The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 16, 1940, Page 12, Image 12

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Thm 02EG0I? STATESMAN, Solan, Oregon, Friday Morning Auccai 18, 1343
I. i
' ' : - : .
s ? ' '
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mrs. M. H. Utter, who will celebrate
her 80th birthday today with a party at the home of her son
and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Utter. (Photo by Bruno.)
Mrs. Utter 's
Birthday ,.,
Mrs. Floyd Utter will be hostess
today at a birthday party for her
mother-in-law, Mrs. M. H. Utter,
who is celebrating her 80th birth
day. Yellow and white hare been
chosen to make up the color
scheme, and a birthday cake will
be . featured daring the refresh
ment hour.
Guests from Salem are Mrs. Bal
ly Snedeger, Mrs. A. A. Underbill,
Mrs. Julia Grant, Mrs. Leo Lam
bert and Mrs. Vinton Scott.
Inrlted from the Bethel district
are: Mrs. Nellie Brinkley, Mrs. J.
N. Nichols, Mrs. Cass Nichols, Mrs.
Lucy Hain, Mrs. Martha Spranger,
Mrs. Joe Carruthers, Mrs. Ralph
Wilson, Mrs. John Bucurench,
Mrs. Albert Harmon, Mrs. S. Ham
rick, Mrs. A. Klug, Ms. E. E. Mat
ten, Mrs. James Lauterback and
Mrs. George Hageman.
From Fruitland district will be
Mrs. Roy Llvesley, Mrs. Emma,
Runner, Mrs. Leona Runner, Mrs.
Daisy Lambert and Mrs. Fred
Mrs. Utter has been an actire
resldent In the Bethel district for
many years, until s&e came to Sa
lem to lire. Still retains social In
terests In the rural district.
Mrs. Lola Duau, past presi
dent of auxiliary to Over the Top
post No. 81, VFW of Portland,
will entertain the past president
.of auxiliary to Marion post, No.
C81 VFW, In the fireplace room
of the TWCA tonight at 8 o'clock.
Evening Glamour for the
Woman Who Sews
0 -::
This dinner frock,' which looks as though it might be a Paris
creation, wss designed by our own Anne Adam aad can be made on
your sewing machine in a few hoars. Its fashion points are legion and
. the hood i flattering to all ages.: So are the long bishop's sleeve and
the-eurrrsprtu-d that hugs the waistline t-;-.Tne separate; waist and"
skirt p-srsiit of various eolor combinations and changes, t , The' dress
was mad a from Fattern 4435 which may be obtained, in the same man-"
ner as all cf our JLnne" Adams patterns. Sending directions will be
found la the dally fsaturs on the woman's page- ;
v. ,
Lawn Party
At McKee
A delightful lawn party was
held at the E .M. McKee home on
Shipping street last night when
Miss Charlotte McKee and Miss
Eleanor Johnson entertained for
the pleasure of Miss Kay Boyle,
whose marriage to Mr. Edwin
Johnson of Klamath Falls will be
an event of September 8.
The affair was arranged as a
surprise for Miss Boyle, Croquet
was in play during the evening
with refreshments served at a
late hour by the hostesses.
Guests .were seated at small ta
bles with blue and pink used as
the decorative scheme. Favors
for the guests were nosegays tied
with a shower of blue and pink,
Honoring Miss Boyle were Mrs.
E. A. Boyle, Mrs. S. L. Johnson,
Mrs. E. M. McKee, Mrs. Lawrence
Bradford, Mrs. Paul Brandon,
Mrs. Ronald P. Crossland, Mrs.
Marion Ritchie, Mrs. Morris Wal
len, Mrs. John Van Osdol, Miss
Esther Mae DeVore, Miss Le Von
Gardner, Miss Jane and Miss Beu
lah Patton, Miss Marie and Miss.
