The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 20, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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Jefferson Has
Faculty Hired
Teaching Personnel Is
..." Complete; Deal Will
i ' Be Principal
JEFFERSON The teachlas
personnel of the local grade and
high school Is complete. M. H.
Be&I, for three year head of the
Hubbard aeheols. will succeed El
mo jenaen a principal of the Jef
ferson school. Beat g-radnated
from the Unlrerslty of Oregon In
1931 He tanght two years at
Scio two years at Stayton, two
years at Canby and three at Hub
bard. Dorothy Griffin of Portland Is
another new teacher tn the high
school. She will hTe charge of
the home economics department,
; typln? and physical edscation.
Miss Griffin Is a graduate of the
Unlrersity of Oregon, and has
tanght the past three years in
- . the Heralston high schooL
Other teachers in the high
:! school Include Mrs. Edna Allen of
Jefferson, who will teach aH of
the Englisk classes; Josephine
GetcheU f Eugene who will re
turn to head history, commercial
and bookkeeping classes; Darid
' . Arnott of I Jefferson who will re
! same his classes In industrial arts
i and science.
' Mrs Gilbert Looney has re
:! signed as primary teacher because
' ; she and her husband plan to re-
main tn. San Diego, where the
latter has employment. Mrs. Lor-
1 ena Brockway, recently from Okla
homa, has been hired to take
her place. Mrs. Brockway has
a life certificate In music and
Tolce. She is a graduate of
Northwestern Stste college at Al
Ta, Okla., and took her BA de
gree at Oklahoma A. and M. col
lego at Stillwater. She is cap
able of teaching erery band in
stilment and Is making plans for
a high school band. She has
tauKht eight years, six year as
superintendent tn Oklahoma
Mrs. E. B. Henningsen of Jef
ferson will return as teacher in
the second grade. Mrs. Wanda
Tesdahl, a graduate of Oregon
Normal school, will hare charge
of the third grade room. She has
taught fire or six years in schools
In Hood Rirer county. Mrs. DaTid
Arnott (Doris Beight) of Jeffer
son will return as Instructor in
the fourth and fifth grades.
Evelyn Day, a graduate of Ore
gon Normal will teach the sixth
and seventh grade room. She has
taught three years In Hood Hirer
county and last year in the Park
dale school. Ralph Nelson of Jef
ferson will return, as teacher In
the eighth grade.
The opening date for the school
has not been definitely set. The
date- will depend on the har
vesting of crops in this commun
ity. Labish Families
Visit Yellowstone
Mrs. Arlo Pugh and Mr. and .Mrs.
Fred Pugh are enjoying a vaca
tion visiting friends In Washing
ton and Montana. While on their
trip the Pngha will visit Yellow
stone National park.
On a California trip, which in
cluded the San Francisco fair
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wein
- man, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Leedy,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Leedy. Jay
Leedy attended a turkey growers
convention while in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Boynton
have been recent visitors In
Marsh field and North Bend where
they were guests of their sons
and families, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Boynton and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
" Boynton.
Constance Weinman, with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wein
man, motorell to Yellowstone Na
tional park where they enjoyed a
Among those returning from
visits at the beach were Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Woods. Mr. and Mrs.
P. J. Rusa and daughter Bar
bara Jean. Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
-Starker, Mrs. Alice Jefferson and
daughter Donna, Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Burr and dahter Jumlta
- A recent visitor la Victoria.
BC, was Miss Iras Horasenacb,
who spent her vacatloa in Wash
ington and Canada.
Visit at Monitor
" From California
MONITOR Mr. and Mra.
George Alberts of Los Angeles
are spending their summer vaca
tion with tha Mike Hughes of
; Elliot te Prairie, Joining them this
week ta a daughter. Edith Alberts.
-who- has been on -a three-week
vacation between Los Angeles and
; Yellowstone national park.
Mrs. Howell is reported to be
recovering from her recent illness.
Last Friday while inspecting
the progress ! work on .their new
home being bailt in Can by. Mrs.
r Arthur Schneider stepped on a
nail. Sha ban been bedfast and
ander tha- doctor's care but the
condition t her foot la now re-
, ported, aa improved! :
i Qdriedgc Family
; i Blovea to Fairfield
XLDRXEDGK Mr. and Mrs.
-Peter KlenskS moved recently
, with their family to the Miller
placa in Fairfield, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Elenskf are now "operating
thm John Klenski faxm,
. , - A new water system, electrle
ally operated, is being; installed
' ror the local school. -
Honored at Breakfast.
StLVERTON--Mra. . A ni n d a
Andrewa f i Tan Nettys, cauz..
who baa been vlsiilnr time
Mndi mada when aha lived here
2 9-soma years ago, left Saturday
for her borne. Prior tn hex leav
. in, Tn J not Klrr.h CBtcrtalned
at breakfast to er honor. Pres
ent wera 'Irs. Andrews. Mrs. Joan
t TTrtkmt. iTrs, L. CJ. Eastman.
