Nevs Briefe ; Trial of Note Permit Isswed- Building , PM mits -were Issued yesterday to Hel ta Southwick to- lerool dwelling; it 1159 Marion street. ISO; Dr. E.-E. Getxlaft to niter garage at 195 North 14th street, 140; Mrs. Carrie Cnase to reroof dwelling at 1125 Nebraska street. 150; Q. II. rimm to erect one story dwelling Snd garage at 277 South Liberty ltreet. Ill 0.0; Charles Green to repair roit f dwelling at 143 Cn toa street, 129: Robert Perllch to reroof dwelling at 1020 North Church street; Earl Balry to re-1 aair dwelling at 2110 North Com mercial strete, 125 J alius Scbuets to build a one story dwel ling and garage at 1415 Norway, $2800: William Chapman tobaild a y story dwelling and garage at 1185 Broadway, 1150; Wil li am Stepenek to alter and repair 1H story dwelling at IS 8 North 19th street, 1X090; Fred B. Rob erts to build a one story dwelling and garage at 1010 Sprnce, 12000. Lts florist. P. 1592. 1271 N. Uh ' Comin; Events July S8 - Former residents of Waitsbarg, Wash., picnic at OUnger field. July 29 Pennsylvania pic nic at Independence park. ' - July SO-31, Aug. 1 4H live- stock judging and crops tour. July. 81, Aug. 1-4 Salem Centennial celebration. v ' August 4 State ' Tennessee society pk-alc at , ilcMlaavtlle, Aagnst 4 Oklahoma p tenia at Jantsen beach, Portland. Aagnst ; 4 Nebraska picnic at Avery park, Cerrallla. ' Angvst 4 -Montana picnic at Avery park; CorraULv Ao",nst . 4 Orchard Heights homecoming, . Luther Stoat's picnic ground. ' Aagnst 14 to 18 AnmsviHe harvest featlvaL , Angnst IS Carolina picnic, Bryant park, Albany. Bit by Horseshoe Karl Hatch- Ins. 18. 2141 South Winter street, was treated by first aid men yea- esnin i u - Executrix of ' Blark Hlls Estate Sues for .-Stuns of $2000 and $6000 Trial of the promissory note case of Margaret R. Ellis as execu- I trix ot the estate of Mark D EUla against E. Floyd, Ellis began here yesterday before Circuit Judge L. H. McMahan. d v f '.-t" .: t 5 -".', i': The ease is an effort to recover on two notes, one for 14009 and the other for 12000, alleged owed anon by the defendants : : ' The; plaintiff: appeared aa her only : witness yesterday after ' se lection of a Jury, - and was fol lowed by C C. Bryant, Rex Gib son, Carle Abrams, and Ellis him self If or the defense, .vrv.r . f Circuit Court Courtney. C. Houck and others as M. W. Hoack and company vs. W. G. Allen as Allen Fruit com pany; order on motion to .make more definite, and certain; origin Wants Oiling Done The coun ty court has received a letter terday after he was hit on the I from Joseph J. Jteoer, cnairman j &ny made October 10, 1939, and. head by a horseshoe during ; a j 0f the "board for ' school district I not entered; ordered now. record horseshoe game at Leslie play-1 si (a Mt. Angel, asking that cer-led nunc pro tunc," Tronnd.- William? Bergin, 11 WU-1 taint environs of the Mt. Angel . u,a d- ifr SL .MeKinnev liams avenue, was treated ior a high . scnooi oe pavea wnue we u John Whitten; ; order for de- cut left hand. K. m. Taylor, ron-i Marion county roaa oumB -fnnp-i fendant to surrender possession land, was treated for a crushed j ment is in the vicinity The aehdol of reai .property to defendant as hand received wnen a trauer neiooara aesires w iuj 1 of October -L was repairing at 655 Marion ground ana parsing strip arouna cerma Bell as administratrix fn nn nla hand. Rorer I the school gymnasium paved, asl. Tv, vmhv v. Rmwn Baker, 21, Silverton. received we aaomer strips nearoy una. &nd others; an,wer of defendant treatment for cuts received in an VV , v. .rj. . ."I Brown denying generally. .