PAGE EIGHT The CGC.I CTA.-AL Sclera. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, July S3, 1813 Steels Lead. Slight Rise I - Dealings Among Smallest in 22 Years on Wall Street Market NEW YORK," July 22-i5VScat tered Industrials, led by steels. managed to finish a shade high er la another sluggish stock market session today, but many leaders failed to get out in front. V Once more; traders , generally kept commitments at a minimum. Speculatire timidity was ex empHfied by the fact the day's dealings were among the smallest In 22 years. Transfers of . 227,- 120. shares .compared with 255,- 620 last Friday. The Associated Press -erage of CO issues was up .1 of a point at 41.4. Steels - were aided by s more than expected Increase in this week's estimated mill operations. U. S. Steel. Bethlehem Republic and Toungstown retained gains ranging from" to . Bullish forces .were none too happy orer signs here and there that business may be in for a let down until the defense spending program gains sufficient moment- am to take uP the Black. Neither domestic industry , or politics, though were able to steal the limelight from the European con flict. . Ex-Cell-O corporation ran up 1 at 32 on a big second quart er earnings jump. Ahead moder ar.ely were, Celanese, Johns-Man; ville, Eastman Kodak, Westing house. United Aircraft, Martin, Great Northern Chrysler, Anaconda and Standard Oil of N. J. Unchanged to lower were Gen eral Motors, U. S. Rubber, Du Pont, LoWe, Dow Chemical, Santa Fe. N. Y. Central and American Telephone. Leaves- for Outing BRUSH CREEK Olga Mad- sen of San Francisco, who has been a guest of Mrs. M. J. Mad sen and Lillie Madsen for the past week, ileft Saturday afternoon with the Trails club of Portland for a week's outing in the vicinity of the Three Sisters. Miss Madsen plans to return here briefly next Sunday before leaving for her home in the Bay city. Miss Mad sen is secretary of the Alpine club at San Francisco, a hiking club crops. Salem Market Quotations rtaemr -ra idis-ti- of t daily mrktt pric.a paid to roirer by BUm fcajrri bat arc not fuaraat.. oy ill onw : BUI YEGXTABIXS Ba. frees - Beaa-, wax , , , .06. Cabbage, -.. .,, , .02 Carrot, local. oa. , , .SO Caolif lower, laral 1-80 Cacambera. doa. .... , ' Celery . - 1.7 Lettuce, loeal . , - l-0 Onions, SO lbs. . -0 Grca anions., doa. , Peppers, fiea , , .10 New Potato!. 100 iba. Ko. 1 1.00 50 Iba. No. 3 .SO Radiabea . 35 Raspberries, crat - , 3.50 Sqaseb, Crookneek, doa. .40 ftqaaah. Zuretaini. lb. .. .C Spinach. Seattle. bz ... 1.10 Tematoea, tug , .T Peas, lce.1, lb .08 iWaterereaa, doa. , , . .40 Beets, doa. JO C&AIX. HAT AND SEEDS WaeaL Ne. 1. rerleaaed. bo. .TO Oats, ton ... 17.00 Fee, barley, ton is.eo Clover tay. ton . 8.00 Alfalfa bay, ton io.u te i.uw ECS Miaah. No. 1 trade; 80 lb baf 1.80 Dairy feed. 80 lb bag 1.85 He- aeratrh feed 1 80 Cracked com 1.80 EGGS AND POTTLTBT Grade A larxe, doc . Grade A aaediam, doz Grade B medium, doi- Pnileti Colored beaa Colored frys White Ueihorn. be.vy.. .SO as .18 JO -OS Batterfat. No, 1, Sfic; Ko. 8, 26c; premium, 29 i riae prui e-c gn-e 81c; qtuurters - 83c - W-ite L chore try -Wait Lec-or-a, Iih Old Boosters Heavy beaa. !b. r; J8 A jot , JDS .11 (Bnylsf Prices a. rio