FAGS EIGHT Activity light On Stock Mart Transfers Fewest in Past 20 Years; Average -off Slightly NEW YORK, July 8-C5V - Stocks limped oyer a slightly un even terrain 'In today's market with actlTlty the smallest in the past 20 years. ,.; t The ticker tape Idled from the start as traders apparently "were unable to find any real Inspira- - tlon la either domesue or ,lor-. elm haDneninrs, - - v At the close fractional declines outnumbered advances a ' trifle. hat weakness; in any department was rare. l-' -: The Associated Press average of 60 Issues was oft .1 of a point, transfers of 232.S90 shares were the lowest for a full session since Jane 2, 190. They compared with 283.030 last Friday. Bnslness - developments con tinued more encouraging than otherwise, brokers said, but specu latire forces apparently still were -waiting for the answers to a num ber of questions before taxing on sizable commitments either way. General Motors reported the best June sales to consumers since 1 930 and the stock slipped -Chrysler was off as much. ' Aircraft deliveries for the first half of this year were placed at some S225.000.000. a record volume-and about eqnai to the en tire aggregate for 1939. Douglas, however, was unchanged and Boe ing.' Glenri Martin an 4 Sperry con ceded small amounts. United Air craft was an- exception with a gain of - , i Behind minus . signs were American Telephone, Kennecott, Anaconda, NY Central, Great Northern, Loft, General Electric, Woolworth, J. C. Penney, West ern Union, US Rubber and Allied Chemical. Gainers included Consolidated Edison, Union Pacific, American Can, Westinghouse, Square D., Eastman Kodak and International Harvester. Th OnZGOII CTATCCMAIl. Calam. Oraoru Tuesday Ilorclag, July G. ISiJ . - , ... . 7 Irish Political Foes Unite in"Hour of Pefil" i s rrr- u- the first time in 20 years, Wmiam T Cgrave and Eamon De Valera, bitter foes of Irlshpoutica, appear on the urn platform in Dublin.' Coafc-raye ls eaklne! as Eire's Premier De Valera sits to rL JTf 5 tmrrrm- a united Ireland is called for nowalnce it la feared -the Germans may at-4 tempt to invade Ireland and thereby ret at Eng land. Eire long has sought independence, . Ulster, in northern Ireland, his been loyal to the British. crown.: !-.'- -' - '- ...T - '!-' ...--'-" Salem Market Quotations Wool in. Boston. v m.. k.lna nnnhed D local frocr and ladieativs ol tha daily marks pricaa paid to growers by Satenr JfT- ot ara aot fuarantesd aan Beam, txttn Beans, wax Cabbaca. lb. Carrot, local, do. Caaliflower, local Cucumbers, dot. Ce.ery Cherries, ib. Lettuce, local Onions, 60 lbs Tba States- Hubbard Grocery 6fnto To IV sViVsfl I tUsDberriea. erat ' 1 R...l,. Crookneck.l doi. Banash. znecnim, tp. HUBBARD J. Herman Bon- J Spinach. Seattle, beix trnrr who has been conducting 1 . .lVah.2h CX .. , .v- ir.ti i.i..k I anaa a ' K " tne grocery Store 111 mts u.vjv. i watercress, doz at the corner or tne racuic nig n-1 Beets, acs "J VEGETABLES .05 r , i .oe I .80 i 1 SO . ; -I .40 : i.o .. ! . .03 ... i 1.75 , j - 1.75 i I 1.50 .02 J .25 . J I 9.50 . .40 AJ .Ml 1.10 .05 i .0 ! .40 i .SO ! .4 Oreea. onions, dos. Penears. a-reen Potatoes, Heal. ewt, Ko. 1 New potatoes, lb. Radishes way