hh OnSGOH STATX524UUT. CoW Orroiv Thmdaj Moraine" August 15, 1S43 i- - s - . BUY, SELL QUlGi.emagLi ." y ; ; : glaE-CaglpEig MMY - Statesman 'Classified Ads Call 9101 ' Classified ' AdmtWl Hire Insertions per line 25c Six insertions per line ;45 Ono month per line f " Minim am charge 25c: $ tl mln . tinum 15c; C U mln. 45c. No refnnda Copy rot this page J1,"- t!l 20 the evening before publica tion foi classification Copv re ceived iflir this tlmewlll be run under the heading "Too Late te ClnKslry" ....... The Statesman iiwrnet no nnn eial responsibility for errors which may appear In sdvertmen oub llshed In Its column and where thl paper l at tfalt .ZllLlZt print that part of an drlJm'! la which the typographical mietaae "he Statesman reserves 'the right to reject questionable advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification A "Blind" Ad on ad eontninma a Statesman box number for an ad dress Is for the protection of the advertiser and must there- be answered by letter The Statesman ta not at liberty to divulge Informa tion a to the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE PICK up dead and worthies animals at a momnt'i notices Top prtcea tor foa-ieed horses, OREGON RENDERING & FERTILIZER CO. Phon Salem TSt. OUcct Dead or Worthless Stock REMOVED ON A MOMENTS NOTICE CALL 5000 COLLECT SALEM FERTILIZER & BY-PRODUCTS WORKS FARMERS MflMTCOMERT RENDERING WORKS PICK3 UP, FREE OF CHARGE, DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE, IN THE WILLAMETTE VALUEI. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. 4U SALEM Auctions Auction Sale Thla Thursday- night, 7 : JO p.m., Aug. IS, at the F. N. Woodry Auction rms., 110 N, Summer St, Salem, Constat fn of a lot of rood new and used Furniture, etc- Foiowing- Is a sample list: 1 dining JiDie,. cnaira dui ff t : l Colonial maple davenport set. cabinet radio; 3 beds, springs, mat tresses: new inner spring nuinrejc, new bed. new rrorina : 2 new linoleum rugs ; t used linoleum . rugs : chests o drawers, writina; oeaa, fooa oreaa fast set, 4 roc It in chairs, salt Ax mlnster rug, 4 Hbrary tables, 10 do, fruit Jars, dishes, tools, oil (1 butch er's set) and many other misc. Items. Save moncv by attending these sales. To Buy. Sell or Trade, Sea F..N. and GLENN WOODRI, Salem's veteraa auctioneers. FhJ 811. Ptivata saiea daily at lowest fcossibla prices. : - V y SPECIAL AUCTION- -' . . Mrs, George Clark Is moving, land has decided to tell theeomplete furni ture and rumlnars or her large home located ml. north of underpass on Portland hishway, this Friday. August If. starting promptly at 1 p.m. Thla Is a big sale, and everything is good. So' plan to attend. Following Is but a partial list: Large mohair davenport suite, mo hair club chair. S high grade American Oriental rugs, cabinet radio, Maytag waaber, circulating- beater, walnut din ing suite, S walnut beds, walnut vanities, 1 walnut dresser, t coil springs, Beantyrest mattress, Simmons mattress,-Regina sweeper and attach ments, breakfast table, 4 chairs, large mirror, larga lot drapes, end tables, lamps, bedding, diabware. utensils and many other items. ATTENTION MEN! A Urge lot ef carpenter's tools, ladders, garden tools, eta, will also go. In fact every thing on the place is to be sold with out reserve. Mrs. Georre Clark, owner. F. N. and GLENN WOODRI, Auc tioneers, Salem, Ph. 5119. Hop Pickers ATTENTION HOP PICKERS WE ARE now registering pickers for our several yards. DURBIN A CORNOTER 4 43S State Street P1 Help Her Wootwortb Store i WantedMale ' MEN Experienced selling- housa to house Spices, Extracts, Soaps, . capable rapid promotion directing sales force. In reply state