The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1940, Page 15, Image 16

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7 J : ragrams .
thy ..; ' ' ". :
Pioneers Gain Educators, Pioneers,
Much Attention Farmers Share Honors
During Week
Churches Play
Friday Designated as ,
Pioneer Day; Parade,
Luncheon Scheduled
Bishop Baxter Directs Forum Committee Dean
McLeod Assisting; Prominent Schoolmen, State
Officials to Speak; Ball Games, Tours on Program
Important Part
In Centennial
The Centennial will have its definitely educational and
cultural asDect. consisting chiefly of forums scheduled 'at 2
Climax of Centennial actirttiee-p, m daily gunday at Waller hall on the Willamette
Fourth Cycle of Pageant
Devoted to Religion;
Union Service Planned
Bi'sr at city chief la, Sfayor.W.
5 XV, Chadtiick' liasJfonEl tliwe
at the Marion hotel will honor
persons fa Oregon prior to .175.
to wrre a CYntennial rrncral wutum n,i Jrfii.hru
of ireit interest to pioneers of nru .,kua -tw Since the founding of Salem
Salem and Oregon will be Friday, Vuv., 100 years ago was by a church
August 2, which has been desig- other, varied programs are also set for the four days. group, it is fitting that the cii
nated as pioneer day. Many Dr. Bruce K. Baxter is general chairman Of the forum max' of the fire-day Centennial
other erents are also planned for" committee, and George McLeod, celebration will be a religions b-
thelr .entertainment. ,: ri ' acting dean of Willamette uni- serrance. Sunday night, August
; On Frida'r. a luncheon at noon' ? m rift V fil rtn rersity college of law, is rice 4, a huge union serylce, in which
uAA,aii rh airman. cnurcnes oi neany ererT aenomi.
VWbj to iatorical "Industry and Agriculture" is
,,une oi we. interesting ieatures v -1 Durln. Salem'. eentiirV ftf r.rr.
been secured as speakers and ffss, organised religion has
yiaeu b yjiHi pmn ja com
munity development.. Jason Lee's
U.1I..JI.1 ' -
vuiimu uui( vu i iimnm' v Uv. Tnursdays meeting wiu nare mented by other churches
j ?r.,irrt,J;viw,, even t0 l"g:time ettisens of the to do with "Education and Cul- Catholics, Baptists, Presbyterians
Barker and R. J. Hendricks will clty turef., mnd wIH De preeeded by a Episcopalians, and -numerous
be the speakers. , Th , outlined below: luncheon at the Marion hotel for other denominations. Soon; estab-
. Th parade- at 5 p.m. Friday ;; , PMHtm1l.-l hBai1. ?ducath,n .Itadars,- - Superln. lished churches until now nearly
wiu do restrictea xo entries carry
will be la Charge, and a musical
program has been ; arranged. .
Forum, Deyoied to Pioneers ''
irauon in tne tsaiem trade area
have been lnrlted to participate,
will mark the close of the celebration.
of the Centennial program, to Sa-
, A 1 forum concerning pioneers , .... . J.u ' been secured as spc
and history" will be held at 2 p. memoers or tne panel,
m. Friday In Waller hall, oldest wlH e the tour of historic places. Education Forum Thursday
oiarung at centennial neaa- tndent Frank R. Bennett of the to ..... h in v...
ojI uui ine yiunver iHcoie. Aai9 ( i uj wouftw paivia yuuiio icuouij wui ci so COntriDUtea Tuaily to thw material
Will Include many elubs, business- to (I) Parish Uoaso Episcopal chairman, and Chancellor Fred- and spiritual growth of the city,
es and bands. , ,, church, tarn left on Church to er,ck, M. Hunter of the state sys- Pageant itecognizes Churches .
