fags crnzt SIcNary Lauded in Langlie Address Hits at 5th Columnists Within ; Charges Tiiey Have Been Coddled PORTLAKb. Ore.. Aug. 15-F An administration which will within those- -wtxo . are what la known . aa the firth column.; wait demanded tonight by Mayor Arthur B. Langlie of Seattle. The challenge of dictator na tions can be met' "only if the leadership four government, state and national, can win the confidence and faith of the peo ple, Langlie, republican candi date tor the .Washington guber natorial nomination, told thou sands of Oregon and southwest Washington; residents at the Mult nomah chapter, Oregon Republi can club's annual picnic -. i Fifth columnists,. Langlie de clared,' haTe been coddled, pam pered and petted, for a period, of seven years. It Is' time tor ' us now to destroy these . f orelga- lsms. - ... i ; . The Seattle 'mayor assailed "machine control'! of the demo cratic national convention and praised the republican nominees; Wendell Winkle and Senator Charles McNary. " : . " McNary was credited by Lang Grand Coulee dams for the Pa cific northwest..' - The ( Tice-p residential candi date1 of. the democratic party (Ag riculture" Secretary Wallace) is supposed to understand the; prob lems of the farmer. Langlie said. "I am satisfied that the farmers of my state hare more confidence in the distinguished senator from Oregon,!' " mr. "Now, if eTer, Is the time for our people to banish emotional ism, pessimism and 'hysteria and face the future with a sober calm and an analytical; mind.' ; Garment Company : Has Small Strike Cohen ' Garment company: opened negotiations- with the Internation al Garment Workers', union today after, a strike of T1 .Trorkersy ; Spokesmen- for the firm and the labor group said the .employes demanded: anion recognition. About Its persons withdrew from the Building after a short, orderly demonstration, - r t" .- ' : : r-if CtvwawJ LJL'a'wJLavJ 'L. JL:Lfc.-J PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED-- CocI Spun Raycn r "courageously meet the : enemy lie with obtaining Bonneville- and 11 ii o "IT?1 y I : FRED MEYER LJo Th OSTGON STATESMAN. Cc-lea Orgon JFUdcrr. MorxJag. Acsust JX is " sssssssassMH ' I ' ff cr -T- r,! I leisri j j ar-i t. i ,' Him,! rmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm '""I ST i I 1 I 1 R 11 t. its 60- Vildfooi1 r i 512: Swiss ClriGG wsi a t ' - ' a jae . If you have a date with the sun you'll want to look your ' prettiest! The correct creams and other" cosmetics will help you "look your prettiest.'' Lubricating, cleansing and . foundation creams each will prepare your skin to "face : the sun.Gct a lasting supply at Fred Meyer Drug Sec : tkfflS. . ' fiDD Sunburn Cream Cooling, soothing, non- gl QQ sticky sunburn cream for protection before and aft- U er exposure, large jar. Special Fcrmla Creaia $2.00 Large size. For dry skin. Soft. EIno Texhnt Crcaa '1.10 Smooth, soft-textured Emo Cream. Lady Esther 4-Purpose Cream 39" cretin t3c Lady Esther 4-Pnrpose Crein 5tC Colonial Dames Special! 