The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1940, Page 2, Image 2

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    WA to Help
Building Tennis Court,
- Sidewalks, Field -
Work Included - ;
JEFFERSON The Jefferson
school board has received word
that the W PA improvement allot
ment baa been approved. . The
project amounts to S33C and in
clude work on the grounds of
the local grade and high school.
Tb work will Include reroofing
the gymneslum, building s. tennis
court. sidewalks, playground
equipment and also Improvement
of the athletic Held.
Mrs. Delbert Smith, English
teacher In the high school, has
resigned, to more to northeastern
Oregon with her husband who has
employment there in the AAA.
' Mrs. Evelyn Day of Beaverton,
teacher In -the Parkdale schools
for several years has been hired
to teach the sixth and seventh
grades, which were divided last
year between Mrs. David Arnott
ind Ralph Kelson.
N. H. Beals, new principal of
the local, school was in Jefferson
one day last week on business
pertaining to the school.
1 JEFFERSON Mrs. Karl Kihs
was hostess at the July meeting
of the Evangelical Women's Mis
sionary meeting. In the absence
of the president, Gertruth Rehfeld
was in charge of the meeting, and
reviewed two chapters of the
study book. "Right at Home."?
Others taking part were Anna
Mae Barnes, Mrs. Don Davis and
Helen Kihs. Helen Kihs was
elected delegate to the annual
convention Orero nr Washington
Conference Branch Women's Mis
sionary society of the Evangelical
church which convenes July 2 4-26
at Jennings Lodge.
Rev. William Elmer, pastor of
the local Evangelical church will
attend the summer assembly of
the Evangelical church, which
will convene at Jennings lodge
from Jnly 24 to August 4. He
will be in Jefferson Sunday and
preach at both morning and night
The Jefferson District Sunday
School convention will be held'
In the Jefferson Methodist church
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
July 28. The following program
will be presented: Song service in
charge of Dr. J. O. VanWinkle;
invocation. Rev. E. C. Alford:
nnmhai- Hv ITVvnn S"pHml
Sunday school; business meeting
in charge of the president, N. F.
Gilmour; special number, Talbot
school; special Methodist school;
address by Rev. Victor Loucks of
Scio Baptist church; talk by Fred
deVrles, county president. The
children's division will be in
charge of Henry Turnidge, chil
dren's division superintendent.
The Sunday schools of Talbof,
Jefferson and Marion are includ
ed In the district. N. F. Gilmour
Is president and Helen Kihs,
During the regular worship
service Sunday night at the
Evangelical church officers were
Installed for the E. L. C. E. A
very Impressive consecration serv
ice was held In charge of the
pastor. Officers are president,
Gertruth Rehfeld; vice-president,
Archie Dowell; secretary-treasurer'
i iwrni Rphfpld: chairman
ef the service department; Helen
Kihs; worship department. Bell
Brown ; lnstrucation, Orville Reh
feld; recreation, Anna Mae
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Looney
Wft Sunday for San Diego, Calif.,
on a business and pleasure trip.
Mrs. Looney's sister, Mrs. Glen
i n e w mw or i orm ruin win hii iini
pany them as far as San Fan
dsco. i Bean picking started the latter
psrt of the week, in the D. M
Burnett, and Dick Vose yards.
Mar the north city limits of Jef
ferson. All indications are for a
fine crop of beans this year,
i Miss Frances Coin ol Portland
pent the weekend visiting her
father S. H. Goln and Mrs. Goin.
and her sister, Mrs. H. B. Thurs
" Bernlce Stengfl and Geneva
Stengel of Oklahoma are guests
t the -home of their uncle and
aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vasek,
Mrs. Mary Norley and Mrs. Hew
itt Smith and son, Jimmie. who
bad been visiting at the Vesek
bora a have returned to their boms
la Minneapolis, Minn. -
Valsetz : Installs
Water Pi
VALSETZ Jody Rhodes and
a' crew of men are laying a hew
water ; pipeline along the plank
,. All but a few of the fir fight
ers bare been laid off at the small
fire that Is smouldering on the
Cobbs-Mltehell property. The log
gers have' started back to work on
the hoot owl shift, v
Harry Kackley is quite serious
ly ill . at Emanuel hospital,. In
Portland. -; -.v- .