Creamery Grade A large, doa.. Grade A media i. doa Grade B Bedlam, dos. Pallets Leirbom beaa Le.bora fry era, 1)4 Iba Colored fry era. 3-3 lba Colored hens HOPS - ' (Soring Price.) IS M .80 -18 JS JO .08 J3 J3 U .80 .84 1838 1840 contracts, 'b. LIVXSTOCX (Baying prices (or Ko. 1 stock, baaed ea eooditioaa aad aalea reported op te 4 p.m.) 1840 sprint la-ibs T.35 to 7.50 Yearling lamba 4.00 te 4.50 Ewea i 8.00 ta 3.50 Hora, top, 180-220 Iba 7.50 bows I iii , - & te Beef cow i Bolls Heifers Dairy type eow . I-e veal 5.00 ta 5.50 6.25 to 6.75 e.oo te t oo 4:00 te 4.75 . 8.00 J3 Dreaaed veal. lb. WOOX. AND MOHAIB (Sayi-g Prices) Wool, me-linm, lb. ,., , .83 Coarse, ib. j , .82 !, lb. , . .38 Mohair , :.80 Irrigation Tour Set tor Friday, Saturday The answer to the question 44 When will we get a good rain?" will be found by Marion county farmers and business Glenn I men who will attend the county irrigation tour Friday and Saturday, according to County Agent Harry Riches. At least they will be able to see how many farmers have answered that question to their own satisfaction on a wide variety of crops. This rain, in the rorm or irriga- Pricejs DecHne In Bread Grains Hedging Sales, Prospect of Showers 'Causes of 'Wbeat Lobs' . CHICAGO. llnlT 2-YjmxriiMt Dnces xeii more man a, pant t one stage todi y, J uly , reaching M . i: . -I u , iowbm ; ievei oz any con tract here . since last September 1, and deferre-I deliveries coming wuntn - i cent of tha .ma son's lOWS. J-.' ; H ' Wheat closed ' 54-1. cent lower tnan saturlaj, July 72-i; September December 74-. : ,. ; Hedging sales and prospects of showers in the domeatl- nri r,n. adlan spring wheat belt as well as in the corn belt caused part of the setback in the bread grain. Lio nidation of Jniv dealers not wishina? tn , livery of actual rraln denmaaed prices in all pits but was most i pronouncea in wheat and oats. Tomorrow will be the last day in wmcn July contracts can be traded and thereafter aettiemnnt can be made only by delivery of actual grain up to the end of the month. At the close Saturday con tracts :nVO!Vln E.a&S.00A hnhla of wheat, 1,438,000 : corn and 6 a 0,000 oats remained to be set tled. First delirerles of wheat were made today, more I than 100,000 bushels being tendered. Wheat deliveries tomorrow will total 1,386,000 bushels. numbering several hundred mem bers. Stocks and Bonds Jnly 21 BOND AVERAGES . Compiled by Tbe Associated Preia 20 10 Railt ladut Net change I .2 D .1 Monday 68.8 102.7 Previona day 67.0 102.8 Month ago 68.4 101. S ' Year aga 68.7 100.5 1940 high 50 9 103.6 1940 low 48.8 88.9 10 Ctil TJnch X8.6 96.6 94.2 97.1 87.5 90.3 10 Foren Uncb 88.4 88.4- 87.6 61.2 83.5 85.1 STOCK MAKBZET 80 15 15 60 Indus Kails TJtil Stocks Ket ebance vV .2 D .1 Uncb A .1 Monday 87.6 15.8 85.6 41.4 Previous day 67.4 15.4 85.6 41.8 Month ace . - 88.5 15.1 84.9 41.6 Year ago 71.2 19.8 89.2 50.2 1940 high 74.2 20.5 40.6 52.2 1940 low 52.3 13.0 80.9 47.0 KruGon Praise Continues Here tion water that is being used on these irrigated farms, has a dis tinct advantage over natural rain in that it can be put on the crop in need of moisture at any time without damaging other crops. In the past 10 years the area of land under irrigation In the