The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 15, 1940, Page 3, Image 3

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    Prepare Polk
: Fair Exhibits
4H-erg, Community Clubs,
" Show . Interest in .
' Annual Event
DALLAS Preparation for the
Polk county fair to be held again
this year at Monmouth Is almost
complete, according to County
School Superintendent Joslah
Wills. The fair will be held on
Friday and Saturday, August 23
and '24.
It Is expected that the exhibits
at the fair will be excellent this
year as a great deal of interest is
being shown by 4-H club mem
bers, : by various community or
ganizations in the county and by
Individual exhibitors. A new
grandstand and a new livestock
barn have been completed during
the past year and will also do
much to add to this year's fair.' ,t
The Polk county fair board,
composed of L. H. McBee, Jesse
V. Johnson and W. Frank Craw
i ford, are in general charge of the
exhibits while a committee, from
Monmouth, Howard Morlan. Os
car Groves and C. B. Howard, are
working on the entertainment fea
tures. Due to the added features
a very small admission charge will
be1 made this year.
- Different community organiza
tions in the county that have made
reservations for booths at the fair
include the Monmouth grange, the
Rlckreall grange, the Falls City
grange, the Ft. Hill grange, Mt.
. Pisgah Farmer's Union, the Buena
Vista. Farmer's Union. Bridgeport
Farmer's Union, Pioneer Com
munity club, Elkins Woman's
club, Monmouth Thimble club,
- Monmouth WCTU j and the Polk
County Federation of Rural Wom
en's clubs.
Letters are being sent out this
week from the office of County
School Superintendent Joslah
Wills and County Agent W. C.
Leth requesting all 4-H club
members to make their entries on
the day preceding the opening of
the fair so that on the opening
day there will not be any delay In
the Judging of the exhibits. -
J. 8. Goetz has been appoint
ed to arrange the Polk county ex
hibit at tthe state fair
West Salem Court
Activities Heavy
as Wright, Salem, was arrested
Tuesday for driving on the left
side of the button. Arraigned In
the West Salem municipal court
before Acting City Recorder Roy
Douglas, Wednesday morning, he
was fined $7.60 and sentenced
to three days in Jail.
. Because he. used profane lan
guage on the front steps of the
West Salem city hail, Wright was
also cited to the justice court of
Judge Elmer D. Cook. There he
was fined $5 and $4.85. costs.
Also cited to appear In the
West Salem Justice court is W.
O. "VBrlttain, " axle, .overload , of
1 Jl 0 founds on rear " truck axle ;
and a John Doe warrant has been
filed by Ethel Barker for the
theft of a $150 diamond ring.
In municipal court, the follow-j
tag- were tried and paid 91 fines
for parking in restricted zones:
Harold B. Wright, . Jefferson;
John Coleman, Salem, and S. U.
Leek, West Salem.
Mrs. Schneider
Dinner Hostess
HAZEL GREEN At the Joseph
Schneider home Mrs. Schneider
and Mr. W Striber of Silverton
were honor guests to a birthday
dinner. Other guests were Mr. and
Ben Zohner and Mrs. L. S. Schar
back, all of Silverton, and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Looney and
daughter Mary Ann have return
ed . from Taber, Alberta, where
they were guests of Mrs. Looney's
Harvest is just beginning there,
.they report, with prospects of an
average yield of wheat.
t::e ksasette cf ccstueIb
V - 1
- - -
1 .. , . Mpi - . (
I , " , ' ', - A. Uboratoiy tes. Casds ; I ,
EXTRR coouiess z&t -?1 -.. I
- -r
t - i .
One of the, nine prrtty girls may become qaeen of the Independence Hop fiesta to be held August 28 to
81. They are, left to right : Top row Gertrude Ueuteraanm, Dorothy Smaller of Salem, and Donma
Melsha; middle row Eleanor Hall, Dale Power of Monmouth, and Beverly Kelley; bottom row June
Travis, Vera Brown and Jackie Brooks. The queen and her court of five princesses will be chosen at
the fiesta princess ball at Kent! hall next Thursday night. Candidates whose photos were not available
yesterday Included Kathleen Harris and Winifred MetselL both Xtt Independence. Jestcn-MlUcr
i photos.