Mr. Walt Mitchell, assistant
superintendent. has - moved hi
family into the Lydick house In
Valsets. . -
WHXH OTHX&S fAH.1 - km wmt
Cbtnss rsmswis. AmasSar SCO
CESS tor SOoe rears la CHI A.
K aaattsr wits wait aiiatsat m
r Ari'UCTED ' 4Ursn. i
aaaitia. kurt, hug. tir. kidaay.
tvmaek, pi catltia. aJcra.
4tbtia, laTar. akin, funaj coia-
ia '
Cbineee Herb Co.
a s. roag ciflti
ker 9 to 9mj
txcas Soo4y a.
veiiciT, t to 1
HIS. Coal. 8U Btltnu-Ora.
Chicago Girl, 8, Found Slain in
. . "yy -: --
Police la Chicago bold Robert Schroeder, 26-year-old tavern porter, la
Laying of Maiie F. Smith. 8, whose body wae found stuffed behind
meat of a bail ding less than a
Svdmminff Exhibit
Qoses Trauiing
Over 250 Spectators See
Class at Silverton
Give Demonstration
swimming exhibition, directed by
Esther Arnold and Barbara Kurtz
of Salem, was given Saturday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock at the new
swimming pooj in Silverton be
fore the presence of more than
250 onlookers.
Following the Introduction by
Miss Kurts of R. A. Fish, chair
man of the swimming pool board.
Mayor Zetta Schlador of Silverton,
and Judge George Rossman, who
later. presented the senior life sav
ing awards, the exhibition proper
There were polliwog demon
strations by youngsters from 5
to 11 years; beginners under 11
years, beginners 11 and over,,
women's class of beginners, swim
mers and Intermediates, different
strokes, dives, watermelon game
and the life saving demonstration.
The claasei consisted of beeinnera, Le
on Ado, Lareraa Bergarson, V'aia Diek
eraon, Mary Lou Donahue, Lewi Grant,
Harold Johoaon, Sheldon Johnson. El don
Johnson, Keith Johnson, Charlotte John
son. Norma Levis, Mary Elisabeth Mae
XeiiL Iarid I'elett, Warns Butherford.
Junior Ycaeh, Betty Keene, Bob Harare,
Betty Br kke, Charlotte Brokke, Jeanne
Hanks, Wayne Johnson, Helen Brokke,
Jamea Grcgan, Allen Teip, Kenneth Al
len. Koaeaaary Bauer, Ann Baker, Joyce
Bailey. Fatty Clarke. Andrew DnVal,
Merle OrcgM. Cvtaerine Gladen, Jean
netta, Ootteabera;, Shirley H a 1 1 e 1 1 ,
Elaine liamre, "Beatrice Lewis, Bruce Ren
wick. Georriaaae To we, Zephne Given.
Jfcsn Into, Vadea Dickeraoau Jean Shileda,
Martin Nrison, Lawrence Hobart, Rob by
Scarth. iMck Thompson. Carol MeCleary,
Paul Sanset. Hilda Maaer, Orral Nelson,
Lawrence Thornly. Marlene Butherford
and Wayne Wagner.
Intermediates, Uertrade Creed, Earl
Grogan, Elaine Grogan. Elsie Jackson.
Joan Liber, Irene Light, Glenn Light,
Hetty Lee Kobins, Berntce Spencer. Lloyd
Stoltenbcrg. Hfine Light, Betty Haiden
atrom, Marilyn Moe, Doris Hanks, Vir
ginia Tuggle and Cheater Storruste;
swimmer, Hetmer Anderson, Bruce Bnell,
Jim Koger, Bob Sweeney, BUI Walker,
Fred Beed and Wallace Adams; senior
life sarers. Olive Banks, Brace Buell, Bud
Dowrs and Fred Reed; Junior life Ter,
W allure Adams, Helmer Anderson, Bob
I canard. JAnse Libby. Jamea Bogera,
Bob Sweeney and Bill Walker.