-..vl m Dinrrh I lireeu iweiwri idle blico, nuu T 1 11 t j . M ov.""T.rr: will pay the county Immediately -.i:!- 7?- l'i . er, 1504 North 15th street, waa I """'r: ' I tiff to show cause why he has paid 1210.75 under divorce ae- iSafatv of voar aarlnra is Insured cree granted Febraury 15, 19 s 8 at Salem Federal. 120 8. Liberty, reqniring blm to pay 18000 In S 4 aroonuuy installments, ana s Mattson uaca tienry juatrsun, j uontaly support money for cniid, Prudential .Insurance company vs. W. F. Gruenow ana otners; . . m - me won. celved when he reu aown. Booked by Police Charged by I cltr nolice with violation of basic mi r Orrille D. Beardsler. I clerk ot the countr court, re- 125S South Liberty street; Harold I turnea sunaay irom an extensive W. Pickering, lfi&f worm upuoi uu "i,w"8" .V order confirming sale. street; Lee H. Andrews, r o a t e ion r mon HochBtetaer vs. Thel- two; Walter J. steeger, route iwo; ninleted by a visit ma O. Carlson; same order. Miltou ,C Plman.j Albany; B K JJiJS Chester A. Page v.. Thomas r eiana, uuaruian "uuus. . Kav Woolen Mill: reply ot plain- Harry C. Poole, 1535 South Com- uJt2YtofWmvto im- tiff denies that 14200 salary was mained In camp during the period, mercial street, was charged- with ,o4 k, full compensation and aUeges sal-1 Wednesday morning 17 camp- operating an automobile not in Canadian-American border ary modilications did not affect ers under the leadership of Jim proper control,, and Victor L. Ber- . immieration officials of both bonus clauses of original con- Cole, Eric Fitxsimons, Ward Miles, nardi. 1871 North Commercial n .Y-ii tr.ct. Boh Shunke and Tom Medley left street, was charged- with passing by otaer memberi of hIa family Probate Court camp -for Hoodoo Butte, from in an miersecuuu -uu u and by Mrs. Margaret Rehfuss. Donald B. Botts estate; final wnere tney emuui side. . L r nAifft ner- admin- day hike along the Skyline TraiL 2L?-S? yttrStSll" iBtratrlx. approved and final dis- I nesd ay afternoon, th. group Willkla Hears Thai Roosevelt Is in tho Raco 5 Reach Top Call Board :.,V .... ' ..... r-v : ." . : : - . : , ..... J,. . -, ' . . : . - - .-v., ' : " , - . .... :. ' - . - ..-. . f. '' : " ?. ' , - . ". . .x - : - " ' 11 III. . . .". . Of Jefferson Today Irene Dunne, Gary " - ' - - Grant In "My Favorite Wife." Ralph Bellamy in "Queen of the Mob." Friday Bette Davis. Charles Boyer in "All This and ' Hhm .Tofl." Wendell WfllYtW "lBfHnii Please.- 21 Blake Weekend Hike in . Spite of Rainy Weather- Rainy weather at Pamella lake I failed to daunt the spirits of 21 members of the Chemeketans, Sa- I lem hiking organization, and their friends, who made the ascent of Mt. Jefferson Ban day morning, Tha party, which reached the lake at C p. m in the midst ot a rain squall, remained there until midnight and then began the eilmh nn the - southwest face of the 10,500-foot peak. The summit immediately , below the rock pin nacle was reached by 19:39 a. m. A fresh coatlnjc of snow made ascent of the pinnacle unusually precarious, so that only me tnem- nf th, nrtv misi mm ciimu f . ..Ttrrnii summit. These I Today Nancy Kelly. Jon ..n Robert .Kendell and Otto Hall in -"Sailor's Lady. Bowman, leaders of the party, I uesar Komero la "juuexy CAPITOL Today George Brent, Vir- -ginla Bruce In "The Man Who Talked Too Much." ,. Gens Autrey in "Carolina ' Moon." ; Wednesday L 1 o y d Nolan. Lola Lane In -"Gangs - of . Chicago. Ann "Sheridan, Jeffrey Lynn in "It All Came True." Saturday John Wayne, Sig rid Gurle in "Three Faces West.