PAGE SIXTEEN Tbn OEXGON STATESMA2C Satan. Orgoa. FrldcrrJIcciiIng. Auaust 18. 1843 i Lowest Wheat Price Posted Quotations in Chicago Under Any of Season; Trade Is Light CHICAGO, - Aug. 15-JP-Th lowest wheat prices of the ea son were posted on board of trade blackboard today. - Wheat closed -l cent lower, September contracts betas quoted at 71-72 and December 734 . Earlier in the season Sep tember ' wheat sold as high as $1.11. Pit brokers said selling was not on a large scale bat moderate' hedging sales and some short operations more than offset the rather limited buying that came from commercial interests. Wheat morement in the northwest was liberal but most of the grain was earmarked for storage and gor ernment loans. Thus, hedging was not as great as it might have been. Trade was largely ct a professional nature inasmuch as most dealers were marking time pending a definite turn in the war, situation. Wheat receipts at Minneapolis and Dnluth totaled 1,061 cars compared with a week ago and 708 a year ago but with loan rates ranging up to almost. 20 tents abore market prices in some localities traders were . not in clined to look for much pressure from new grain. Export business remained quiet' but eastern interests report ed the French West Indies : re cently bought more than 23,000 tons of Canadian flour and 500 tons of American soft wheat flour, the latter-haring a subsidy1 of around 70 cents a barrel. Many Attend Mass Tmmsend Meeting trTAYTON A large attendance Was at the Townsend mass meet ing held in the Stay ton city park Sunday. People were registered from Aneheim, Calif., and the fol lowing Oregon towns, Albany, AumsTille, Burton, Cottage Grove, Eugene, Lacomb, Liberty, Lyons, Molalla, Portland, Redmond, Sa lem, Scotts Mills, Scio, Sublimity and Turner. Charles W. Wetterman of Port land, national representative and W. E. Parrlsh of Eugene, deputy representative, were speakers. John Lau of Stayton furnished violin numbers. The Porter loud speaker system was used. Other distinguished guests pres ent were Mrs. Nagal, district rep resentative of Lacomb, and Fred Stillwell, president of the Albany Townsend club. Rev. W. J. Hamilton of the local Methodist church preached a Townsend sermon in the Melhodist church at 11 o'clock, and a basket dinner followed in the city park. Nice Work ii You can Get It J ' ' ' " - I "- , ' - . 'itj -' . . . ' fx V ' V k ! . ;. 7 I .,.:.:;:.:. : . 1 -s f .: !' : .. ' j ,1 ': ' ..... x ' ' '' , - i v VJ- 7 i : ' f'-yj 'r- 7 s . ' (t vs v - ' ""r" . t fitr - ...x ..f ( r. J. ..g tii-i,m rr "1 iTMla'Ffc-'-VrtiWf,jtr,-Jt--?ihly,l:, We're supposed to ten you about the big caliper here, but since your Interest mostly is confined to the young lady, well begin by stating; she Lb Marjorie Moore, one of the beauties entered la the Venice, CaL, Mardi Gras. The caliper, a glamorised version of the ordinary one used by mechanics, is the brilliant Idea of the Venice press agent.' Salem Market Quotations Two Are Honored At Birthday Party MOLALLA Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCutchin entertained with a birthday dinner Sunday at their home honoring John Ridings and Mrs. Kenneth Ridings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McCutchin. A birthday dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ridings and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCutchin. Another birthday dinner was held Tuesday night when Mrs. Eliza Watts gave a dinner for her daughter, Mrs. Effie Douthit. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sawtell, Mrs. Charles Gilbert of AJo, Aris., Mrs. Elsie St. Clair, Mrs. Eliza Watts and the honor guest, Mrs, Effie Douthit. Oregqp, Plan Industry Chief A$ked to Talk An invitation to appear on the program of the National Associa tion of Marketing Officials meet ing in Boston about October 7 has been received by Frank Mc Kennon, chief of the Oregon de partment of agriculture division of plant industry. McKennon says that, although unable to attend the meeting, he la pleased to see a move for closer cooperation between eastern and western marketing groups, inas much as a large amount of pro duce grown In the west is shipped ast yearly. Brothers Settle Out of Court SILVERTON Halleck and Se rert Funrue, brothers and prom inent farmers who brought their lasairy quarrel into court here Tuesday amicably settled out of lonrt and shared court expenses rV'ednesday, according to reports It the Justice of peace of free, pre Uded over by Alf O. Nelson. -J .Tuesday afternoon Halleck Fun ; rue awore out a warrant for the arrest of Sever t Funrue, accusing the latter of threatening to com mit a felony. Severt Funrue was sailed Into court and took 24 tours to plead. In the meanwhile Wis wife, Ella, went his 11000 bond. ' Instead of coming Into plead Wednesday the two came in and reported all difficulties settled and each paid half of the court charges. T7hy Seller t WHSX OTHXKS raXXa ar Chins Knii3c. Aawsiar 3UO CESS for 4000 yMrs ta CHINA. , K watte with wfct ailmrnt yea r AJTI.ICTED Ciaortcrs. ".ascitis, lung. Um, kidsay, stoaseh. - ess. conktipatias. alesrs. 'sUabetia, fsTsr, akia, faaala coat- ClnrllsCtaa CSilaeset Herb Co. 8. BL Fob j. Of flea , koara t, xept Blind y sad Wcda(Ur, ta 10 a.m. 125 W. (Vw'l VI., Ora. 4 Cl.. (Bartas Ericas) Tha prices balvw supplied by a local gracer ere isdicativs of taa 4ily market prices paid le froweri by Ssleaa boyert bat srs not guaranteed bj The Ststes- .15 .03 .03 H .25 1.30 .20 1.25 100 1.50 .25 .03 1.50 .50 .25 .40 .0 .80 .35 .08 .SO .0 VEGETABLES Freak corn, duz Bean, ereen a Uabbaee. lb. Cirreta, local, dm. Cmlif lower, local . Cuenmbera, io. Celery Lettuce, local , , , Onions. 50 lbs. Green onioni. do a. Peppers, sreen New Potatoes. 100 ibi. No. 1. 50 lb. No. 3 Radisbea Sqnaah. Crookneek, doi Sqaaih Zucebini, lb Spinach, Seattle, box Tcmstoei. lu? I ess,, lb. Beetx. doi Spear Melon CRAW, HAT AND SEEDS Wast, No 1. rsrleaned. bu. .. .70 Oste, No. 1 18.00 to 20.00 Feed bs'rlejr ton 19.00 to 30.00 Clever I ay. ton S.00 Alfalfa hay, toa 10.00 to 11.00 Eft maah. No. 1 trade, SO lb bsf 1.S0 Dsiry feed. SO lb bs , 1 15 Hen scratch feed 1.80 Cracked eorn BOGS ABB rOUXTEV (Baying Prices of Andersen' a) Grade A larae. doe. Qrade A