J." 1 1 (Dimmu Dy RON CEiCIELL aw- - -. an sns. ar arsJr s r"i --. T "'2rP 1 mt ' M,a" i V- "" U. 'P 'f r ir" " .BW "" r r 'i' I .1 ;j t - I I M.-M i ! - - i; ; - . 1 ' .. I fc ll I Stuka dive bomber of the 1940 .WUIametta footbali squad ron will be Al Ycdden, the stumpy Lajolla, Ccdit, youngster who as a freshman last Beason. starred in a haluxtclc role, ao- cordinqr to present plans of Roy Servuis Keene, who will begin hi3 15th consecutive reason SeDtember 9 . . . In almost every - - t i 1 l. xlmi 4t, one oi skzccs ana tmua w ii grams Spec has piled about nis ceacn cottage at Neskowin, Walden Is to be found operating from the fullback spot As full-Hedged, 190 to 220-pound full backs are t crenerallv considered the Big Bolts in -foo&all offensive, that should make . 165-pound Walden at least Utile Iighming . . . Should thera show up a heap, skookum -fullback prospect ' such as Jimmy Newguist. the Camas crasher so ardently sougnt alt er by schools all up and down the coast, however, Walden will probably be returned to a job more in keeping with his heft ! Spec Keen "Gosh! rl never knew there were so many baseball rules until I started umpiring and had to read 'era," exclaims Moose Clabaugh, who has made good right from the start as an umpire . . . Moose, one of few umpires ki organized ball to wear glasses, readily admits to having dis covered more about the rules Of the game In the first week he umpired than in 20 years of playing the game. For an honest-to-goodnes3 stamp of approval on a man, ask his fellow workers ... "Moose gives every indication he's going to make a fine umpire," says Umpire' Harvey Nelson . Add, too, the players and managers all of whom so far have had nothing but praise for Clabaugh s work in the blue serge. One youngster whom Spec Keene expects to put plenty of sock into this year s Bearcat drive Is Joe Kelty, Albany hefty who returns after an absence of two years ... Kelty will prob ably work at the inside blocking post or Quarterback ... The outside blocking post will probably be filled by another young ster returning after a year away from the Methodist mill tow headed Irv Miller. - , Just Two Teams in PCL This Year. "Only two teams in the Coast league this year," says Frisco Edwards, currently working the Seattle-FortlancL series . . . Se attle and Los Angeles are the only read double-A teams in the circuit" . . . "That Seattle team has everything speed, pitching. power and finesse. . y While you may have noticed that our Senators are tied for fourth position in team fielding averages with Spokane .and Yakima, did you happen to notice how many percentage points separate them from the league-leading Vancouver team? . Exactly .005, that being the difference between Vancouver's .956 and Salem s .951 ... Moreover, there is but .025 points differ ence between Salem's fifth place in the team hitting race and Spokane's perch at the top. From a fellow wHo looked as if he might get killed out there i any time, AntelcpeAl Lfghtner suddenly blossomed into a third baseman who, at least in the last two home series, gobbled up everything his way . . How come? ... Well, the Little Skipper now has the Antelope charging the baseball instead of the base ball charging the Antelope that's one major reason for "the sudden change and Griffiths has him fielding the ball low on the hops instead of waiting fdrit to come lap high as he was formerly attempting to do. By the way, don't give up on the Senators yet .awhile . . . Goscarart, Petersen, Harris and Wilson all can't continue In the terrific batting slump they've experienced the last two weeks . . . Petersen and Coscarart are actually batting the lowest they've ver been in professional baseball . . Still 51 games remaining after the current series at Vancouver, and the Senators as of yesterday were only six and one-half games out of first place. - . o Yaks Show how to Corral the Coin, w ' a . mmw mm a . . .Last neara concerning rowaer bod wnite, wno cud a singlehandsd job of pitching Willamette to fhe Northwest con ference championship this spring, is that he had won two and lost one in hurling 34 Innings for the Mayfield Browns in the Class C Kitty circuit . . . St Louis Browns' Scout Willis Butler, who signed White and sent him to Springfield of the Three-L says me "Powder" had control difficulty when he reported to Springfield.- Bill Sayles, the ex-Oregon, has wonlhree and lost one with Little Rock irf the Southern association . . . Bill Bevens, the one time semi-pro Salem Senator and WI Wenatehee of last year, has won 10 and lost six with Bingham ton of the Eastern . . . Neither Ford Mullen, the ex-Oregon, or Joe Erautt, the" ex-Silver Ion, got a safe blow in the East Texas league's all-star game, twit their team won; 3 to 2. . Yakima has mis year fully demonstrated mat the way for a Western International league club (or any other minor league club, for that matter) to make money is to have some saleable ball players.., . The Pips have realized $13, TOO on four players thus far getting $6000 for Nanny Fernandez and $5000 for Hub Kittle from San Francisco, $500 for Lou Lorerir and, just recently. $1500 for Pitcher Denny Horton from Huskegon, Michigan State league farm, dub of the Detroit Tigers.- Yes, Long John Tucker is still with the House of Davids, whcH play the Kansas City Monarchs and their famous Satchel Paige her Tuesday night . . . This is Tuck's 17ih season behind the flowing beard . Also, believe it or not old Dock Talley, veteran of 27 seasons," is still with the Davids. , Waters Appreciation Day, Suggestion Liked. "Bill Ulrich and I like the idea of your suggested apprecia tion, day (for George Et Waters) very much and would be only too glad to cooperate with you in anything we could do,? writes A. J. "Monty' Montgomery, Spokane's hustling business boss; . . . 'Tor example, it has occurred to us mat Mr. Ulrich (Spokane wrier) and I might fly down for the special occasion. , . ; "Mr. Waters certainly deserves recognition for all that he has done for the Western International league. as well as for Salem in building that beautiful ball park - . If peoole onlv knew what baseball means to-Salem in the wcry of salaries. purchases, good entertainment eta, in certain they "would get behind the idea 100 per cent" ' I ! ; : u ! Notice that Walla Walla raised $1600 on its Red Cross benefit game between the Washington state penitentiary team and the Walla Walla town club , v . It was the first time In 16 : yeara the Wcrshington cons were allowed to play outside the prison . . By the same quatlonv our game hero August 12 should produce $2100, for It's been 21 years since the Oregon Mavericks have been allowed to take a road trip. - ; It's been rumored that Spec Keene and Ben Pade may stage their long, talked foot race as cm added feature to the Carl Mays Mavericks benefit game . . . But it Isn't any rumor that Happy :. It : PadVBamcks Vs. Salt Lake Oregon Champs Flay Utah Champs Monday "Waits Meet Schoeri Bakers - It' the UUi atsts champions, irinners of 119 games la fonr rears, ajainst the Oregon' State champions, winners of 101 games In three years, in a stellar soft ban bill at : SweetlaiLd , Monday night.. , li" f: In wther words. It's f Salem's Pade-Barrlck girls ' entertaining the Salt Lake City Shamrocks. and Wlndmiller Kay De Hart will be .opposing Kineann Kae,Yocom on the mound.: The P-B-Shamrock setto fol- -fOws a city league