- Richard Arlen, An- dy Devine la -Black Dia- - mon da." j GRAM) r Wendell L. Wmkle. the Republican presidential 1 en route from Colorado Springs to Denver. Among candidate, listens to final sessions of the Demo- I other thiaga, Wlllkie heard that his opponent co national convention while aboard a plane J November wffl be Preaidsnt Roosevelt himself, Summer Gamps College Quintet on Tour By ERIC FTTZSIMON3 SILVER FALLS " T CAMP While the three-day hike was the outstanding feature of camp last week, many other forms of excite ment entertained those who re- Semi-annual shoe clearance sale, Agriculture Henrvv A. Wallace rrr'r"5" hiked six miles In to Duffy lake. Acklln Bootery. iu . ttiga. - nM declared surplus eight fresh T , .TT.i ... where thev made camp for the - .' . ' UeceUbles. which may be Bur-L.rr I. T, Ii nieht. Thursday morning they Cabbage, lettuce, peas, tomatoes, " r-.,..-. estate- dis- basin to Marlon lake,' a distance spinach, beets, carrots and snapL.!? "even miles. Many beautiful . . J . i. - J , I.I I UlUUH'O .vuwuw - I I merson. Salem entrants m tno Taft Redhead roundup's queen contest were. tied with 407,000 votes each for 21st place at yes terday's count. High score of 458, 000 Totes was held by a Portland girL The contest closes Wednes day night. Fills Pulpit C. F. French of Salem spoke at the Methodist church at Dallas Sunday in the absence of the pastor. His topic was the "Relation of Laymen to ' the Church." He is one of the lay leaders of the Salem district for the Methodist church. Complete assortment of centen nial costumes for men and women. Hollywood Costumers, 925 8.W. YamhilL Ph. BE 8754, Portland, Oregon. stated tne aaaiuons wouia neip Tr . s,.TOi- msrdtAnsbln: hr rlvlnar Trt iHnRtin ir familiea nl . . T n -r- wldlr choice of food, "and by tak- " gi0 " " pwpirS iold kea ot Duffy lake, ThreFlng. ,.t.-A -, guardUn, shows real property aoia t,.v vc. Jefferson. Marion i to A. V. Herron for 150. Semi-annual shoe clearance sale, Harold R. Irish estate; apprai Acklla Bootery, 105 N. High. &1 t 15211 in personal Proper- ty by Harry V. Carson, H. E. Timber Back Home Timber, Peterson and George W. Hubbs. trained police dog belonging to Clarence B. Stratton estate; Porter Conger of Salem, has re- claim of 1800 of M. Etta Breck turned home. Conger reported the enridge rejected by Ira D. Mix, ad- animal stolen when it disappaered i mlnistrator. last week. It turned out, be said Jastice Court moving pictures were taken by Jim Cole, who had the T's camera alonx on the hike, snots were George Rossman, Randall Kester and Wallace Snrame. . Other limbers wera Esther Girod. Raloh Kennedy. Dorothy I Mlddleton. Virginia Wells, Robert G. Rlnmensteln. Ray Weaver, jcs- ther Arnold,- Esther Erickson, Harvey DieUman, Harry Robln laon. Boh Beecrott. Norman Wins- llow, John Mischke, ConiUnce Smart. Paul ueuoer ana ieorge Balm. r v - - River Program Is Set for July 31 U Will Include Races and Mnsic Beginning at 9:30 a.m. Cisco Kid.- rWednesday M a r y 1 a n d- wuh.Brenda Joyce, John Payne, Walter Brennan in technicolor. s - ? LIBERTY Today Wayne Morris, Claire Trevor la "Valley ot the Giants.- William Gargan, Roaella Town In "Adven- tures of Jane Arden.- . , Wednesdav James Carnev. Ann Sheridan - in "Angels with Dirty Faces.