P AGS EIGHT The OSEGO.I STATESMAII. Sclnu Orjotu Tuesday Morning August 23." 1 -3 Stock Market: ; Session Slow , Transfers Smallest Since .1916; Cains, Losses ? Are Slight - - i NEW jTORK. Aug:.. lf-fPv-War news or lack ol it received the principal blame today for a -virtu ally stalemated stock market and one of the slowest seasiona on record. The lift Jogged along unevenly from the start and finished with , alight gains and losses about evenly divided at the close. Nu . merous Issues held to Saturday'; final quotations and a wide i sortment never appeared on the ticker tape. Transfers of 129, (5e shares compared with 313,300 last Fri day and were the smallest for any fall day since 191S. In that year only S40 individual Issues were listed on the stock exchange against 1233 at the beginning of 1940. On this basis, some es timated the Tolume actually sv historical low. The Associated Press average of CO stocks was up .1 of i point at 41.2. Of 402 issues trad ed, ISO were down, 132 up and 134 without any "variation.. Anti-selling arguments persist ed la the flow of favorable busi ness Items. These included a i small upturn In this week's steel mill operations, reports of widen lag merchandising sales, expand lng demand for copper, and the federal reserve summary disclos lng that Industrial production for Jnly and the first half of August was maintained at the high levels of May and June. Construction for July, the reserve figures In dicated, boosted by defense spending, jumped to a 10-year peak. , Among shares ending ahead fractions to a point or so were Weitlnghouse, Du Pont, Santa Fe, NT Central, Kennecott, Bethle hem Steel, Republic Steel, Toungstown Sheet, Boeing, Doug las Aircraft, Glenn Martin, Mont gomery Ward, American Tele phone and North American. J. I. Case dropped 2 points and negligible declines were posted for Chrysler. General Motors, Ana conda, Consolidated Edison, Southern Pacific, Standard Oil of NJ, Texas Corp., Johns-Manvllle, Eastman Kodak, US Rubber, American Smelting and Interna tlonaf -Paper preferred. Church Croups Talk Uniting AMITY The Social Service club of the Methodist church met Wednesday afternoon in the church parlors. Mrs. Glenn Stev enson had eharge of the opening devotions. The Foreign Mission ary society of the church is in- Tited to meet with the Social Service club at the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday after Boon, August 28, In the church parlors. Plans to unite the two groups will be discussed at the meeting. Hostesses for the after noon were Mrs. R. R. Massey, Mrs. Howard Strout, Mrs. Hattie Witb.ee and Mrs. Don Massey. Mrs. R. M. Glahn was a guest. Mrs. C. G. Mack of Forest Grove spent the week here visit ing at the home of Miss Bertha Munkers and other old time friends. Recent rial tors at the home of Mrs. Nette Tovey were Mrs. Frank Taylor and daughter, Mrs. Gay Taylor, Mrs. George Taylor, Mrs. Harry Grant, all of Port land, and Mrs. Ernest WalEis of West Linn. ' Mrs. E. A. Johnson of Mur taugh, Idaho, is a guest at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. GJahn. Farm Program Scheduled Robert E. Rieder, assistant county agricultural agent, ! will peak at 7 o'clock tomorrow morn ing over radio station KSLM on control of codling moths and prune root borers and on wheat insurance program. He will also outline the schedule for the irri gation tonr to take place Thurs day and Friday. 