..
70.76; J. P. Asplnwall. use of car,
1.28; J. p. Asplnwall, cash adv.
for grease. 35; Ballon ft Wright,
cement, etc., 6.29; M. J. Boughn.
repair tire, etc.. 1; Beall Pipe ft
Tank Corp.. culvert. 16.58; Bear
ings ft Motor Parts, Inc. bear
ings, etc., 5.09; Wallace H. Bone
steele. Inc. seal, .75; Bosler elec
tric, transformer, 6.75; rBad Held
Smyth Lbr. Co., lumber, 10.32;
A. C. Bark, use of car, 43.77; W
E. Burns, tubing, etc, 7.43; KT H,
Burrell. springs, etc, 18.26; Capi
tal City Bindery, binding record
books, 74; Capital Journal. pabL
claims, 18.30; Capital Journal.
publ. notice. 67.20; Capital Lbr.
Co., Inc. lumber. 1.63; The Capi
tal Press, printing. 69.1a; Co
lumbia Equipment Co.. shaft, etc.
66.85; Colyear Motor Sales Co..
joint, 2.53; The Commercial Book
Store, envelopes, etc. 10.50;
Cooke Stationery Co., receipt
book. etc. 46.45;H. R. Crawford,
postage, 40.56; Frank Doollttle
Mast. Serv. Sta., valve, .76;
Don gh ton Hardware, emery cloth,
.50; Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co.,
belt lacing. 1.17; Fowler Tire Co
tires reesp, 43.-75; General Petrol
eum CorJ., oil. 32.86; Goodrich
Sllrertown Store, tires, 487.98; A.
C. Haag ft Co., mower sections.
etc.. 14.38; R. C. Haseman, oxy
gen, etc. 6.20; Ernest ft Jill.
Marie Haycox, right of way 100;
H. ft L. Co., points, 23.90; N. C.
Hubbe, use of car," 64.44; Carl
Hultenberg. tires. 188.52; Ira
Jorgensen. pistons, etc, 57.51:
Larmer Transf ft Storage, coal,
etc. 151.57; The Geo. Lawrence
Co.. tire valves, etc, 6.04; Log
ger's ft Cont, Mach. Co.. caterpil
lar ft bulldozer, 4720.90; Doug
las McKay Chev. Co.. bushings,
etc., 19.19; Jaa H. Maden Co,
Inc, gears, etc. 2.30; Don Madi
son, tubes, 5.32; L. D. McFar
land Co,' piling. 544.63; A. B.
McLaachlan Co.. labor ft ma
terials, 49.65; Morrison Specialty
Co., oil filter packs. 8.82; ML
States Power Co, power, 43.80;
Need ham's Book Store, folders,
etc. 4.05 Nelson Bros, Inc,
flanges, .41; Northern Life Ins.
Co.. Insurance fees, 84.31; Oregon
Culvert ft Pipe Co., culvert. 4.38;
Pacific TeL ft TeL Co, tlephone,
144.44 Packer Scott Co, mops,
etc. 22.32; Physicians ft Sur
geons Hosp Assoc, hospital does,
42.50; Pioneer Trust Co., insur
ance premium, 210; Pohje Starer
Co.. twine, etc, 53.75; Portland
Gas ft Coke Co, gasco. 2155.25;
Portland Gen. Elec Co, electri
city. 196.68: Rahn MeWhorter
Paper Co, Carbon, ate, 41.14;
Remington Rand. Inc. carbon,
etc, -116.38; Ross Rlcket, oil,
25.88; Salem Hardware Co..
sprinklers, etc, 35.05; Salem Steel
s apply Co, pump, etc. 45.85;
Salem Teat ft Awning Co, awn
ings, etc, 27.81; Shell Oil Co,
asphalt. 1024.92; Silver Falls Tbr.
Co., lumber, 179.61 SUver Wheel
oMtor Frt, .freight. .50; .E. A.
Skelley. maps. 2.50; Southern Pa
cific Co.. freight. 5065.06; Spo
kane Portland ft Seattle Ry. Co,
freight. 75.84; Standard Oil Co,
Asphalt, 2794.21; Standard OU
Co.. .gasoline, ete 1003.24;
Statesman Publish. Co, pabL
claims, 20.20; The Texas Co., olL
23.76: Tidewater AssocUted Oil
Co, road olL 1198.60; L. R.
