-r-.-'-,i-r, -- . - l ... Th. OHEG02I CTATECMAIL Cden. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, July 9, 1S43 For i Statesman Classified Ads Call 910 7 Classified Advertising Three Insertions per llne..25e SLi Insertion per llne. ....40e One month per line 21 28 Minimum charge 25c: 2 tl min imum 36c: 9 U mln. 4S'e No " refunds. " ; . "... . , . .. y . - .-. Copy ftor this pae accepted on tn i l th i)ni bfor publica tion for-classif hsi ton v Copy -.r .oelved after rthls tlm will be ran under tn beading Too.'Lat M Classify - Tbs Ststesroas assume Bo ftna.it etal responsibility for error whiefe may sppoat te advertiaeinnti-tto llsbed la tt columns end tn rass where tbia paper 1" ! faoft arttt re- ertnt that parr-of an advertise-new i whicb tb typographical mtittW Tba Statesman f esei ses fh rtgbt to reject jotiooaW edwrttainc tt further rtwrm -thw right tm place- att- idvtrtlilnK , andar tb proper classifies tton A "Blind- Ad an ed containing Statesman boa lumbn for aa ad dress Is for tba protection ot the r.dvertlser and must therefor bo answered by-letter The States-san ta aot at liberty to divulge mforma tion as to the Identity of aa adver tiser oalng a "Blind ad. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WS PICK op dead end worthless animals at a momenrs nolle, top prices for CM-ntd Bon OREGON RENDERING & FERTILIZER CO. Phone Salem TS19. Collect 1tiLTUir,iiM'i -a-a.. aa, ,a,a.afca.aaai at si aaaa FAR1MERS MON'TGOMERT RENDERING WORKS P1CK3 UP. FREE OF CHARGE, DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANTWHERE IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. WE PAT TOP PRICES PHONE US COLLECT, 6411 SALEM FOR SALE A-l Jersey hetfers, 18 mv S-vr. Jersey cow rresn auk. l. 7 vr. Jersev cow milklnsr. 3-yr. Belslan l!rse. 1700 lb. Mare with colt. Buss situ,- !".-. i-in ir mower. Reason for sslH Jt,k quit farming'. Sec Mrs. Russell, PET JERSET, 1 yrs.. been fresh S mos., stake broke, tested. ia cash. Ko phone. Orr-hard Heights, 206 yda on Wallace iui. rs. r. mruaan, xti. . Box 892-A Salem. Auctions Eia FURNITURE " AUCTION 3 A Jd "R ' Wed. Nlte 7:30 P. K.. Sharp " At our new warehouse (Auction Rooms) " ADJOINING THE Capital Boadrnr Co. Just north of the unaerj!ftS-CON-S1STINO OF consigned and repos sessed furniture from fivs Salem and two 'Dallas homes a lot Of good fur niture 4 living-room sets 8-pc. wal nut dining-room set 5 jc12 rugs ra dio electrk; washer Electrolux- re frig., electric sweeper 3 walnut bed room sets coil springs and-- lhner spring -mattress- bed davenos etc etc. Un fact almost everything that foes to . furnish a home. Consignees and finance companies say SEUL-hk) thU BIO sale will be FAST? AND FURIOUS We are crowded for room our last sale for SO days if you need furniture and want soma res give-away bargains don't miss tbia eight sale 7:36 p. m., Wed. night . TERMS,CASH "Rus" Woodry of the Nash Furni ture Co., Auctioneer I pay cash or sell on commission. Ptone 9502 Help Wanted Male WANTED A-l AUTO mechanic. I I basis labor. 722, Statesman. Help Wanted Female WANTED Experienced waitress. Writs Box 728, c.'o Statesman. Situations Wanted INTERIOR OR exterior paintings will consider anything. Box 724. Statesman. 1 "CUTTING" or farm" work Box 725, Statesreaji. GRADING I.FVfT.TKa r.. i.n power outlt- Estimate glren. Ptv WOMAN wants hour work. Ph ei7 DRESSMAK Mrs A rt.it t ph ihi MAKE or ears for lawn. Fh, IMS. For SaJe Migcellaneona ; ..NEW CTJ. ft. Gibson rsfrlgerstet, 2!?i.-tJ "nJ!