The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1940, Page 7, Image 7

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Benefit Gameste
Games Tonight
Pheasant rs. Kennedys '
Pade-Barrick rs. Oldtlmers
Barbour's borne run, with two on
pulled by any srirls' . t a a m ob
home ene counter In - the third.
Henry Singer scored ene on two
Games tonight and ' tomorrow
in me eighth, i
Sweetland, was negotiated by the
"night are for. the benefit of the
The P-Bs enjoyed a 1-0 lead
f-UB in the second inning. With
the bases full, Centerfielder M e
Clellan of the ConserratlTes lined
to Ruth Tocom at second. Yocora
errors and a passed ball In the
Pade-Barrick "On to Detroit
fund. Friday night's bill is a tri
pleheader, bringing Salem's Neo
phytes aad Jantsea's of Portland
together at T,- Independence and
Woodburn tor the district eight
championship at f and Square
Deal against an unannounced op
ponent at 9.
Conservatives . 2 g 2
Pade-Banicks ,1; f 4
Berg and LeCam; Bennett and
Welch, Boyc
Grtmshaws ' ' " t
Square Deal a y i
Perisich. Sauers and Caselato,
until the sixth Inning, when an
The Pade-Barricks,. -who tonight
begin their drive ' for funds to
carry them to the national tour
nament In Detroit by meeting the
Oldtlmers in part of a doable
header benefit bill, had the tables
turned on them last night as the
VancouTer Conservatives dropped
them 2 to X. The P-Es edged out
the Canadian girls, 3-2, in Tues
day night's bill. .
Square Deal. Salem champion,
bowed to Grimshaws of Portland
in an extra-inning- nightcap, 7 to
4, as the result of Leftfielder
fourth,- Nicholson counted - on a
infield hit by Pike, Hall's sacri
fice, two errors and a wild pitch
allowed the ConserratlTes' pair
of unearned runs. The P-Bs lone
tally came in the fourth on Patty
Carson's tremendous homer orer
the rightfielder's head.
Berg, pitching the second suc
cessive night tor the Canucks,
spread Are, hits through four in
nings and with the exception of
Carson's four-ply swat was In
trouble only when her support
grew shaky.
A- triple play, probably the first
hit. two Infield outs and a field
er's choice in the fifth and than.
promptly tagged the base and
tossed to Moore at third to retire
drore in the tying counter in the
the side.
Two blows and two errors gare
Grimshaw's a trio of runs In the
fourth and they - scored their
fourth in the sixth as the result
of blngles by Larsen and Putnam,
interspersed by an error and a
passed ball.
Hurlin' Hank Singer went the
route for the Salem champs, while
Perisich and Sauers divided the
job for the Portlanders.
Barbour's home run clout broke
up a 4-4 tie that had existed since
the sixth inning, when Jimmy
Nicholson's second single of the
night drore home Hube Alley." An
error and a walk had put runners
on ahead of Barbour.
The Dealers outhlt the Port
landers, 7-5, bat failed with time
ly blows. George Scales drore
- ' hTvSjV iSKRS AGO, Pt 1 s.
vjT' "Z- AfAj -'--11 'f f
Lee "Baldy Shinn, who prob-1
ably 'is the first rookie in base-1
ball history to be offered a pro
fessional contract- in the pres- i
ence of members of the writing
fraternity, is doing a little bit
of what is generally known as all
Sturdy stemmed Shinn' bat
ting mark as of yesterday read
a gold-plated .843, third best
among oar Senator swatters,
and among his 12 hits in S3
I official tripe were included one
I triple, four doubles and seren
runs batted home.
The ex-Bearcat and ex-State
league all-star, who hails from
the high I hills of Baker, possibly
hasn't the speed to take him far
up the professional baseball lad
der, but he at least is making an
auspicious, start in the Class B
Williams Tops Hitters.
Johnny Williams, who yet has
much to learn as a receiver, cur
rently tops Solon swingers with
a .355 average, two points up on
Eddie Wilson's .353 and fire
points better than Roy Helser's
.350. Wild William - Harris, who
led the league more often than
any other WIer, has slipped to
fifth despite his four-for-four per
fect night in that 18-15 win at
Spokane Monday night.
While Harris's average baa
steadily gone down for the past
month, those of Antelope Al
Llghtner and Charles Baldy Pe
terson hare steadily ascended.
