The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 06, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Nevvo , Briefs
Many Permits GivenBuilding
nermita wen hmi imii. k.
the city building; department to
Joha Welns to erect garage at
1578 North Front, 1400; Norma
A. Fowler to erect 1 H story
dwelling and garage jat 1(80 Jef
ferson street, 2000; L&la La
Branee to reroof dwelling 752
South 18th street, $35; George
Hull to erect one-story dwelling
and garage at 1690 Saginaw
street, 14000; Walter Pugh to re
roof garage at 44X North Htb
street,- 40; Morris Walker to
erect one-story dwelling and ga
rage at 2221. ChemekeU street,
12900; Gladys If. Hug to reroof
aweiimg at 1241 South Commer
cial street, 75; Don Maxwell to
alter dwelling at 1190 Colonial
arenue. 200; Harry Read to
erect ne-storv dwelling at K3 6
-North Front street, $500; George,
ruwim to repair store building
at 2(0 North Liberty street, $700;
F. N. Derby to repair roof of
dwelling at 245 North Winter
tit. O -rr 11 .
roof dwelling at 1077 North Sum
mer street, $100; W. E. Arehart
to repair -roof of dwelling at 925
Union street. $35; V. A. Johnson
to -alter; dwelling at 2277 North
Liberty street, $20; Deweese Mar
tin iw repair ruui ui aweuug a.
580 South 17th street. $40; Al
bert Lyons to reroof dwelling at
2054 North Church street. $35.
Lots florist. P. 9592. 127S N.Ub
Chairs Missing Nineteen of
the 40 steel chairs borrowed from
the armory for thai- benefit of
bandsmen playing- at the court
house are missing but the re
mainder hare been returned, ac
cording to Tom Hill, band and
drum corps chairman for the Cen
tennial. The chairs, each marked
S.A.B.. were distributed among
the crowd watching the parade
Saturday afternoon Hill has re
quested that persons knowing
anything of the missing chairs
notify him at Hill's candy store
on North Capitol 'street.
File for Water George Maid
en, Holland, has filed application
with the state engineer here to
appropriate 50 second feet of
water from Althouse creek and
an unnamed ereek, tributary of
the Illinois river, for mining ou-
rations in Josephine county.
Mrs. M. O. Larklns. Hillio,
would appropriate 150 gallons of
water per minute from Mill creek
tributary ot the Molalla river, for
the Irrigation of lands In Clacka
mas county.
Safety -of your sayings Is Insured
at Salem Federal. 120 8. Liberty.
Ob Police Book Booked by
lice on charges of violation of ba
sic rule are L y n n L. Hamilton.
139 6 Tlr street, and Dana Saun
ders, 1245 State street, "Clarence
O. Gildea, Oregon City, and Wil
liam X. Bradt, Portland, are
eharged with reckless driving.
Jennie A. Rullfson, 82, at the
residence, route two, Saturday,
August 3. Widow of the late Mel
Tin W. Rullfson Survived by
children, Ruth and E. M. Rullfson
of Salem and Le Roy C. Rullfson
of Portland; grandchildren, Dor
othy Jean, Robert Le Roy and
Lois Marie Rullfson, all of Sa
lem. Memorial service at Ladd
Funeral home Monday, August 5,
at 2:20 p.m. Concluding serrices
at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum.
Rey. Guy L. Drill will officiate.
Johnsoa .
In Portland Sunday, August 4,
Elder Christopher Johnson, late
resident of Salem. Sarriyed by
wife,. Mrs. Fanny Johnson; son,
Frank Johnson of McMlnnyille.
Services will be held under the
direction of the Ladd Funeral
home from the Seventh Day Ad
vent 1st church. North Summer at
Hood street, Thursday, August 8,'
at 2 p. m.. with Elder K. L. P.inge
not officiating. Interment Hope
well cemetery.
Yo can see California you round trip Xast foe not
one cent more rail fare than you pay o go straight Xast
sad back (to New York, Chicago, most abet destination).
See die exciting new Saa Frandco World's Tair, tho
confirms Zast on our direct Ovedaad Root. P go om
"our soutbm routes. --tj.