- hermetically aeaW onlt only 79.5. Good Honsskeaptne I no- 453 Court St. ,' THE APRON Shop. 173 N BUb ADTERTISINQ " ' ' , Western Adrertlsinit Representatireg - r D- CJoae. In. an Francisco. Los Angelas. Seattle Eastera Advartisiat ' ; R e presen tatl t es Bryant Griffith Brnnsoa. tna. . Chicago. New- York. Detroit Boston. Atlsnta y ; Istersd t Us Poefoffte at MeUm. Oregon aa soond Close Matter, Ps lisked eoerw smnt eacspt sfoaeTar. BuiiKtf ifficm $u tenth COntmsrcisl Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATESt MaU SubseiipUoa Rates ta Adranea Wlthla Oregon - Daily aad Sunday. Mo. Se cents- I Mos. Sl.Se: UoTtlH: . year IJ.C0. Elsewhere cents par Ma or IS.09 for I year tn ad vase per copy a cents. Newsstands cents -'..By City Carrier: eeata a month, I '-20 a yar la ad rase ta Martoa aad adjacent coaatles. ELOIJDS Emm TONIGHT WHAT ARE WB GOIrJG TO HAVE FOR SUPPER T J II OAn?J!D; 1 -s--s . I HORSE ANOWUajLr. v-4 I HORSES UJ J I I -'7 ITS RA3SM7STHAT rr l 1 I L . J 1S J : I OOlGSTTOEAr-Sfvi-J RiSrOS r' II LIKE PARSNIPS T? rft r ifr? '-r- - I V- J- : .1. v- i -'Jlsj&al "' t rf - I ? Ni : i , - I ) . . I t, ) :Ufe4Jr 00 ., 1 -Ti i-Mns-A. .'---'-; I f " I f f n . . 1 . in- ,'....' j l.rvr. Hy -.-ihi m M1 t i" -.j f , , .' , .. Vr' , -' ; r ' - . v ': ". i . - '.:- 'v-.'.--..::-' " - - ' j . j UiaXS t . . filoney to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS GALL. WRITK or nhona 1 91(31 ta Lhom managed finance Institution. Tour loans made in strictest privacy. You will vm.uim vi jour loan or jraniuin x esienaions. I 1 to 24 Months to Repay Too can pay la full any tiro to reduce tb cost. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans tnsfle on furnltur or note. ROT H. SIMMONS, MGR. Uo. No. f15S General Enance G)rporatibri til Jta.' CatajnarctsJ SL" FVsC-dsor south ot -Lsdd "V Bus Bank ' : . " f ;... - ;v ? iCanTsniant grouaa Ooor taoatioai i Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. (TB FUOOR OtTARDIAN B1JIXJ3ING UCSKSE SiO. S1-1&9 , I . PRIVATE MONEY ATJTO AND TRUCK' LOANS CONTRACTS RUFTNANCSiD to re duce paynamta. Money for -nw or awed cars. -No -delay or red tape, xoa wui retain possession or the vehicle. ' i TO It MONTHS rt PAT ; ROY H. SIMMONS 131 South Commercial Street Phone tut Lie No. M-15I. FHA LOANS 4H. also Drir. loans. Abratna at Ellis, Inc. Masonic Bldg. WE tAN on farm. restdeRttal A boainesa. property Will buy mortgages or contrarta HAWKINS ROBERTS INC. Realtors. Guardian Bulldlrut t2 to fteea on tour car, CONSUMERS CREDIT CO 127 New Bllgb Bldg. Ph. 9291 Money Immediately Lie. u-232. PRIVATE MONET to loan on real estate, -v - ',"- CHAS. HTjDKINS, Phone 94. ". . '23S Stat Street aisMissseaaMS, BRNJ- FRANKLIN Federal Home Loss with reserve protection clause. safeiruarda borrowers In time of dif ficulties against foreclosure. For full details see F. G. DELANO. 190 N. Church Loans Wanted . WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN , on good Salem real es tate Will pay Interest W H a RA BEN HORST A CO. - REALTORS Wanted Private Monej WE HAVE a number of farm, city and acreage loans, netting investors 5"i4 to t Interest, in amounts rang ing from $300. to 34500. Examine the security yourself. Ws service the loans by collecting the Interest semi annually, etc. all you do is to bring in ins interest coupons ror trie inter est each . S months. IT WILL PAT YOU TO' SEE US. .FOR GOOD FIRST MORTOAGR LOANS.- - ' CHJ.LDS A MILLER, INC. f 144 State-6C I Phone 3281. For Sale- Miscellaneous USED BARGAINS at Salem's lead ing appliance stare. Fully recondi tioned ass guaranteed. .Electric ran ges wasners- roaster refrigerators. wood Uradge. .aood, circulators,; ras rangssjina ol ranges. Also a. lew good tsa-Jsaaesi -i r;,-. . t YEATKR A RUSH CO- ItS N. lJberty Next to th Power Co. MATTAjO. CHP I7S! Marion. Apt. t. . BARGAINS IN USED VACUUM CLEANERS X EUREKA, LIKE new, $9.50. 