mediam, doz. tirade B large, dot. Pulleti Colored hens ..,, Colored frya White bechora. heaTy- White Leghorn trye White Leghorns, light .22 .20 .10 .11 .13 .17 .09 .IS .OS Batterfat, No. 1, 9 He; No. 2, 27 He; premlam, SO He. A grade print 82c H; B grade 81 H; qvarters 88 He. Old Rooiteri -Heavy hens lb. .0 .11 (Bnylnc Prlcet ef kUrlaa Creamary I Grade A Urge, doi. J 3 Grade A mediam, dos. . . ,S0 Grade B large, .19 Checks, andergrade , .JS Large dirty .17 Pallets, dos. .11 beghera hen .09 Leghorn fryers. lVfe JS Colored fryers f-8 lbs JS Colored fryers, S lbs. and ap J 5 voiorea Bens , , ji 1999 HOPS (Baying Prices) SO to -AO 40 1940 eoatraets, lb. LlVESTOCB (Rayng prices for Ka. 1 stock, based aa eonditioas and sales reported ap ta 4 p. at. ) 1940 spring lambs T.00 Yearling lambs 8.00 Ewes 3.00 ta 8.60 Hogs, top, 100 220 lbs. 7.1Q 6.00 ta 6.S0 Beef eows Balls Heifers Dairy type Live veal ... . Draasad Teal, lb. .5 00 ta S.S0 .4.25 to S.7S 4 00 ta 7 00 4.00 ta 40 .10.00 WOOI. AMD MOHAIB (Baytag Prlcss) Wool, BO'ltam, lb. Coarse, lb. Lambs, lb . -ohsir at .S3 .ts JO Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Aug.; 15 (AP Produce exchange Batter: e-trss 2H; stand ards 29; prime firsts 28; firsts 26. Butterfst 30-304. Eggs: Large extras 23; standards 20; medium extras 21; etandarda 19. Cheese: Triplets 15; loaf 15 H. Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore, Ang. Wheat: Open High September 7 t 73 Cash Grain: Oats. No. 2, 24.25. Barley. No. 2. 45 lb. Corn, No. 2, EY shipment. No. 1, 1.52. Cat.h Wheat (Bid) : Soft ern white, western red 72 winter: ordinary 71; 11 per per cent 73; 13 per cent 74; 75 . Hari white-Baart : 1 79H; 13 per cent 81 H; Today's Csr Receipts : barley 12; Ikmr 9; oats S 15. ( AP) Low Close 73 73 88 lb .white BW, 2100. 80.50. Flax white, west- Hard red cent 72; 12 14 per cent 2 per cent 14 per cent Wneat 140; mi II Seed 8. do sausage, good, sll wts de ssussge, med, all wts, da eut-eom. all wts.. VeaJers, gd-ch. all wts do eom-aaed, all wia da eall, all wts Sheep: Salable 800, total aetive. Spring lambs, good-choice $ do medium and good do oommoa . Ewes (shorn), gocd-choice da common and mediam de cut com, all wts do cancer, ail wta e.tse 7.00 0.2S& 6.78 6.00 W S.36 10.00 d 11.00 10.00 7.00 fairly 7.00u) e.oo 900; 7.76 S.35 7.25(41 7.50 .35 7.50 8.00 (rf 8.60 1.25 8.00 4.00 5.00 8.500 4.00 Portland Produce Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 15 (U8PA) Ug: SaUble 400; tire, mostly steady. Barrowa A Gil'.a gd-ch, 140-160 lua. gd-eh, 160-180 lbs. go-eh, 180-300 lbs. gd-eh, 200-320 lbs. gd-ch, 220-240 lbs. gd-ch, 340-370 lbs. ge-cb. 270-300 lbs. feeder pigs gd-eh, 70 120 lbs. S. Csttle 150; calves, salable 80; slow, steady to weak. Slaughter cattle, vealera sad Steers, good. 900-1100 lbs.. 9. da mad, 750-110O lbs S. da coeaas, 750-1100 lba 6. Heifers, good, 75 900 lbs. S. da mediam, (0O-900 ae . de cana an, 600-900 ba t. Cows, goad, all wts , . da medium, ail wts " 8. beef, goda ,all wts. . t. Balls (yearlings excluded) ( AP) fairly ae- I 6.85 7.10 6.85a 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.00 7.86 6.75 7.25 6.50S 7.00 6.25 S.60 50 5. 