The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1940, Page 7, Image 7

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H GZZGC:? CTATZCIIAII, Cdcsu Cryoa. San&ay .X an!ny Jaly: IX n 1SI3
1 1
Boyeivpavis ;
In Fine Film
"All This and Heaven Too"
at EUinore Is Tale '
From Best Seller
There! a never-to-be-forgotten
experience waiting for 70a at the
Elalnore , theatre, where j. Bette
Davis and Charles Boyer have
combined their dynamic talents in
bringing -". Rachel Field's novel,
"All This And Heaven Too to
glowing life-on the screen.
On of the leading best sellers
ot the past few years, Miss Field's
novel comes to the screen with its
dramatic essence Immeasurably
heightened by the brilliant per
formances of the two great dram
atic stars aided by an outstand
ing fine supporting cast.' - . . :,
The story of Mademoiselle
Henrietta Desportes 'was flash
news In the European press ot
1847. . Its repercussions helped a
French ; king from . his tottering
throne, - Later Mile. Desportes
came to America and began life
anew as the wife of Henry Field,
a New England minister, a great
uncle of authoress Rachel Field.
Henrietta (Bette Davis) comes
to the luxurious Paris home of
the Due de Praslln (Charles
Boyer) to act as governess ' to
four children. To them she gives
the lore and understanding they
hare never had from their moth
er, a hysterical, ' neurotie wom
an, whose only interest is In- her
husband. Her wild . passions and
utter disregard for the children
hare estranged him, however, and
in the quiet intelligent little gov
erness he sees all that he wants
of life. -
No word of love -passes be
tween them, but there is a deep,
understanding friendship in which
each finds .the first happiness
they have known. The Duchess
soon fastens .upon .; Henrietta as
the cause of her husband's cool
ness, and dismisses her. When
the Duehesse Is found murdered
in her boudoir sooa afterward.
Henrlette and the Due immedi
ately become the storm-center ot
Parisian scandaL Although his
suicide a few days later releases
her from prison, life seems no
longer tolerable for her, until
Henry Field . (Jeffrey Lynn), a
young American - whom she has
met only casually,, offers . her
peace, security in America.
Three Face West :
In Capitol Film
Charles Coburn, " Sigrid
Gorie r and John -
Wayne Star 1
A slice of realism is brought
to the screen in "Three Faces
West, which opened last night
at the Capitol theatre. It de
picts a present-day community In
the middle west, where "there is
no doctor to combat the poverty
and disease of a desolate people.
There are many such communi
ties in the United States today
which, because of poor housing
conditions, lack ot modern con
veniences and the general' apathy
of Its people towards economic
progress, have not attracted the
medical men to its loin.
Such a community was Ash
vllle Forks, and only an epidemic
served to arouse the settlers to
end' out aa SOS, with the induce
ment of a free home to any doe-
tor who would come there to live.
. Brave Idealist, Dr. Karl Braun,
a Viennese refugee, portrayed by
Charles Coburn. comet, and with
his modern, scientific methods
stifles the epidemic, and in some
degree brings order and cleanli
ness into their midst.
Sigrid Gurie, as Dr. Braun's
daughter, Lenl, who rebels at first
against having, to live in the deso
late dust-ridden town and finally
finds a deeper meaning to life In
. service to humanity, plays one of
the strongest and best roles of her
motion picture career.
Life Guard Changed
SILVERTCN Fred Reed has
been appointed to -replace Myron
Derlckson as life guard at the
municipal swimming pool. Deriek
son resigned to enter an aircraft
school. Reed completed his tests
for life guard at the Red Cross
school recently held here.
; O ;
Lot's Bccono ; ;
We invite you to visit our ' prascriptioii
department where you will seo registered
pharmacists compounding ! prescriptions
with the utmost care and skill. Coopera
tion wilh your physician in his work of
oaring for your health is our most im
portant function. To that end we use only
the finest prescription chemicals, pharma
ceuticals, and biologicals when : filling
I! I
! :
Cor. State & liberty
Pli. 3118 :
JEALOUS MARITAL, discord between Barbara O'Nell (right) wad
Chmxjee Boyer tavolvo Bette Davis (center) fa a scandal Chat rocked
two continents. : Scene is from A11 This, and Heaven Too, Warn
er Bros, picturizatlon of Rachel Field's dynamic novel, now playing
at the Elalnore theatre. Fins: Wendell Willkle in "Information
Please." -
8. 8. VAN DINK'S shrewdest detective bronght to the screen again in
Calling: Philo Vance start-in;
- Stevenson. Playing; today through
with "Calling Philo Vance" to
Olivier and Joan Fontaine.