Odd Fellows Hold
Picnic Gathering
DALLAS Between 160 and
$00 were present for the annual
picnic of the Polk county Odd
Fellows Visiting association held
Sunday at the Dallas city park.
A picnic dinner was held at
noon followed by a program and
sport events.
J. Paul Bollman of Dallas, presi
dent, presided at the jprogram.
This Included the singing of
"America" led by Mrs. C. Irvine;
welcome by Carl S. Graves of Dal
las; talks by J. H. Nelson of Mc
Minnvllle, grand treasurer; by El
mer Pyne of Springfield, deputy
grand , master, and C .L. Starr of
Portland; two vocal solos by Miss
Kadine Thomas of Dallas accom
panied by Mrs. W. L. Pemberton
of Dallas; reading by Mrs. Chris
tensen of McCoy.
Following the program different
sport events were held with prizes
awarded the winners.
They Aspire to Hop Fiestas
inn ii iii i iii ii. .mi iwumi urn.
.- .-.- A-'-.'. . '.
Fanners Union
LIBERTY The annual state
Farmer's union picnic will be held
at Champoeg state park Sunday,
August 18. The day will begin
with junior sports at 10 a.m. Bas
ket lunch at 12:30. The state or
ganization will furnish the coffee
and cream as usual.
The afternoon program will
get underway with the assembly
by President Harley Llbby; flag
salute and song by audience.
Five minute talks by county
presidents are scheduled as well
as a program number from each
An effort is being made to se
cure a speaker from the national
FU organization.
Farmer Union members
throughout the state are invited
to attend.
LIBERTY The speaker for
this week's Farmer's Union radio
program will be Eben Ray of Dal
las, chairman of the board of di
rectors of the Oregon Farmers'
Union Cooperative association. He
will speak for 15 minutes Thurs
day, August 15, at 7:15 p.m. over
ardlo station KOAC.
Farmer's Union program are
sponsored by 'the state organiza
tion and go on the. air the third
Thursday of each month during
the station's regular farm hour.
Hymnal Dedication
Is Sunday's Topic
UNIONVALE Next 8unday at
10 a.m. the dedication f 75 re
cently purchased song books.
The American Hymnal, will be
held with a musical service at the
local Evangelical church.
The pastor. Bev. V. A. Ballan-
tyne, will address the congrega
tion on the importance of singing
and music in church service, and
following the close of the Sunday
night services he will show two
reels of ' pictures taken at the
Jennings Lodge camp meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred wlthee
spent from Saturday until Mon
day night with their son-in-law
and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Magnesa and family-at Paci
fic City. -,
Two Girls Born at p
Silverton Hospital :
SILVERTON Mr. and - Mrs;
Charles Bchmedlcke are announ
cing the birth of a daughter born
at the Silverton hospital Monday.
Hr. and Mrs. Bernard. Senano
vlch are announcing the birth of
a girl at the; local . hospital - Sat
urday, and Mr.-- and Mrs. Donald
Hatton are reporting the birth cf
daughter, Friday.. t.- h '
Herbert Walbel Is at the hos,
pltal for medical attention and
Otto Lucht submitted to an emer
gency major Sunday nlghU. , '
' " j .'" . j ' I" '!''
Son Born, i Silverton
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
Henry shllta of Scotts Mills are
reporting the birth of a son at
the EllvertoB hospital Tuesday.
Jt : '
Pratnm Church to
Be Rededicated
PRATUM Finishing touches
have been put on the Mennonite
church here in preparation for
Its rededlcatlon on August 15.