and the Needy road for the Turnips, do last 21 months, moved his busl- cbadt, hat and seeds neBS tO his newly acquired build- I Ko. l. raWeaned. bo. ! .70 ,. .V, a ,nnir of Main, and C I Oata. ton ... i 17.00 " .i.j iL7 v..i streets. Tne room was occnpieu by the Max Cook grocery until July 1. a n . TTawVIni who Is onerat- V" " . . . v. , I .18.00 .18.00 lng a grocery business at Aurora, startea a oranpn siore m me block at Hubbard on Sunday. Hawkins was formerly in business at Salem. Foods Had Held Ho Enjoyment In Her Condition Peed barley, ton Clover l ay, ton - Alfalfa ha-r ton tgt saasb, Ko. 1 (rade, 60 lb. bsf 1.80 Dairy feed, eo io. Dag 42.00 EOOl AVS POULTBT . (Buylac lrlita of Andresen'l) Grade A large, dos. .- Grade A medium, doi.. Grade B large, dos.. Poliet 1 Colored hens 1.90 .18 .18 .14 .10 .11 Botterfat. No. 1, 28c; No. 2, 2c; premiamr 29 He. A grade print 8!Sc; B grade 81c; quarters S3c Colored frya .. .. White Leghorn, hTy Whit Lejhorn fry .10 .09 as .08 .05 .11 White Leghorn!, light Old Boosters (Bayia nun ox mmrmt Grade A large, dos. - Grade A medium, dos. , Grade B large, doi .10 Pallets . -J2 Leghorn lens ' " Leghorn fryers, 1 lbs A Colored fryers. S-3 lbs M J Colored hens . - BOSTON., Jnly iXiiP) (trSXJAl- Bnslness en domestia wools in. Boste-a was Tory.'ajiici te4ay. Qwotion's woro steady to oft, sntlrljfBon.inal,. because of lensth fino terrltoiy woola ia original bags were reported: oyaiUblo la ' Boston at 80-83 cents, scoured basis. Country packed bright fleeces" of three-eighths and Mia-anarter blood sradea In mixed krta wore qnoted steady at 89-40 cents in the grer se tfeiiToroa to pua, oi ww ware emict and some country dealers were repotted to bo asking for bids. POLLY AND HER PAIS To Study Sagar Beet-Industry Farmers, Crops Specialists Will Make Tour in - County Friday Th possibility of expanded pro duction of sugar beet seed In Ore gon," and particularly In the Wil lamette r alley, will be studied ia the field by farriers . and crops specialists on ft' sugar .beet seed production tour scheduled for Fri day, July Xt'.' Hrry. I, inches, Marion county agent,": is inciting all interested persons to go on fhis toar. which wllT start from tho Jefferson nljh school at Jef ferson at, 9:30. . - '. Oregon I- likely to become the leadlnr state In sugar beet "seed production, in the opinion of many who hare watched the develop ment of this infant industry. It is also the belief of these .that sugar . beet " seed production r is liekl to be confined to irrigated soils of the rNewbertv Chehalis and WillameUe series, which are free from wild morning giory,ana haTe at least reasonably: good fertility. " r v--p It la estimated that about S00 acres of beet seed : will . be harj rested in the yalley thlsypar..In addition about " 200 , acres are being grown in Klamath comity and " 1 0 ' acres in Jackson. ah rot this acreage was contracted in adraneer by: the west,., coast sugar' beet " seed . eommlttef, of which Q, L. Stoker of Corrallls Is -J. the ' Oregon 1 representatlTe; Rtobrer ; and George Ti Scott -of RjirkeleTl' manarer of the .commit tmmJ will :iike Uiete4r,saa -wllT the four:;cd-jnty agents f "Marion; Lane; Benton, and Linn counties.