Blanche Baumgartner, Miss Cor
liss and Miss Carol Clark, Miss
Hilda Crawford, Miss Eleanor
Johnson and Miss Charlotte Mc
Kee. HIm Beryl Holt and her aunt,
Mrs. L. M. Fraer of Forest Grove,
have left for a week's sojourn
which will take them to Vancou
ver, BC, and Sunrise Park.
s: - - ;
Is Bride of
Mr. Welch
One of the season's loveliest
weddings was solemnized last
Bight at the First Methodist
church when Miss Elizabeth Boy
lan,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Berne B. Boylan, became the bride
of Mr. Theodore Huntley Welch
of Oil City, Penn., son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Theodore Welch
of Oil City. Bishop Bruce R. Bax
ter and Dr. J. CO Harrison per
formed the ceremony at 8:30
o'clock 0 i--, '.";
: t The altar was banked with bou
quets of ivory gladiolus and palms
flanked by ivory cathedral tapers
In . candelabras. Preceding . the
serrice . Mrs. John Schmidt,' Jr.
played "Schubert's Serenade" and
"Traume" and Miss Evelyn Gib
son sang "Drink to Me Only With
Thine Eyes" and "Dreams." Mrs.
Schmidt played "Ave Maria"
while Miss Rosemary Galser and
Miss Margaret Wonderlick lighted
the altar candles.- Just before the'
' bridal party entered MIbs Gibson
sang "Still as the Night" and "I
Love Thee."
The bride, who entered on the
arm of her father, was a picture
in the wedding' gown of the
groom's mother. The dress is of
Rennalssance handmade Ivory,
lace and is designed with a full
skirt slightly entrain. The, gown
is made with short puffed sleeves
and a sweetheart neckline. Her
full length tulle veil of ivory was
arranged in a coronet of lace from
the bridal gown. She carried a
bouquet of orchids, bride's roses
and Humboldtil bouvardia. The
bride's only ornament was a dia
mond and sapphire brooch, the
gift of the groom.
Mies Jeannette Scott was the
maid of honor and was gowned
Is a frock fo Florida gold silk
net over chiffon and taffeta. The
dress was made with a full skirt,
sweetheart neckline and puffed
'aleeves. KbrSbouquet was of Talis
man, roses J gerbefa, golden fleece
and gladiolus and in her hair was
a cluster of roses and gerbera.
Reception In Carrier Room -
The two bridesmaids. Miss
Doris Unruh and Miss Constance
Baxter of Portland, wore Identical
frocks of turquoise lace over taf
feta made similar to the maid of
honor's and carried yellow Joanna
Hill roses and yellow gladiolus.
They also wore arrangements of
roses and gerbera In their hair.
Mr. Edwin Welch served as
best man for his son and grooms
men were Mr. Francis Bittner of
Portland, Mr. Dalbert Jepson of
Bonita, Calif. Mr. Watson Dutton
and Mr. George McLeod.
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. Boylan wore a model of mul
berry lace over rose chiffon and
satin and a corsage of purple or
chids and bouvardia. Mrs. Welch
wore a gown of powder blue lace
and a corsage of lavendar or
chids and bouvardia.
A reception in the Carrier
room followed the ceremony with
members of the bridal party re
ceiving the guests and Mrs. David
Bennett Hill introducing to the
line. The serving table was
centered with the wedding cake
with a wreath of bouvardia en
circling It and white tapers and
bouvardia in holder! guarded the
Mrs. George Bissell of Portland
presided at the urn and Mrs.
Donald G. Hood cut the Ices. Miss
Frances Virginle Melton cut the
bride's cake. Assisting in the
serving were Mrs. Gordon Skin
ner of Fort Stevens, Mrs. Dal
bert Jepson, Miss Peggy Halght
of Spokane, Mrs. Edward G. Bis
sell, Mrs. H. J. Thomas and Miss
Ruth McAllister. Assisting about
the rooms were Mr. and Mrs. R.
O. Brady, Miss Alice Crary Brown .
and Mrs. George Allen.
Honeymoon in Canada
Mr. and Mrs. Welch left for a
wedding trip to Victoria and Van
couver, BC, Emerald lake and will
- go east - by way of Chicago and
will make their home in Oil City,
where Mr. Welch is an attorney.
When the couple left on their trip
the bride was wearing a black en
semble with black wool coat,
white accessories and a corsage' of
white orchids.