Fast ccsRsnsy-trains all tho way! ;
Om your trip Eat tlnth dtiftrnbL row can enjoy lass
I. ecoaoaay trains all me way from Porda&Brakfart25,
fonefceon 50c. dinner 35c sad many otbe macey-saving
! features en ear Brf to Sen Francisco, Frsacisf
Cknf (Sea Fiaodsee-CbJcsgo), CimsUt (San Fraa-Cisce-Les
Aagelcs) sad CJiffwsm (Los AselesX3icao).
' vH:V- !:""';; ; "-n ih : '"'; 1 '
' ii---i ' a- . -"",- . " :t-
: I- a A. LABSON .":.' i f - i '
: . Thcaam 44S3 .i
Coming Events
' August 3,4 Salem Centen
nial . celebration.
August 4 State Tennessee)
society picnic at McMInnville,
August '4 Oklahoma picnic
at' Jantzen. beach, Portland.
- August 4 Nebraska picnic
at ! Avery paravCorvallis.
August 4 -Montana picnic at
Avery park, Cotrallis.
August 4 Orchard Heights
homecoming.' Lather -Stout's
picnic ground.
August 4 Ohio picnic at
Laurelharat park, Portland.
August 9, 10, 11 Mt. Angel
Flax fetlral. i
; August 11 .North and South
Dakota .picnic at Lafayette
Awtfust 11- Nebraska picnic,
Olinger park, Salem.
August 11 Iowa picnic at
Champoeg park.
August 14 te 18 AtunsvOle
harvest festival.
August IK Carolina picnic,
Bryant park. Albany.
August 25 Old Timers' pic
nic at Meitama,
Receive A wards Scholarships
were awarded by Sears, Roebuck;
and. company, it was announced
yesterday, to 25 Oregon farm boys
with outstanding high school rec
ords to study this year in Oregon
state college. Included among
those receiving the $100 awards
were Wilbur Burkhart of Albany,
Carl Pitts of Brooks. Fred Hard
lag of Halsey, Glenn Kobow of
Lebanon and Bern Warren of
A few antique beds for sale, 1357
Inquires About Swiek Man
ager Fred D. Thielsen of the Sa
lem chamber of commerce yes
terday received an inquiry from
Ella M. Gill of Dover.. NH, for
information as to the whereabouts
of Dr. E. L. Swick, whom she
said served in Salem at one time
as a Baptist pastor. Thielsen said
he had been unable to find any
one who knew of the man.
The office of Dr. F. V. Prime,
dentist. 2355 State, will be closed
until August 12.
GOP Office Moved The Marlon
county republican central com
mittee's campaign offlee was
moved yesterday to room 230,
Marion hotel, from its temporary
location on State street. The of
fice will be open until the Novem
ber election, with Mrs. R. L.
Wright, county vice-chairman. In
charge. The telephone number
is 7969.
Planer trimmings. Immediate de
livery. Phone 5852.
Tisit Friends Here Mr. and
Mrs. Albert "Benedict of Merengo,
Ohio, and Miss Ruth Reynolds,
Richmond. Ind., were weekend
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Reynolds. 1240 Fir
street. The travelers left yesterday
for Hosklns and will go south to
the San Francisco fair before re
turning to Ohio.
Again for two weeks only. Cannon
percale sheets, 81x108 $1.49;
72x108. 11.39. Better Bedding
Store, 115 No. High St. 18
Picnic Is Held Hugh Rosson
was the principal speaker at the
Tennessee club picnic Sunday, at
tended by approximately 500 per
sons. New officers elected are S.
C. Wnilams, president; W. W.
Smith, vice-president; Mrs. Ham
ilton Jones, secretary-treasurer.
Dance with Ernie Fields and his
15 Vocalian recording artists.
Crystal Gardens, Thurs., Aug. 8.
Teutsch Is Speaker William
L. Teutsch, assistant director of
extension at the state college, will
speak on a subject related to his
work at the regular Kiwgnis
luncheon today.
Just arrived: Sun-Ray Enlarger.
Henry's photo Shop. 439 State.
1 via fiho
1 r
Set Back
Hearing on Three Cases
Here now Scheduled
for August 14
Arguments la three pending
cases in which the atate milk
control board is the defendant
will be held on August 14 Instead
of today as originally planned.