SIGRID GURUS and John Wayne
from "Three Faces West, mow
ard Arlen and Andy Devine In "Black DiAmonda. f t
Services Are Held
For Airs. Scanland
LIB ANON Mrs. Cora Scan
land died Sunday, July 11, in the
Lebanon hospital after a two
week illness and was barfed In
Gllliland cemetery Monday morn
ing. By her own request only sim
ple graveside rites were held. El
der George Simons officiated and
the Howe Funeral home was In
Born in Butler eounty, Ohio,
in 18f S, Mrs. Scanland had spent
much of her life In Oregon hav
ing lived for over 10 years on
the farm now occupied by the
family on Wiley creek. She is sur
vived by; her husband, George
Scanland, to whom she was mar
ried in Albany la 1908, and by
two daughters and three sons.
The daughters are Mrs. Fern
Keltner and Mrs. Freda Miller
in Ohio and the sons are Earl
Neldermann of Grants Pass and
Gordon and Donald Scanland ot
Foster.. She had one granddaugh
ter. - 1 -
? 5
i ,
( )
Janes Stephenson . aud i Marge
Wednesday at the State theatre
"Rebecca" co-starTing
as they appear la a dnuaatie scene
at the Capitol theatre, Pluat Ktefa-
Call Bo,ard
Today Bette Davis Charles
Boyer In "All This and
Heaven Too." Wendell
Wlllkta In Iafornatlaii
Wednesday Robert Toung,
Manrean O'SuTH-ran In e
"Sporting Blood." Anae
. Shirley, James Ellison in
"Anne of Windy Poplars.
Saturday Mickey Rooney,
Judy Garland in "Andy
Hard-r Maeta DebBtaBtA.
Charles Coburn, Blllle
Burke in "The Cantaln Ta
a Lady."
Today John Wayne, Sigrid
Gurie in "Three Faces
West." Richard Arlen,
Andy Devine in "Black
Diamonds." ,
Wednesday Nancy Kelley,-
Robert Cummlngs in "Pri
vate Affair." Frankle Dar
ro, Mary Kornman in "On
the Spot."
.;. GRAND ' - Ti'f
Today "Maryland" in tech
nicolor with Walter Bren
nan, Brenda Joyce, John
Payne. .
Wednesday Ronald Cole
man in "The Loiit Horiz
on. Cary Grant, Irene
Dunne in , "The Awful
Truth." - -
Today Laurence Olivier.
Joan Fontaine in "Rebec
ca." James SUphenson,
: Margot Stevenson in "Call
ing Philo Vance.
Thursday Dude Raneh Fro
, lies on the stage, Cesar
. Romero, Mar Jorie - Weaver
in "Cisco Kid and the
ldy - - -.v
Today Cary Grant, Rosa
. lind RusseU in "His Girl
Friday." Phillip Dorn.
! - "Lall Deste in "Ski Patror."
Wednesday Geta Garbotr
Melvyn Douglas In "Nln
otchka.'1 Frank Morgan,'
BJllle Burke in "Ine Ghost
Comes Home." ,
Friday '"Oh. Johnny, How
T(u Can Lore." Lola Lane,
Jiimes Crsig in "Z&nzi-
! uisiirtTir- '
.T o t a y PriHcilla Lane,
Claude Rains in '"Four
Daughters,! Don Barry,
Helen Mack In "C alling All
. Marines." .
Wednesday Leslie " Howard,
- Wendy HOer In "Pgyma-
lion." Don ; Wilson, , Vera
Vague la ""Village Tarn
" TlTirA. . '.. " -
Friday Genu Autry In Raii-
cho Grande." "Son ot the
Kavy." Chapter 10 "Dick
Tracy's G-Hca.
Director Has . Q
Hnry Kmg Astound His
Cast in Directing
"Blaryland" T
Friends and acquaintances ct
Henry Ring, . aee - director, were
amazed by "the feats of memory
he exhibited during the filming
of Darryl F. Zannuck's Techni
color, production of Maryland,
now playing at the' Grand theatre.
The successful man behind the
megaphone has to be a combina
tion of psychologist, diplomat and
jack of all trades.. In addition
to having these qualities. King
also possesses . an encyclopedic
mind. f ; .
In fact he can give a good ae?
count of himself on any subject
because he draws his conclusions
from a broad background ot prac
tical - experience. For - example,
the day before shooting started on
"Maryland,' ' King had a' confer
ence with members ot the prop
department and - Technicolor ex
perts on the type of bed linen to
be u sed in the picture.'
- His wealth of information on
weaves, textures, colors and pho
tographic possibilities was startl
ing. Through him the correct
material was selected .