game which pits Schoen's fast-coming Bakers against the Waits Meatmen. Both teams hare exceptlona records, the Shamrocks baring lost but 18 games In fonr years and the P-Bs bat 18 in three seasons. - Hustling Jane Welch ' will be on the receiving end of Yocom's whizs ball pitching. The rest of the P-B lineup will be filled by Phyllis Gueffroy, Ruth 1 Yocom, Barbara Kurtz. Mildred Thomas, Pat Carson, M&delyn. Morgan, Franz and Nellie Pearmine. Final softbail games . of us week will be played Tuesday, rSweetland shutting - down there after . for th . Centennial. . Waits meets the . Pheasants and. Square Deal taxes on Jermeays.: , Coma isi and scs -ti "TTZ5 rr m " r 1 i k. tj V . tw m itmi mi : w S. Com'L TTALTUTt n. 20312, I Fidl Covered e Of local and national porta OaTly the state 'DP' mt ' I .. mm RON GEUlTELLrEdttcr ft. ; " r Sender Suing " Follow Salens' Senators I sriUi this pag. raiZ battina PAGS az Salenu Onqon, Sunday Massing, July 23. 1313. PHILADELPHIA. July IlJm -Big Hugh Malcahy won his 11th I game of the season, his fourth In a row and ended Cincinnati's seyen-game winning streak today Dy pitching the Phillies to a S to s triumph orer the National fleague leaders. xne'tau ngnt-nanaer gar up seren hits, two of them scratches, in taming back the Reds for the third time this year. Hs nearly wilted under 100-degree heat in the fourth but rerired . to sro the aiatance. r;tnrinTn. a j a PhiladelpWa S 10 Moore. Hntohinsoa (S). 8hoff- nr (7). Kiddle (8) and Hermh-I serger; Malcahy and Warren. Old timers BjU Ball Games Today Waters Park Scene of Day Long Sessions ; Bishop to Be Honored .a Yesterday's greats of the dia mond, generously sprinkled with those of day before yesterday and the day before yesterday's yes terday, hare George E. Waters baseball park in southeast Salem all to themselres today. Beginning at noon the Oregon Old Timers start playing baseball and will continue playing until all in suit . hare had opportunity to play at least one Inning. That's the schedule, eren it it takes all day and all night. A small, entrance fee is to be asked, the money to go Into the Old Timers treasury. The Salem baseball club is giving the park free for the occasion. This year's annual gathering of the Old Timers Is dedicated to Biddy Bishop, president and founder of the organization. Bishop urges all Salem Old Timers, as well as those trekking in from all orer the state, to get Into their old "monkey salts" and get out there to play an Inning or two. Bevos and Seals Take Trainings rulfli Coast luM ! (Bifm Kirh Omms) t W It Pet. W ! ri Ruttli 19 t .5S Sac'mat CO . OmkUad S 4 .5T Hollw'4 T .458 L AnrJ ST .S9S S. Tm (4 S .454 8. IXeM W 99 JOS PrUa 4t Tl PORTLAND. July IT.-WV Toung Lee Webber of the Seattle Ralnlers won his first victory oTer Portland In several seasons this afternoon, 1-1, turning in s nifty three-hit performance. His own wildness in -the ninth cost him shutout. i - i The Tictory gars Seattle a -3 lead in the current 1 1 -games-tn-a-week Pacific Coast league se ries. " For the second time this week Webber pitched 6 innings of no-hit ball and he had a two-hit shutout before he walkedtwo men In the ninth . and Bergstrom sin gled in a run. j- Seattle hit Byron Speece free ly bat the damage waa increased by fire Portland errors, three of them by the Bearers' kid catcher, Shann Denlston. Seattle : . ,-. . 9 V IS ; S Portland 1 f S Webber and Campbell: Speece and Denlston. SAN FRANCISCO. July 7.