;Mss Miller to " Be learned : i Miss. Alice Miller, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. B. C. Miller of Hub bard, will become the bride ot Mr. Harold Buchanan, son ot Mr. and Mrs. C. H. B u han an of Woodburn on Augnst'4. The cere mony rwlllibe held in the Con gregational church of Hubbard. : After a weddiiag trip the couple will liTe In Salem. He Is a barber an she a beauty operator. - V"1 ' ' 9 9 - Mr. and Mrs. Ted Paulas and small daughter, Jeanne, of Grants Pass are Tisitlng her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. B. V. Kuhn." " They, will return . south . the middle ot the "Week. V" "-'.--t '.1 j'-".'- l DANDY -Dr. TU Steiner cp- top lict. shirt and frock-coated suit over ago A' -.,'."' -cm V 4 MUSIC of olden times is heard on fiie melodeon,' when Mi3S Dorothy Pearce (seated) plays for her mother and sister, ' Mrs. George .. Pearce .and Dr. Hflen ' Pearce., . Their gowns ' are modern, but styled from fashions ; of . a hundred years ago.- -". Miss Johnson to Many Miy Hurlburt , At Church- Ceremony Today ' , . Miss Nordice Johnson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. John son of.Gresham will become the bride of Mr. Robert Hurlburt of Salem, this morning , at 11;46 o'clock. The ceremony will be solemnixed In the First.. Baptist church and Dr. Irrlng Fox will officiate. Mrs. Oswald Morley will sing "Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go." Miss Minnie Miller will play the wedding music and Mr. Fred Broer, Jr., will act as usher. ' The couple will be unattended. The bride will wear a powder blue The announcement has been made of the marriage of Mr. John Thomas Anderson, son of Mrs. Jack Anderson, to Miss Dorothy Marie Southwick, which took place in Vancouver, Wash ington on July 4. costume ot sheer w o o 1 with a dusty pink- hat and . accessories. Her corsage will be of pink and white flowers: v ; : A wedding dinner will be serv ed at the Golden ; Pheasant fol lowing ' the service. Upon their return from' a ; wedding trip the couple will' live in Salem. , . - : - Mr. . and Mrs.. Gerald Bonnlng ton of Oakland and children, Bil lie and Beatrice Ann will return home on Tuesday, after spending their vacation here with Mrs. Bonnington's parents, Dr. and Mrs. . B. B. Blatchford. and her brother and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Ituskin Blatchford. , Mrs. Douglas McKay and her daughters, ' - Mioses Shirley and Mary Lou, have returned from a stay at Rockaway. , ; V E.Lee "Dear3 In . ' : trucked 1 V V eta he did V i 50 years 'mi. .IMjWii M ki ixntnwn mp.'.i. wmwt swi ujhi1 K 'f ,i ' ' . .. . . v . .. .. .-. 2 a; ..-.- .;. .-..v.-. ' , v " ,:..;.'';: if.--.-V. . " 'V; . , ,-- .i -1- '-'v 4 - - it ...' .- 11 i . . - .'- - , : - ' - - . ? v - - - - v-, - J I , ' 'V.V ' J Jjf " 5 -. --------- """ ' -i ' " i - T 4 . i Dance oh -V 1 .7 ; -1 L j The - Governor' . and .Mayor's ball Is planned for next Saturday night to follow the final perform ance of the pageant. ' The affair will be formal and invitational. Plans 1 were. Jaade by a com mlttee .meetlBg. on Friday, night at tne cnamDer or commerce. :: Mrs.' WiUiam- Phillips Is chair man and her committee Includes: Mrs :B.ex Sanford. Mrs. Fred Lamport. Arthur .Bates. Miss Edith Schryver, Miss Elizabeth Lord, Mrs.' Chester Cor, Mrs. Lee Canfield. Mrs.' Lester Barr,' Mrs. Walter Smith; 'Mrs. ' Tom Rus- Bell . iut ua v a cuvo a4b it i ( iuio Lor6thy",Rea, - Mr.' : John Bag1ey,-: ' Mr..' Stanley Freeman; Mr,, Ellis Vori Eschen, Mrl Robert' Sprague,- Mr. Al Nowels, Mr. Vi E Kuhn, Mf-. Dave Wright," , Mr- Kenneth Potts. Mr. 