1 Hoover, beater-type, , $13.50. 1 EJectroIux. with aU attachments. $190. I SEARS ROEBUCK A CO. 434- State SL Ph. 9192. BLKCATO.. te LB vou nick. G. ChristoffersoD, RL 7. Box 20 i. RIVER SILT. 90c yd. del. Pb. (491 WRECKING 2 LGE. ant. houses. 48t S. Com'L All for sale cheap. TRAILER HOUSE cheap. $80 N. 30. WantedMiscellaneous WTO, COLORED fryers. Ph. (479. WANTED. GOOD used house trail ers. We ssry At sell. Use your credit. KmsTa Trailer Exch, i 618 N. Front WANTED Room and board la ex change tor work- Ph. J 83 daytime. Wanted Furniture a m a m intra . wnnnsv !. tiooears A fumltm dealers wi3 par you mora cash or trad for furniture A faoussboM ods W buy or sell ev erything Pb f 110 CASH FOR used furniture- Jr house hold goods. R. Forrey. Ph.- 7445. Cliseellaneons COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of ten tennlsl cofltumes fer men A women. Hollywood Costmra. 925 S. W. Xans- bUL Ph. AVE 9764. Portland. Oregon. Dental Plate Repair - TWO-HOUR "SERVICHJ . IN , MOST t" " CASES Bring or Ms rt Tour Flatea for Repeftr DR. .HARRY S'EMLER. DENTIST Allaky Bldg. 3d. A Morrison, BR 3427 For Reiat Rooms TtOOM. FRUTT stand. 3(0 Center. 4 -HOTEL MARION. e Rooms Special weekly and monthly rates to perm. gwestSM Marion Coffee Shoo dallcioas roes Is -at low ortcee - HOTEI AAIM from $4 s areck. ExcetL sleeomsr rm. I for reatleman. Cloee la, Individ, lavatory. 737 Center. Hoom and Board NICE, fur. alms, or 4ou, 270 N. 13. SEE MA BMren. (01 N Liberty LIVE AT Ullmaaa. ISO Marlon. For Rent Apartments AUG. 1. 1 Rif. furn. Pun. aJtch- bath, ftlg, lady, (! S. Summer. FOR RENT. furn. mod. 8 B, apt. Just finished redecorating. Pb, 8468. - - i sw -'. v I " v M i in ' a - SA XOFtF Money to Loan Ra lam's n1Amm l...t .- financial affairs will b discussed sod be given erery consideration In tna ra JIM CLARJCASST. 1GB. Uc..No, Sltl &one llli For Rent Apartments f EM. FURN. ap(U ISS'Marloa. - S RM. FURN- SSI K. Chnndi. inrjnrLjxrjiifiuuiuLju'J- TORN. AJT 140 DlTtolott. i COOL, X RM. apL. 4S Ferry. ran Mod. Ooae ta Ph tm m. j-Lnj-tJ. SMal.I, FURN pt SSO S Cottag vACL Hawthorn Court Adults t ROOM FURN sot. 341 Court A lSI ' DDI k 1 : . . ww or not water zoo If. Capitol 4 1 RM. STRICTLT modern apt. fur- uisuea r uniurnisnso. vaU; Its If 14 tn. " unhjqj-UTjTju VACANCY 310 LESLIE. i"iitniLTnin r r n NICBJ 3 RM apt. Cloe in. $18. 191 I-1UL FTTRN. ant . 1atl ri-iv - Employed adults. Also sleeping room for one. 340. Union.-Ph. 3500-. VACANCY Jury 15, furn. (43 Union, FTJRN. APT tno. . 332 Water. 8 LP. RM. and bach. apt. Ph. 303S. 2R. FURn. apL. lth. 670 jjTnto". FURN. 2-R- $15. Built-in kleh. ras rs., h- c water, gar access to s-r Datn. sze. rn, 7113. , 1 i.nrijxrKJXJtVJJXin.rinri n n n 2 S-R. FTTRN. anta. iw.1t Mao - m. Maytag. Close In. 344 Marion. For Rent Hoase APT.. JTTLT 10. S rm nuwf biut Til Stewart, Ph. 7188. Inq, (31 N.i Winter. S RM. HSS- hot A cold inrlm w. lur. " aaraen, gar, eiec its, Un bjrwy. Roberts Station. Box 91. 7-R. PARTLT furn, (16 N. 14th. CABINS, LIGHTS, water, $t.f mo. S mi. on Dallas Road. See signs. - -RM. MOD. HSE. $25. 1T30 8. Liberty. Inq. 1530 N. Capitol. Pb. (784, "MODERN 4 -ROOM house on Fair mount Hill, jtireplacs. Fa. 9(74. MODERN 2-BEDROOM house- flra. fplHce" furnace, h.w. floors," located on iKairmount hill, $27.50. 8. D. Easle or inca Bros, aogj. High. JPbon t73. NEW SUBURBAN 2-b.r 30. Mod. nome, S b.r. south, $25. v - Ct .. Ki SANDERS, 131 N. Higly t8.3t! 1:8206 ROOMS. 1394 N. Summer. i30 9 rooms, 1080 Highland, 3357 rooms,; Garden Road, i $35-7 rooms, 725 N. Church, 3H0 5 - rooms, Hayesville, nice. $S0 7 rooms, 130 S. 24th I St. H. P. GRjiNT &29 Court. Ph. 8744. 