-P Poor fielding proved costly for the Ban Francisco Seals today as Los Angeles took- a coast league baseball game,. S to 1 f-r jonnny Barrett. San Francisco centerflelder, was the chief of fender. Hs muffed Chlockfs fly ball in the fourth, allowing Col lins to score, and In the seventh he mishandled Carpenter's line drive. Novlkoff and . Moore fol lowed this up with slnales that brought inv Carpenter.; - -; ; Los Angeles , , f lx . San Francisco - , 1 -4 " 1 Stlna and Holm: Dasson, and Spring. - Eugene Legion Juniors : Are District Champion MZDFOItD, Jaly i7-CP)-n- gene s - American. Legion junior baseball team, won the district three -and four championship, by defeating the Medford juniors, 8 to in s Saturday night game sftar walloping the locals 17 to f in. an afternoon encounter. Dodgers Pair to Cards Phils Flail Cincy Reds, ; , Pirates, GianU Nip Bees and Cubs . Vatleaal Imhi . - W Is Pet. W X. Vet CIneU SS t ( St Lnli 40 41 .481 Br'kiya 91 5 .iSS PitUb S9 44 .484 I trt 46 SS .S4S Beaten St SS .SS4 1 vaieaga 4S 40 11 Pailadd 3S S4 .849 Pirates Pound Bees BOSTON. July 17WAV-PItts- Durgn a surging borates .troupce the Boston Bees . 10-4 today for their second: victory in a row in the current series, playing before s slim crowd or ins, mors than half of them women. The defeat sent the Bees to bat a half game away from the cellar and gar Pittsburgh its: 16th triumph In the last 20 starts. Pittsburgh 10 17 1 Boston 4 0 1 Bowman, MacFayden (t) and No, he isn't Ceiteint : al Ifhlskerlno. He's John XL Tucker, mi ager and tint baseman f tin House of . Dsvid aine - which Toesday ; night at Wa ters park meeti She - Kansaa City . fonarchs aw their ' famona Satchel Paige. in his lTth year with the DaTids, is Ikotod for his ' colorful first .base pay and bis part in the , pepper" same thmt ia aim . as t tmt ma of Tiait from the bearded boys. FirpoFlqiteWrOhionii At. 371 to Go in Front Davis, Lopes (7) ; Sullivan, Ple- cnota MasL Tacomas Tony Firrx). former "bull of the camcus" at (S), strincevich (4) and California U, took over uncontested battirnr leadership of the Andrews (6) and Tobin Tjtr.,. . r4l- i t-- - I W V ww wrm. mmmmma,mmmmm r n it sj W W W ww S) SSWa Mil A VV ords inclusiye of games of Jour 23 as released yesterday by tnt tiowe JNews liureau. Big Smudge Smead Jolley.of Spokane moved back into second place, one percentage point ahead of Wild William Har ris of our Senators and Danny Es- Chiefs, Cards Crash Dodgers BROOKLYN. July 7w-GPY- uroouyn'a nose-amnr Dodgers dropped both ends of a -double- header to the St. Louis Cardinals today 4 to X and to t to sink I cobar of the Wenatehee nine full games back of the Na-leach with .SB 7. tional league leading Cincinnati Reds. First garnet St.: Louis - 4 Brooklyn , t 1 1 () Doyle. Lanier (S). Cooper aand Owens; Grlssom, Casey. (4), Head (t) and Phelps. Hanenso (4). Second rimit St. Louis f 1 Brooklyn I 11 Shonn and Padgett: Davis. Hamlin (S). Tamulla (f), Prees- neu (I) and Mancuso. While Firpo leads the larrup- ers with .171, JoUey still tops them in most hits, 140 most to tal bases, 118; most two base hits. SO; most home runs, 10; and most runs driven in. 111. George "The Duke Windsor. the ex-Willamette anlrersity righthander whom Seattle see tabbed for recall, added another Tictory to easily stay oat In front of the pitching parade. The Duke" has won IS to three losses. 104 Glanta Kip Cnbs NEW YORK. July 27w-WFV-Af- ter wasting two booming triples. the Giants put together a pair of singles and an infield eat in the seventh inning today to break up a red hot hurling duel and nip the Chicago Cuba 1 to 0 before a puny crowd of S98S. Chicago ; 0 I I New York 1 4 t Olsen, Root (8) aand Todd; SMkaa Vav TakiaM . TSAnt SATTTJrS Wstcs 40S 1,271 SS9T SS4S StlS SST1 sea is est I S4t f sii p. S04 44 SSt STS STS Vaaeaevav Ti Wwateaae Spakaae . Slai . TaUaw raAac rarunre ro , a SSU 1114 S4 ill S4SS Mf S441 ml Pat. in S41S ISIS i4is issa 199 19 S54 991 mm Lohrman, Joiner lag. (9) sad Dann- xsrsmmrax xATrare a n nr ir eUaMw, Tan - IS -SS 14 & SSS Tirr. tM ' , SS STS 101 4S STl JmdT, SpOt S4 Stl 14S 1S1 SSS HAlkklS, SA& St SS ISS SS SIT Jtotar, waa , , ss 8tku, sk se ssa nt wixaoar. aajb es S4S - so HTiTaaa, SAXi 99 99 SS XMnhMia Wfa m. IS SS SI fiawkaauaer. Taa SS Sfll 111 Qaiaa. Va ., ... SS STS ISS WTTnTiTSMS, BAIt - 99 119 ST Braaaar,;TM SS" SIS TS SUnar, Tak . - S SOS .ISO BaaoitL Waa SS SSS 1ST KeOiamia. Spok SO SSS 110 Baaaa. Tak - .... 