T The CZLGCU STATESMAN L Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning. August 24. 1SI3 IS 0 V IS FETED--Miss Cora ' Mc Milson. who is spending week at the home of her' ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Milsc Bride-Elect Will Be Feted MIm Janet Robertson, who has announced September 14 as her wedding date I to Mr. Paul h. Hauser. Jr., will be the honoi mat at a lorelT garden party this i afternoon j for which Miss Rnbh Shinn and Miss Alice nmh will be hostesses. The affaic will be held in tnfe gardens of the Shinn home oh ' North Summer street and a grout) of the bride-elect's mumaip friends have been bidden to a one o clock luncneon. j ; Guests will be seated at small t tables with summer flowers pra V Tiding the decoratire note. A kitchen shower will fete the i bride-to-be .during j the afternoon. Miss Sally McLellan will assist the hostesses Informally, t Enaaaement Told By Miss Jensen Mis Violet Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Jensen of Pra tum, announced her engagement to Mr. Donald Wilson, son of . Mrs. Charles O. Wilson, at an evening party on Wednesday at ine wnson aome. iursases wuu folders attached revealed the en gagement to guests at they arriv ed. No date was set for the wed- a in r Present were Mrs. Gene Wat ers, Mrs. Mac Serdotx, Mrs. Paul Clark, Miss Freda Meyers, Mrs. Rex Omart. Miss Joan Meyers, Miss Lorraine Larson, Miss Pearl Jensen, Miss Mavis Larson, Mrs. Edward Strode, Miss Myrtle Ross man, Mrs. Thomas Allport, Miss Vera Coward, Miss Gladys Ques seth, Mrs. Ole Jensen, Mrs. Charles O. Wilson and Miss Vio let Jensen. Miss Smith Is , Honor Guest II i. ; Nurses at Salem General hos pital were hostesses at a miscel laneous shower for Miss Eva Smith. She will marry Mr. Jack Vanleet on August 27 at St. Vincent De Paul Catholic church at 1 1 o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Charloa Smith of Prosser, Washington, mother of the bride elect, was a special guest. Miss Smith has been a nurse in the surgery of the Salem General hospital for several years. Mr.: and Mrs. Amos Jones were hosts the first of the week for Miss Smith and Mr. VanVleet. . m a, ixi it. of the Jason Lee church who were entertained at the Wecoma Beach home of Mrs. W. L. Lewis were: Mrs. A. C. Anderson, Mrs. V J. L. Batdorf . Mrs. William J. Bates,, Mrs. Fred Barker, ; Mrs. Margaret Clark, Mrs. Ellen Cur rin, Mrs. Orey Fields, Mrs. Jessie Geis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillette, ' : Mrs. I. M. . Hochstettler, " Mrs. ' Margaret Haines, Mrs. Joseph IClinger, Mrs. Edna Lively, Mrs. Bruce Mellls and. Mrs. Anna Mel lis, bath of Roseburg, Mrs. Marie Putnam. Mrs. Harriett RMnr. Mrs. S. Raynor Smith, Mrs. Min nie Van Slyke, Nevitt Smith, Mrs. Mary E. Smith. , j Thei Salem Writers' club met at the J. C. Nelson home Wednesday night with the following taking - part tin the program: Xfrt William Uar,lnt HMym T ; C. Nelson, Mrs. Blanche Jones, . , Mrs.!: Jessie Singleton and Perry . Relgelman. Also present were Dr. Mary Rowland, Professor W. E. - ; Lawrence and Mrs. Lawrence of Corvallis. Miss Grace .Elisabeth ; Smith, Ernest Smith, Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Franklin, Mrs. C. A. Lytle, Miss Edna Garfield and Mrs. Ora Mclntyre. I Mr. and Mrs. Lumen F. Key, of Champaign, Illinois, are visiting a few days with his parents, Mr. . and Mrs. W. H. Ney, having driven - through, via Glacier national park. After a few days they will leave , on their return1 journey via Cali fornia, ; through Bryce Canyon and the southern route to be onj hand for the opening of school at the University of Illinois where Mr. Ney Is continuing his studies - for his doctor's degree in bio chemistry. . MILL CITY Mrs. Henrietta Quinn ' entertained at her home :.. Wednesday with a miscellaneous shower In-, honor of Miss Belle Faust, who will be married to . Mr noh Tra.nk- : In SntTnhr A " quartet consisting of Miss Belle .'