1 n v. . '-., TH 02EG02I STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Tuesday Morning; July 23. 1940 page irniE ELM. ESTATE Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 x CUeelfled AdTertlslBg Three tosertlons per line S5c Six Insertions per Una 0e One month par line $1 25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 tl mln- tmam 35c; ( U min. 45c. No refund a. Copy for this page accepted oo ttl 6-30 the evening before public tka for elasslftrstion Copy re eel ved after this time will be run under the bead ins "Too Late to Classify- The Statesnaas assumes no eial responsibility for errers whicn may appear to edvertlsements pub lished to Its columns snd In cm where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of an advertisement la which the typogrsphlcsl mistait The Statesman reserves the right t reject euestlonable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification A "Blind" Ad en sd containing a Statesman box number for att ad dressIs for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The Ststesmse Is net at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of aa adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock FOR SALE, gd. looking, rentle sad dle horse, 130 Ratcliff Dr. Ph. 2-2063. FARMERS MONTGOMERY RENDERING ' WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OF CHARGE. DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. WE PAY TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. 6411 SALEM Help Wanted Female nSEKPR., 1343 N. CapItoL P. 6171. Situations Wanted T 1RT TIMR nookkeeoins to apply en initial psyment on FHA contract Box744. Statesman. EXPER. WOMAN wants pen. house work or care or sicK. J coosuig, Katherlne King. 1311 N. Liberty. For Sale -Miscellaneous TRAILER HOUSE. 550 R 16th. niTrM!: DOORS with frarie casing. hardware. $3.60. Trade for painting. paper hanging. 740 Hood. P. u CENTENNIAL DRESS. Pbon RIVER SILT. 90c yd. del Ph. 6491 ONE SINGLE axle log bunk trailer fifth wheel A stinger 9.00x20 tires iss r u cash and note on mortgage. 1 24 E. Ash St.. Eallas, Ore. FURNITURE, COOK stove, washing mach. A sewing rr.ach.. 332 Water, - n-nii1ififs'i"rs d HOUSE TRAILER. 16 ft, nook, ice K-ii iiinnn. water tank, like ne' Will paint to suit. $335. terms. Roy. 405 S. Ninth, Independence. .e TOY BULL. 4 weeks old, pupplee $5 and $3. 2514 Hazel Ave. THE APRON Shop 679 "TiLrsrW'WUJ'fsii i i J-e N High MODERN MEAT refrigeration ease. At sacrifice. ....... R. A. FORKXER, 1853 N. Capitol GOOD FURN- 1600 State. Ph. 4581 PRAf!. NEW davenos. desks, chests. double decker, dav. set rug, trade for car. 622 N. Liberty. TRAILER HOUSE cheap, 686 N. 80th. eVSVVMAAwVWVAAerVA ANOTHER truckload of The Dalles No. 1 tree ripe Tilton aprlcins lust ar rived. Direct from srower tc ui-ru -ITAN CIDER WORKS, West Salem. FOR SALE Eng. made silk top pers on brush silk, one collapsible, sixe 7. $3.00 ea. Sipprell. Phone 5880. FRUIT JARS. Qts. 40c. Pts. 25e. Hugh Evans, 233 8 Shelttn St, by Water Ball Park. Dixie enameled range.-104-5 Madison. DAVENO, SINGER eewlnff machine. 133 N. Commercial. HOOPS for Centennial costumes. Phone 6840. IMPROVED CRAWFOE,D peach are now readv et Jess Mtthis peach orchard and fruit stand 6 mi. N. on Pacific hyway Ph. 2-249(1. WOOD SAW. Ph. ' 7335. Pearson's Cash Store, PIANO ACCORDION, $18. Ph. 4287 For Belcr-st Propertr See KRCEGER Ph. 4721 147 N. ComT. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 881 State Street Inquire room 200 TeL 871 S. - " ADVERTISING Vestern Adrerttfitnk ; RepresnuUT(8 - ' George D. Close. tia Saa Francisco. Los Angeiea Seattle Eastern Aatertlning: Representatlrt- Bryant Griffith A Brut son, Ine Chicago. New York, Detroit Boston. Atlanta entered at tk Port of ti. el Cateev Oregon, as second Class Hatter. Pee- lieAed every momino es-eot UotLdnv Buiintu etce ta Bout Commercial SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail Subscription Ratea In Advance witnm wregon: uatiy and Sunday, Mo. 69 cenu ; 3 Mob. $1.50; 6 Uoa $2 5: . year .". jusewnere cents per Via er $$. tor 1 year to advance per copy cents. Newsstands s cento. By City Carrier. 69 renur a monfh. $7.1 a rear tn advance It. Uaiioa and aajaceni counueA DRESSMAK Mrs Adsltt Ph g2 MAKE or care for lawn Ph 961 BLONDIE 42ean- ITJsi Brexid-Basiftl osa ths t"v7crtm I - r 4 BT CH2C YOUUd -11 K' :' Ul &ESisU 1 " ; .. -'m z.- i A tx i ( 11 - e " 1 ' i in' MMa8SsssaasBai I I I IUL . Money to Loan 1 Money to Loan YOUR LOAN -HOW BIG? Ne one should borrow more than he can conveniently handle. Yet you may not realize how low the payments can be here. Listed below are a few sample loans with some ' of the various monthly payments. Amount of Loan 40 80 125 219 300 5 moa I 8.73. 17.46 17 29 45.85 46.51 4.02 3.04 12.61 21.19 39.14 Includesen chanres and payment on principal- ! DPTO tSe.M ON AUTOMOBllSs i. ,ffi' J3uir"entm- People with modest atrrrCora, f U CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY -SALEM S PERSONAL LOAN CENTER" Rnv 201, 2nd fl. First National Bank Building Salem, Oregon Phone 4446 State Lie Noa. M-278 A S-22S "Wl'w'lW1W (MNMWWWIWWI QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or nhone 191181 ta home managed finance Institution, tour "" f ricir privacy, iso win oe gives every consideration in the re paytoc of your loan or granting. of extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay Too can pay ln full any time to reduce the cost. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture er note.. ' SEE ?.OTa S'Sf0553- MQR- General Finance Corporation lit So: Commercial St First door south of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient ground Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 6TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING fcCENSE NO M-1 69 eserfatssseeWe'w PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape You rlll retain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 21 MONTHS TO Ctl ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-ISJL FHA LOANS 4. also prlv. loans. A Drama A Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bldg. eeeeswaiaaeetseeeeeseeasiessJe WE LOAN on farm, residential A business property Will buy mortgage or contracts HAWKINS A ROBERTS INX Realtors. Guardian Building. $20 TO $1000 ON YOUR CAR. CONSUMERS CREDIT CO 127 New BHgh Bldg. Ph. 9291 Money immediately Lie M-233. PRIVATE MONEY to loan on real estate. CHAS. HUDKINS. Phone 9494. 275 State Street BEN J FRANKLIN Federal Home Loan with reserve protection clause. safegusrds borrowers tn time of dif ficulties against foreclosure, r or xuii details, sec F. G. DELANO. 