1 i'T rr " " ii riere Is ie I?ey ( To the jBes! Homes or ! Aparlnenls for Bent Jt t 1lrfr C i&?A mmmsm- i)s l ltHSK&z&$$&$ . . lrct yon -to, ths finest arall- :jg ltm'-: : - W Apartmaat or Bom rant- . tteXS&'&i - TBlnes. A rents and owners . - Anr list available va- fPXt$$j?Up?fe( , eanelea, knowtax they will fet f0mh. i . tblns jast .!. A ;;V4 Uiiy r Dial 9101- - V;j-v--J Australian Leaders Air Victims m.,.m', in wimi n II iii -is fwmm. ii i ii in i ii iii. im - , . .' J ' ') : ;. v- t - - ; - . -- i i ' ' , - ' " ' i i' " , -" l . ' v. i . ' -'- . . M I 1 " L I, . , i ' ; " j . . . , s- " , ? " j - 1 ' . - v f , 1 ':. - - A J. V. Fairbanks Two of the Australian cabinet members who met death in an sir crash near Canberra, Australia, are shown above. Left to right are J. V. Fairbanks, air minister, .and Sir Henry Gullctt, vice presi dent of the executive council- Salem Market Quotations (Baylas FilMt) The priet biow aoppliad by s Ucl frocmr r ladieativs of ta diil market prie bat rieaa paid Lo (rawer bj Salen buyr ara not guaranteed bjr Tba Btataa- TBOBTABIXS FVesft corn, tack Beaoa, gretn .60 .03 .03 .25 1.15 .to 1.00 1.25 1.50 .25 .03 .09 1.50 .50 .25 .40 .04 .80 .00 .80 .08 .SO .SO Gabbase. lb. Carrota. local, doa. Cauliflower, local .. Cucumber, doa. , Celery KettDce, local Onion a. 60 loa. Green omoni, doi. ,, Peppers, creen Peppen, red new Potatoes. 100 Ibi. o. 1. 60 lbs. iio. S Rad'.shea . Squash, Crookneek, doi Bquash, ZuechiDi. lb. Squash, Danish, dot. Spinach, Seattle, bo Tomatoes, lac Peas, local, lb Beets, dos. ,,,,,, , Spear Melons CRAIK, HAY AND SEEDS Wheat. No t. recleaned. bu .. ... .70 Oats, No. 1 18.00 to 20.00 Feed bsrleT ton 10.00 to 20.00 Clover I ay. ton 8.00 Alfalfa hay, ton 10.00 to 13. CO Ecg aaash. No i frade. 80 lb bag 1.8b Dairy teed, 80 lb bag Hea scratch faed 1.90 Cracked corn 1.95 BOGS ABB FOTJLTBY (Baring Prices of Andersen's) Grade A large, doi J22 Grade A medium, dos. ,20 Grade B large, doi .19 Pallets .11 Colored hens .12 Colored frja .17 White Leghora, -" .09 White Leghorn fry , JS Quotations PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 19. (AP) Produce exchange Butter: extras 29H; standards 29; prima firsts 28: firsts 26. Butterfat 80-30 a. eggs: Large extras 24: atandarda 21; median extras 22: standards 19: small extras 14. Cheese: Triplets 15 H ; loaf IS. Portland Grain PORTLAND. Ore.. i 19. I A ft Wheat: Open High Low Close September 70 - 70 70 70 Cash Grain: Oats, No. 2, 881b white, I SO. RarU- tin 2 aS Ih HW 90 OO Flex. No. 1. 