The Antelope, whom the Little
Spikker now has hitting in the
clean-np , spot, hadn't q a 1 1 e
reached the .SOO mark in yes
terday's average, bat he was
riding along at a comfortable
.297 Jut three points away
from that charmed, baseball
Charles Baldy, whose sensa
tional outfieldlng Is causing com
ment all around the circuit, rests
right behind Llghtner, with a
.290, and many of his blows orer
the past two-weeks' period hare
been of extremely timely nature.
Case: The Pade-Barricks,
I hare before me the case of
the Pade-Banicks, those Salem
Softball suxies who hare provided
such first class entertainment for
the past three seasons, which I'd
Ilk to offer for your serious con
sideration. First off, yon know that Dr.
L. E. Barrick and Ben Fade
hare between them laid out
several hundred slmoleons to
maintain the P-Bs orer the per
iod they hare been together.
Secondly, you know that the
girls want to go back to De
troit in early September to try
to haul down the national girls
championship. Thirdly, yoa
know that it takes considerable
folding money for 20-odd girls
to travel the 250O-odd miles
and back.
' Frankly, the girls themselves
are about the only ones who
think they have a ghost ot a
- chance in such competition as
they'll meet in Detroit. But that
is beside the -point: The point is,
the girls want to go back and give
the big meet the old college try.
Like others, and among them you
can probably Include Dr. Barrick
aad Ben "Sprinter" Pade, I don't
think they hare any chance of
winning any hardware, but like
just as many others, I think they
deserve the chance.
Give 9Em the Chance,
If enough' ot you think the
Pade-Barricks deserve to be sent
to the big doings, you can make
your thoughts speak for them
selves by attending the two bene
fit performances at Sweetland to
night and tomorrow night. Tour
contributions at the gate g0 Into
an "On to Detroit" fund for the
P-Bs, who aren't likely to be to
gether another season as you're
known them for the past three.
Ton are to understand, of
course, that the P-Bs hare to
win the Oregon state girls
tournament which begins in Al
bany August 26 before they are
eligible. However, should they
not win, and should they not
be able to go to the national
meet, the money contributed to
the benefit fund via gate re
ceipts tonight and tomorrow
night will stay right in the Sa
lens Softball association treas
ury. The girls are not only dead
certain they can win that Oregon
title for the seeond straight year.
but are Just as sure they hare
what it take to gire the best of
them a run for their money in
tne national show: How about it?
Are yon going to gire them that
chance, whether yon think they
naTe one or not!
Coach Stannard Resigns
SPOKANE, Aug. 1 4--.Jerry
niannara, lootDaii ana baseball
coach at Whltworth college tor six
years, tendered his resignation to
college authorities today. "
Full Coverage
e Ot local and national
pons daily in The States
rtaa. :
Tigers Take Two
From Capilano 9
Isekite Hurls Shutout;
Spokane Drubs Chiefs
by 15 to 9 Score
TACOMA, Aug. 14-0P)-GiTen
a pair of steady pitching perform
ances by Floyd "Lefty" Isekite
and Lou Koupal, the Tacoma Ti
gers captured both ends of a
Western International baseball
league doubleheader from the
Vancouver Capilanos here tonight,
6 to 2 and 11 to 0.
Isekite was touched for 11 hits
in the opener, but kept the blngles
well scattered, and Ross Edys
second-inning homer and Pitcher
Del Holmes' single following two
walks in the eighth accounted for
the two Vancouver runs. The Ti
gers were meanwhile landing on
Holmes for 15 blows, including
a homer by Stubby Harriman, to
pile up their margin.
Koupal, former Pacific Coast
and major leaguer, limited the
LCapilanos to four hits, no two in
one inning, to register an easy
win in the nightcap. The Tacoma
tossers backed up his nest mound
job with a 15-hit attack which in
cluded three triples and six
First game:'
Vancourer 2 11 0
Tacoma 4 IK 0
Holmes and . Crandall; Isekite
and Brenner.