290 N. Church Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS Wanted Private Money WE HAVE a number of farm, city and acreage loans, netting Investors 5 to 6 Interest in amounts rang ing from $300 to $4500. Examine the security yourself. We service the loans by collecting the Interest semi annually, etc. all you do Is to bring In the Interest coupons for the inter est each 6 months IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US FOR GOOD FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. CHILDS A MILLER. INC. . 144 State St - Phone 9261. $1800 LOAN ON good home in new district. 879 N. Liberty. Apt 1L Wanted Furniture CASH FOR used furniture A house hold goods. R. Forgey. Ph, 744$. xrujru"xrrirjiriisiv r. N A GLENN WOODRY, Auc tioneers A furniture dealers will pay ft household roods We bov or sell ev you more cash or trade for furniture erythlng Ph 6119. Wanted Miscellaneous FURIf.. clothing, U Q". .Salem. wTKn 1 00 CORDS wood, cut T mL, Salem. Wood saw for sale or work It out Pearson's Cash Store. Miscellaneous MALE. INSTRUCTION. Reltable .alt. nr. AIR CONDITIONING ni Electric Refrigeration. ..- Prefer men now employed and mechanically inclined, with fair education and will ing ta train spare time to become ex perts to installation and service work as well as punning; estimating, etc. Write giving see. present occupation. Utilities Inst- Box 745. Statesman. esesseseaesaaaeeBiesesseeseess Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST . i '. CASKS ' ' . i Bring or Mafl Your Plstea fw Repatr r.n'.uiRHt-fiirMr.F.R. DENTIST A li ale v -Eildz. Id ft Morrison BR 1427 For Rent Rooms ROOM FOR Tent 269 Center. - -in nnrrrr PLEASANT FRONT room, bath, nrirste entrance. 1229 N. Summer. LARGE LOVELY room, newly fur nished, near eapitot see venisr. i-ir . r i i i suvrttl MARION - Rooms Special weekly and J Nt t iwrn smeeta Marion Coffee Shoe ' dsllcloue meals, at low prices. -Lnj-u-L-t I, jtnriri -j-i.r n i.iw nr m'ii'i'i " " ----- nnrrTCL 8 A I.EM from 14 a rrrnv HOUSEKEEPING room, 1st floor. Keasonabia. fnone . Monthly Payments 13 moa, 16 moa. 29 moa. t 2.68 Ml 8.40 14.12 10.16 I 3.19 6.37 9.95 16.73 23.83 .... , -.-.-j-.a-LnjnjnjTJ-LI-LVXAA Salem's aIm frmmm Knn.. ..s financial affairs will be discussed and JIM CLARK, ASST. MGR. Lie No. Phone 9163 floor location Room and Board PRE. ELDERLY a-entleman. Cars If neea. ist it. pn. nome. 657 Statesman. -.''----' - r-ii-w-in i-i -i n ROOM AND board, twin bed or ain- f, io i wan, j flion. essesaeseea-eAeea eea - ,"r-l-L-u-urijnj-rtr SEE MA Bowen. 90S N. Liberty. For Rent Apartments 1 AND 2 RM. furn. a pts.. 645 Ferry. 3 Bit FURN. apt, 1295 D St 4 ROOM FURNISHED lnnrtmiml hot water heat fireplace, sun parlor, glassed in sleeping porch, garage, at tractive rrounas. rti&AK HAfiTOU jau 145 N. 14th. AUG. 1. 1 RM. furn.. Pull. Vitr-h . Dam, rrig.. iaay, ees b. summer. YACAN. G LENDORA Apartmento. NEAT 5 RU. furn. rfunlcv. rarar xisa teiierson NICE 2 RM. bdL cloee in. II T. Il r. commercial. 2 LGE. UNFURN- ran. kitrh . fire place, bath, ht.. Its., adults, $25. Ph. n, summer. AITS, $6 AND up, 1319 a 13th St 2-RM. FURN.. $12. Hot w elea. washer, gar. 2590 Lee. Tel. 8946. MM1eesaB'eseah4hsessj 1. 