Tweedle, dlesel. 88.60 Unioa Oil
Co. ot Calif., asphalt. 1201.71;
Valley Motor Co, amatnre, etc,
34.16; Valley Welding Co oxy
gen. 8.70; Bill Watkins. repair
tire, .50; Western Aato Supply
Co, carburetor. 6. 31; Western
Union TeL Co, telegrams, 3.21;
Willamette Auto Wreck Cow cssh-
loj 1.00; Willamette Valley Tfr.
Co, freight 4.75: Woodbury Co,
wrenches, etc. 35.12; R. D.Wooov
row, tires 316.56.
. Asseseor'a Offlco Acct. capital
Journal, pabL notice 3.45: Paal
Griebenow, as ot ear 3.40; R,
Skelton, cash adv for noataxe
5.00; E. C Denny, field deputy
150.00; H. W. Ubby.-neld dep
uty 210.00. i ,. ,
Aaditrsx Acct, Tarl SnelL see.
of state, aadltlngr records 2229.70.
Ctrenit Court Acct. Blanche B.
Fergusoa, reporter 60.00; Chas.
H. HelUel. prof. services 5.00:
Schneider's - Coo fee shop, meals
for Jurors 24.00; TJnruh - Rnapp
Printiag Co. envelopes 12.60.
Clerk's Offico Acct." Kraps ft
Long. - prfnters, priating 5.S5;
Scr!bnera Ink Co ink 1.2S.
Coroner's Offico Acct. L. E.
Barrlck. cash adv for telephone
I. 45; i - "
Court-Boas Aect. Allied Art
Studio. : decorate : court hooao
40.69; Blaka MofStt ft Town,
towels, etc 18.40; Capital City
Laundry, laundry 1.20; City lee
Works, lee S.tO; Graber Bros,
labor and parts 9.44: Otis Zlva-
or Co, elevator pal at 7.50; Sal
em Water Commission, water
32.40; ArrU b. Stewart, make
key 2 5: Sunday the Tailor, re
pair flag .50; Called Laboratories
inc, nalat 30.44; C, A. VlbberU
cord, etc 1.50.
DtsC Attya, Offlco Acct. Lyle
X. Page.: cash adv for post 1.00.
on, ran Fund Acct. CMlds ft
Miller, Inc. premium on bonds
Feeblo Mhsded Acct. Dr. Ver
den E. Hoekett. examinations
20.00; Dr. H. O. MUler, examina
tions 20.00.
Co. Health Officer's ' Acct. Lu
cille Ayres, traveling expenses
25.00; Bertelsoa ft Son, envel
opes 10.94; Central Pharmacy,
medical supplies 42.20; Dr. V.
A. Douglas, traveling expenses
2645; J. L. Geren, traveling ex
penses 25.00; Hendri Labora
tories, laboratory fee 27.00: Mar
lon Co. Dept. of Health, mainten
ance of unit 72.00; Lucille Mas
key,' traveling expenses 25.00;
Need ham's Book Store, office sup
plies 4.10; Perry's Drug Store,
medicine 6.50; Shaw Surgical
Co.; medical supplies 33.41.
Indemnity for Slaughter of Dis.
Cattle Acct. Wm. G. CharpHlox,
indemnity 57.93; Geo. M. X! ah on
er, do 7.50; Rose Moth, do 4.00:
Dean M- Schaap. do 7.60; Mrs.
Gladrte T. Syfert, do &.9t;i WM-
ter 'Ta Fine, do 4.002 Ckaa. 'F.
Zalsdort, do 4.00. i
Iadliceat Soldier Relief Acct.
Geo. Towe, commander, relief A.
H. - Thomas 15.00; Geo. Towe.
commander, relief Wm. Andres
15.00; Geo. Towe, commander,
relief Ralph L. Hook 15.00; Geo.
Towe. commander, relief Mrs. N.
A. Hansen 15.00; Geo. Towe.
commander, relief A. ' 8. Howe
Insane Acct. Dr. Verden E.
Hoekett. examinations 25.00.
Jafl Acct. A. C. Bark, board
of prisoners 205.28; Sanitary Ser
vice. Co.. removing garbage 1.00.
Salem Justice Court Acct. S. C
Catlin ft R. K. Page, rent 40.00;
M. B. Hayden, cash adv for pos
tage 9.00; C S National bsnk.
rent 25.00.