experience and financial backing to guarantee trust of stock. Box 1193 co Statesman. WANTED YOUNG MAN to learn sandwich shop business, with soma restaurant experience. Will train. Ap ply 471 Court L Mtckeys. ! . i ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives i George O. Cloao. Ino. San Francisco. Los Angeles, Seat Us Eastern Advertlalni; J Representatives ' Bryant Griffith A Branson. In. j Chicago, New fork. Detroit Boston. Atlanta - j gntertd mt te fVatoffice f Satest. Oregon, as Second Class Mattmr. P lihed every msmtao esvept afona!av. Baataaas clc tJ South Commercial airvec V r 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 4 Mall Subscription Rates hi Advance Within Oregon : Dally and Sunday. Mo. SO cents-, t Uoa. $110: Moa 13 SO; 1 year I&.00. Elaawbere CO cenu per Mo or 94 00 fer 1 year ta advance Per copy a centa Newsstands a oenta Or Citv Carrter ta mm, m mua 17.20 a year In advance la Marion and adhteent counties. BLONDS tjJk sr: : : s-? - . ns'. it rm ' "V IWHtNliYaUNGI K I 1GW MUST Vfc PccN J y I VinrrrMvfrV 1L r.ieV.Wii ltw viSiiiS Srxwjjr-- Jp f - ' - ' "o Cm!. S SwS'aa. Si 11' i . ii niuut, t - " 1 wuc v a mm Brmn : - - v - aa sj ' . r -en m - - - - - - - - . . 5 - - l uucj w uan money to Loan - I . tor baJc Ileal testate I : - CASH CALL WHITE or phone tsltll to Sa tern's oldest larsM '-' ' ' -"' 1 home managed finance Wltotton. tour financial affilrsrtff bT?J!S 2 loans nmde In strictest privacy Too will be given rn&,tiTt?TL paying of your loan or granting of estenalona. wnajoerauon la the ro- 1 to 24 Months to Repay Ton can pay ta full any ttms to reduce the cost. , ' Only Borrower Signs ' : No endorsers. Loan, made on furniture or note. ROT H. SIMMONS. MGR. ' Lie. No. M-lSf General- Finance Cornnrahnn tS (Ln rmnmhl . First door south of Ladd at Bush Bank Convenient ground -"-"----- - n-j-ij-Ljx--'U Auto Loans Waiamette Credit Co. ITH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING UTEHSB NT). M-lSf PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS dors payments. Money for new or used n wemy or re a tape too will rotate- naesmntm of tha m.ii 1 TOM MONTHS TO PAt ROY H. SIMMONS ItC Soeth Gemmerpta.1 Rrrt - Phono Si (A Lie. No MUIlt, FHA IWIKS IUK slao nrt Inaak Abrama V Si Ha. Ine, Masonio Bid a. WE LOAN on farm, residential A business property Will bur mortaaree or contracts HAWKINS ROBERTS iC realtors. Gsardian Building. waasaaBaBsaasnes ftt TO flea ON TOUR CAR. CONSUMERS CREDIT CO IIT Mew Bligh Bldg. Ph. flSt Money immediately Lie M-tll. PRIVATE MONET to loan on real estate. CHAS. HUDKTNS. Phone ). 171. State 8treet Loans Wanted WANTED TO BORROW 250 for one yr. Good security. Ph. 4829. WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 4 Interest W. H. QRA BENHOR3T CXX REALTORS Insurance AUTO AND fire insurance. I3S4. Help Wanted Male CONTRACTOR wanted (dependable party) to log 30,000 ft. per day for large established company. Right par ty can depend on It months operation. P.O. Box 778, Dallas, Oregon. BE PREPARED! for ELECTRIC, ACETYLENE, and ALUMINUM AIRPLANE WELDING. Earn while learning. Write NORTHERN SCHOOL OF WELDING 4038 University Way Seattle, Washing-ton PEACH PICKERS 75 men wanted C. M. LaFollette A Son orchard at Wheatland. Hour work. 125c per hour. Bring camping oqulpnient. camp ground by river ; wood furnished. Ap ply now. Phone Dayton 7X2. TWO MEN to travel with craw manager. Must be ante to meet peo ple. If Qualified, earnings will . be above average. J. L, McLeod, Boom 28, Grand. HoteL Between A T p. m. Help Wanted Female S WAITRESSES, young, with some fountain experience (12 or 14 aiae). Apply Thoraday. Mtckeys 479 CoartSt. WANT GIRL for out-of-towa hse wrk. rh. 9429. BEAUTY OPERATOR. Apply 307 1st National Bank Bldg. after 4. .WOMAN, TO care for baby, do general housework i in family. Call before noon. 1790 Lee. Situations Wanted ' GOOD PLAIN cook, white, neat, ex p. Or 2nd work. Adalts. A-l ref. Mrs. Waugh, 134 SW St. CUlr, Port land. MAKE or care for lawn. Ph. 3044. For Sale Vliscellaneous GOL. CROSS com. L Ztelke. 