i?-l,jr r.m' ?d VSVZ Center street, left on Center and f?L haek'edUCatl0n ' th ' tha Centennial pageant work
will be the style rerlew in Wii- - ftt. t . . : nn - . keynote speaker. of the.churches throsgh the cenU
lamette gymnasium at 12:4S j,. , I to Front streeUright on Front t chancellor Hunter will outline ury will , b portrayed by tha
m., showing fashions from 1840 , to. Marlon and left on Msrlon to the subject in the light of present fourth cycle scene, with approxi-
to 1940. ; la the same building Water street. (2) Oosper home; world trends. Dean J. R. Jewell mately 400 Salem church people
!U beihe hit?r!?! mniaum dis- t, nn Mrtna to f" 'lft ot UnlTerslty of Oreaon, Rex parUcipatln, Ameag tfett 'eeesss
U ' a Fronand go to Tront "m'
IJenaloa Planned Tharsdsy ,tr-et. (8) gWflI 0tn public intructlon. PmWont work 8 at BU Paul and with, tha
A reunion and open housa win (formerly located where present CharIe"A- Howard of tha Ore- Indians by Father Blanchet. and
bobserred Thursday at 10 a. m. oftron hnlidinr tndl Tnwt Kon Co"S of Education and O. Father Demers and the. work .of
A ID ATORS befft!!3 cekfera. and pioneer business houses.f l ffi onrtS? n S education, will partici- the founder of Aurora. In tha
.1 to I. .1...! I.. - TllfA Vtin.HMMfMllfl HDt IK .n..t OA.f. .1.
Union, left oa Union to Liberty, tC' "" , r.:i Aumm -' "mm'' WI"
left on Liberty to 6 2. Liberty Winf,L8CU$"IoB- -f wiyewal hymns as Its mem-
street. (4) Former homo of Got- . " , V- v , . e , v V. v UT,?g
ernor Groreri orocead north on IViday'e topic will be "Pioneers Spirit of Salem, behind whom tha
Liberty to fil ft North LlhrtT (K
t0 Old Wade Store Building; (6)
Lai-mer warehonae Is site of form
. ar grist mill and saw mill; pro
ceed to 960 Broadway, (7) Form-
, tion frrnral mana;;-rsocsi ' A centennial tea la planned for
Irl B. ncSherry, senlns la.that 3;30 pi m. Saturday at Wlllam-
fapwtJty for : the ' CVnteral ette nnirersity., , ' '
comnil-Jtlon. '
Too homecoming services at
rlera churches at 10:30 a. m.
Sunday will ba of Interest
Salcq Began'
As Others
I1LTHODIST3 - foncJfj . E&lcm,
Pioneers' panel Friday
and History." . Dr.Burt Brown ; golden cross will shine on- aa 11-
Barker, vice-president of tha Unl- luminated 'background. . ; .'
rersity of Oregon, wilt he the C. A. Kells Is chairman of tha
main sneaaer. ana n&nrr k. nntitniaT hi hamV j..rtn..
Crawford; Salem 'postmaster, and and wltH tha 'ministerial aasocia
eir home of Jason Lee; proceed R' J- Hadcka will assist m tha tlon committee he la arranging
north on Broadway to Highland , ,:' tn church participation. A
arenue, turn right, on. Highland Earl Sneli and Walter E. Pear- member from eTery-church haa
to Hasel arenue. . (8) Former on' aecretary of state and state been , appointed to sign 10 mem
home of Mlnthorae. where Her- treurer, respectirely, will to- bora each for each night ef the
, ' , h bert HooTcrllred while in Salem; ,tneI conduct Saturday's forum pageant Each group, will carry
. , (Continued from Page 1A.) ' proceed -east ron Highland to : onFuture Gorernment." fUgs banners, pennants and
become the Oregon Institute and Myrtle arenue. -to- Fairgrounds r general procedure t ba streamer representing its society
by change of name Wiliiamette road, turn fight on Fairgrounds 'followed will consist of a uik, and church body. In the relitf-
untrersity, near the present .WlI- road to Summer atreet, left on one-quarter to one-half hour in ous sequence, church groups .will
lamette nnirersity ' gymnaalum; Summer to Union. (9) Redwood lngth, outlining tha subject. Tha be represented along with young
and ' "the -parsonage,? place of tree planted by William; Waldo," llnco nft7 then submit writ- people's societies, Sunday schools,
residence for ministers and mis- 1872. Turn left oa ? Union to tett o.tlons which will be an- business mens' classes, special
sion workers, next building east Capitol, left on Capitol ' to D wd and discussed by mem- church committees and aids,
of the Oregon Institute, where atreet. (10) site of J. L. Parrish De ' aa panel. Bishop Baxtr to Speak
tha Kay woolen mill water tower donation land claim; turn right Ball Game Schedaled ' Sunday night at tha union
is now, but then la a clump of oa D atreet to L Mission Ceme- ' Other dally programs arranged, church serriee, at tha Centennial
trees, and now standing at 1325 tery (11) Burial spot of Jaaon for the entertainment and. en- grounda Bishop Bruce R. Baxter
Ferry street. Lee and other" misslonariea; prA Ushtenment of aSalem residents will make hla first Salem address
AU The Institute" ; ceed south to Center street, turn ad Wtora are band concerts, since his eleratlon to the position
Tha third name -of .'what '.was left on Center to 24th' (121 Ore- tyle rerlews. museum displays, of bishop In the Methodist church.