- Vlalta will first' be made' to fire farms between the Santlam and Willamette rrrers and then the party will proceed to - the Charles Lamb farm in Linn eountr where fertilizer trials will be studied. After lunch at Al bany, the touring party win go to tht Bob carter farm near Cor ral in, and then return to Linn county to rislt one of the experi ment station farms and the Prank Kropf place nortneast oe arrw bnrg. 1 Final stop will be-at the Glen Etrome farm In Lane county near the -Lancaster store. Grain Crop Yield ; Indicated Heavy Prodaction Per ; Acre May Be Greatest in History in Northwest .a ' . PORTLAND," July ! .8VGralin crops 'of the Pacific northwest maw e-iT "tha" larrest "T Per-acre yield- in. history -this: year,,Hy! man H.. Cohen, market editor of the Oregon Journal, said today. ' Returning, from a S500-mile tour of Oregon? Washington,' Idaho : and northern California nroducinc areas? Cohen .reported t rThe 'season of U40' will inot, show the greatest output of 'grains and breadstuff s in history for the Pacific s nor th wtst 'trio o j taes,' but It " will' slow "bne-of the . Wg- gest," if notlthe j blggef t, produc-? oh.pertacreThe drawback', to. producing thel greatest toai;- rol4 nme'li' the", decreased area --of wheat, -wWch, is rcreatedtby' action; Ql , IAS UTCf uiuvub ,bivJ. lutvuau theh - US department "of agricul ture.: . ; '. i . .' Tne. area generally, through Its grain fields, orchards and farms. Vis in a -position to ' supply the most1 Intimate r food needs of a jrery- large: per'ent".of-the' world, Cohenr said; tffrUtZ - He placed the total"' grain pros pects' at- 1 i 9". 1 9" t 9 bushels com pared ' with 1 43 S MOO T bushels for the "larger acreage cf and cl3jl.W0.G.' bushels: for the much greater 1 1 a s acreage. Oregon, Cohen said, should pro duce 21.24S.000 bushels of wheat, Washington S,742,000 and Idaho 21.183,000, a total of 80,000,000 bushels. "It extreme dry . winds comef he added, "the crop will be may- Closing Quotations NEW TOBK. J.17 -J-Toa.7-. O.If '' :. ' i r-vorv, a- me 147 V4 Comwlth dk sou- a y. i'1"'1"'-'" ILericSi Sres" CoSol Edison . .JZ. American Can- 55 H Consol jOll Am Power & Lt -urua - --Rt , cat.. iS Rad StdS-n ,5 7. pougla. Aircraft. 67 .--- j" Am Roll Mills-, ax - ,1 21 Tw - n . it Safeway iore 3Ts 77 31 H Pnb Serrlce NJ- 37 . c 1 ju Daf K KICK! fOWW Z Sa Anaconda 1? H General ooas v Edison.. 27 U psfiiuu ....,v.. -, I-Tii Rtsndird Oil Uai 19 Canadian Padflc. S Monty. Ward ---- 33 J"r.r-Trr-Jst r.j.i..a, - 26. Naiih '.Kelrinator US Steel oits SmiTTe: "4 National ' IV Ches & Ohio -i- J NaU Dairy Prod 13. WhltexMoiors J Chrysler 13 NaUonal Wst ...20 HrtWool worth r ." Coml Solrent -i8slNaU Power s Lt7H 4 . . " be" 10 per cent less If there . Is practically a fall output' of spring wheat which1 could happen if the growing .season t: abnormally long then the output' may be IB per cent ' larger ' thah't' cnrtenUy; shown.! ' ", t c 7 ?-.