' " ' vrv v s rrjr - - ? 23cJEnrgin Sho '-t 'i'S ' ., Whitener - " f' 1 " 25"ShiMiflc "Wbito'; V ' If aj'f 29c Barton Dynrnthui , If - Jcrgenj Flore! ": Soap Micbctui norai odors. bar l,;WitW lack' Ptjrekase of -" RBbbcr Ccfiklag Apreas ,' ' i , v ;'';-"., - AH hf gloves far catmsnf use. Sturdy. r ;BHag Yoiir PrescripHens to Fred Meyer t 1 -4 , ' ? 10c PalmollTO tioap- -4 for 22e IOa AVnorlhnrv VmU fioinr- - f.r - -: .Cashmere Bouquet JSaiqv S for K- -r i 9b: with 1 fl Tttlnnr FrM V Tc&e Your Own Night or-lnclobr Plttsres Press PJosh ciiriiera 4a ' It 10c 10c My , , .. Gt Swirls 19 In traupATc&t package. Shaving Mirror Double Cfl Meg.ifylag jf r PUn , Standi or haaga. Sven-mch dear flu. Cdlcph-ns Hat Boxes 29 Yelcs CaBapakU b a t bote foe trrL IKS OUER 5C3 DHAriDS OF TOBACCO 2 for 26c Old 2 for J li. t. iMidtM, rVaah " ' - OrifiRl 'Im aioJ Mopio ooforfo lS(k-l $U5 Chu ICOfc New King Size Cort Cigarettes jirKn Mad. 2 27 Value Onbhsr Beach Dull Sl Seventeen " Cvpea Voii after Aaguat Oaa-Aouaand sixer rolls of super-soft bathroom ti aues. Th family will ap praciata -tha aoftaaa of Swank. Gc a supply. 3 for Dabey Batkroaaa Tksaes S rafts 25e Scett letlirooat Tissues S rolls 20 - Te - Fine Tissues a big supply. ' r .-. - Fsne quality, toft, ab- sorbene bathroom tissues. .; n Tfa(ifcr cdi ; l"8 12 Pepcid Sun Glasses Regular or a lip over Polaroids. M.25 Drite-GIo Shave Mirror Ideal for make-up 98 uac Hanss or atanda. Cord. 75c Spot ttm Bed Ur.ps OlTct llgbt rn, whra y oi. 07' daalra It. Uaeiui, atrong lignc Gold Cigarettes H Carton 2CC$ 2a Alio choict of Camels, Chester fields, Raleigh, Lucky Strikes and other popular brands. Fresh stocks always at Fred Meytrl Sav.1 2 25e Pkgs. Rum ead MopU Pipe Tobacco $U0 GcmIsi Bclar Pip. S5ff i 79 Two lA-o. pkf. original Rum allapM tobacco. Eng Uab blend of tin eat aun eurcd tobacooa. proeaaaed with renulao Jamaica Bum and Vermont augar. Virgin bovl plpa. Srockfc 100 50c Union Leader 15c Plastic Pipe Rack 14. la-W-r. Fb $1.05 tC- TMM I- $1.50 Value Hot or Cold Fcod'Server 790 SIIritFIamt l&s U$!ttx ( Coapoa l av link 21 Void after Augiai 5, 1940. . ; . Tobacco Scct'vnM ' . - .-s- - v- -s vfsayieBlrM!,B, aaaaji aassaaaajaaaMaaaassjapas U mm UiijpaaiagaBMssaaWBaaeajaa siiii HlVh. -. Vt.ihar-ajl - ; Start mr anca to colds mum. ooz ot IUO rsaubut LJwar Oil capsules at a am fag! , ; Frad Maror rroa fwoyor 85c Allenru 47 1.00 Pe-Ru-Na 7f Scotts Emulsion 4f i 1 Waterbury Com p. S3f 1.00 Swamp Root Sf $15 Hood's Tonic 98c $1.00 Ruma 89c $1.50 Casey's Comp. 1.35 $1.35 Sargon $1.19 50c Antiseptic, 32-oz. 75c Listerine Squibb Antiseptic 1.00 Astring-O-Sol Detoxol liquid, 8-OZ. 1.00 Zonlte 50c Ppsodent 50c Lavoris if 41 tn 45 7f Iff If Mead Dextri-Maltose, lb. o3e Lactogen, 2 pounds $1.99 