1.51 H. Cash Wheat (Bid): Soft white, west ern s hite 70 V4 : western red 70. Hard red winter: ordinary 69 V4 ; 11 per cent 70; 1Z per cent 71; 13 per cent 72; 14 per cent 78. Hard white-Baart: 12 per cent 77; IS per cent 79; 14 per cent 81. Today's Car Keceipta: Wheat 160; arl IS flftn 8.1 ear 1 Ait, 12- ray 8; anillfeed 14. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Or-, Aug. 19. (AP) (TJ3DA) Hogs : Salable 1900, total 2250; market opened 10 15 above Friday. Barrows A Gilts gd-eh, 140-lnO lbs. 9 6.25 7.10 gd-rh, 160-1 80 lba 6.85(g) 7.85 go-ch, 180-200 lbs. gd-ch, 200 220 lbs. gd-ch, 220-240 lbs. gd-eh. 240 270 lbs. go ch. 270 300 lbs. 7.35(Q 7.85 7. 00 7.35 6.75 7.25 6.i0 7.00 6.25 6.60 Feeder pigs d-ch. 70 120 lbs. 6.80 7.00 Cattle: Salable and total 2300: esl-res salable and total 150; market uneren, mostly steady to 25 lower. Steers, good. fOO-1100 Ibs.f 9.7510.75 do medium, 750-1100 lbs 7.75(oJ 9.75 .HCLilSSIFiED I Sir Henry QuDett Butterfat, No. 1, 20 He; No. 2, 27 He; premium, 80 He. A grade print 32c H; B grade 81 H ; quarters 834 c White Leghorns, light Old Boosters .OS .08 .11 Hear? hens. lb. (Bnylng Prices of Marlon Creamery) Grade A large, dos. J12 .20 .18 .15 .17 .11 .09 ja JS .15 .11 Grade A medium, doi. Grade B large, d.) Checks, undergrade Large dirty Pullets, dos. Leghorn hens Leghorn fryers. 1 H lbs.. Colored fryers 2-3 lbs.. Colored fryers, 8 lbs. and up.. Colored hens HOPS (Baying Prices) 1939 80 to .40 010 1940 contracts, lb .. LIVESTOCK (Buying prices for No. 1 stock, based on conditions and sales reported up to 4 p.m.) 1940 siring lambs 7.00 to 7.25 Tearling lambs , , 5.00 Ewea 2.00 te 2.60 Hogs, top, 160 220 lba. 7.10 Sows 4.50 to 6.00 Beef eows . 5 00 to 8.60 Bulla S.25 to 6.75 Heifers 6.00 te 7 00 Dairy type cows 4.00 to 4.50 Live veal 10.00 Dressed reel, lb .14 WOOL ABD MOHAIX (Buylog Prices) Wool, mod! am. lb. ,, . Coarse, lb. .82 Lambs, lb .SS Mohair .80 at Portland do common, 750-1100 lbs Hsifers, good, 750-900 lbs do medium, 500-900 lbs., do common, 500-900 lbs Cows, good, all weights do medium, all w sights da cut-corn, all weighta do cssscr, all weighta. Bulla (yearlings axelnded), beef, good, all weights., do sausage, good, all wts do sansage, med, all wts do sansage, cutter-common, all weights Vealera. gd-eh. all weights do eom-med, all weighta do cull, ell weighta 4.00 S.00 S.25 4.00 7.00 7.25 6.75 7.00 6.25 6.76 5.00 6.25 9.50I&10.50 7.00 if 9.50 6.00 7.00 Sheep: Salable 1550, total 2600; mar ket steady . Spring lambs, good-choice 9 7-75 8.25 do medium and good 7.25 7.50 do common . 6.25 7.50 Ewea (shorn), good choice 8 00 8.50 do common and medium 1.25 8.00 Portland Produce PORTLAXD, Ore., Ang. 19. (AP) Country meats- Selling price to retail era: Country killed hogs best botchers, 125-150 lbs. 9 -10c; Testers fsney 15 H 16e lb.; ligbt-thin, 11 13c, heavy 10 lle; lambs, spring, 1015c; awes, 6 7e; good cutter cows, 9-10e lb.: cannax cows. 8H-9e lb.; bulls. 