i It v - The OZZGOn GTATTCMAIV Ccda. Orton, Tbcarsday Xan!ng :July 18. XS13 fagz im l Jc.-oz KES Statesman ' Classified Ads . Caii9foi '' V" CUwrtf Advelelnsj Three insertions per Ilne.2Se Six Insertion per tine 40c On montlt per line - $1 .15 Minimum-charge 25c; t tl sia .". Imam 3Te; t U min. .45c o refund ' " " "" . - 'Copy for this page eecwpted w ttl 4 3 tb ei4B. befere puHica tioo for classification Cope re ceived after thi time . wul be nm under " the heading "Too Late t Classify " -The Statesman (uumei a fleaa elal responsibility for error which ma appeaj to e3rtlcront ous lihd in It column an la ease rhar tbia jmper af fault wtu re print that part of an advertisement - in which th typographical ewNIaV'- : ' m-t '"' Tba Statesman raaervaa th twl to reject questionable advertising. It further reserve th riant te place . aJtk avertlin uadec th proper taaaif lea t ten A -Blind" Ad an ad containing Statesman toa onrabti Cor an a drssa It (or th pro-t'o of tha advertiser and must therefore ba nawared.br letter The 8t a teaman ta net at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to tba- MenlHy of aa adver User using "Blind ad. , Livestock Phone 7336 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION . WS PICK op dead and wort hi anlmais at a moment's notice. Tap prlcea for fox-feed horses, OREGON RENDERING & FERTILIZER CO. Phone Satem i33. C0"6 FARMERS-- MONTGOMERY RENDIRl HJj WORKS PICKS UP. FREE OK CHARGE, DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. WE PAY TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT. C411 SALEM Auctions AUCTION AUCTIOX AUCTIOM m Closing out the entire furniture and furnishings of th heme of Mr. aad Mr. Vincent A. EXmocalla. located at S7 N. Front SL, opposite the Marlon Park tonight. Time: 7:30 sharp. A partial list Includes bed dav end. occasional rocker, fine cabinet ra dio. Duo-Therm oil circulator. . maple dinette table A 4 chairs, rugs, linoleum, curtains. Universal range, dressers, beds, springs, mattresses, mirrors, ta ble A floor lamps, pictures, fish bowl fish, reed clothes hamper, k. table 4 chairs, Waedrow - elec. washer, X burner Wedgerwood gas stove, walnut desk, fruit, fruit Jars, lawn mower, carpet sweeper, sewing- machine, 2 reed dolt buKsie. wall tapestry, stand ta Ms, clelKx. bird cage, halltree. lare mirror, davenport chatc phonograph A records, combination desk. A book case, oalc rockws, 2 beds, springs, mattresses, oak ex, table, chairs, buf fet, I feather ticks and lota of mis cellaneous articles. Note Time : Thursday nit 7:30. Place: C7 N. Kront. F. N. and Glenn Woodry, Auc tioneers. Ph. 5-1-1-0. Bee us about your next auction. : Help Wanted Male MAN WITH CAR for good Bawlelsta Route Just recently become available. Experience not necessary. We teach ou. See J. H. Thleseen, Marion Hotel, balem, Thursday, July 18th. Help WantedFemale WANT TO get in communication with widow 45 to 55 aa homemaker and companion. Box 739, Statesman. HSEKITL. 1343 N. Capitol. P. ITX. Situations Wanted CENTENNIAL HATS, dresses, mad at Hi lielivue BU zac per nr. DRESSMAK. Mrs. Adsftt Ph. TLn.n-n-n.ri.injiiuJ'i.ri uuiiin Jnrii",i' rr i MAKE or car for biwn. Ph. SfCt. WILL CARE for children by hoar r day. Reaa. ratea Ph. 454. - LAN DSC A PR OARDEN'INO. de sfgnine; sprinkler aystema Easy term. Ph. 7. For Sale Miscellaneons 1 USED J -PC. enamel bedroom -z.s. GEVTTRTZ FURNTTURB CO. WRECKTNO. 