Dryco for Babies 53c Similac for Babies Sobee for Babies $1.0f Gerber Baby Food 21 5 SMA Food Preparation f 4 Mellins Food 73c an 41.00 Sunscreen, No. 99 3f 60c Squibb Sun Tan Oil 49 60c Norwich Sun Tan Oil 49 fl.00 Skol for Burns 79 50c Noil for Sunburn 29 Elmo Motan Lotion $1.00 35c Squibb Burn Cream 2f Hope Chocolate 25c Feen-A-Mint rTlo: 21 15 Jf 23 23 30c Phenoiax Wafers 50c Cascarets 25c Chocolate Ex Lax' 50c Laxative Pills Trt Merer ISO) 4-oz. Aromatic Cascara 19c 25c Sayman'a Salvo ' . 50c Tube Ungues tine " 50c Resinol Ointment flX)Q Zemo Ointment 75c Baume Bengay -35c Minit-Rub $IJJ Roaema Eczema f 50c Derma: ema Oiint. 21 43 23 t3 47 2f 7 in A ; $15 Valued - SOe'BakeUte Poker Chip Rack , m t 50c Box; of 100 Chips'. 35c Beck Mohawk ' -Playing Cards An - lor 590 ESOljlOBI Halibut Liver Oil to build Meiat. and other a& gj JJ tilCl . If fat Vltoaatsi AtDG Copav, 250s, $2.5 f miiHt Urmr on Cope, 50, wf - vrur cw Uvor oa . ; : Takith. loo, if w:S. to.b Aata Taklah, . V. ; 250. $1.93 ; , Parke-Do-rie Natolov - - socce $i.f7 tajolbb KUPofoocr Copt, 25v f H tooibb Hollbat Uvor, 100, $lf 5C Jersecs' Lotlca 25c All-Purpoie Crcaa Lotion for soft, Both C$ amoom skin; For O noc-ctkky creams. - 35 CTICRTI AUTOMATIC )Bll!-ll. 35c Pocket Knife BATHROOM SCALE9 HEATPROOF GLASSBAKE CUSTARO Full Gallcn AMERICAN REG. 10 WOODBURY'S SOAP 4, ,19 10c slxe 25c nye-Fine Double' Edge Blade Both for 90 Js"... '"jF ' Frieea Good 1 Friday Throng Monday " Right Reserred to Reasonably Limit Qn an titles J m& Vr LQGAU.Y OVNEDOPERATED; '( Dr. Seholl's Fcol Bain Ci Powder Both For 49c rives relief from itching, Lot, per spiring feet 5c Scholia Foot Powder 21 5c Scholls Foot Soap 21 5c Scholls Foot Balm 21 25c Scholls Zino Pads 23 I5e Dr. SchoU's Moleskin 21 15c All Style Cora Pads 13 Dill 17 nrr 11 (Oil atUE.lS.on. 19c 2 Blade CUPS 6 MINERAL 0IL ui)mliiliiiiiinil'ri'l""'''"l'"u' Luxor lipstick Za popular, attracriva b a d a. Long-lascmg. wW yeas on smoothly and 4fy evenly. Fragrant aowt- ad Luaor lipackka. 29 Dr Kiss Tolcwa Powder 3 $1 Parfart Fac- Uaderarm Pads 39 Cheramy Dusting Powder April Showara, Cama- fg ion, Violetta, Saet Aff Pea, Lilac or GatcWnifc Taf JT . . $1 Cutex Wahicnrc Set; Bieba ease. Nil tJ- I ajar 's.Ni3- For tnwrtHnf. " J ,r Sevesteea Eaili Salts swi pb.$i.00 5154 11? am bath. Fragranc Xil Drag Jea Pkg. of 5 .1111 iimerii Double Edge P.azor Blades 30 With Globe ! SD.98 Batteries and 2 Rolls as Agfa Film Tnittarvtan1 or tinie exposure pic tures . . ; take them inside or outdoors takes dear puturcs, easily, opee- ated. Bujr joon aiuced price, - . today at tbia .re- ; I ; r . , . -...awy-" . wmM SOc Squibb Tooth Pste 234 40c Colgates Cream 2f 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 3f 75c Listerine