i jijlkc ii jidu,wloc ii (nil iiR . rntt. r-Jii.aDfrvx News PIbotei'-Many Froetls In this harbor on the French Wand of Martinique, French soarces state the French airplane earner Beam was blockaded by British cruisers. British action was reported taken to prevent a shipment of American-made warplanes from falling into the bands of the Nana, Martinique is bat 1460 miles from v the Panama CanaL :. i -y :: -,:v:-.- .ft.-.-;.:- :V y i ?$ :.:...;? - i'i VH. iinwCT'jEmmHti ml jwmpwp J 4 t , ft 1 ' tm i.nnnr.r 4 r"rr,: - - 4 fc. . -.-..w... .fr m-... .,...'' B ,m ir -nnriihi-iiirr irf in'inrfnr I'ff iiiiiliriri(Tlnlinlirin-' "r-f' nr T-l- T1 4 Ahm fcii 1 1' nrr J" " v- MhxMii&toitt 7. 7. N. Phonephoto These giant French railway guns, now In Nazi I nation. It Is believed likely they are bound for the hands7 are shown en route to an unknown desti- huge artillery concentrations on the channel. : . . . 1 ' C , ry 4 ' ' x r- "" ' ?","n'"" , ' V " 1 ' t ' ' - r , - r- - I .ll .r" n- -iv. ...... J Among French naval units seized by the British I Surcouf, 1.880 tons, the largest submarine In the to keep them out of Nazi hands Is the submarine world s 1 V - v- . , --ft " X , ' " - - -sx x . 3 If. I.I.N. Pboaepboto Scene outside a passport office in London as Britishers await paax porta for Canada. No one between the ages of 16 and 60 may leave the country except women accompanying child evacuees. wux'Vmj" ttt ('Vim jiihi 1 1 niiniuiin a , m iiiuuu Loretta Young Engagement of Screen Player Loretta Young, now 27, and Tom Lewis, 38, former program director of a Cleveland radio station and now a New York advertising executive, has been announced. The wedding will be held in Beverly Bills, Cal i- ' 4 1 " 7 y-ji tit: Governor Carr asd WiUkle Vacationing : tt Colorado Springs, Colo, Republican Presidential Nominee Wendell I Winkle is shown with Gov. Ralph Carr of Coto radlo, left, who is his host while in the state. Note the 10-gaHoa hat - WXZlde holds. Baroness and Baroa HethscLUJ Carrying $1,000,000 worth of Jewelry, Baroa. Edward othsctd. head of the French branch of the famous banking family, ana n wife. Baroness Germalne, arrive la New York by Olppej f; geea from the war zone. RethscMld's Uat lisit tt tte SUtes was in 1SC0. For the fiirst time since the World war, the three-inch oaken doors oa the state capitol at Albany. N. Y, were closed when jostal In spectors discovered " a mailed warning that the building would be bombed the next day. Here a state poUce ' officer examines tlie credentials of a draughtsman, who finds, himself barred from the building oa a return frc:'a a laUr1 supper. -' Charliis Orr of St. Paul, Minn, grand generalissimo, and Harry Pel lard Cf LoweU, Mass, right, deputy grand master, are two of the tsadlns efflcers cf the Knihts Templar, now holding their tritxricj ' - ; " canventioa ta Clcvi'-and, . :: y !N. ' 1 -7 - JELL dMAAtMeett Carol ITansea, Peaner Krlscmuui and Tlviaa lia&ah : ' These, gentlemen, are "Ifodern Venuses," accord- I New York. Carol Hansen, left, was the winner, tng to their designation after they finished one- I with Eleanor Kriscunas, center, and Vivian Italia h. two-three in a beauty contest at Coney Island, second and third, respectively. ; . r i :Yp : i v. n J j!" 115 J ' v' .A vk -? . -". . - J The German censor passed this photo "as a warning to England. It shows the destructive effect of German bombs on a French town where a French motorized unit was trapped by diving stukas. "This," says the German caption, "is the kind of war England will shortly get a taste of the war which she has wanted. 3 i - if iii mil1' wtii Donald Blood, 14, and Bernard Byrne, 15, wanted to Join the Canadian Royal Air Force. They hopped into a borrowed plane at Hicksville, X L, airport at dawn. Neither had ever been up in a plane be fore. Gas ran low and luckily the boys put the plane down at Peekskin, N. Y. .They bought a few gallons of gas and took off again. Thirty minutes later the plane cracked up in a tree top. The run aways were unscratehed. Juvenile delinquency; was about the only charge that could fit the case. ' . ' ' , ' i . - . " I --.it . - ' " " ' """ " ' " - - n1 - ....-... -f i .iniiTT- il This certificate has been printed by the Republican I let it be known that he prefers small contributions party as-a means of raising campaign fund. I from many rather than a few big ones from a Each sells for SI. Nominee Wendell X WUikie has I few. (A. bnildicg superintendent, Caesar Jilroeger is booked in a New York police station on charge of pos sessingguns without a permit, lie was being questioned in connection with .the bomb explosion at the World's1 Fair when two guns and a ; Quantity of German-American Eani Uteratsre was found la Lis rooms. J Speaker f the Uouse William B. Barrhead, keynoicr for the f jrthcor. inr Democratic National Convention in Chica.ro. inspects rs l wiil Democratic llajority be used to cpen the convention, ane gavei, csca i v,. conventions, is being shown him in wasiutoa tj a--" Leader Albea Tu Berkley, convention's pensaxe-t :.a.r.wfc