. Faust, Miss Joyce Ogden, .Mrs. ' Frank Merrill and Miss Marjorie Schroeder sane.r accompanied by " Mrs. Don Schythe. Those present v were: Mrs.' Mildred'. Allen, M r a Frank Taylor -Mrs. ' Tom Allen, -Mrs. Robert Schroeder, Mrs. ; D. B. Hill. Mrs. Leroy Dike, Mrs. Pearl t Holthouse, Mrs. Frank Merrill,' Mrs. R. L. Faust, Mrs -Don Schythe, Mn, A. D. Scott, Mrs. C. M. Cline, Mrs. WV J. Rob- , lnson, Mrs.: C. E. Mason, Misses Dorothy j D e a. n Mason,' Marjorie Schroeder,: Joyce. . Ogden.. ..Vai Faust, Daisy Hendricson, Mrs. R. L. Cooper of Carleton, Mrs. Lee Ross and Mrs. Denver Young of Salem. Miss Faust and Mrs. Qufcra. Visitors !Are' Honored at Parties A much feted visitor in tha capital is ' Mrs. L. G. McLaren, who with Mr. McLaren and her sons, William and Scott, of. San Mateo, Calif., are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Craig. ; Mrs. McLaren is a former Salem girl and has many friends here. i Mrs. Craig was hostess for a smartly appointed bridge party last - night at her Court street home In compliment to Mrs. Mc Laren. ! A late supper was served by the hostess and bouquets of sum mer flowers were used about the guest rooms. Bidden to honor Mrs. McLaren were Mrs. G. F. Chambers, Mlsa Dorothea Strusloff, Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. A. A. Siewert, Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs. Waldo Mills, Mrs. Leona Johnson, Mrs. M. Wilson Savage, Mrs. H. G. Smith, Mrs. Dolph Craig, Mrs. Frank E. Neer and Mrs. J. C. Leedy. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Chambers and Miss Dorothea Steusloff were Jiosts for a family dinner party at the former's home on North 13th street Friday night for the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. McLaren and their children. A group of the McLaren's friends are arranging a picnic in their honqr on Sunday at Silver Creek falls. Picnic Honors Mr. Miller A reunion was held on Sunday for Mr. Raymond 'Miller of Kan sas, who has been visiting here for Beveral months. Mr. Miller is a former Salem resident and has left for his home in Kansas. ' Members of the family met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miller and then went to their acreage at Lakreal creek where dinner was served. Attending the picnic were Mr. Raymond Miller and daughter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mil ler, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Ronald and Darleene, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and Robert, Mr. Winnie Miller, - Mrs. Nellie Davis, Mr. Bill Ulrlch, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Salmon, Mrs. Tho mas Harmon, Mrs. Sarah Eaton, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mahon and Jerry all of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Calvert and Leonard of Junction City, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Brooks and Lottie and Alta of Swiss Home, Mr. and Mrs. John Frederickson and Elizabeth of Mapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles James, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. TJ11 man, Patricia, Donald and Robert, Mr. . and Mrs. Vincent Rodakaw ski, Bobby and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miller, Wesley and Eu nice of Salem. Mr. William Wharton, Mr. Wil lis Vincent, Jr., and Mr. Gilbert Adams are leaving today for Pa cific City where they will vacaticn for severa days. ! . Ml . , , MAX INE BUREN Editor Is Guest at Shower Miss Leone Carsley, popular bride-elect of Dr.- E. R. Derfllng er, was the incentive for a sur prise shower on Thursday night at her home on? State street. Arranging the party were Miss Helena Schneider, Miss Madelle Kappauf, Miss Georgia Ramaga and Miss Alma Patterson. A kitchen shower was given for Miss Carsley and refreshments were served late in the evening. -Honoring the bride-to-be were Mrs. Margaret Smith, Mrs. Kath erine Garnett, Mrs. Richard Barss, Mrs. Ella Wilson, Mrs. Twyla Zinn, Mrs. S. Long, Miss Genevieve Morgan, Miss Ruth Ward, Miss Shirley Laws, Miss Jeannette Tatone, Miss Es ther Long, Miss Helena Schneid er, Miss Madella Kappauf, Miss Georgia Ramage and Miss Alma Patterson. Breakfast Event ' Of Sunday Mrs. William Monroe Hamilton and