Mrs. Iii-Neneaberr. Mr. George
hubta. Ira O- B. BenUon. Mrs,
Jsy Morley and tha bostasa, Mrs.
Initial opotbMt ta a dike at npstreanu end of newty prepared canal waa dynamited recently to divert
the coarse af the Sacramento river to make room .for work at California's hage Shasta dam, near
Bedding. Note men tn foregnmnd hiding; behind one of the big concrete blocks comprising part of
the dam, aa the blast Ja shot at tntako of the temporary man-made channel. UN photo.
Perrydale News
club ladies met Friday afternoon
at the home of Mattie and Doris
McXee. Laura Wyatt asked the
women to prepare canned fruit
and other articles that were to he
sent to the county fair. and they
would be picked up and taken to
Monmouth to be put in the Wom
en's Federated clubs booth.
The program committee has se
lected a play to be put on by the
club women the first meeting of
the Community club ttls fall ei
ther the second Tuesday in Sep
tember or October.
The hostesses served lunch to
IS members and four guests. Mrs.
Tony Hansen. Mrs. Lawrence Me
Kee. Mra Virgil Scott and Miss
Gerald in e Brixy.
Mr. and Mra. Andrew Campbell
attended the fair at Tillamook
the past week. While there they
were guests of Mr. and Mra. Em
mett Bainter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Woods of
Portland spent the weekend hero
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Woods.
Miss Vivian Morrison spent the
past week visiting at the home
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Morrison in North Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jamison
and children Eleanor and Billy
and Mrs. Martha Clay and Mrs.
Sue Flanery of Dallas were din
ner guests Sunday at the Robert
Mitchell home. Mr. and Mrs. Jami
son have visited the past two
weeks with Mra Jamisons mother.
Mrs. Clay. Their home in in Kan
sas City. Mo. They left Monday
for California where they will
visit an aunt of Mr. Jamison's.
Mrs. Lizzie Morrison went to
McMlnnville Saturday to stay
with her sister, Mrs. Lydla Con
ner, for 1ft days until Mr. and
Mrs. Guy Lee return from Eugene.
Shp will liTe with them this win
ter), Mrs. Morrison has made her
home with her son and family,
Mr, and Mrs. Fay Morrisoa, this
Karl Bruinsma and daughter
Helen spent last week visiting
relatives at Condon and Crater
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Boersma
left their two children at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Boersma, tha past week
while theyspent the week at the
Mrs. August Rohde was brought
home from McMlnnville Tuesday
where she has been the past three
weeks at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Bill Odell, since her re
turn from a Portland hospital.
She is some better and can walk
about now.
Johnnie and Carey Mcintosh,
small sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Mcintosh, had an accident while
playing at the grain warehouse
Saturday afternoon. Carey was
giving Johnnie a ride on a hand
grain truck and in some way
Johnnie slipped off the truck and
his bare foot was caught under
the wheel and his big toe was
nearly cut off. He was taken to
the doctor and it waa sewed back
in place. It may be necessary to
amputate it.
Water Department
Now Under Gty
superintendent of the local water
and sewage department, is this
week issuing notice to water con
sumers that the water department
la now operating directly under
the city of Silver ton and that all
checks and vouchers should be
made payable to the city of Sll
verton. Unit! recently the department
operated under a three-man com
mission. The change came about
following a new city charter
voted in May.
Zexui Woman Honored
At Dancing Party
ZENA Members of the Happy
Hear dance clab who attended
the birthday dance given In honor
of Mrs. Loots Butler at Oak Grove
grange hall Saturday night were
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Butler, Mr.
and Mra. Miitea Stephens and
Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Williams, Mr. and Mrs Walter
Langiey. Mr. and Mrs. Carls A.
Halleman and - Carolyn. William
and Robert, Mr. and Mra. Theo
dore Heide and Virginia. Calvin.
Lavern. Betty. Dolly and Clayton,
Tons Sears, Mabel Anderson, Wil
ms Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. 0. D.
Ilaldemaa and LoU Margaret and
Kay, Mr, and 'Mrs. Eld on James,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tarnbow
and Veata May and Charles. Jr..
Hsgo Ahrena, Ray Aired and El
mer, Mr.' and Mrs. Robert Helde,
Mrs. Lola Crawford.
Cntsforth Services Held
t SCJ0- Interment services for
Mrs." Nora Rodger Cutsforth, 7J,
were nela - at i Providence . Baptist
cemetery- near Sdo but week and
burial was at , that place. She
died at Springfield August 10
She was tha daughter of Eli and
Hannah Rod gars, early Pioneers
In the Seio locality, and. was a
sister of George Rodgers of nesr
tare f , i , "
River Diverted at
Silverton Store
Managers Change
Oregon City Woman Will
Take Over CC Store
Schrump of Oregon City has
taken over the management of
the Silverton CC store. Carolyn
Parker, who has been manager
for sometime, resigned. Miss
Schrump will make her home
with Mrs. Hans Jensen on Mill
At the direction of L. T. Tuck
er, custodian of the city hall, the
roof waa refinlshed Saturday.