Paste, 3 for 49 50c Pebeco Paste 8C Book 3f 40c Pepsodent Paste 39 50c Teel Liquid 39 Eo. 75c Bost Paste & Brash 32c 60c Mum Deodorant 49 75c Arrid Cream 59 50c Dri-Dew Deodorant If 35c Quest Powder 31 SOc Ever-Dry Deodorant 39 Marvelous Deodorant 55 SOc Amolin Deodorant 45 35c Non-Spi Liquid 29 75c Pint Mineral Oil 59 75c Yeast Tabs 100 4f 75 Pint Antiseptic 4f 25c Sodium Perboratt 23 fl Saccharin, 1000s 7f s;2.00 Cod Uver Ofl $1 .4f 50c Milk Magnesia 29 Insulin 10CC U-20 Insulin 10CC U-4Q Insulin 10CC U-SO Crystals 10CC LMO Xtee been) Insulin 10CC U-40 Jtipilin Protamine 10-cc vm bsm Wetproof Tape 8 i (Va la. x SV Tea.) 25c JSC Bandaids It 10 Kea vxoss Bandage Bandage s ta. m to Tea.) 35c Hosp. Cotton, 1 IK If Mercurochrome, H-o. , 7 .. ' 10c Eye Dropperr ' I ; : $mall Roll Tape 1x1 ' . 3c, 50c Sandsepdc Lodoa V- 45 . 30c Ponds Danya Lotion 43 50c My-Te-Fme Lotion -"... 23 1 Chamberlain Lotion ; 83 30e Squibb Hand Lotion 33 60c Balm Argenta 4f ; Elmo Ralo Lotion $1.10 Key Italian Balm : 39c 40 Ft. 1 Monies! Boy NoVri3aTet- - filnss :DciT7iI3ish 'Arid 6. Dishes ' to Hatch Mfor.220 4f 85 $1.65 85 ft --;w. ; Jr?Ei 525.00 PHILCO QADIO to Each of BABY i ' " V" . ;;' 1- r-r; - MR. a F. OTIS ii ' i ! S838 8.W. Corbett Ave., Portland, Oregon.1 j sports " .-V .-j . -V T- ' ii , TED HAMMOND - J - . - -. 710 S.W. St. CTair St. (Apt.1t), Portland, Oregon. ;, scenic .. t 1. ' ;' : " h 'i Ali HANSEN T, . 205 N. Minnesota Ave., Portland, Oregon. ADULTS : A MORRELIi CRARY . , 1689 "B" St., Salem, Oregon, ; f " ONLY 10 MORE DYS! Contest Closes August 12. 19401 ENTER TODAY! Grand Prize 1 1940 Ford V-8 Entry blank given in Drug Sec tions with each 25c purchase, of finishing! Enter contest! ou may win! EASTHfitl FILM VI20 8-EXPOSURE 30i Y6I6 8-EXPOSURE- 35 Y620 -B-EXPOSURE 30 VI27 8-EXPOSURE 25ft VI 16 8-EXPOSURE 35 AGFA FILM B2 8-EXPOSURE for 30 PD 1 6 8-EXPOSURE 35 PB20 8-EXPOSURE 30 A8 8-EXPOSURE 25 D6 8-EXPOSURE 35 1 Essteaii Eiyr&5i3-; Takas .V427 raapoaur il am jt falKBS vMBDCOWw BeCOaVCsW as aw : 20c : Value Spring' Clip 2LS0 ,; 5032-02. li Seva'27 Covpoa; sSaUa-?- Lkait' 2! VasJ aftarl Ai- 3, '40 Dmrt. e . Z87 ,1 j-viM Last -0atatt, tnottbrasn, traval oage.. Roer-Iinei: Big aa- 7- ,.7 the Following: g: 5-Iach I LiUsaa Enlorgemeat With Any o or 8 Exposure Film 1 DEUELOPED and PniHTED I; ALL FOR Ooa prist of ) . ! 1 '. aacfa. Expert ' W arkiaanship. -y. E alargamcnt Bade (ram your lavorits Sjegaciva. I y .a j ;, ; : w , aw( .CAMP JUG. 5 AL WiV $1.50 We:!if ten:ra v . wlta Ltafheretre Case j IS pictures oa 8-czposura VV S f $lio Value J. .'i tlallcd Elillx 5-Ib. Size ;0l"S;i 2:: S-Crcta Af ?lrla VsllhlLIi-J' Cevpcx IV 'Vmk II af:r August 5, 1M3, Whilo 287 . i .-.if f J ii v i. -"" n - ' ur . -. .. " t 1 ! a, 'J ss " - j'