45 St Conv, every thing cheap. .THE. APRON Shop 7t M High RIVER SDVr. 6e yd. del. Ph. 4tl 1 tTSET 5-HOLE oil range. Built ta even $9.95. i GEVCRTZ FURNITURE CO. MODERN MEAT refrigeration case. At aacriftre. R. A. FORKNER, 1153 N. Capitol . - cj Orefiog0tate5naa t ADVERTISINQ fj ,: Westers Ad TertlgtB; RepresentAUres Oeerge D. dose, Ino, , 8a rranalaco, Loa Angeiea, Seattle . - Eastern Advertising RepresesUUrea . Bryant Griffith A Branson, faav Chicago. New Tork. DeeyoU Boston. Atlanta m. Kntertd at U- POtle mt aVtteea. y Orepoa. m Cml Class Mattt. Pas-yf-Itsaed eeery mmiit epf afawday. 7 ftssiaaas eViea -tU SetttA CoeuaerviaJ trect. SUBSCRIPTION RATK: Mall Sabacrlption Rates la Advance Within Oregon : Daily and Sunday. Mav cents t 3 Mo. 31.50; Mae 33 5 : 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere 50 casta par Mo. or H OO far 1 year tit advance Per copy 3 centa. Newaetanda cent By City Carrier. 4 cent a tneotb. 37.20 a year in advance la Martoa M4 adjacent countiea, BLONDE STRONG i irzr j PX4. MAMA, lEPE S. - A XfS I COiJES CADOy WtTVI J f f evu-ts . v" . t-A 1 ... M.. AT . . Mone3F to Loan. QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phone ttlCS to Salem's oldest targeet home owned and home enaaaged ftnaac institntlon. Tour financial affairs will bo discussed and loans mxd in strict eet privacy. Xou will be given ovary consideration la th re paying of your loan or granting of astanalona. ''.'I . 1 to 24'-Months to Repay'. ' ":1 f ' U Tou can pay to-full any time to rdnc tha coat.' : Only Borrower Signs . 1. No endorsers. Loans made on furniture or seta .. SE2 ROT B. SIMMONS. MGR. JIM CLARJI. JLSST. MaH. He. No. M-153 - v . General Finance IIS 90. (emroercjai . , First dear aoutb of Ladd At Bush Bank , . Cenvenient ground Auto Loans WillameUe Credit Co. 5TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-159 . PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK" LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce fMtvmenta. Money for new or need cars. Mo delay or red tape. Tott. will retain possession of ' th vehicle. 1 foil MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 1l outh Commercial Street Phone 0163 Lie No. M-1SX. FHA LOANS 4. also prlv. loans. Abrama ewn, inc. wiksus biuk. m-ni-i.rfc.n.nj-Lii WE LOAN bo f arm. residential A basin property Will buy mortgages or cintract HA WKIN3 A ROBERTS INC. ReaKora. linaraian Bairams 830 TO l09 ON TOUR CAR. CONSUMERS CREDIT CO 1JT New Bllarh Bldg. Ph. J91 axoaey immoauttety ua n-ea. PRIVATE MONET to loa3 on real estate. CHA& HUD KINS. Phone 0434. 375 State Street see,aneeavn'MMnseav BENJ FRANKLIN Federal Home Loan with reserve protection clause, safeguard borrowers in time of dlf ftcultles against foreclosure. For full details, see Fi Q. DELANO. 3 N. Church Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real ae tata. Will pay interest. W H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS Wanted Private Money . WE HAVE a number of farm, city and acreafre loans, netting Investor 5H to Interest. In amounts rang ing from 3300. to 34500. -Examine the security yourself. We service the loans by collecting the Interest semi annually, etc. all you do la to bring in the interest coupons for the Inter est -each month. TT WILL PAT TOO TO SEE US FOR GOOD FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. i ' CHILDS A MILLER, INC. 344 State St. Phone 9231. SAyloeeOaaOaeonjensdbaOejeleeyes 1 1300 LOAN ON good home in new diatrict. 879 N. Liberty, Apt. 1L . For Sale Miscellaneous USED ECONOMY cook stove, 311.S0. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 00l000Sf0000i GOOD FURN.. 1300 SUte, Ph. 4581. PRAC. NEW davenos. desks, ehesta, double decked, dev. aetrug. trade for car. 028 N. Liberty. USED ICE boxes, 31.95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. TRAILER HOUSE cheap, 680 N. 20th. NICE USED tapestry davenport, 19.75. - . GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. ANOTHER trackload ef The Dalles No. 1 tree rip TUton apricots just ar rived. Direct from grower to us. PUR ITAN CIDER WORKS, West Salem. 