83 SSS 10 v 7 10a sa 80 80 131 7S SS4 4 2S4 TS SST SS IS St -co Cailtsaux. Vaa 80 860 110 Jonas, Spok 84 ST IS UarriBwa. Taa TS IV OS McNamaa, Spok . T5 STT ST Christopher. Waa . SO 4S IS Ortair. Van SO STO 11T Waippla, Tak SS 840 10S KcConaaek, Spok 04 S4S 106 Hoc-a. Bpk 10 SS '11 Hull. Tak Stawart, Taa rr Llojl. Vaa WaiBdt, Tak -Hey, Publinks Taken- By Robert Clark DETROIT. JUly S7-S-Robert Clark, a S 1-year-old 8t, Paul salesman or Scottish-Irish descent and the father of two boys, today I won the isth annual national public links golf championship with a smashing 8 and victory over Michael Diets, of Detroit, as unemployed automobile worker. Clark, a weekend golfer who i learned tne game as a caddie and high school llnkaman at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, came from behind with a rush after trailing at the end of the first nine of the sched uled SO-hole duel. In tour holes he turned the match into a rout and a rout it continued as Diets! fine golf of the fire previous days oi ino worm's largest major tour nament deserted him completely. Seird-Pro Tourney (ntinues Monday SILVERTON. Tha state seml- pre Dasenau tournament, which wound up last week's frames Fri day night when Jack Jill Ti&aaA oat Medford t-7. continues Mon-tf131 :.?; :2 uay nigoi witn suverten -playing I w r -B OTranafer at 7:80 and R? faSZ to H uaoie bnoe meeung jack and Jill I voipi,- wa tt ssi. in the lllshtcaB--:.-. , t. V. Smitk, Tarn m' It SS . Martiaas, 8pk SI S44 10S aaea, Spok - 04 43S ISS Btiaa. Tak , 01 80S 111 eanrataoa, Taa SS S81 100 W. Johason, IU SS 10S S Trailer, Waa 08 SOT 110 FaUsoni. Spok TS SST SS Yonaker, X 'TS STS Medcchiai. Taa SS 40 I Ear. Vaa ,- SI SOS Bpikar, Waa 4T ITS Budnidc Book SS 44 O'Briea, Taa , . , SO SIS rarrclt, Taa ; TT SOS iaxrjs ax. ss ssi 101 KUkxrt, Vaa SS Oil 97 Crandall. Taa 48 14T , 41 rETSS-jr. , SA b SI SOS S4 E vaaa. Tak IS 44 18 ooitruz. salt et 8i ss Col. Waa 78 871 Tl JawaiS,- n l(l- Katta, wca ts sss ee IXt-c. Tak SS - TT -'- IS IT 40, IS ST 40 181 -Th. ixif-" T.v -- V n l itaaitaa, a a. urn ss test- lasted until after-1 -o'cloo-: I fxstslsl sj with the Craters jmnnin in 1 Xrower. Ta en counters In the seventh inning 7.Z? 1 r l tl f Medford , T 1 1 1 ;i I Cadlnha. Taa 10 44 0 Jack A Jin a nii JUsHtg. Taa--..,, 4 .T0; 14 Rego and Hawkins: mqi. is iio so PtA-f ... TfTI41 . i F 9 . 11 "w ww fp-av 4ajSah" 48 SST 4S S48 41 848 SI S40 IT SSS 4S SST SS SSS SS SSS ST SSS 48 SIT 04 SSI SS SSI 40 831 IS 380 S 838 08--35 SST TS SO SSS SS SSS IS S3S 44 SSS 13 SIS SS S14 6S S14 S SIS so so 64 80S es sos 4 soe ST SOS 4S 804 60 SOS SS SOS SO 801 ti soe 40 800 SS 300 4 800 SS SOS 83 SOT 11 SOS 84 384 83 383 S3 S80 880 sa. sts 45 STl STS Si STl 43 SOS 4- 85$ SO S4T IS 34T SS 344 84 SSS IS S34 ' S S33 II' 41 Stl S S SST IS 310 S 84 ' 333 IS SIS 9 SIS 4 100 . S TOO 5 J05 e 3oo 10 183 .a tax SS Additional Sport da sin laward Map! 9 end Keckis have been selected to urspi - " Answering an inqruiryv here's fhe Ecrslsida Ttecira Goldis Iolt cf Yaklnia selected for ihe Western InterncrUcncl aH-star game: From Yckiraa, Eill Beesa at iirst, Iciasny Sfermper at sec end, Dutch Velgandi in .'center and Carl McCfcnasIU tcher? from Spokane, Smead JcHey ia right, Joe