'Mrs. Welch is well known In
the capital and a prominent mu
sician. She is a graduate of Wil
lamette university and a member
of Delta Phi sorority and studied
music In the east at the Cincinnati
Conservatory of Music. Mr. Welch
Is a graduate of the Hill School,
Princeton university and Harvard
law school.
Mr. Homer H. Smith, sr., and
Mrs. Margaret LeFurgy will be In
Portland today to attend a lunch
eon and tea.
Mrs. C. W. Parker and her bob,
William, were guests in Marsh
field Thursday.
Miss Peggy Thompson, daugh
ter of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H.
Thompson, Is vacationing this
week at Otter Rock.
TALBOT Miss Nadine Simp
son of Portland, daughter of J.
C. Simpson of this community,
and Vernon "Blrchett, son of Mrs.
Earl Miller of Jefferson, were
married last week in Vancouver,
Wash. They spent a few days at
the beach.
Friday ,
Woman's auxiliary to" Sti
Paul's Episcopal - church, with -Mrs.
U. G. Shipley at 771 North -Cottage
street, 2:39 p. m. i:
Ann Judson circle. First Bap-
tlst eburehr with Mrs. -Marvin I
Roth, 1590 Madison street.
:J0 p. m. Outdoor meeting.
Fldells class of Jason. Lee
church with Mr, -and Mrs.
George Naderman, .1024 High-'
: land avenue, lawn party, -: '
- ' SUNDAY :--u'
Hal Hlbbard auxiliary and '
camp, picnic at Dallas park,
11:S0 p. m. t
u ; TUESDAY :; - ' -
Missouri auxiliary, 2 p. m.
with Mrs.' Esther Peterson ; in
.West Salem. , . ,.-!.; --
. Delta Tau Gamma and moth
ers at Virginia Bendiksea's,
8 p-m. r- .-v'' i" '..
Women's Missionary, society
of First . Evangelical ' churchy
hold picnic at home of Rev. and '
lira. G. F. Lienlng. all day.
' : Editor - " '
Visitors Are; :
Entertained '
By Hostess
Mrs. Kenneth Murdock Is en
tertaining several house guests
thas week at her home and has
arranged informal parties for,
their pleasure. .'. ......
Tonight Mrs. Murdock will. be
hostess for a bridge -party 'at her
Richmond street home in compli
ment to Miss Alice Morris of The
Dalles and Mrs. Thomas Hyde of
Portland, who are guests of the
Murdocks this weekend, ,
A late sapper will follow sev
eral hours ; of " contract ' bridge.
Bouquets of zinnias and gladiolus
will be arranged' about the guest
Bidden to honor Miss Morris
and Mrs. Myde are Mrs. Ralph
Eggstaff, Mrs. . J. Deane Patter
son, Mrs. Don Madison, Mrs. Wal
ter. Spauldlng, Mrs. John Bagley,
Jr., Mrs. Herman Miller, Mrs.
Charles Felke, Mrs. Ralph Martin,
Mrs. Roy Hewitt and Mrs. Elmer
House Guest Feted
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Mur
doch: entertained Informally in
honor of her mother-in-law, Mrs.
N. E. Murdock of Raymond,
Wash., who is a guest at the Mur
dock home.
The afternoon was spent In
sewing and tea was served by the
hostess. Bouquets of summer
flowers provided the decorative
Guests Invited to greet Mrs.
Murdock were Mrs. C. W. Parker,
Mrs. W. S. Parker, Mrs. Roy Hew
itt, Mrs. Elizabeth Heise, Mrs.
Marie Von Eschen. Mrs. W. H.
Henderson, Mrs. Howard Varney,
Mrs. J. Deane Patterson, Mrs.
Conner, Mrs. Ted Ullakka and
Mrs. Walter Spauldlng.
Buffet Supper at
Cameron Home
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Cameron
were hosts for a smartly arranged
buffet supper last night at their
home on Center street In compli
ment to a group of their friends.
Contract was in play following
the supper hour. A blue and white
color scheme was used in the ta
ble appointments and bouquets of
gladiolus were about the rooms.