Willamette valley has Increased from about 3000 acres to over 40.000 acres. The acreage in Mar ion county has increased in pro portion. A similar increase will utilize all of the available water from streams in th county with in the next two or -three years. Irrigation is being most wide ly used on the general farm where it is used for the production of irrigated pasture, hay, and seed This past year has seen a rapid expansion in the lrnga tion of hops. Irrigated string beans for canning purposes rep resents a sizable industry partic ularly in the Stayton area. Most of the mint in the county is now being grown under irrigation. Within the past few years several orchards have been placed under Irrigation. The results have been very profitable. It is anticipated that many orchards Including wal nuts, filberts, peaches, cherries, and prunes will be irrigated in the next few years. Ani attempt will be made to see all! of these crops and others in the course of this two-day tour. Arthur King, irrigation special ist of Oregon State college, has assisted in arranging this sched ule and will be present at the tour. The schedule is as follows: Friday, Jaly 26 9:30 a. m. G. K. Austin farm between Champoeg and Newberg; flood system irrigating ladino and red clover. 10:45 a. m. Neal Miller farm. 1V miles west of Rrhariarroa sprinkler irrigation 6n ladino clo ver for pasture aud seed crop. 1:30 p. m. Benedictine Sisters rarm, at the south edge of Mt. Salem Residents Are Glad To Angel; sprinkler irrigation from Laud The Action of The Mod- dee,p we" on ladTiDO Pastare- .m r -..1 nM.j. n-J -" v- ui. jw waiaer iarm. ern Capsule Remedy; Read three miles southeast of ML An Mrs. Fisher's Surprising gel; sprinkler irrigation on hops, clover, alfalfa, and Statement. corn, ladino I rea clover, 'For the ast twenty years I had 4 p. m. - Gregerson Brothers been wanting a medicine like the near Butte creek on Marquam Kruuon," said Mrs. C. Fisher. ruBU aier pumpea tnrougn a 23 97 Laurel A v., Salem, a well known and highly esteemed local - . v. L-- - MRS. C. FISHER lady who la seventy-three years of age and who has lived hero . for the past thirty-five years. v I found KruGon to be a medi cine I could rt-ly uponV contln ued Mrs. Fisher In talking with the KruGon Han .who is daily . meeting the local public at the Fred Meyer Drug Store. 148 North liberty Street, Salem. ''Constipa tion had made my last twenty years miserable ones. I did not seem to have the strength and energy I needed,, felt weak . and tired and hardly bad any appetite at all. What little I ate caused me severe suffering afterwards for X would bloat dreadfully. I slept but little for Uvas so nervous the least thing . annoyed me. But a trial of KruGon soon ' proved to - me that it. was the very medicine I had been wan ting all this time." "KruGon : is certainly medi cine worthy of . the praise given It," continued Mrs. Fisher. "With the first few doses my appetite began to return. Now with pro per, elimination of those clogged intestinal Impurities I am feeling fine. With . proper nourishment too my strength and energy came back and now I eat and enjoy the foods I want with no discomfort or distress after ; my meals."' My nerves are calm now and I