'Ray Bassett. Mr. John Elliott, Mrs.J John J." Elliott, Mr. ; La Verne - Young, Mr. Leslie New-. m. . " - - - WW' man, Mr. Leo rage air, naroia .TomUnson, .Mr. Douglas McKay, Mr. O a e a'r Olson, Dr.' Frank rnme, jars, waiier iurs, v mr, Kenneth Perrr, Mr. Robert Board man,1. Mrs." Helen - Webster Belar, Mrs. O. K: DeWItt, : Mrs. Robert Rteder, and MK Brtymta Boise. - Mlsa' Mart Km Rnrairne will ar rive -from California next Sun day to be the guest of her father, and mother, - Governor and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. She will spend part of her holiday vacationing with the: family.-and the remain der, tn. Washington; : - . . - v ',.v -vvf-.! . ;ri-"v;-.;s ". : Mrs. Ada Flewelllng Miller re turned "recently from a - visit to Illlnolse with her son and family. She drove east in April with Mrs. ANOTHER OLD gown appears at the Centennial. Mrs. O. K. Edna Waterman and Mrs. Ruth DeWitt wears a dress found in a trunk owned bv her areaf- Thompkln and. returned t h I s grandmother.: She poses by- a beautiful desk, one of her many ; , wffi ter Tand?on' Hob PERKY are the bonnet and shoulder cape -worn "by Miss Bertha Babcock and formerly owned by her grandmother. "The dress is new. v (Jesten Miller photoJ Mr. and Mrau Ralph Campbell and sons, Ralph and Garry, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bell and daughter Miss Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. JVilliam Dashney left yesterday ' for the Dorchester house where they spent last night. This morning they will drive on to Neekowin and attend the pic nic ot the state unemployment compensation offices. Cole-Reasor Wedding Today Miss Ruth Reasort has chosen an ; all . blue and - whixe color MODULI VZHGIOrT c! eld styles are- wcm by Ivlr, and' i:z. J. D. Mlckle, who ere picked in their Centt5nr.ic;l clothiss. ' ' Cennell-ELii3 photoO MissAasheim Has Planned Wedding . ; : r The American Lutheran church will be the setting for the mar riage of Miss June Aasheim and Mr. Arthur Gallon which .will be an event of Saturday, August 10. Miss Aasheim Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Morgan J. Aasheim ot Monmouth, Mr. Gallon Is the son . of Mrs. Ralph Potter ot Port lands - - ; . ' Miss Cheryl Aasheim of Mon raouth, sister of the bride will be ,the maid of honor. The 1 brides- : 'maids will - be Miss Maxlne J- A hAlm' A fi!a1am If lea "EM a . Gallon -of -Portland, 1 .-s.- K ell 'ZZL'TZ. ,Xn w h I Xllnn TShaffer of Kent. Wash., and Mrs. S0t': e AlwlU. V. Thomas Allport of Salem. v . -TT1 ' lwt i ' . v i . In the First Christian churchy .Both Miss Aasheim hd.Mr. ReT Guy, Drill will -read the aer Gallon graduated from Wljla- Tjce , - . , . . . , n ttte university. Miss Aasheim j : -white' gladiolus and "bine' deS rEAmhf cm imrar 'Pbtaiums. wm decorate .the altar; was a member of Beta Chi sororl- ,,,, wni w. irWi v- vi. 7 - ? ' V 1 i; The bride,. entering on the arm Mr. Gallon w l l 1 receive hit of her father will- wear a- whitev VltVlfttUmmT iI?mnM 0WB made with a train. Ion SS?1 W h 1 '.J tte?di? i beeves and a sweetheart