District MWA
PicnicIs Held
" SILVERTON Mrs. Gladys lu
teal, district vice president of the
Scotts Mills, Albany, Dallas,' Sa
lem. Silverton and Woodburn .dis
trict, was in general charge of
the MWA picnic held Sunday in
the SUverton city park. Her assist
ants were David Hay. Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Cox, Bert Reveal, S. Ml Mc
Clung. r. M. Powell, district pres
ident, called away on business,
was abla to attend but unable to
assist with, planning..
The program, with David "Hay
as master of ceremonies, consist
ed of vocal numbers with guitar
accompaniment by Marvel Olsen
and Phyllis Grogan. a short, talk
by F. C. O'Donnell, state man
ager, from Portland and contests.
Yvonne Reveal, age 2, was . the
youngest MWA member; J. P.
VanCamp,- 19, the oldest; P." M.
Powell came the farthest distance
to attend; Margery Tucker and
L. Brown won balloon race for
women; Arthur Tucker a n d Dan
Grogs for .men; EJ Peterson,
horseshoe ' pitching same; Arnet
Olien and E.' Bringle. father-child
ptck-e,baek race; Arnet Olsen and
Bert Bye. cigarette race; Rena
Bye and Marvel Olsen slipper
kicking for women; S. M. McClnng
and W. B, Gould, beer bottle con
test; Richard Bailer and Monty
Weddle, boys foot-race; Arlene
Olsen and Adaline Olsen, girls
foot race; Korky Beard and El
wood Olsen pie eating race; and
S. M McClnng, bean guessing cob
test , s , ' . ". - v m , v
nigh way "Work IVogrcsscs
cific highway south from the City
View cemetery to 12th street In
tersection that Is under construc
tion is being ased at all times with
very little detpuring so far. The
large machines ased in remov
ing the pavement have left, Many
trees and shrubs are baring to be
cut down or bored to make way
for the new four-lane highway.
- - i , -
irirrnv -i !""
block from Her Home.
Aluixmi of Evergreen School Elect
Calif ornia Man Prexy at Reunion
SILVERTON William Bailer of San Francisco waa
elected president of the Evergreen school reunion at its an
nual picnic held Sunday at the Silverton park. Other officers
elected were vice president, Emn
Herr; secretary treasurer, Olive
Ottaway; program committee,
Mrs. Fred Knight, Mra. J. H.
Maulding and Olive Ottaway;
coffee. Fred Knight, Sam Bailer
and Miles Ottaway.
During the program the
group honored John Riches, Vic
tor Bruaner, Clarence Kuenil,
Martin Ingleson and Letha Caven
der, who died during the. past
year and all of whom were mem
bers of the Evergreen school.
During the memorial period, a
quartet composed of William Bai
ler, Lydia Daws and Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Geiser sang "Vacant Chair."
William Bailer also gave an ad
dress during the afternoon on the
subject "What of the Future."
Dan Geiser gave the brief address
of welcome. . Readings were
given by Adeline Olson, Elaine
Grogan. Marian Bailer.. Donald
Renwick gave a cornet solo. Num
bers were given by a quartet com
posed of William Bailer,- Mrs.
George Brazier and Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Geiser; trios were composed
of Valeria and Virginia Bailer and
Henry Jackson, jr. Selections
were also given by a quartet com
posed of Adeline, Arlene and Ro
berta Olson and Elaine Grogan.
Vocal duets were sung by Vera
and Verda Bailer, by Phyllis and
Pat Grogan, and by Marvel Olson
and Phyllis Grogan. Vocal solos
were given by Eldon Egan, Man
rice Gottwald and F. D. Knight.
Registered at the picnic were Mr. and
Mra. Catper Oreroes and Colleen, Mrs.
Hattie Stay, Mr. sad Mrs. Sam Bailor.
Ralph, BSchard, Marion. Virginia, Vera
and Verda Bailer, Mr. and Mrs. TL H.
Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Mannce Gottwald of
Molalls; Bernita, . Bnrt, Genevieve and
Hugh ecttwald. Miss Virginia Patter
son. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Knight, Mr. and
Mrs. Miles Ottaway, Mrs. Lester Skyes,
Kathleen and Donald Sykes, Mrs. Cloreta
Cclton and Jimmie, Mrs. Alice Kaaer, Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Kuenai and Ems, Kath
leen BwaTtout, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bai
ler and Valeria, Mr. and Mra. E. A. Tim
lsr. Ted. Moras. David and Blair. Mr.
and Mrs, Edward Martin. Mrs. John
Mculdiiig. Msrjori snd Patricia, Mrs.