This will be a red letter day
In the history of the church. The
building has been reconstructed
and enlarged to a point at which
the old section Is scarcely recog
Members of the Mennonite
congregation believe they now
have the finest rural ehurch In
Marion county.
The church has a large Sunday
school and anticipates a promis
ing future in Its remodeled home
Past Noble Grand
Club Has Picnic
MOLALLA The Past Noble
Grand club of Oak Rebekah lodge
No. 169 held a picnic Wednesday
at Ridings park on the Molalla
river. A potluck dinner was served
at noon and the afternoon was
spent in boating, swimming and
Present were Mrs. S. B. Powers
and daughter. Colleen, Mrs. Tom
Ridings, Mrs. P. J. Breen and
daughter, Joanne, Mrs. Vic Brod
korb and son, Clare, Mrs. Kate
Adams, Mrs. Stanley Ray, Mrs.
Ernest Smith, Mrs. Frank Dick
ens, Mrs. E. R. Todd and son,
Bobby, Mrs. George Farley, Mrs.
Ruth Ballah and children, June,
Billy and Jack, Mrs. Rossle
Damm, Mrs. Clara Bobbins and
son, Gerald. Mrs. J. O. Noe, Mrs.
Earl Stowe and sons, Bobby and
Melvin. Mrs. Ray Austin, Mrs.
John Ridings, Mrs. Charles H.
Albright, Mrs. Clyde W. Kendall,
Mrs. Harry Pederson, Mrs. Ben
Llndland and daughters, Darlene
and Dolores.
Spring Grain Crop
Poor, Fox Valley
FOX VALLEY Threshing at
the John Warden farm In Fox Val
ley concluded the grain harvest
in this vicinity last week and
yields were poor for spring-sown
grain." "
Several farmers are dry-plowing
their ground and plan to sow
English rye grass this falL
xtr anif Mra. Earl Ran drier and
son Allan. Mrs. Peart Humphreys,
Mr, and Mra.. Clair uumpnreys,
all of Salem, were Thursday even
ing callers at the J. XL Johnstons.
Betty and Leland Humphreys re
turned home with their .parents.
f -.,1 "' ... . . I ' "' - '
." i , Ilay, on" Radio
LIBERTY Farmers and
Farmers Union members will be
interested In hearing Eben Ray,
chairman of the board of direct
ors of the Oregon Farmers Union
Cooperative association, give a
l-mlnute talk over KOAC Thurs
day, August 15, at 7:15 p. m. He
will ! speak during the station's
farm hour, using the regular pro
gram time sponsored by the Stats
Fanners Union. - ' - " '
:y --'-'V" -':' 'v-:- ' .JT- : v ' ": 7',
; -f- ,.'-V.f':. f ' :''
Douris Speaks
At Homecoming
Addresses Union Service
for; Big Brother
Farm Group;; "
' LEBANON Donald Douris of
the Ladd & Bush bank In Salem
was the principal speaker Sunday
when anion services were held in
the Methodist church as a part
of the homecoming of the Big
Brother farm. A. year ago he at
tended the International Youth
Conference .In Amsterdam, and
this year he was named Salem's
first junior citizen. .. .
With him came Richard YTIch-
ler of Bingham ton. NY, a divin
ity student who also -attended the
conference in Holland. He is now
-following the fruit" in order to
study , first hand the problems of
the migratory workers.
' Ernest Burgard . of Portland,
chairman of the association of
former "farm boys . also spoke
and expressed appreciation, not
only of . Mr. and Mrs. Lyon and
their work but also of such
friends; as Mr. and Mrs. O. R.
Bebb of Shedd . who have for
years taken an active Interest In
the farm and were present at the
reunion. Lloyd ' Betty, who la well
known- In Portland musical cir
cles sang ."The .Lord's Prayer. .
The Other music was by the choir
and congregation.
Judge Donald Long of the
court of domestic relations In
Portland spoke to the boys and
their friends in the afternoon at
the farm. He was accompanied by
Daniel Northrop of the Portland
juvenile court. Judge L. L. Swan
ot Albany was another speaker.