Second game:
Vancourer 0 4 0
Tacoma - 11 15 0
Osborn. Goldman (3), Merrill
(4) and Lloyd; Koupal and
Windsor Hurls Win
SPOKANE. Aug. 14-tiPr-Heary
clouting in the seventh-inning
clutch brought Spokane nine runs
tonight and a 15 to 9 baseball
victory orer the Wenatchee Chiefs
of the Western International
ine outDurst broke up a see
saw battle after Wenatchee had
regained a two-run lead with four
runs in the first half of the ser-
enth. Mel Cole's triple with the
bases loaded pushed the Chiefs
ahead, but only for minutes.
Levi McCormack slapped out a
triple with two on and Smead Jol-
ley homered with one aboard in
Spokane's big Inning. Ned Stickle
had homered for Spokane with
one aboard in the fourth and Ar
nold Trailer got a circuit clout
for Wenatchee in the eighth with
the bases unpopulated. Trailer
led the hitting with three blows
in fire appearances.
Both starting pitchers Hawk
ins of Wenatchee and Serrenti ot
Spokane were blasted from the
hill in the seventh.
Wenatchee . 9 12 1
Spokane .. 15 12 1
Hawkins, Singleton (7) and
Volpi; Serrenti, Windsor (7) and
Semipro Tourney
Begins Tomorrow
WICHITA, Kas., Aug. 14-VP-
The 32-team field In the national
semipro baseball tournament
which opens Friday night was
completed late today.
The 1940 contestants include
the defending champion Duncan.
Okla,, Cementers and the Mount
Pleasant, Tex., Cubs, runnersup
a year ago. .
Albany. Ore., is a m o n g the
The first game in the two week
marathon to determine the winner
of the 15000 top prise and the
right to represent the united
States la the semipro worm series
la Puerto Rico is scheduled for
Friday night between the Wichi
ta nine; and : the uoiaen, coio..
dnb. ;
The second ( half of the twin
bill ends the Texas champions
from Houston pitted against Wil
mington, DeL :
Lcaguo Baseball
m Ihom
. 'LA:-- : t n i ;.. B HAvf,
vm. ss. SS.S&S Bottia - so .?
mi' intl ar.l lriflh B4f SS .SIS
?t.i-t4. an ias .w Kruua t 4??
Xhtr 414 J29 .SST OUrM
r!.t AOT1H.17T Brewer T4 -sJei
SmUV M 4T .62 BermU no T? -22
. j kh a. r-r&a. 01 TS .430
S. DUf Tl SS 11 Portland 44 94 34
-s Amerkaa Association
Milwaukee S. ; Toledo f. -Minneapolis
II. Indianapolis
i m sk a a m
RON GRMMRI.I-ffrfifor
Salem, Orecjon Thursday
Duel Goes to Pirn 2-1
First Partners, Then Opponents
t t.
Bob Falkenburg, left, of Hollywood, Calif-, and Jim Brink of Beat-
tie teamed to win the doubles championship of the national boys
tennis tournament at Culrer, Indiana, then they competed against
each other for the singles' crows. They won tho doubles tHle by
defeating Allen Bichardsoa of Webster Grove, Mo aad Jack Tuere
of New Orleans.
Waters' Appreciation Day Program
" Reset for August 28; Fear McNary
Unable to Attend if Held Earlier
Fear that Senator Charles L. McNary might be. hesitant
about making a public appearance in Salem prior to notifica
tion of his nomination as republican vice president, tht Sa
lem Athletic council yesterday moved the date for the Mr.
and Mrs. George E. Waters appreciation day from August 26
to August 28, the day following his notification ceremonies
at the fairgrounds.
McNary, lifelong friend ot the
Waters family, heads a preten
tious list of guests invited to Sa
lem's day of appreciation for the
family that has given to the com
munity a $80,000 baseball plant
with no strings attached.
The chamber of commerce un
hesitatingly agreed to finance the
day that will begin with a noon
luncheon and end with a Western
International league game be
tween the Senators and Wenat
chee, for which the SAC hopes to
Jam Waters park to its 7000 ca
pacity. All organisations within the
city, including the Business and
Professional Women s club, ar
expected to get back of the ap
preciation day program 100 per
cent. The SAC, backed by the
chamber ot commerce, plans an
advance ticket sale that will can
vas the community.
Included among the guests ex
tended invitations for the lunch
eon and ball game are Governor
Charles A. Sprague, Secretary of
State Earl SnelL State Treasurer
Walter E. Pearson, Msyor W. W.
Chadwick of Salem and Mayor
Joe Carson of Portland.