sleep fine. KruGon has certainly been a blessing to me and I am glad to Join the others as a 'user" who dqes not hesitate to recommend KruGon on every occasion." The KruGon Man urges all lo cal people to call at the Fred Meyer Drug Store, 148 North Lib erty Street, Salem, to talk with him about the action of this mo dern capBuIe reiBfidj, , . ' concrete pipe line irrigating La amo clover and hops. Saturday, July 27 9:30 a. m. Jake Gilmour farm near Talbot; sprinkler . Irrigation On beans, mint, and sugar bets for seed. 10:45a. m. Alvin - Robinson's -arm in Parrish Gap district; flood system irrigating ladino ciover pasture. ,.: 1:30 P. m. Oharlea Tlarlav Lur., norm or West St -ton rcnooi; sprinkler system Irriga tion beans. I p. m. Ed Gilbert farm, threa miles southeast of Anmniiu- flood irrigation on beans and lo-- ?er, - -.'.-' Quotations at Portland PORTISD, Ore., Jaly 22. (AP) uitj prodnea pncei: ggt, large extras i; atandarda medium extras, 20; standards 18. Cheese: Triolets 15c: loat 15 Vie. Batter: Extras 28tt, sUndards 26; prime firsts 26; firsts 25. Batterfat 27-27. Portland Grain POETLuCSD, Ore., Jaly 22. (AP) I wneat: Open High Low Close September 74 74 74 74 Cash Grain: Oats, No. 2, 88 1b. white, 28.00. Barley, No. 2, 45-lb. BW, 80.26. vorn, xo. x. ,x s-ipment. Ho. 1 flax 1.58. Cash Wheat (Bid): Soft white 78; western white 73: western - 72 1 Hard red winter: ordinary 72; 11 per cent n per cent 13; IB per cent 77; 14 per cent 79. Hard white-Baart: 12 per cent 80: 13 per cent 82: 14 ner cent ea. Today's Car Receipts: Wheat 107: barley 5; flour 18; corn 5; eats 1; inill- icrtt a. Portland Produce Fence-Sealer i Camerumea covering Wendell 1 .WiUkle'a acUvltiea while on. vaca tion at Colorado Springs,- Colo, (et him to do most anything. Here lis Is scaltaj fencs, PORTLAXD. Ore.. July 22. fAP) country teari oeiiing prtee to retail- eis: Country -killed hogs, best iotchers I 126-150 Iba. 8-lOe: vealera. fane-. io.: UEbt ' an- lliin. 10-12- neavy v-i io. ; U.BC, spring, 15-lc; yearlings 10-12e; ewea 6-7e; good entter cows, ve id.; eanner cows B-Ve lb.; bull ll-i-e b. Lire Poultry Boyioc Dricei: No. 1 gTade, L- ghorn jroil.irs, 1 to 2 lbs. 16e lb.; fryers, under 8 lbs 15e lb., 2 to 4 lbs., 16c lb.; roasturs, orer 4 lbs 17e lb.; Leghorn hens, over 8ft lbs., 11 Me id.; anaer a ids., loo lt colored hens. orer 5 tbi.. 12 11..; 4 to 5 Ibs 12Hio io. uia roou'ers os ID. I Dressed Turkeys Sell'ne nrica: Vn 1 sens, loe id : tomi lO-llc Unions Oreean. Kn 1. 5H Kn ID. Dag. Plew wax. SO a. 1.85: rrA 2 QO Walla Walla 1.50-l.iJ0. -New Potatoes Eastern Ora..Waih . i.lU-i.OJ cw Pntmtnam D. in. 9 9K -.v..b ... i.avu (Tulle Lake) 2.25 cart.: loeal Whit. BO. BOX! n . . r . 1 Kil.l Kt .l. W I J ' .w V,, , 11I - uu cental; aontbera yams 2.40 2.60 crt. Washington 1.60-1.69. Hay Sellmc Drlra to retailarai A If. I. fa, No. 1, 15.50 ton: oat retch. 18.00: elorer, 11.00 ton: lamothy. eastern Ore. ion, 11 19; valley timothy 14.00 ton. Wool 1940 eastern Orea-oa. run - 28 U; Willamette -alley 12-month, 85e I , V M VBi UfL'U OUC. Uohair 1U40, l montha, 85e Ib. Cascara 1940 peal, 6c lb. r Hops Oregon 1989. 40 41 1040 Contracts B6e n : 1040 aeedleaa -0 Domes tie Floor Selling price, city de lirery 1 te 25 bbL lota: family patents, 4Bs. 8.00 60; bakera' hard wheat, net! 4.60 6 65; habere' blaestem. 