12579. BARTLETT PEARS. 25c up. Wa Stoddard. 1 ml. on Wallace Rd. seesaaaaegsstfes PICK CRAWFORD peaches at Pat ty's orchard, t miles out on Wallace Road. Ready Sunday. Ph. 2-2137. CRAWFORD PEACHES, yon pick. Carl Asplnwal! orchards at Brooke, VACUUM CLEANERS, new A used. Parts A repairs. Vmce's. Ph. 292. rpiwpnmi PCACHES all this weak. Elbertaa next. J. C Savage at waconaa. ru. s-zsa. i "!JTjTjTjTrTJTJXraU'sJi rsrsaraTsAf I J l -g--s-ssa- MAN'S BICYCLE 5. f-h. 4004. ZENITH RADIO I144.9S 10-tube, all-wave. Spinner Dial Zenith. Bal. due. ol.4o. xerma. $5.00 down, 14.00 monthly. See Mr. Jans. - GEO. C WILL MUSIC STORE THE APRON gnoo 7t N High Graven steina, rloe ISc box A up. Er nest Anderson, Orchard His. rd., 3 mL NW PoU-Mar. bridge. Serve Sun. For Sale Miscellaneous WAREHOUSE FURNITURE CLEARANCE 1 Used Leather Davenport and Rocker 1 Uaed Velour Bed Da v. A Chair 1 Used Bed and Vanity (walnut) A usea liimwi 1 Used Twin Bed Room Set . I Used Spool Bed, r Used Davenport A Chair 1 ItmA lVimiM TM t Used Breakfast : Chatra, each 1 used occasional 4 a Die 9 Good Used Mattreeses, Choice, each rrA TJ aahja IfatrfAgns A J gevu xa uy jjcu auu w 4 Good Used Metal Beda Full else, each Montgomery 155 N. LIBERTY ! 5 WInnah Tax A11I - ; JIM m,., ,UI CLARK, ASST. MGR.' . ST waa floor lott luvsuga Phone tlt For Sale -Miscellaneous BEAUTTREST mattreas, 10-year fSmSSLSr 1 m0k tiK 1 CANNINQ tomatoes. Ph. 3-1327. , e? f Ho axophone, leather case WMaiIt o. xtatcurx ur. w ,.Tn, . m appiea, uaruett poara, Mrs. Wright. 4H mL Wallace) RdT Bantam- oannlng corn. DeL 9-3141. NEW Electrolux cleaner, used raoatiks. Half price. Ph. 124S0. ALMOST NEW Mowarcb wood range, perfect. Sell for teas than half price- 1470 8. Cottage. LUMBER FOR SALE Inquire at New Murphy Bldg corner State and Commercial streets. IMP. ELBERT A and HALE canning peaches. Britt A spin wall. W aeon da. ----- -i i -i ------rywr-Miojxjvir TRAINED DOGS. Setters ft Point ers, will sell or trade for 10 g. shot gun. 440 Mission. KJrkland. CANNING CORN, 31. ak. T. C Mul ler, 2 mL north of Bronx's Cornera ------------ - -i-M-l"! -ll'll -l-M-MMfXfVXIV PIGS and sowa, 240 Center. SEE . .KING S new, second hand store. West: Side Marlon Square. Trade Miscellaneous FOR SALE or trade for peaches or pears, 7 Collie A Spaniel pupa H. T. White, Box 70, Statesman. Wanted Furniture F. N. A GLENN WOODRY. Auc tion eers A furniture dealers win pay you mora cash or trade for furniture A household goods. W buy or sell ev erything. Ph. 6110. CASH FOR used furniture A house hold gooda R. Forgey. Ph. 7449. Wanted Miscellaneous ELDERLY Man. semi-Invalid, wants quiet place to board. Inquire 1939 N. Front St. wssassasassjasastgsasss. WANT S00 BAW cig. coupons. COe a 100. 2305 N. 4th St. MisceUaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Altshy Bldg. 2d A Morrison BR 142T For Rent Rooms room lor employed" girl. 411 S. CosnL HOTEL MARION Rooms Special weekly and monthly rates to perm guesta Marion Coffee Shop delicious meals at km prices HOTEL 8ALEM from 94 a week. SLEEPING RMSw close in. 4499, Room and Board NC. HOME, gd. eats, 322 N. Church. MEN to room and board. Modern home near State House, 1209 Court. EAT AT Ullmana. by day, week er month. Lovely rooms. 450 Marion. FOR WORKING men. 999 8. 