Betz Bops Jacobs
In Essex Net Go
1 4 p Unseeded Pauline Beta, a
21-year-old blonde from Los An
g e 1 e s , accomplished one of the
major upsets of the tennis season
today when she toppled Helen
Jacobs, of Los Angeles. US cham
pion from 1932 through 1934
and currently ranked No. 2 na
tionally, in straight sets, 9-1, 4-4.
By her victory, Miss Bets
marched into the semi-finals ot
the Essex County club's invita
tion teurnament along with Mary
Hardwick. of England, who elimi
nated Hope Knowles. of Phila
delphia, 9-2, 2-4, 7-5.
It was a sad day for the ex
champion, who also bowed out of
the doubles when Miss Hardwick
and Valerie Scott, the top-seeded
foreign team, defeated her and
Mary Arnold, ot Los Angeles, 4-3,
C-2. ' - - - .
Defending Champion Alice Mar
ble. ot Beverly Hills, Calif., moved
a notch closer to her fourth tour
nament title by beating Helen, Pe-
dersen, et 8tamfordr Conn., 4-i.
9-0. while Dorothy Bandy; - of
Santa Monica, - overcame - Mary-
Arnold, of Los Angeles, 2-4, 9-4.
Both were third round testa.:
In doubles, the national cham
pionship team of Miss Marble and
Sarah Palfrey led the way into
the semi-finals with a 4-2, 9-2 tri
umph over - Loaise Brough Los
Angeles, and Sissy Madden, Bos
ton. . . .- : - ' . , - - ' ;
wmw a "
Morning. August IS. 1940
i ,
Good Hit, No Run
Portland Trouble
Beavers Get 14 Blows, but
Angela Win 6 to 4
With 7 Hit
Portland pounded JaUo Bonettl
for 14 hits tonight but dropped the
second game ot the series to Los
Angeles, 4 to 4. The Angels were
held to seven hits.
Portland 4 14 1
Los Angeles 4 7 2
Harrell, FaUla (9) aad Adams;
Bonettl end Holm.
SACRAMENTO. Aug. 14-i-Wlth
Paul Gregory pitching J-hlt
ball, Seattle defeated Sacramento
here tonight 9 to 1 in the opening
game of a coast league series.
Seattle 4 7 0
Sacramento .. 12 2
Gregory and Campbell;
Schmidt. Riel (9), G abler (9) and
Night game:
Hollywood 2 19
San Francisco 2 9 1
Ardizolia, Tost (2) and Bren
sel; Epperly and Leonard.
SAN DIEGO. Calif., Aug. 14-
(ypV-Nlght game:
Buxton, Darrow (2), Mulligan
(7), Salreson (t) and Conroy;
Thomas and Detore.
Kiwanis One up,
Com9! Title Mix
Just one more rictory will gire
Kiwanis the championship of the
Commercial softbaU league, it was
decided, last night when the XI-J
wanians edged out allies unen i
to 4 in the first ef a three-game
titular series.
Wenger and Applegate gare up
but one blow to the Linen boys,
but errors and walks let la aix
Oregon Legion TitlUt
Head for NTT Tournament
i PORTLAND; ' Aug. IWffV-Th
Oregon American Legion Janior
baseball champions entrained for
Miles ; City, Mont., tonight in
Quest ot the northwest regional
title.- 1 :, 2 J ('''
State honors win be upheld
by Portland Postofflce Pharmacy J
Tie tar orer Oreron City last sun-
dsTi ; Coach Wade
t.a ' wra fnnr afata Mn-
in nm rears. . '
Senator String
Follow Salem's Senators
with this page. Dally batting
Schanz Bests
J. Kraloviteh
Yaks Count Winning Ron
in 9th After Senator
Strategy Fails
Western International
W Li PcC
Spokane 10 .ICS
Taklma 42 tt .942
Tacoma 11 94 .129
8ALKM If 97 .499
Vancouver It 49 .479
Wenatchee 44 72 .299
Wednesday Results
Taklma 2. Salem 1.
Spokane IS, Wenatchee 9.
Vancouver 0-2, Tacoma 11-9.
YAKIMA, Aug. 14-CSV-CharIsy
Schans and Joe Kralovlch staged
a tight pitcher's battle in their
Western International league
clash tonight, but Schans and the
Pippins carried, too much stick
power and won 2-1.
