The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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4 .
SUNDAY WEDDING Mrs. Charles Alva Raffety. the former
Lois Faye Nordean, who was married in the chapel at St
Helen's Hall junior college on Sunday. (Photo by Gladys Gilbert).
Betrothal of
Miss Eaton
September Is proving to be as
popular a month for. weddings as
Jane, with a number of Salem
maids choosing this early fall
month for their marriages.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Eaton are
announcing the betrothal and
forthcoming marriage of their
daughter, Miss Ida Jo Eaton, id
Mr. Lawrence N. Brown, son of
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brown. The
wedding will be an event of Satur
day, September 21 at the Leslie
Methodist church.
Miss Eaton is a popular member
of the younger set and a member
of Beta Sigma Phi, of which she
Is now president. She attended
schools at St. Paul and is a gradu
ate of the Salem General hospital
And Doernbecher hospital nursing
Mr. Brown is a graduate of Wil
lamette university law school and
Is a member of Delta Theta Phi,
national law fraternity. He is
now city attorney. Following a
wedding trip the couple will re
side In their new home which they
are. building.
Mr. and Mrs. William Randies
and son Homer and Jack James
of New. Sharon, Iowa, are visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Larkins. Mrs. Randies is a sister
of Mr. Larkins. This is the first
time they have seen each other
In twelve years.
Jlra. B. H. White and her
daughter, Mrs. Herbert Hardy
and her young son, Judde, of
Portland, have- returned form a
week's stay at Rockaway.
? 9'. &&H'r
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Royal Neighbors, all-day
meeting, Fairgrounds cabin.
Women's Bible class. First
Methodist church, with Mrs.
A. A. Lee, IS 15 State street, 2
Missionary Group
At Meeting
Members of the Ann Judson
missionary society of the First
Baptist church met on Friday
night at the home of Mrs. Marvin
Roth. A covered dish supper was
served at small tables placed on
the lawn. The hostess was assist
ed by Mrs. Otto Engdahl and
Mrs. F. A. Starker.
Mrs. Albert Ramseyer presided
at the business meeting, and oth
ers on the program were Mrs.
Fred Toore Jr., Mrs. Dolores Bai
ley, Mrs. Roth, Mrs. Phillip
Doddridge, Mrs. Floyd . McClellan
and Mrs. Robert Hurlburt.
Others present were: Mesdames
J. O. Nash. F. X. Dunn, Joe Teel.
Floyd Miller, A. J. Loftus, Jack
Gibson, John Linthicum, . Clyde
Crawford, Marion Curry, Dewey
Davis, Stanley Morris, Henry
Schmidt, .Leo Reimann, Robert
Fromm, E. O. Me'tzgar, F. A. Star
key, Donald Nopp, Chester Page,
Gerald Christpfferson, Ruth Ri
cey, Carolube Stroheim, Adah
Mae Teel, Mary Elizabeth Page,
Ramona Huddleston, Helen Hat
field, Katie Regler, Mary Regier.
Gladys Ross, Ida Miller and Es
ther Fulfer.
Miss Beth Siewert has had as
her house guest Miss Jane Sisson
of Portland. Miss Siewert and
Misa Sisson are Beta Chi sorority
Shoulders Mark New Fur Coats
t . '
It J
:LefV beaver daytime coat; center, red fox three-Quarters model;
, right,' writ4eogth white fax-dyed lynx.
, - .. - ,t . ... -v : i
.The main difference between last year's models and the new fur
coats Is in the cut of the shoulders, which is amoQther without last
year's guffiness. At the left Is Fay Wray wearing a street-length
coat in beaver with back fullness Introduced on the yoke and small
'standup collar. Lucille Ball, center, has. chosen a red fox three-cuarter-length
, coat, and Virginia Vale, right: shows a wrist-'
lecgthwhite fox-dyed lynx which is Ideal both for tvtxlng and
1 ' drtssj aftcnioon parties.