12th. LOVELY ROOM, excellent board. 330 N. Summer. Ph. 0072. For Rent -Apartments t Rlt furu. apt., pri. bath, lights, water, 914.50. 34S Marion. t KM. furn. apt.. Frigi. Business district. Adults. 255 Cantor. TWO ROOM apt., 319. Lights A wa ter. Adults only. 152 S. 13th. J RM. frnshd apt. Very reasonable. 1290 Oak. Ph. 9270. ONE housekeeping rm. 499 N. Lib, S R. mod., fur.. 174 N. CoraX SMALL FURN. apt, 3 bike, of Court House, 315. 8 rm. fur. basement apt., S. ComL, 910. Ivan G. Martin, Phone 4419. Modern 3 rm. furn. 1553 State. 2 LG. ROOMS. 1st floor. New fur niture, kitchennette. bath, fireplace, Frigidalre. heat, light. Phone 4494. 590 N. Summer St. 2 A 9 R. FURN, 1st floor. Clean, eooL 1047 8. Commercial. For Sale Miscellaneous 111.91 35.00 . 20.00 . 12.95 , 30.00 5.00 Ward & Co. PHONE 3194 Sets 314.50 25.00 11. 00 .50 lit ' C.i , , - 2.50 1 KS 2.00 in i z li i :' I I BEACH HOUSE for sale or trea I ; : . ' ' ' - ' - . YOUR L0AN Na one should sorrow more than he eaa eonvenleatly ' handle. Tet too may not realise how lew the payments catf w una. unta naiow are a lew as mpts aoana wiLn of the various monthly naymeata, Amount of Monthly Payments U moa, 19 I 9.T9 17.43 27 39 ' 45.35 44.51 125 210 900 Zneradee all charges sad rtrmirt on prtnefnaL v UP TO 3500.04 ON AUTOMOBILES . Reasonable credit reonlrementa. People with modest r'co'ufsr InToo"1" " CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY "SALEM'S PERSONAL LOAN CENTER" Rm. 29L 2nd O, First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon Phone 4449 State Lie. Noa M-273 A 8-221 For Rent Apartments S RM. furn. apt 1295 D St 3 tat. unrumlshed. Roberta Apta. - S R. TR. apt, 313.50. 1935 Center. 4ses1sgass4tasasnan S RM. TORN, its, wat A Maytac $19. Call aft. 9 p. m. 1930 Ferry. AUGUST 15th, NICE 1 room, 9TT mo. Cloes in. 291 N. Commercial. COOL 2 RM. apt. 443 Ferry. a.. . - -i-im s iisi njirirrrLOi ATTRACT. 4 R. furn. 442 Union. CHOICE APT now available at the modern Fisher Apta So. Com'L at Oak. Phone 7037. APTS 99 AND up. 1210 B. 12th St 8 MALL FURN apt. 290 S Cottage VAC. -Hawthorne Court Adulta VTTBV AVI , A .1.1.. . . - . mm a, v . w Aa , otivu ria. m. k rms. ioi n. capitoL . FURN. APTS. Elec washer, ph.. ape, 9.70 mo. up. 424 N. Capitol St For Rent Houses 120, 4 rms, 1 A, Pen. corners. 315. 4 rma, partly furn., N. 17th. 924.50, 355 E. Superior, hardwood. 330, 7 rm, nice. S. Commercial. H. P. GRANT. 529 Court St" 4744 545 S. 16th 1140 Spruce .120.00 . 35.00 . 35.00 910 N. 18th MONEY TO LOAN P. H. BELL, Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. . Phone 1121 3 Bed Room Mod 5 Room Flat . -$14 .925 -$J3 4 Bed Room 114 So. High 4-rm. mod. house 925 : 1720 8. Lib erty. Inq. 1520 N. CapltoL Ph. 4744. ssseswaaaseas4aas4aaas 5 R. FURN. basement furn- laun. trays, 925. Inq. 1465 Mission. SAasakaaaaaakaakassasaaaaaSk SMALL HOUSE, shower. 912. Hale Mickey. 215 8. 12th. Ph. 7071. NICELY FURN. 5 rm eleo. rafria. and range, $16. 959 Union. Tiini-ymnn ,-ao n rxruXTXpn WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOU want to seU. aachanga lease, rent See Mr. Lareen or Mr. Col line with Hawkins A Roberta TT"sT"rl,"l'"sgOssrJ- LL. I RM. fursL. loaa In. 330. Anolr 313 N. Summer. HOUSES. Metvln Johnson, Ph. 2739 NEW 4-R. home, air .conditioned, double plumbing. Lease at $35 mo. 450 Mar loo. FURNiamCP HOUSE. 450 B. 14th. NEW MOD, 4-rm. 944 N. 14th. For Rent S R an IS mKIb atnsie man. Inq. 1944 N. CommerctaL largic rtntram wth a Garden Road. Cheap. Ph. 599T. TRUCKS FOR rani. fT.T)r4va ma you serf, save . -none see (Jhurch a Canter OFFICE ROOMS, 331 8 tats Street. Inquire room 304 Tel 371$ PRACTICE piano. $1 mo. Ph. 440$. Wanted to Rent WANTED Two unfurnished rooms and board. F. L Soulier. 