10-llc lb. Lire p- iry Baying prices: No. 1 grade Leghorn broilers, l-2 lbs., 14c; frjers under 8 lbs, 15c; fryers 2 4 to 4 lbs., 17e; rosste's oxer 4 lbs., 18c; Leg horn bens over 8V lbs., lie; Leghorn hens nnder 8H lbs., 9c; colored bena OTer lbs., )3c; colored bens 1 to 6 lbs., 13c; old roosters 5c. Dressed turkeys Nominal. Old erop selling prices: hens No. 1, 16e; toma 12-14e: new crop 23c lb. Onions Oregon crystal wax 1.75 par 50-lb. bag; Oregon Danrers 1.00-1.10; Takimas 1.00. Potato.-. Fas tern Oregon- Washington, 1.40-1.60 ewt. Hay Selling price to retailers: Alfal fa Ko. 1, 14.00-14.50 toa; oat-vetch 10. 00 ton; clover 11.00 ton; Timothy eastern Oregon 17 00-18.00 ton; valley Timothy 14 00 toa Portlsnd. Wool 1940 eastern Oregon range, 20 S4e; eroasbred 27-28c; Willamette val ley 13 months S3c lb. Mohair 1940, IS months S5a lb. Caieara 1B40 peel 6c lb. Hops Oregon 1989. 40-41e Tb. 1940 contracts 80s lb.; 1940 seedless 17-dOa, noraiiial Domestic flour selling price, city de Dvery 1 to 25 bbL kU: ramily pataata. 49a, B.70-6.S0: bakers' hard wheat, net 4.80-6.66; bakere' blaeataaa, 4.75-5.05; blended wheat flour, 4.90-5.10; soft wheat, 4:30-4.85; graham 49s, 4.60; whole wheat 49s 4.55 bbL Wool in Boston B08T0V. Ang. is (AP) (C8DA) Thar was some demand for original bags, fine territory wools, ia the Boston market today. Bid were mostly around 80-83 rents for original bag wools mam ing balk average to good French combing length, bat many dealers were holding their wools above thia level. A number of inquiries war being received for me dium grades of both fleece and territory wools. 300 at Homecoming At Sco Us Mills SCOTTS MILLS-( Special) Over S00 people registered at the ninth anaual homecoming held here Sunday. Officers elected were: president. Robert Eaton of Salem; vice-president, Dorothy Morton. Scotts Mills; secretary treasmrer, Zella C. Smith of Scotts Mills; 1141 program committee, Edith - Hogg of Salem. Leota Scharback and La Verne Dixon of Portland. Mrs. Brlnton Vedder received the prise aa - b e 1 n g the Scotts Mills students who had attended school here longest ago. The teacher present who had taught longest ago was Benton . Vedder. Returns From Washington LIBERTY Mrs, a W. Stacey returned home -Sunday after spending a week with her' broth er, James Stevens and family In Walla WaUa, Wash. 6.50 7,76 8.60 IS 8.75 6.75 8.50 6.50 to 6.76 6.00 6.50 5.006$ 6.00 Wheat Price Dips Then Takes Rally Heavy Receipts Is Cause of Hedging Sales; Trade Nervous CHICAGO, Ang. lMAV-Wheat vices dipped 1 cents at one ttme today to within about a cent of the year's lowest level bnt then rallied. Closing" flarnren were onlv ac.ax lower than Saturday, with Sep- temrer at f 8 9.-74 and December TOH-. . Hedging . sales in connection with the largest receipts of the season at spring wheat terminals, liquidation of September contracts which became deliverable In two weeks, and trade nervousness over the war accounted for the selling. Buying attributed mostly to mills helped the rally. Traders who considered that Chicago wheat prices were about 12 cents under the government loan rate while Minneapolis prices were 20 cents lower than the value of wheat stored aa collateral there were not included 'to press tne market. Minneapolis and Du