to become Salm was "The la- iron state hoDltl: turn rlrht on luncheons for ; rarloua groups. His theme will be "Plaatlnc the
24th to State. (18) Oregon state owmings ana open mouses, rase in tna present." ; ,
penltenUary; turn right on State tours, baseball games and pa- Rer. Robert A. Hutchinson
to 14th. left dn I4rii to Ferrr. rades. pastor of the First Congregation
Judson February 1, 1850; Salem, right on Ferry to 1225 Ferry. . 0f 'treataat interest are rirar al church, will preside at, the
March 22, 1850, by W. IL Will- (14) The rawonage, third resi- atT on Wednesday, beginning at union aerrice. Other ministers
son. and Kaiem. nud hv i. Tt iff. amk i rim ; iiuit 9:20 a. m.." and the Centennial takinv nart will be Rer .Ann o
Clant January 8,' 1851. . , , . , , , on Ferry' to 12th, turn right on ? the Willamette campus Weniger, Calrary Baptist; XRey.
The first atora had eome ; In t12th.' (15) Preaent Willamette sLH.r1? tt.3 W, Irria Williams, First Presby-
tba fall of 184T,, 18 owagona nnirersity-; gymnasium," site' of Tae baa4 concerts will: le terlan; Rer. Guy L. Drill, First
loaded with ' roods- brouaht . b-r mlaalon t Indian manual . lahnr Wednesdayat 10 a. m., Thursday Christian, and Rer. L. W. Collar.
Thomas Cox; the store locaied at school; proceed on 12th to State. nd Friday at 11 a. m. and 1 p. Church of tha Nasarene. Music
and -s ,flcthoJ3st tUiei, :Dr. gtitute." datlBg from 1844 till 24th to
l.rjire K. faster fcclgs celebrate tha first plattinsa, three of them, penlteaU
the occasion.-, r.i'ti'. thus; North, Salem,' filed by L.IL to 14th,
the northeast corner of Commer.
clal ; and .Ferry streetslater a
part of tha historic Union house.
(All hotels were "houses" then,)
In 1849 the town had If houses;
some 75 population.
Voted Capital la 1831
The Salem postofflce" was
granted worember 28, 1849. Sa
turn left on State to (16) Ore m- n4 10 a.?m. and win include a rocar solo by Mary
am .. hkKaI ,. ! ur.u. 1 D. m. ., . Kiizabfitn KAiia and t.mili m,.
hall, Willamette nnirersity; pro- Willamette nnirersity gymnas- tet from the Salem Centennial
ceed on State te Church. (18) lum will be the scene of daily singers, made up of Ronald Crar-
Flrst Methodist church; turn left ,tyle ffom 1840 to 1940 en, H. B. Glalsyer, R. D. Barton -
on Mill to Winter, right on WInt- at P ' well aa of the and Darid Ringland. The Cfn
er to Leslie. (20) Present Nraes hltorlcal museum, to open at l tennial chorus, tinder ! the 4irec-
home for Deaconess hospital, '"- m Wednesday and thereafter tion of Trjo Koskl, will lead the
ii u u bh w sa.M inn wshii nw- J . a narr w vvuai vanwvui aiaaaji,auK. iiulu
lem was roted the territorial from Court street between Winter Comtawwon Dines Wednesday Bedford, organist of the Amerl
capital by the territorial legists- and Cottage and was first honse ' Wednesday's luncheon will ba can Lutheran church will accom-
ture January 13, 1851." The Ore-' south of Mill creek. Proceed to ,or Centennial commission nd pany singing on the Ladd funeral
gon Institute r opened its first Mission itreet, turn right on Mis- committee t chairmen, Thursday'a home electric organ. The sound
classes August 18, 1844. Wlllam- sion to High,, left on iHigh to for eduoaUonal leaders. Pioneers system and the lighting for the
ette nnirersity ws- chartered by Hoyt, right on Hoyt to Commer- ,a Oregon before 18?5 will be pageant will he used for the Sua-
tbe territorial ledslatnra meeting clal, (311 IOOF cemftery, grarea honored Friday, and risking state day night aerrice. -
m its own building January IS, of. Willson and Thurston; pro- na clt" ornciaia on Saturday. Homecoming serricea Planned ...