6.10-5.60: blended wheat' flour 6 05-5.66; anft mhmm 4 55 4.60; iiitia 49i, 4.50; whole j vaeei, es, .oa. . Portland Livegtock PORTLAND, Ore July 22. (AP) (USDA) Hogs : . Salable . 1600, total 8350; market unerenly 85 te 60 above Tay, or eo signer than last Monday. Barrows .and gilts, gd-eh. lO ieo Iba ; a 8.75 O T.7S do 16O-1S0 lb 160-aoo bs do 209 200 Iba.. do 220-240 lbs do 240-270 do 270-800 lba 7.60 S.OO 7.745 a.oo T.50f 8.00 tt.85 T.7S A2SO 7.50 na& - a oaiaaie uwi, sotai 2100; caJ-ea 2C0; aaarket aitire, atrong to- mosUy 35 higher; vealera strotg. . t ... Steers, gd, SOO-1100 U)a10.0010 2$ do medium 750-1100 lba, S.00 10.00 " :iwiiuu loa 8.00 8.75 8.00 S.75 0 8.7S 5.60 0.75 8.75 8.50 5.00 5.75 4.253 6 25 8.75(3 4.S5 T.03 T.25 8.75 T.25 S.25Q 7.25 6.25 ( S.75 9.00 8.50 6.003 B OO o.oo e.oo Heifera, good,' T50-P00 Iba. ' do -wdia-i 600-90 lba do coaunoa 600-SOO lba Cowa, rood,- all . ,. do medium, sll-wta- do eus com, all wta. do eaaer, all wt Bulla, ( yearling excluded) sine, an w do aauaare. a-ood. aauaara. a-oad. 11 -t- oo aaasaga. med, all wta do Masage, med, n wta Vealera, gd-ch. all . . do eoss-med, all wta do eU, all wta.. . . - - Bheep: Salable 1S50. total 6500; mar ket alow, anevenl- mtmmAw t. tt - sPns lamba. gd and 7.75Q 825 do mt4 and gd T.256J 7.50 ! OO Common A tnia I w . . : J 1 v p i.vv do ccm-med , 1.0046 8.75 .in.l Aj 'irii ,- ,,f1T . T. , ! m. d. a. c-sb. mD. ' Herbal remedies for ailments of stomach, li-er. kidney, skin, bloocV glands and urinary sys tem of men & women. IS years In service.: Naturopathic Physi cians. t Ask yonr neighbors about CHAN ilM. , - : bzl cnziii . tnii C3J2IESZ fr-EDICEJE CO. 891 Court Bt corner Liberty ; - - E7EC1AX 8T0TICS : Th!a efflee will bo open oa Sands y Only Hoars 10 am. to 1 p.m. and 6 7 . from st ea aatil. Aarxut 14th. Afver Aagmat 14th thia office wiu oo agaia open ai Batardsy. open e ery Tueeday aad Silverton 3Ian Fractar5s Pelris Bone in Fall SILVERTON A. T. Gunderson ts at the Silrerton hospital fol lowing a fall ' from the barn of Mrs. A. Raagland Saturday. Gun derson was working on the roof when he slipped off. His pelTia bone was fractured. Howard Morrison submitted to an emergency appendectomy Sat urday morning at the Silrerton hospital. Closing : Quotations NEW .YORK, July ---SVT odaya elosin Quotations: Al Chem & Dys 147 Com with So lUKat Dairy Pr. Am" Stores Am For Pow - Am Pow. & JLt -Am Had it St S Am RoU Mills 6H t V Consol Ed - 1 Consol Oil SH Corn Prod S Curtlss Wr 11 Douglas Aire 67 Am Smelt & Ref J54 Dn Post . 157, Am.T T 159 Elee Pow 4b L EH Am Wat was s Gen Elec Anaconda .......... 18 H Gen Foods Armour 111 4 Gen Mot Atchison ....... .158 Goodyr Tires . Nat Dist Nat P &L Barnsdall Bait & Ohio Bendix Aria Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air ....... Borg Warn Budd Mfg Callahan Z-L . Calumet Hec Can Pae . Caterpil Tract Celanese Certain-Teed Chesapeake & O Chrysler Com. SoIt 3T Gt North 8 . Hudson Mot 27 insp Cop 75 U Int Harrester 13T4 In Nickel 15 In PAP S4 Int T &.T 1 Johns ManTille 6 Kennecott 2 IJbby-O-Fd 47H Lig 4b My B 28 Lowe b 4H Montg Ward S7 Nash KelT .63 ft Nat Biscuit . 