her daughter, Mrs. Jamea Wilkinson, have invited guests to an eleven o'clock breakfast Sun day morning at the former's home on West Lefelle street. The affair will compliment Miss Peggy Mln kiewitz, who has recently an nounced her betrothal to Mr. Em ery Hobbs. Breakfast will be served on the patio and guests will be seated at small tables centered with bouquets of summer flowers. A crystal shower will fete the bride-to-be. Covers will be placed for Miss Minkiewltz, Miss Helen Langille, Miss Peggy Thompson, Miss Aud rey Fehler, Miss Dorothy McLeod, Miss Marjorie Weum, Miss Bar bara Williams, Miss Mary Yeager, -Miss Vivian Wilson, Miss Lucy Fisher. Miss Lou Hickman. Miss Margaret Campbell, Miss Mildred Meaney, Mrs. John Ritchie, Mrs. Andrew Halvorsen, Mrs. William Monroe Hamilton and Mrs. James Wilkinson. Miller Days, an annual event, ia one of store-wide scope, com prised of "special purchases" of new Fall merchandise. It is pre sented to Miller customers as a harhinger of Fall . . the begin ning of a period of relaxation from city-wide August Clearances. SALE! Chenille Bocjular $&S3 Here Is the opportunity to purchase extra bedspreads for .little outlay oi cash I Many patterns, colors, etc., from 'which to choose. If you cannot call In person, telephone 3179 and have them placed In the" lay crwayl Main floor. ' t 1 :. ; .: . i: i .. ALL PEQUOT S ' X ;' SHEETS AND. PILLOW, CASES, REDUCED! 811 r iii Society MUSIC : ; club: cai .end An ;; r MONDAY ' .'' - Scout 'mothers, of troop . II, picnic at Jason Lee church, f :S0 d. m. ' .- Royal Neighbors of America, t p. m. Fraternal temple. . . , Woman's Missionary society of Jason Lee church, 2:15 P. m.. with Mrs. 8.. Raynor Smith, S60 Jefferson street.' r WEDNESDAY Circle 8, . Presbyterian church, with .Mrs. Henry Mil lie, 475 North Capitol street.. Mrs. Leo Dean, leader. Shower Given for Miss Voves Miss Marv Catherine Voves waa the Incentive for a bridal shower annta of Mr. Faulkner's enter on Tuesday night when Mrs. talned In honor of the bride. Six- Florence Markee of Sheridan en- tertained In her honor. J'infc and white were used to make np the color scheme In placecards and flowers. irn'vo'wnf V,f M frt r Rmlth ?r ..VobeS- &t?Vsffifi TlFIXlK SSoeSSS The? wil? JSlL in ffhinan They will reside inJJheridan. Miss Milson Is Visitor Miss Cora May Milson is here from Los Angeles visiting for a week at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Milson at 19J0 Center street. l She was entertained on Thurs day night at the home of her un cle and aunt. Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Prime on State street with Dr. and Mrs. Frank Prime, Jr., of Corvallis among the relatives bid den. Miss Molly Jean Maison. MJss Alice Ann Wirts and Miss Shirley Huntington were among those at tending the Chi Omega rush tea In Portland on Monday. airs. Emm Morgan of Walts burg, Wash., Is visiting at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Breit haupt. ' . 1 f . . . . . - . ..... , CAUH , ORBOON. 0 dspreads Gneats of Mrs. Eeaseth )Ior dock on Thursday were Mrs. Lyle Morton and children, Joan. Dour las and William, of Schnectedy, NY, and Mrs. William Clarke and son Bill of Portland. The Mor tons are to be In Portland for several months. Mr. and Mrs, E, H. Cravens, Patricia and Richard and Miss .Georgia Baldwin left for their home in Excelsior Springs, Mis souri. They have been guests for the past two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Baldwin, parents of the two women. - t Mrs. - Francis DeHarpport ' and her children,': Marie and Dale, are visiting for; several days In Nswberg.- .