PAGE SIX 0" MAXINE BUREN Editor Bridge Party .Slated for Friday Mrs. Andrew Halrorsen has in tited guests to a smartly arranged party at her home on South Win ter street Friday night in Mrs. Delvin Durham. , Contract bridge will be in play during the eyening and a late upper will be served by the host ess. A Pink and blue decorative ' scheme will be used in tne taDie appointments. Bidden to honor Mrs. Durham am Mrs. Gut Miller. Mrs. Don Metcalf and Mrs. DaTid Lewis of Portland, Miss Bertha Babcock, Miss Marian Bretz. Miss Betty Boylan, Miss Cynthia D e L a n o. Miss Viola Croxier, Mrs. Joseph Felton, Mrs. Ernest Eldridge and Mrs. Margaret Wampler. Girl Reserves at Meeting .Tuesday 1 Members of the high school Girl Reserve, who went to sum mer conference in Seabeck, met oa Tnesday afternoon with their advisors to discuss new Ideas learned at the conference. Dis cussion of plans for the fall was given, and arrangements made for the cabinet's planning conference t be held at Camp Santaly. Tea wis - served after the meeting, which was held at the YWCA. Present were Mrs. Ellen Fisher, Hiss Eleanor Trlndle, Miss Helen Bocker, Miss Dorothy Elley, Miss Aileen Hutchinson, Miss Margaret Forsythe, Miss Alice Faye Dough erty and Miss Jackie Macauley. Paul Harvey III Has Party Thl afternoon Mrs. Paul Har der. Jr., 1 entertaining with a birthday party for her son, Paul Harvey III, who Is celebrating ,his third birthday. A group of very young friends have been in vited. Those bidden to honor Paul are: John Morgan Harvey, Diane Clough, Patricia Gllmore, Marcia Maple, Joanne and Judy Bale, Constance Hammond. John Wood, David Eccles and Bobby Loomis. Additional guests will be Mrs. Win Clarke, Mrs. J. R. Clough, Mrs. Vernon Gilmore, Mrs. How ard Maple, Mrs. William H. Ham mond, Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs. David Eccles, Mrs. Robert Loomis and the hostess, Mrs. Paul Har vey, Jr. Supper Party at Krauger Home Mrs. Frank Krauger enter tatned with a supper party in her garden honoring' Mr. Krauger who was celebrating his birthday. The evening was spent informal ly. Mexican decorations were used In the table appointments. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pettit, Mrs. Bert Ganong, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pike, , Mr. Jack Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. John Geren. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fitts and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauger. Mr. Kenneth Hanson (Ha Mills) is visiting at the home of tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy II. Mills, this week. The Hansons are leaving next week for Eugene where they will reside. - - Mrs. Arthur E. . Kinman of Grand Island, Nebraska, is visit ing: her parents, Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Quigley and her sister, Mrs. Roy Kelson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooler, their ton, Richard, and daughter,. Margaret, have returned from a week's sojourn at Diamond, Elk and Crater lakes. NOW ALL 4STV famous Appliances May Bo AUWU Farchased WM rn0 For Oaly lJPer Week NORGE O-87 RANGE O Per Uo. - '- KORGE 943.8? RKFXUG. W Per Mo. KORGB 450 : WASHER ' Per Mo. - ' . feeei feeei teemn Electric' Iron TTith Any Combination of Two or More Norge ' Appliances GEO. E. fiLLEII nanDnaiiE Phone 4610 I.Vmimerrlal 1 SOCIETY MUSIC The mm Mrs. Ladd Is Hostess to Club Mrs. Harold M, Ladd was host ess last night whtn she enter tained with an informal party at her home on South High street. The affair complimenting mem bers of her sewing club and sev eral additional guests. At a late hour a buffet supper, was served. Summer flowers were used about the rooms and the serving table was centered with an arrangement of gladiolus. The additional guests were: Mrs. Guy Kessinger and Mrs. Charles Dodds of Los Angels. Club members Include: Mrs. Charles Feike, Mrs. BJarne Eriek sen, Mrs. Floyd Bowers, Mrs. Kenneth Murdock, Mrs. Sidney Hoffman, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Earl Cooley, Mrs. Virgil Sex ton, and Mrs. Harold M. Ladd. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wharton hare had as guests the past week Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ward of Los Angeles. Several affairs were planned for their pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moody were din ner guests Monday night to meet Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Antique Tea at Pearce Home Guests at the antique tea, given at the home of Mrs: George Pearce yesterday afternoon and night, munched on generous-sized sugar cookies and sipped pink lemonade as they chatted to friends. Pansies, love-in-a-mlst and scabiosa formed the old-fashioned bouquets which decorated the table. Many guests appeared in real ly old dresses. Some were wedding gowns worn half a century ago, while others were reproductions of authentic dresses of a hundred years ago. Antiques were on display; some lovely old china, first bricks fired in Salem, a collection of fans. A great many of the things on dis play were owned by Mrs. Pearce. The tea was given for the bene fit of the First Presbyterian church. ' . , Club Members Are Honored Por the pleasure of her con tract club Mrs. Lloyd Riches en tertained with a dessert luncheon at her home on North Summer street. Later tables were made up for contract. Pastel summer flow ers were used about the room. Covers were placed for Mrs. Kenneth Murdock, Mrs. Walter H. Smith, Mrs. James G. Heltzel, Mrs. Albert A. Siewert, Mrs. Roy .Hewitt. Mrs. Hugh Rosson, Mrs. D. A. Beechler, Mrs. Howard Pick ett, Mrs. Charles Fowler, Mrs. Frank Mogan, Mrs. William G. Ross and Mrs. Lloyd Riches. Initiaiton Held For Members The Salem Credit Women's Breakfast club held its regular meeting at the Argo hotel Tues day morning with Miss Lena Blum presiding. Intiation of new members was held. Those initiated were Miss Yvonne Walters, Miss Dorothy Jayea, Miss Dorothea Kletzing, Miss Birdie Hebel and Miss Lois Miller. Miss Agnes Johnson, a re cent arrival In the city from Wichita, Kan., attended as a guest. '-.'.'. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shinn this week are Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McGinnis , of Spokane and Mrs. Ralph Rey nolds of Portland and .her daugh ter, Mrs. Burke Hayes of Boston, Mrs. Shinn, Miss Bobbe Shinn and Miss Sally McCIellan are motor ing to Portland today to attend the wedding of Miss Marijean Tic h borne and Drl Lawrence Reck. ' - A welcomed visitor in "the capi tal is Mrs. Albert Julien and daughter, Janet, of Honolulu, They are the guests of Mrs. Jul-, len's parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. G. Balderee. Mrs. Julien wflL be re membered as Echo Balderee. The visitors will remain in Salem un til mid-August when they will sail for the Islands. Mr. and Mrs.; Ronald Frlzxell bare as their; house guest this week the latter's mother, Mrs. W. L. Welse of Asbton, HI. Last weekend the Frlixells and Mrs, Weise enjoyed trip to Brook ings, Ore. 'J Mrs. Arthur Cole and son Rich 'rd of Klamath Falls were guests at the '. home "of Mr. , and Mrs. Clarence Hamilton the past week. Friday Mr. Cole -nivedia Salem and they left for Neskowin. where they spent the weekend, la tie uraoennorst home. - - S FECIAL' Osr Osnal Wave Complete 75e Perm. OC Posh Vae, 9 0 tmplete 1 Open Thora. Eve. ' by App't. Ptkose 8(163 80? 