; Visitors - Are
Honored at
Parties -
Visitors are the Incentive ; for
much entertaining this week with
several large teas and smaller af
fairs arranged In their honor. .
. Mrs. McN'ary Feted
Mrs. Sanderson Reed - has in
vited small group of friends
to tea at her South Commercial
street home for the pleasure of
.Mrs. Charles L. McNary. wife of
Senator McNary, who is spending
the -summer season at "Fircone."
.Guests have been Invited to call
from three to five o'clock.
Mrs. Pearson Hostess
On Saturday . afternoon Mrs.
Walter E. Pearson has arranged
a ,t luncheon ' at f the Waverly
' Country , club In Portland In com,
pllment to a group of her Salem
and Portland friends. Bridge will
be in play following the luncheon
. Visitor Honor Guest
. Mrs. H. G. Smith will enter
tain at luncheon this afternoon
' at Godfrey's with a group of ma
trons bidden to honor Mrs. Smith's -slater;
Mis Frances Malotte of
San Francisco, who is visiting in.
the capital this week. Covers will
be placed for twenty guests and
bridge will be in play daring the
afternoon at the Smith home on
Center street. Summer in pastel
shades will provide the decorative
Tea Today
- Miss Edna L. Sterling of Seat
tle, a summer guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, will be the
honor guest at a delightful Inform
al tea for which Mrs. Charles Gray
will be hostess this afternoon.
Mrs. .Gray was also a tea hostess
on Monday afternoon for a group
of her friends.
Wedding Planned
For Friday
An event of Friday night will
- be the wedding of Mildred Rys
dam and Mr. Otto H. Hunt, who
was alem's ambassador for the
Salem Centennial. The ceremony
will be at 8 o'clock at the First
Christian church and all friends
of the couple are Invited, through
the press, to attend the cere
mony. The bride will wear an ivory
lace gown over satin fashioned
with a train. Her fingertip length
veil will be of cream net and she
will carry a bouquet of Cecil
Brunner roses and lilies-of-the-valley.
The couple will greet the
guests in the foyer of the church
following the ceremony. They
will leave on a wedding trip in
the south and the bride will wear
a traveling suit of navy blue and
matching accessories. The couple
will be at home at 790 Cross
street. The bride is a graduate
of Salem schools and the Oregon
College of Education at Mon
mouth. Recent guests at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Lidbeck have,
been Mrs. E. W. Cardinal of
Portland and Mrs. Lidbeck's cous
in. Cadet George Smith of Seat
tle, who Is enroute to Pensacola,
The Past Noble Grand associa
tion will meet with Mrs. Eva
Martin, 325 South Winter street,
tonight at 8 o'clock. Assisting
hostesses are Mrs. Gertrude Kirk
Patrick, Mrs. Hattie Cameron and
Mrs. Mamie Calloway. All Past
noble grands are invited to at
tend. LEBANON A double wedding
was solemnized in Stevenson,
Wash., August 10, when Marion
Harnett and Mrs. Sara Rachel
Steam, and Mrs. Elsie Bennett
Ellenburg and Harry E. Young
berg were married. Mr. and Mrs.
Harnett went to Camas for a brief
visit with Alva Keebler before
coming back to Lebanon, where
they are now at home. Mr. and
Mrs. Youngberg ars building a
new house on South Main street
on acreage which they bought of
John Mason.
. t
. "
i -
Editor - :
Wedding to
Be Event of
Early Fall
Announcement 'Is being made
today of the approaching mar
riage of Miss June Johnson,
'daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harry
A. Johnson, to. Mr. Otto Skopll,
Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.' Otto R.
SkoplL The wedding will be an
event of Sunday, September S at
the Patton Methodist church In
Portland with Rev. McDonald of
ficiating. The ceremony will be performed
at 8:30 o'clock In the -morning
with a wedding breakfast follow
ing. The . couple will return - to
Salem to reside after their wed
ding trip.