Covers were placed for Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Murdock, Mrs.
Wslter Spauldlng, Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Wade,-Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Blake, Mr. ' and Mrs. Don
Madison, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Bell,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lister,
Miss Jane Cameron and Mr. and
Mrs. David Cameron.
Mr. aad Mrs. Frank H. Spears,
Miss Sybil Spears, Frank 8pears,
jr., and Mrs. Russell Catlin will
return from a stay at their beach
home at Neskowin today. Mr.
Frank Spears, Jr., will leave by
plane from Portland Sunday night
for New York City after a three
weeks' vacation in Salem and
Mr. Wallace Bprague and Mr.
Robert Sprague motored to Seat
tle last night and will attend the
wedding of the latter' s sister. Miss
Eleanor Sprague which will take
place tonight. Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague, Miss Martha Sprague and
Mrs. Robert Sprague are' already
In Seattle and will return this
weekend.' ,
.Mrs. B. P. Taylor is entertain
ing today for the pleasure of her
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Clark ,who are celebrating
their fSth medding anniversary.
Friends of the -couple are being
asked through the press to call at
206 State street from t to S and
7 to 9.
BrU, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Bratt of Unionvale became
the bride of Mr. Vernon 1 Estelle
of Dallas at Dallas at 11 a. m.
Saturday, August 10.
Mrs. Estelle is a graduate of
Amity high school. She has been
la charge of a business enterprise
in Dallas for several months. After
a wedding trip to Gold Beach and
other coast points their heme will
be at Dallas, where Mr. Estelle is
employed with Pope Talbot Lum
ber company.
-. .
TALBOT Mrs. Ethel Crosby,
daughter of Mrs. Rose Tremble of
Talbot, and Robert Fowler, son of
Mr and' Mrs. Gus Fowler of Sid
ney, were married Saturday and
will make their home in Bend.'
Special Demonstration
Pre-VoqueSilk Preserver
Truly a boon torwomen who are troubled with runs in silk'
hosiery! One single treatment will last for, the life of the -stocking
. . will pot wash out . and adds to the wearing .
quality of the silk. Splendid for other knit socks and rayons,
tOO. ' V --a .....- V..-T ", :
. - ' . MAIN 1XOOR v; :
- 1 ;' ' rrlday. Satuitiay, Monday f r1f U ": ':
, " -: . Ome Package Will Do 10 to IS Pair of Hoset
The ME
Garden Pai'ty'
Is- Given by
Miss Dahl
Dean Olive M. Dahl was host
ess for a lovely garden party
Wednesday night at her home on
North Fifth street. Guests were
members of Cap and Gown, sen-
. lor honorary on the Willamette
university campusr- who gathered
, for their annual summer meeting.
The guest of honor was Miss Mar
tha Okuda, who h. as returned
from a year at the. University of
Hawai. Miss Okuda has . a fel
lowship at the University, of
Washington for the coming year.
The evening was spent, inform-
ally and refreshments were served
by the hostess. The serving table
was centered with a bouquet of
petunias and golden rod.
Bidden to honor Miss Okuda
were Miss Lucille Brainard, Miss
Helen Knight,. Mrs. Richard
Smart, Miss Suzanne Curtis, Miss
Irma Oehler, Miss Doris Unruh,
Mrs. Owen Gallaher McCullough,
Miss Betty Taylor, Miss Betty
Dotson, Miss Edna Thoman, Miss
) Elizabeth.- 'James, Miss Virginia.
I HHDb9,:Mlss Jeannette Hulsf, Mis
Ina ' Bennett. Mrs. Olivia DeVrtes
Gainer of Newberg, Mrs. Florence
DuRette Saalfeld of Woodburn,
Miss June Johnson and Miss Julia
JEFFERSON Before an altar
of pink and white gladiolus and
burning white' tapers in candela
bras, at the Evangelical church
at Lents, Ore., Monday night.
Miss Belle Irene Brown became
the bride of Rev. William Elmer
of Jefferson, Ore., son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. W. Elmer of Portland,
at one of the season's loveliest
Dr. E. W. Pettlcord, district su
perintendent, read the service at
S o'clock In the presence of a
large group of relatives and
friends of the couple. Assisting in
the ceremony were Rev. F. E.