4 R. HOUSE, 330 Gaines Ava. 8 RM. HSE, $85 Madrons, Ava, Sa lem Heights. . i FURNISHED AND nnfum nani H. P GRANT. 839 Court. Phone (744 WE HA VB THE PROSPECTT IF TOU want ta sell, sxehange. leaaa. rent, see Mr Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberta HOUSES. MHrte JohBSK Ptt 1T1 4 R, $10. INQ. 971 & 22nd. Business Cards ta This directory na on monthly bturfs only. Rate! S1.S5 per liaa per tnontb. Auto Brakes Ifiks Panes. 278 Boat Cenimercfal Beach Cottages ROAD'S END. by the day, week or month. Ad dr. M. Cooler. Weeoma, Ore Dieycles BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. SeoU. 147 8. Caa'eL P. 481 (V Building WORK PRICES rbrht. Ph. T842. i y ' ' Chimney Sweep r TELEPHONE '4498. . ft. tS. Northjieaa, Contracting CONST, pajnttnc roofing. Fh, -lltL , Engineer - Snrreyor;i ; 8 n rev era esttmstaa. rMdrHaHms J. H, Nf 106 Guardian Bid, V. 6660 Excavating EXCAVATTNa OF an kinds Base ments due Dirt hanled or maveA Dfrt tor sale, SaJam Sand A OraveL P. 9406 Florists Brehaapta 44T Court Phone $198, Fnneral Directors TsrwiUlger Fnneral Home. Pa, 6928, 7Igsls Your Ears, rXrgwoodl COST : : Money to Loan YOUR LOAN -HOW BIG? No one should borrow more than he can conveniently handle Yet you may not realise how low the paymecte can be her. Listed below are a few saxnpl loans with soma " of tb various monthly payments. Amount of i Monthly Payments I moa. 8 $.70 17.48 37.29 39.92 . 42.7 9 135 lit . 800 V ea-Incrade all ehsrgea .w 3aonbI ,?Tlt .requlwnenu.' People with modest v;? t - imUrtsa- especially invited. J Yonr : dtslra cor rlyma tik''ml strictly respected, Come a or phor,. . - J, Tr JZ. T . ? : CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY I "SlUOTfl PERSONAL J-OAI CENTERe Km. SOL 2nd fl. First National' Bank 3u.0a log- ' V Salain, Oregon 1 Pboae 4448 8tate Lie. Noev M-279ik S-2SS AayW8BsaBtMBag31sa3tM GETSP0T CASH This "PERSONAL Way ! AT HOMES A "Personal Loan 836 to 830 Easy WHEN AWAY: Ui Terms SB "PERSONAL , CREDIT CARD Good at 400 offices. Coast to Cosst SIMPLE TO QUALIFY. Com in. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAOAZINB (As advertised therein.) PERSONAL j Finance Co. . ;,'i''"- S12 Stkte Street ' Opp. Court House. Cor. State A High State ucens numbers a-izi At-lf t For Rent Houses S5S E. SUPERIOR 4 ROOMS. 828, 60. Available July If, Phone 43S9. ATTRACTIVE ! 8-R. FURN. Dt adults; conven, quiet. 476 N. Capitol. IR.1 FLOOR! basement sun-room. furn, $39. O K REALTY, Fh. 0143. For Rent 8 R. HOUSE. FURNACE, full base ment. 2 R. apt, close In. Call 633 N. uoerty. 8 RM. FURN. sot- 4 rm. bse. un- furn, 1295 "D" St. OFFICE ROOMS. 881 Stats 8trL inquire room 300, Tel. 8718. Wanted to Rent S BDRM. mod. hss, 710t Statesman. For Sale Real EsUte 22300. I ROOMS. 8 BEDROOMS, basement, furnace, fireplace, corner lot. low taxes, paving. 2198 S. Summer. DANDY LOT at 630 N. 19th St, $350. Inq, C. A. Vsrnes. 696 Court St. SPECIAL- - ! TN 12U ACRES on Garden Road A Real Bur lor 83609. tuuz easn, sea Mrs. Ellis with CHTLDa A ! MILLER. YNCL 244 State St. Phone 928L 4 ROOMS. LIGHTS water. 938 down. $10 per mo. Inq. 2180 N. 6th. ONE OF SALEM'S finest homes. 4 bedrooms maid's room, nearly new, eno leest residential district, every modern convenience. Sacrifice pries ana easy terms, snowa ny appoint ment, fnone 8-RM. MODERN home. k A, close to city, store, school A bus Ex. soil : tots of fruit. A bur at 32500. Res. terms, or will trade. Tor boo m town. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL. ESTATE 11 Ladd A Bush Bldg, P. 69(6 Directory Honse Painting PAINT. stAXJSOj asp, reaa. T 468. GD. WORK, ressonsbl. 21283. Horn. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG MATTRESS Co: New mattresses, old remade, rug eieaatnc weaving, at 18ta 4b wooar. TsL 64 41. Z wickers. CAPTTOL BEDDINQ Ca Phone 4012. Papering Ptrinting NXAT Work, reaa. Johnson. Pa. STTS. PifYmbizig PLJJMBTlva. GENERAL repair work. Oraber Bros, 114 SL Liberty, pb, 6S34. i?rinting FOB STATIQNERT. ' earda, parrrphlets, programa bosks or any kind f print- mm, cau in statesman rnsuna- ua- partment 318 a. Commercial. T rele- Hbnse Trailers: KTNG'S Trailer Excbanga, Sit Front Transfer FOR LOCAL or distant transfer stor age, burner, etL call 313L Larmer Traasfer Co. Trucks ta Portland daily. MOVING, ; haulm. L2I hr. Po. 8SS4. Uphoktering FURN, REPAIR- snee. niica- rebuQ& cushions, 435 N. Winter. Ps. 8(53. Well: Drilling a A WEST, Rt, , Bx. 448. P. 2-8. SNKED, 2806 Brooks St, Ph. 6309. -.-Uss . STTESlfeW: WSOT-'iieS! Money to Loan is moa, - ; - io moa, i 20 xsoev 4.03.. . I 8.19 8.04 . . .S7 V 5.30 ' 12.68 .9r.Vw.' 84A and peymt on"rrnctpaL ; . ;-,-v Js ,V For Satr Real Estate HOUSE. CHEAP. Pbon. I0TT- i i. '. 'J. '"'" '"i'""'.nuuuuljt j KlTW5r-RM: 'wont-ban homa 'E. of Salem. . Hardwood floors, built - ins. nfc deep lot Price 43400. Terms. WM. A. NOYE3. 910 Norway. Ph. S2C4 nooa, aiiuiy rm., aonol RARfJATKSI 4 -ROOM HOME on Columbia, f bed- i rooms, ruu osmt, 8100 down, $18 psr MAAA awasn, WIUUI A&d Bjff AVV &rC9 Very nice 4 -room linme m y.Mt. otree ruii bsmt, fireplace, garage. Very well imnmv1 aman aui bouse, "barn, chickan kmu. mthiM timber, fruit, to trade tor town prop- amau acreage on Monro Are., new nouse, ror more information caa ... H BELL, REALTOR f z oreg. Bldg., - . Phone 8121 8300 DOWN. T.HM fnmliliiil trnn. north. Basement furnace, bath on first i ,s-". ,l , i?Tatry upstairs, lot '. iois or rruir, szz&o. MELVM JOHNSON WWAT.1WW 7Z5 court St Phono 3722 Exchange Real Estate WILD ACCEPT rood rmr ty in fins modem home monthly nay. ment mte. to uniim tunn I -5"u"- ee airs. Kills with Vtiu.ua MILLER. INC. 344 State St. Fl bone 92(1. TRADE '28; OAKLAND a. w. w meoM arlHi Trad. For Sale -Farms REAL FAitiT. REAL BUY! HUnUXLi aaA : .-i . . t urrauvuve, neu targe returns, includ ing crops, only $(000. U cash. C. H, SANDERS, 231 N. High, 8838 -.Acreage IK "A. NEAR PRV TTftTTW r..-: will 'consider uulnWei c. hVu1i trailer, or coast cabin as down nay. Sf,?..?1.1,f ."S"; """" a nut trees, lf UHirt, SL. IMIIlt , oww.w .al....w.Mwwa..wMMMM' f ACRES NEAR E 99 hhrnws- A rm. bouse, -chicken nous, garage, and barn. Illness makes saJe Accessary, Price cut to $1600.00. Easy terms, Wouldtrsdetor rasltlmslnesfc .-.... u.toi,.",, barn, creek. A fine subdivision, $5500, 477 Court Street must SELL 6-A, new nnftn. 6-rra. new car. bse. Beat of anil olna. i. iiest to store A bus line, payed hi way, $ ml from Salem. Gd. drilled relL mmt water system, bay, cow, brood sow A cmcsens. tn eo Btatesman. 1- m m i ii in nqjuui rin 8 ACRES CLOSE TV. fair fmn , aW A bargain for cash, or easy terms Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS Aj nunjsKxa, imu. Realtors. 1 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 10 ACRES. PLASTERED. 1-KaA. I room house. Excellent barn, poultry nous, aiverv vanery rfiiit.-erM, inta of bearmg walnut. Pmsture, spring. timber. 15 minutas from PUlam Prlnal to selL Louis Becbtel or Mabel Need- nam, st x state et. Room 4 upstairs. TO close an- rsriTB i I 12 A. CHERRIES A wainnt a Miik I attli SLtf Jl.?5k U. O. BANPEBS, 281 N. High. 8831 I JLl viiw. I Suburban 1 ACRE WATJmr em-, ma. I tltsa. fruits berries. 