7.00 total calrss : ooaio.75 00 10.00 SOW 8.00 S.75 8.60 S.76 6.60 6.00 7.oe so 76 80 00 00 5 75 Too Noisy There I' Anthony J. Drexel, Philadelphia sodalit woo has resided for many years la fashionable Biarrits, rrance. arrlTea In New York from Lisbon, Portugal. ; Be is on of the last Americans to bow to the for tunes of war and admit that Amer ica is much quieter and safes ; placttoUra.' PORTLAKD. Ore.. Aug. 15. (AP) Country meats--Helling price to retail ers: Country killed hogs best butchers, 126-150 Ibe. 9H10c; Testers fancy 15 to 16s lb.; light thin, 1113c, keayy 10 11c; lambs, spring. 10-15c; awes, 6 7e; good cutter cows, 9-10e lb.; can ner cows, B-9e lb.; balls 10 lie lb. Lira paaltry Baying prices; Ko. 1 grade Leghorn broilers, lfc-3 lbs., 14s; frjars under 8 lbs, 15e; fry srs 34 ta 4 lbs., 17c; roaate's orer 4 lbs- 18e; Leg hora hens reer thk Its., 11c; Leghora hens aader 8 to lbs., 9c; colored kens arer 6 lbs.. )3e; colored ksas 1 ta 6 lbs., 13e; aid roosters 6c Dressed turkeys Nominal. Old arap aelliag prices: hens Ks. 1, 16e; tarns 13-14. Onions Oregea erysUl wax 3.78 per 60-lb. bag; Wslia Walla 1.60. Petatoes Eastera Oregon-Wsshlag tea. 1.45-1.60 cat, Hay Selling price ta retailers: Alfal fa Ka. 1. 14.00 taa; eaVvetck 10.00 taa; clover 11.00 taa; Timothy eastera Oregoa 17.00-18.00 taa; yslUy Timothy it 00 toa Portlaad. Weal 1940 eaatera Oregoa raaga, 30 34e; araasbrad 37-38e; Willamette tb Uy 13 saaaths 3e lb. Mohair 1940, 13 -Maths S6a A. Oaaeara 1940 aeeT 6e lb. Haps Ore row 1989, 40-41 e la. 1940 aaatraets 80s lb.j 140 seedless 87 40s, nominal . Dam eatle flear aalUag priea, alty de Hrery 1 ta tS-sbL leU: Pamily paUata. 49s, 6.00-e.60; bakers' ksrd wheat, aet 4.a-6.45; bakers' blBeetem. 5 06-6.30; b leaded wheat fleur, 6.06-6.40; saft wheat, 4.60-4.55; graham 49a, 4.50; whole Wheat 49s 4.65 bbl. Wool in Boston BOSTOX. Aag. 31 (AP) (C8DA mederstely active Vat opatty damsel aa being received far deasaetUi la am the Bee tea wool market today. Good 'reach eomhing leagtk, fine tarritary waals, la arigiaa bags were Vriagiag naeetly 61 84 rents, eeearsd bssla, aaly a few ecattered lots beiag available 80-63 eeata. Ooaatry-paaked three alghtks aad oearter klaad bright flaaea wee la were aelliag aeeasioaally at 88-89 eeata la the gresse, deUvered ta U1U. Stocks and Bonds August 16 STOCK AYAAOXS (Oasn pDed by The Aseeiate4 Press 0 16 IS SO w . tadnst Balls TJtil Steaks Ka ekaaga . A .3 - A .1 -Caek A . Tharaday 6 3 16.1 86.3 41.6 Pre visas day 67. 16.0 S6.S " 41.4 MaaU aga 67 16.4 86.9 41.7 Year aga 67.8 1S.1 S9.S , 4S.1 1640 bigs 74. S0.6 40.6 68.3 194 law 83.S 18.0 " 30.9 ' 8T.0 20 Hat skanga Uack Tharaday 65.S Previews day 65.8 1 KeaU aga 67.8 Year age 66. 1 1S46 kigh 69.9 1 1940 krv 48.3 BOBS ATZBAOZS is Indast i a 103.9 los.e 103.7 100.T io a. s 96.S L'til Twrga J .1 A .1 96 6 , S9.S 6.T ! 69.T 94.6 87.8 96.9 .. 66.T - 97.8 , , S8.S 90.8 . 