The building bas been leaking
badly with the result that the
library in particular has suffered
from the dampness. Tucker prom
ised to try to make arrange
ments to have at least the maga
zine room of the library refin
lshed following the roof repair.
Mr. and Mrs. William Krenz,
Floyd Allen and Mrs. Elmer Hub
bard left Friday tor a 10-day
trip to San Francisco.
Mrs. George Senter baa re
turned from 4 two weeks visit
to California. She was a guest of
her brothers, Bernard, Laurence
and Sherman at San Francisco.
Repair work on the Smith
Hughes shop building during the
summer months has included a
rerooflng job, according to the
report of the school board this
Morris Kelly has returned to
his home at Eureka, Calif., after
a visit with his father Cliff Kelly.
Orlo Thompson, who spent the
greater part of the summer at
the local hospital, following a
major operation, is now able to
walk down town with the aid of a
cane. t
Concert to Close
Evangelistic Meet
MILL CITY The evangelistic
meeting which have been held In
the Church of Christ the past
week by Rev. Robinson and Lor
ance Dossett, vocalist, will close
Wednesday with a concert given
by Lorance Dossett with Frances
Dossett as accompanist.
Dossett Is director of music
at Northwest Christian college,
was soloist with the Washington
State Evengelistic team of Me
Quarry and Dossett for two years.
In the last two years he has snng
90 concerts beside regular teach
ing duties.
Mrs. Clarence Mason and
daughter, Miss Dorothy Dean
Mason, are spending a week in
San Francisco attending the fair.
Fred Ellsworth, a former Mill
City resident, and Miss Fay Han
son of Portland, were married
In Vancouver Saturday by Rev.
Paul Kunseman. Mr. and Mrs.
George Schwab of Mill City at
tended the wedding.
Mrs. R. L. Cooper of Carleton
spent the weekend in Mill City
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Allen.
Christian Church
Camp Meets Close
TURNER The Ninety and
Nine men's movement of the
Christian church of Oregon each
year sponsors a summer camp for
boys from to 17 years, with
the camp estabUahed oa Turner
tabernacle grounds. This year's
meet closed with attendance of
68. f
Ray Smith, is Tice-prealdeat of
the northwest district; Staryl C
Austin of Salem waa camp lead
er; Howard Cole, dean, Oregon
City; Gene Robinson. Browns
ville, camp director. On the fac
ulty were Bart Tharston and
Fred Towne of Eugene, Vernon
Kallowats, Albany, Jess Johnson.
Liberty. Section leaders were Joan
Myers and Dave Knllwats, Dick
Miller and Robert Mulkey. Camp
committee for next year is Clair
Martin and Loyd Arnett of Port
land and ; Staryl C, Austin of
Berg Family II M M
IXoves, Slarqaam
MARQUAM Mr. and lira,
Pan! Bert have moved lata the
cottage oa the Lima farm. Neigh
bors gathered for av nonao vara
tng last week.
. Mrs. Walter Batteries enter
tained the Ltdiea Ail society of
Trinity ekareh at her home Tbars
dav afternoon. Forty elghl. at-
tanded, . - - V"
Tell of T7est Indies
MOLALLA Miss Mamie Bai
ley, returned missionary from the
West Indies, spoke- Friday night
at the Church of the Nazarene,
telling . of her many. Interesting
experiences and describing habits
and superstitions of the islands.
Misa Bailey has been stationed at
tha island of Barbados and plana
to return there.
Shasta Dam
Grangers' News
The annual plcnle of Molalla
Grange No. S10 was held at the
M. E. Wrights park near Liberal
August 11. Those attending were
Mra Kate Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
K. R. Tread well, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Davidson and daughter
Chloe, Mr. and Mrs. George Du
rant and son and daughter Nor
man and Inn a Jean, Harry Lytle,
Harry R as tall, Leon Cochran, Mrs.
M. C Deller and children Donna
Lee and Jlmmls, Mr. and Mrs. Lew
Wallace, Mrs. Olena Larklns, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Schoenborn, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert F. Eyman, Steven
Byman. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ey-
mon, Jeanle and Mary Lou, Mr,
and Mrs. John Dnnton and Larry
Martin, Mrs. Eda Dunton, Elmer
Dunton, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. W.
Vick, Gwendolyn and Maxlne, Mrs.
Clem Marsh, Mrs. Senia Helno,
Susie and Ethel, Ed Heino. Armas
Hallbacka, Arthur Hallbaeka, Mr.