McNainee as catcher, Marty Matinex at third and George '-Windsor, Ditcher: from W. (.notches. Dan Zzccbar in Ult, Msl Cole cs x'-liry, Lenny Rati. f a po ya vrjatcnee, uan . rhone v'mwJ at shcrt end MJo CancUrJ, pitcher, yrTCHrxs jatcoxns Paalntiaa Taa HSE-tS, IJLI. :auor, Bpox. Kiaaamaa. : Spok Mederhiiti, 'Taa HB1--8, tlAZ, ' KeCoaaaU, Tak llawkiaa, Waa . Isektta. Taa Solaila, Tak Of lman. Ta E its WEB, Cadinihi. Taa 4rewa,' Rjek C a diai, Wa , , O i iyaa, Epo Osbora, Taa ' Sraati, Fik P. SmttH, Vaa -Kerriil, Vaa , , Portr, Taa DaUey, Taa , Srraa- Tak -aiaeaa eaa, Tao e w 1, pt. , tie 1000 si e 1000 . SO 18 S 818 . 33 V 4 1 800 .38 S S TS0 . IS 11 4 - TJ8 .'34 18 S C6T . 14 e S SST . so .11 e 4T si - 9 9 ezs IS l,t I2i . 38 ; IS S 610 so 9 e eoo it 1 s eoo IT OS S00 11 s 4 eoo S ( 10 f 8S8 . S 11 S STO 4 S S71 is e-s s 34 , s e '-eoo S3 , T T 600 Stl SiO 4 i 1 10) H. Joaasoa, Tak Seaana, Tak Chrialophar, Waa CIUC.N0-. SAXt Hobnaa. Taa Daalar, Waa Badaiek. Spok OUVXS. SAX. JoBaa, Spok - DAVIS, SAX. IXBTrXS, SAX. , Oppalt, Taa Jaaoaaaa, Warn Siaglatoa, Waa 34 34 IS 1 so Si Karshav, Taa , S O-AXOTXOH. Af. as !10 4T4 9 STl S SST f . 483 .1 418 4 43S T IS 41S e t soe 4 I 400 t I VA 4 11 SOT 4 11 SOT f f S50 I tin Foulis and Qoggin ST. PAUL, Missu, July l T-WV Two dark horae veterana who long hart heett prospecting golfs tour- naaaent money trail filed Joint elaim today os. snedal honors on the rich It, Paul spaa, golt cham pionship. They were the aalet, S 7-year-old Jim roulis and the S4-year- old, efferreeceet Willie Ooggta, both of Chicago. . Cash had II hola totals of IS! strokes as the tournament hit the halfwayoint of its 7S-hole route. roulisT a fformer.it. Paul champion, pat together nines of 54- SS tor s fire sader par second round 7. Ooggln scored sv six under par tf today on nines of 55- SS. Only s, stroke off the. par-shattering pace,: however, waa rotund Ed Oliver' of HornelL NT, who had a 71 today for a 1ST aggre gate. i ... ........ . - Dndnick Back to Farm 8POKANE. July I7.-An-Mlke Budnlck, who came to the Spo kane Indians in the Western In ternational baseball league from Twin Falls of the Pioneer league will leave Sunday to reioln his old club. He was optioned today to u spogane xaraa. , Solters Homes ToB Helser Yields Only Two Hits Out Afternoon Tussle Is Dropped 6-5, Errors in Ninth Stanza eatYanl Tigers Twice Trim A's to ,7iden Cap; Nats Drop CXereland Indians aaaarieaa Zaacaa - ' " V'.:-',,.. W - T. v.. - , .W It Pet. I Detroit SS SS .BIS C-ieaf SS 48 .518 Claralai S4 ST .SOS Wakf'ta SO S4 .4101 Bobe 48 43 .588 St so a .ai Hm Trk 4S 43 28 PkU'dal 35 64 JOS , : Western International '- W L Pet. Spokane 5S Tacoma . ,, ...49 i Yakima .& 0 SALEM 4 Vancouver s Wenatehee i 41 45 41 47 61 5S .571 .521 .521 .505 ,469 .414 Saturday Revolts Vancouver 6-1, Salem 5-1 S. Yakima 8, Tacoma 7 (12 In nings). Wenatehee at Spokane, rain. rr.r;. -J "J Vancouver, bc. July 27.- M Mton mlrhtJ CP) -Salem Senators trounced f00" -V.? --.i-rilVsaeouTer CapUanos 18-1 In the when ho stepped up to the plate for the White Sox against the New York Yankees, ' But in the 12th inning, when it came - time to maintain the Tasks' record for losing- overtime games, the llooso obliged by poi lag one of Marr Breuera slants Into tha left field aeata for -his ninth homer of the year and 6 to f Tictory for the Sox, ending a "comedy or errors" perform- anc by both aides. . Despite Solters game-wrecking ! wallop and homers by Joe Gor don sod Tommy Henrich, the highlight of the proceedings came in . the Very .first inning. . when Joe' DiMaggio was tagged with two errors on one play , in a neat bit of ''now - he - has -it- now-he- doesn't" : outfieldlng. With two national baseball ' league double- header, here tonight. While Southpaw Roy Helser waa 'limiting the Caps to two safeties, his mates were' hammer ing three Vancouver hurlers for 17 hits including two home runs. one by Fred Knoll with the bases empty in the first inning: and the other - by Eddie Wilson In the fifth with one man on. : Two hits, four-walks and an error gave the Senators fire runs In the eighth and fire hits added five more in .the ninth. . The capil&Bos capitalized oa two walks and an error to score three runs in the ninth lnnlnr and come from behind to win 1-5 in the afternoon game. The Caps went to bat in tha ninth with the Senators leading out. Joe Kuhel lofted f a fly to - Jutoya aouoiea, and Don Os- Jo. DiMaggio caught it and pborne a and Sammy Samhammer with the rest of the Yanks, waa walked and then Ray Orteig trotting off the field. As he ran. I singled. The clout proved good howeyer, he dropped the ball, and r tares -runs when Coscarart, Uxaptre Red Rommel Insisted the SsJem left fielder, made an error putout was not,legaL since, nnder jucamg up ine Dau. the rulas an outfielder must get the ball away after ft catch. DiMaggio picked np the ban I and threw It to the unprotected third base: It skipped all the way into the Sox dugout and Kuhel danced around tha"bags to score. The entire Yankee club protested the - decision, with the usual re sults. New York 8 I Chicago t I Breuer and Dickey: Rlgney and Tresh. Tigers Win Pair DETROIT, July 17.-6PV-The Philadelphia Athletics, tough cus tomers all season for the Tigers, succumbed twice under big bom bardments from the league pace makers today, 15 to 2, and 8 to 7, aa Detroit hiked Its American lead up to two full gamea. Schoolboy Rows personally submerged the A's in the opener on six hits, homering with a man on base' in the fourth for tha ty ing and .winning runs. . first garnet Philadelphia. a Detroit II If 1 Potter, Beaso (5) and Hayes. Wagner (f); Rows and Sullivan. Second game: Philadelphia Detroit Vaughan and Hayes Beaton, (t) and Tebbetta. Pipe Win In 12th YAKIMA, July 1 7 - OF) - The Yakima Pippins took a 12-inning battle with Tacoma 8-7 in their Western International league se ries opener tonight. The Tictory tied the two teams for second place in the standings. ----- Yakima tied np the game in the ninth when' Bill Reese hom ered with two on. Tacoma scored one in the 12 th, and Yakima in its half of the inning opened with a triple by Jack Whipple. Marty Ha user and Bill John son walked, filling the sacks. Mc Knlght hit to Trower and WhlD- ple scored the tying run, Johnson scored the winning counter n Stub Harrlman's bad throw in an attempted double play. . The Pippin Dlared without their manager, Goldle Holt, who was Injured in batting nractlca when hit In the head. He waa showing much - Improvement late tonignt. . , Tacnma , Yakima . . ' I IS 1 Iseklte. Koapal () and Bren ner; Schana, Elsenmana (10) and Ha user. Vats Drop TtWIians iL!RigssTakesCnP In litanic Scrpp CTJEVKLAND. JmlT 27fJPS- -vsnaau Chase, Washington! UP)-rorced to use every shot la SEA BRIGHT, N.J-, Jury 27- southpaw who frequently Is Cleveland Jinx, twirled steady seven-hit ball today to give the Nats a 7 to 1 -victory which cost the second-place Indians ground ia their effort to overhaul De troit, Washington 7 IS 8 Cleveland 1 . T 1 Chase and . Ferrell; Dobson. Elsenstat (1), Andrews (8) and PyUak. , , Browns Blast Boeoz ST. LOTJI3 July I7.