Miss Johnson is well known In
the capital and is a graduate of
Willamette university. She Is a
member of Delta Phi sorority and
was a May day princess. For the
past year she has been teaching
at Pilot Rock.
Mr. Skopll will attend the Wil
lamette university law school this
fall. He is a member of Alpha
Psi Delta fraternity and is prom
inently Identified with athletics
on the campus.
Mrs. Rosson to
Be Hostess
Mrs. Hugh E. Rosson will be
hostess for a dessert bridge this
afternoon at her Belmont street
home in compliment to members
of her club. Summer flowers will
be nsed about the gnest rooms
and contract will be in play dur
ing the afternoon.
Guests will be Mrs. D. X.
Bcechler, Mrs. A. A. Siewert,
Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Howard
Pickett. Mrs. Kenneth Murdock.
Mrs. Lloyd Riches, Mrs. Roy
Hewitt and Mrs. James Heltsel.
Dinner Club -at .
Brown Home
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown were
hosts to members of their dinner
"club Monday night at their coun
try home on the South River road.
The evening was spent playing
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Cooley, Mr. and Mrs.
George Rhoten, Mr. and Mrs.
Gardner Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward A. Brown and Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Margaret-Jane Emmons,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Carl
Emmons, has returned from Tan
gent where she was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Al Hinck.
DALLAS One of the smartest
affairs of the month was the
benefit tea given in the attractive
gardens at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. V. Ray Boydston Thursday
afternoon by the members of the
Boy Scout Mothers' club. About
50 persons called during the
Tea was served in the summer
house. The tea table was centered
with an arrangement of vari
colored sinnlas in a large ivory
bowl. Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mrs.
Ray Gohrke and Mrs. Myrtle
Smith presided at the tea table
during the afternoon.
Guests had been mailed minia
ture knapsacks to hold their sil
ver offering and on entering the
gate of the garden a 'large Boy
Scout knapsack had been' hung to
receive' the offering. Guests were
asked to register in a scrapbook
prepared by Mrs. Harvey Carpen
ter for the Boy Scout Mothers'
SILVERTON A birthday
party honoring Mrs. Ernest
Jaresh (Ethel Larabee) of Ta
coma and CJyde Ramsby was
planned Sunday at the Cutler
City .summer home of the Rams
bys. renewing a custom of 23
years sgo when Mr. Ramsby and
Miss Larabee ; spent . their birth
day anniversaries together ' for
many years. Both were then resi
dents of Silverton. '
' Miss Nellie Csvender and Mrs.
Henry Dick (Violet Ramsby)
baked the birthday ' cakes.
J Present were Mr. , and - Mrs.
Enrest . Jaresh and Kadlne and
Mrs. Jaresh's -mother, - Mrs. Fred
Stewart, . all of , Tacoma,, enroute
home from the- San Francisco
rair. -Mr. and -Mrs. Henry . Dick,
Mr. .and Mrs. Nell Verbeck, Mr.
snd Mrs.' Clyde Ramsby, Romle
Ramsby and Nellie Cayender.
JE FFE R.S ON-Mr.: Hart
Barnes -was honored with a post
nuptial shower Saturday "night at
the home of her.parents,' Mr." and -Mrs.'
Frank Rehfeld. '-' r ' v
Games, a r contest --and.: music
were features. of the .evening. en-,
tertainment.' The glfu'were bid--den
,ln - various . 'rooms " of the i
house,' and Mrs. Barnes was given
instructions where to look for the1!
pscksges." . ; V." . y
Refreshments were served at a
late hour to Mrs. - Hart Barnes,
Helen and Laura Klhs, Mrs. Karl
KlbsF Dofothy Cooley. Mrs. Don
Davis, Mary Wilson, Mrs. Lauren
StetUT of Chemawa, Anna
Klampe. Mrs. William Lake, Mrs.
Nettle Reeves, - Mrs. Robert Har
ris. Thelma - Gerig . of Frultland.