Remembers Scenes
When the location -department
was searching for a site on which
to film. the thrilling "Maryland"
fox hunt he recalled a location
that he had not seen in years.
He described it in detail and it
was found to be the ideal spot
for the scenes and one on which
fox hunts frequently are held.
Master psychologist, too, King
knows how to get the best per
formances out ot actors and It
proved a wise ehoice when Darryl
F. Zanuck selected hint for the
difficult job of directing -Mary
"Maryland features a superb
east including Walter Brennan.
Fay Bainter, Brenda Joyce, John
Payne, Charlie Ruggles, Hattle
McDanlel and Marjorie Weaver.
The original screen play was by
Ethel Hill and Jack Andrews.
Gene Marker was the associate
Joan Fontaine Has
Unscheduled Bath
Chilling Shower Tumbles
About Her on Set for
Joan Fontaine got more than
her. share of chillina - Initiations
into screen horror- technique dur
ing filming ot "Rebecca but It
took n event not in the script of
the chiller, to frighten her halt
to death. Miss Fontaine is co-
starred with Laurence Olivier in
Rebecca, which -David O. Sels-
nlck produced from Daphne du
Manner s eerie novel, and which
is now showing at the State
The stage was set for , hit of
spooky business. Miss Fontaine
was giving a tense Interpretation
ot a yonng lady working up to a
nervous breakdown, when s ter
ruie erasn abruptly netted every
thing. As sundry assistants led the
trembling Joan to a chair and
waved, smelling salt, . prop men
found that some draper! as being
blown by a large fan had tangled
with a five-gallon bottle ot water,
toppling It over. And a five-gal
lon water bottle makes a Qrade A
crash. Joan will testify.
The star got over her shakes
in about ten minutes but one ot
the hard-boiled prop men had to
take the rest of the day off-
Alfred Hitchcock, noted master
of screen mystery ana intrigue.
directed. "Rebecca, and other
important players in the east In
clude Judith Anderson, George
Sanders. C. Aubrey Smith, Regin
ald Denny, Nigel Bruce, Gladys
Cooper and Florence Bates. The
production is a United Artists
release. ' '
Bamett Family
Reiinion at Turner
TURNER. Many of the de
scendants ot "the late : Mr, and
Mrs. J. J, Barnett' gathered at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Alice r Wlpper of Tnrnerr for a
family reunion and picnic Sun
day. The date was chosen aa the
central Sunday in - a group of
seven family birthdays occurring
betweea July It and 21, Fire ot
this group of seven were present
and were especially honored by
a huge birthday cake which was
eut by Mrs. Wlpper, oldest of the
birthday group and senior mem
ber ot the entire family circle.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. L L. Robertson and Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Smith and Nancy
Heath of MUwaukie; . Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Barnett. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Barnett, Stella and Lo-
raine Barnett, Mr. ana jars. J.
E. Whitehead, sr., and Mr. and
Mrs. J. XL, Whitehead, jr.. Mary
and Keith Ball of Turner; Mr.
and Mrs.- Guy Chapman, Kenneth
and Edward Chapman of SL Hel
ens; Mr, and Mrs. Russell Miles
and Dale, Lee and Alice' Miles of
Nehalem; Mrs. Harvey liarru
and son Jerry of Sheridan; Mrs.
Frank Caspell and Dorothy and
Dorsey Caspell and Laura McCon
nell of Salem; Frank Lyle and
Jean Lyle of Seattle;' Mr. Fan
nie Eyeatone "of Portland; Henry
Weisaaar ot Medord; Mr. and
Mrs. , Ben- Wlpper, .Mr. and lira.
Earl Wlpper and son Jerry, Mrs.
Leo Birmingham .and Mrs. Her
man: Wlpper, the . hostess, of
Turner. . , . .: '.. 7
it, . .
BRENDA JOYCE end John Payne
showing at the Grand theatre.'
LOVELY ROS ALCfD Baseell and
Girl Friday" at the Hollywood
ro-, wita rnuup Don ana jjbii
j. (:... ..
tenors in "Fonr Dangnters start lag today At the Liberty
a dual program with "Calling
and Helen Mack. '
Turner School
Janitor Hired
. - '
TURNER J o h n Mickey has
been hired the school janitor for
the coming yar. The usual ren
ovocation ot school property will
soon begin in readiness for the
fall school opening.
Rev. and Mrs. O. W. Jones
are spending' their vacation at
Bend, their former pastorate.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hill are
home after a four-day vacation
trip to Crater Lake, Oregon caves,
and various beaches.