luth, the principal spring wheat terminals. received 2499 - cars compared with 1159 a week ago and K(0 t year ago but not much of this grain was put up for sale. Government statistics indicated that at mid-August 60.000.000 bushels of new wheat were under loan, 22,000.000 bushels more than on August . As of August 2C last year the total waa only 67,000,000 bushels. Traders point ed out, however, that loan figures lag behind actual lending opera tions. Railroad Business Better PORTLAND, Aug. lS-fTPl- Frank Robinson, traffic vice-presi dent 01 tne union racmc railroad, said today recent business in creases have boosted his line's traffic five per cent. He predict ed vastly greater Increases. POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY X GUESS ALL THE KIDS BACK IN HALLELUVA WILL. THINK TA A4AO AT'ETM "CAUSE X DONTT SEND'EM ANY POSTAL CARDS TOOTS AND CASPEB UN CUE EVFRCTT X CAME TO Vj TO DO SOME I HI-. l-A IX TOOTS I y V- SOME THIMBLE TlATi---StGTlng HANK HfeNPECKiS ALL. f.AS&-Jjfcd f NOPc. SH5 RAISED OL' L r Xj y ' i W i SMILES CUZ HB rlNALLV S'C?: ( NED WITH HIM, BUT WOT ? Si&?J?K SHE RRST SHOOK HIS JK " UW S-A - . SfHACUD.L)PANr'CX)NmilCrED HANK'S S'HAPPV -y-T ' ' ( HAND, SAVIN' SHE? , iSWO W- -, " -?T- - HIS W'lfE. j ABOUT IS-V ADMIRED HIS r OV W , YES, VTXKRE OOING TO THE EAL THEATRE TONIGHT ) . I AND ENTET? THAT CONTTEST V THEY'RE HOLCTMOf J JUST THINK...! Y I SURPRISE iv. rv-v-. tr- f S' SH! I (jSHE THEr OUEXl ) OIONT KNOW THE fv V- i KM TSCAirSe r- 1 VrSTTlNCi THE- L- Y7Zl f if - QUEEN rfE (JS) Pi- Closing iQuotations NEW YORK, Xng, lf-ff)-Todays closing; quotations; Allla-Chalmers L29tf Curtiss Wright Param -. Am Rd Std San Douglas Aircraft S8 Penn RR Am Roll Mills lOH'Du.Pont Am Smelt Rf 24 Eastman Am Tel i& Tel -IBS U El Power Am Tobacco B 73U Gen Electric Aviation Corp . L Gen Foods Am Wat Works .2 H Gen Motors Am Zinc L & S -4 Goodrich . Anaconda , 19 Gr Northern Armour 111 4 . Greyhound Atchison ....... 14 Internat Harv Baldwin Loco 1ST- Intern i Nick Bendlx Aviation 28 Intern P Pulp 54 Southern Pacific Bethlehem Steel 74 Intern Tel Tel 2 Sperry Corp Boeing Airplane 12 Johns Manvllle -.57 Stand Brands . Borden - 18 Kennecott 25 Stand Oil Calif . Borge Warner 15 Lihbey-O-Ford .S7 Stand Oil In Calif i Packing 1 Lockheed .23 Stand Oil NJ Callahan Z-L 1 Monty Ward 89 Studebaker Calumet Hec 5 Nash Kelv 4 Sunshine Mining Canadian Pacific 2 Nat Biscuit 18 Texas Corp Caterpillar Trac, 42 Nat Dairy Cheaa A Ohio .3 National Chrysler i 49 National Col Gas Jfc Klec 5 NT Central Coml Solvents 9 N Amer Aviation 15 United Corp . Commnwlth Sou 1 North Amer Co -,18 United Fruit Consolid Aircraft 19 North Pacific 6 US Rubber Consolld Edison 27 Ohio Oil Consolid Oil : Contl Can Com, Products . 8 Pae Amer .86 Pac Gas & ..48 Packard Motor Crown Zellerbch 12 Pan-Am Airways 12 Stocks and Bonds Aofst 19 Boxro vsnaoEs Compiled by Tba Associated P: 20 10 10 Util .2 9S.7 98.5 96 fl 98.2 97.5 90.3 10 .2 S9.9 89.T S8.4 S7.7 SS.S S5.1 Sails Indus U-eh 102.9 103.9 102.7 99.7 103.6 98.9 Net ebaafe Ucnday Previous dsy Month a(0 Tear ago Unch 55.8 S5.S 58 55.S 60.9 48.S 1940 hifh 1940 low STOCK AVERAGES 80 15 15 SO Indus Bails Util Stocks Net chan.e A .1 A .1 Unch A .1 Monday 57.7 15.0 85.0 41.2 Previous day 57.8 14.9 15 0 41.1 Month a jo .. 