Mrs. Frank Rehfeld. Gertruth
Rehfeld and Mr. Rehfeld, Orrille.
Francis and Lawrence
Oreoau Yiecaesoar x-icexiaj.
Three dally programs are being
announced for Oregon state fair
week under the . auspices of the
Oregon Federated Music clubs
and will be held In the" art de
partment on the fair grounds.
Mrs. J. H. Porta, Portland, pre
ldent of the federation, has ap
pointed - Mrs. Walter Denten to
direct the arrangement for the
musical events, which will start
Monday, September 2.
The committee to assist Mrs.
Denton includes Mrs. J. H. Porth,
Mrs. M. Donald Spencer, Mrs.
Lota Stone, all of Portland; Mrs.
J. C. Holden, Tillamook; Mr.
Laurel Burggraf, Albany; F. T.
Elllfson of Silverton; Mrs. T. 8.
Roberts, Mrs. Max Rogers. Clara
Eness, Ruth Bedford, Margaret
Hogg, all of Salem.
Included in the tentative pro
grams will be musicians from
Portland, Vancouver, Wash., Til
lamook, The Dalles, Canby, ML.
Angel, Silverton, Albany, Eugene,
Dallas. Valsets and Salem.
Outstanding musical talent
will be heard and several artists
will be featured during the
week. Singing groups that will
participate in the program Include
the American Legion Auxiliary
Choral club Unit No. 1 directed
by Robert Haffenden, and the
Madrigal Singers of Portland; a
sextette from the Business and
Professional Woman's club chor
al, with Mrs. Florence Murdock
director and soloist, will appear
on Salem day. The Tillamook
Musical club Is sending (a ladles'
Quartet on Labor day.
The Instrumental groups will
include the Broer family ensem
ble, Mary Schults Duncan's string
trio of Salem, and the Leota
Stone whistlers of Portland.
Vocal soloists will Include
Katherine Porter and Clara Rei
mann, Portland; Josephine Albert
Spaulding. Janet Miller. Mrs.
Thomaa Dry nan. Rath Bedford.
Alene Moored, Mary Kells. Ron
ald Craven, Watson Dutton and
Dick Barton.
Mrs. Emily Sedgwick 8tone and
Marjorle Broer will be featured
flute soloists.
Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Emmons
were hosts for a dinner party on
the terrace of their home on
Fawk street Friday night. The
evening was spent Informally.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKenxie,
former Salem residents, now re
siding in Santa Barbara, Calif.,
have been visiting In the capital
for several days.
. 4
.v ".1
Several of Salem's Terr young
set are celebrating their birth
days this week with informal
- Barbara Boneateele, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bone
Steele, was fire years old Tuesday
and entertained a group of her
friends 4 at the Boneateele home
on Falrmount Hill. Refreshments '
were served late In the afternoon
by Mrs. Boneateele.
Bidden to say "Happy Birth
day" to Barbara were Wally Car
son, John Perry. Ana Kramer,
Carolyn Deckebach, Susan Perry.
John CanghelL Linda Herrall, .
Jane-Marie. Margaret and Julie
Miller. Patty and Michael Deeney
and Jimmy and .Johnny Hum
phrey. Party Today
Mrs. Charles Felke will enter
tain informally for her son, Den
nis, this afternoon at her home
on Richmond avenue. Dennis Is
celebrating his seventh birthday
and . the party will be held In the
gardens with refreshments served
later In the afternoon. . -.
Honoring Dennis. will be Jimmy
and Eddie Knapp. John and
Wayne Erlcksen. Glean Sharer.
Jimmy and Gene Bowers and
Mary Felke. Additional guests
will be Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs.
Bjarne Erlcksen and Mrs. Floyd
Cooley Clan Has
On Sundsy afternoon the Cool
ey clan met at Olinger park for
the sixth annual reunion. After
a business meeting a picnic lunch
was served. E. W. Powers, sr.,
was elected president. Earl Cool
ey, vice-president; Mrs. D. B.