- T ' Mrs. Roy S. Keeae entrained . last night for Los Angeles where she will Tisit for a week. ; LEBANON Mr. and Mrs. Gay Grable are announcing the mar riage of their daughtea, Ardith, to Mr. Glen Faulkner, the son ol Mrs. Victor MueUe. The ceremony was read In Portland August 12 The bride wore a black chiffon velvet afternoon dress with a cor sage of pink carnations. Immedi ately after the ceremony the cou ple returned to Lebanon to their home on West Oak street. Mr. Faulkner was graduated from the local high school. Mrs. Faulkner completed her school work st Harrlsburg and has been employed in the First National hank. Last Friday, Mrs. George My ler and Mrs. Sophia Smith, teen relatives and a tew close friends gathered at the Muetse home with gifts for the new house. VALLEY VIEW M I s s Janet and Charles HIbbs. jr.. rJSS-S bJJSV MeuX ennrcn- rnT were attended by MlM Elelinor Mon of SUt. ton and the groom s brother, Mr. Gaylord Hlbbs. Both are graduates of the El wood, Nebraska high school and Mrs. Hlbbs taught in the Nebraska schools several years. They will reside at Dallas. Meat. Loaf Has Rice Filler A meat loaf that Includes rice makes a good family dinner dish. MEAT LOAF WITH RICE 1 cups cooked rice 1 pound ground pork 4 cup chopped onion H teaspoon pepper 2 pounds ground beef Vt cup ground raw carrot 1 tablespoon salt 1 KK 1 cup milk (or evaported milk) Combine all Ingredients thor oughly. Shape in a well oiled bak ing pan. Bake. Yield: 12 servings. Temperature: 260 degrees. Time: I hour. ' - . . . Today's Menu Several Interesting; dishes are Included on the weekend menu list, ' - . SATURDAY - I Scrambled -eggs In - -- Tomato cups ."Raw fried potatoes - Cantaloupe a u mode r bcxday ' : , Pineapple-cucumber salad r Fried chicken . Country gravy . Corn on the cob French tried potatoes .' ... Frosted grapefruit Sponge cake ! - - MONDAY . Fresh' pear and cottage ckeeee- 4 . salad - . V -Baked lamb chops Green beans. :..".,.. . Boiled potatoes )' . ' tj, . Deep dish peach pie. Cat tops off , tomatoes, set In pan of water In the over and bake until - soft but- not broken np. Scoop out center and fill with scrambled eggs. May add the to Finest of - - - - Five Famous Brands! Hosiery Expert IMliliWUt TWarW hum ef Us a e Lai aJso -. glnm "wtisf v - ISAcerle, -V Corset v;rr;V;7 T7i V tit r X mato' pulp to the errs as they are being cooked Garnish with parsley and serve very hot, FROSTED GRAPEFRUIT 1 teaspoon plain gelatin t K cups grapefruit sections and Juice . - cu water cup sugar -. Peppermint flavoring Green vereUble coloring ' Soften gelatine In U cup of f grapefruit Juice. Combine water and sugar; stir over low heat nn- - til sugar Is dissolved. Add soft ened gelatine; stir until dissolved. Combine with remaining grape fruit Juice and sections. Add a few drops of peppermint flavoring .and green vegetable coloring to make a delicate xreezC Pour Into ' tray of automatic refrigerator, set - the. cold control at coldest point. Freeze mntU firm bat not hard.' To serve, pile Into grape trait shells or tail stemmed glasses. . Makes "4 servings. . Yo stales front flannels by applying a mixture of equal portions of egg white and glycerine. Wash In the usual manner after an hour or-two. " . - r. .- - NDS T O DAY 6:00 P. M. Bargain Event the Year! ,1' First . Floor Second Floor Third Floor Basement 5 with A wonderful value if I x ... I With 3 pairs alike you can match up "widows ! ; st the wear of an extra pair. Be sure to ! Sive them Lux'cAre, of course. Lux saves their M .precious elasticity.-.., - e variety of shades Vo recommend . for stockings AUKM . ORKCOM ' .Creom; Pudding . Has Fruit "Fruit- and milk are excellent teammates la any children's des sert. The following recipe,. made with Quifk-eeoking tapioca and a choice blend of whore-trait nectar (found In cans at your grocer's) Is not -only healthful lor young- - - - - V m i,u mlrktv'rnOild the rrownupe. - i K PkIcII-XECTARIXE CREAMY ? , nectar" . .! -' S tablespocna ,uUk-cooMng upifca- f i v ; . . 4 teaspoon aH . -, , f - 2 tablespocna buitar . I It marshal allows - , ix -nm tibin rr4a r ton milk. Combine nectar, tapioca.--exit and butter la a sance pan. Cook over direct heat until tapioca la clear (I to minutes); stirring continuously.' Remove from heat, add marshmallows and stir, until marshm allows are- melted. Add cream and stlrr to bleed. ChilL For variation" "ptr-JffJleot.- P1 or peach necur.fi whole-fruit variety. . Serves i to : X - - PAIR 0 jsj mm 3 pairs. for! $2.00 we ever MW OOC in all weights. wir. (.-.is a L "-'-