Schans's homer in the sixth was
the only score until the ninth
inning, when Wilson doubled for
Salem aad scored when Llghtner
la the Taklma halt of the ninth.
Johnny Stamper doubled and was
sacrificed to third by Walt Bliss.
Kralovlch intentionally walked
the next two Pippins to fill the
sacks, but the strategy failed.
Knoll. 2b 2
Wilson, ef . ,. , , 2
Harris, lb 4
Llghtner. If 4
Petersen, rf 2
Williams, e , 2
Shinn. 2 b S
Robertson, ss 2
9 19
1 9
1 1
21 12
Reese, lb
Stamper, 2b
Bliss. 2b
Tounkers, e
Weirandt, cf
Whipple. If
B. Johnson, rf
Madrid, ss
Schsnx, p
Totals 27 I T 2T I
One oat when winning r a
Score by Innings:
Salem. 09049499 1 1
Taklma- 99009199 1 2
Summary: Errors Shinn. Har
ris. Runs batted in Schauta,
Llghtner. Whipple. Two ba
hits Stamper 1. Wilson. Home
run Schans. Stolen bases Wll
Hams. Sacrifice hit Schans 2.
Knoll. Bliss. Double plsys Shinn
to Knoll to Harris 2; Shin a to
Harris. Left on bsses Salem f:
Taklma 9. Bases on balls off
Kraloviteh 2; Schans 2. 8truck
out by Kraloviteh 9; Schans 9.
Hit by pitcher Kraloviteh by
Schans. Wild pitch Schans. Um
plres Moran and Clabaugh. Time
or game 1:14.
Oregon Youth May
Win New NYA Jobs
Boys and girls in Oregon com
munities who seek employment on
NYA msy now apply for assign
meat to the resident work-experience
project at Welser, Ida., ac
cording to an announcement by
Iran O. Munro, state NTA ad
The Welser project, operated on
a regional basis, has an enroll
ment of 221 young men and 71
young women. Oregon's quota is
119 youths, of whom about 41
hare already oeen selected, Mun
ro said.
Each youth enrolls fof a period
of at least 12 months, it was an
nouneed, aad the young people
register for rocational training
courses In. occupations of their
own choosing.
Munro explained that enrollees
earn their board, room-and medi
cal care through assignment to
work-experience projects. Maathly
wage Is 939.99. which pro rides
about 19 a month for personal
needs.. V : .
PM Office Whips
; B. Supply, 7-3
Paper Mill Office went one up
oa Building Supply in the playoff
series for -the seeond -half cham
pionship ot the Industrial so ft ball
loop last night, taking a T to 2 de
cision that waa featured by the
home run hitting ot Louis McRae
and Os Merley. -
PM Office ' . t 2
B. Sannlr J . , 2 9
R. Maddy and W. Maddy;
Ritchie and EL. Brown.
. rfe x&pf&e. ocXfsax
i4 tag i9fo fu& awse.
Hubbell Hurls 1-0 Win;
Dodgers Divide 2 Games
W V Pet. W X, Pet.
n.ei. ST ST .444 Cfclemr 4 .4
BtNUl 4S .St4 S. Lotll SI II ,4tS
If. Trk 14 4 . BmIm 41 44 .ISO
PitUk'S 41 -! rkil4l S4 ST .SIT
BOSTON, Aug. 14 King
Carl Hubbell waa the peerless one
again today pitching the Giants
to a 12-innlng five-hit 1-4 vic
tory la the first game ef a doa-
bleheader with the Boetoa Bees.
Manuel Salvo, a Giant cast-off.
beat his old mates la the second
game by 9-0 as he scattered eight
The Hubbell rictory waa re
plete with memories, tor not only
waa Hubbell s rictory reminiscent
ot the good old days of 1922 but
Master Melrln Ott shared Hab's
triumph. Mel, who had been
benched for not hitting, stepped
in ss a pineh hitter in the 12 th.
singled, was sacrificed, to second
and sent home on Frank Dema-
ree's timely blow.'
first game:
New Tork I I 1
Boston 9 4 2
Hubbell aad Odea; Krrickson
aad B sires.
Second garnet
New Tork 9 2 1
Boston 9 9 1
Gumbert, Lynn (7 ). aad Den
ning; Salvo and Berres.