1 DAVENO-3ED. upholstered in brown imitstton leather, 9-95. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. Wanted FiiTiiiture CASH FOR ased furnftare house-, bold goods, R. Fu-gey. Ph. 7445. r. N GLENN WOODRT. Auo tloneer A furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture A household goods We boy or eell v erything. Ph. 5110, Wanted Miscellaneons FURN.. clothing; 319 Front, Salem. WANTED, colored Miscellaneons COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Of cen tennial costume for men A women. Hollywood Ceeturaera, 9X5 S. W. Yam bill. Ph. BE 9754. PortUnd. Oregon. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE EM MOST PASES Bring or Mall Tour Platen -for- Repair DR. HARRY SBMLER. DENTIST Aliaky Bidg. 3d A Morrison BR 8437 MALE. INSTRUCTION. Wo wast to hear front reliable men, now employed, with fereaight, fair education and me chanical .lodinat bona, willing to . train spare time at home and later in our shoo, to become installation and serv ice experts on all types Air Condition loe; and electric refrigeration equip, meat Write fully giving age.' present occupation, UtiHUes InsUtuto, Box Oft,. autiewnro ::-r - .;"."$r;-.; f For Rent Rooms -' ' 1 HOTEL MARION H Boom Special weekly and monthly rates to norm - guests Marios Coffee Ban nelleiona meal nt low : nriean - HOTEL B5I.FM. Crom 84 a week. , Room cad Doard ROOM AND hoard, twin beds or sin gle mm, 405 Union. SIC A BOARD. 315 So. Winter. SCSI MA Bow. 0 N Liberty LITE AT CUmans. 0 Marion. A time: H txiosa -BO Al.tMOKIIA - BSSTEAXOF ViKEGAJ? ) ) 7m . Oaawfeaet timr BhiImim SwiMe, htt. Wn Sloney to Loan Coip oration floor loeatlon Lie. No. 8-133 - Phono 313 Insurance I WRITE FIRS' Insurance, Some of your business would be appreciated. LOUIS BECHTEL, 341 State SL. Suite 4, Phone 903. n i F or. Rent Apartments ATTRACT. 4-1L fura, 341 Union. -i-i-i-j-iirii-g-iiKiri n.i uuxw SINGLE ROOM for light house keeping, employed slngla lady or gen Oenian, modestly priced. 3064 Oak SjL CHOICE PULLMAN, L The DeTeraox. CLOSE IN MODERN4 furnished apartment, ndulto only Phone 8490. L 1 A 1 RM iPTSJ nrlr mt at N. Liberty. T V "r "rreTM'vifsj-vxiVtn , l-RM. PARTLY turn. flat, garage, iarge yard. 15. Ivan a Martin. Ph. n RiL STRICTL'T modern apt. "fur. nlahed or nnfurnlabed. Call 145 N 14th. I APT&, 856 BELLVUE ST. ..... 1 n -urunjTj a n. e umxm. oain, 144S Waller. NICE SMALL apU 5S Center COOL i RM. apL. 4S Ferry. w m 00000000000000i ft t-M SLffA A-t a aranw a.a Z m wajsbbbs in. ra '. Sasiajaan.sj an . t eTsV'V'BOrsrvnj'XrMXr 9lM AIT IPTT DT1 era s je. . . AC. Havthoi-tM Court Adult. ne-asa. - n iajvifnrvvxruxrLriJxrXf VACANCT 310 LESLIE. - - - ,---rirvnjjxrurui NICE 9 RM apt Cloa fat. 913. 891 FURN. APT 38 not 383 Water. 1 - -1 i b i-a-j-r n n jxi jxo 3R. FURn. apt, bath. 670 Union. ' - rr-ii-ii-irirnxt 2-RM. FURN., 311. Hot w elec. washer, gar. 2590 Lee. TeL 8948. CLEAN 1 RM. furn. court apt, pHi bath, laundry A gar. Heat A water furn. 315 mo. 1807 Lee St. 3 LGE. RMS., everything furn. 3281 Hasel Ave. Ph. 7884. For Rent Houses B "ROOMS, WIRED - for electric range, adults. No dogs. $30. 1005 N. 22nd St. sssBahaansBBn MOD. 5 BDRM. hae, 0 N. Cottag. Bsn'sBnhsens SR. FURN. house, E. Salem, fruit. ansae, large lot, 330 mo. fa, isi. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU want to aeO. exchange, lea a, rent set Mr I.area or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberta l-RM. MOD. HSE. fit." 1723 S. Liberty. Inq. 1523 N. Capitol. Ph. 3784. nBrnenaaseanneneeBessaes HOUSES. Meivln Johnson. Pb 3723 FURNISHED AND unfurn. 