Simpson, secretary-treasurer.
Attending were: Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Cooley.' Betty and Earl. Jr.. Mr.
and Mrs. E. W. Cooley and Or
vllle Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Byron
Cooley and Ross. Mrs. D. B. Simp
son, Mr. and Mrs. Garlen Simp
son and Dickie, all of Salem, Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Cooley. Warren,
Jr., Gordon, Dean and Dale, Mr.
and Mrs. Monroe Cooley and Dal
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Cooley,
Milton and Willie, Mrs. George
Berry, Marcia Jean and Jacque
line, all of Albany, Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Powers and Colleen of Mo
lalla. Arriving la Salem this week to
be the house guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert W. Craig will be Mr.
and Mrs. L. G. McLaren and their
sons, 8cott and William, of San
Mateo. Calif. Mrs. McLaren will
be remembered as Edith Shaw and
Is a former Salem girL
Mrs. Wilson Sir-ground has bid
den members of her contract
bridge club to her home on Ox
ford street tonight. A late sup
per will be served by the hostess.
Mrs. Walter E. Pearson from
Portland was a guest In the capi
tal on Tuesday.
Tarn to Page 10
For Other
Women's Features
Aire !Fsm a IHfift-ami(fl-irifflm
iBUlKQ) Jp Jp GET?
Hit-and-run drivers are known as a national menace. Hit-and-run
choppers are almost as dangerous- but only to themselves!
Hit-and -run shoppers act on impulse, without plan or pur
pose. They rush through miles of aisles, pause, pass on, back-track
and buy.
They, pay too much and get too little. They waste time and
squander energy. -And a lot of their pointless purchases wind up
in a dark closet with the rest of theN family skeletons !
. : Smarter, shrewder shoppers chart their shopping trips' in.
advance ,in the advertising pages of The Statesman. rThey com-;,
pare: products, price,J values. They learn . exactly where to find i '
what .they want. Then they go and get it.- ' x '. "
Read the adsements regularly. It a simple system. But - )
ir saves time,v temper, tramping. 'And it makes every dollar do ..
double duty!- ! ;t :' : v
V- ; , v -- . .... -- t- .. ' ...
Mr. and Mrs.' Albert A. Sie
wert have been entertaining as
! their guests Mr. and .Mrs. Ernest
Edgecorab and Mr. and Mrs. "W il
liam Edgecomb of - Jolllet. la.
They were also the guests of Mr.
aad Mrs. Roy Hewitt and Mrs. E.
R. Heise. During their stay la the
capital the Edgecombs enjoyed
a sojourn at the beaches.
i .... .. . e ; e - e, . ,
tammittee Meets ;
For Luncheon - JSTm
."-'. - ,- ' . Leland Nelson ef Hollywood, Calif.
The membership committee or Tonixat Mr. and Mrs. Moor
the Salem Philharmonic orchestra 'J tor m dinner
met at luncheon "Tuesday boo- t Jga ef their home
former-members of the orchestra.! Ument to tte vtwria.
and also are Interested In getting ,.A Jaed at a Ir
i. with new via vers In and guests vm neeeaiea si
lem" Hd ini " p.rUculerly tbaU. Senator and-Mra. Geonte
adult mualciana who are new real- Chaney of MarthXlld wWf
chairman. Mrs. Harry W. Scott, sons. ; t
phone 7711. or any member of,- On Thursday night family
the committee which Is composed tinner will be htlA at the Whit
of Dr. J. C Harrison. Mr. Wsjter nsy farm, near Brush college, in
E. Snyder, Mrs. Max . itogers. compliment ie us ziou.
Miss Lena Belle Tartar and Mrs. Guests will be Dr. end Mrs.