A. D. Wood, Mrs. Stelninger, Ira
Steininger, Mrs. Maude Lumberg
and son Harvey, Phyille and Doris
Gould, Perry Toder, Dorothea
Zacher, Mr. and Mrs. M. E
Wright, Benjamin, Helen and Har
ry, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. E. Vick and
Bobble, Millie Williams of Glad
stone, George Wright of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wright and
Jane of Auburn, Washington.
CHEMAWA J. S. Murray, fin
gerprint expert from the peniten
tiary, will speak at the Wednesday
night social meeting of Chemawa
grange. A musical program will be
also given. Refreshments will be
served, with grangers bringing
cookies. The regular dance will be
given Thursday night.
Missourians Are
Suver Visitors
SUVER Mr. and Mrs. Merle
Stewart have as guests his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart,
their daughter Avon, and Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Stewart and baby
of Carrollton, Mo. This la the
Tisltors' first trip to the west
Mr. and Mrs. Lark James and
daughter Helen from Kelso,
Wash., spent a few days last week
with Mrs. Effie VanderpooL
Ira Plersol of Maxwell, Calif.,
is at the home of his sister. Mrs.
J. M. Davenport, and will remain
there until the affairs of the late
J. M. Davenport are settled.
Mrs. HatUe Johnson of Still
water. Okla., and son, J. D. John
son of Antonio, Texas, are visit
ing their cousin, M. 8. Newton
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Eckman
spent the week at Cannon Beach
Little Martin Eckman Is with
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. L Conger, for the week.
Verle Harris Qulrck, who was
married last May to Bob Qulrck.
left Thursday to Join her husband
In California.
Mrs. Paul Dodele, Mrs. Rose
Carter and Mra. Clyde Tomlinson
were hostesses to the Mayflower
club at Wells Wednesday. There
were 39 presenL
Theda Condron. who underwent
a major operation at the Co rval
ue General hospital recently, is
much improved and waa moved
to the home of her cousin, Mrs.
B. R. Douglas. Wednesday: Mrs.
There Womer of Pedes spent
last week with Mrs. Douglas
where she could go with Mrs.
Douglas to see her sister Theda
every day.
Mynard Newton and family and
visitors from tha middle west all
attended the Newton reunion at
Helmlck park recently. Sixty
eight were present from over the
Mr. and Mrs. M. Conger, Miles
Davis and Mrs. Blair Douglas at
tended the funeral of Mrs. R. L.
Bosworth st Corvallls Monday af
ternoon. Rickreall Woman
ViaiU at The Dalles
RICKREALL Mrs. Pauline
Jady left Wednesday for The
DaUea where ahe win visit Miss
Virginia, Peck.
Visitors here last week were
M'lldred Griswold from Grtpon,
Wis., and Alma Aarness of Stan
ley. Wis- visiting with Mrs. Paul
ine Jady. They were former teach
ers tn the schools st Richland.
Nebrasla People
Leave SHavr
SHAW Mr. and Mrs. Galdo
Bare and family left Thursday for
their hdme ta Overton. Neb- after
spendinx a few weeks wltk rela
tives. '
WHl Franke, vno'has been a
patient at tha Deaconess hospital
ta Salem the past fire weeks, re
turned to his borne en Friday.
SQssiori Picnic ThTjergday
t- TURNER Tha Women's Mis
sionary society of the Christian
chareJa will hold Us annual picnic
Thursday all day back of the
Okhjoo. TuJot Morning. Aagml 23. 1313
September 16. Will, Mark
First Day of Term.
. Teachers Hired
WOODBURN The Woodburn
public schools sre scheduled to
tart September IS. The opening
date has been set back , because
of hop picking whlen usually
takes many of the students.
Four new teachers ' have been
hired tor the high school. Marie
Mannix, University of Oregon
graduate, will replace Loia Mc
Curley and will teach senior and
sophomore English.' Charlea
Meredith, University of Oregon re
places Charles Carlson teaching
the natural sciences. Leroy Pier
son, Pscific university graduate,
replaces Helen Lots and will
teach freshmen English and com
mercial subjects. Mary Matley is
replacing Mrs. Edna Olso and will
teach mathematics and history
and civics.
Daring the summer, several
improvements have been made in
and around the school. A new
gym floor has been installed and
also new baskets. The shop has
been worked over enabling a gen
eral shop course to be given. This
coarse is new to Woodburn.
Thirty new lockers are being in
stalled oa each side of the build
ing, providing a locker for every
two people.
Milton Gralapp, superintendent
of the Woodburn schools, stated
that for the high school students.
a complete set of text books will
be rented at the first or the year
at a fee not exceeding S4t
Several Picnics
Given at Monitor
MONITOR Mrs. Oliver
Brougher of Scotts Mills who has
been ill for some time was moved
to the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Inrval Edlund but week and is
being cared for there.
The Bob Harmon family of Mo
lalla have moved Into the Piaffing
er house in Monitor.
Mrs. C. E. Tyler attended the
meeting'of the Dr. Truman Bon
ner clan Sunday at Champoeg.