2 A 3 RM. APTS- nriv. tnL Clt n. uoerty, ------ -i - --rrt iOfwirMo.rvAm FURN. APTS, 255 .Division. CHOICE PULLMAN. The Deveranx. CLOSE IN MODERN furnished apartment, adults only. Phone 8490, - ------ - - - - - 4 RM STRICTLT modern ant fin. nlshed or unfurnished. Call 145 N. I4tn, 2 R, FURN. bath. 1440 Waller. VAC. Hawthorne Court Adulta . ..1t u- , -l-lTijui FURN. APT, $8 mo. 332 Water. ". -"--------- -i i-i-ii-inru-u-i-u-ij-uLn CLEAN 2 RM. furn. court ant nrt rain, launary & gar. Heat furn. $15 mo. 1807 Lee St LOVELY 3-RM. furn. 310 Leslie. APT, Beautifully NICE SM. APT. 653 Center. For Rent Houses NEW 4 RM. house, nicety furn, ad alts. Ph. 8001, 374 Gerth Ave. 3 RM. &OD. hse.. f Irnla funiae. nr. H. schl. Ph. 7161 after S p. m. FOR RENT 4 ROOM FURNISHED home near Ieslie schl $25.00. HAWKINS A kobkkts, INC, Realtors. ' - - ' 'i i i 'i r "n" - m NEW 5 RM. mod. furn. or unfura. m. aaiem. appiy uto T. itn. 6 ROOM HOUSE. 1S49 Broadwae. u.o. &ey at zz (jnemexeta. 3 ROOM HOUSE. 1 mi. south Sa lem, Pad fie highway. Inq. at Pram ises or Taylor's Trailer Camp. - --- - --- - -,-lf- ri -iji.iLnui HOUSES. Meivln Johnson, Ph 3738 eseesiessasj,eesaas GOOD 6 RM. hse, rent or sale, 214S Biaie. jrn. scaza. "- '- n i-i "i i-1-1 i WE HAVE THE PROSPECT . IF TOU want to sell, exchange. lease, rent see Mr- Larsen or Mr. Col lins wun Hswkins ft Roberta . e-RM. MOD. HSE. $25.- 1739 8. Liberty. Inq. 1520 N. Capitol Ph. 6784. FURNISHED AND unfurn. housee, H. P. GRANT. 629 Coert Phone 6744 ATTRACTIVE 8-R, TURN, ant- adults: coneea, onlet 476 N. CapitoL FURNISHED HOME. S2S.0ft. Pts. For Sale Real Estate ' ' NEAR STATE SHOPS THIS NEWLY decorated 4 past bouse, 2 bedrms, en paved sts, aa excel, location. Price 81659.40. 3200 down. 329.00 per ma See Coburs Ora benhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO, Realtors, Ph. -6449. . ACROSS STREET from Easlewood park ft school. . rooms ft nook. Fur nace, full basement fireplace, bard wood' floor. landscaped yard. 1231 .North 19UJ, $367.' - 3 RM FURNr 291 N. Church. SMALL FURN apt- 280 S Cottage. iffg? THERE MM Money to Loan - For SaleFarms This "PERSONAL' Way "V WHEN AT BOMB - fe ,,,0-"onlr ,25 CMh A "Personal Loan V o k hialtt. nt court street X Gi BUUOI -- - n. n.n.n n.ri.-i.nri rjjinAJUl $15 to $399 EtwTernn FARM BUYER ATTENTION WHEN A WAT : USB A HERE IS (9 acres of flao soil to "PPPCnNAT" best location N. EL, dose la. with ffood i HiXavliliVl- . how ana garage, beine: ol tared at CREDIT CARD 3 ST 'tS. GUARANTEED BT GOOD HiTi " HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINB - rnoneszsi (As advertised therein. ) ' ' ."'"Acreage " "-r. 1 tKIUINAl A MODERN' country noma. 4 bed- V-r - rooms, deep well, lights, beautiful -r-" t lawn, shrubbery, fruit, note, acre of H mailCe jO , around, on Bus line. Phone for details. kii )!.t. RirMt Acres on Garden Road for f 1504.00. Opp. Court HoueeV Corr.t. High &ZxU$?5 'T", Stat License Numbers S-Ul M-146 Slu1,,"' Improved -to trd for For Sale Real Estate . . rellrealtor ' 429 Ore. Bid. Phone 3111 VACANT LOTS or acreage, trade on Y7.. I r r . Salem borne. 87 N. Liberty. Apt. 1JU W anted Kcal KgtatO BUSINESS ft PROFESSIONAL men WB (KTrn, . . We hare a number of fin distlnc- . w V falrHr ffl1S;-CJ,,t; tlve borne, one of these may be Just ROBERTA INf?. iltmi oilrfi.t "your typeof a place." It takes years u,ldi mG Ke"Jtor Guardian to grow shrubs and develop beautiful - T -'; .i-.-.'. nnn.nnnnM -, ,-T.n n . SiwKma )BEHm Rea ' believe it or not! HAWKINS A KOBEKTS, IN&. Boa- WE HAVE a party wanting- large lor ranch up to 350.000. See T.L. ReedV vvwwiviwwwwwwwwwwm with T vcwujr SOUTH SALEM BUNGALOW H. P. GRANT, 119 Court. Ph. 6744 4 LARGE RliS, newly decorated. Inside and out, bwd. flr., part sprln- rj . . kilns; system, beautiful groun.is, excel. IJUSlXiesS "PPOrtUHltieS resid. and achL dlst. Price $2650.00, - - - OrXnhot awPH.CGRABEN RES PON. PARTT to lease em. mod. Holl" apt, bee. Write Statesman. Boa 74 . A BEAUTIFUL WELL-CON- .J Reisonabl- Sab! STRUCTED home. 1 bedrooms, hall. gj 71 1? State -nS ' living room, kitchen, nook. hwd. .'