a e e school he was president ot theT Her tulle yea t wUl be , fJnger-tip v, footbaU .stuad Qoen ot Scots, cap.'ef rlUles-ofl - olnefrf iW in, the-valley. Hercb r I d a 1 rbouquet ai?friSWniiMe!ftvV Klu wheSMT Gallon hal It wWte orchida.7Si : ot the Iolani. private high school. rSfieiVS nt?!t JL? -where he will teach biology and SwiSSSi -mei ,f- general ience and he assUtant JSS-.lS '- . Mrs.rjame Whitaker ahd Mrs: -1 ; Leslie, uarson wiu wear dresses .;j of the same style, both of powder t - K i, dIm: dotted- twUn,--?':rrTi-'-'-. i All will carry, white straw hats , - . . tilled With summer flowers, '. '. - i Mr. Richard Emmett ot Enren X Mr. and ilrs. A. Oehler are en7 TDLb h9gt-man nd ttaers will tertalnlag : with " family dinner .Mn Clifton Cass, Mr. Ray Bar today : for their nine children: - M Mr. Francis Leffler . and Mr7 This will be the second time the .(WMtakerVr. u r i whole I family has been together. Before the ceremony fInto the Mr. and Mrs. Oehler will cele-tDawn With YouT will be sunr;bv ferate their SOth wedding annl- M' -w W. Kerns and MIsa Ma ersary in January; ? ; -, bel I Lilburn, , yiolinlst. Will play X The children Inelude: Mr. Er- Scliubert's "Ave Maria.- Mr. Karl win Oehler ot Chicago, Mr. 'Arn- Wonger will play - .tie , wedding old Oehler of Saddle River,1? KJ mlc , , : Mr. Lester Oehler of . Corvallis, -Hiss Beverly Jean Arnettiwill Mrs. Howard Bergman cf Baker, ligat the candles, "Raymond Lam Mrs. Leon Barrick. Mrs. Guy O. belt will be-rtegbearerr Smith, Mrs. Clark Lee, Miss Sel- M a -reception to- be-held, in ma Oehler and Miss Irma Oehler tbn church Immediately after the cf Salem. ' - cciemony. Mrs.' L. It. Reasor of "' ' Continued on Page 11) Oehlers Will Be Together Miss Hamm To Marry in August Of interest to out-of-town peo ple as well as Salem folk is the announcement of the wedding date of Miss Gayle Hamm, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. - D. I. Hamm and Lieutenant L. W. Klncaid, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Klncaid of Ashland. The marriage will- be an event of August 15. ; Miss Hamm,' formerly ot Al bany," moved to Salem with her parents two .years ago.. She - at tended Salem high school and last year entered Oregon State college. Lieutenant Klncaid is a graduate of Oregon State college and is completing his-army training at Fort Bfennlng In Georgia., He will arrive in the capital the first of August." After their marriage ' the .couple : will . live in Tacoma and . Lieutenant: Klncaid . will be - sta tioned at Fort Lewis. Thursday afternoon Miss MarJ orie Price and Miss' Eleanor Ros son. were hostesses at the Price home on Korth Cottage street at a party in honor of the bride-elect.- -, '-.': . '' ' 1 The afternoon was spent in formally and tea was served in the garden.. Before the, tea honr Miss 'Ham m was - complimented with a shower Mrs. W. MJ Price and ' Mrs. Hugh Rosson assisted their daughters in Serving An ar rangement -of - summer - flowers decorated the serving table. '.' .' Those bldien Wwere: M t i Hunrn, Mrs. TJ.- V "Ham"mVMrSi Kirk' Denton ;Mrs. W. H. Bacon, Miss - Barbara' Belton of s Condons Miss Edith Gncrist, -Miss Jeanette Conn' and Miss : Henrietta Strat ton an ot Albany, Miss Allee pen- ton of Conrallls, Miss. Margaret Barrett,1 Miss Jean Reed, Miss Adele Say, Miss Mary Ellen By-, w ate r, Miss Marjorie Whittlnj- ton, Miss . Patricia ' Faye, . Miss Jean' Rogers, Mrs. Hugh Rosson, Mrs. W.