Circuit Jndge L. G. Lewelllng
stated yesterday
All three ot the cases involve
an attempt to have the court Im
pose an injunction preventing the
milk board from revoking dis
tributors' . licenses of local milk
dealers for non-payment of
The plaintiffs contended that the
payments were . Improperly
charged -against them, and that
they ignore a settlement made
between the dealers and the con
trol board In June.
Judge Lewelllng will hold mo
tion dsy proceedings according to
custom despite his order continu
ing the milk cases.
' Circuit Court
Federal Farm Mortgage cor
poration vs. Robert S. Claxton
and others; answer denying.
Ada Battenberg . vs. Ned Bat
tenberg; complaint for divorce
alleging eruel and Inhuman treat
ment; married December 27,
1926, In Vancouver,- Wash.
A. B. Hint vs. Earl Miller and
Vernon Blrchett, garnishee; an
swer denying by Miller and an
swer to Interrogatory by Blrchett.
Robert Jones vs. Kenneth
Sheridan; Judgment determining
personal injury damages at
Hannah H. Elder estate r Asa L.
Lewelllng substituted as adminis
trator de bonis non for David G.
Drager, deceased former adminis
trator, as appellant against Grace'
Neibert and others, respondents.
Albert Juve vs. Ray Mating,
Inc.; answer to second amended
complaint alleges that accident
was unavoldaable with respect to
Sybil C. Catlln and others vs
Ladd Jb Bush and others; Frank
H. Spears, jr., named guardian ad
litem for Sybil Russell Spears.
Victoria M. Andres vs. William
M. Andres; decree ot K. M. Page,
judge pro tempore, refusing to
modiiy divorce decree with re
spect to defendant's right of visi
tation of children In an' Albany
Willamette Valley Rooting
company vs. K. Q. Thompson; re-
tarn of Mert She! ton. Linn county
sheriff, states that B. R. West
brook holds $200 rental due K.
G. Thompson, subject to Hawkins
Mc. Roberts garnishment lien and
assignment to a person in Seattle.
Alice Hiller vs. Frederick B.
Firemen Called Firemen were
called to extinguish a rubbish fire
at the rear of the Oregon build
ing yesterday afternoon. They
were called 8unday to extinguish
a similar blase at the Salem Tile
Dance with Ernie Fields and his
15 Vocalian recording artists.
Crystal Gardens, Thurs., Aug. 8.
Heads Deaf Group Thomas
CImer of Salem was elected presi
dent of the Oregon Association of
the Deaf at a meeting in Portland
Saturday. Among officers chosei
were Konrad Jocanson, Salem,
Couple to Marry A marriage
license has been issued at Port
Jefferson and Belle Irene Brown
land to R. William Elmer, jr., of
of Canby.
"Violet George announces she has
taken over the management of
Laurel's Beauty Shop. East 40th
and Center. Phone 45(7.
Picnic Wednesday The Truth
center picnic will be at Prescott
gardens, 1064 Oak street, at 6:20
Wednesday night.
Iowans to Picnic The annual
picnic of former Iowans will be
held August 11 at Champoeg
park. A program will be arranged.
Mark Twain Shirts. 2 for $2.79.
All Sixes. A. A. Clothing. 121
N. High.
Club to Meet Townsend club
No. 14 will meet Wednesday night
at 8 o'clock in Liberty hall.
"It the Water9
"It's the Water" that gives Oljinpta Bx U amous;
and "different" taste! The vrster.ira" ctrr puhtov :
raxtean wells has a balanced flveni action that brings ":
out otherwise hidden flavors from tho fine quality
hops, barley malt, and yeast which We rue." -v. ' '
I OLVMf IA, WASH., . t. A. I.
I : x t
Architects' preliminary sketch of exterior of new building to be erected as an addition to the Ladd Js
. Bvsh-Salem branch of the TJaited State Matkmal hank, oa the racesdJjr-evehased Pattda property
on State street.
Hiller, administrator; formal or
der of dismissal
C. O. Horning vs. Floyd Stew
art;, motions to strike supplement
al complaint and for continuance
argued, and latter granted by
Probate Court
George W. Steelhammer estate;
28 separate orders transferring
securities to Letty M. Steelham
mer, personally.