-. , - : " 1 "f Get Blarriage C WOODBURN Bob Smith and Anabel Blnford, both of : Wood- burn, last we'ek obtained ft mar riage' license at-the counfy-clerk'i office in Salem. ; They plan to be married in Salem this week, they hare indicated. ; , - . ;I ' in: LrarreilS nave ajuia . . r s '. AURORA-T-Mr.' and, Mrs..vDo.n ald Garrett are the. parents of a son born last week at a Salem hos pital. He is their first child. . Heed neatly: Cash Money Promptly At Low Bates STATE FHIAIICE CO. 344 Stat I Phone) 92S1 lie. S-216 M-222 T Maw Keeps a Stiff Upper Up! HOPS (Bnylng Prices) 89 to .0 .as 1939 1940 contracts, o. UTX STOCK (Bnyiag yrices for Ko. 1 stock, based ea conditions ana saiee reporwe up u a v -i 1940 sprinc laaabs T-"" Tearlinf lambs 4.00 to 4.60 Ewes i S 00 to, S.50 Hoca, top. 160-330 lbs 1 . S.50 Bows ,,, ... , , , . 4.00 to 4.2 Beet eows Balls Heifers Dairy tyf edwi. Lift veal Dressed Teal, lb. 4.00 to 4.50 .00 to 6.50 6.00 to 7.00 4:00 to 4.76 9.00 .13 Bcrzwiuu W MISSUS Coals when 6fPECX SUSltSI fl DOlsr-T J IT'l FT CUT ONE PLASUEV i a V icjCjpC fcH. r't: I ax . V in a j oy jri. ' a s""7 J S -.omr - . Hi ill IB?OVr;';,'.: T MlVED SOME CEMENT IN HER BEAUT CLAV AFORE I WENT OUT T'.NieWT.- j, WOOI. AKD MOHAin (Baylu Prices) Wool, saetliam, ib. , Cosrae, lb. .. Lambs, lb. , , ICohair . .. ,' .... .89 .95 .80 .86 MICZET MOUSS A Little More White Powder, Clarabellel "I I . ... .. ..... . ' ' .. . By WALT DIS2IEY Quotationg at Portland Mrs. Bm Suliered After Every Meal She Ate; Wanted a Medicine to Fit Her Case So Badly . . . Found . It In The KruGon Capsules. The makers of KruGon do not resort to high powered, dramatic advertising to sell you this full strensrth compound. They depend almost exclusirely upon the truth f nl. honest home statements of men and - women you know, frierfds and neighbors who live i .. . POBTLAND, Or July 8. Dairr Dronee prices: EetTV larje ex- ... on. .tanriarda IS: medium iextraa. . - - . . i TerriDiy 18; standards 16. Cheese: Tnpiets 5; loaf 15e. Butter:, xtrss 29; standards 3 H i prime firsts 28 firsts 36. Bntterfat 38i-29- Portland Grain 8. (AP Close 74 white, 19.00. Ko. 1 ' - ir ' -jtaa. f ) 4-- at w ' m POBTLAXD. Ore-L July Wheat Open "ictt, M September' 74 74 74 si Cash Grain: Oats, No. 2, 38-lb. 20 60. Bsrley, No. i, 45 lb. BW, Corn. Nd. 2, EY sfctpment, 30.00, n.. i t.L ' i li a.aa rBull : Soft white 72; western white -72; western red 72. Hard e-ed winter: ordinary vz; n per erai i, 13 per cnt 75: 13 ier cent 77; 14 per cent 79. - . I ' Hard white-Bart: 1 12, per cent 78; 13 per cent 80; 14 per cent 82. j. - Today a v;ar Aeeaipu: i.. a. fkrnr 10: corn 3: oats 1; hay 1 miilfeed 5. PortlandXe vestoclt MRS. MAtl) KDIE Steers; sod, 909-1100 lbsfl0.00 do medium, 75O-1100 lbs 7.50 ( a. .w... n.linn lha' S.-001 IDS- O.OWI do medium ' 500-900 Ita- 0.50 ( do common, 509-900 lbs- - 6.351 wtar.L... o Cows. Sood," all 4o saedism, sit ,wts..... . -"do cnt-cpta, sll wts. . . do oanoev aU wts., B)la " (riji. exeloded Wt ; , . ... ooa in wnr ' do eaosage, all wtsL. do medtm, all wts do wt-eo.' all wttL. right here In Salem, people whose word you know you can depend .npon. . Vjv atvamnttt IWBlt wrhtlt Mrs. " Maud Kline. East Belfe'rue street. Salem, a - respected lady of this j Heifers, xd. Ticinity 'who has lrred here' tor OTer ten years, said recently 4n a praising public statement to .the - i - Vrriann '. Kenresentatlre who is . - daily meeting vthe. local -public at -' . -B-A. Mawa. Ttrnar fiinw.. th ia , C" ity:-- .t-f.... - .."I- had r tried many . different . -i:-.