52.00 SeIco Fecc Pcwder '2.00 All-Puipose Crecm dinging powder and Csf QQ mooch all - purpose , B cram. Sava J2.00! . ;.. A four-purpoM am K rj i lor ttM woman po mp- L-i prwMta an easily - SlZC axjvtd, aea-tticsy Mm Dandruff EE a A Bt rilWll Remover Shampoo 59 1 RnoVe dandruff in- 711 untly. Leaves hair and scalp thoroughly YSiUf dean, refreshed. 50c Fitch leWI Hsir Teak. 44 . 75 Pepsodeni Antiseptic EffkWm even when fr xf W nJii-2 Pllf fl water. Refreshinf mouth riiil sjjf wash, gargle Useful antiaepbc for horn use. ListeriiiG Aiifiseptic Pleasant tasting aaoV tig 7SG1 septic. lor gargle c 14-oj, lA saouth with pur- lff aj it l 10 DJER 1CISSTALcirM:- 50 Woodbury SHAMPOO 2? 50 LUXOR LIPSTlfclfS 75 fr" DATH SALTS 39 40 Certified Antisopf ic ptv ::19 20 CITRATE MAGNESIA 9 5 JERGENS TOILET SOAP 25 50 WITCH HAZEL, Quarts. 29 11 (sfTraistiit oiiiaiiiiiir iiAWiins, pkg. 7c 100s HINKLE PILLS FOU 5 fr" DENTAL CREAM, 2 for 29 g JHAVE CREAM. 2 for 33 & .TOOTH PASTE. 2 for 59 Be ALPHA TOILET TISSUE,, 3 rolls 6 BBSSBSBSBSSSiBSSlSSSSfSI SSSBSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSBS I ' i -Tg JAMSf Fcsial Tisssr Soft, ey AspoKd " Rg. l1 O y y; tisiues for myriads' 2 af uses around home. car and office 2r McosisSi .. , ...ft , . , lalrfesidl light tvown, medium fifl ko dark brown, black ll and auburn shades. Shade your hair the color that is most becoming to you. Elcir Tonic wine on i. .. 1 Invigorates the hair and scalp. Efficient herbal laxa tive. Save! ' Lifebuoy Shave 0rei5 Mild, last n e L cream tsr alum. LadWs cjiskic. foibC1 Tissue Afwcrys f4s Soft oa Ytr Uptl ffs AscmI 1 with a Cfsoin Bom! After 8 years of research, Tange Red-Red Is ready for you. Tangoes Rod-Red, a marvelous new lipstick shade, Is the rarit, loveliest red of them all. Tangoo Red-Red's pure, clear color accents the whiteness of your teeth. Easy to apply to your lips... goes on smoothly and quickly... stays on for hours and hours.' We befieve Tangee Red-Red ii the most outstanding moke-up oevefopmenf in the pat 20 years. Try M yourself The pticA k I.00. Motching Rouge, Compact or Creme, 754. ...K9AUY MtAYS ON I r.iniL onpEns filled Mail orders promptly "and accurately filled, please add 10 for wrapping and mailing. Address orders tb Fred Meyer, 633 S. W. 4th Ave Portland, Oregon. I r w PS UUaaai 1 Ja anflrnms m night for soft skin. Chercniy Dusting Povdor Assorted floral frag rances. Light, ding- tag powder for after- bath. It's refreshing! - f 25. Prcphjlsdk Teolii Piwdsr 7 29c htzMuSk Tcsfh Crcsh , . 1 t-t. mJm im firm - mfrtr bristled, long-handled brush . . . Prophylactic tooth powder and tooth brush only 29c! 50 Kolynos Tooth Paste 39 Tube Large tube soft, ere amy toothpaste. Helps keep teeth snowy white,' clean. Gen? Rczor end Five DIadcs Colgate Ribbon DentcICrccni 20c Tubes A Caaias out U e ibba aa your bratL' PUastnc ttstisf, Jaaras saouth dcaa ami sil ISO MaT9 Soft tissues at aa economical pries' Stock A wiisr.ooT baq tc:hc (.