1 houses. H. P GRANT. 829 Court. Phone 8744 - ATTRACTIVE 3 -R, FURN.! apt, i adults : eonven. quiet. '475 N. CnpltoL 3 R. GAR. hse. furn. .1397 N. Com!. NEW 4 RM. furn, hse, tn W. Salem. Ph. 1001. No children. Business Cards in this directory on a monthly basis only. Rate: $1.23 per linn per month. Anto Brakes MLke Panek, $71 South Commercial Beach Cottages. ROAD'S END. by the day, week or month. Ad dr. M. Con ley, Wecoma, Ore. Bicycles BtCYCt.ES. NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 147 8. Oemcl. P,461A Building WORK A PRICKS right. Ph. 7543. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 1451. ft' STL Nortlinaa. CknLractins CONST, painting; roofing. Pb, 8-120L Eneer Surveyor - ' Surveys, eetlmates. spectflcatloea X H, Neef, ttf Guardian Bid. P. 6350 ExcarrliuT ntZCAVATTNa OP all kmda. Baae menta dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for aaUer Salens Sand A Grave. P. 9408. Florbti BrelUiaopfa 447 Court. Phone 9193 Funeral . Directors TerwCIlger Funeral B Ph. $923. SB I 1 1-J1S yyyg 3 RM. FUKN. a2 N. Church. Turn Over o Xlerw LocxL Ddgwoodl T fV, hi mitt- ?l n f" - " Mi. T : '. . , .. 1 1 iii.il u 1 II . --. .1 - MAKTE A MISTAXS T . tNSW7) . i (TUT WHAT VW 1 , in If TV ' ' ""'TV :'M ' .1 I f,.. ,..,..,... , , , - I t ""l l I III III I I ' -- Money to Loan YOUR LOAN-HOW BIG? No' one ahould borrow more than ha eaa conveniently handle. let you may not realise bow low the payments can , be here. Listed below are n few sample loans with some af tha various monthly paymenta. v A Amount .at Monthly It . I 43 80 125 310 300 3-73 17.48 37.29 45.85 ,56.51 e Includes all charges and payment on principal. r V . . UP. TO $500.00 ON AUTOMOBILES. :' Reasonable credit remiirements. . People with modest . salaries especially Invited, i - strictly respected, una to -or caloNs rasrANffi compAp ,fl . , :?mxuGt picRsONAt.LOAN' cvsmsix'"- ': : Bnv 391.' Sad'fl. rirai National Bank Building Salem. Oregon Pbona 4443 State Lie Noa. M-378 A 8-223 ae,BeaseasanesenaSeas GET SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Way ' " WHEN AT HOME A "Personal" Loan $28 t $360 Easy Terma WHENi AWAY: USB A PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at 4 04 f flee. .Coast to Coast SIMPLE TO QUALIFY. Come to. GUARANTEED BY . GOOD w HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINB -Aa advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. ' Bit State Street -Opp. Court House Cor. Stat HI r Suite License Numbers. S-122 M-145 For Rent OFFICE ROOMS,, 381 Stat Street Inquire room 8P0 Tat 371,$. . , For Sale Real Estate WK HAVE a S room home, base ment, furnace, nice lot, located N. summer bi. ior C. H. SANDERS 211 N. High 5838. a t xrrkTTan W1R tSSO -3100 down. $12.50 per mo. A bargain. H. E. WEIR, 113 Orel. Bid. Ph. 1411 $200 DOWN, C RM. house north, basement, furnace, fireplace, several fruit trees, close to school, $2500. $500 down, almost new noma east, rma, hardwood floors, basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, nice lawn, dose to school. J 3500. MONEY TO LOAN MEL VIM JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723. 4000t&000000k NEW 8-R HOME, completely mod em. Good location. N. Salem. Small down pymt., bat lika rent. See it to day ! Call MV. Hardyr with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC.. Realtors. 0000,lt SPECIAL WE OFFER a -fine' T rm. modern home, hot water heat, large corner lot i . v. w 4Um .t. .K.it. .tul mt 'te VIU1 moil ..Mil, .icu - A real buy for $4500 or IvlU Accept smaller house.- . : . ;Z? t - See Mr. Kills witn ., - CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 844 State St, Calem v . -Phone 9281. aTan3MMssAaasle VACANT LOTS or acreage, trade on Salem home. 879 N. Liberty. Apt. 11. 