The homecoming festivities be
gan Saturday afternoon. As is
the custom, there was a ball
game between former boys and
boys now at the farm. This time
the alumni won, the, first time In
four years. In ; the ' evening Mr.
and Mrs. Dennle Cormier pro
vided ice cream and cake for
everyone and then Mr. Cormier
showed pictures taken in Hawaii
and other places he has visited.
Most of the guests for the
homecoming were from Salem,
Portland, Corvallls, Shedd. Al
bany, Halsey and Mill City.
A false fire alarm was turned
In to the department shortly af
ter noon Tuesday. Some children
thought they saw a fire in the
Shanks house on Second and
Vine streets.
The trustees of the Presbyter
Ian church held their August
meeting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Bohle. Dinner was
served on the lawn; Mrs. N. M.
Newport and Mrs. David Reid
assisted Mrs. Bohle. Mrs. Clara
Cheadle was an additional guest.
Mrs. V. C. Simpson and Mrs.
Ben Scott of Berkeley and San
Francisco, who came north when
their father, W. E. Heinrlch, was
seriously 111. are still with their
parents, though Mr. Heinrlch is
much improved.
Mrs. Fred Pen fold was assist
ed by Mrs. Luther Keith when
she entertained the Past Noble
fs made with costly
Many say this Brown Derby Pilsner
equals the finest of imported. We in
vite you to make the comparison for
yourself. At our risk.
Pour out a sparkling glassful. Take
a big, generous swallow. Unless you
enthusiastically agree this beer is as
fine a Pilsner as claimed above, your
purchase price will be refunded.
This offer we believe isafe for us.
We think you'll agree that here is a
fine, satisfying brew, a true Pilsner.
Your kind of beer. "
' Make this test today af our risk.
Vs h SsUm Brtwrjff 5Vtr
Grands clab . last week. Nineteen
were Present, Including Mrs. Ben
Scott .of San Francisco. A dessert
luncheon was served. -
. Mr. and Mrs. George wagner
entertained at dinner tor Mr. and
Mrs, - Boss - Wagner'- and Fred
Simpson; of Monroe. - . . .,
- Mr. and Mrs. -Fred G laser, mis
sionaries from Africa spoke at
the Assembly of God church Sun
day night. .A number, of former
neighbors In the Sand Ridge com
munity drove over for the service.
A son, Ralph, was born August
Cth to Mr. and - Mrs. . Edward
Jungworth ot Lacomb, and Gary
Lee . wa born to Mr. and Mrs.
Ellsworth Powell ot Portland - In
the Lebanon hospital.
' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Donaca and
Mn and Mrs. XL L. LaForge are
the. grand parents of a new baby
born In Portland to Mr. and Mrs.
Wlllard Donaca. ; The baby has
been, named Ronald LawTenee. "
. Percy - Shields Is unable to
work since injuring his arm. He
was caught in a reel at the paper
mllL - ; - . - - '
The il: W.- and Alec Densmore
families are entertaining Mr, and
Mrs. : Snow, of . California, - the
brother-in-law and sister of the
Densmore men, -Burleigh . Dens
more drove. cT with his .ancle
and aunt. "
Roy Crockett, who was brought
to the' Lebanon- hospital with an
Injured foot. Is Improved enough
to go home. At first it . was
thought his. foot was broken. It
proved to be only a sprain. -
- Mrs. Donald - Twentyman and
baby are .visiting her mother,
Mrs. C. C. Whltcher. They arriv
ed last week from their home In
Rochester, Minn.
' Mr. and Mrs. John Madlgan of
Medford visited his mother, Mrs.
D. C. Madlgan, and bis sisters.
Miss Catherine Madlgan and Mrs..
Margaret Miller,
League Camp Ends
At Beach Resort
r I J : !