.V.,.T..f ."f?; , . M , M M, floors, furnace. fireplace, caraKS. shrubs, flowers, large lot. 12500. - FOR SALE SNAP SHracTnwr 1 rt'1 .nrt tetSn-M et stock. Box 744. Statesman. TO?vmATW wiFmMN - $500.00 WILL BUY stock and equlp- ,k? T? 7 ment ln almost new serr. station lo- house, 5 rooms, attic, double Sfrace. cated on 99B , slem. Dotn fine bus. hwd. floors. 12x18 terrace. Paved call Don Mrtiin street. Price 84200. Terms. Vl J??'aon- . WINNIE PETTYJOHN REALTOR DO YOU ENJOY DEALING? HS;TStTt TRY AN attractive grocery. Must v-. v.s sell, cash. See H. P. Grant. Realtor. SPECIAL 628 CUrt St, Ph. -4744. BEAUTIFUL FAIRMOUNT Hill ' home offered for $S400. could not be For 5nlr XT7 -. nrl replaced for $12,000 today. Let us a wr w OUU show you. CHILDS & MILLER, REALTORS DRY WOOD, all kinds, SJ. 344 State Street Salem w,..w.....i.wwwm Phone 9261 16" OLD FIR, $5. 4 ft 2nd. 9456. JUST OFF of the North River Road ' DRY SLAB cheap, P. JJ80. Ashcraft we have lots 84x236, restrictions with FHA approval. Price $350. 147 N. MUST RAISE money for cutters. Com'l, Krueger. 2nd sr. 16 in.. $4.50. Ph. 6918. 4-R. HOUSE Sc 2 extra lots for $960. WOOD. Ph. 6370. Uraen. 412 N list or house for $e50 with $75 da, $12.60 . per mo. MILL WOOD $3 6. toad Ph 6862 or 5341 Wood at west end Court St H. E. WEIR, 212 Ore. Bid, Ph. 9411 , m DRY WOOD , old fir A 2nd crowtfc Phone 4758 for prices SPECIALS 6.RS. with atUc, new, -. hardwood, fireplace, utility r. Lot ' SUPPLY LIMITED order now 52x246. East of city. Taxes $13.00. fir, 2nd A old growth, oak A ash. Ph Price $2800. $200 dn., $27.60 monthly. 4109. 38 A. timber, mostly old fir, about i''ww.wwwv 3000 cds. Spring water yr. around. 15 60 CDS. DRY 16-In. wood, t miles miles from Salem. $1000. Half cash, t out Pearson's Cash Store. Ph. 7136. Brand new, ultra-modern S r. shake . bungalow, air-conditioned, large living IvbI anA FnnnA r. Fenced in back yard. East front IjOSI aHQ rOUDO $4250. F. H. A. terms. ART MADSEN LOST Chiffon scarf at Clotigh-Bar- Fh- sg rick. Reward. Leave at Statesman. X?U T-1 T7 . . LOST Sat night, brown leather XVXCUangf Xteai instate purse cont driver's license and money. ' 2-429 Breymaiu Ph. 7287. Reward. EXCHANGE P , WE OFFER 20 acre tract near Sa- Pprcnnal lem. Good 6 room house, deep well, 1 cratJual barn, and chicken house, some Umber. large fruit and nut trees. Exchange for ' LONESOME I Serving all ages. Club good Salem house or business prop- Elite. P. Q. B s. 71-Q. Los Angelea, Csl, Also : modern 8 room house ea I MRS. CALLIE, : Psyctrlo Reader, acre tract for Salem borne. Tell just what you care to find out Will accept good house In Portland 449 Division. Hours 9 to 9. as part-payment on fine 12 H acre ""'STSmlX'.S' ''"- tract ; near city limits on Garden 1 WILL- NOT be responsible for bills Road. i accumulated by anyone but myself. Many other exchanges, ask us about Porter Conger, them. - childs f sMiixER.s4iREAiTORS Wailted Used Car. Phone 9261 "iTnru'; 7l 28 OR '27 Ch.v. No cpe. Garland 1-4 ROOM HOUSE, modern.) Black, Rt 7, Box 542. last hae. D St l-f room bouse, modern, located .in ... n.