1529 State St Business Gourds ta this filrectorj rum om a moathly basis only. Ratet f 1.23 per 11m per month. Anto Brakes Mike Pa nek. $75 Sooth ConuiorclaL Auto RepairLog AL FEILENS garage. $4$ S. High, Bicycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 14T & Cem'cL P. 4914. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4495. R. B. Northaess, EngmeejSnrveyor Surveys, estl mates, specifications; X H. Neef, 505 Guardian Bldg. P. 5954. Excavating EXCAVATTNO OF aS ktnda Base ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal Salem Sand A GraveL P. 5409. Florists Brelthaupf a 44T Court Phoao 5195. Funeral Directors TsrwUUger Funeral Home. Ph. 431A - H0W BIG? to $ 4.93 I 3 14 9.44, .1T 1UI ' 9 45 31.10 14.73 90.14 33.43 3 43 . . 5J3 4 40 14.19 30.13 Wanted to Rent WANT TO RENT house, la fair Ham wtW . . , ... vtiwil .1 W, Box 1193 eo Statesman. buy. Larga lot. JOaaessawsajaasesBsana BUSINESS MAN wishes 'room ta private boms. Box 1137. co Statesman. For Sale Real E-tate BOUSE and lot. 110 Lincoln. Fab moot H1U. Sea owner. A, Matthews, 433 Ferry, Room 30L SMALL furniaheA Yim Kun at T box 134, north of Rebnaa garden. Mrs, Engane Kiser. OWNER LEAVING FORCED SALE BRAND NEW 2 Bedrai. home. Hdw. fire. Furnace. Fine Iocs. North and a real buy. 3250 down. baL aa rent BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 13 Ladd A Bush Bldg. Ph. 5945 1 i-ii-n-in.rLn-ru"wi LARGK V A r A J-T In f. sale, 142x122 on a through street. Ideal location for business. Small acreage with modern horns to trade for- home in Enaiewood district. For more information call P. H. BELL Realtor 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone $121 - miMmmmvmwrtrwmwrfxxft HOME BARGAINS Will take good building lot is as part payment on this 4 rm. mod. home located in N. Salem. Price 22440. New borne all mod. except basement Laundry trays, anto. floor fur, large rarag-e. Price $2300. $550 down baL $10 per mo. 31700 will buy thla 2 rm. mod. home with cement basement and furnace. Rented for $20 per mo. Just newly decorated. H cash, baL terms Sea O. H. Grabenhorat. Jr. with W. H. Grabenhorst A Co. Ph. 4449. 3 rms.. nice lawn, ahniha. lot IIt 150 ft $1150. $150 down. $15 per mo. 6 rma. basement furnace. lawn, tree a. paving paid. $2240. $350 down. 6 rm. home, furnished, $3350. or tm furnlahed $1950. Owner leaving town. Must sell. Easy terms. R. A. FORKNER, 1353 N. CapltoL 9 RM. home at 21850. 9180 eaah. balance $20 month. Good location. O. E. RAE, 1255 8 tat. Phone 4471 "' "''"' iiiirirwVvrijxoji 2 R. A nk, gar, U A. city w, $990. Take good ear or email da. payt 9 R. Take car, lot or cheap baa. for equity. 4 R, bath, $1300. $139 da. 17$ S. Liberty. Ph. 7118. 4 B.R. homo, sawdust burner, $100 dwn $39 par- mo. $1940. Owner mov ing; to Portland. 3 ' B.R. hoove Bear Grant school, $3100, terms. A bargain. ltt A. Kaiser diet, 25 rarities of filberts and wamnts ; nice 4 rm. house. Price reduced Xor o,olA sals.. $1905 cash will handle. Beautiful suburban home, 1 A. fruit, flowers. Prieo way be tew value. 0 A. elty limit a. Ideal subdivision. Only $3900 with $350. BaL easy terms. 80 A. near Btaytoa, 30 A. ta culti vation ; email housa earn, $1100, $100 dwn, $15 per mo. Lovely rea lot Falrmoun MIL $0x 137. $1000. Phono 9490. N. J. L1ND GREN or X. M. LARSKN, 179 -So. Higb St. , "TT"TrVrir-ari9jnj URGENT Distant owner offers hit So. Salem home at special price of $1150. Has 5 rooms, basement, furnace, nice cor ner lot with many large fruit trees, Sea it today. Immediate possession. So Mrs. Ellis with ChUdes A Millar, Realtors, 944 STATE Street. Ph. 934 L a aM 11- aatunrunju-urn. A. north 3200. 