C A.. Downs. Auditions will be. Vincent Nelson. Mrs. Elra Kelson,
arranged before rehearsal season Mr. Leland Nelson, Mr. and Mrs.
begins with Mr. Edouard Hurli- George. TTInalow and- George. Jr..
mui, director of the orchestra, of Tillamook. Mr. and MrsW. C
Wlnalow, Mr. Konaea and Mls
CrMMif rirnnr, .-- i Genevieve WInalew. Kn and Mrs.
OOrOnty rOUP . George R. X.Meerhead. Van and
T-i . . ' Bruce Moorhead. Mrs. H. H. Van-
IintertainS devort. Miss. Pauline. Winslow.
Mrs. Lydia Lehman, Mrs.; Grace
The Sigma Kappa alumnae of Lehman. Mrs. Lain Woods. Mr.
Salem entertained Informally at Urm. OllTer Whitney. Mr.
luncheon Tuesday noon at the Loyal Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Quelle in compliment to three so irard Burton. Mr. Frank Winslow
tlve girls, who are now In Salem. aa4 Miss Adena Winslow. i
The honor guests were Miss
' Kathleen Booth. Miss Mildred . T 1 i
Eastman and Miss Jean Claudon. POUlSOnS X ete
Alumnae attending the luncheon
were Mrs. Earl Cooley; Mrs. Bert Vicifnrc
Walker. Mrs. Luther Jensen. Mrs. V lOUUiO
Frsnk DeWltt. Mrs. George Jack
son. Mrs. Edna Rowland. Mrs.
Delbert Hunter. Miss Edna Flek
lln and Miss Olive LeYalley. a
special guest.
Breakfast -Today
At Cooley Home
Mrs. Earl Cooley will entertain
at a smartly appointed breakfast
this morning at her home on Cen
ter street la compliment to a
group of her friends.
Small tables will be arranged T-Jonor fnocfQ '
In the garden with summer flow- nOilUl VJUtrSlS :
era providing the decorative note. .
Covers will be placed for Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. AIlbriKht
Charles Felke. Mrs. Harold Ladd. were honored on their birthdays
Mrs. Virgil Sexton. Mrs. Gardner Monday night when their chil
Knapp, Mrs. . Sidney Hoffman, dren entertained tor them at.
Mrs. Ksaneth Murdock, Mrs. their home at Marouam.
BJarae - Erlcksen. Mrs. Keith Covers were placed for Mr. and
Brown, Mrs. George Rhoten, Mrs. Mrs. John Carson, Jane and Ann
E. A. Brown. Mrs. Oscar Paul Carson of Salem. Mr. and Mrs.
son. Mrs. Frank Clayton of Wash- William Relnhart aad son Billy
Ington. DC, and Mrs. Earl Ceoley. of Washington. DC. Mr. and Mrs.
George Allbright erf Medford and
. . . Mr. and Mrs. Rex Allbright of
Two former teachers of the silverton.
Woman's Bible class of the First
Methodist church will be honor Mrs. H. C Maisoa irtnmed
guests when present and former Monday from a two weeks' so
m embers gather at the home of jonrn san Francisco where she
Mrs. A. A. Lee st 1515 State WM tfc gest of her sister. Mrs
street on Friday afternoon at S r. j. Griffin.
o clock. Mrs. Fletcher Homan . .
and Mrs. Fannie Penn. the two
former teachers, are to be honored.
All former members are Invited.
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson and
their sons. Whitney and Steven,
are back from a week's stay at
Diamond Lake, where they en
joyed fishing.
Guests .Are
Feted ;
!ur. and Mrs. George R- K.
Moor head aad Mr. and Mrs. W. C
interesting vmiors im me cap
ital are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clay
ton of Washtngt'-n. DC. They are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Mr. and Mrs. Paulson ' enter
tained at dinner at their home
on Broadway last' night for the
pleasure of their house guests.
Mondsy night Mr..;and Mrs.
Charles Feike were hosts at din
ner in compliment to Mr. sad
Mrs. Clayton.
Allbrights Are
OLSOIL Florist
Court & High Ph. 7166
- - -'A J