- with oa - - . EO Prophyldetic Heir Crush (V tent Lair tonic sad Stit-oriitltd Preiphylsaie hair hnah, A. sWifey ilaH. I OCAUY Om'SDQP.'RATEP bal WWMaJs V Cagl 3 w. 20c Famous Wood Vary soap at a low price! ilia Wt$&sy CM Crcsa Soft cream ,et almond rote "steam. Long lasting creams. Johnson's Liquid Wan Flit ' 73c value! Easily spoiled liquid was mat makes floors (j .J shim. ,WHb Fl-t Squlib's Ftr ME3sssb1 LtJX VsTAiAT la Sc:? Stock tta at dus low pried' ' Dcajt-pil: iV 1 Saothing loye 'iLI tsadse skin. Helps kaq tba -. akm . son. ' Uaa ixequaody. ' Rorjulcrly S3.S5 .,. ! am' For Dcach, Home or Mountains Women's Wear Section . Main Floor i Drag Bldg.' Smartly taaored trpua rayon slack suits. Individual fabrics and colors In these HoUywodd; styled gar ments. Inner-outer style blouses have never been 'more important than this year! Tailored-to-fit trousers make these suits the out standing numbers of the season. Your choice of gay colors. Sizes 34 to 40. Cool, comfortable slack suits for wear at beach or mountain. Get an extra suit at this sensa tional pride! I'' ; , : ; . ' . i : -.1 ' $1.00 Vslua Cool, Com Rayon Gowns Lsm trims or tailored. Long-, full at (owns In sizes 18 and IT. Tea rose er blue, loft, smooth, lustrous rayon. Comfortable to sleep in. 2 for $1.50 $1.00 Values Rayon Slip rour-core. Form-fittl&f. Tailored is fit Colors In Tea Rose or white, glass 11 to 40. Smooth, washahle satin slip. Get two er three at this deep-cut price! WMM'a WW Saaetat Main Floor, Drug Bldg;. U1J Values to $1.00 Girdles Gild Pqnty-- 0irdle Ideal for sportswear. Irregulars of -our higher priced garmeats. 2-wsy stretch. Email, medium, large. Eco nomically priced. ii 0 (p)C u 39c Value Elayon; Damash Lunch Cloilis Long-lasting rayon damask lunch- -i son cloths. 42-inch x; 42-inch. Ideal . for breakfast tables or pienlo ta bles. Get an extra one or tw at this thrifty price. n .; Wimmtm Warn $Hmm Main Floor, Pros' Bldg. 0 (guaranteed for 6'Moiith's Wear 2So value hose at pairs for fill Guaranteed for months wear I If these Moosehlde socks do not wear : aa guaranteed, you will receive re placement FREE of charge! Mads of highest quality yarns ,and dyed L with the finest of dyes. 19e pair;! S for S5e. Stock Upl ff?U Of. 00 W PWU .U ; Men's NoiEflipr ::: roadcloth Shorts With 'grippe r" fasten ers. In neat patterns. FuIlBtandard siae, fast color materials. Roomy balloon, seat. Elaatio sidea, extra wide legs. Get several pairs. IVed Meyer thrifty, price 1 NO-RIP COMDED COTTON UNDERSHIRTS 22c; 4C5c S3c CHAMDRAY SANFORIZED VOR( SHIRTS 79eeq. IEII'S 65c VALUE C0L0DF0L SDSPEIIDEI1S 49c Pair uonn pmits ;j;z. si.e9 - . wajkmv at TxmaT Wearina? Cotton a 41 aTlkfff?? .1; uonn PAirrs z s i 9 ! - Meas Wear Seethm Lower Lever - Drag Bldg-. u. ' I 'r f v AVI :10c M.til Landing Kit I With This CamM, - V a ! v Void after Aug. f 1 i. ISM. ; Smtimm ' tOCfiiLY Ol"DOPcRATED I ! EffliyjIijWiiM 25e This Cou pon Worth Oa Any Cleaning. Order ' 75c or Mors! Ton pay fiOe or snore with coupon. Void : after August I I . Reg. 10c Package GLOVES - . I Coaster . W ; . J With This Coupon" This Coupon . V - .Void After Aug. It 4 Vold After Aug. 1 - 1 " ' -.t- - -.j, r-. jjea s ww occwuu -: ... . P1 i jpi m m iissTss-w-f-jas " Beg-. JlOc Vauno