Fifty-five descendants were pres
ent. The Bonneys settled .on
French Prairie.
Mrs.- Marion Oswalt and chil
dren, Reed and Joan, Will Yod
er and children, Vance, Gerald
and Rosina attended the Sawtelle
reunion Sunday near Molalla.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Thyker
entertained friends at a picnic and
dinner at their home Sunday.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
McDonald and son, Norman; Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Hulse and children,
Sallie and Eugene; Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Simera, Mrs. Rose Cowels,
Mrs. Lillie Ward, Mrs. Lottie Ir
win, Miss Johanna Ballard and
son, Clifford, all of Portland, and
Miss Johanna Thyker and daught
er, Nellie of Monitor. Fonr genera
tions were present.
Vegetables Lost
When Truck Burns
SHELBURN A large load of
fresh vegetables, oranges and
lemons were destroyed near the
Henry Ames place when from a
short circuit the truck caught
fire. The two occupants were
not injured.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Qulgley
and son, Richard, are visiting
relatives here. They recently re
turned from Bend where he was
employed in road construction.
They will be located soon in Al
bany where he will work on the
new highway.
Shelbura school district will
have a budget meeting at the
school house September X at S
p. m.
Oral Bates, Elmer Bennett and
Shope familes are employed in
the bean field in the West Stay
ton section.
Turner Sunshine
Onb Planning
Jitney Supper
TURNER The Turner Sun
shine club met Wednesday with
Mra. Guy Dow for an ail day ses
sion ssd a pot luck dinner was
served st noon.
Members present were Mrs.
Frank Parr, Mrs. Lily Lyon, Mrs.
Ada Haggard. Mra. Edith Mollis
and Elwood, Mrs. Vera Grim and
Lloyd. Mrs. Spencer and Richard,
Mrs. Evelyn Holt and Shirley,
Mrs. Selma Hogsed and Marlene
Nelson. Mrs. John Saladay, Mra.
Nyal Dow , and DeLaiae, and the
hostesses, Mrs. Gay Dow and
La rins.
Plans were made for a Jitney
supper for the benefit of the
fire department, at W. R. Hog
sed 's, on August 23. The public
Is invited to attend.
The next meeting, an afternoon
session, will be held st Mrs.
Ada Haggard's. August It.
Good Bean Harvest
OUm Work
TURNER Bean harvest is
aeaxing its peak- with work for
all who want employment. Small
threshing jobs finish harvest this
week. Most, of the com crop has
made good growtb despite dry
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Riches
left for their home at Caraaatloa,
Waalu Saturday after a short
stay at ths S. A. Riches none.
Pcnmcrs Union
-Kl - i Nowa :
LIBERTY The Liberty Farm
ers Union local will meet Tuesday
evening.- An gast 29, at t p.m. ta
tha halL All members are erred
to attend and hlj to make the
plane and get organised for ths
winter's work of the anion. Cake
and coffee win
-: - TTJT
set, w
. I f
Former Colorado Residents Gather
Third Annual Reunion on Sunday
v :At Silverton;
SILVERTON The third annual reunion of the former
residents of Colorado was held Sunday in the SUverton city
park in an all-day picnic, basket dinner at noon and a bnel
business session during the afternoon.'
The same ffWr were retained for another year.Tney
were Lyle BForee, Salem, president ; Mrs. Lyle B. Force,
Salem, secretary; ciauae k a y.
Y a m. h 1 1 L -vice-president, and
rrank Keieher, Sherwood, treas
urer. '. - v : - "
Dallas was named as the next
year's meeting place and the date
wUI be the last Sunday in ' July.
Those present Included! . -
From . Albany, Mr. and Mra.
wmtam ' RrrAbplanalpTMr. -and
Mra.- Fred H. Dickson Mr. and
Mrs. John Coleman; from Salem,
W. L. Roekhill. Harris E. Folker.
Ida B. Elder. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Erieksen. Mr: and Mrs. Albert
North, Tommy, Maxlne and Marie,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lawless, C A.
Psrder. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lam
ia is. Mrs. Carl Chandler, Mr, and
Mrs. E. -J. Force, Mr. and Mrs.
William DeTour and Marjorie.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelley. A. C
Bark. HQma G. Johnson, Mr. and
Mra. George Witte. Mr. and Mra.
Leo Reed and . Date, Gay Powers.
Joe and Jano Gardner. Mr. and
Mrs. C A. Parker, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Hansen. Mr. and Mrs.
E. I MeMshm, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold J. Polsel and Harold
Dwayne, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon De
catur. From Newberg, Dr. and Mrs.
J. H. Worley and Marie, Mr. and
Mra. J. W. Dressell and family.
Mr; and Mrs. Henry Clausen, Mr.
and Mrs. Curtis Martin, Mr. and
Mra. Nelson Tribbett.