- "Smug- gled Cargo.- j Friday Three Mesquiteers In "New Frontiers." Ron- aid Reagan. Ila Rhodes in "Secret Service of the T Air." Chapter 2 "Dick i Tracy's G-Men.- STATE Today Bing Crosby, Doro- thy Lamour in "Road to Singapore." Laraine Day, Robert Cummings in "And On Wu Beautiful. On of the many features of the Centennial week in Salem wiu be the river observance on tne htnVi tt the Willamette river. The river ceremonies will begin I Thursday J a m e s Cagney, at 1:20 on the morning of Wed- Pat O'Brien in "Fighting nesday, -July 11. Chairman Don-' sm. vieior jorym Madison and his committee are "Light of the Western Bries. Saturday midnight show Laurence Oliver, Joan Fon- tains In "Rebecca." - nlanninsr a surprise program. There will be au sunas ox races, log-rolling, pioneer ceremo nies. The nroxram will be held on the Willamette just south of the Marlon-Polk county bridge. The reviewing stand will be built near the Mellow Moon skating rink. Those present in the revlew- HOIXYWOOD Today W. C. Fields, Mae West In ?My Little Chicka- dee.' ered Jack, Mt Jefferson. Marion lake and scenes at the campsites. Camp Director Fred Smith, met the hikers at Marion lake, and Friday : afternoon the group packed their camping supplies in preparation for the return trip to Camp Silver Creek. Tom Med ley, Jack Poush, Gordon Weiler and Earl Cooley. the hike anglers, failed to make any good catches ing place will be city and state I Wednesdav Otto Kruxer in dignitaries, pioneers, tne city band and ouartet. The pioneers Him vMvnn vn. WMta Mtftom will be at U lorst jsapoec en urea i . : i diiihi. Tnm(W, irf,t to nresent vocal and tastrmmeatal mmate ami am I bejrreeted by the official : partj. Friday Ann Sothern. John z. . t Tne xenerai rroarm is iui "Scandal Sheet." Nelson Eddy,- Dona Massey in evangelistic program. Evangelist Group Is Here Wednesday On a 12,000-mile tour through Rites Are Today, Mabel Creighton yesterday, that a neighbor boy Arthur B. McClellan, speeding Until the departure Friday -after the west, the Wbeaton college had freed Timber from his chain Ith truck, pleaded guilty, July. noon. when, during a thundes quintet visita Salem Wednesday to piay witn mm. Church. plementary tiiva Kaaii fflod h- thA Rrn. Fraud Reported Report has jrti,.iA. rhnrrh of Dallas to been made to city police of a worn- J .vanB.. . n.,A, n thA Eranr Mi an attempting to sell tablecloths eal Mennonite Brethren. Attorney which she said were hand made, E McKey ot Dallas filed the but wnicn were iouna m m ir j papers. uiar stocx soia iwci ueiu ment stores. UWUi A . , "0 ; I - - . . . t . . . 31 set for sentence.- shower. Tom Medley began hook- nignt to couuui. v ..v.rr. ,n -orrr! nor. 1 1 a rirYt mnit i tha First Bactist" cnurcn. accoro 5uZ nfrr U". Pleaded innocent, case or- iett However, since the hikers ing to Dr. Irving A. Fox. P"torJ articles of tacorpora- .- . lt had alreadv sUrted on their Jour- The service will begin at 7:10 Larrv Walters, assault, plead- nev back to the truck. Tom only o'clock. - ed not guilty, a n d preliminary J had the opportunity to bring four Oldest of the Wheaton college hearing set for x p.m. today; tof the larger ones nome witn mm. i gospel teams, tne quintet is on Meanwhile, the heavily-laden its 11th annual tour, since grao iiivara id h jim r.ole. made the nating members are replaced each 3 mile trip from the lake" to year by new students, the quintet the truck in the record time oi ovi nas a travel record i muro. The Auto Just Ran Into Him by Itself I committed on failure to post 1500 bail. Jack Dempsey, assault and bat- ti -v Tf i f prT nn wife. nleAded euilty. sen- I tt. it. n a n'n ff h t tence of 60 davs in jail suspended I minutes. After reaching the 187.000 miles, with visits to all Shlndes Stolen Otto Diek- AimTnm. for all occasions. Bet- and defendant placed on one trnck ana piling their baggage on 48 states and four Canadian prov meier. 