6 room A bath. fcStrr?.4" 1ctri-1 city, furnace, o Willamette, about U I mt ear limits, north river road. House 1 toflr. pan payment Lsavlng Salem, i a D, Bliss. Ph. tilt. Wanted Ileal EsUte WS ' IN V 1TB Vnn. VTn aafa" S. ZJLJ-lT.K.Jicd'' HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC- " RasRara. OunlU, WBttUDg, Basinesa Opportunities CONFL- IrorrNTArN - tunck. Oood corner location. voina- mod. tieos esaaraBt. incU Hvlng Qoartafs $48. ih i ., statesman. FURNITURE: A LEASE f it room apt business. -Reasonable for 'easn. isox TiJ, Htatssman. -;...t PROFFFARLK TtrtAnn s .,m I vrajc saie, box Tie co Statesman.. I For Sale Wood BONE ' DRY wood, Phone 06(0. sw""rnvssSaessFrsaw 2nd sr. 16 In, $40. Ph. 6318. Planer wnon fn, immaini oaueBB .sox vo. nu. sua. " - - - - - - L- --.HU W7r"w"kr-k a. ...a . . - ... . . . " "- " , unini a w . lav ,. .- n n n r MILL WOOD 81 10 mult tx till or et i wom at west- and Court SL -"' - ' 1 .r q-Lnj-.r DRT WOOD old fir A lnd arm Pboo 4788 for price. anaaajwwwwMW, SUPPLY LIUlTRD-raH Vt - wu ss nsn. tru, Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING PH. 8790. Bianc Youi;a MUST raise money for TOtters.!wedneaday. July 21st, 1140. at For Sale- Used Cars GOOD USED GARS AT THEIR BEST 1939 Ford Deluxe 4 Door Seda ' radio and heater 193? Ford Cpnpe l radio andteatet IJlii:X.L5545 1938 Plymouth Del. Tour. 1936 Lincoln-Zephyr Sedan 1936 Oldsmobile 4d Sedan VALLEY ; ; IOT: MARION 1933 PLYMOUTH COUPE. A bar gain. Private party. 650 Marlon. a nvr nw va avntw tttt M I Good tires. Motor A-L Very clean. 1 TrgiiiA ss tarmB St 1 K X Ilnd J Lost and Fouofd LOST LADY'S Elgin wrfst watch I In shoDoins dist. Sat. J un una 29. Re- I ward. 2447 Fairgrounds Rd. LOST. KEYS on ring. Harold Mas- sey, Ph..,7045..i .' ; . . ' , LOST Black cat whits snot under chin, scar on side. Phone 3447. Personal LONESOME !' Serving all ages. Club Elite. P. a Bx. 71-Q, Los Angeles, CaL Motorcycles CALL eve- 1890 3rd. West Salem. Transportation YOUNG MAN wants ridej to Neb. near future. Share expenses, rn. izisb. DRTVTNG TO L. A. via Frisco Thursday. Tax 8. 3074 McCoy. Salem. Legal Notice EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT J Notice is hereby glren that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed, by tbe County Court ot the State of , Oregon, 'for the sa a. v . It.l T3aiai A ai county oi saarion, aa wwiur ta testament ana I estate Ibf Susie If. Hansen, de- eessed. and that be hae duly t ...-H .11 I persons having cIaIsis Against the I ..i AJt .w. t I uua,uvui mm vhvw iwvy. ini tied to present the fame, duly verified, -to m... At- JO 5, Oregon Bulldtng; SaJem, BlArion County. Oregon, within six month., from the date ot this notice. 1 Dated At Salem, Oregon, una 25ta day of Jane, JEHOME B. HANSEN, Executor ot the Utt will end tesUment end estate et Susie M. Hanaen, Da- ceased. J IS, Jly 2-S-lt-ZI Ef THE COUNTY OOTJHT OF THE STATE OF OREG02T FOR THS COUNTY Ol" i MARION I N. loies NOTICB OF FINAL ACOOTJNT IN THE MATTER OP THE ES TATE OF: ERNEST O. TER- GEN. deceased. I ouce u nereoy given, xumi ui . m ai a a . . nndarslrnad. aa administrator of the above entitled Court sad that n,- a vi .... a 4 a ouubkiij, aiy aew v i:v o cncK a, a, u ui toart Room ot the Above enUUed Conrt has been appointed by the Court as me umi ana piaceiior me beariag of objections thereto and the settlement thereof.' j a a,... vn.v.i t ?T "V . fc . .7. 