31 dn. tl Mr mn Budrow-Kasmir, 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. MW . II.U Mil 1,1 . ..l Modern 5 rm, lawn, shrubs. Built last yr. $4200. Terms. 1911 N. 19th. FINE LOT. sidewalk, pavement paid, among nice homes, bus, $290. easy terms. Ph. owner, 941$. Directory House Painting GOOD WORK, low prices. 21332. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG A MATTRESS Co. New mattresses, old remade, nag cleaning A weaving. 8. 19th A Wilbur. TaL 944L Z wickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO, Phone 409$. Papering Painting NEAT Work, reaa, John $775. EXPERT workmanship. Phone 4225. Plumbing PLUMBTKCL GENERAL repatr work. Orabsr Bros 154 S.. Liberty. Ph. 4594. Printing FOR STATIONERY, carda. pamphleta programa hooks er any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment, 215 & Commercial. Teio Phono 010L Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stoo age. burner ott. call 219L Larroer Transfer Cot Trucks to Portland dally. Well Drilling . R. A. WEST. RL A Bxl 44A P. 5-229 A By CHIC YOU1IQ HH BEACH nbuSE for sale or trae for what have yog. Call U 110 Oak 8t 4-RM. MOD, 1235 N. 19th. $3475. f $151 Salem 1500 APT. lot, TO-ft. HL 459 Marios,, Exchange Real Estate It A IRRIGATED Colorado farm. Cheap or trade for Falsa property. Job. Mieche Ne. t Rate! Iff Dr. Sa lem. . : - , . - w n . , - 11 RESIDENCE tracts,- axceU, re strict ed addlttos, FHA approved. WlH ear hangs mad, boms. Fb 0413.- EXCHANGE MT equity - ta tsar tooso. West Salem, oe three ta nvs acres wrth. fair ouildlnga owner at $657. v.- For Sale Farms FARM FOR SALE OR TRADE ' BT OWNER . 20 acres. city, lights and water. Ne mortgago. Highway frocjtago suitable for euborfeaa subdivssioo. Good 4-reoea house. Will sail ett trade ail or eob djvida to swlt Want suitable residoat bulhline; tots Salem. Make me aa offer. Chaa. Zerxaa, 117 New Bligh Bldg. Seism. . Pbone 594$. Acreage LAND SACRIFICE ' 20$ A. located 14 miles from Salem near Willamette river. All level land, part fine farm land, baL open pa stars. Good roads. Pries only $26 per A, See G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr. with W, U. Grabenhorst A Co. - -- - - -, - .-ii-ii-iii ii n.ix ltt Aa. BARGAIN $50 down. A $15 per mo. wlH boy this T A. located JH miles from city with 4 rm. bouse, weU. elec. lights, 4 A. under cult, bsi. paature A Um ber. To see this call O. H. Oraben horst. Jr. with W. H. Grabenhorst A Co. Ph. 4449. . iisiJ"XllafXruTJXJUl'XruLJ1XJ WELL. LOCATED H acre wltb nearly new 4 room homo. Low dowa payment, balance $15 month. A real buy at $1476. More right la. O. E. RAE. 1256 State. Phone $7$L FOR RENT or sale 7 acres, bouse, orchard. welL electricity. Also acres with lumber to build. $800. Another 10 seres beautifully wooded bomeatta. 7 mL north Salem. River bottom aotL Terms 1211 N. Liberty. Wanted Real Estate v ... " . . J W I IDT MM tnga tf fairly priced. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC. Realtor. Ouardtaa auiiuiDB, Business Opportunities GOOD rest, llv. quart, Ph. 7111. $1400 buys grocery stock and fix tures. Has two pump fining; station. Good Uvlnr quarters. R. A. FORKNER. 155$ N. Capitol GOOD PAYING boarding house business. Complete equip, and furni ture. Clean, mod. A cloes In. Box 1190, Statesman, Corner lot. 99x114 ft, Salem, sis buslneasea. 4 apta, T R. hk. rma. Aa tomatio steam heat automatic h.w. sys tem. Gross Income $343 per mo. -Price 325,000. $10,000 cash, baL carried by owner. 9. Bx. 1184. ce ta ROOMING House business. 10 apta, Sals or trade. Box" 11 99. Statesman. For Sale Wood MILL WOOD $9.50 load. Ph. 9992 er 934L Wood at was sad Court St. DRY WOOD, old fir A 2nd growth. Phone 476$ fer priceav. , 14 OLD FIR. 96. 