Salem Constable Acct. Earl
Adams, travel expenses 189.00.
Outside Justice Court Acct. W.
D. Harris. Justice Mt. Angel 5.50;
J. T. Jones, constable Jefferson
4.40; A. M. Amo, constable Sil
verton 35.70; Alf O. Nelson, Jus
tice Silverton 20.30; Walter H.
Bell. Justice Stayton 8.S0; Claire
Houseweart, reporter Woodburn
5.00; W. C. MUler. constable
Woodburn 31.30; H. " Overton,
Justice Woodburn 25.45.
Juvenile Court Acct. Nola Lee,
clerk 3.00; Salem Deaconess hos
pital, care of Juveniles 60.00;
Nona White, cash adv for post
age. 3.50.
Poor Farm Acct. Building Sup
ply, lumber 6.10; Lloyd W. Hill,
board of Inmates 450.00; Wm.
Neimeycr, medicine 8.28; Port
land Gas ft Coks Co, fuel 16.45:
Willamette Grocery Co, soap,
etc. 10.70.
Poor Acct. State Publie Wel
fare Com, general assistance
Poor Misc. Acct. Boys ft Girls
Aid Society, allowance 96.00.
Recorder's Office Acct. MUd
red R. Brooks, cash adv for pos
tage 3.00; Dorothy WHxel. clerk
Registrations ft Elections AccC
John Kirsch, making booths
140,62; H. L. Stirf Furniture Co,
rent ot chairs, etc 1.30; G. E.
White, clerk 31.87; Woodburn
Truck Line Inc, cartage 2.00.
Rodent Control Acct. Market
Drug Store, glycerin 3.00.
School Snpta. Office Acct. Ag
nes C. Booth, cash adv for pos
tage 41.00; Agnes C. Booth, use
of car 8.95; J. K. GUI Co, books
3.04; Jack W.' Kennedy, correct
ing papers' 51.00; Carmalite L
Weddle, correcting papers 15.00.
Sealer ! of Wts. and &leaurrs
Acct, Department of agriculture
sealer 33.00.
Sherifrs Office Acct. A. C.
Burk. cash adv for postage 14.00;
A. C. Burk. travel expenses 142.
10 1 Geo. Huege, traveling ex
penses 64.48.
Surveyor's Office Acct. Hagh
Fisher, use of car 24.08.
Dog License Fund Acct. PanI
Marnaeh. ase of car 63.14; That
cher Printing Co., -printing no
tices 6.75: Ermal E. Cramer.
sheep killed by dogs 10.00; Gor
don Jones, do 1.50; J. J. Neibert.
do 23.00.
Co. Property Acct. J. S. Cam
mlngs, refund of payment 40.00;
J. E. Hosmer. Insurance premium
4.00: John P. Hunt ft Son. in
surance1 p rem! am 9.40; Winnie
Pettyjohn, do 7.00: Scellars ft
Foley, do 4.48; Statesman Pub
lish. Co, publish notice 1190.40:
H. I Wm. Thielsen. use of car
7.56: J. C Wageman. commission
on rental 1.0 0.
Photostat Acct. Photostat Cor
poration, supplies 300.65; South
ern Pacific Co.. freijrht on sup
plies 13.84; Wiles Drug Store,
gloves .78.
Attereuaaeous Accts. A. c
Haag ft Co, rivets, etc 48.90;
Robert Adsms, hauling gravel
743.96: L. M. Case, do 574.40;
W. J. Davenport, do 667.38; C.
B. H en jum. do 766.71; CI eon
KeBBlnxer. do 116.64: C T.
Klatt. do 132.00; John Nag. do
752.88; J.' F. Klngwald. flo
320.20; Fred Stewart, do 19.04;
A. B. Wilson, do 216.62; w. u.
HilL rravel 15.50; Chas. H. Hoyt,
do 9224.13; Oregon Gravel Co..
do 3303.40; Salem Supply Co,
do 322.00; A; -M. Johnson, com
mander, relief of Arthur IL Cox
10.00; State Ind. Acc Co mm is-
sioa. Insurance ' 448.16; Cooke
Stationery C04 desk, etc 187.94;
F. Hodges, sacking barley 4.60:
Robert E. , Lee. spiting wooa
, 4 o . v .
hUnd assistance 147.00; State
Publie Welfare com, dependent
children 1823.80; i State, Funiie
Welfare eenu. old age asaistaace