1853. Note the luckr ;l8's' .reed north an nommarHai t nn. Tours will start from Centen- In addition. ' Sunday moraine-
Ealem was incorporated by the son. (22) Site of Darld Leslie do. nM headquarter each day at 10 homecoming serricea are being
sat oi the . local .
making ; its own
CiICUCrii;T lmrornt tT ice ia wron e5iatur' ana ,the first nation land claim proceed: on m. ; ana i p. m. to lnaustnai arrangeo oy mi
the ContcnnlAi f. rirrtwi h lctloa held the first Monday In Commercial to Ferry. (23) Pres- P1014 Bd "tate institutions. churches,each
C. a. KrlK fal jn l'.vci rra. i,8cemDer' 605 Lucien Heath ent Zosel tire shop,. site of ; first Tne-8aiem senators will play separate plana. . ,
era!. ercrcUrr. : - ,irt 7or. He became secre- store. building la .Salem, 1848. Wenatchee Chiefs at George E. Centennial Sunday
. , ' ' '; tary of state. Salem was roted (241 Northwest corner of Ferrr Waters baseball park at 1:80 Frl- Includes; Rer. J. C.
Srcrepplicons' U;ed
the permanent state capital at the and Commercial, nrtmtnt huiin day and Saturday afternoons.
Ju?!. election, 1844. was used for leglalature and state v Store wlndowa' with historic
la 1870 Ealem had 1129 ropu- offices. 1858; proceed on Commer. displays will be unrelled Wednes-
on serins In f win-s' of.tha VA ljt;'3' 13 1. 2538, In 1900 , clal to State. (23) Present Ladd 7 corning at If t'flock,
tebHTrrirrant .te ll'l - i i??4. in. 1HOt UM4i tn im Bah bank building was alta of ' , ,
cv M ln Halom l K it- V',S7?' 'n 15,3,0' orlslaaJ Keadqaartora bnllitag, - r
IngaA'tarUa L!!"!" proceed on Commercial to Cort, Babe Is Comi-f
narnf r' ; wnnnin?i v r. v JUk " 4w,vutf. asa m-re turn ngni on uourt to 147 court.
SJl " l' to h? thl fr .L !V h !r? 1301,6 than 10.00 P0P la (20) OI4 Judson aito. built
l tra i iVfr?.V.J t lT l ? S!"eia,t PronHiflg territory. That in 18,43; proceed on Court to
niit hnl i n t tenltoryis headed surely toward Hlghnd turn left on High to
P..inthna been trl.l. . thtt koqqq m,rlt, , , f7ent.nnlal helqartr.
' Harrison.
Rer. W. Irrln Williams, speaker;
Rer. Irrlrig A. Fox, Rer. Dean
Polndexter, homecoming; Ret,
Guy Drill, Rer. Darid Ringland,
Don Dour is, music : ,'
Tha Or.SC CI I STATESMAN. Salami Ortcjon, Suador Morsac, July 25, 1940
"Babe." the blue ox aaJ f)
oua by the legendary hero of the
tall timber, Paul Uunyan, will
She's Shakespearean
Doris Smith, director, of the
Centennial pageant, knowa her
hare a prominent place In the acting. She was once a member
huge Centennial psgeant this week of the noted Shakespeare-on-Aron
at (he state fairgrounds. . trnnn t KnrlUh actors.