1485 Baker street, reported I TitAATr store. 115 N. Hixh." I year's probation. top of it, the entire group started lnces. in police that aix bundles of shin- Richard L. Striker, no automo- on the 70 mile ride home, arriv- Kvanrellstla la nurpose. the . a I a mm a i - a Mt m a4 I m n A A Va mm-m I ... . m rles were stolen from US yara i names ucpuiy onerm a. sj. i Due lignts, imea x. ing ti cwnp in ums iijf uwi r Bujtn m its program iwurra i Burj nas appomiea xmaK u. i jummen ieaiiy , uciiuuius per ewrea dj ruji vi. 1 song ana instrumentmt oiu. Sharp as special deputy sheriff j innkeeper, pleaded Innocent, trial j boys who took the three-day hike j qaartet numbers, testimonies and of Marion county, accoraing to ordered set later. were Horace ueiain, uoruoa . spiritual message. Saturday night or Sunday. Obituary Hill Mrs. Lovle Evada Hill, July 20, at the home of a daughter. Mrs. ; certificate and oath filed the Marion county clerk. ' of with ATarT-iio-o f lnj3 ler Earl Cooley. Malcom Marsh, I , Robert J. French, 24, paper Conrad Cook, Ron Jones. Phil Codr. manager and first Take. line', Name-Certificate -aker. ""Church streel t and "eppner 'nind Daily, tenor from Provo, Utah; John De- assumed business name has oiuarea u. xexiic, , ------- - - . PB.rt .H;r- secona tenor, irom Fmneral services will be at 10:80 o'clock this morning from the Clough - Barrick chapel for Miss Mabel Scott Creighton. 14. who died at her home, 21 North Liberty - street, Saturday -following a heart attack. Burial will be In the family plot In tha IOOF cemetery. '. I PORTLAND. July 22.-V-T. miam reiniuu was S'uu.w I rnla VnratAr. 4fl. S.n FranelSCO. ot wiiiamette .vm't a platri, t paaenrer taught for several years at Wal- or an aatoODUe drlTer yesterday OWa. - I i.t v.. Wa ln4iirl In an tntomo- Survivors include a sister. Mrs. -,H ' . '!J?A1 The visitor was seated on Zr. t, .nh . V rhton Jnne, bench in the park blocks when a of SalJSJ Cr51"0" ,oae driverless automobile sUpped IU Pallbearers will be Dr. Harold .r"?" vu" Olinger. Homer Smith, Jr., Cecil I strixing mm. Edwards, Oarlen Simpson, Kehne Wain and Homer Goulet. Jr. The casket win be open to' friends at the chapel until 8:20 this morn ing. Margaret Mae Phillips of Salem, been meA witn Marion conn- P"- Salem route seven Winkle, aged 78 years. Survivors are sons, 1 1 clerk or tn salem-Tillamook j ona uimora xxiu. mo . i Auto Freight line by Konert tioi- Hlu, Dottt 01 saiem; owgnier, de Ma.rra.ret Mae PhilllDS of Sarem; I brother. Jonathan Harrlss of Okla-1 Semi-annual shoe clearance sale. home; 11 grandchildren ana one i ACJtun Jtsootery. i uijn. ..a M.tiiM wjiwtaawaf aAWWisia t wm rr: jutr22.