Mrs. Margaret Riches and chil
dren are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Armentrout, at
Tillamook. Her son Dennis who
has spent the summer with his
grandparents will return with Ms
Aumsvillft PeopW
Enter Exhibits '
. AU M SVTLLE Aamsrllle
people have been pleased to ob
serve the centennial exhibit in
the Salem business bowse win
down, particularly the wedding
cawemble ot Mrs.' C D. Booae
of this . place and the photo
graphs of'lfr. and Mrs. IL O.
Porter, AnnuvfUe pioneers. Mrs.
- Boone, whose beanttfnl emsena
ble is shown a Mlller'a store
is a daughter of EC C Forter.
She has epent ber entire .life
: here, as did her parents before
ber. The dress betnsr exhibited
wan designed and made by Sirs.-'
A. F. Clackaby of " EUverton,
ana me elota at that Cato was
called aCk tissue.
.T!.J -J
.,1 XXXX llctont, , . i 1
Jocm :
Starts 2:15-5:0-9;C3
from "Maryiamd,". now
Gary Grant are co-starred In "His
theatre. Also showing le "Ski Pa-
Itoswary and PriedUa
All Marines" starring Don Barry
Lebanon Guard
Ready for Camp
LEBANON Preparations for
the annual summer encampment
ot the national guard are being
made by the local company. Be
cause . of the . possibility of . the
guard's being kept in service for
an extended period.' sergeants.
except staff sergeants, are being
discharged. Under this ruling,
Everett Campbell and Ralph Gor
don hare . heen relieved. So far
assignments, to their-places have
not been made. Donald Phelps,
staff sergeant, has asked to be
discharged. Delivan Chllds and
Glen Richards nre still keeping
their ratings.
Fred Kerr's period of enlist
ment has now expired. He has
served with .this hospital com
pany for II years but does not
intend to reenllst. He may. ho
ever, go to camp, August 4-34. to
help us successor with the paper
wora. . - . , .
1 to ll:SO P. IL
HI 1 f H M AIM
7jr jp,
- t
i i
1 ,
Movie Cliche s :
Has Defender
Tried and -True- Sltattion
.Saves Hollywood Lou :
- Maeli in Film
three-times academy award win
ner comes to -the defense of the
movie Cliche.. - '
"The. cliche may cloy." says
Director-Producer Frank Lloyd.
but-it'a economical. .
"It saves Hollywood a million
or more a year in film" alone, to
say nothing ot economy Introduc
tion time-and brain fatigue.
Lloyd says the worst cliches
have become passe.' The movies
have liberated doves by. the thou
sands - to signify domestic peace, .
he says but they seldon do It
any more. ' . ,' ...
Now ' and then, though, some
producer still uses 'a dimming
candle to indicate death. .Lloyd
lists as the most annoying cliche
the calendar-wlth-rapidly-turning-pages
to indicate quick passage ot
time. Nowadays it's a bit subtler
to- show a tree with 'its leaves
drifting to, the ground.
in nu current: nun, rne
Howards of Virginia," Lloyd was
tempted to use a cliche to bring
out the tact that Martha .Scott
was to have a baby.
Tiny. Garments T . -
! wanted to have the" camera
steal into her bedroom and catch
her in the act of sewing -baby
clothes. confesses Lloyd.
"In the old days that is ex
actly how we would have done
it In maybe 10 feet of lm. An
hour of modern dialogue xouidn't
have been more effective.
"But I knew I'd be - criticised
for-being trite. So I merely put
Miss Scott Into a' maternity dress.
Lloyd - nominates as the prise
cliche . in his - 25 years in the
movies one which, was bora when
a producer discharged his . cast
and a - week later' discovered he
didn't have the "fadeout clinch"
the old lorers'-klss cliche.
Stack, for cinematic proof that
love was triumphant, he took a
desperate chance. He hired two
extras who resembled the hero
and heroine from the back, and
had them walk hand in hand to
ward a rising sun.
This waa the beginning ot a
thousand Hollywood rising or set
ting suns. Who was the produc
ing genius who started the -cycle T
Why, Mr. Lloyd, of course.
Mountain Climb
MT. ANGEL A groutf ot yonng
people from Mt. " Angel have ar
ranged a mountain climbing party
for August 4. with their aim the
lookout cabin atop ML Hood. JL
final meeting will be held at St.
Mary's school here Tuesday night,
July SO, at 8 o'clock to make
final preparations. Notice will
be given at this meeting by all
Who wish to rent crampans or
spikes for their climbing shoes.