9 hi Nat Cash 60 North Pae 6 Packard J C Penney Phillips Pet Pressed SU Car 32 i Pullman --m. , ; 4 1 Safeway strs 43 Sears Roeb : " 14 So Cal Ed ., . . zz So pae Std Brands 8 Mi St. Oil Cal 43 St Oil NJ . 22H Studebaker 474- Sup Oil 1 Trans-Amer . 66 Un Carbide ,, 2514 Unit Aircraft 38 United Airl 97H U S'Rub - . 24 U S Steel ' 4 Walworth . . v 4 West Un . . 19 - White Mot 11 Woolworth 14 20 7 ..6 3 79 32 19 43 72 8 8 18 23 6 1 4 68" 33 1 18 50 17 9 33 Looney Descendants Hold 17th Annual Reunion Sunday at Park at Silverton f?nJVRRTON.'npSATir!flTifa rvf loeeiifj si-norr ar,A TK Crawford Loonev and William I"nnv ninTi-e-ria n-f '1813 gathered Sunday for their 17th .annual reunion, meeting- at . V "41A W ' Officers elected were -resident Marion D. Looney of 'Jefferson; vice president, Mrs. Frank Dodgh las of Portland; secretary, Mar garet Looney of. Jefferson; treas urer, Mrs. Frances Cornell of aaiem. Registered Sundav wer from Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Chester B. uaines, Mrs. uana 11. ooney, j. F. Steiwer. Mrs. Marlon Tt. Looney, Eleanor B. Looney, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Steiwar, Emma M. Looney, Jesse B. Looney, Mary Ellen Looney. From Portland were Mrs. Clar ence W. Walls, Florence Walls, LnlT Cox Esrr. Ahna M. Harner. Laura TT. Cox. A. B. f!ox. Mar garet H. Lewis, Mary Lewis, Mrs. Leonard Ward, Miss "Hazel Frese. From Milwaukie. Mrs. Elmer T Connell; from Albany, Mr. and Mrs. "Jed Looney, Mrs. Edward Looney, Virginia Looney, Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Oberson and Norman. From Moscow, Idaho, Bertie E. Gritenan; from Salem, Alice M. Steiwar, Marian S. Ketchum, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Looney, Mrs'. Har riet Sims. Mrs. FranrM nnnncll -frs. G, P. Griffiths, Mr. and Mrs. w. w. ixoney ana Mrs. Blanche Steiwer Branson. From Mill City, Mildred L. Al len, "Marian Allen; from Eugene, Jack W. Allen and Je&n Kas-oI. and from Independence R. L. -aines. Sulphur Dtist Good Broivn Rot Control DALLAS Brown - rot,' sn ' an nual pest In - prune and peach orchards especially. .. should be combatted in the near future for best eontrol. The , nse of sul phur dust is recommended by Polk County Agent W. C. Leth. Dusting sulphur of a fineness that will pass through a 325 mesh screen is most satisfactory. In fact, grades coarser, than this are not recommended at all. Wettable sulphur sprays are also' recommended ' states Leth, but because of the cheapness , of arjDlleatinn - fha antnhtii ilntt It usually giren first ehoiee as the recommended control- practice. r Applications of sulphur are usually made about a month In adrance of picking in order to giro the- maximum . protection to the cron. - In a few Init.npM a second SDnlication. two week-a before harvesting, may J be ' ad visable particularly ' if brown ; rot -.'actually appearing. . Fruit - from treated orrharda usually sUys in better condition, Shen packed ' fresh, for a con derably longer period. . Other, nrecantionarv bimiii which assist in -controlling this fungus are: I. Removing mum mies hanging in the . trees, at prunlnr time: 2. Cleanxn mttetA fruit on the ground in the fall; and 3. Pruning trees in such a manner as to open them up some- i what. Early