-atTaL juuyt? .v. xxr t niriiM .hi. I Townsend club will meet In tne ciatmg. interment -t i ' "J"; -V-" I HQ fines Memorial nark. u uio w w wu""" . - convention, win xova.e syui Robert L. Hurlburt, 24, optic ian, 433 Union street, and Nordice P. Johnson, 21, secretary, ass North Summer street- ' Glen Chenowith, 40, lumber in spector, and Vera Stockdale, 41, housekeeper, both Albany. MuniciDal Court John Erickson and D. Kelly, Wert y-r g2& rm. a .mt Penn.. and George Moran, piano Saturday morning accompanist and soloist, from a busy one ior me cHpr got up la time for flag-raising, because many Individuals chose to sleep in and receive a free bath. rather than crawl rprlSiirvcy of Mental Homes to Be Made fast the early-rlsers'triumphantly marched their hapless .- prisoners Tlown .to the pool, where, amia much cheering and laughter, the unfortunate ones jwere promptly launched. - ::s- ''' "' c , tl.1 fimntri Went OD v- hnhrir ride Satur-1 vey of Oregon's mental institu Th a-overnor has no authority L.. ond aithnnrh. thev I Uons. Governor Charles A tr. mnt- .AnridTH or commuta-1 - v . i, . timiii.r ihnver SnrtriA van advised in a letter J "J?"' v- i Picnic Set Sunday The annual ,7 . "V t.neaTto inmates of ZT T failed to re;! hera vesterdav from Sur- iToi "salem? rVlce, be held Sfh.S? VW fllll da "the spiriU what-oever. geon General Thoma. Parraxu from the Clough-Barrick chapel 7,7Ik ' r "er! ""nJIlia. t"?-Sy -The .urvey vurt .-i w VV11UV we aa.a . - rvelirhton I Clab to Meet National conven- Mabel Scott Creighton. at the tloa news will be read at tne meei- iM.n. lit North Liberty ling Of Townsena ciuo no. h street, July 20, aged years, j Wednesday nignt at s o oca v Survived by sister. Mrs. Jessie u. i tne uneny naiu Jeaes; niece. Rosalie Jones For ter; jNo Authorization, Boys' Reprieve ' The United States public health service, with headquarters in Waahlnxton. will eonduet a sur- at 10:80 a. m. Tuesday, July 22, with Interment in the IOOF ceme titrr. Casket will be open to friends until. 2: 20 a. m. Tnesday. girls. Attorney General L H. Van-JX4tion last week were John Dowd, j tBe , ,tate ' board of control-and KOW ALL II -wW famous AppUancea May Be -Purchased For Only I Par . Wlc r NORGE RANGE Per Bio. NOKGE REllUQ. KORG13 WAsmni -r-- 2 JS9 Per Mo rrni nun : Stccran Electric lroa -Witn Any Combination at ywo or More Norge . Appliances GEO. E. ALLEII imnDUims -:. 238 S. , Phona Commercial 4019 araitreaa wanted An-1 Winkle held here Monday. Dean Dowd. Frank McGee, Dick COTer the adeauacy of the Experienced waitress wantea. ap- winkle ruled that children Us,,-,., v-vme Jackson Norman m.,t,t in.titntiona both mLittm l h4T fenced to the wnilg. Richard Van Winkle. Earl ffomhe standpoint of. physical 01 9 na x - boys training school or the in- cooley. Jim Loder, Phil Heppner, I Dlant niedieal treatment. The Has Teachinr Job Daisy Mln-1 dustrial scnooi ior giris are not i Boh MaCk, Lioyo jacaaon, f""-"" t report of the health service win s ef Salem has been elected to classified as criminals. Wilson, Jim Armstrong and Boyd fll6d wltn Governor Sprague w aisuu. prior to ui 1111 "Ir ttiJL Surgeon r General , Parran ladl- i offlf p, f TiTlor Normin ted that the survey would get Hal CutfeL Pat Taylor Noman within the ; next few i?him anvan aa w nmi i . ajra au w " a - C7. fViS STtWaeiter Alan I weeks. . Particular attention will rJlnlward to b given to Oregon, two. .Ut. vl i. a-. Bar I : The opinion was sought by avavwu " m t n - XT. J J. a.,... uuM. rat. ant fall i I veu " " City next tau. , , , ,1 n.An.n, a. FamfJv to PicnicThe McAltln I Sbrague. I a a, 1 , jQnes Terhnne ramuy win noia a reunion in silverton parx bbooj, Jury 28. School Board to Meet The hoard of directors for tsaiem schools will meet at the admlnia- School Repair Is WeU Under