3 A. 34 ML N. Lots of fruit large fir grove. 4 rm. houae, gar. A barn. $100 do, $18 mo. Inq. 768 N. Com mercial. Ph. 9643, eres. only. Exchange---Real Estate- TRADE MOD. 3 tm. close to schools. Eugene for Salem, Box 734, Statesman. Directory House Painting PAINT. KAUOu exp. reaa. Ph. 3431. GO. WORK, reasonable. 81383, Horn. Mattresses' SALEM FLUFF . RUG "A MATTRESS Co. New mattreaeea.- old remade,, rug cleaning A weaving. & 13th A WUbux. TeL 844L Z wicker. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4083. Papering Painting NEAT Work. reaa. Johnson, Ph. 3T73-' Plumbing PLUMB rNO. GENERAL repair work. Graber Botosl. 154 3L Libarty. Ph. 0494. Printing TOR STATIONXRI. tarda pamphleta. programn books or any kind of prrab tog. call Tha Statesman Prtatlng De partment. 31$ & Commercial. Tele phone 914L " , Honse Trailer aNi Traiiwi fit rroot V 1 r-TransfeT. yyi- FOB LOCAL er eastant tinafer ataev age. burner ott, call 813L Larrner Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily SOrnta hanltng.' $L3B hr. Ph. $684. - Upholstering ' FTIRN.- REPAIR, spen, price rebnllA euahiena. 43$ N. Wlatar. Ph. 946$. - WeU Drilling . : ii i i i B, A. WEST. Stt. t. .Bat 44. T. f-ISSf, SNEED. 264A Brooks SL Pit B86P. --. j V Money to Loan Paymepta mos. 18 tnoe, 8.37 98 - 10,73- -33.83 - 29 moa. s r 5.38 ; ;- .40 .-14.18 , :- 8.04 ' 12.63 1 ILIA- ' 30.14 Your desire , for privacy la . phono. v 1- Exchange Real Estate 14 ROOM . HOUSE, modern. ' 1-1 room house, modern, located tn Coqullle. which rents for $40 per mo. Kzchaaga on a 40 to 60 A, tract. E. A, rotaona, coquiue. , For SaleFarms FOR SALE FINE ' S3 ACRE farm near Mon mouth, Oregon, close to ' paved high way. Beet of soil, all in cultivation, 3 rm. house, fine large barn, well arran ged for dairying, other outhldga. Fine drilled well . with elec trie water sys tem. Advance age compels owner to sell at the eery low price of 84800.00. Will accept reasonable terma or n small Salem home aa part. See CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 SUte Street Phone 3241 Acreage 1 A. I ML FROM Salem, new Eng lish type home, bath, lights, garage. $2150. 15 A; 'I mt from Salem, excellent lew, some timber. $57 per A, MONET TO LOAN MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 8723. Suburban SUBURBAN HOME. $4080 NEARLY FIVE r acre ailf loam soil, all tillable except A. oak grove. Extra good house, rooma, elec. light A water system, bath, good terma. Show by appointment only. See LOUIS BECHTEL or MABEL NEED HAM, 341 State, Room 4. 1 write fire insur ance. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE I $2100 BUYS 4 BEDROOM house, one acre, view of mountains, fir trees, fruit, fish pond. C. H. 8ANDKRS 131 K. High -S338. $3250 $350 DOWN. NSW. A mod ern 5 room suburban home. A good oil. north. C -H. SANDERS-r-J 31 N. High 1838 Wanted Real Estate I HAVE a cash buyer for residence property' anywhere In the city the re quirement being that It be- worth the money for cash. P. H. WEIR, Realtor, 31$ Ores. Bidg. - - -- - -- -- i-,-irvii-r'"ij'iAArn WB INVITE your "tor sale" list. Inge If fairly priced. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC. Realtora. Guardian Building,. Business Opportunities SERVICE 8TA, lease, equipment. Excellent city location. Ph. 8044. -aasavaBaBSBjlssaea WB HAVE several business oppor tunities for sale. See Mr. Badger with C. H; SANDERS 221 N. High 5833. T"" - y-i-nniisvwvivvin FURNITURE A LEASE of 12 room apt. busineaa. Reasonable v for caah, box iii. Hm siutaatn, PROFITABLE BOARD A Quick sale. Boa 730 Wo Statesman, sjeahne IF YOU WANT TO BUT A BUS INESS, see the man who sells them. MYRTON MOORE, REAL ESTATE 180 No. Commercial, Suite 17 For Sale Used Cars SELL OR TRADE TERMS 4939 8-DR, CHEV. 1939-4-Dr. Chrysler, good condition. O K RKALTT. 