- kinds ozjnedtcines oui.my. cnoice . i T . t them all is KruGon," said -Mrs. - . Klme.- "Faulty elimination first , Btarted7my; health problems and J . ' then ; they, seemed to continually grow worse. My digestion became " ttpset end there were so many foods that x cm not oare eai ai TlII. Often the suffering from gas and bloating after my meals was more than X felt I could endure. 1 could not eat any fruit or berries either and tea or coffee, would upset me terribly. I had a dread ful sour stomach most of the time, 'v Really foods held no enjoyment 1 for me, for, to eat meant suffer - lng. I was wondering just when. - If ever. I would locate the in cine to help me when I began the ' nse of KruGon. - ' . . , ' . "Little did 1 expect to recelye such pleasant results so quickly as the KruGon capsules gave me, continued Mrs. Klme. "Proper - elimination soon had me on the mend until today 1 can eat and , enjoy: my meals .without those . . . .... . . .Hn.ii. Am T hare eren v eaten strawberries, something I had dared not touch -for years before. It is such v pleasure, to me to be able to re - commend to others a medicine that I krn'ow gires such satisfac tory results. It it ' truly wonder "fal "what a medicine can do when It fits your case." Tht KruGon RepresentatlTe is dally meeting the local public at ' . r .1 - ' BVd Meier Drat Store, us vMjiT J 57.8 J.'orth Liberty iJtreet, Salem, - - nhere he is latrcicclng and ex i - laining the surptising action of it- modern capaule remedy.. POBTLAND. Ore. July 8. (AP) irinilKhn: Salable tor week: 100, tfltal 23E0: market I act ire, around 75 hif her than Friday. j Rimai and rilta. ad-ch. 140-160 lbs ..!- -75 0 7.50 do fd-ek, 180-180. lbs. 7.25$ 7.75 do Sd-eh, '180-200 bs " 7.65p 7.75 do sd-ch, 200-820 lbs . 7.50 7.75 do dh, 220-240 lb 7J85 7.65 2SO-270 Iba . 6.756V 7.35 do kd-ch, 270 300 lbsr- e.507.0O Cattle: Salable 1750, total 1850; ealres salable aad total 150; market aeure, strong to 25 hiihei. I 10c lb.: Cannes' cowa 9 lb.: bulls 11- 12e lb. Live Poultry Baying: prices: Mo. 1 grade, Leghorn rollers, 1 to 2 lbs 15e lb.: fryerti. under 8 lbs.. ic id. ; b to lbs., 18e lb. ; roasters, over d lbs., 17c lb.; Leghorn hens, over 3 ids., ii?e lb.: under 3 V4 lbs.. 10c lb.: colored hens. ever 5 lbs., 12 e lb.; 4 to 5 lbs., 12 c i Old roosters 5s lb. i Dressed Turkeys Selling price: No. 1 hen. 13U-14e lb.: toms 9-10e. Onions Oreroj. Ko. 1, 3.15 per bu I bsg. New wsz, 50s. 1.25; red, 3.00; Walla Walla 1.S0. : New Potatoes Local. 1.25 orange box. Potatoes Deschutes 2.25; -Klamath (Tulle Lake) 2.25 cwt; local Whites 90e box: do sacks 1.50-1.60 cental: Maun 2.00 cental; southern yams 2.40-2.50 ert. Hay Belling prtco to retailers: Alfal fa. No. 1. 15.50 tea: oat vetch.! 13.00; clover, 11.00 tea; timothy, eastern Ore gon. 17-18 valley timotny is.uo ton. Wool 1940 eastern Oregon, range 26- 28; Willamette valley 12-month pom- I inal, sze lb. , Mohair 1940, 12-months, S5e lb. Caseara-1940 peeL 6e lb. ' Tl " Hops Oregon 1839, 40-41 1940 xn tracts 85e lb.: 1940 aeodJeaa 40e. Domestic Floai Selling price, city de livery 1 to 35 bbl. lota: family patents, 49s, 6.00-6.60 r bakers' hard wheat, net. 4.50-5-65: bakers' blnestem. 