Fisher of Canby and Rev. F. B.
Culver of Lents. Robert Rlchter
and Russell Barth lighted the can
dles preceding the ceremony.
Rev. and Mrs. James E. Camp
bell of Salem sang "Love Never
Faileth" and Mrs. Paul Culver
sang "Because" preceding the
ceremony. Mrs. Chaney of Port
land played the accompaniments
and the wedding marches.
The bride, ' given in marriage
by her father, was charming in a
gown of white marquisette, with
a Hly-of-the-ralley design. The
dress was fashioned princess style
with a long train and a sweet
heart neckline. She wore a short
veil which fell from a coronet
of orange blossoms. She carried
a white handkerchief which her
grandmother made S5 years ago
and wore a small gold "Bible"
locket, a gift of the groom. She
carried a white Bible and gar
denia with, ribbon streamers fall
ing from the book.
Miss Doris Brown, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor and
wore a floor length dress of blue
marquisette trimmed In pink and
carried a nosegay of matching
flowers. The bridesmaids," Jane
Aelenn Brown, and Ida M are
Brown, sisters of the bride, Doris
Elmer and' Ruth Elmer, sisters
of 'the groom, and Marian Chase
of Salem, wore identical floor
length .dresses of pink net
trimmed in blue and carried nose
gays of pink. Little Barbara
Pfund of Astoria, cousin of the
groom, dressed In pink, was the
flower girl.
Osten Chamberlain of Portland
served as best man for Mr. Elmer
and the ushers were Robert Rlch
ter, Don Knauss, and Russell
Barth of Portland, Orvllle Rehfeld
and John Klhs of Jefferson.
Following the ceremony, a re
ception was held in the garden
at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Trenary. Mrs. Ruth Smlthson
cut the wedding cake and assist
ing in serving were Arlene K oeh
ler, Charlda Hamblet, Margaret
Belton. Barbara Pitts, Rita Belle
Smith, Eleanor Ellis,1 Gertrude
Ellis, Agnes Beck, and Maxine
Pf later, all of Canby. .
The couple left for a wedding
trip to the Oregon caves and
Crater . lake; and for traveling
Mrs. Elmer chose a -. redlngote
frock in black with blue stripe,
with matching accessories.
Mrs. Elmer is a graduate of
Willamette university .and has
been teaching music in Salem and
Caaby. She to affiliated with Ha
Phi Epsilon. national musie hon
orary, and Beta Chi sorority.
Mr. Elmer attended Albany col
lege and Willamette - university
and is ' pastor ' of the Jefferson
Evangelical - church. They; .will
make "their home in the . parson
age. .-. .. , . - . !
Ratcliffs Are
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ratcliff were
hosts at dinner, at. their ' home on
Ratcliff drive Tuesday night hon
oring Professor "and - Mrs. W. J.
Rusk of Grinnell. Iowa. , Covers
merer also laid for Miss Ida B.
Elliott of Oakland. Calif., aunt of
Mrs. Ratcliff, and for Billy Mc
Reynolds. The Rusks Tlslted here two
days on an extensive trip through
' California and Canada where Mr.
Rusk has relatives. Mr. -RuBk Is
head of the mathematics depart
ment In Grinnell college, Iowa,
Salem Folk to Go
;To Cfonventipjv
'a group of the Salem' Kiwani
ans and their wives will leave for
Spokane this weekend to attend
the Kiwanls northwest district
convention to be held from Sun
day to Wednesday. Rev. George'
H. Swift, president of the local
club, Mr. Ralph Cooley and Mr.
V. E. Kuhn are the official dele
gates. . Planning to attend from here
are Rev. and Mrs. George H.
Swift, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coo-'
ley, Mr. and Mrs. George Hauge,
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Morris, Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Braun, Mr.
and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Ramseyer, and Mayor
and Mrs. W. W. Chadwick.
Bridge Club at
Alford Home
Mr. and Mrs. Max Alford were
hosts to members of their club
and a few additional guests Wed
nesday night at their home on
the South Pacific highway.