Shoes or the outline of the sole
of the shoes should be brought
to the meeting. -
" Present plana call for the party
to leave ML Angel Saturday aft
ernoon.. August 1, and lodge at
Raf forty's hotel at Government
Camp.' The clink will begin early
Sunday morning. Olle Lean, ex
perienced guide, will lead the
Those who have signed up for
the outing are: Adelene Bocnaler.
Mary Jeanne B a n m a n. Arleae
Zollaer, Cecilia Bochsler, Thrasll-
la Barr, Median Keber, Maxlne
Earning, Florence Dealer, Car-
meuta anaree. Tirgtnia Meen,
Margaret Walton. Anna 11
Sehledler, Mrs. Joseph Hausler,
Joseph Hausler. Joseph Hettwer,
Matt Wagner. Alfred Huber, Ed
ward Schults and friend. Rich
ard Fry. Gordon Bickler, Michael
Walton. Aelred Bernlnx. Clarence
Duda, Hubert Drescher, Ivo Bau-
man. Kaymona acnieaier, lit
ranee Saalf eld. Anthony Lauby,
Agnellus SkonetxnL
jcz r GAsnno jnrrssr lykn
. zt;t
I - V
i:-.; a. IImttt
Farmorb Union
ATJM S VTLLE A t the Farmers
union meeting at the Godlove hall .
Tuesday night a committee to
arrange a Goat for the Firemen s 1
Harvest festival -August 1C, 17
II, ' was appointed. Lee Sutton
will act as chairman selecting his
own assistants. - The next meet
ing will be held August 13. .
Health Clinic
Held at Lyons
Vernon Smith has Finger
Amputated After Hart
at Sawmill
LYONS Dr. Prill from Sclo
with Mrs. Jean Fane, Linn county
health nurse, and Mrs. Irean San
ders assisting, held a second clin
ic Wednesday, morning- at-the
community club house. Several
were given their second dlphther""
la shot and vaccination for small
pox was also given. . .
Vernon Smith of Mehama who
Is employed for the ML Jefferson
lumber company got his hand bad
ly injured Tuesday while work
ing. He was rushed to Stayton
where two ot his fingers were am- .
putated.1 -
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith attend
ed the Eastern Star picnie held in
the grove. at Stayton Sunday.
Mrs. Hasel Lewis visited rela
tives " in "Portland Tuesday and
Wednesday. ' Mrs. Francis . Lewis
who had been Visiting at the heme
of her daughter, Mrs. William
Bidwell returned home with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen re
turned home ' Wednesday from
Belknap hot springs where they
had spent the last ten days. Or-
viller Downing who is substitute
for Allen carried the mail in his
absence. .
Mrs.i Staeey. McCalL Harris -
Sheltoo, Mrs. Roy Huber and
Maxlne Huber attended the Thom
as, Bilyea and Sheltpn picnic held
at Wilson park near Jordan Sun?
day. .
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis and
daughter Beulah. with Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Vass of Salem attend
ed the Odd Fellows picnic Sun
day at Champoeg.
' Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Brown. Mr.
and Mrs. Don Brotherton with Mr.
and Mra. Delbert Hill of Mill City
went to Redmond Thursday where
they attended the funeral services
for Sile Brown, who passed away
Tuesday. Brown was well known v
in this vicinity, having llred here
for many years on the Mountain
View farm south of town.
Faith Rebekah lodge met Wed
nesday night. It was voted to in
itiate the two new candidates at
the next meeting. Mrs. Goldie
Rambo of Glendale. was a guest.
Dinner Planned --
At West Stayton
Mrs. H. B. Condit and daughter.
Mrs. Addie CaspelL will entertain
with a dinner Sunday tor the fol
lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Dilly of Sterling. Kans.: Mr.
and . Mrs. C. M. Hitchock of Cor
vallla; and Mr. and Mrs. L B,
Hammer ot North Saatlam. .
GuesU for the last few days'
at the home of H. B. Condit
were Mrs. Marjorie Buell and
daughter Claudine of Ireland.1
First TTedding Held
In 50-Year-OId Chiireh .
MONITOR At laat tbe
ochoee of the Smyrna chareh at
Yoder will fnclndo the refer
Derations of wedding vows. In
all Its life over SO yean since
J it . """'-g t marriage
there an til the pretty wedding
Which united Miss Delillah Tay
lor ot Yoder and Mr. Fay Halms
of hfolalla in marriage, Sunday,
Jnly, 8L. -
Continnons Today" From X:45
The screen most bril
liant stars together in
their greatest triumph!
i'i4i !i;n
- -I - ' T -
aa jgfT inn st OTfrn.
Guest Star in
Information Please
Story about the famous
Pony Express Riders
"Pony Express Days
in Technicoior
Cc-r.';n Feature ji
. -
f cuuu I