2nd. 1S40. Date of last ,publlca iuon woiy sou, iv. ir KENNETU TERQEN, Administrator. HERMAN E. LAFKT Attorney for Administrator 117 New Bllgh Bldg. Salem. Orag. Jly 2-t-l 1-2 l-l 0. Dt TTTJ3 COITNTT ; fjoUltt : OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOn THE COUNTY ,OF - . . No. 101ST . NOTICE . OF FIN AX, ACCOUNT IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF: GEORGE DARWIN ronruo - to hsfeli rls ha tba andersigned. "as Administrators of tba above entitled estate nave filed their Final Account ta the above entitled Coart, and that ii:t o'ciocx a, u. in me uonn Room of tbe above entitled Court has been appointed- by tbe Court as tba time and place for tbe bearing of objections thereto and tbe settlement thereof, ! , Dated 'and first pnbUaned July 2nd. If 40. Date of last publica tion Jaly 20th, 1140. . : WM. P. CROEER EDNA R. BROWN , ' - Administratorsi, HERMAN E. laAFSY -I ' Attorney for Administrators 117 New Bltgn Building 1 -Salem. Oreg. Jly 2-9-1 C-2 2-20. (Group Has Picriic At Park ion Stxndav SILVER FALLS STATE PARK. A pleasant picnle party at the state park Sunday Included from Jefferson Mr. and Mrs. Carl Etel- wr, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Looney, Mr. and Mra. Victor Looney, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Pate, Ir. and Mrs. Harold " WUey, Mrs.? Iua Thomas, Mrs. Hubert i Looney. Loubie Looney, Eleanor Looney and Deleraa Thomas; Mrsv Jean Ellis and Edith Llbby of Salem; Mr. . and Mrs. Edward Crabtree. Mr. and Mrs. Rayraond Ksberralt ot Albany, and Mr. . and ' Mrs. Charles Hort ot EUrerton. .; , Later the group enjoyed a pic nic rapper la the Hoyt e ideas at - For Sale Used Cars , 4 :695 Setlaii ;.$565 - 1 ? -s. y $450 Iv. U:$385 - AND LIBERTY ST. Legal Notice NOTICE OF FIN AIi ACCOUNT Notice is hereby giTen that the andersigned executor of the Es tate of Mary Podrabsky, deceased, baa filed-In the county court ot tbe State of. Oregon, tor Marion County his final account and said court by an order thereof, has designated Friday,' the 9th day of August, 1940, at the hour of 10 o clock In the forenoon of said da, in the county court room In the court house in Salem,' Oregon, as tne time and place for hear ing objections to said final ac count and the settlement of said estate, at which . time and nlace all persona so objecting shall ap pear ana snow cause, if any there be, why said account should"1 not. In all things, be allowed and an- prored, and said estate settled and closed and the executor dis charged. JOSEPH . PODRABSKY. Executor of the Estate of Mary Podrabsky, deceased Chas. J. Zerzan, New Bligh Bldg., Salem, Oregon. Attorney for said estate. ' Jly 9-16-23-20, A. Estate of Joseph. O. Crotser NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT No. 0743, : In the County Court. jbt the State of Oregon, fox ibeCounty of Marion !f- ,. In the Matter of , the ' Estate ot Joseph O; Crotser, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as administrator with the will annexed of the es tate -of Joseph O, J Crotser. de ceased, has filed his final ac count la the County Court ot the state of Oregon for Marlon Coun ty,- and that Monday, the ISth day of Jaly, 1040, at the hour of 10:09 o'clock In the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and place for the hearing ot objections thereto and the settlement there of. Dated aad first published. June 11 1840, Date of last publication, July I. 1140. 1 . A. Wj OVERHOLT, Administrator with will annexed. L. T. LTJNDBURO. Attorney 1002 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon, V J 11-11-25; Jly f-f. MOTOR GO Cross Word Puzzle I 12 IS id 16 If ic 21 22 23 'A 2d 2? 31 32 3V 35 37 3ci HO Hi HZ 43 ST OS, SH noHIZONTAL 43 clatter 1 sJxecf type ' -strangs S-HPart of a 47 Indigo pedestal 9 oar for , loosenlEf . I ' ore . plant SO game of cards' ' Egyptian - deity : 82 cloy . 53 allow 54 bold t5 othcrvrlaa llgg-ahaped is always . . 114 a number : US Turkish I 'coin 118 consign a notoriously Answer to Saturday's puzzle. : Pad. -;. . 