57.6 15.8 15.6 41.4 Tear ar (S I 16.8 S7.7 46.0 1940 high 74.2 30.5 40.6 62.2 1940 tow 62.8 1S.0 80.9 87.0 The FOB PB1T5 THEY'RE CWVING AWAY GOOD JOBS hKV YOU'Kfe CERTAiN TO WIN ONE! I - UflkJ alipI II am' td just love to write: . lcttet2 to aahl happvakt f LCTTETR TO AAR HAPPVAKT 1 h -tp-irr , i i i sia ar-a ii4asa es- -- s -r TEXLMIAA HOW MICE I T -Tf A w nv -teste LtVZZu 35 AW MOW TM HJMhT UJTSJl(3 AW MOW T'AA HAVIM LOT5A PUN AM - TOWKI SHOPPING! CAN X FOR NEED HELP YOU SELECT NEW TOUR MEW LIWE SUITS? Pcer u -- - r - in ! h t-tJl TrN CTT vEf FVHT REAL. J W, XQUlCKi 4 Com. KmJXL Jfc! !Tt 5 19 27 ldtt Phelps Dodge : Kodak 125 Phillips Pet 32 Xt -4 Proctor & Gam ltt 35 .22 Pub Serr NJ .294 Pullman 18 .44 Radio -4 28 1S 8 -8 ,26 7 -8 17 24 33 -7 ..8 34 .10 Rayonler Pfd .21H Republic Steel .10 Richfield Oil L41U Socony Vacuum . Can 22 Sou Cal Edison Prod 12 Trans-America Dist .20 Union Carbide -4 7 Lead 14 United Airline 15 11 United Aircraft 84 -1 0 17 50 -2 95 31 C US Steel Fish 5 Warner Pict 6 Westinghouse El 2 Woolworth Klec G)mmiinity Fair Is Set at Shedd ALBANY For the annual Shedd community fair, August 28, the Halsey chamber of com merce will present the night pro gram. The fair promises to be one of the outstanding events of the year. A commercial parade, in which Halsey has also been asked to participate, will take place at 11 o'clock, following the Junior pa rade which will open the fair. Each entry in the- junior parade will be. given special awards. Dinner will be served at noon. The afternoon will be devoted to sports and horse events. The Worm Turns -a Somersaultl With His Hal In the Ring But Wish You Were Here! IT IS HERE jo 1 a. - Sr to-. Uncle Is No Fashion Plate I --' ISNT IT WONDERFUt-T SO! A NOW YOU CAN REALLY A.LREAOY J MAXtt SOMETHING r--J I'M A ,OF YOURSELF! r-' ( WINNER, J ' ' - Jt -all aa-jt k . - -i CASPETR.1 DRETSS AKIO BECIDK A-r a- rr COMFORT, NOT IF I WERE TO START SPRUCINr UP TOO MLtrH PEOPLE? WOIJLO LOOrfSl YOUX HAVE ME RlbbED OUT F SWEAR 2 WAS MAVJNZ, AN A BROADWAY DANDY! . WarUl I AFFAIO ! With a Chlp on Her Shoulder - ri ruNU rvujb a r -SHE. X FIOsWTlkf TO N MOKEV FOR ME FUND VJHKT MAKES POOR KIDS AN ORFHlr4K? HEALTV SI I ITT O -Women's- Children's. yj x-v ie Ulzzh Sczih cud Boy Scouts Take Trip for Weekend SALEM HEIGHTS The Boy Scout troop No. 19 of Salem Height is planning a weekend trip to the Little North Fork of the Santiam river this saturaay, with their " scoutmaster, John Harnsberarer. and assistant scout master, Harvey Peterson. John Hansberger was repeat edly stung by 'yellow Jackets Fri day night while at work with his tractor. The wheel of the tractor evidently hit a hole in the ground where the yellow Jackets had their nest and they became so enrsged the - whole swarm fol lowed him.