Henry Jaekaon sad Henry. ir Mr. sad
Mrs. Dsn Geiser, Mr. snd Mra. Fred Ka
aer, acrs. I mm Kiur, Phyllis Huntley,
Bullet-Maker Meets His King
... ,
. f .5-
!'' ' ' '
' i - - -
fifteen-year-old Flske, said by the Britisb, caption: to be the youngest
. boy employed fa the bullet -caakiag shop of this Royal ordnance fac
tory, continued to sort ballet as 22ns George storped by his ma
chine oa aa injrpectioia tr! . . .
' - x
n--ii- i-y
connection with the smmU
heating plant boiler in tbe 1
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Huddleston, Spencer
Baxter, Mr. and lira. P. J. Kewswanger,
Mx. and Mrs. Fred Sehifiarer, Mr. and
Mra. T. T. Eirlick. Mr. and lira. John
Banner, Mr. and Mr. Eltim Hear, Mrn.4
Egriman. Job snd Bill, Vadea, Richard
and Vayle XHckerson, Mr. and Mrs. A.1
Wrt Mader, Mr. and Mrs. Arnet Olson,
Adeline. Edward. Arleea. Marvel. - Rober
ta Olson, Mra. A due Tokstad ud Gary,
Mr. and Mra. Burns lien wick, Xtonaid
and Brae, B. 3. Geiser, Mrs. Josis Mires,
William Bailer. Mrs. Erra Bronaer. Rata.
John and Leslie Siema, Mntnie Maacher,
Olira Ottavay. Mra. Bitk junta, Kon
ald and Jack Hasaa, Mr. and Mrs. Lea
lie Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. W iUel. Mrs.
Kd Grogan and Patricia, Elaine, Shirley,
Phyllis and Dan 6 rage, Mrs. Edss Dica
man and Patricia. Mr. and Mrs. P. E.
Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Oral Egaa and
Colleen and Eldon, Mr. and Mrs. John
Dick. Mra. Sean Dick. Mra. Carrie King,
Mra. Bema Kaser, Mr. and Mra. Walter
Larson, Joyce, Dais and Shirley Larson.
Irrigation Talked
At Aiimsville Meet
AUMSVILLE An open meet
ing was held here Friday at the
city hall. In charge of represent
atives from the state engineer's
department regarding Irrigation
and water right projects.
Considerable Interest is felt by
residents of this community In
the need and advantages of irri
gation. Many people are desirous
of a means of supplying water
for better crops and gardens
which suffer at present from ex
treme beat and dry weather in
the growing season, with an mois
ture to tide over until 'the fall
tains begin.
David Lowe, Jr of Corvallis
wu . a weekend visitor at the
borne of his grandparents, Mr,
and Mrs. T. C. Mountain. He has
enrolled in the school at OSC for
civilian pilot training and is elig
ible bow to make solo flights.
Aumsville Sets
Harvest Affair
Firemen Promise Annual
- Festival Will Be
BeT Ever" v
AUMSVILLE Promised to be
"the best harvest festival yet
wfwMt" la thawannnal affair beinr
arranged for Angnat 16, 17 and
lg by the firemen f or Aumsvme.
Ta rharrs ira Claude . Hastings.
Xe Higbburger. W. J. Roberts,
Charles Malone, Lester enyaer.
A parade tor the nignt or au
nii it is beinar slanned at which
ail local organizations are being
requested : to participate with
floats and displays, xne rown-in-
Amusement company of 8a-
1 ' . V - . A
lent win nave concessions or vn
vtnrln All commercial sunnly
houses are requested to make
application lor display space xn
the big tent.