! i ' -f tl
i HAZEL GREEN The senior
league of the Japanese' church has
completed its summer camp at
Rev. T. Horikoshl and Mrs.
Horikoshl were leaders and Hl
roshi Kaneko was general chair
man. The committees were transpor
tation, Ko Tada; food, Roy Ken
eka, Toshie Toshlkal: program,
Kate Kyono, Joe Tada.
Others going were Richard
Ogura, Toyoko Kawata, Martha
Imagawa, Harry Kaneko, Harry
Harada. Anna Takarama, Tom
Imagawa, Lorraine and Betty
Camping at the beach and join
ing In the Sunday services were
Mr. and Mrs. Imagawa, Mrs. Taka
yama and Kenay, Mr. and Mrs.
Kyono, and children Sakae, Ray
and Susanna. Mr. and Mrs. Tom
my Ogura.
HiroshL TakashL Massa and
Utaka Kyono are visiting the San
Francisco fair.
Miss Eml Tada has recovered
sufficiently to be brought home
from the Emmanuel hospital in
Portland. Miss Tada was seriously
ill from blood poisoning.
a true European-type
brewed in America
and lively beer. A beer you
can tell is superior by the way it
adds to the enjoyment of foods i
hops selected for delicacy
flavor. . . brewed just-right
in taste . . . pale, almost
champagne-like in body
Grenz Family Has
Reunion in
Mrs. Eva GrenzV 84 ih
; Birthday Honored 'V'
N by Children ; r
TALBOT Descendants i of
Mrs. Eva Grens held their an
nual family reunion In Bryants
parktn Albany Sunday. The oc
casion was also the S4th birth
day anniversary of Mrs.. Grens.
- Mrs. Grens was born In Odessa,
Russia, ' August 11. -lSSf and
came with her family to this
country' about 89 years ago. She
has lived n the Talbot commun
ity for the past 42 years. She pow
makes her home - with her son.
Charles Grens. : . . i ..-
"A"" basket dinner was served at
noon. The - program consisted of
group, singing; Lee . Grens. - read
ing the 103rd Psalm songs by
Roberta McGuire and Carol Am
nions; reading by H-e n r y Bor
dane; 'German songs, by Schnei
der and ottllb Grens; reading
by-Mra. "W. F.-Grens; song by
Marjorie Grens;-songs and guitar
accompaniment by - Gertrude and
Harry Schneider, and - German
songs' by Mrs. - Eva Grens, Gott
lib Grens and Mrs.. Fred Schnei
der. I ... . . . . . : . r
The same officers were retained
for the coming; Tear; They art:
president, Lee Grens of Jeffer
son; secretary," Mrs. Oren Smith
ot ScravelhilL
Sports of rarlous kinds ' were
enjoyed during the afternoon. .
TsM prttamt for tfca ar vr: Mr.
Ets Grems, Mr. ui Mra. ChkrUs Grots
ui ckUaxcm. Hrm. H. H. Hutptn
gnaSMB. VtricHtBptnr i Talb, Mr.
m4 Mn. Xiam Ttmm ( McM iaaTill.
Mr. X UMkUfw amc E4 Siaau, MT.
Itm &tkrock MS Pslin Ktrrt (
PortUss, Mr. sa4 Mn. Grf Coastr.
Mr. u4 Ut.r Artkv Coutr, ss4 ba
iiy, aa Hit. Tnmk. Kataef m4. mam.
Daavar; Mrj AWzaadar of Millar arc
Mr. a Mrs. Hearr Aaau aa4 fsaiilr.
Mr. sb Mrs. Joaa Graas aa4 (taUr, Mr.
sat Mrs. G4frcr Greas SB 4 family. Mr.
aa Mrs. WiUism Graas aa4 caildraa.