- IL Price.Miss 'Eleanor Rosson and' MJsa Marjorie 'Price, i iV ' f --. ' ''- v '" x''-- 'r ' I " 1 The Internal. Order . f Xiaglea entertained.. the. past presidents "and members, of. the drill . team Tuesday night. "On the: program 1 were .Mr. .Sydney Stevens," Mrs. Albert Bilbrey, Mrfc MaudRogers, . Mrs. Bay. Moore, Mr." ArjPiiesen, Mr. -Warren Jones," Mr. Ray Moore and Mr. Leslie Hamilton. .:: ' ' . . t j ;,-'-. 1 Ulna Amy Ballard of TTew York City and Miss Lillian Seaton of Eugene will be guests of Miss Elizabeth Lord for the Centen nial. ' . - - M. - ....O........ ... , ... . , , ., ,, ,1 .11, " ' IB I . . ' -v : i " " ' ' " . V . L ' 4 - ... . "L. rv ' :&- ' '..'' . . ' .... . ' - , , '?rs J? - . - ': ; - ,i '. . -.'. , : --V - '- : . . ' - . ; .- . : v :;'.: i -S?:r :-'.K ' - . : - : i . :- r - W: - y,:-: . ;: '': : . . r-s '. . ' ' -- t - ' r . i I .-'.- f.- - - -v-; : X T - ..' i' . ' , . :. ' ' - '?,:' v' laaawsasflysssHMMsMB . . . . - . lmZ2geg ...... t. r' COPY OF A TINTYPE---Mrs. . William H. Lytle, who wears an- 82-year-old dres belong ing to Dr. Lytle's mother. Looks like she'd stepped from an old portrait (Statesman photo.) READY FOR A STROLL is Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. who wears her new Centennial gown, and carries an old parasoL (Statesman photo.) bcwJt Jlooh J!oiu.. - but. , . . as far back as the 18th century a gentleman named Rousseau said that provided ' a man Is not mad, he can be cured of anything but his vanity. Mr. Rousseau knew whereof he spoke and this Whiskeririb business is prov ing it Every bearded fellow fondly smooths' his newly acquired facial embellishment each time he passes a shop window and catches a reflection. Then he glances around as if to say "I told you I could." ' - I f , Sweet ' music . . The melodeon pictured on this page has a history worth knowing. It was shipped aroiind fiie Ham for the -Pearce family, .who came overland." Being one of the few instruments ir the county, it was frequent- ly folded up, wrapped in a blanket and taken by wagon to social affairs. Records from ; the . Congregational 'church reveal "that the melo deon was played at "the first service in 1853. ' Millions of shoes . well,' practically mil lions, of old shoes of the button period, were presented for use during" Jhe Centennial by a kind-hearted shoeman of Philomath. He had given up. hope of. selling them, and was only too glad to find ct nice home for old friends. -. JJ there's anything . t .we are glad we're not it's a historian.; When you get mixed up with history, you get mixed up. There's al ways a question as to whether or not the so-and-so family's mule team' passed the such-and-such family's . oxen, before of "after they crossed the border of the Oregon territory, thus making them arrive before or after. Yes, ; we like' our . history, but we still are glad we are not too , historical . ':. ; . Marine . Buren. Musicale Tea Is i Being;; .n "the beautiful" garden at' the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Smith, , sr., on North Summer -street, "the Junior -"Guild of St. ?PanrsEplscopal'chtoreh' Is 'enter - talnlng with a large musical bene ; fit teai The affair will be given Friday, 'August X, and 'the can ning' hours will be between 3 and " B o'clock. m i- .Guild members . will greet .the ..guests and a group of the young er set win assist in the. serving. Mrs. John Beakey Is general chalr- manand. she will be assisted by :Mrs." Henry V. Compton, J Mrs. Donald C. - Roberts.: Mrs. David Eason, - Mrs. - Homer ' Goulet, sr. .Mrs. C. W. Parker Mrs. V.: E. i Kuhn and Mrs. I. M.' Schannep. , - Musical numbers will be riven ,by Janet Miller, Mrs.