From Portland. Emmett Par
ker. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reming
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Bay Standen
rans. Mr. and Mrs. George Jatto,
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bartholomew,
Mrs. Maybelle Mayo Arnett, Ray
mond Standenrana.
From Independence, Mra.
Charles Bullock and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Henry; from Otis,
Colo., Earl Clausen, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Steele and Merlin; from
Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rogs
dale, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tibbetts.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Anderson and
Hazel and Galen.
From Dundee, Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Tibbetts; from Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Ree; from
Agate Beach, Mr. and Mrs. C
Remington; from Lebanon. Mr.
and Mrs. George Fisch, Mr. and
Mra. Luther Hart man; from SU
verton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl D.
Reed. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reming
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C Waler
and family; from Redmond,
Wash., Mr. and Mra Thelma Reed,
Darland and George.
From Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs.
William Ellis; from Gales Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Wilson; from
Forest Grove, Mr. and Mrs. F. R.
Hundley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Brewer end children; from Gas
ton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hund
ley; from Logsdoa, Mr. snd Mrs.
Claude Mets; from Sheridan, Mr.
and Mrs. F. P. Cooley; from Sher
wood. Frank J. Keieher; from
Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. B. L.
Kirsen. 1
From Monmouth. Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Llndagl; from Mehama,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reed and fam
ily; from Denver, Colo., Mrs. Tom
Courtney and Tommy, Miss Doris
E. Sharp: from Lyons. Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Stoekwell. Melvln A.
Stockwell; from Yamhill. Mr. and
Mrs. Claude E. Ray, K. W. Ray;
from Turner, George Welgsrt;
from Ingle wood, Calif., Mrs. CleU
Henzle and Janice; from Oran.
Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith;
from Balrbanks, Iowa, Mr. and
Mra. Lewis Retth; from Durango,
Colo., Herbert McCaw; from ML
AngelL Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lell
and Joan. Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Mink Association
To Meet, Liberty
LIBERTY The Salem unit of
the Oregon Mink .Breeders asso
ciation, will meet Thursday, Aug
ust 12,. In the grange hall here.
An extensive program haa been
planned for the evening.
A delegation w i 1 1 be present
from the Portland unit led by
Thomas Hall who will discuss,
"Pooling Mink Pelts for Sale."
a W. Staeey will report oa
matters of interest to fur breeders
brought out at the recent sum
mer schools in the state of Wash
ington which he attended.
Hosts for the social part of the
evening will be Mr. and Mrs. T.
B. Wells and W. H. Propst. AH
interested far farmers are invited
to attend.
Lincoln Families
Leave on Vacation
LINCOLN Two Lincoln cou
ples who left early Sunday morn
ing on a vacation were Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Edwards snd Mr. and
Mrs. Ivsn Merrick; They plsnned
to be gone two weeks snd visit
Yellowstone park, then go to Salt
Lake, Reno, Yosemite snd the
world's fair before returning
Frances Beeat of Jordan Val
ley ta operating the W. R. Ed
wards milk track while Edwards
is away on a vacation. Mr. Bee:
has been working for a timber
company near Scio. He said that
the crews nave been laid off work
each day before noon for the past
week. Saturday, the hottest day
of the summer, the humidity waa
sown to as ana crews were laid
on before f a. m.
Fairfield Farmera
Union Meet
FAIRFIELD The flftlsr
meeting of Fairfield Farmers sa
lon waa held Friday night at the
ralrnald community halL;
Elmer Hill. ' brother of -F U.
Rill. - returned to his hom' in
Jacksonville, I1L, after visiting
serous? week. . .-
Hart In Logng Accident
" ElttXRTOK Jack Irersoa;
jr., has "els one ler ta a cast as
a result cf a logging, accident.
His knee was crushed when he
struck fey a hook, - .
I 1 a ssaeeneasne ssmasensenes snaenaa
State Christian
Conference on Leadership,
Training Being ' Held
. . at Turner : .
TURNERThe last summer
state convention to be held at the
Turner tabernacle is the Oregon
Christian Endeavor union . meeting-
this week for its annual lead
ership snd training conference.
Each day's schedule will open
with, morning Bible study conduct
ed by Rev. James Aikln Smith of
Salem. Study topics include "Bet
ter Meetings.' led by Lovina Wil
son of Tillamook; CJ5 Essen
tials by Kenneth Stuart of Day
ton; "Leadership Throngb ?CJV
Dr. Walter I Myers; discussion
group led by Rer. Chester p;
Gates, Seattle; Union CE Activ
ities," Dr. Walter L. Myers; -Recreation
Bernieo Gay, SUverton;
-Worship.-. Rutn Towns. Co
qnille; -Junior CK Work," Mrs.
Arno Voee, Portland, The after
noons will be given over to a rest
period, swimming and sports di
rected by L. A. Moyer of . Jen
nings lodge. The night addresses
will be given by Rev. Chester P.