85.1 Qoseeirs for Seed Purchasing Azutri-n Winter Pea, Haiiy Vetch Mot H Been IUpid jl , eiosiac oate for the pnr abao of Anatriaa winter pea or airy retch aeed from growers try the commodity credit corporation. Is expected to be announced soon by the AAA office at Conrallis. The closing; date will probably do set between tn first and niteenth of September In order to allow for shipment of the seed to the southern states ta time for fall planting;, says N. C. Donald son, state ezecatlTe officer. afo-ement of seed from Oreron to the southern states has been rapid, with upwards of 100 car loads bariur been shipped by the first week In Aurust. Orders were belnr received by the Cor- sills office at the rate of almost 20 carloads a day. and these were belnr distributed among- the vari ous Oregon dealers, who arc doing most 01 tne cleaning and res ek ing for the government agency. Practically all the eligible Austrian winter pea seed has been sold through the commodity credit corporation at the established rate of S cents a pound. Prices on hairy retch seed, on the other hand, hare stayed enough higher than the 7 -cent " 'guaranteed, price, so that prlrate dealers hare been able to handle most of the crop. Growers hare been getting from 7H cents to" 7 cents 'a poufld for their retch seed. Hop Picking Starts DAYTON Hon Dick In a- wrth 100 pickers, majority local people, started Wednesday morn ing In the Ross Wood 148 acres of early cluster and forties. About OS acres are In the Day ton area and the remainder are In the Newberc- district. Ovsr Dower who has been yard master tor many years la in charge of the work. sing Quotations :." NXW TORX. Aux.. ll--T odays cloalng-' Quotations S- Amerlcan .Can S4 Eastman Kodak 121'- Phelps Dodga 17H Kleo row XA -T4 Phillips Pet SS Gen Electric SIS Proctor dh Gam .fSA Gen roods 484 Pub Serr.NJ 344 Gen Uotors -H Pullman . II 4 GOOdrlCh 31 Waiti - Ast Allls-Chalmers .SOU Car A Fdy tlU Rd 6td 8an:,H Am Roll Mills Smelt 4b Rf S4 Tal A Tel -1IIH Amer Tobacco B 74 Arlatlon Corp 4tt Am Water Works IH Am xine a m. b a ? Anaconda Armour 111 -H Atchison 144 Bald Loco 14U Bendlx AriaUon 2SH Bethlehem Steel 74 Boeing Airplane 1S Borden 1S Borge Warner 14f4 Callahan Z-L Canada Dry Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Trae Celanese Chesa A Ohio Chrysler Col Gaa A JElec Com! Solrent Commnwlth Son Conaol Aircraft Consolld Edison Conso lid Oil Con't Can Corn prod , Crown Zellerbch Curtias Wright . Douglas Aircraft DuPont If S 1 14H 1 44 17 31 70 -1. M -1 27 .. J 47 14 - t Goodyear Tlra .14 Rayonicr Groat North 13 Republid Steel 1H Greynouna -.! l Richfield Oil . 7 au central 7 Safeway Store .42 Insp Ctfpper . t Sears Roebuck .7a internal liarr 41 Shell .Union 2 Intern Nick Cab 22 Socony Vacuum .2 Internat PAP- SE.Son Cal Edison Intern Tel A Tel 12 South Pacific 7 Johns Sfanmia .12 S perry Corp . 27 Kenneeott .ll 8tand Brands 17 Llbbey-O-rord 37 Stand Lockheed 34 . Stand LoVe's ' 24 '-.Stand Monty Ward Naah Kelr Nat Biscuit Nat Dairy Prod .31 Eton .4 Studebaker OU. Calif 1.11. Oil In 2& .OU NJ 33 Webster 7 .7 lt Sunshine Mlnlnx t 12 Texas Corn 24 National DIst 20 Trans-America 4 National Lead 1C Union Carbide .02 NY Central 11 Union Oil Calif 12 N Am Arlatlon .12 Union Pacifle 22 North Anr Co . 