; ; ! Tli 02EG0II STATESMAN. iktoauV Oregon. Tzlday Morning. August 8 XS13 PAGE E2GIITEE7I V Program Is Given As Votes Counted Solos. Group Numbers in impromptu staging , at Mt. Angel -MT. ANGEL All Mt. AngeV turned out Wednesday night to listen to . an Impromptu amateur program while the rotes that de cided who-waa to make up the rpyal - court of Flaxarla were be ing: counted. s- ;The. entertainment, was gNen on an outdoor stage erected on the north aide of the city hall. Jo seph Berchtold, son of Mayor Berchtold, acted as master of cer emonies. : :The opening n timber, "Ameri ca," was sung by Sam Wells, who also gave a number of other vo cal numbers later on the program. The flaxseed comical band was a big hit. The band Is composed of Andy Schmidt, Andrew Wach ter, Lawrence Cooler, Ollie Seifer, BobDlehL Virgil Goo ley and Ed Hanken. Another popular group was the quartet consisting of K i 1 1 a n Smith, Frank Slahy of. ML Angel, Ed Lais of Silrerton and Johnnie Wymarof Sheridan. . Miss Pauline Jones, princess In last year's festival and, an accom plished singer, sang "At the Bala laika! and rWishing." . Among other numbers were "Playmates," sung by three little girls,' Maxlne Schwab, Betty Has sler and Lola Travis; I tap dance by Mona Jean Hassingj vocal so los by Mrs. Fredi, Lucht; chorus by Miss . Eustelle Bautnan, Miss Pauline Saalfeld,' Raymond Roth enfluch, . Raymond Terhaar and Tony Bigler; Instrumental trio, KUian Smith. Lester Herigstad and Howard Hewitt. - Ed Lais accompanied the vocal selections on his piano accordlan. 'After the -announcement of the winner was made and. Queen Dor othy and her court were present ed -the crowd turned to old-fashioned street dancing to round out the night. - Farmers Union News Fuchsias Specialty Of Garden . RICKREALL Mrs. E. A. Stenson has a lovely flower gar den this summer. Her special col lection this year is fuchsias, of which she has 27 varieties, in cluding many new and unusual hues and shapes. Lyons News ' LYONS Miss Grace Murphy from Superior, Wis., Is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue. She is a cousin of Mr. Naue. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crabtree and daughter Cleta Marie and Betty, Jean Bodeker spent Sunday at Clear lake. They also visited ether lakes and came home by way of the South Santlam high way. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and sons Dale and Cecil and Mar lon Martin spent Saturday and Sunday at Netarts. - Miss Jean Lewis of Eugene spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Hallln. She was a guest of Miss Genevieve Hallln. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Stevens and -daughters Lois and Hallle left Saturday morning for San Francisco where they will visit relatives and take in the fair. The Santlam Valley grange met Friday night at the Rebekah hall. A report of the building committee was given. Good pro gress is being made on the ball bat rolunteer carpenters are wanted. Melbo Ram bo, who la employ ed by the Mt. Jefferson Lumber company, broke a bone In his left leg Monday. He was taken to a doctor In Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith visit ed at the Big Brother farm at Lebanon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lyon of Portland are In charge there. Mrs. Lyon and Mrs. Smith are sisters They also visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed - Barrett in Albany. Clifford Bauer from South Da kota, visited Sunday with his wife and daughter Evelyn Mae en route . to . Klamath Falls, where he - expects to find employment. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Surry, t ... .... - . . . ua, xuuie ana ieonarp apeni Sunday enjoying a picnic, at Sut tle lake. . . , Mr. and .Mrs. W. E. Long and oa Dick from Oregon City visit ed relatives In Lyons Sunday en route home from the Breltenbuah hot springs. Mr. Long Is a nephew oi uimer, Amos ana v;narue matt. Bobble Brassfield, son of Mr. and Mrs.- Merl Brassfield, with his aunt and uncle from Salem left Sunday morning for Califor nla" where they will visit relatives and take in the fair. " 'A 'successful outing was re ported by those who attended the annual Junior ' Farmers Union camp July 29 to August. 2. at Camp Cleawox. About were registered from over the state for instruction and recreation. Mrs Jessie Williams is the state leader. Club at Riclu-eall Honors Birthdays piPKnwAM, . The birthdays of Mrs. Arthur Beaver and Mrs. Delbert Shelton were observed by the HEC at the grange hall with , a special dinner - and a shower of teapots to Mrs. Shelton and vases to Mrs. Beaver, their hobbies. Out-of-town guests present com Mr. and Mrs. Omer Bewley of Warm Springs. Mrs. Roy Lants and Jimmy or Eugene, jars.v Vir ginia Lants and Bonnie of Burns. Mrs. Elizabeth Holland, ac companying ' Cleo Sheagg and Bunita Jones of Corvallis, left Sunday for Treasure Island world's fair at San Francisco, Calif. . . Mr-amf Mrs Efton Elchor and daughter Mickey, who have spent the past ten cays nere whb.bii mother and . sister, Mrs. Sarah Elchor and Mrs. J. E. Ragsdale, started their trip home Sunday morning.- They visited many of DrAiron'i beauty spots while here. Including Bonneville dam. Pastor Selected, Jefferson Church TwvirFTisnM Mr. and Mrs. P Thurston and daughter MU- drtdjtfeni sunaay iifivowci" beach; visiting at the nome of-Mr. and Mrs. Marion McQuary and family Elaine and Teddy. Mrs. Virgil Rhoades, sister of Mr. Thurston, joined them at Wald port. . Members of the Christian ehureh have elected Rev. Jim WMteaker of Bakersfield. CaliL. as pastor of the local Christian church, taking tne piace oi - . Wetherell, who resigned. Mr. and un Whttakr nlan to live in Eu gene, where he will attend North west Christian college, spenaing the weekend in Jefferson. nnn Smith, son of Mrs. Irvine Wright, is spending this week in Turner at the boys' encampment. which is sponsored by tne ciass of the Church of Christ in Albany. Burton Thurston of Jefferson is one of the instructors at the camp. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brooks of Portland were callers Tuesday on old time friends, Mrs. Lydia Hoyt and Miss Lou Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lamb and rfanrnter of Tillamook were Sun day guests at the home of their grandmother. Mrs. s. ci. fiensen, and other relatives in this district. Mothers of Boys In Scouts Meet DA T.T.A S Members of the Boy Scout Mothers' club were enter tained at the home of Mrs. Myr tle Smith Monday afternoon. At tractive arrangements of summer flowers were used about the rooms. At the business meeting plans were made for the annual benefit tea which will be held this year on Thursday afternoon. August IS. The remainder of the afternoon was spent Informally with a pleas ant tea hour following. Members present Included Mrs. C. W. Smith, Mrs. R. H. Wheeler. Mrs. Harry Plnkerton, Mrs. Cecil .Dunn, Mrs. V. Ray Boydston, Mrs. Frank Farrls. Mrs. D. L. Wheeler. Mrs. Cecil Rlggs, Mrs. Melvln Cut ler, Mrs. Ray Gohrke, Mrs. Clar ence Smith' and the hostess, Mrs. Myrtle Smith. New Postmaster Goes on Duty BROOKS Homer E g a n. the newly appointed postmaster for the Brooks post office, took over his new duties August 1. Carl As plnwall Is the retiring postmaster, having served here for 15 years. ' Brooks' also: has a new mall carrier on route one, Dewey Da vis, a former carrier for route sev en, Salem. Mrs. Monroe Ward Is very 111 at her home east f - Brooks. Mrs. Ward was president of the Brooks Ladles Aid for many years.