Gates of Washington. The closing
feature will be a bon-flre, fellow
ship and impromptu program. Dr.
Walter L Myers will be dean of
the conference; Kenneth Stuart,
dean of men; Dorothy Kllks,
Portland, dean of women; Doro
thy Howes, . Forest Grove, regis
trar; Elcy Walker. Forest Grove,
business manager; W. E. Blah,
Portland; commissary; Mrs. Wal
ter L. Myers, hostess; Wilmer
Gardner, dining room.
The stste committee held its
sessions Saturday and Sunday pre
ceding the conference witb State
President Marjory Boon presiding.
Cactus Party Is
Given at Lebanon
LEBANON Ths cactus party
given by the Garden club at the
Philip Lanning noma was' well
attended. Mrs. Lanning. assisted
by Mrs. Roy Gunderson, had
large numbers of cacti on dis
play. Miss Lenore Soule showed
plants grown from seed.- Two
contests were planned and Miss
Ruth Wight and Mrs. George
Alexander tied for the prise.
Mrs. W. H. Skeels was the
guest of honor when 24' friends
gave a shower. After the gifts
were presented refreshments were
served. Mrs. Skeels was married
An g pound daughter was born
August 12 to Mr. "and Mrs. Clel-
lan Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bnrford,
Jr., came from Camas, Wash., to
attend the funeral of his aunt,
Mrs. Los Harrison. Mr. and Mra.
Orvllle Barnes also came to Leba
non at that time from Weed,
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Swink snd
Susan Swink are in Los Angeles
with the Freman Artinsingers..
Mr. ssd Mrs. Elbert Swink have
returned from a vacation at the
Mrs. Elmer Fitzgerald waa as
sisted by Mrs. Mervin Gilson
when ahe entertained the mem
bers of the fire department and
their wires at dinner Wednes
day. The dinner waa served oa
the lawn and the evening was
spent informally..
Funeral Is Held
For Andrew Nelson
MOLALLA FaneraJ services
for Andrew Emansal Nelson, 72,
were held Saturday at the Colton
Lutheran church followed by in
terment at the Colton cemetery,
under direction of the Ever hart
mortuary of Molalla. Nelson was
a retired farmer of the Colton dis
trict and died at the borne of a
daughter Thursday. He had re
sided tn that community since
11 S snd waa born at Farmers
rllle, 111, May 17, IS It.
. Surviving him are a son, Ren
ben Nelson. Eugene; three daugh
ters, Mrs. Edith Johnson and Mrs.
Edna Swanson. Colton,-aad Mrs.
Ellen Laferty. Horton. and four
teen grandchildren.
Mnnkers dan
Haa Reunion
Members of tha Munkera clan
enjoyed a picnic at Hager'a grove
on the Mankera homestead Son
day. Attending were Kate Herren
and Josle Mnnkers of Salem, S. P.
Mnnkers of Newberg, Marie Mnn
kers of Lexington. Bertha Mas
kers of Amity, Mr. and Mrs: ' Sam
Ronlett, Maud Runlet t, Walter S.
Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. William
May. Robert Wood,-all of Salem.
Sarah Gerowe, Mr. and Mrs, Ira
C Smallman. Rose Baker, Leone
Smith. Susie Worden. all of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Wohlge
muth of Newberg, AJthea Pogne,
Marls Brelsford of Grants Pass.
Mrs. Robert Wood Weiark, Coa-i
me weiars, nr. ana Mrs. Grant
Teter, Tom Johnson, Mr. and -Mrs.
Ralph Johnson and Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Johnson. .
Xodel Planes T7in : i
-; MOLALLA--EIliott B a IT t o n,
Donald Sherman. Gale EUtchford
and Kilmer Swanson entered their
model airplanes in competition
witb ?( - other models entered
from different sections of the Wil
lamette valley at the meet held
recently at the Salem airport field.
Rale Blatchford wen two prises,
the frand prise and a second
prise, the - grand prise ' being an
Ohbmom . m2l" . motor for model
lp lanes.
ToHvnsend Speaker
Scores Roosevelt
Qab Members Have Picnic
. Stmdav at : Silverton
i City Park t . :
" l SILVERTON That- Qnother
fonr years - of F. D. Roosevelt .as
president would leave asmocraey
bnt a memory was the statement
made by Q. C. Gillls of Salem San-
day afternoon at the surerton city
Bark as be addressed an audience
of several hundred Townsendltea
and others gathered at the park.
Gillls urged everyone ito -lay
aside all political. and ; religious
prejndlees - and naeevery effort
humanly possible to put new and
better faces in the White House.
In opposing - the conscription
Tlan he asked his - listeners; "Is
America going to be transformed
. . . . . . - .1 J m
into a mimarisuc camp puu iur
b. the people while the pig boys
grab the billions to add to their
already bulging bank accounts?"
i Townsendltea and visitors were
gathered from all the surrounding
communities " ssd . neighboring
counties. The program, over
which F.' E. Sylvester. Silverton
attorney, presided, followed a pic
nic ' dinner. Rev. W. L. Wilson
gave, the invocation and Frank
Wray the address of welcome. F.