Several hours of contract were
tn play with a late supper served
by the hostess. Gladiolus arn d
other summer . blooms - were 1 ar
ranged about the guest rooms.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Beutler, Mr. and Mrs. John
H. Bagley, Jr.,' Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Walker, Mr., and Mrs. George
Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Othel Lee
and Mr. and Mrs. Max Alford.
Rush Party in
The Gamma Phi Beta alumnae
group of Portland was hostess for
a "Coffee" last night at the
Town club from 7 to 9 o'clock
in honor of co-eds planning to
attend colleges this falL
Motoring from Salem for the
affair were Miss Frances Roth,
Miss Doris Drager.r Miss- Eleanor
and Miss Alice Swift, Miss Shir
ley Huntington, Miss Sybil Spears,
Miss Molly Jean Maison," Miss
Barbara Jean Vincent and Miss
Alice Ann Wirtx.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Endicott
and children, Ted and Shirley, of
Chlco, Calif., will arrive In the
capital Saturday for a week's vis
it. They are former Salem resi
dents and will be the guests of"
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Campbell.
Mrs. Charlrs Hngglns and chil
dren, Suzanne and Charles, Jr.,
have been visiting at Lakeside.
Mr. Hugglns Joined them there on
Kill . A13-' Sj
First in Oregon for Timber with 1C of
state's total resources 70 bfflioa feet
. : Climate and woSX to grew almost any
thing. U. S. Veterans' Hospital at Roae
. burg. Famous for. fruits, nuts, dairy
prod acta, livestock, poultry, diversified
tanning. Finest small trout and steel :
bead fishing in the famous Umpqua river
Rmin Srmfwinhes
Quick Outdoor Meal Success .... :
' A simple menu with a festive sir and heat :them.
is the perfect formula for success- jror a ,gooa new sanawicn iu
ful party suppers served on the serve on ft such an occasion, try
porch. And one clever way to car- this . delicious filling, combining
ry out this scheme is to build the softened ; American cheese with
meal around an array of delicious the nippy , savor of - tomato ket-home-tastlng
soups from which chupr Mix" grated-American chee6
the euesta select their favorites, to a smooth paste with tomato
accompanying with a plate of
crackers, sandwiches, deviled eggs
and relishes.
This is a charming new note in
entertaining which eliminates
last minute bustle, for most of
the menu items lend themselves
to beforehand preparation. Make
your sandwiches and deviled eggs
early in the day and arrange them
with the ripe olives, celery curls
and radish roses on their plate at :
the same time. You'll find every-
thing keeps' fresh and moist in ,
""'l6'10? II yv C0T6,?
with a -damp cloth. Then all that
remains to do when the guests ar.
live as iu uyeu I u o mui iu
ounce . cans of home-style soups
Baptists Chcinge
Meeting Place
The members of Florence Vail
missionary society of the Calvary
Baptist church hare changed their
meeting place to the church. The
session will begin with a dessert
luncheon at 1:30 o'clock.
Devotions will be led by Mrs.
Kelty and the program will be di
rected by Mrs. Arno Q. Wenlger.
Hostesses will be Mrs. H. S. Gile,
Miss Nina Gile, Mrs. F. C. Stan
pard and. Mrs. Elma McAllister.
SILVERTON Miss Vlona Mo-
berg, whose marriage to Bernie
Oas will be an event August 21
at Trinity church at Silverton, Is
being feted this week by Silver-
ton and former Silverton folk.
On Monday night Mrs, G. E,
Mooerg, lormeny -or, v snyerton,
Miss Marna and Miss Pitlence Mo
berg of Salem were hostesses at
a double shower at the Woodburn
home of Mrs. Mobergt Following
this Mrs. Ludvlg Meyer,' also of
Silverton, was honored at a show
er. The affair came as a complete
surprise to Mrs. Meyer who was
a guest at the shower for Miss
Moberg. 1
Attending the party from Sil
verton were Mrs. Meyer. Miss Al
thea Meyer, Mrs. Peter Oas, Miss
Ida Oas, Mrs. Josephine W ilia
month, and Mrs. Servert Funrue.