- Charles W. Wetterman. nation al representative of : the : Town send national recovery plan, will speak and show moving pictnre at the regular meeting of the Brooks Townsend club Thursday night in the school house. Brown Sugar, 3 lbs... 12c Calumet Baking Powder, 1-lb. tin 17a disco. Spry or Snowdrift, 1-lb. tin S9c Orange Juice, 4C-os X23e Noodles, 1 4-ox -r15c Xlancho Soup, 4 forJL25s Marshmallows, cello.:i0c Tomato' Juice, 15-o Be Air Flight Coffee, z lbs. 25c Maca Yeast, 2 for. Oysters, S-os. can Drano l..J,".,'...., Honey, S lbs , Fruit ars, qta.... tnnim T JSC 10c .20c JS&c .70c .j6Se Penhr Salmon, t for. 29c 41 e Ins Baby Food, S forsOo Small White Beans, 4 lbs. JZSc Large White Beans, 4 lbs. 19c Fresh Tomatoes, S lbs.10c Spear Melons, giant sise, 3' for 25c Potatoes, SO lbs 40c Sugar, 10 lbs 40c 100 lbs. 4. Kitchen Queen. 49's . 1.29 Oregon Star Flour, 4f's 1.19 Valley Rose Flour, 4s'a 1.09 Crackers, 2-lb. salted, ..... 15c Jar Rubbers, 3 for 10c Place yoar order for those Famous Halo sukI Elbert Peaches from Um t Aaplnwall Orchard Phone 21133 fPUIlE LiinO v .V. ' j 4 lis. 29c LDIICIISOirriEATS, arscrlci IS. 25 c EEEF nOAST, izzZzr. Ib. : . . IGc ' . . PRICES GOOD FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY . . ' Opes Every' Tay of tlio . Tear i. in 9 pan. We Reaerve the Right . ' to Limit Qoan titles : v'f. fir r K i ; , r V . - V.-.s.-'i ;-.-'- 1 "A "Phew I Lliglity liotdays---aiid you certainly wantiT " I. - to keep out of the ldtclicri". You can, end. till:,: r "cope, with the"family'$ sluggisli appetites f J-;.r-.yon'hop thii cdCltVchock-fnll of-fobdithat rei ; .rquireViiiiniinuni jprepration : it's chock fall of ." value for vouf household budti! -7 i . I " j 'Z. " -." - 7. ' - w - .s . t - v -w : , . S'- " s' .. ' ' r. J . ' 4 & mmmm isa tsi lUf' " " Ready : to Eat - r - i PSA. True Hot Weather i.J ., j-.Vf Special I ' ''liljlf ; y pwif t's - 1;; ' 1-:. Vi cr rWhole .; ; v Let U3 Baltc Yony Ilaras bltiun et tnwee . T.Largey Tender, Yearling Lambs a) : -if Steaks' d Roasts 27Hc li. Rib or : -Lcin Chops', j. - - t - - - .2Sc I2j. ' ;. LEG :29.C;Ibe.j : : Only 'a LimiUd Scpply Order' Early Dills ! 10 C 'crl. 1 t V'SvccIS;: ! Sweets ; . L ,V . w t' i' . r'i ..' -. . ,1'''' ,;)''L."'i,"i'f ''if- r. . .y. " - V : -: - l 1 J J w. v. ---i T i r rj rir-j r 3 . . V y:-- -n ! . . :;t1 . VT ' i r- ...11- -. 'v-t :-L -' LIU U i 1- Fancy! Local White: 'fprva TTiXJ Jumbo Stalks tiMjiLlLiai , Ranch t jr. 1 V ... Delieiously Ripe 1 Eachi.;..;r;: CaiiTMODPIS 50-lbr bag .:;:-...v.U. CJJ V I i, . i - as AGTeriisea ia , 7 TTTv'-rv V" J Life llaj;aziae . . , A. .-; . i. i- ' -t.r i" ;.". - V . ' . ' .1 , - a Enhi:"-End! Dcil: v X''l 2 " f :r "25 CJ : ; - . Loads of Dolled Frbstlns .jw-- a. m w v f- t - .... ri ' f -r r" - r" "-.. .-.V"'' r j aCvil 'ibw le1 , sr . irr J v;::t3 cr T,:.da r.'Lcit II',." O - 1. . - Lc if 0 j Leaf w . - n ' i - i i. . fl s W 4 1 1 fee 'SB . 4 f ' t V e 1 - . A . . mm -S m t 4 , - ' f ; 7- SnTSsrl ,rr i y : ISz-t , A C:UCCV5 CIATr-TO-IAT f. LT aCi 1 1 fc . V-r 4 m vf ti a f . 9 r r JcU-0,: 6 cloli-p Olivers . 50 :Ein,::EarnniioaSidl .tdzs 20 iCCCO-IIIl DriakltCbld l0He f-jL) 0 I 2-cnolo ; aJmc3 : sciiist .O-oz.1 2.9 r mm mm - I - ' . . . '. ' -'. . . M ' . ' L wU V y t.tt.i.w f . tmtflg kMt fcaeir a' V k i., W If Msiikw..w. ww ' . V SmJI sVi JF r u .J i , p f . ; r s 5 f - -- SS- " P I ' ' 7 "--r' ' J f ' ' " k.. i r j . 4m .J 4 V W HHbd im- -S e ? v, ' . ') f" 4T a i ft .... . ' sW r w r tt ... i - 0. C7 i 7 i 4 - )T . t J . . 1 ' t f t (f " . f J sV-4a -m - 4 ttf s- . :: . t - . 1 ' 4 t . V i