E. Manley of Salem, responded.
Mrs. Marlon Naeal of Lacomb
also gavp brief 'address.
Simkins Reiinion; '
Held at Qiampoeg
kins clan held the! annual, re
union at Champoeg park Sunday.
A no-host dinner at noon preceded
an -afternoon of conversation and
boating. Officers elected for next
year were: Mrs. Jane William
son, presidents Grace Goss, secretary-treasurer,;
Members attending were Mr.
and Mra. Al Williamson, C F.
Charles. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gros
senbacker ; and sons, Asron and
Franklin. Kenneth Versteeg, Mr.
and Mra. Joy Strickf aden, Nina
Chapin. Mra. May Versteeg. Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Goss, Mr. snd Mrs.
Asron Thompson snd son, Dar
rell, Mrs. Florence Elwood, Tors
Newcomer, Mrs. Bell Simkins,! Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Henry and
Oorinne and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. '
Gene Kirkwood and children.
Homer, Norman and Doris, Arils
Simkins, Mr. and - Mrs. Jason
TrixeH. Mrs. Rose Smith, Mr. snd
Mrs.' Delmer Versteeg, ? Clsuds
Weston snd . son, DenieL Mrs.
Henry Davidson and Cloydiae. Ad
ditional guests were Elmer Mor
t en son, '. Lois Chance, i R. J.
Chance, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Potts and sons. Jim Hayden, Del
bert ; Glen, Leona ' Chrlstenson.
Mrs. LIbbie Davidson and Doro
thy Wilson.' : -
Bliven Clan has
K Eighth Reiinion
McKEEr-Shaner's grove w a
the gathering, place of the Bliven
clan's eighth ' annual rennion on
Sunday. August 11. Prominent dl
versions of . the clansmen we r f
horsehoe playing and swimming,
A basket dinner waa served under
the tall firs at noon. - I
The officers who served the
past year were: Mrs., Hannah
Richardson, president; Mrs. Myr
tilla Colling,- vice president; Mrs.
Frances Morgan, Hecretary-treas-nrer
and Mrs. Daniel Bliven, his
torian. Mrs. Colling is now presK
dent; Mrs. Lillian Shaner, vice
president and Mrs. Morgan was
reelected : secretary-treasurer.
Those - present to indulge in the
day's ' activities were: Mr. snd
Mrs. James Bliven and son. Clyde,
of St. Loaia, Mr., and Mrs. Wil
liam Bliven aad' children, Ed
mund. Mark, Sandra and Gary, 4
Mrs. Carroll Hamlin and children,
Donald and Cynthia, and Mr. snd
Mra. Joe ' Riehardson. all of Sa
lem; Daniel Bliven and Mrs. Pearl
Dickenson of St. Helens: Mr. snd
Mrs. Arthur . Morgan of Brooks.
sad Mr. and Mra. Charlea Ray
Shaner and baby daughter, Char
lene Mae, of McKee. . I
Spends Weekend
At Scotts Mills
BRUSH CREZK-t-Mlss Althes
Meyer spent the weekend at the
8. P Moberg ,home st Scotts
Mills.- Miss Meyer will sssist at
the reception following the mar
riage -of her cousin. Miss Vions
Moberg, ' to Bernle Oas Wednes
day night. 1 - ; 1
Ixl H. Meyer spent the weekend
fishing at Devils lake. Mr. Meyer
was joined by L. M. Larson and
Miles Toblaa of Silverton.
Patience Moberg, who formerly
made her borne here, bas bees
seriously ill this week at the borne
of her mother, Mra. G. E. Moberg
at Woodburn. Miss Moberg is s
Willamette university student snd
has been- employed at Salem dur
ing the summer. . - ; ;
BelHany Man Leaves
For Hop Area
BETHANY W. V. Mires lefi
this weekend for Independence
where he will be fireman tn a hep
drier daring the bop season.
Robert 'and Janell Johnson
nave returned from a visit at the
Laurence Johnson home at V as
sets. . . ; :
EloUIla Card Club Meets
' MOLALLA The Rummy club
was entertained by Walter C Rid
den and K. R. Wallace at the Rid
dell summer home on the Molalla
river at Shady Dell Wednesday
sight Present were Fred Henrik
sen. Ben Chindgren, Curtis Con
nett, Ray Boehmke. Walter C
Riddell and E. R. Wallace.
Cack From California
i SILVERTON Florence Sto
rey. Kathryn Slawson and Mirle)
Bentson bare returned following
a summer s t n d y course at San
J osa, i Calif. : The trio motored
throngb Grand Canyon, Uryce and,
Zlon national parka. Lake Tahoe.
Reno and Salt Lake on their
homeward journey.