1st Natl Dank Rldg. CftST1 PHRM. WAVES The Breakfast at Berg Home " : Today Mrs. Elmer -Berg is entertaining: with a delightful 10 o'clock breakfast this morning In the gardens 'of her home on Center street.. The affair will compliment Mrs. Kenneth Beach of Baton Rouge, La., who is visiting at , the Berg home this week. Breakfast will be served at a long table in the gardens by the creek. Bridge will be in play for several . hours following the breakfast. Covers will be placed for Mrs. Kenneth Beach. Mrs. Thomas Dry nan, Mrs. J. D e a n e Patterson, Mrs. Claire Brown, Mrs. Kenneth Murdock, Mrs. Herman Miller, Mrs. Arthur Fox, Mrs. Glade Fol- lis and Mrs. Elmer Berg. Eagles Honored At Dinner The Fraternal Order of Eagles auxiliary entertained with a no host dinner Tuesday night at the Knights of Pythias hall at 7 "o'clock. The evening was spent informally. Those present were Mrs. A. N. Callins, Mrs. P. P. Cranston, Mrs. I T. Wallace, Mrs. C. W. Bee- croft, Mrs. A. Frye, Mrs. E. W. Westinghouse. Mrs. A. Tumble- son, Mrs. J. E. Cooter, Mrs. Frank Marshall, Mrs. H. C Harney, Mrs. Mrs. W. H. Lorens, Mrs. Webb Traglio, Mrs. Ralph Gessner, Mrs. W. J. Sullivan, Mrs. E. C. Powell, Mr.s Ray Moore, Mrs. E. N. Fel- singer, Mrs. Elmer Kleinke, Mrs. George Parsons, Mrs. H. Miller, Mrs. H. Wane, Mrs. ElTin Pruitt, Jirs. M. Lewis, Margaret Rennalls, Mrs. P. W. Cooper, . Mary CoUar, Mrs. R. McVey, Mrs. Miss Zelma Kitchen who will Scotty Cammeron, Mrs. A. A. Bil- marry Mr. Conrad Hokanson Au brey, Mrs. E. W. Otjen, Mrs. E. E. jugt 18, was honored with a mls Gettman, Mrs. Charles" Day, Mrs. cellaneous shower Wednesday P. C. Harland, Mrs. Merrit H. ' night when Mrs. E. Herroll en Brown, Mrs. L. L. Moore, Mrs. tertained at her country home. Mark Capps, Barbara Smith, Mrs. The affair was held In the gar E. Croshaw and Mr. H. Shoesmlth. den and the evening was spent in-Out-of-town guests were Miss formally. Gladr Paulson of Great Falls, At the supper hour the hostess Mont., Mrs. D. C. Chandler of was assisted by Mrs. Roy Steer East Grand Forks. Minn., and ens. and Miss Gladys Eoff. The Mrs. William O. Burr, Mrs. E. C. gifts were presented to the honor McKenr, Mrs. Elmer George, Mrs. cd guest in a miniature well. Melrin York, Mrs. Frank JPifk- Those bidden were Miss Zelma ards, Mrs. Lee Hitt. Mrs. Webb, Kitchen. Mrs. Marie Shinn, Mrs. Mrs. Coon Rudy and Mrs. B. W. Lillian Gable, Mrs. Alta Ross. Goodrich. Mri Rby RockhiU, Mrs. Buddie t Diets, Mrs. Lotie Chaffee, Mrs. w ..-.. Clarence Chaffee,, of Alberta, All Yl MrrrV Wil Meet Friday . . T The Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary will hold an all-day sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. Onas Olson, 16 10 South Win- ter street, Friday, July 19. A no- host lunch will be served at noon. Sewing on curtains for the new Veterans of Foreign Wars build- ing will be done. The daughters unit of the aux- iliary will meet at uhe home of Mrs. Axel Jacobson, 1710 North Capitol street, on Tuesday at 7 p. m., July 23, Miss verietta Ja cobson has announced. Mrs. Hubbard to Entertain Mrs. Allen Hubbard has invit ed a group of friend h to her new home on Virginia avenue for an informal afternoon and tea. Bou quets of garden flowers will be used about the guest rooms. An arrangement ot yellow wa ter lilies and an ant ic u ilvpr tea service will be used on the tea Those bidden are: Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs. Floyd Bowers, Mrs. Bjarae Ericksen, Mrs. Charles Dodds of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Warren Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Madden of Woodland, Wash., have been visiting Mr. Madden's mother. Mrs. F. D. Madden who lives near Turner. His parents have been missionaries for 30 years In Japan and have recently retired, dermann, Velora .Williams,, and Mrs. Miller and family, all of Sa They have visited in Salem many Don Page. lem, Mrs. Fred J. Wagner ot De times. STIVER A group of ladies Mt Lake, Mrs. Conrad Stafrin, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Blame the Valley View club entertained and Mrs. A. M. Larson, Mr. and left Sunday for a two weeks' va- at Helmick park Thursday ' after- Mrs. Wes Elliott, Mrs. Andrew xne talk to be given by tecil Murdock at thn Art Center todav is, scheduled for 4 o'clock. Mr. - , . Murdock, who is an Indian mural- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lord have 1st from Oklahoma, will talk on announced the marriage of their "Indian Art." He will Illustrate daughter, Martha Wilms to Mr. the lecture, which is free, and Earl Kleinschmidt, the son of Mr. open to the public. and Mrs. Peter Kleinschmidt of Lacomb. The marriage was sol Mrs. Verlit G. Coleman, the : SSSj in ' S'JSf11??8 , , , x. canrcn, on June 23, with, the K f ? ? ; Reverend Father Martin Bohrofen land was a visitor in the capital readlng, tlie nnpaal mass, on Tnesday. Mr and Mrs Cole- The brMe wore a navy blue man have recently returned from dreMmaker salt with white ac- their wedding trip. eessories and white flowers. The . , . - ... bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Forrest Miss Joan Remfagtoii and Mis HamUton of AUbany was matron Bah le" erday for 0f honor. Mr. Hamilton was best .Portland to spend several days maa with Col. and Mrs. Percy Willis. Immediately after the eere- who will return for a short stay mony ibeiroang couple left for a in Salem with them. short wedding trip to the coast. -- . , . . Members of the two families The Home Economics club of and a few close friends planned Bfush College will meet at 7. surprise which took the form oclock on Saturday for a no-host cf a miscellaneous shower at the di?n.erJi?.dve etlt' V? nom of bridegroom's par affair will be held at the Glen Ad- ents. . .ams home. Mrs. Kleinschmidt is a grad- ... . . , ; nate of the Lebanon high schooL . l?"?! oWasbJeg- Mr Kleinschmidt moved here re ton DC. rrfTed . in the. capital wItl hIa , parenU last night and win be a . guest at Hartington, Nebr. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl . - - Snell at their home on Falrmount hilL " . .. i - ' - i e ' -tr. ' Mr. and Mrs. IL K. Ahalt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wilson and son John Eldea ; have . Just re turned from a two weeks trip to Colorado, where - they via! ted . I Pike s peak and ,Yellowtone na- tional park. . , , itr. aed Mrs. , Jerrold Owen, daughter, Miss Maryann, and Miss Lois Cheney have returned, .from a vacation of several days at sea side. V ' Mr. and Mr. Charles GlTfcey and Mr. and Mrs. John Hunt of Palo Alto, California, , were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gilkey, yesterday. ' C . - , OREGON STATESI1RN. Salem IN PAGEANT- The' Salem - ss4a 4l-i. ratetAl , , . cu anmeni oy me womuns suurage movetuem ui iuju. iviKsxauao Grace Zosel, Mildred Wyatt, VTlOa 11 Tr"h JIVJLloO J.lLUIlt7ll , l'.4---N J. t LtTV-4. ClL Shower Canada, Mrs. George Ulmer, Miss Cleo Bales, Mrs. Rnth Bush, of Stay ton. Miss Evelyn Boles, Mrs. Merle Curry, Mrs. Florence Lauer, Mrs.; Jean Abbott, Mrs. Cavell Abbottf Mrs. Bernice Kitchen of Portland, Mrs. Anna Meeks, Mrs. Bert Smith, Mra. A1U Scott, Mrs. Jo8Ble prederickson, Mrs. Loren Kitchen. Mrs. Pearl Hummell, Mrs. Evelyn LIndey, Miss Bertha Stephens and Mrs. Mabel Kitchen. -rr, t-1 i J! V ISltOrS Jt" eteCl x , Jl oUQIDer Mr. and Mrs. Lynn D. Lam beth were hosts for an informal picnic supper at their suburban home last night in compliment to their house guests, Mr. and vr... r...v u irv, ..ith iuiBt f ibua 4 Ai&uiuuT, nuv, nLU f w - . t , . ... , , , . their daughter. Jean, are visiting ene of a delightful affair Fri- white nmble with matching at the Lambeth home. The Mur- day afternoon when she was host- accessories and carried white bou- phys are from San Mateo, Calif. ess for a shower honoring Mrs. T"!"? 12" ? e"; fv!r Covers were placed for 14 Stanley Dauenhauer and inf ant ter, Mrs A. .1. Scott wasthe mat guests at a long supper table on on Robert Stanley. jf honor. Wlte Wagner ot the patio. The evening hours were Mrs. Fudge was assisted by best man - oromer s spent informally. Mrs. X. J. Dauenhauer and Mrs. fo 0t e . -v ri,,v .mi -,r After tneir return to Sand . Yocom. Mrs. Clark and Mrs. an- RId wh tn m th lrf Ofrrm SnHrrl Gr8 W,Cre wInners of the baby bridegroom's ranch, they enter- ice ream oociai song qui. talne membe ,ot- the 7edAlnil YlJJ Friday The Epworth league of the Ja- son Lee Methodist church will hold an Ice cream social Friday night at the church. The funds raised will go towards the insti- tute which will be held at Falls City.' The hours will be between 7 and 10 o'clock. The committee making the ar- rangements are Clark Morton, Bob Batdorf, Virginia Gamble, Doris Lee Anderson, Cleona Na- cation to Yellowstone National nsrV Wake up your' Appefcife!! A Haw Taste Thrill Scotch Graham d Your Grocar'a Oregon. Thursday Morning. July American Legion cauriliary quartet, appearing in the law epi - ,.rill einrt "CXnA ri On FrrtVirs " which wrr oHrrnted ers nation-! 4 lonn t 1 (front) Vida Lou Starr and Arlene Brown. CLUB CALENDAR Thursday Fidelia class of the First Baptist church with Mrs. Theo dore Turner, 222 Silverton road. , - .Maccabees number t, KP hall. 6:30. Special all day meeting, Pringle Wemans club with Mrs. Frank Robertson, no-host lunch eon. Scout Mothers club. Troop 12 with Mrs. Mary Bonner. 1880 North Winter street, 2:30 p. m. Friday Loyalty class of the First Baptist church with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schirman, dinner and social evening. Ann Judson circle of the First Baptist church with Mrs. Floyd Miller, 2090 South High street, 7:30 p. m. Florence Vail Missionary so ciety of the Calvary Baptist church wlht Dr. and Mrs. K. K. Adams .no-host dinner, 8:30 P. m. . Degree of Honor picnic with Mrs. Bertha Bergman, members and family, 6 p.m. Past Presidents of Hal Hlb bard auxiliary, with Mrs. O. J. Hull, Turner. No-host picnic luncheon, 12:30 p.m. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Fra ternal Temple, 8 p.m. Saturday Young People's class of the First Congregational church, ice cream social, with Mrs. Dan J"ry, sr., 7 to 10 p. m. Home Economics club of Brush College, 7 o'cldck, with Mrs. Glen Adams. No-host din ner. DALLAS The home of Mrs. H.y K. Fudffa in Ballston was the Those present were Mrs. Stan-, party and neighbors at a recep ley Dauenhauer, Mrs. S. O. Snow, tion in the grange hall. The Sun- Mrs. J. R. Bowman, Mrs. D. Mel- lema, Jr., Mrs. G. A. McCullocb, Mrs. Robert . Brooks, sr., Mrs. E. e. Clark, Mrs. D. Mellema, sr., Mrs. Norman Tufford, Mrs. M. H. VanGroos, Mrs. - A. H. Kilmer, Mrs. Catherine Havnes. Mrs. Howard Kilmer, Miss Thelma McCulloch, Mrs. Melvin Bench, Mrs. Joe Dauenhauer, Mrs, Ella Farmer, Mrs. Orville Kilmer, Mrs. v- t n,npnti9nor Mr. a v vn. mm and Mrs Fudr. noon with a shower for Mrs. Doris Stewart. (nn a i li m w r 1 d The Original Yellow Front Drug Prescriptions and Candy Special Store In Salem 1893 Store Hours Week Days 7:80 PAIIAIIA for Whita Shoes Won't Rub Off 25c Large Bottle SCHAEFER'S conn DEIIEDY Will Relieve Your Conas Prompfly : No Relief No Pay ' t TLOZ2 mn OIL . -.- or' FTTROLEUM TOICC or ' i - ' 25c Bottles' ; TTlths This Adr. 18. 1 S40 ( u- ; a-u .a m uio nuunoi uic. iun, . In the Valley Social Realm MEHAMA A party was en Joyed at the Olen Spivs home Saturday, a birthday courtesy for Mr. Spiva and a silver wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Bar ney Klrsch. A mock; wedding ceremony cre ated much amusement in the fore part of the evening. 'Louis Erlck son. daughter of Nellie and Bar ney Kirsch, acted the part of the bride of 25 years ago. Mabel Pat ton was the groom, Alma, Kirsch ring bearer, and Fern Sletto was minister. Cards furnished diversion for the rest of the evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Barney Kirsch, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kirsch, Mr. and Mrs, Elywln Erlckson, Donna Lee and Evelyn; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Day and Richard, Cecil . Teagarden, Mr. and Mrs. Will Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sletto, and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor and Betty Vonne, Mabel Patton, Mrs. Maud Zimmerman, Hubert Wagner, Thelma Erlckson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dake, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Payree, Al Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phillips and Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Spiva - and Dick O'Brien. - Mrs'. Alice McDonelL daughter of Mr. Peter Bland now of Eu gene but formerly of Sand Ridge and Mr. Edward C. Wagner, aon of Mrs. Minnie Wagner of Sand Ridge was solemnized on July 4 in the parsonage of the Chris tian church In Albany with Rev. Orville Mick reading the service. The bride wore a black and day following all of the relatives gave a miscellaneous shower. This party was at Silver Creek Falls, DALLAS- A surprise birthday party was given Mrs. A. E. Ullman of Salem at her summer home at "enaaie riaay nigni. me even- In was spent in swimming ana in ro,uP inging. Present were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ullman and family, Mr. and Irwin, Jr., and Miss Mildred Staf- rin, all of Dallas. It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's Where Prices Are Always Loto PRICES FRIDAY, SATURDAY, THROUGH TUESDAY AL-P:O0 PL Sat. T;SO A.310:40 PJkL Sue. 0:00 AJiI.-fl:00 PJL SCHAEFER'S Herbal Balsam The Family Tested Cough Syrup for Young and Old ' . 50c asj $1.C3 SIIAIIPOIIA The Coconut Oil Shampoo That aeons Your Scalp - r and Hcdr . - Buy It at Schaefer's llIEinTISIl Stop .the Pain and Ache .of ''Rheumatism" Quickly by Usingr . - Buy It at Canned Food Ready for Winter r . , ' . Let's Just look to our canning today, checking on a few items that should be added to the pro- gram these days,-'-- ;v4fEV'::. . rtt . .I.Vtua mr nnDDlaf Willi most ialie;. and J are one of the simplest ake,C yon-ve your cl7r surplus crops will be used in the picket jar. . ' GARLIC PILLS PjtclE washed and prereraoiy anked enenmbers - in quart jars. Add a few sprigs of , dill, a bay, leaf, . a pepper or two, .a little horseradish root, a clove of .gar lie and two. tablespoons cream rock salt, 1 fill the Jar an with cold water-and shake frequently until salt is dissolved and pickles start to work. Store in a cold place, tightening 1 ids as they loosen. Peach-orange . marmalade is a good recipe, to 'use as the fruit comes on. - - ORAXGE-PEACH MAR3IALADE 24 medium cling peaches - S medium oranges 16 cups sugar. ; Rind of 3 oranges ora. aremovrUrcfrosm 15 the oranges, grind fruit, combine and measure Into large preserv- ing kettle; add equal amount of sugar. Bring -to boil. Boil rapid - ly 25 to 20 minutes, stirring oc- caslonally to prevent burning, Pour into sterilized jars and seal, And rood old watermelon rind preserves, good to look at, - ana practical to mate. WATERMELON RIXD PRESERVES Dice the rind of watermelon, soak in mild aait water overnight. 7 7v 7T ""7 Drain, soak in fresh water two ' f lof d or T faster rend iourS Sraln. Have ready ayrup temporar- made of one cup sugar to one eup Uy unreliable. water to which two sliced lemons have been added Tor rind of each watermelon used.. Cook until rind looks clear. Pour into sterlized jars and seal. Canning Bulletin Available briskly right now In local mar Probably no publication at Ore- kets, so better add to the canning gon State college is more in ae- mand at this time of the year than the bulletin on "Home Food Preservation," which includes in structions on canning, drying, salting, smpking, and storing var ious kinds of food products. For the second time this pub lication has been revised and brought up to date, and now the third edition is off the press and ready for free distribution to Ore- ron citizens. Many authorities at the college have cooperated in the preparation of the bulletin. which has Lucy A. Case, extension specialist, in nutrition, as the' principal author. ' "In this bulletin we have tried to give' details and schedules which -will bring successful ' re sults if carefully followed,? says Miss Case. "Final success, how ever, will depend upon painstak ing care in following each step. This is particularly true with re spect to processing temperatures. It is important that the tempera tures prescribed be high enough so that foods are adequately pro cessed in the required time." The bulletin Includes directions for canning vegetables, fish and meat. Processes described Include the hot water bath, pressure cook er, and open kettle methods. One section deals with drying fruits and vegetables. A handy tabulat ed list gives a quick reference ta ble for canning vegetables, fruit, meats, poultry and fish. , "The preservation of surplus products at - home for family use or exchange makes possible a va riety in diet and reduces the cost of living for many families," Miss Case points out. "By the use of home . grown garden vegetables during many months of the year, and an adequate supply of pre served foods for other seasons of the year, it is possible for the average family to be supplied ade quately with vitamins and other essential food elements with a minimum outlay of cash." The new edition, Extension, Extension Bulletin No. 542, may be had from any county exten sion office, or direct from the college. 9fJ DDDRO Accurately Filled 1949 Sole Agents JEAN NOLAN SUII TAII OIL 50c Bottle For Scientific Protection 39 c SCHAEFER'S Anlacid Powder Sure Relief From Add Stomach, ; Gas, Acid Indigestion 50c Large Bote : " psnsum'':-:; 25c Rose-Water and , ' " Glycerine or ' 25c Bay Rum ; and Qycerin - : ' ' With This Adv. Schaefer's Today's Menu Omelet will be the day's fea tured dish. i . Carrot and pineapple salad s Asparagus omelet Baked stuffed potatoes - Icebox rolls . - Cantaloupe a la mode , t . . t qq L,teQmS Are -..-.,,!, -r r .. ,L.VmmiIv AWn - IVAUUW ; Homemade Jce creams and sher- tetu may gain smoothness without rlcnnes hen eTaporated mllk is used. Rhubarb-pineapple sherbet Is a seasonable dessert, easily pre- RETCBARB-PIXKAPPLE , SHERBET - 2 H cups sliced rhubarb I 1 an crushed pineapple : (IU cups) . ; . r H" cup sugar - " 1 4 cups Irradiated eraporatea .- milk : s:, . ' teaspoon mace or nutmeg : Cut unpeeled rhubarb into small pieces. Combine with pineapple and sugar and simmer until tend er. Press .through a coarse sieve. There should be 2 cups pulp and syrup. Chill. jChill milk thorough ly o n I whin n Btlff In chilled rhubarb mixture. Pour at once into cold freezing trays. Beverages Help Qt - 1 . OULTlIIier UOOK 1 . " Monthers find Irs "easy and .inr expensive to make ice cream sodas for their children at home. A serving of ice cream in half a glan of carbonated beverage does the trick. -1 v Evidences of the wholesomeness of bottled carbonated beverages is the frequency with which health TV f gec,e ooiy are mey ooiuea ws 1' ,bu carbonation definitely acts to safeguard, their Pt7. - Peaches Add to Winter Menus Peaches . are j coming alons shelves interest by making some: PEACH AND PINEAPPLE CONSERVE -1 pint diced peaches 1 eup cooked pineapple 2 cups sugar - - . 1 orange 1 lemon ' J j Juice and grated rind of both Combine ingredients; cook until hi;k nd clear. Pour into steril- "cu JIB B AS USUAL. ..trtfr ROT- Only 10 days direct to Yokohama. ..fastest time across the Pacific. Fre quent sailings by record- holding Empress liners from Vancouver to Japan, China and the Philippines. Approved for United , States citizens. LOW SUMMERARES..ta the Orient, i Yokohama . and return, Tourist en class as low as. ...... $v Consult your travel agent, or sF w w w w vsjiej bj w U4S.W. Broadway, fertlaad ' -' " BR. SJ7 - m STTdDCn fS 1 V 135 N. Commercial - Phones 5197 - 7023 Penslax Remedies in Marion County Holidays :0O A.M.-0:0O PJkL HOOD'S FOISQII OAK LOTIOII Quick and Sure ".Relief From " Poison Oak ' 50c and $1X3 PENSLAR Yeas! and Irca Ccnpssid TaLIcb 1C3 f:r 3Co Keep Up . Your Weight i ,f , Feel Good - Buy It'ot Schosfer's Keep Up Your Vitality -Uso Lhd Balanced f.llr.cral Vitamin Tonic . : Maintain Your Pep' Buy It ct Schaefer's