Brooks Divide Two
Brooklyn Dodgers hsd a chance
to cut the first place lead of the
Cincinnati Reds to a mere four
games today, but they blew it
by dividing a doubleheader with
the lowly Phils.
The Brooks took the first one
9-2, but lost the seeond 9-9 due
to their own ineffectual pitching
plus some heroic hitting by John
ny Rixso. who blasted out a pair
of homers. He also got one In
the first game.
That left the Dodgers still a
full fire games behind the Reds,
whose game with Chicago was
rained out today.
First game:
Philadelphia 9 9 4
Brooklyn - 9 9 9
81 Johnson, Frye (9). Beck
(?) and Warren; Fltxalmmona.
Casey (7). Ctrletoa (9) aad
Second game:
Philadelphia 9 11 9
Brooklyn 9 11 9
Pearson, SyL Johnson (4),
Beck (9). Htgbe (9) and War
ren; Davis, - Flowers (4). Head
(4), Carletou (4), Casey (4). and
Cards Win ta 11
ST. LOUIS. Aug. lt-iffy-Pep-per
Martin, making a belated ap
pearance la a parade ot substitu
tions, worked Pitcher Mace Brown
for a walk with the bases loaded
In the 11th Inning tonight to
force la the winning run as the
SC Louis Cardinals shaded the
Pittsburgh Pirates, 7 to 4.
Pittsburgh '., , , , t IT 1
St. Louis T IS 4
(11 Innings.)
SewelL KUnger (2). M. Brown
(9). and Lopes; Fernandas (4.9);
McGee. Doyle (2), Cooper (9),
Shoun (19) aad Owen.
Pete Stpltenbei
Gets HoIe-in-One
DALLAS Tear in. year oat
Pete 8tolteaberg crashed aroaad
golf courses throughout Oregon
bat It wasn't until Sunday that he
brought fame aad a glorious feel
ing to hiatselx, 8uaday Pete
reached the coveted circle of golf
by getting . himself a hole-la-one
oa the eighth- hole of the Oak
Knoll golf course. The eighth
hole Is 192 yards aad Is a - par
three. .
Stoltanberg was playing ta a
foursome consisting of Bob
Woodman. Chuck Simmons, and
Bill Blackley, jr. Stoltenberg fin
ished the alaeth oae over par.
2T. Pete was the winner ot the
Oak Knoll golf champloaahip last
year against a field of 79 some
golf era, - - - . .
Blanks Chicago, 4-0
1 1 i . In":
Camps, Stations
Set f orElk Hunt
Fire Prercntion Steps Arc
Taken by Came, Forestry
Departments of Stat
All steps possible to prevent
outbreak of any fires during the
Clatsop county elk season are
being taken by state game com
mission officials.
With the cooperation ef the
state forestry department, ar
rangements hare been made for
the establishment of at least eight
hof camps where camp fires
may be built . and only cold
camps will be permitted else
where la the hunting area.
.The Clatsop county bull elk
season opens at noon on August
24 and ends September 2. Shoot
ing of cow elk will not he per
mitted in Clatsop county and any
hunter killing cow elk will face
rigorous prosecution.
If a hunter Is unsble to bag
a bull elk in Clatsop eounty. his
bull elk tag will be good in
northeastern Oregon during tne
elk season there, November 1 to
12, inclusive.
Sere Stations
Seren checking stations win be
operated by the game commission
and commission trucks win be
operated In the Saddle Mountain
and Wickiup sections to carry
hunters in and out or tne hunt
lnr districts.
Cheeking stations for Clatsop
county elk season will be In the
following locstlons: Astoria, state
highwsy patrol headquarters;
Seaside, city hall; Wolf creek
highway Junction: XTlsle. Oner's
tavern; Jewell, back room of
Jewell store (a new station);
Blrkenfeld. Shell garage, and
Clatskaale. Clatekanie hoteL
"Hot camps where camp fires
will be permitted will be estab
lished in the following locations:
Beneke creek (hunters msy drive
to camp); Toung's river camp,
northwest of Saddle mountain
(hunters msy drive to this camp
rla Toung's river road); Lewis
and Clark camp, southwest of
Saddle mountain; Eastern ft Wes
tern Logging company camp,
southeast ot Saddle mountain,
aad in the Wickiup - area two
camps will be set up oa the Cali
fornia barrel road and two camps
on the Cooperage road.