-Thomas J. Drynan and. Ronald Craven -vocalists; Emily Stone," fJuUst. Mrsi Kenneth Daiton and. Alice Crary Brown and , Margaret Hood, . pi anists. - : 2 e - 9 . If. and Mrs. Ill G. Mai son hare' ; as, their house guest, Mrs. Mai eon's sister,, Mrs. Francis Griffith of , San FranciscoSeveral inform al, affairs have been given , for her pleasure. Yesterday " Mrs. , Thomas Delsell, formerly of Sa- lem, entetrained with a tea at her home in-Portland complimenting Mrs. Griffith. . . Mrs. Charles hi Spragae Is en-, f tertalning with luncheon on Monday noon at her home- on North- 14th- street, for 'the-"-plea- sure of Mrs. Charles I. McNary. 4 Twelve Salem and Portland ma 'trons have been, bidden.. .; .-. - - . : '. j. .. ""' .i . r - t. . iWomeri sGolfer--.. Play Guest 'Honored At. Cloudy akies didn't- discourage h fAtnlnlne rolferis on Friday, as 'the women of the Salem Golf luh , i met for their regular games.- Fol ' lowing the. morning., cl play, , a ' luncheon was served In the club- ; 'house. "-'--..- Mrs. S. W. Starr won In the A., .class and Mrs. Ralph Hamiltoa in .the B class. Friday, August 7 ti Kalpm women wlll. be- guests- at the Oak'Knoll Golf club.; . .I ' v Those piayjng rnair ert; Mrs. Al Petre, Mrs. E.:V. Fort-, .miller, Mrs. Al Kowles, ; Mrs. H. .K, Stockwell, Mrs. H. H. OUager," .Mrs. Harry Wledmer,; Mrs. Kate tG. Bell, Mrs. Creighton C. Jeaes, (Mrs. Howard Adams, Mrs C M;: , Don aid son , M rs. Harry- Gu staf scn.r , Mrs. W. T.' Waterman, Mrs.- Fred - BernardI, Mrs. John Bone,- Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. Fred Fins-. ley, Mrs. " Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Robert Tsylor. Mrs. Robin Day, Mrs. S. W. Starr, Mrs.- Frank ' Patterson and Mrs. Robert av ' age.' .-..,.,.. Mrs.- Loyd Drorbaugh and her daughter. Miss Maxene, were hostesses on Thursday at an in formal -party at their home on Court street. The affair was given for - the'- pleaeureot Mrs. Dror baugh's niece, Miss Leota Dror baugh - of Lenox, Iowa, who has been visiting the past three weeks. She--will return -east the middle of. August, "---r :. ; - -Games were In play during the afternoon. At the tea hour the table was decorated with an ar rangement ' of - pastel flowers. Large bouquets cf garden flowers -were used . tit th rnnma i Those bidden ' to greet Mi ss' uroroanra were? mm. Fmii Par . son, Mrs."W.- Q. : Ross; Mrs. Gene Ross.' Mrs. Robert- Hutchinson; Mrs. : . Leslie , Marcy, - Mrs. R. C Harnett, .Irs. Roy ; Beardsley, Mrs. Cieraent Holgate, Mrs. Faye Collins, Mrs. Ccarles Eyre, Mis Patsy Hutchinson," Miss Eileen Hutchinson,? Miss , Natalie Neer, iu-isa. uaii , aison, iisas Heather Watson, Miss Diane Holgate and Mies' Chai'Iotte; Eyre. American War Mothers are Invited on Tuesday at 2 o'clocfe to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kadon at 20S5 Hazel aventte to celebrate - their ' golden wediing anniversary.