Mrs. aacia Greas s ssacstar. Mr.
ss4 Mrs. lraa Smita, Mr. aa4 Mra. Lm
6ras af JartarMa. Mr. aa Mrs. Cari
Maaer. friicii Eidy aa4 Irria Ariff af
Haskiaa. Mr. sad Mrs. -irtr Jekasoa
aa4 raiUraa, Mrditk and Esri mt Laka
LabUk, Mr. saa Mrs. Hearr Borsaas
sa ckUdrea saa Mr. sad Mrs. WsHer
KeiaU af Waat rir; Mra. Storskill. Mr.
na Mra. RaaaU MeGolra af Alkaar. a
Mr. aad Mrs. Fre4 Sckaaiser af Saieaw
Find Spider Bite
Report Is Untrue
WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs.
Lyman Shorey left last weekend
for Salt Lake City, when they
heard that their daughter. Mrs.
Frank Butterfield, was bitten1 by
a blaek widow spider.
It was found that she has rab
bit fever, caused by a tick bite,
rather than being bitten by a
Mr. and Mrs. Shorey will re
main there for the rest of this
Mr. Arthur Chappelle, radio op
erator on the steamship SS Han
ley, Is In Woodburn on a montha
vacation. He . Is visiting his mo
ther, Mrs. Clara Chappelle.
Dr. and Mrs. Orr, formerly of
and )SFr I
- e mr jm iw m mr- s mi ' . Mr m-t a. .
Woodburn, now living In Uvr
more, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Orr and son of Albany,
attended the Presbyterian church
services Sunday and spent the'
rest ot the day visiting eld.
: Mrs. Clara Bonn and grandson
Billie KltxeL returned Sunday
evening from Portland when Mra. '
Bonn haa been visiting her daugh
ters, Mrs. Fred NItiel and Mrs.
Charles Gorman,, for ' the past
ek. Miss Louise Miller, her sis
ter and a missionary from In
dia, accompanied her.
' MUs . Donna Gene Ernest left -Tuesday
to spend several days
visiting friends in Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. Arista Nendel ac
companied Mr. Glen Thompson,
who has been visiting the Ken
del's and his mother, Mrs. Mills
from : Salem, to Rufus over Sun
day and Monday. Mrs. Mills will
visit her son In Rufus tor a week
or two. 1
Independence Girl
Tells Engagement
Mrs. Casper Fllnk of Monmouth
announce the engagement ot their
daughter. Miss Hilda - FUnk to
John H. Noon, son of Mra. M. K.
Faulkner of Portland. The wed
ding date has been set for Sep
tember 12 and will be solemn
ized in Portland.
Miss Fllnk and her parents
were ' formerly residents ot Inde
pendence. Mr. Noon Is an em
ploye ot the Western Union Tele
graph company In Portland, where
the couple will reside , following'
their marriage. . -. .
:. Miss Fllnk has been spending
a week's vacation with her par
ents, being, employed ; in Port
land. -
Mr. and - Mrs. Gordon Fin lay
and daughters will leave shortly
for Nyssa, where he will have
charge of the band Instruction ta
the grade and high schools.
. Miss -.Freda Campbell, daughter
of William F. Campbell, arrived
Thursday from New York, where
she has been employed ? the past
three years in the New York libr
ary. After several days visit with
the Campbells, she will entrain
tor Seattle) where ahe has accept
ed a position at the University of
Washington library, a position ahe
held before going to New York.
"; Mrs. J. N. Jones had as recent
guests Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cham
bers of Eugene and the Misses
Katberlne and Grace Jones of Cor
vallls. i . - -
Assumption Feast
; Will Be Observed
ST. LOUIS The feast of the
Assumption will be observed at
the Catholic church here Thursday
morning, August 15. with mass at
7 a. m. Rev. MeGrenra will con
duct services. f
- Miss Ann Gollk ot Helena.
Mont.. Is visiting her brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and ! Mrs. Jo
seph Gollk end daughter, Rosa
marie of St. Louis. . - .
: Miss Mary Gollk who was visit
ing here previously, returned last
week to her home In Helena. .
li 1:
1 '!
; I
i .