Teaclier Is Feted at Reunion SWEET HOME, July 22-61PV- The sixth annual Blgbee clan pic nic 1 reunion was held yesterday, honoring Callie Morris Bigbee, who started teaching at Scio in 1886. Gray-haired grandparents and their grandchildren, all students of the energetic 72-year-old wom an, Joined in the reunion which started spontaneously six years ago. . : : ' . '.. Mrs. Bigbee, who retired from the classroom after 51 ' years, taught in M osier, Wapinitia and Sweet Home high schools and in Albany, Eugene, Lebanon, Spring Bank, McPowell Creek and Holly grade schools.. "I tried to qnit teaching often enough. she related, "but every time some school ; board would: come after me' and ask me to help out. . That happened ; once at Sweet Home, and I went back to , help- out In ; an -emergency. , I taught every day for 13 years dur- ' tog tbe 'emergency.', - Two hundred-persons, most cf them former.- students, - attended' the . reunion. t - - West Salem grange WEST SALEM Tha Wt lem Grange met in the Dallas para ior a picnic Sunday. Floyd William Weisenhann arrested for violation of the basic rule last week. v See Us When Yon Heed Beady Cash NO EMBARRASSING QU-STIONSI Money Promptly At Low Rates MM ! STATE FIIIAIICE 344 State , Phone lie S-216 M-222 CO.- 9261 POLLY AND HER PALS By CUFF STERRET An Alibi Nipped in the Bud ' - . --- - , -gi ppgjc- f "il ' " MICKEY MOUSE A Little Llaht on the Subject ' ' X By WALT DISNEY I xrv !--5 f r ketch aw 1 1 '. 1 : : rrrtrrc? i i-L.v ;L P V5 'V W3gC-l iIXNKSt " :.TJ . -JTTLE ANNIE ROONEY A Cat Has Nine Lives, tool By BRANDON WALSH I i . . HAPR AE STU. , 1 JMOIAWS-THEY LEAW4TME A FEW TRICKS I I BlT LAW IS LAW-. T C?Pr-lrJ Turv Rmu --rn , r aJ t- . Kw I - TaIk UhZ & J? U H 1 R THI5 "TOWN-TMEVREl X BAO MfN l-LVE TRIE O "ID GET" JVI J IMP! SfZZTiri CV(.irJ .-V??. H l OUTUArVS wrrM RECORDS THAT SPTTL I. UTS. . I AAE -AM- 1W sniJ- I . tf-M ftv I I I -r " - 1 - - m -f Si in il 'III' - Iff ii- JF- m . , a smrvm v-mmi1 1 . A -. . -rr ue : mm t -V . . m-w r 5 - - if - - t . I . r. hi i r-s n . ; : r.-Tm ' s?Mh ) - i fe-. U TOOTS AND CASPEB Just" a. Bepciere By JIMMY MURPHY ()tPlPHHV ACOfvJG BACK j WVtSWj ,Y- "TOOTS WE'VE had"" I COPIOUS ttOKTT - I ArA!M J I nHOU-MT TV'pELATIven ftI?R5Vs! rf vS?0T l9gE!fr;A VlHi-5jr?.-c! V. S?fclv'I ? ' Vi cousim . ) . rr. rid w -i a moktmi there - lll - MV stars! her-TS a : - LETT ETl FROM ANOTHER RELATIVE, SAVIN I, HE'S Q4 . LJ IV U.Z . . t . l jsy''.c i i ii iii'iBhf THIMBLE TT-ATREtarrag Popeye TOCTTS.THE NEXT ,EE, fLL NOT Bt ANO ' I A UNTIL. MORlN,I -.jsj -tonna have rr woulSs . ints DOW "5LAMMEO A SHAMS TO IN' HPS FACE, I V, 0 1 DOkfT MP AKl - I't Happy Landing. Wimpy I rf7 CfMl I " I 7 Ni Wfef ( Our TWO BRA,V REOS WMO REMARKED ENQ ARE' CUARt31Klti THE WO- UKE? THIb ' -CUAROtfsLf AGA0KJST r MARAUDERS THAT' Uvt THe -5TILL OP THE JK-HT MIW,6WOCPOOWN LIKE 1 ffi PCr-Xil 1 Mm.WCOf DOWN LIKE " " i S ; e..A I 1si-' ...... Lfe&srk' ' rf -w t-,: r--..Ti?--"' S --O ' f"3 fn ""3 ' .-v rivs- .ic- 7 L3 UJ Ll. LJ - AMD CARRY ALOPT AM NMERT FORM LIKE THI." AJSCD FV AWAV HsTTO TMS sIltiHT WITHOUT J r flM -1 w . - A -JjrMt iiis l r- l-ViV ' ' KEW STOCK JUST IlECEIVED Svsjdcof crli:a 173 S. Liicriy - CEIs -:! c nrc-3 E!rc:I Frca Old Lzzzllz-P ' "