-u-u-Ln.uijT.rui CoquiUe. which rents for $40 per mo. WANTED BEST car for 1938 Ply- Exchange on a 40 to 50 A. tract E. A. mouth Sedan and $100 cash. 1946 S. Folsom, CoquiUe; j Church St 1 Business Directory CTarda ta this " directory ran on - monthl basis only. Rate: (13 per Una per month. Auto Brakes. Mike Panek, 271 South Commercial Auto Repairing AX. FETLEN'S garage, 249 8. High. Beach Cottages ROAD'S BIND, by the day, week or month. Addr. M. Con ley, Wfppma, Ore. Bicycles BICYCLES. NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott 147 8. Com'cL P. 4516. Building WORK ft PRICKS right Ph. 7842. - ) Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450. It & Northaeea, Contracting CONST, paiotlng. roofing. Pa, S-124L . EIngineerSnrTeyor r- S a r e y a eatlmatea, specifications J. H, Neef 606 Guardian Bid. P. 6864 Excavating ' EXCAVATING Of afl ktada, ' Base ments dog. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt (or sale. Salem Sand ft Gravel. P. 9408. Florists Breitfcanpffc 417 Court' Phone lilt. Funeral Directors Terwtlllger Funeral Home. Ph. 4128. House Painting PAINT. KALSOU exp, resa. Ph, 9468. GQ WORK, reasonable. 11183. Horn. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG ft MATTRESS Co. New mattresses, old remade, rag cleaning ft weaving. & 13th ft Wilbur. Tel. 14 1L zwlckera . CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4963, Papering - Painting NEAT Work, reaa Johnson. Ph. 1771. Plumbing PLUMBING, GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 164 S. Liberty. Ph. 659A : Printing FOR STATIONERT. carda pamphlets, programa books or any kind of print ins. cau ?ne tsratesmsn rrtnung De partment lit O, Commercial. -Tele phone 919L - House Trailers KTNG'S TraCer Exchange, 119 Froat Transfer FOR LOCAL W distant transfer stor. age. burner oil, call S13L Lsrmer Transzer o, Trucks ta Portland dally MOVING, hauling. $L36 hr..Pa, 65 SA b&ti WeH DriUIn? & A. WEST, Rt I. Sa 441. P. Mill fiLOT, For Sale Used Cars THERE :'s a -v- Why Used Cais . Move Rapidly Here First, we select only the finest trade-in to sell at retail. Then these cars are rigidly inspected and recondi tioned in our own modern plant. Then we price all cars to. represent real yalne and give you courteous treatment and an honest deal. Come in and see for yourself. ' . ? ' ' - We have a selection of all popular makes. Buy while the selection is good. ' - Salem Automobile Co. NORTH COMTl AT CENTER PHONE 4913 USED TRUCKS C-l International Pickup. - 1937 Terra plane Sedan 193S lH-Ton Dodge 193S White Heavy Duty Truck C-35 International Truck 1987 Plymouth Sedan 1934 Chevrolet Coach OTHER TRUCKS ft CARS TO CHOOSE FROM AT James H. Maden Co., Inc. 217 State St or Court ft Front Salem , v SELL OR trade. 1938 2-Dr. Sedan Cher, 1983 4-Dr. Chrysler Sedan first class and easy terms. O K RE ALT I, 219 court street Sedans WILL SELL, or trade either for truck 1933 Buick, 1935 Packard. Ph. 3807. 28 OAKLAND, $25.00. 1545 Trade. Motorcycles CALL eve- 1399 3rd. West Salem. Legal Notice EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT fJntloA la tiarh riven that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed, by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the nnntitt nf Marlon, aa Executor of the last will and testament and estate of Susie M. Hansen, De ceased, and that he has duly qualified as such Executor; all persons harms claims against ine aaiila rf aid rfncRrient are noti fied to present the same, duly yenned, to me, at sue uregon Rnfidtne- Ralm. Marlon County. Oregon, 'within six months from tit 4 at nf this -notice. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this Zath days oi jane, istu. JEROME B. HANSEN. ExecutorCof the last will and testament and estate of Susie M. Hansen, De ceased, j za. Jiy z-v-is-zs NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the Es tate of Mary podrabsky, deceased. has tiled in the county court of the State of Oregon, for Marlon County, his final account and said court, by an order thereof, has designated Friday, the 9th day of August, 1940, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said da, in the county court room ln the court house in saiem, uregon, as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final ac count and the settlement of said estate, at which time and place all persons so objecting shall ap pear and show cause, it any there be, why said account should not. In all things, be allowed and ap proved, and said estate settled and closed and the executor dis charged. JOSEPH PODRABSKY, . Executor of the Estate of Mary Podrabsky, deceased. Chaa. J. Zerxan, New Bligh Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Attorney for said estate. Jly. 9-16-23-30, A. EC THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION ' . ; r Noi 1016S NOTICE OF FINAI. ACCOUNT IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF: ERNEST; G YER GEN, deceased. i Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, as' administrator of the above .entitled Court and that Wednesday, July 31st, 1940 at 10:00 o'clock A. M. in the Court Room of the above entitled Court has been appointed by the Court as the time and pise tor the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published Jaly 2nd, 1940. Date of last publica tion July 30th, 1940. KENNETH YERGEN, Administrator. HERMAN E. LAFKY ' Attorney for Administrator 117 New Bligh Bldg. Salem. Ores. Jly 2-9-10-23-30. ET THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOB THE COUNTY OF . MARION . r N!e,1013T . NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE; Or: GEORGE DARWIN CROKJER. Deceased.-y " . . Notice is hereby siren, that the e&derslSBed, tl administrators of ths s b o v entitled estate haTt mod their Final Account in the abova entitled Court, and that Wednesday,. July lst, ; 1940, at 11:00 o'clock A. to the Court Room of the abort entitled Court has been appointed try the Court as the time and plaee for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement, thereof. -- Dated and first published Jaly 2nd, 1940, Date of last publics. Ubn July 30th. 1940. . WM.'p. CHOKER ' " ' s Administrators. nrriiiA?! e. lafky Attoraey for AdirlnMrators -lit New Bligh Building Ealem. Oreg. Jly 2-9-1 0-2 3-3 0. g35 RIGHT BEM For Sale-y-Used Cars Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAI, ACCOUNTING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the traders igned administra tor of the estate of Laura Rand TerrilL deceased, has filed his final accounting as such admin istrator in the office of the Coun ty qierk of- Marion County, Ore gon, and that Saturday, the 2.4 th day of August, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the County Court Room, in Sa lem, Marlon County. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to said final accounting and the settling of the same. Date of 1st publication, Jul. 23, 1940. Date of last publication, Aug. 20, 1940. C. T. TERRIL Administrator of the Estate of Laura Rand Terril, de ceased. Jly 23-30 A. 6-13-20 CALL FOR BIDS Painters Attention The undersigned will receive sealed bids until the hour of tt p.m., August 6, 1940, tor the painting of the roof of the City Hall. Specifications may be; ob tained at the office of the City' Re corder, City Hall, Salem, Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a Bond of, a Certified Check ln the amount of 25 of the bid. guaranteeing to the City that the successful bidder will start the work not to exceed ten days after he has been notified of the ac ceptance of his bid, and that the work : will be completed as per the specifications in not to exceed thirty days from the time he is notified of the acceptance of his bid. The City reserves the right to accept any or reject all bids in the Interest of the City. A. WARREN JONES, City Recorder. Jly 23 No Decision Made On Airline Stop EUGENE, July 22.-1i!P)-The civil aeronautics authority has not acted on a United Airlines re quest ta make stops at Eugene and Salem, W. A. Patterson, presi dent of the company, said today. He said, however, that the au thority had denied applications for stops at several southern Cali fornia cities because they were too near air terminals. REASON Cross Word Puzzle W 1 WL ' 2H 2S 26, 27 2S 2H 31 32" "" 33 mTr " 37 36 W" T" HH HS Hi HI 4& HI OO saSSsMBSBl BMSslBMBBI SbBBMBBBJ estBSjajpaBBl BsVBbsSSBSbI asseutaft BBBBsnSBSi SsMBsslSBBS ejBBpasesMi BSSsSSBjaSBI bsbsbsbbSbSJ aSJBBSSMm bbsssssjbbbsi !!Hl!ll66- '' HORIZONTAL 1 throw 5 back , 8 despicahle ' : 12 melody 1 f mnfv.s H awned 63 uproar . 54 farinaceous . v - food C5 climbing herb 11 carer M-"! . 16 across land 3 slender 18 vie with . 20 lane between buildLcgs : 21 body r . . support ' 22 tinging" -- voice 24 exclamation 2$ nsi?-htly 3 flutciika -' instrument 52 has seized with teeth. ' 84 fame " . SJ alcohc'uo .:. liquor 37 on the ocean 53 a color 1 40 stake in poker 42 pinersl ,; kprirr "." 44 was carried 47 molasses spine ' Anxrer to Ztterisf pcala. 1-21 lio-tv r-cto CIJ T A AUIVm CIT El? Averste ttiss mt tvXJas What Next P 1S - . :. .: :: r---y';-.:.-- :. . tf mi Taking your attention away from war news and war pictures for the minute, we present something new in beach, costumes. Vicki Vola, radio actress, wears the suit which features a beach bag made of green and white striped pique j like the suit. Governor at Sea Gov. W. H. Vanderbnt Although Got. "Wniiam H. Van derbUt of Rhode Island will be missing from his Providence, R.X, executive offices for two weeks, he hasn't gone fishing. The gorer nor, is doing two weeks' active duty as a reserve officer behind & desk at the navy department la' Washington, where he is pictured1 - , VERTICAL -1 European juniper , 2 cuckoopint 2 counterfeit 4 article of t furniture 8 measure et distanca - dircle 7 mineralised . - rock ' ,. , 8 inflated bag ' 9 pertaming ' to grand parents 10 term in mathemati U whirlpool 17 rodent , 1J cluifcnd fever 23r harplike instrument , 24 warprara !' 25 lastra 27 amall fiy 23 mineral SO be in debt . V 31 conclude S3 window above a doei 25 -relieve S hunting-do " 41 meshed fA&rie 43 peels 44 a fisb 45 verba! 43 Latvian city 4 J erect AjL-f , . . .7.. 4 plus Jcr -VOiCi :a la sstetteai 89 st irate. tea, I". 6F" 11 " ' sajsaaM6SsM68s28a vAaW"".- ... :' " y t i . : 14, - , i s ; i t - 4--ea 4