- , " : . High school students are requested- to leave their certifi cate of residence with Mr. Skel ton at the schoolhouse. The clerk will at-n thorn and turn them over to the county superintend ent. Mrs. Ruth Chapman was a Portland visitor the first of the week. ' Rosemarie Donovan and Ann Baker have returned from a week's star at the eamn near Sliver Creek falls. ' Mrs. Fred Burger and children. who have ' been spending the last two weeks at their cabin at Nel scott, are expected home this weekend. night program " will start at . 8 o'clock. See Us Uhen Yon Heed Beady, CasE- NO EMBARRASSING QUESTIONS! F AXL RIGHT. FAJR LADY... JUST TO MAKE Y HAPPY. I'LL RESJLLV "TTsrV A. QsACK AT YOUR OLP CONTEST! 1 AAA SCK2RV "DEArr IS WtLL AAR. HAPPY- ORDERS - Lerrretfsr he: ixxshrr VSiAJvTTANVCWEC-ro LEARM WHERE YOU ARE TOR lTHEPRESEXrr I W . mw K HO- ME TO VAfvt J -srtmn-ri-tTi MftiB-fc V VEHCV NC$EUf ,T5TTXrT RAKJS FORcjET VOLfRS WWEMi ArlD ALSO My PRr30KB A ft A a-a- St . B . a SN fNKKrSi5 lHrVT a Acrcss Slrcel Frca Old -PSOACHI Luncheon Given -At MolaUa Hoine UOLALLA Mrs. M. Sim mons and Ther jmother," Mrs. A. P. Thatcher -entertained with a luncheon at the Simmons home Friday afternoon. Present were Mrs. E. -R. Wallace; Mrs. Jr E. Riddeli, Mrs. Walter C. Riddel!, Mrs. H. C Brede, Mrs. Lottie Nel son. Mrs. P. J. Breen, Mrs. George Case, ' Mrs. i Lyman Inman, Mrs.' M. L. Simmons' and Mrs. A. P. Thatcher. , r ' - ! '" A i group met Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Breen ln remembrance of their wedding anniversary. The evening was- spent in playing pinochle with high score prise being won by Mr. and Mrs. Claude Henricl. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Brod korb, Mr. and j Mrs. ' Claude Henricl and Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Breen who were Also presented with a gift for their wedding an- niversary.i Mrs. Glenn Rash and children returned Wednesday - from a weeks': vacation at Cannon beach. They were accompanied on the outing by relatives from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Olson have rented the newly completed Hung- erfora house on Molalla avenue. The house formerly v owned by the Clare Flukes I has been pur chased by Mr. and. Mrs. Gilmore. ZZIr state FINANCE CO. At Low 344 Stole) Phono 92S1 Roles Uc S-21S M-222 By GLUT STERRET By WALT DISNEY SO, COME TO THE EAGLE jr L9. a ttr-s srere .-vs. rV-TyPE-BOOTt TA-TAtTA! rl i I rx. nrs tn t i nu 9 T BRANDON WALSH ira I -)' '-in ! AAE?. HAPPy .tST-ERRtBLE 5AAART1 .. -?i -.AM XXL. ETCMA WOULDMT TELL AA TO OOANYTHIMG UMLFSS IT WAS AU W6HTV. SOL T .WOMt W p!a 'a1'T0 Srj By riMMY MURPHY h V WELL . TM OFF tiNoeo TO DO MY SMOPPINlW, UYOOR MEW BUT DONT EXPECT 1 VEST WILL RETTURN ! LoORIrJit BEAT A - LIKT5 THE WELL-f I Blr DRESSED aal HEART rLL SAV THAT FDR YOU. BECAUSE I AKA A T-WT manar: - Ri FIGHT MAKlAtECI Tl hi . .: i s AX-. ARF; ATS A CrOOOOKSs jrtOP !UfH94! MrrSUS 1 MEAN SEAHACtA Ti FIGHT MANAGER F-STOP1T. ARF ISAVi mm e-20 . v . Lcsilisa lirij PERSON. C&fi i jwa a rjLrr ten tv J j i .1 j ..... I I '