John Nelson estate: authority
rranted First National bank ot
Portland, administrator, to sell
livestock, securities and other
property to meet claims.
Hubert Pernerstoffer estate;
appraisal at $20,829.84 by Cle
ment J. Ebner. Morris L. Fuchs
and L. A. LaDoux; $1800 is real
property, $9000 in cash and re
mainder in securities and per
sonal property.
Joseph Faulhaber estate; au
thortty for reappraisal for taxa
tion purposes granted Alois Keb-
er, Morris L. Fuchs and N. M
Lauby, appraisers.
Justice Court
Carl En gen, non-support, plead
ed not guilty, preliminary hear-
inx set -for 2 v. m. today; held
in default of $250 bail.
James K. Taylor, drunk on
highway, fined $5 aad commit
ment lasued.
Thomas M. BauThull, 15, lar
ceny of bicycle of Paul W. Morse,
certified to juvenile court.
James C. Webb, no tall light,
fined $1.
Municipal Court
Joseph Milton Croycroft, 29,
foreman, Douglas Aircraft Corp.,
Inglewood, Calif., and Katharine
Loraine Sharpnaaek, 18, clerk,
180 Evergreen avenue, Salem, U
Ignatius Zelink a, 22, laborer.
Woodburn, and Rose Marie Zas-
toupll, 21, housekeeper, 1815
South High street, Salem.
Donald Clare Goetx, 22, farm
er, and Marie Zelinka. 20, house
keeper, both Woodburn.
Rosarians Win in
Progress Parade
Elks, Vocational Education
and Realty Board
Take Prizes
First prlxe for a civic marching
organization in the Centennial Pa
rade of Progress went to the Port
land Rosarians, Judges Berkley
Newman, Glenn Gregg and Harry
Collins announced yesterdsy.
The "1840 Trailing West" en
try of four oxen and a covered
wagon won first In the "best rep
resentation for motive Intended"
In the fraternal society division
the Salem Elks club won a first.
The vocational education depart
men entry was a winner in the
best Individual department class
and the Salem Realty board entry
won a prlxe as the best organisa
tion entry.
Cron, Tuesday I'oczLzq. Aitsst C
Addition to Be Modernistic
- -. J - -
New Bank Unit to
Start, Mid-Month
Ladd & Bash-US National's
Addition to Its Present
Building Described
Word from the architects em
ployed by the United States Na
tional bank to Improve the Patton
property- recently purchased by
the bank for expansion ot quart
ers and facilities of the Ladd ft
Bnsh-Salem branch Is to the ef
fect that work will start about the
middle ot August, when detailed
plans on the structure will have
been completed. The new prop
erty will increase the area of the
banking quarters about 4t per
cent. Inasmuch in more than
8B00 square feet will be added.
The building now occupying the
Conner Patton property adjoin
lng the present Ladd Bush
building; will be demolished and
a new building; erected in its
place, with an additional entry
way on State street, thus mak
ing three entrances along the
front, including that on the
The frontal plan of tne new
unit is completed as having i
extremely modernistic effect.
wall of smooth granite will ex
tend to the height ot the doorway
and above this across the entire
front will be the latest type of
class bride or blocks. : with the
granite appearing in the top trim.
No details are as yet released as
to the interior arrangement, but
In a sen era! way the. new Addi
tion will house the savings, col
lection. Installment loan and
statement departments, and a
wide passageway will connect the
present banking room with the
As stated by the bank officials,
the utmost attention is being
given to banking accessibility for
the convenience of customers. It
is estimsted that the banking
quarters as a whole will greatly
exceed in sise any In the state
outside of Portland, the entire
area to be over 12,000 square
Calls for First Aid
Number 14, Sunday
Only One Is Emergency;
Cats Are Frequent
in Busy Day
Walter Dahlen, 910 North 17th
street, was treated by first aid
men yesterday after he had step
ped on a piece of glass while
swimming in the Willamette riv
er.A piece of glass an inch long
was removed from his right foot.
Geraldine Peters, 13 month old,
4 32 Marian street, received a cut
at the base-of the right hand. It
was sutored by a doctor.
First aid men were called Sun
day after Basil WAraock, 3 years
old, swallowed a number of barbi
tol tablets which he had found.