-TVThe St. Louis Browns were in a slug ging mood today and found the Boston Red Sox flingers made to order for Limbering np exercises which netted 15 safeties and 12 to 8 triumph. Boston I 11 1 St. Louis 18 15 his bag and to spend his every. ounee of courage. National Cham- -ploa Bobby Rlggs batUed uphill for three and a half hours today before he could defeat Frank Kovacs of California In one of the most brilliant final round match ea of the 63-year-old Sea Bright lawn tennis tournament, BJggs, by his resourceful shot- making and refusal to accept de- reat, finally prerailed by 2-, 0-, o-. 4i-, xu-a. Fonr times durlae- the match Kovacs was one point removed from victory only to have the rampaging Rlggs pull the game out, "- - - When the marathon ended with darkness settling over the court, a sell-out gallery Stood and cheered while Bobby received the lamous sea Bright bowl from bstermueller. Heving (4), Mns-1 lmb Ward President of the talkoa -1 8 ) and Glenn : Wagner J ), Kennedy and Swift. Panning Still Leads but SKppimn Itip Jtodcliif Moves up m American July 27v-6TV-Ripl r xonnd! TJSLTA. Not since 1923. when W. M. "Little BUI Johnston won the tourney tor tha third time, has a Sea Bright bowl been retired. Bobby won twice before, but nev er after such a titanic struggle. NEW YORK, Jaly 1 7CTV-The Giant alums has finally landed on Harry Danningra bat,- It s not that yon can blame "the hoes" for the sad things happen ing to Bill Terry's Terriers these days, but ; np to now;" the team's nosedive- hadn't pulled -Danning down, with tha others. Now, how ever, tnat utue hug seems to hare bitten him, too, and his chances tor the National Jeagne's batting championship have been cat down somewhat, For instance, last week he waa riding along with a lf-polnt bulge over his nearest rival,. Merrill May, the Phillies' .third aacker tsui m ine pan since tnen. this edge -was cut to a ! mere ' nine points as Harry's average dropped from .347 to .338 for thst season, up to and - including F r 1 d a ya games. May, meantime, also lost ground,-: but only a coaple of points, and he finished np the 4 wees wiia .zs marsu .jLnotner clouter . closls? In on Harry the hoss is Bill Nicholson, tha Cabs' youngster, who- ended the week with a .223 mark for t-ird pUce. Frank Gustiao of the Pirates moved up from seventh place to tie with Ernie LomhardL . the Reds' walloper, for the- fourth spot each with .315. They were trailed by Jimmy Clsesoa and Hank Lleber cf the Cubs, with sis; Joe Orearo of the Cardin als at .213. Dixit Walker, Erook Ivn, wkh .311. t-3 CLkars nr'r iiermmn as a 4 .' C- w . . Jl ii 1 1 xx p .3; each. CHICAGO. Radcliff, who strangely American league pitching much easier after swapping a White Sox uniform for that of tha St, Louis Browns, again has taken charge 01 tne catting race, The yeteraa - Radcliff, whose hitting fell off t slightly three weeks ago, moved into high gear against the past week, advancing to the top spot la hitting . with an average of .311, including day games oi f noij - He gained nine points during the week while mostjpt his rivals wer losing grouno. - 1 r i Trailing him In the first ten list are Tat Wright, Chicago. 10 u Finney. Boston. .350: Barney MeCosky,. Detroit, leader a week ago, 41; Roy Weather- ly, Cleveland, .333; Cecil Travis, Washington; .333: Moose Solters, wiucago, .hi; ana mnx Green berg, Detroit, .331. DRIVE' . BY. co:.i.' pnss KnOW TOttT Hrrct!nn nm nn(. IDS, f LshinT and nmM, Strva Tho HULL AnuIixi: Typo Anto Compass ts a dependable tTttido to any point by the short est route. , Gray Ghost No Phantom At Dal; lie Hits J507 CRA2,T3 PASS, July 17-6TV- Thet 'gray ghost" of tho gridiron ts an too visibla to pitchers of the Southern Oregon baseball letsrue. - ' Joe Cray, once Oreron State's star t&ckflsid man,' stepped tip to cat st times ana slammed 34 Ills tor the- Crusts Pass tier- chznls. Ills tatUng averiirs rrioa. ' Install : n XlicL-fleU Station . Center & Church Eta. Tmji.t.io nATu:.iii3 cc: to ct:i .587,