12 United -Airlines la North Pacific United Aircraft .21 Ohio Oil l United Corp 1 Pao Amer sh a United Dru 2 . Pac Gas A Elee .22 .US 8teel S1 Pac Tel A Tel -120 -Vanadium - 7 Packard Motor 2 Warner Plct t Pan-Am Airways 12" Western Union .17 Parara Weetnghso Elec ST J C Penney ;7t Woolworth 21 Penna RR 12 Spray for CrOiling Moths Is Advised Fourth eorer spray for the con trol of codling moths should now be, applied In apple and pear or chards, according to Information received at the eounty agent's of fice from the state college experi ment station. The recommended spray Is powdered lead arsenate at the rat Oi, mra poanas to isv gallons pi J water., Calcium arsenate Jay be snDstiiuiea. TramingJs Seen Aid to' Democracy PORTLAND. A r.. 1 "Unlrersal training- will democra tise the ' fortunate and unfortu nate and put backbone Into thous ands of youth,? Warren H. Ather ton'of Stockton, Calif., chairman of the American Legion national defense committee, commented In an Interview today, He advocated mBUary duty to Improfi the physical condition and hablta of American youth. Market Continues In Slow Advance M- aaa fresA Aversge l-halkB tip Sztl-II Csun at Close; Volnme SmAll' NEW YORK. Ang. lS-CfVTh stock mar ketv kept its feet on re corery ground today despite In tensification of the air battle orer England which ' some expected might- bring' a quick decision in the conflict. j . The Associated Pre are-age of CO Issue retained a new adrane of .1 of a point at 41.1. Transfers, howerer. dwindled to 223.220 share from 271.170 the day be fore. Volume wa the smallest for a full session sine last Thurs- dy- .." v "'.- " I.. The market hardly .warerod in the final halt hour's dealing: as a . string; . of bulletins , told of masses of German, bombers strik ing . at k all . important sections of the British Isles and wreaking damage as yet unestlraated. ... Wall street, brokers said, had become somewhat Inured to the Hitler blasts, and, Jadglng from the way the British apparently had repelled them In the past sev eral days,t-hope were still - high that: the latest - onalaarht would b weathered."-' . ; Among stocks In ' th . upside were TJ3 Steel. Bethlehem. Gen eral Motors. Chrysler, Montgom ery Ward, United Aircraft, t?rrr, Anaixmda. Americas 'E3e!ti: inter-utuonai rieKi. f v esusg- house. Da Pont. Intercauosal Paper. Loft Southern PaelUs sxi NT Central. I IMonitor Lutlierari Women Are Feted WOODBURN Mrs. Willi aa Nelson entertained th Ladles Aid Of Monitor at the (Lutheran pariah lull at Woodtmnt Wednes day 'afternoon. Mrs." Nelson was assisted by Mrs. Bob McClure and Mr. IE. Haroldson. I Attending were Jean Simmons, Norma Rastrold. Mrs. Raymond Simmons. Mrs. Martin Rastrold. MrUAUrd Anderson. Mrs. Beary Moen. Mr. Anton Mo. Mra. W. T. Nelson, Mrs. R. H. Lima. Mrs. H. Rogan, Mrs. Q. C. BergvMra. Carl Moen. Mr. John Grerory, Mr. Lola f Laadsem. Mrs. Heiaier Ja eobson, Mrs. O- M, Allen and Mr. Oerue - 2Urk irora Monitor ana Mrs. -Harold-Nelson, Mrs. E. Her man so. Mrs. C. Bonner, Mrs. H. Ashland, Mrs. Katheria OUon, Mrs. -Elmer Olsoa. Mrs. Heary Eransou. Mrs. C Nelson. Mrs. -. - - AT. . . . VaYI n i sn nrnrimin a iiila Remeaa. isra uior- wla VT-a A TT ntn-ntd Un TV Haucaa. Mr. Boh-McCTnr. Mrs. E.