The ehild was - unconscious when
first aid men arrived and his con
dition was reported "unchanged" j
at the Deaconess hospital yester- i
Jerry Keuscher, 6 years old.
1140 Union street, was treated
Sunday at the first 'aid station
for a badly cut forearm received
from a fall. Mrs. J. E. Lamb,
.Tillamook, was treated for a min
or forehead .cut received in. an
automobile accident at 12th and
Gaines streets.
"The first aid ear made 14 runs
over the weekend with' all but
one being: trivial cases. .
The ear made one run of five
miles to the Chemawa four cor
ners only to find -the supposedly
seriously injured person - had - re
ceived only minor scratches in an
automobile mishap., ;
More Applications
An .urgent call for - additional
applicants for the tree 'flight
scholarships offered by the civil
aeronautics board Is being: made
is order that Salem : may agala
qualify as a training center:.
! The CAB requires that a class
of (0 , take ground school r train
ing; preliminary to competitive
examinations for the 10 flight
training- scholarships offered In
each ground school group. About
2K applicants for the new ground
school class, which will ' itart la
riiw eft fiftnnf sfri in r; flu m m
about twe weeks, have been re
ceived. Requirements for the scholar
ships include that applicants
must be between the ages of 18
and 28. not registered in any In
stitution of higher education, in
good physical condition and not
holders of private pilot's licenses.
For the preliminary ground
school course, which is non com
petitive, there are no special re
quirements. No fee is charged.
Applicants will be received at
the Salem airport.
rrlrrmn n ilflfni
on wei
with a few
ivap a
Na tractor
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but yourself a
pep.up bume& when il la)
trite ffii i Y0t - ::
' v'" '.'. - '::' -
Police Hear of I
Money, Kniyes and Paint
Taken From Homes i
and Businesses 4
Theft of four, gallons of auto
mobile enamel, m paint gun and
a hydraulic jack from . the Re
mann service station and paint
shop. 525 Marion street, was re
ported to police yesterday. . - p
.The Woodry Auction market re
ported 21 pocket knives, stolen
by prowlers who. broke Into store
rooms at, 1 COS . North Summer
street.' - .. v "4
Theft of a purse containing 3 S
from a car parked at 12 th and
Mill streets was reported by Anns
Nash, 2S75 Portland road. $
' Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Delong,
1200 Chemeketa street, reported
their . home entered and a . coin
purse containing $0.75 7 taken
from a bureau drawer. j-ii
J. F. Davis. 158 South Liberty
street,' reported his room entered
and 21 taken 'from his billfold
while he was asleep Sundsy night,
George. Masner,- rente seven,
reported to police he left his
house to do some chores at the
barn and found on returning that
a diamond ring vaiuea at szse
and 12.70 In cash was missing.
Vocation Training
To Join in Project
The stats board for vocation!
education announced2' yesterday
that It had decided to participate
In a national research project,
which, when finish ed;wiU serve
as a more scientific " basis for
checking and . revising standards
for vocational agriculture educa
tion by federal, state and local of
ficials, f
Oregon's part In the research
buua ducfe or
iot tnat
more piece
ne for a
a home in aj
filling stationjj,
earn to dance or
ouif qufcftlii find
' - :call oioi'i
irAc:: rr. -,
project -was approved by W. P.'
Beard.- specialist in agricultural
education, attached to the United
States office of education, during
his recent visit here. J,
' : Earl B Cooler state supervisor
of agricultural education, said it
was to Oregon's advantage to take
part in; this work, He declared
that out of this research in the
various states, the United States
Office ot education would be able
to obtain a better picture of the
entire setup.:! . '
Board Will Tour
. .. - I- - I - ... J -.. '
On Coast Higlnvay
Members of the state highway
commission will leAve here Au
gust IS for a four days' tour of
the coast highway, R. H. Baldock,
state highway engineer, announ
ced yesterday. . r ,
Baldock said - the Inspections
would Include a large number; ot
state parks along the coast route.
. The inspection i trip will start
at the Oregon boundary, north
of Srescent City, Calif., and con
tinue north to Astoria. . i
. The trip to Crescent City .will be
made! via the Pacific highway to
Grants Pass j and : then over the
Redwood highway. -; ; ";
sell a
here and there
5ella plow
qapd location
d au t ip
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