Hunters May Take
Guns Into Canada
Sportsmen from the United
States and other countries who
hare been In. the habit ot Tislting
Canada for the hunting season
or for gna club or trap hooting,
may continue to bring their fire
arms with them under the provi
sions ot aa order ta council which
permits the commissioner of the
royal Canadian mounted police to
grant individual permits to bona
fide tourists, according to Dr. &
E MeDanleL president ot the Ore
gon 8 tat a Motor association. Or
dinarily, aliens are prohibited
front carrying firearms la Canada
or baring them ta their posses
sion. Under the new regulations. In
tending hunters aad others desir
ing to bring their firearms, to
gether with a reasonable supply
of ammunition, into the dominion,
are re quired to apply la advance
by letter or telegram to the com
missioner ot customs at Ottawa,
or to the commissioner, royal Ca
nadian mounted police. Otwa.
Each applicant mast state his
name, address and occupation:
purpose aad duration of visit;
declination la Canada; descrip
tion, make, and serial number of
each firearm: aad the prospective
Csnsdlsn froatier port of arrival.
The application should be sup
ported by suitable references
losing Streak Is
Broken by Tigers
Ruffing Horla Yankeea to
Win That Return Them .
to First Dirision
W Li Pet. - W T. 9
CTcreI'4 ST 44 .S04 CVlct SS SI .Sll
wv e Wtaa. 41 SO .444
B1 SS SS -I IT a lmmim AM mt
!- Tarfc ss si jttt rkiMd 41 ss art
C LIVE LAND. Aug. 14-6PV-A1
Smith held Chicago to one kit
here tonight as the pennant-mad
Cleveland Indians beat the White
aoz. 4 to 0. before 19.411 fans.
Jimmy Webb's single in the third
inning cost the left-baa der a per
fect game. He fanned four and
walked only oae la notching his
12 th rictory against firs dt feats.
Chicago . 9,1 1
Cleveland . 4 4 9
IX Smith and Trash; A. Smith
and Hemaley.
Tigers Win 1S-T
DETROIT, Aug. 14 -OP- The
Tigers 1 picked oa the little
Brownies for seren runs In a
merry-go-round eighth laalag to
day to win a loosely played tus
ale. 12 to 7. and stop their losing
streak at four games.
Johnny Whitehead, who pitch
ed a six-inning no-hit game la
his last 1 appearance against De
troit, started for St. Louis today
but was spiked at first base with
Bruce Campbell la the second
and retired. He was knocked un
conscious and carried off the
field. His right ankle was cut
in two places.
- The triumph carried Detroit a
half game closer to the leading
Clerelaad Indiana, who. however,
had still to plsy a night game
with Chicago.
St. Louis L T 11 2
Detroit 12 11 f f
Whitehead. Harris (2). Blld
tlll (4). Lawsoa (7). Cetfmaa
(2) aad Swift; Row. McKaia
(7). Trout (9) aad Tebbetia.
Raffing Stops Boeox
NEW TORK, Aug. 14 -V
Charley : the Red Ruffing kept
the' Yankee winning streak alive
today, humblisg the 'Boston Red
Sox with, six hits to win 2-2. That
was the, third straight win ever
the Sox aad ran the Tankee ric
tory string up to six.
Three of the hits the Sox got
eft - Ruffing were lsapreastra
homers by Lou Finney, Ted Wil
liams aad, Jimmy Foxx. t
Boston 2 4 I
New Tork 2 11 1
Johnson. Galehonse (I) and
Foxx; Ruffing aad Rosar. -
: Lewis TJosner Wins .
-Baddy: Lewis triple in the ninth
inning with two men oa bases
and two out gare the Washington
Senators a I to 2 rictory orer
the Philadelphia Athletics before
2914 fans today. . i
Washington ' 2 11 2
Philadelphia 2 1 7 2
Chas and Early; Potter and
Hiyea. ; '
Chicago at Cleveland night
TJTCT0X2I ssesally peysaesot
A Prudential 2?Tesr
hiertfirei the sce wry te f nmn
ssse. Available ta seiectea
I...ITIA fnaorfug s?tieaaL
Hawaxxsa tnxnTS tsa
far Tae rreeasttat Imuim C
Oaarclaa Ba&aia
1 "s