4 ft. 2nd, 9414. WOOD. PH. 4970. Oraen. 419 N 31st STJPPLT LIMITED seder now fir. 2nd eld growth, oak. Ph. 4149. DRT a F. and 2nd growth. P. T69T. IF 2ND OR. $4.49. Phono 1904 N. 5th M. 9915. Wood Sawing PHONE 2113. $35 N. Commercial WOOD SAWTNG. Pa. 4704, Schools MILLIONS OUT OF WORK I BIO PAY I SHEET METAL JOBS GOING BEGGING! It's hard to believe, tent It? Yet. wltb tbo govammaat defense getting under way. trained are hard to find. Particularly trained sheet metal men who can do gas and electric welding, riveting, lay eat design and fabricating. If yoa want to get rata this field that has hundreds of possibilities with big pay lobe, write todsy for Information on the new ADCOX SHEET METAL COURSE i It's your first step to a big pay Job, Box 1145. 8 ta teaman. Persona LONESOME f Serving all ages. Club Elite, P. O. Bx. Tl-Q. Loe Aageiee. Cat For .Sale Used Can Repossession in A-l Shape 1949 FORD PICKUP, excellent con dition ; has had good cars 4404 miles big discount Call Mr. Miller. 811 L FOR SALE '$9 Buick sedan, '39 Plymouth demxo sodas, '37 Feral Tu dor. 1996 N. Summer. 27 BUICK Sod. $20. 2245 Myrtle. '26 CHEV. 2-DR, $246. New paint. Trade, terms. 916 8. 22nd. MODEL A '21 FORD track fiat bed. dual tires, running lights, good run ning eond, license, ready to work reasonably priced. United Outdoor Adv. Co, 1295 S. 13th. Ph. 7043 or 7142. '25 HUDSON 8 ED. $195. Radio. Terms, trade. 915 8. 22nd. ' Maheeaabaes '39 CHEV. 4-DR. Sod. $335. Good condition. Terms, trade. $16 8. 3 2 ad. Lost and Found LOST SPRINGER Spaniel, white wltb dark brown marking. Lost since Monday from Vicinity of 16 and Jef ferson. Finder please pbone 4136 r return to 1404 Jefferson. Reward. Transportation LEAV. FOR L A. Aug. $1. Room for 3 paeeangt.ra. Soars oxp. Ph. 6743, "hAsJsj4geas WANT RIDS to Omaha. Can drive. Box 118$ eo Stateaman. :, Newly , Elected Teacher Resigiis EVENS ' VALLEY ' Bss!o Dixon, who had been elected to tsach at McLanghlln school, hag reslgraed and, a teacher . for that school win bo sleeted ta the near tattra. ' ;. ' : " -,. ; Thla will t .ins nrt year that McLanthlln. Abtaaa and Evens Valley will operata as ona sclxool district, Classes win be hell at the McLaughlin and the Evens Valley bat the Ablqna school will ba closed. Lillian Rntschman of SAlam will teach at Ergnj VaUeT. Mels Lsnraav la cbairmAa at the fxaloa school board. . Ex-Prlsonersf Wbat Ixappesaa t xnem whs learn prisoa? 'Tavlalhle 8trlpe siarrtn; ' Georro llaft, Jan Bryan, and Hamphrey 2kgjart plays today thrwnchi 8atnrda7 nt thw State) theatre c . BIr8s- Amanda Loop Honored at Picnic DAYTON Honorinr Mr a. Amanda Loop, . tf. of McMlnn villa a family reunion waa bald Sonday at the Dayton elty park with 40 members present, .Two of her children, Ed Loop of Hopewell, his wife and their danchter. Miss Mary, and Mrs. John Crlppen of Monmonth, ;&er bnsband and four children were among those present, The family of Claude Loop of Wlllamlsa, with relatives from MeMlnnrllle, Amity and Bellerae and local people enjoyed a bas ket dinner at noon, Ronald Gary Freshonr, three-months-old aon of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Freshoar, waa the youngest member pres ent. Umenhofer Family Greets New Girl TALBOT Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Umenhofer are the parents of a baby girl born to them Aug ust t at the Salem hospital. She has been named Sandra Leo, and weighs ttt pounds. Mrs. Umen hofer will be remembered aa La Verne KJeper. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Belknap attended the Belknapp-Starr re union at Alpine Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest JTSwmaa and aon Ernest and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. BUnstoa spent Sunday at Oceanslda. Detroit Woman, Son' Leave few East DETROIT Mrs. Rassell Haas. ton and son Kenneth left by baa Saturday for a month's visit' In Lynch, Nebraska, their home town. Mrs. Bammon expects to return homo the latter part ef September from Soath Bond. Ind.. where she will go to get their new car. Mr. aad Kra. Roy Allan hare as their guests. Mlsa Ethel Allan and Miss Shirley Sylvester of Eagene who aro enjoying a two weeks racaUon from their work. Cross Word "Puzzle 7" 2" 3 w 7 t a s To" T7T II .J,Ifi-L teT " m 7eT hi 2 "So " 1 11 Wr 11 iSH 1" HORIZONTAL I perform 4 rapid 8 and 11 court 13 Hk a winf 14 Roman . highway 15 toU IX froth If Odin's . . brother roUttcr piece n abaxjrbed . T2 beverag i t3 wolframite 4 node 23 hiirbor 25 not la , Gnldo'a scsls central points . X8 exploxiTO ; . - inissile J position ef a - - aadJla-hora inrearizur II long-, enriine-i- ware - . t S3 pleasant Zi coaraa . homin - : S3 Inter. " : national -. lang-nsre tf acogrge , IT insenAiLls suts 33 cry of a crow 83 devoured 40 sloping passageway 41 cot at home 43-r-muxical note 43 restrain 44 accented syllable 44 jot 43 meat ef calves 30 eootin veasel -11 contempto- ens pexson- 53 aelie - Answer te ycatsrdsy pmxls. -v4 - - AlGAGjGUSjTi6plA QaTiJ LrO'-lhelAr V t l ' IiTi - Lives Depicted t Co Oe mm iiniiv 3in2 Set at Pioneer PIONEER 1 The Pioneer com munity meeting- was held at the plsyshed Saturday nlghL A. cov ered dish dinner was enjoyed by a large crowd. Guests for the aapper were' Dr. and Mrs. "Jensen, Mr. 'And Mrs. Sauntee, : Mildred Co Ilia s . aad Francis Marland. all of Mon month, John Calx van. VI r til Csi aran and Al Ball pt Jefferson. Margaret Arthur aad Lola Jean DeWltL r - At' the business meeting the group decided to hare a com munity alng to be held the third Sunday of each month at the plsyshed. The first meeting- will be held next Sunday. Committees were appointed to help at the fair booth at Monmouth- as' follows: Mrs. . Mack Blodgett, cooked foods; Mrs. Ar chie Brown, fresh fruits and veg etables; Mrs. Howard Coy, fancy work ; .": William Threes, grains and grasses: Alfred DomaschoN sky. dried fruit aad nuts; Mrs. Roy Black, canned fruits and vegetables, . ' Visit Tiirnittxre Slnrkct in Seattle MONMOUTH Mrs. Jessie Nowowle9kl and Eon eta Not owlejskl Of Monmonth accom panied by Qsinn Martin left Tues day for SeatUe. where they will attend the furniture market there thla week.' , . , Satarday the Kowowlojakla celebrated the fourth anniversary of the founding of their store hero. Approximately SIS persona - at tended, including representatives of 17t families who hare par chased from- the a to re atneo its start.-. As gift waa provided for each family. , Lodges Paeifle Ledge He. 4s. AJT. A AJC Stated wuHag. 1M, A as. 14. 8 WJC A. KKBJtlOTT, WJC Mcp ward bend in timber VERTICAL 10 act ef r i r-elwundiAT U-wdeal with. IS prinUra 3 series of dependent 18 near i XI drive ewiftry XS mortosry - chamber ; 3 driniinx ! vessel 1 24 portend ! 23 elaboraU display - 27 confront :- 4 ,23 African ; stockade 1 20 without (L.) 21 live in s tezt 23 tier 14 rloosay i 15 ioTwdatioa 17 to ahape by catting' SS pointM ends 40 77r.bcl for - ." rothcxi cia 41 ocjsse- . - ti'On ' " 43 adai of ' ,- ? dosed , i - ; esrrisjre - 44 fermented -bevvisgn 43 pen for . ; swire 47r rrtpoililia vitnrs 4 distant 5 Indian Bladder 6 banting; . , ezpeditaoa . T -fig-ure of speech s 8 obscure S neuter piuuown x r A IV t-r:4 N - 'I . ' -1 , I'-IIT lAkSJctv.Ic.QM;- 21 LfTJ sSaa, 47 f rep