3 kind of cheese am v pc iei cnarx 5 to betroth t a I CA S-Kf each - if'l.t' 25 eroch 27 tbiiir SI withdraw . S3 -p rod ace 84 a Scandi- t mavian w l$ Raised " E3 $grt cl foct S7 j'ol-to E3 extrsr'Jty t -rj 3 i-e:aso ia ' wine- jaakiss Average the f Mhittm 83 sstaetaa, PiMiiftil sr XIm rtstusi Srsiaaf. Ics, Ameripbl to Be in Salem Soon Goodrich Company Places Synthetic Rubber f on Market i Passenger-car Urea made-with Amertpol, the recently announced new, synthetic rubber, created in the research laboratories of. the Bv F Goodrich company,-will soon be-seen in Salem, it was stated yesterday by Walter . -Zosel, manager of Goodrlch-SllTertown stores, located at 118 South Com mercial street. ; -. . The revolutionary fa novation in Urea, made in Amerlpol which is prodacedt from raw materials available In plentiful Quia titles in the United States, has attracted country-wide attention since John- la, CoUyer, president of the Good rich company, announced In New Yorlt on June I the aten taken la an effort to aid the cause, of national preparedness. It was said. These tires made with "Liber ty Rubber- will be available only la the COOxlf six which accounts for 45 per cent of the tire in dustry's passenger-car tire pro duction, zosel said. When the company gets Into larger produc tion of the new synthetic, which can replace natural rubber In the event of a national emergency, other sizes and types of tires may be made, he added. A larger pro duction unit for Amerlpol will be in operation by the company this fall. ': A:; ':,v: " " ' Describing the new product of American? scientific research, Zo sel sild It Is the result of 14 years of constant endeavor to fmd a relatively low-cost material to replace natural rubber, which can 1 be processed and vulcanized Hke rubber. "The basic ingredients for the Goodrich company's exclusive. new product are oil, natural gas, soap, and air combined to form a material which testa have shown -performs satisfactorily when used In tires,' he said, i It was pointed out that tirea are but the latest of many prod ucts now being made of Amerl pol. Because of its unusual re sistance to oils, greases -and heat. uooancn is already making oil and gasoline hose, gaskets, auto motive parts, and vital parts of Its expander tube brake for air planes, of Amerlpol : for use in services .where these conditions are encountered. Visit Fox Valley During Holiday FOX VALLEY A group of Sa lem folks spent July 4th visiting with the G. P. Johnston family and Mrs. Daisy Johnston: Includ ed la the company were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt and sons, Mr. and Mrs, Seddren, Mrs. Mary Busch and son Walter, Mr. Harry Ash and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Lay man. The Johnstons entertained fnt their cabin by the river, where a picnic dinner was enjoyed. Charles Gehlen of Medford was a caller here last week. The Geh lens wera former Stayton resi dents, going to Medford last Feb ruary. They hare decided to. re main In. Medford for a time. Newcomers Asked to Picnic TURNER'- The Melting Pot club of Turner will hare its first ptcnle la the Olinger park in Sa lem Sunday July 14. All new comers to the community are in vited. Coffee for picnic lunch will be served by the club. T to it -r- 17 20 27 20121 30 isa 33 36 31 HH HI H& HH 52" VE2TXCAL 1 4nnan,cukk sound 1 herb eve S thellofa turtle - 4 having a wing 5 disorder 6 vindicate 7 Greek letter 8 anhBtanca . containing metal V s AtimulAt 10 pilaster 11 jadge 17 wtb-f ooted birds 19 professional ' reciter , 21 iulk ; , 22 again i 24 hard mineral . 28 fatherly 25 jacket S3 require 82 draw cut " S3 satisfy ; 85 tray for : dishes " SS accuse 40 shaded vs". 41 plant cf Liy . family 45 eproar ' 44 :;: t - 45 short s!ee? 43 IcI-r-Irs to that - .. , O e'ic'.iereJ J.12.C3 - ltr'A vizi i i m