Tuesday night Mrs. Ludvlg
Meyer and Miss Althea Meyer of
Silverton were joint hostesses
with Mrs. Martin Dale of Scotts
Mills at a shower for Miss Mo
berg at the home of her father,
8. P. Moberg at Scotts Mills. Be
sides Scotts iMills friends and rel-
, stives invited were Mrs. ' Peter
; Oas, Mrs. Josephine Willamont,
"Mrs.- Severt Funrue, Mrs. Alvin
Hemlngsen. Mrs. J. M. Amundson,
Mrs; Marvin' Johnson and Mrs. El--mer
Palmquist of Silverton; Mrs.
' Bethel -Tajlor, Miss Cleo Saures
slg, Mrs. Olga. Miller, Misses Pa
tience and 'Marna Moberg,' all of
Salem; Mrs. - G. EL Moberg of
Woodburn;. Miss Alpha Anderson
of Portland, Mrs. Albert Moberg,
Mrs. Russell ' Moberg and Mrs.
Sam Williams of Gates; Miss
Ruth Boyce of McMinnvllle, Mrs.
Matilda Anne Jones of Staytoa
and Mrs. Alvin Williams of Hub
bard. '-
Oreo o tint Oxvn td Otiio
SaoatSatates ROSEBURG
In the Umpqua Valley
It's a lorig jump from the great timber stands
of . the vast Umpqua Valley the biggest in
all Oregon to Eastern Oregons sugar
beet fields; but the ties that bind these 'two
sections are real. Both prod vice millions of
dollars in exportable products to enrich our
state. In Umpqua Valley it's timber, fruit,
-fish, and poultry... . . v -
, ,-. Here, also, nature's beau-r ' .
- ty is unsuroassea
' lan4 of timbered
sparkling mountain
streams -and jewel -set
lakes where fuh and game
run riot m a sportsmen 1
paradise. Roseburg saysj "
If it's "si ; Tacatioo yoa
r want, cocne to Roeebwrs .
- r'W and may we sayr "If ' 1
f you want sugar, ask for ;
''Oregon's own and
: "White Satja." -
.r i
Combine to Make
ketchup, Jusing about two table-
SDoons ketchup to e r e r y one-
fourth pound cheese. Spread be
tween thin slices of bread and put
together with garden lettuce. The
bright green of the lettuce with
the red-orange of the cheese is
a striking col or contrast. The
menu is suggested by Frances
Beck of the Heinz .home institute.
Tuna siealror salmon steak, will
b9 tne to ta Frlday
dIimer 5 , , ;
Relish plate salad ?
.. J. una sieajc .
feTaftar; sauce . .
Glased carrots
Pineapple Ice cream i
M cup butter v I
1 tablespoon sugar I
Salt and black pepper '
z cups carrots .,
Scrub carrots in cold water with
boiling sated water and cook un
til almost tender. Drain, remove
skins with; sharp knife and cut in
long strips. Add carrots to melt
ed butter; sprinkle lightly with
black pepper . and salt,' add sugar
and cook slowly over a low fire
until tender. Shake frequently to
prevent scorching; Finely chopped
mint may be added. M
v f
Vontila le Crtcm
ft crxp Bordi'a Brwnd
V cup watar -1 ' .
1 2 tMspooo wsHI
cup waipjUng
Itfs the easy way! Aad sure-fire fc tplistvrt in thin ice
creaml Mix Eagle Brand Sweet
ened Condensed Milk, water, and
Tanina.. OiflL Wbip cream to
custard -like consistency'. Fold'
into chined mixture. Freexe in
fr xingunit of refrigerator tmtil .
ballfrosen. Scrape from freezing '
: tray and beet until smooth, but -not
melted. Replace in freezing'
unit until frozen. Serves 6,
NIW1 , o -
HalfcaiM, bprice
m sotBort in sot to m aoosf
in .
slopes, ; .
. :
LSS?1 "f Magic Recipe LmC
C." ""SL' on both large
f'"' f ' mi cans. '.
TTir niii'ii I tin riwiilm