219 Court Street Or trade, 34 Cbev. Good. eand. 1740 Waller before I p. tn. Siul, after p. m. -wa, oayn. 38 FORD SDN,. 3275. clean. A-l. good rubber. Trade A terms. SIB 8. 32nd. . .... ,- .., r- - " 1" r-Annivmrmnrtniijiii 31 DeSOTO SDN, 385. Looks good, runs good. -Trade, terms. 31$ S. 32nd. - ' ' " ' . , ; . . 'Motorcycles' CALX, eve- 1390 3rd. West 00L&000J00000000 ' WANTED, . BEST ' motorcycle 3100 cash will buy. Contact O. K. Tire Shop, Cottage Grore Ore. For Sale Wood - DRY SLAB cheap, P. 3330. Aabereft. MUST . R A 1X18 . imms fm - naM 2nd sr. l$ to,. $40. Pa, 8318V - - "'-' - - rii'in.nj'vrnjjvvTj-ij WOOa Ph. $370, Ornen, 4 IS 38 lint e--seav MILL WOOD 88.60. toed Fh. BOSS ee 5341 Wood nt west end Court at. DRY WOOD old fir A 3 ad rewth eie tor petcea .---- . SUPPLY:- LIMIT ITDwmfar fir. 2nd A old growth, oak A ash. Ph. ; . v.--- ;.-, ;. Lost and Found ' LOST KETS on"'ehah: rtng Ph. 776 or 4763 239 State. - - vi Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING Ph. 78e. Personal LONESOME I Servmg all agrex Club Ellta. P. O. Bx. Tl-Q. Loa Aageleay Cat. 1 1 WHJL he responsible for bills con tracted by myself only. Verda Arms, t:-i ' Bi cmc youxra. Legal Notice BIDS - WAIfTI-D ' -. Call'for wood bids to be opened Aa;. 5th tor Keixer School Dia trict 83. 25 cords of 4-ft.' fir do llvered at school by Sept. 1st. RUTH RULEFSONV Clerk- Jly 18. - .' Rt.: 2, Box 25,-Salem. TRADE-SIARK KOT1C1I t Kotlco hereby Is :lTen-- that Stereo Candyv Kitchens ; Inc., - an Illinois corporation; h4Sifiled with the Secretary ot State of Oresdn its ;.trade-rnark fiSteren which It - Applies .. to candy, hats. noTel- ties fmed -with 'c a n d ybakery 'rinA anil' lea "eraathl.-r rv'4' !,. . - Estate 6f : 6ataJi Vlrgini - Wade I NOTICE? T& EDITORS'; No. VI0.i" : - IN THE COUNTY UOt'KT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR , THE CUNTT OF MARION J'-Probata Department NoUce U hereby tireH- that the tradersirnea has ; been 'Appointed administrator of t h es.Ute of Saxan - vtrrinja wade, deceaaed. by the County Conrt of the State of " Oregon for Marion , County. and b a a quallned. All persona harUr elalma a tains t said , estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified aa by Jaw re quired, to the nnderei&-ned at 514 Porter Bldi- Portland, Oregon, within sis months from the date hereof. , . . .. . , Dated and first published. Joly 4tbV 1$40. - Last publication, August 1st. 1M0. ...... THOMAS W. MARSH Administrator -- Iluntingto. Wilson 4k DaTis, At torneys, Jly 4-11-18-2- Au 1. West Salem Men Confer on Project ' WEST SALEM A special com mittee from West Salem will to to Portland today to dlscnss.wlth army engineers the reretment project contemplated by the city. The project concerns work tor the! west side of the Willamette river from the city hall to the Marlon-Polk county, bridge. The committee, appointed at the last city council meeting:, consists of Alderman Earl Bark, City Attor ney Elmer D. Cook, City Engineer William LaDne. At the police court this week Meivln Clondfelder was booked for defective tail light on car; Alrin Carl Steinke fined $31.50 for disregarding: stop sign; Ken dall B. Weir fined $S for viola tion of basic rule; Olirer E. Shat tuck fined $5 and committed to Jail noon failure to pay for vio lation of basic rule, Are Dinner Guests AtEliiriedgeHome ELDRIEDGE Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Thurmon of Clatskanle were dinner - truest, recently at the Allyn Nusom home. They also visited here with the A. W. Nusom and E. - J. Brecker fam ilies. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rasmnssen and Miss Arlene Rasmnssen, of Labiah Center visited Monday niaht at the home- of Mr. end Mrs. E. J. Becker. Thf Rasmns sens returned this week from an extended Tacation at Cutler City. Mr. and Mrs; Pete Ruse and daughter also spent several, days at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Julian DeJardin hare sold their 64-etcr farm to John Bushman of eastern Oregon recently. Townsend Qub To Meet Friday SILVERTON Tha e g u 1 a r meeting of the Sllrerton Town send club will be held at ' the KP hall at 8 o'clock Friday night ot this week. - - After a short program of read ings and music, the main speak er will be Rev. Ben Shoemaker of 8alem. Rev. Shoemaker attend ed the conrentlon at - St. Loais and will snake a report of the proceedings there and of his trip. Apple pie with lee eream will be served after the meetings. The public is lnrited to attend. :. : ' . asasaaasaasBasaasasssan Hayes ville- Scoiit Group Tates Hike ' HATES vTLUE The Boy Scout troop 2 e went on an . OTernight hike to Haxel . Green park Satur day night. Enjoying the hike were Mr. Fred Fisher, Fred Fisher. Jim Mennis,v Wayne KunsL Frank Mowry; Daron Dierrka, Marion Fernau, Carl Komyate, Steve Zer Unden, Boh Clark and Jack Kel logg, r-..: - Mrs, Robin Day, Mrs, Rovilla McAfee, and their guest. Mrs. Earl Glasser ot Free port, 111' left for Crater lake and tha . Oregon Cares Monday monring. - , Mr. and Mrs. David Grelg Tis ited Grelg's sister, who la crit ically ill. at Kings Valley Sunday. ; r- V i as n i i ii n !- as i .ii Birthflay Feted, Brooks v BROOKS Mrs. Mary Ashbaugh entertained with a birthday din ner in her-home recently, honor ing Mrs. Jessie Sweeney, .whose birthday It was. j v .Covers were placed for the honor truest. Mrs. Jessie Sweeney o' Albany, - Mr. . and Mrs. Ed Fahrney of Pasadena, Mrs, Ger trude McLeod and. son Malcolm, and Mrs. L J. Brantley- all ot Albany, Mrs. Sadie Bawden of Se- i attle and the hostess, lira, Karyi Ashbaogh. , " , j ' t, 2 Fined, Wootlhiirn : WOODBURN -Archie F. Shoop 59, acd ' Robert EOIIott Kendrick 19, btith of PorU-ind, were fined 210 ia Woodbarn Justice ; court for operating motor vehicles with out license plates. Shoop appear ed before Justice IL Orerton Mon day, and Kendrlck wa brocght Into court Saturday. Bath pleaded guilty. Virginia -Weidler TlrglnJA Weldler and Gene Beyaolda who play in A Bad IJttle An aeU Bnotion ptctawo piaylng today through Saturday at the Htate theatre. Guy Klbbee and Inst Hunter also appear in the film. . Unionyail Hurt in HarVest TJNIOKVALE John Washburn is in the McMIanrUle hospiui with a sererely crashed and lacer ated right hand. He was working with the state flag puller in the Howard Steingrube 3 8 -acre field in the Orand Island district about 3 p. m. Monday. The flax clogged in the puller and the binding neeaie pierced the nana between the third and little finger when he released the pressure. Several bones were broken but the liga ments appear to not have been severed. He Is a recent arriral and re sides In a trailer house with his wife and three small children at the Mrs. Louis Gatlitf home in the Unionrale diatricL Dale Fowler is In charge of the state flax puller. - Mill City People Entertain Guests MILL CITY Guests at the home ot Henry Labense and. daughter Preeda and Mr. and' Mrs. R. F. Kennedy and two daughters of Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. Minna Mueller, of Ariea Oahui. Hawaii, i Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs, Mueller are sistera of Labense. , Those attending the Myers fam ily reunion Sunday, which was held in 'Bryant Park In Albany, from Mill City were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Golden and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Plymale, and Mr. and Mrs. B .Hutchinson. WooIburn Girl Is on Vacation WOODBURN Louise Adam ski, employe of Trem nines Cloth ing store. Is raeationlng In Eu gene. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Beainan and daughter . returned Sunday from a week's trip to the coast. , Gain Lansden spent the week end on the Santiam where he en joyed fishing. Cross Word Puzzle 12 13 16 17 11 20 22 m 23 27 20 2? 32 33 3d 36 -1 3 3? HO 42 m rasas HI -Mr-- v. HV 577 Z2 - nOSIZONTAL 1 dolt " ? 4 intimate 9 alack V-4a,Q;.:S. lSWear away - - 14 yellow bugle 15 applauds 17 small crown leWfear 21 hoarfrost ; 23 doth . 'Strainer 2i male voice 27 potter's- . .' - earth. -23--11 l-tcrcpcred - woman" . II Jumbled - : ! type - 2 tiaateaed JV annoyed - - i'S4 palm tbc ,-5 diviiion c daT(tbr.); . S3 hinder. "37 taff Sa emire raxso" 43 Jrrish ' " ' rncnth -.44 noiseless 47 peirtainisir ' - , to a uiyca CO tx:ry " ' II money d actaUt . ' , 2 mountain : , ridge S4 topas - - humming . bird g$ ' school of - whales -IS water nymph J7 ribbed fabrie ' VE2TICAL Answer to yesterday! puzzle. "Ml 1317 a !r ' " t . I w ; . TllAiv'lSr)ChOT di '",1 " t; : c Averas tba ml rtla 33 atinetae, ItjkielMrNinlrUl on Screen Here jS Swegle Faiiailv Into New House . SWEGLE Friday the Dr. L., C. Marshall family moved from the Thrasher home at th corner of Garden road and East' Tur ner road to their new home just completed, located one-half mile east ot Auburn school on the Au burn road. - ! :-.V: '("' - JU Jung Sing has a new home under construction on his acre age south of the school. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schaeffer were hosts Monday tight to the members - of the Ladies, Garden Road club and their families. A picnic supper was served in the gardens where a new fireplace has been, built. About 49 were present. . 1 , Leaving last week for their former home 69 miles north ot Calgary,. Canada, were Walter A. Swingle and his daughter Clair. They Were accompanied aa far north as Spokane by Gae and Kenneth where they will risit the home of their sister. Mrs. Alfred Reets. Swingle still owns sever al hundred acrea of land in Can ada, where the family lived many years, and makes a business trip north every two years. The drive home will be across the- recently completed road across the Can adian Rockies west from Calgary. . .' . ! : ' ! 1 - Silverton Widow QiibWm Meet SILVERTON" Silver ton's Widow club, numbering over SO members, will meet August 20, Instead of July 24, the date set ' a year ago. j Mrs. Minnie Preston, president, will be raeationlng at the regular time and has asked that the date , be changed. . 1 Widows from other communi ties are invited to Join in. Lotdges A PACIFIC loU VtW A Jf- Suted i ( 10.Sy.sa. W. ledg K. 50, AJ. A meeting JTzl, July A. KerrUtt, W.M. IO It JO 2t 2H 2 26 30 31 31 31 SZa4 HI HH H$ -o 7 &3 WA CyH 7 t pit for , fodder " S heroie ' 4 brush of twigs 5 conjunction - f society - (abbr.) T eeent : S deserved S 41ndef cloth 10 haflt 11 totem pole 18 beseech 18 a fore token tometal pin, 3 half-doxen ( 2S iridescent :' gem 25 small brooll 27 rugged eiif 23 Tibetan monk SO Spanish aherry 83 experienced 24 havinr . guardian ship 2 fcill of sand 87 BuddMat dialect -8SL feminine ' title -; 41 two-footed animal 45 ancient seat of Irish - sovereignty. 45 part of a- church ( 45-aare-- 47 haze , 43 period ef , - time . .) 4D IlAwsuaa f,Testh . t5-Tribc.l far' tint&icsi. rs 1 -a- iT ':'A , - tit Ti ' CT-S i 77 1