Thm festival will be held on the
school baseball park. A tent 0 by
100 feet will bouse all perianaDie
exhibits and commercial displays,
s y. Weiss fa the Anmarrille fire
chief and is pushing all of the
different projects so that tne les
tlval wUl be better than any yet
Perrydale Women
Discuss Elidiibit
Federated anb-to .Hare
Booth at County Fair
August 23,24
club met. Friday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. H. J. Elliott with 20
present. Exhibits for the county
fair In the federated club booth
was discussed and Mrs.- Earl Wy
att was asked to take the articles
to Monmouth and help decorate
and Mrs. Fay Gilson will help
Mrs. Wyatt. The fair will be Aug
ust 23 and 24.
Thirteen members of the club
attended the meeting of federated
clubs at the Buell park last
Wednesday. Mrs. George Woods,
Mrs. Fay Morrison and Mrs. Earl
-rWyatt each related something of
Interest about the meeting.
Mrs. T. Boersma gave a talk on
a trip to San Francisco that she
and Mr. Boersma made with their
son Dr. Frank Boersma a short
time ago. Mrs. Regenla MeRaa
gave a humorous reading. Mrs.
Van Staarern had a letter from
Holland, the first news they have
received since the invasion. The
letter had been censored and also
a large part cut out. Many of their
relatives have been taken prison
ers and are in camps. Mrs. Miner
w Jn nines and Mrs. Dan Elliot
served refreshment to the group.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mattie and Doris McKee.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gest of
Tillamook spent Friday here vis
iting at the George Woods home.
Mrs. Gest is a niece of Jrs. Bax
ter. Mrs. Jane Baxter spent the past
week visiting in Portland and on
Thursday came to McMinnville
and Mrs. Lydla Conner came on
home with her and will visit sev
eral days at the Robert Mitchell
C. L. Gilson of this place and
Jack Gilson of Dallas left Thurs
day for Paisley on business. They
will- return' Sunday. They -will
look after property interests
Riggs Clan Has
Reunion Sunday
PER R YD ALE The meeting of
the Rlggs clan was held In Sa
lem Sunday "wita 28 present It
was Intended to hold the meet
lag In the park but due to the
poor health of Mrs. Adelia Biggs,
the oldest of the clan, the mem
bers met at the home of Mar
garlte Rlggs Ellis. : . .
Durintr the business meeting
1 Lois - Rlggs - Carton of . Portland
was. elected president; : Tommy
Thompson,.' vice-president; Hettle
Starr , secretary, and Zelnta
Woods Kubltz. historian.'
The clan" expect to .meet next
year as always before in the Dal
las park on the third Sunday in
Silverton News
who has been ill with lnflnenxa
for several weeks,:- -reported
much Improved. Resent guests of
the Carries have been their three
children, their son-in-law and
their granddaughter. Dr. John
Carrie, Julia Currie and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Aim and daughter,
Jaly, all of Portland. .
Grain threshing began in the
Waldo IIlUs community with the
Kings starting - grain . . threshing
daring the week. They had com
pleted a camber of grass thresh
ing Jobs prior to the grain. The
Goodkneeht machine began, late
in the week at the W. J. Baberly
place. Frank Egan and son, Ralph,
have been running their combine
tor the past two weeks. , Besides
harvesting their own grain they
are doing custom work for several
of their neighbors. The Riches
combine Is being: used on their
own grain farms only.
Three former young men. who
were reared In this community
bare been guests at their old
homes this week. These include
Lawrence Rue of Los Angeles,
who has been visiting his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Rue. - - ;
- - Frank A Riches cf Bam,
Wash., who has been on a Here
ford tour through eastern Wash
ington. Idaho, eastern and south
ern Oregon and as far south as
HI! Is, Calif., stopped to see his fa
ther. C R. Riches. Friday and
Satnrday. - He returned - to bis
home Saturday.'-"-"
II r; and Mrs. Ardis G. Egan of
San Jose, CaliL, are at the home
of Mr.' Egan's parents, : Mr. smd
Mrs. Frank Egan 1 br a two weeks
vacation Egaa is the principal of
ti e elementary school at aa Jose.
Here's Big Gun
This lSO-OOO-ponnd shaft, resembling the business end of a bnge na
val gun, shown at Schenectady, , NT. will be nsed by the General
Electric company In balldin; one of the new 75,000-faorsepowcr
generators which will convert the water power of government's
as 1,000,000 project at Bonneville, Ore., Into useful electricity.
AP Telemat.
Picnickers Enjoy
Clean Gty Park
SILVERTON The extreme
neatness of the Silverton city park
was commented upon over and
over again Sunday as numerous
families gathered for reunions or
small picnic groups, Charles Wat
son, caretaker of the park, is con
stantly busy keeping the park in
good condition and a number of
the visitors there Sunday said
they came because of the cleanli
ness of the park grounds.
.? Among the smaller picnic
groups were:
Friends from Silverton and
Scotts Mills gathered for a noon
picnic dinner and included Mr.
and Mrs. Will Saueresslg. Mr. and
Mrs. John Saueresslg, Mrs. Emma
Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Am
nndson. Mr. and Mrs. George
Krause, Jean and Janice, Mr. and
Mrs. V. E. Johnson and Gloria,
Mrs. Grace Ahlers, Miss Jennie
Graham and Dr. and Mrs. A. J.
An interesting group was the
Cenine photography class from
Oregon Stat college headed by
' " - - - .' M.I Ml I M-. . ' ' '
mm . i i . w s - i r
of Peace Time
George Eby, who Is from Stock
ton, Calif., but is teaching at the
state college this summer. The
group was making a safety movie
for the American Book company,
and following the dinner at the
Silverton park, planned to return
to Salem to make a number of
takes. Included were Mr. and Mrs..
R. D. Landeneyen of Fort Bragg,'
Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mc
Brlde - and Joan and Marlene of
Rainier; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chris
tain and Peter of Hayward, Calif-,
Diane and Janet Howard of Cor
vallis; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mun
forth and John Readen of Corval
lis; Mel Rush of IlaywaAl. and
Blaine Johnson of McMinnville.
UNION HILL The Union Hill
grange met on Friday night for
its regular monthly business meet
ing. , -
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wlesner of
North Howell were visitors.
The grange donated money
toward the Red Cross fund.
Charles Lac sang two selec
tions during the lecturer's hoar
Grangers News
VetSL Brown's uirilHiigl
new serial of loye-
;:;.-.;n the skyways ? i a '
Silverton Folk
Leave for. Idaho
Halversons Accompany
Sons Family Home I
. , for Visit ,J
, ' w . , -
SILVERTON Whea . Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Halrorson and little
son from Idaho returned to their
lome after spending a vacation
here, they were accompanied by
Mr. Halrorsoa's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. .. H, Halrorson of Silverton.
Alvin is a brother of Omar Hal
vorson, Silverton chief of police.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peterson
have as their guest for a few
days Mr. Peterson's . sister, who
is a nurse at Seattle.
The Silverton Federal Credit
union elected L. R. Neal as chair
man of the board of directors to
succeed the late Fred MehL
Mr. and Mrs. -Homer Slayton
hare named their daughter Mary
Joe." Mrs. Slayton will be remem
bered as Grace Canoy, the daugh
ter of the Charles Canoy a.
Dorothy Alrieh, whose right
arm was fractured the Fourth of
Jnly In a fall from a walnut tree,
win, have the east removed this
week. Y- '
Orlo Thompson, who-has been
at" the Silverton . hospital several
weeks following an emergency
appendectomy, submitted to a
follow-up operation Saturday. He
IS reponea aa geiuug aiong rery
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Ekman
bad as a weekend guest their
daughter, Delores Forman who
came by plane and returned the
same way from and to her -home
In San Francisco.
David Jrebtree of Salinas.
rHf . fs si riiMt at the Martin
Brenden home. Warren Crebtree,
formerly of the' Silverton Smith
Hnghes department, is attending
summer school at Corvallis.
Toiir Eastern
Oregon Resorts
SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Toney of Taney's Eat. shop,
accompanied by relatives visiting
them from California, are on a
several days' tour of eastern and
central Oregon, stopping at the
various lake resorts in those sec
tions. -
On their return to Silverton
the Toneys plan driving to south
ern California for the remainder
of their month's vacation. .
Their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Ehli, are in
charge of the restaurant during
the absence of the Toneys.
tfm GOOD
llSTEn BnEsflfl
DTm I ' -I
1 . . I
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