-Haroldson. 'Mrs. A. Halrcrwen. Mr. L." G. Soderholrrr.- Mrs. A. A. Stenahlen. Mrs. A. E. I Bar-tad, Mrs. J O. Ylck of Woodhurn and Mrs. iMarl Keren ess of BUrerton. UVJodUke Finding Ilcnsy! To Go! Cash From & State Flnanc Co. . . . Low Rabpai. . . No E-abc-rrassiiig QaMflons Atdl STATE FDIAIICE CoJ 34, State Fhob) 2Sl s lie. S-tl$ H-222 l j I---------------- I. I I III I . 1 POLLY AND HEH PALS Thafs Wny Sh Ran a Tmpratuxwl . 1 Bj CUFF "H H'-T 1 - . t j . rffe " V.VfeFV BUT VUH1-L. ( S f-1' I I .vi'v . . . A CTMXI 6AV ft MEVCR kncw wcrr 1 f REALiy? &&jW s sriwV -r Vi Sffi&fl SC-V M7 A rRl6HTrUL ifrvJUV I DIDNT J ,ISL7 ft O ) STT23' 1 Jrt WlKtN rESUN6 ( ORDEAL SHE! jfe fljfCft5! I KNOW. f ( J?T?'-f 4 CO J fil-te MISSED Vv MMPLPERKfr ) H Pi Jr. 'f S Z lawn y s&i bssxw-ea MICKEY MOUSE Girls Win Bo Girls - By WALT DENTT , 7 HOvT'V'kS'SjfAr Is V 1 TOUHD J I (BY Ti AX DID Y HAS THE I I tAL, SON, I SOKE) HKYBZ V WOVT! V ArXVfVV - ; Ty!J--J LATER. W TK CONTROL- . - .. - V- "V y' DOW J' . - tfz "rR,M ' ' ' ROOM I FOUND WHEKS V - oh. SURE. HE waA THAX Tr L TSaS? LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Another Eternal Trlangio DAO BCAAAETT ZM A-TTLUN' VK.Ttl TXMiMOSTZJt 1M NOT TXhtyikf MXJ FOUsO I jwemreNjHEixxsycu-wHowwrr j HeR.AMAyBe ukes vou rPiNa mcj? Ar 4o Ar A'-QyiM' wTvcocsERT yA.cwcx?Tvwo-BLrr-rr JpT AE -.THATtS WHO q-fC VOUNGrrect W9 8WCK- AM Bfc- ij BHANDON WALSH i I 3G05eHCrs3avrr Vjajsrr-TO KKICWVtXK. BUTIWfc3 50FTARTn)AM'WltDTO -- X IDUJ HEU VOL! VUAtl A F3aw-t tx w - 4 ROixrni-Tp YCU-.PU-T-- j toots amd cusea I AUOW ACV UE,ST3 TO WA&M AMTT A HEt) I DtSMCS v Ay HOuse-.Efiprcuiv l 1 -w u j i y a . - a Th nrirvcocjxdzahic Troth TOOTS. I WISH CASPER, I VVCRE 1 HEAR X1 CDMlMt VVFTM TALK fOKEAJ? Vi CMOOUIAS my EPggcM! L rr ly hmmy mtjsfht THAT WAS AN AWFUL. NtsrHTMARt. 1 HAD DREAMiN THAT COL.. HOOFER SWIPED MY SPEECH AND KS KVOWS IT BY WEART-- Mrarnrj? 04A1RMAJ. V It ! I WANT TO AKRAsibE MAKBMY THAT. SPEECH I CASPtTP AHEAD OP COi-OesSO- LADIES AMD reXLEVSEXA TO THEL WICEST B05S OF THEM ALLTO THS MAH WHOS NCTT ONUY MY EMPLOYER BUT MY PAL TO THE FELLOW WVKXE A s-KTEXO OF tVaUTXBODV TO THAT PRINCB OF 000 FELLOWS - WiMMIN PLUNVER -r PAY- HOMAltE. THTMBLE THEATTlttarrlng PopwT ICASPUR, TeOS5.TMC FROM ALL ' 1 UNICH-EL TH05B NICE R PART OF ITWIHItSYcO HMYSPsIECH SA3. txroPLB I wa. tuat POHT KMOrV AX MEAMT toa WERE ' YWLVT TTAUChitr ASOUY J USAlOl Me. CMrSTER VJIMP CO VOU SAV SOMSTMlKkf - IT WS tKl REFERElwCK TtBOLTf -RGHTtf T J rUUR. DOMAIN I V AKT I KIM I WHAT he'd get rr OVER WTTH NNDTOP BCrTHETRv US A Sailor Man's Basin! 1 - I f VEM FVe-rTfe WITH ) K WrW& HAJPTsraVJ6 TO ) I I VVEN MEN r- NvTHE OUEENl r-Z I I I I I I 111 a. I M I saaw , m r a w - rr i l a t bm a mh- - u v vrxwe u r a 1 1 i tu ir r s x- sj w i , r I VKU X sT y ' lS T y II a. Vl W I I l 11tt-K-,s ll CCU II II V -v 1 la - I x lH!KL, C I I - - - nwrnciwiir rTX. w V ifi I tRl f S - w4 'ii-iia e' iisLBu u - yf uul i r vi i-mU viiii -mfi Ntwio vv i j s . i-- Tcnpsrary LcKilica 173 S. Liisriy - Ch3 Disc!: Scnii end flwers Sired Frcn CM Lcail: