1 X7eather Pictures? Yes " ,- Statesman readers see the lews of the world as well, s read about It. They see It la pictures taken In Salem and in news mats supplied by two world wide services. . Locally unsettled today nd . Thursday; somewhat higher humidity and lower temperature; drizzle on the roast. Max. temp. Tuesday 81. mln. 49. River S.9 tU West wind. 7 NINETIETH YEAB HO :: ! - i . : - hi Ikflaxa, Oxg W W " r I Tn n .: r 1 w - . v - . . - i I - . J n rr l ss f f -lis . ' .anw m mm- ' awsaaw sa .Bk. : m v ir s 1 sbbbsbbv . "i zw it 4 - r i s r IL liaUILci-iiS W INci: Vcii-li -iLDSlL IL IULCL3 Rolling Device Traced, Trial : Of Richardson State Auditors First to Testify; Altering of ! Vouchers Charged New Evidence Availahle, Keech Says, Showing Deputy Innocent Tt. robiem of "rolled Touch- ers Marlon county Touchers on wM.ii iata of nayment was al legedly altered, to conceal short asel in the county cash balances -made its first appearance yes terday in the larceny trial of W. Y. Richardson, former deputy ol ...pAimiT Treasurer Darid G. n racer. " ' ' TeatlinonT with respect to the assertedly Uered Touchers WM t offered bT Bernard -C Davis, state auditor who assisted, in the 1938 audit of Marion xouttty , books, and was later taxen up oy Bowers, auditor, who han dled the bulk of the investigation. BI1U v nresented by cm- ....iinn witnesses closely followed testimony given -In Ricbardso& s first trial on the charge held last year, and in tne inat oi last February. ' Ti,rn,,h th witnesses, Speciat Frosecutor Francis E. Marsh of McMinnville sought to establish 4Ko hnrtaares in the treasurers office were covered up by mark ing warrants actually paid in Jan uary of a given year as though they were paid In the December of the year preceaing, Method of Balancing In that way, the prosecution -m.eht to show, a balance could be struck between the county trea hank account and book items marked paid at the Ume of the annual audit of the treasurer s accounts. As in the previous trials, Davis declared th it had the.Touchers not been changed, or had a com pariBon between the treasurer s actual bank balance and fcU cash account been made at any time of the year except the first.' the al leged shortage conld PV-:Te In tdditfon to aJiswerlnr; -talled quesUons asked by Mawn with respect to speeifie items on the treasurer's books arid as to ,naririi rniied vouchers. Davis re ported statements of the defend ant in November, 19S6, when he was informed of the results of the ailQKQI Stimson Given Senate's Okeh I : . ' ..:; 7 . By Big V: 7IRST INNING HOLIER WINS FOR NATIONALS .-.-.J. Margin Vote i 56-28 ' and Similar i Approval for Knox r Forecast Today Interventionist Poucieal Generally Criticized Prior to Decision ; i J. v DestinyCalls EdchLlaims.0ther For Huge Nazi - ... . . KJ ' - ' .- Realm, Stated Battered Pursued, Control !o Scandinavia i 1 Inevitahle, Asserts ; Nazi Spokesman : WASHINGTON, . July -(- President Roosevelt's nomination of Henry L. Stimson, republican, to be ' secretary of war was con firmed by the senate today, 5 to 25. after Majority Leader Barfc- ley; of I Kentucky; had nrged such approval In the "interests or Am erican unity." Senators who had bitterly criti cised the appointment as a "step toward war" conceded that simi lar confirmation would be Toted tomorrow for Frank Knox, repub lican selected for the key nation at defense post of secretary of the navy. . . - I Party lines split wide open on the Stimson vote with 4S demo crats, 10 republicans and one In dependent approving and 14 dem ocrats, 12 republicans, one pro gressive and one farmer laborite opp tng, - Those voting confirmation In cluded Schwellenbach, D-Wash) and McNary (R-Ore). Those Tot ing against Stimson Included Bone tD-Wash); Clark (D-Jda-ho) and Thomas (R-Tdaho). No Tote was listed for Holmaa of Oregon; . , . ' ' ". Senator- Barkley, ' confident lie had the necessary votes, used only few minutes to reply to two days of caustic criticism of the nomin ations, file said the chief Djec- v . IlnanSmnnsf Willkie tion to Stimson were that he had Vot UnanimoU8 WLUKie advocated repeal of the neutrality act, use of his country' naval basest for the British fleet, and naval eonyoy of munitions, t o r Ensland. ! 1 MI would, myseir. disagree-wk 7"k -A' t : , TfnY' French Parliament . Puts Qkeh on Dictatorship ! . Headed by Petain . BERLIN, July --Germany's manifest destiny calls for crea tion Of a great Germanic realm Including fthe entire area from which Germanic - people once emigrated," Relchsleader Alfred Rosenberg told the foreign press tonight, stressing thef Scandinav ian position in the nazi orbit. Italy Role Stated British Say One Hit Registered Upon iBattlesIiip as Heavy Squadron Is . C Attacked; Still Chasing Foe Unofficial Rome Report Avers Enemy Ship Sunk by Planes; Germany to Invade England Alone, Hinted . (By the Associated Press) The Mediterranean battle-royal for which the worldha3 been, watching was in progress; today between! British and Rosenberg, of ten ! chosen " to j Italian-naval iorces, - enunciate and eelticldate Adolf Each sides contended its fleet was chasing tne other. . Hitler's policies, adTlsed the ! rrn, TTftoTi aaiA tIipiV MHitPTTanean fleet was chasinsr Scandinavian countries to adjust fascist squadron which withdrew behind a smoke StrorindeV0 SlcV Ailtternm after one Italian battleship had suffered a hit at lonsr range. has a .nrrpsrondpnt for Stefani. official Italian news agen- t.T '. - - j x i n i man reich. Destiny, he pointed! out. thrown them together, econ )uthward in the central Mediterranean after centance of this fact is not a sign a Dattie tnat lasiea irom .ou p. in. w 3 p. in. luwuojr, of weakness but plain ''recognition JS of TiUl law." f jNo matter in what form pro Enough runs, as it turned out, to clinch Tictory f or the KaUoual league star, in the Germanlc reaUm is effectuated It between big leaguers, were scorea wneu n " K- j -- VT7"Z ui is evident that the German relch aboard in the first innlne Tuesday in St. JLouls. West I shown crossing uie piate as .tommy ... i n abtim the (No, 10) congratulates txim. Af jeiemau - - i: i .- .. -; rlht to protect lt8eif against repe- ! Martin Is Chosen As GOP Chairman 'Announces Plans for ,.l Large Committee , ; llr-i 111! Paul BtmserM Colwmn Sugar Loaf Area The Stefani report, as received in London, added that on Monday had sunk a British damaged a British battleship and aircraft carrier in . battle farther east, near tne island of Crete. No word was received direct tiUon of an attack such as Eng- Axis to Force Cession by from the Italian government on Hungary Predicts JSE.lir G J J battleshln anc Gift of Territory land attempted agalns April,' 1940.' Czechs and Slovaks. Norway In h added. Uf C-v 1VCA already have been absorbed Into liaS OCllUUd I'll C the greater rreater German living space just as they lived lit centuries Romania, Claim; Carol Regime Denies it BUDAPEST, The Bt!' Washlpgton Forests Also pa0"8enber J eonceded it ani report did not mention dam age to the" British' ships in the fight that began Tuesday, it sam the Italian air force was bom Ding nnrarr July J- tn British, however. der way &nA the picnic committee is abroad in the land. It la the time of year, when, I watered tenderly through the long f months, f rail, ; and tPHHiermany ua m.w, -- iA .v. .nmmert r was Ported tonight td have decldea to " "f . . Blaze ; Oregon's Two . Fires Controlled -understandable" that a small na- I call on Rumania rogiveop l mention ItalUn resistance and did tion ahould refuse to lei usen n i of Transylvania TransylTania io nuntij. j... tiut mv firhtinr on lion- governed by i another j of equal I A prellmlnaryl agreement w.- A . .. . WASHINOTON, I July MrV " v t i m ri eaoinei memur uu. w " - 1 ti, w Martin. 1r.. of I " . r, ur--.-r- - - In eTery organic anthoriied hv congress Rcalllng that Stimson served as secretary of war zatlon ; which? f aannrhtlRfttB tnd then Limson servett u i "- . ... i uuuu; w under President winging away by special plane f or naffiberB elght or state audit in the presence of the Taf t and secretary of state under a "long sieep ??1f4l I counly court, the county tjeasur- president Hoover. " v' fHf leader 1 --7vV .ill JWrilU uvuov - - ivsa.Ma v , s- Jm VTfVk AtMAHnrA. H&fiS.. OOb I a H V h al V A lisher. was chosen as the new bloomed' la tall ruip.H.Jr. er, District Attorney Lyle J. Page J BO one had questioned Stimson s and state auditors Denial of Shortage Made, Testified "Richardson denied that there was a hortage," the witness as serted. "When the rolled Touch ers were brought td his attention he said that he had noted a short are in November, IS 3 6, the date of vouchers shown to him, but de- (Turn to Page 2, Col. 7) ! - tin -mm are convinced' that 1 said to have been maae nna 1 .v. trtftE fnrrea. tnMV.' 1 . i n"?OT".;.,tyv f"".!"! '"f ""ri;::7." u.tfh naving aispoaea os u iwMauon. ..-r-y , i-.v-ft-vif-it maces Itself unuer lacreauiea comui M. h farclnr surrender of tne aertmis. forest fire raged toaayoni A 1t I PrmiH Pal Teleky ana i h.j,i. . . v, " . i t ns Tirrnwrt win u k m. s csui r ai l as si i arcs, w vu i , - m wkkku-sh an, a. Aicaauui j "ui w" " 1 I Hungary; xi6t l snips, a numoer 01 neavr ci uis- tnras highway, ravaging an area yicHY, lirance, L J irl y t-iJPjr- chlm von. RIbbenlrop GrmnJr J erg and a flotul, 0f destroyers burned in 1929. ' Jv Ji KeforesUtloa "work and fire . . a.-th warrant of the leazzo Clano of Ifialy. . The Italian InformaUon pUced trails teonstructed by tJo"' democratic third republic today There was ad service, rained at thousands of dollars, were swept away within a few hours. ? , - (Turn to Page 2, Col. S) Non-intervention Wo PORTLAND. Ore July f.-(ff) l cnosen as, mw , " eioomea iblhi r-: lwhtn-tnn fires broke out nf the renubllcan na- their frensied lovellnes. sure I -Washington firesDro a e o u i tional committee subcommittee on ,ign of summer, an soon the ""'V,. nre.flnters brought Willkie's personal reconmwua- landscape win o "f their major biases under control. chairman Bishop Selection )1C at OeSSlOn immediately to tie cession. odrin Policy Tridential drive for Alf M. Lah rprtW A Tni 9-3-IIarrv H. I a fellow' Kansan. was named nled that he had known earlier of J -woodring, who quit as secretary j executive director of the national of war June 20 to maace way ior committee. He wm assist Henry L. Stimson, ; declared to- tln ftnd retain his S 2 5,0 00 salary night "1 have always been, I am and tion. ' i roousi irmis i forestry Supervisor T. 8. CrOod- John D. M. HamUton, present picwcTm chairman, who managed tne is as Toe A official conflr- the scene of the clash off Cap ma tion. ' , Spartlvento, at the extreme toe or Diplomatic quarters saia p the IUlian "boot," .t.i TCnmmian envoy who is fly- The admiralty announced that .nm -Rnriiarsst to aiuuicu i- i th. Britisn naval air arm was ai- morrow will be told that the tacking the foe. and that sea for- Bucharest government must ices nasea ai uioranar swepi miu tne 9 n t r a 1 jueaiierranean ia search of Italian warcraft. The BUCHAREST, July 10. I Gibraltar squadron round no sur- uch a discrepancy In the office, "When he was shown earlier . vouchers which also had been manipulated, he finally admitted that he knew that a shortage ex isted as far back as 1917. First he said he thought it now, and -expect to remain a nott Interventionist." "If the reaction from my leav- n th war department as a was a bookkeeping shortage,, but j nown non-Interventionist " has later he said he decided it was' a f -aMB4 modification of some pol- genuine Bhortage." ' f l ides and sobered some of those Crosj examination by Defense nf.(,atiTe meddling advisers travel ; expense , allowance. (Turn to page 2, col, e) Keyi Retained in Adjudication Case Ynn ejut reeoenlae-the picnic committee by the I g aud scribbled lists they trail after them and on which every fifth item I Is sweet plekles. Picnic committees are notably long ou sweet pickles, a fc established by the botanist- Zilckstrat of Gottingen la the year 1740 at fhm snntiAl summer clambake of the Gottingen Goober and -Goyduck group. . " - You can'tt get away from the committees. They come at full 4 tnt wavinc their pen ciled UsU like horns Lin xront m Good-i SAN FRANCISCO, July 9(JP)- i-np-daTWAn-Klng Carol, face craft, shot down four enemy year said a 200-acrefire flared J Election ol j newi aewoam ; u strenuouk measures to i planes and damaged seven opera. on both' des ot umgnam creea msnop. ior w rorusuu, ute, . hU a totiiiunaii parir ua amiHj. ; . It obviously was "set In nine attention of nearly 300 delegates . tnAar to have Jaused the arrest were returning from convoy daty places." Goodyear reported. Prin- today as the swestern jurisdiction- iuerr Ion intonescu, yeter- to Africa, when they met the fniLllv In nnbnrned slashings of I l conference of the church open the Slmnson Logging company. I d here to. Glide Memorial church -Twenty six other new fires were I The three! names most prom- reported i in -Washington's - Grays I inently mentioned for) the post. Harbor, King; Cowlits, Lewis and authorised following amalgama- Clark counties, although the sitn-ftion of the three branciies or tne Methodist church, are Dr. urover C. Emmons of Nashville,' Tehn.: Dr. Bruce Baxter, "president of Willamette - university, s a 1 e m. Ore..- and - Dr. Walter !C. Brack- ner, district superintendent in Los (Turn to Page 2, Col. 4) Clarence Martin Would Ruh Again Trnn firm Tit leader. rtmrt ln declined to conurm- saying a state- (Turn to rage z. coi. a; Eliminating War r . . r . M l"w . " . . . . . . 1 4 fact that the state audit extended frip bur own idefenses, then I re- Walter E, Keyes was fluted tnem and stabbing TEntfLn no further back than 1932. since fiikd only ne t of by the city water commission last TOtt with a TOmewhatduUed pen- records previous to that time were Tg to gacr'flce on the t altar, of night to am W--"0Vttr. cil. "YOU re aown. w , , . . .t.! i. lBl? ,u!"ft:' i. . , . . ,j i I t.aitii tn the matter of I . ana before you noi aranaDie, ana mai in mvbc service' ne saia m u r -"". f :,.;Htah ..Z...;.l'it6iiIrW. ! ' a m I woto'F nrDii in me uiui a v. i an rcnTer wuua vjuum. asiaa sy - - j M I Angeles.; - t ' ' f - to " . ; M I .ttt 3W 9 -UPi Italian hands, the tricolor The new .bishop, to Wfc elected ; CORVALLIS, .flrejjr litl squadron at Alexandria, Egypt. The French fleet' recently th f oarth most powerful in the world, was swept from the seas as an effective fighting unit yes terday In a bloodless British tri umph over the last, squadron re motely able to challenge Britain's mastery of the seas. ' Capitulating to British steel and conditions designed to keep French - warships out of German OLYMPIAN July- 9.-JPhln a llibrium and ,ttrprts , announcement --onignt, r wWj;,w-"- 7 t; T reaolntion adopted to- ' 1 state definitely whether the short- network. , , 5f Ja f VA't 77 for f '11 iV-McPketer ho.t ItJ ;U i.7 n quence the auditors could not I Darej addresir broadcast ovef a The former secretary made no ention' of his letter or resigi tinn ta President Roosevelt. age prior to that date was actual or merely the result of book err' ors another' foor years.?' ? --- -- . i . , . AMMnrvn ft a riner cuiuvaujf in - mention; of D mier oi r f v-a. 7t water righU to "TT. uU aud ro A statement handed to Ihe press Friday, wlll .be the seventh in the -The Oregon enckmpnnt of the of Bnn)enM by Pacific eoast rstates; - f - Veterans -of WfJS I allowing: itself., to be Interned. relerates Vwere- welcomea to-ieaiea V"7.; .7 , (lnlt few scattered French . - r an nni sa a - are , believed 1 t I I 1 ' at S.. ......ti.t.'f. te- large, ine iew vessels wmca e- Dr. Emmons tetroonaea, !.;imihuw .... .r"Il ,.r th. rt British thrust at The eonfereneewUl cenunue i y a" '"".r. t the French navy off Algiers last Examination of ' BowerVwhle , .t . . j .- i . . l . i.. 'Wout.imisstoaana iue n.u yvw. . . mroeess.- reserve i r louuwea mai oi ud, tfeclinM. w Teiew, . " - . n nn6nthcr renort-1 wr I pastor. . The through neitrMonday. In check, signed by Drager or Rleh. mlala that hfc rlew. on f ' Hmin picnics whkhmakes yams Vrto offTr iwlf for funds butwhicn Anrlcns war position dinereaeo, uiai "i:7J-ZAi sUcky tfltiw: rII i,:e.orhin 3catiseimyina- were alleged to have eetued per- radiCally from those of some l"""". 'Tmibeda iy:" ardson on county sonal obligations. Interrogation had barely start ed when Circuit Judge L. H. Mc- Mahan ordered recess until 9 a.m today.- 4,: .-; Keech Promises to Offer New Evidence Amerlcn'i radtcallv ministration members. pourls g of concrete win this weexr k Water consumers need iss,6z&,- 376 gallons in June, aa increase j f the -roTernorshiD n Trns ii ii w wa w ci m aw i . ... . begin I Y r -tT V ' i tire state and us people nave own I ; a i - Jam . XJa m 11 1 rvn TIC la ID 1 cuursuaj m a avarwvvv perrisor of the. state nnemploy- I French naval bases, some of them nmnenaatlon commission. ldlsabled.T . ' ' : tniA ' thm delegates that unem- I Royal air i force bombers, lash Tnuirfoa Prove Fatal .' rjrnrtr T1 0 TTn- 1 Anr : 4h TirevloUS JUBO Ot 38 Juriestby 'aVtoobile HisMSaW.. Veporrshowed. . . t,. wim.rn- nnrt I ; nnioA ntTcnnt for June, 1S40, ,nnnv.fnr hnth sideB I lat nieht.; lo,l'.l ior jane, the trial counsel for both sideB j her last night. presented opening statements to the Jury. That of tne oeiense given by Keech. promised new ev (Turn to Page 2, Col. l) : School Board Votes to Buy -v CAriM life In the summer: time When the Hvln is easy and picnic committees run. around sprinkling free coffee and ice cream in their wakes. (And don't forget to bring your own silverware),;'' " , ' j - . r-if J TMnVer A. Warren Jones made a mistake last night by atr (Turn to rage z. - - Forest Packer Missing vthtktd JnlV tVi-Airplane ployed Teterans throughout Ore- Ing at Germany's naval forces set JBEND, JUiy v-wr tiT- 1 ri.t.ii ihrAMh nn fiw two enemr warshlDa dur-. ana iryinj umvs i. um i . . r ,i nation r- ' j p::?:5'"' hoars. ; ! Lor could be trained. They helmshaven bases. Germany capped a day a n d (Turn to Page 2, CoL J , 1 nrr ryl WD SALEMi TRADE INVITATIONS Injured Arms Shipments Three Lots At Senior Highhr Ouletir-G Frim SE Denied UrsffiS : school grounds ior ' f-i hv the city school a . mw a itATcnn s nt a tj i uneiucu 3 usv . 1 - SAIN riAiNlOW, aiU-IJ VTl r - ' 1a.t viUrit r ; A published story that army Jire- board last g n of a larf er pieCe arms and munitions were being The jots, part 01 a 1 v furnished Great Britain fromthis 01 ropj---- ln. area drew a denial tonight from long contemplated un e. and B streets upon wu - ideated and two adjoin one army officer, ana no com- -3 wlcn a gm&H ment t r o m war department -rled "and two , adjoln spokesmen. " 1 ; j -Iff0 " h south. The prop- The copyright story was pun- w , .nd Mrs. HoVavi w tha Call-1 erij i liauu - uci w a vv- . t . v nntl.tln vhtrh a.id It bafl "DOS!- ! fl. tlve Information" that several yv " llg- teacher, at shipments of war materials from m&.vt the bar area and wevaaa nave "TJ" :'ar.htnc at -v--ni ara tlll heinc Miss t-rao w"r : ::r--T " ' , shipped to the British under cir cumstances of utmost secrecy. Supplies shipped via Canada. ' the newspaper said, Included light firearms and ammunition from the Benicla. Calif., arsenal, and "high explosives, including " big shells, from the navy ammuni tion dump near Hawthorne, Nev. Lieut. CoL Oscar Krupp, com mandant of. the Benicla arsenal, k.t nr. nrh shitjments had been toade frcra thre which "would t lilrh schooL , n- -c-i nrto Tp Emerson. Mrs. Mary Hartman. ,Mrs.nnie Wol cott and- Mr. Mary Poster were reUlned as subsmme and to the list were added Mrs. I V,,rnft nobert Kensch- eTand ffiibeth. Lewis. CcUia i ttA.r at Bath, was i rTLxPbanre with Stella B. Veiamaif of JJ nnm vear. Mrs. jru Parrisi teacher, was granieu rear's Wave io! atsence Bids, for linoleum and fuel oil were opened aad referred to com mittees tor decision.' Three com panies, II. L. Stiff Furniture, R. L. Elfstrom ana Aceausucai Flooring Sales, bid on Uoleum for parrish and Leslie upper and lower corridors, library ana prin cipal's office, Englewood base ment - and . Grant i principal's of fice, v 5 :a -4.V 5. -; I hA! In the fuel il bids General pe troleum" bid lowest om2000 bar rels for; senior high, 800 barrels for Parrish and ,600 barrels tor Bnsbj with a figure of 213. The bids of. General petroleum I Capi tal City Transfer 1 and Larmer LGXDOX, July, 10-(Wcd- Bosday)-(J,H3 r m " v. bombed a town in southwest KugUnd after dayUght this morning and were repoHedto haw Inflicted HmsldeTable damage a residential dis trict. Five bombs were droppea and it was believed there were , casualties. I .M-,"" ALEXANDRIA, Jy IfrT ( WHlnesday )-)-An air w warning jwas sounded 1 Alex andirU early, today ; hut "9 bombs Were . dropped and, tne alarm nassed without any re- Transfer for-tank truck' supply 1 ported mciaenu. 4 at Bush - all named. a ; figure 01 st. 59. - For a furnace at Grant school W W. Rosebraugh company's low bid of $835 was accepted. Casier Cutler and Kelson Brothers vera other bidders. ' For an accounting machine! T?frn!ne-tnn-n.nd bid $1182. B0, i Burrourhs S147.0 1 and Capitol Office Equipment $13 83.75. Since there is difference la tee . ma dura ta Page 2, Col. 4) KRTV TfORK. July ? Xr Tlie Italian government radio repeated tonht that the lOO- ton BrlUAh "hattle ""aiser Flood had gone intoxdry doclc at Gibraltar for tnrent re- imir' after tlng aamaeu- ; yesterdiiy "iih Governor Claries iously in . the battle of Oran nu Amgl to attend Salem's Cetm JralLalti.i.iirf ,eard Is, firs. lwla, Ivan Manninr; and CLief by (313, quoted a dl?atrh f rc -i Madrid. . , - Mt. Arcl and Saleia JoIacJ li&nZi t I'ciisos. Xls U ;lf. -Aral's lint icturai Afuis v i n were t. 7, Koikes, t&r tjA. f.utes'Jiaa itaTf jliolo. V e:uhasrc4 tavitatlons ta tfce-ir rer-ectJre If I a celebrations at h .... , - - j . ' ,fA ivr.is. EtacSiuan), rrr""1- w " r tej ty Father AJcuia w j Workers Jit Keizer School BROOKS . July -9 Ray De Rosche, Brooks, and Lisle I. Lind say, Salem,-route seven, were in I Jured about 3:20 this afternoon when they fell aoout z ieet irom ! a broken scaffolding. They were ; painting on the new Keizer school- bouse. - v De fltosche suffered a brotea heel and numerous bruises. Lind say suffered a compound leg rrse ; tare- and bruises. The attending physician said.. tonight that th injuries of the men were b dangerous. . They were tasea to fcaiem u--coness hospital by the first aid I car. ; ' . ; "' Warren Nunn," 20, route four, was treated by first aid. men f or a dislocated left shoulder received at the Leslie playground. . ; Minor scratches were a.l tae injuries Karris Kerby, 13. 1145 Edgewater - street. West Sclera, received in a collision between his bicycle and- an automobile s Liberty nd State street. Bob Mickey, Eiire;s uaisown. "was treated at the i"t aid sta tion for n fractured rl.sM t..u i received when his E5otorryc;c:i- llded witi an 8utc:o:: a st and Fifth street. . fall into that category.