Way Miller and an honorary ft ward to Awards of Green Ragger or hospitals and the rairview home. The general program is as fol lows: Greeting ot pioneers, na tional anthem with flag raising. Centennial theme song by quar tet, "God Bless America" by the audience, motor boat races, tug of war bv river tugs, tug boat 1 race, log-rolling contest, s u r f I board riding by "Timber, trained j nolice dog. The program will close by noon. Carroll In ''Congo M aisle." Roy Rogers in -Young Buffalo BilL Chapter, 2 "Green Hornet. ! .'V - y0" ' leciiajaai it' GOOD AlYeww MilvieHill Fiineral Is Today Final rites will be held this morning at 10 o'clock at the W.I T. Rigdon chaptel for Lovle Evada Hill, who died Saturday at I her home. 791 North 14th street. Dr. Irving A. Fox will officiate. and burial will be In Belcreet Me morial park... Mrs. Hill was the mother ot Thomas B. HI1L John Clifford Hill and Margaret Mae Phillips of Sa lem, and Willis Hill of Hays. Kan.; the sister of Jonathan Har ris of Oklahoma, and Is survived by 11 arandchiidren and enal great-grandchild. . , ( n 7 w ScrIlor Lady -JjUfttS&tf with Nancy Kelly Jon Hall - Joan Davis and Lacky Cisco Kid" with Cesar Romero X th week endiar July 7 went to! Yonnr Ttob Rmlth. Harold Mevers. o.. Mn.t-: .ml main ten. I Jim Brown.Ted Corbett,'-Frank f ward Miles. Eric Fitadmons and tratioa Duuaing wnijui v i.nia work ta beinsr done at sa-1 uecaeuacn, - ua - jiruiuieu. Lw- rrea snutn. lem school hnildlngs under tne i Edgtngton, i om HK"i " direction of A. W. Andrews, build- Hanson, Jim Hagan, PhU-jaa; h.n and rrenndi enstodlan. Chief Malcom Marsh. Jim Osborne, ... ' , crolect under way now is the lay-1 Keith Shlnn, Alan. Turp, Milton Ml Oregon Crotcned ct iinoienra at Parriah and Thompson, Jerry VolkaL Dick - i Leslie junior jugn scnoois u . u wsiieu-, aieuaiu, h .,. v. . HOOD RIVElVJuly 2 t.-iJFy I corridors, Ubraries an d princi-1 Wick am, Richard Yoeom, Donald A hundred and thirty-nine persons pajs offices. Painting and caK i scaled Mount Hood yesterday In dmfnlng is being done at nearly Ex-Major League Plmyer Die at. Home in Portland PORTLAND. July 21-aV Charles J. Swindells, 12, attor ney and former major league baseball player, died , today. . Swindells made his debut aa a professional player with San I Francisco of the Pacific coast league. After a year as baseball coach at Stanford university, he Joined the St. Louis Browns of I thhe American league. - Ha came here in nil to prac tice law and was secretary and attorney for the . Portland team ot the coast league from 1931 .to I I 139 Mood Climber See the American Legion's 20th an nual climb. - ' Beverly, Gross was: cr owned j Miss Oregon a the summits I - - - w v-ai UWfl it -.-..-a m; all the school buildings.: I imm '' Zlaq ; fc : Dcxo&y Crosby " ' Lcsnour B03 KOPS "Road to Sincjapore' . 2ND KIT - "AND OIJT' WAS EEAUTIFUL Robt. Cammiags , "iLA&X 'lLMLd lODAY . "Valley o the - . ' Gianla" Wayne Claire MORRIS TREVOR plus hLn"D niT " - "ADVENTUPJS OT JAirS" AILDEU" with" Rosella Towne tinfiinniEiEWtu:- f1CT7TTTm-nTO i NOW SHOWING - 21' HITS ' LAST TIMES TOMTJ3 . I 11 1 ni IWfJS- 'fJWflN I v l II Vlr-3nia lirwoe i 1 i-1 . I I HMfwtth Smiley BaraetU V- J : - ' i-s- Ctompaaioa- Feature -K ! Starts Wednesday - 2 EJtt M"QUEEN OF THE MOB- ( STARTS FRIDAY . CH! s r 1 TCiv? "1 m. r.r -f Continn-oos 1 i(Jqfrom 1 ijb. Laraine Day KMaaMaWal f . ; -V Pin. Uoyd ftola. in h LUL'LJV' 1 l j : V'CAyGfl of cmCACQ" y J j 1 : C 1 .