6.10-5.50; blended wheat flour 5.05-6.65; soft wheat 4 55-4.60; graham 49s, 4.50; whole j wneai, avs, .oo. S.t( 4.2 5 ( 10.50 jio.eo 7.0 9.25 8.50 6.50 6.00 6.50 r.oi f 4.25 7.0075 6.75 T.2 5 6.25 6.79 &.250 6.25 6.00 9.50 6.00 $ .00 5.0049 e.oo 1150; fat Teasers, -gd-choiee, 'all wta , do eoia-aird, all, w ts 4a eilll.' alt wts.i - Khun. ' Ralabla aad total lambs 25-50 higher; owes steady to 35 an. - Spring lambs, goo4-choic- .uu s.id do ased and good J 7.50(5 7.75 v do common . ;,,,.! - 6.75 7.33 Ewea (shorn) gd-ch S.60 8.00 de corn-mod 1.00 O S.50 Portland Produce ' PORTLAND. . Ore.. I July 6. AP Coaatry Meats Selling prtco to retali ate: ' Country-killed hogs, boat butchers 135159 lbs. 74-c; nealert, fasc7,13Vi 11. la . Hh ) thia. 10-lSe haavv 10-1 le ik.! lambs, spring 16e; yearlings 10-1 2c ; ewce -7e lb. ; good esusr oows. Stocks and . Bond! .t -y i : - July s , . ! BOTO AVXaU0S Compiled by The Associated Press 90 10 16 t Bail, ladua - Ctil Net ehanffa . A . Vch A .1 Monday . 66 8 102.5 5.d Previous day 66.0 102.S 95.S Month ago 48.6 99.1 91.6 lesx wJZ 55.8 100.1 96.3 1940 high 59 6 108.6 JT.S 1940 lew 48.8 88.9 80.8 16 Forga ,A . 87 86 36. I 61. I S3. ' 85. 80 Indus Previous' day 7.4 Heath ago 82.8 Year erj 65.7 1(40 high 74. S 1940 low STOCK AT ESAGIS IS Rails Vnch -5.4t-; 15.4 13.6 !17.4 20.5 . 18.0 15 ! 66 Ctil Stock D .3 D 85.8 41. 55.5 1 41 30.9 I ST. 87.6 ' 48 49.6 ' 63 80.9 37.0 'OMES ANOTHER MIDNIGHT... AMD STILU ANOTHER! , BUTNORAKSOM NOTE, NO WO??0 FROM CLARABELLE... AND PETE'S TOCKV RETREAT STILL SHOT i Tl&HT ASEYER! 7-9 1 ferTL r I KNOW I'M TO -BLAME! AND I'VE mOJSTOTTA RESCUE HER... VsiF WAV i aarvmru s-jaa - w w w m . . SOMEHOW...! r rViurtN SPiTE OF ALL THE FRANTIC WORt?V -TS ABOUT HER, IT TXJESNT LOOK AS IF VQj SHE WAaMTS TO BE RESCUED! S MICXEYU. NEVER A J F0R0IVE ME IP THEY DON'T A A rCPTUKE PETE, BUT...- 1 AFTER AUU, WHEN A GIRL yr KV , 8Afe.VER L66UN' &KTt TIME WE WERE SENCM TUH UMfc tHlv a ,m i cr avre xAi I T " I aJ)?aaJ TihuH TtV VAPi W VI r i brv . . J. i i i ,.wr-r O TRAVEL... JU5T UK r KUM ITH, I JrrC hV 1 it I f ' t II aV ' SK-.."-' I S asassa-- r LITTLE ANNIE ROONET Accidentally a Hero Ct E3ANDOII; V7ALSH Wheat Declines . i , - : After Early Rise CHICAGO, July S-iaVT largest wheat marketings of the se&soit and possibility -or showers in the northwest ; niore . than offset sensational crop 1 damage reports from the spring wheat belt today and prices closed About ft- cenf; lb.wera.--. ' ; -T: I ' Earlier . In -he sesslou'Vprlees had. - a.dTanced 'as ' mnch as '' two cents on the basis of - tlie pessl mlatlc 'rrdp .aewsa:lVret:lEiii8i . . . j ja. at - . . nonr. . aoweyer, s,Qoia-,ionsi tumbled three cents : from C the day's highs and .3- closed a -. H j cent lower than Saturday; . July 754, September 7i. Mlnneapo-I Ms prices fell to net losses of as I much as 2 cents but rallied 'slight ly before the close. r 1 Indicating . that ? the seasonal peak m tne moTement ox new wheat is at hand, the-1 2 principal ! terminals recelred i,02S,i)0 bnsh-i els compared - with . ,118;00ot. a week ago and 8,872,000 4 year ago. - - . ' . . mo jj ntr colter vouve Micii-rry tough THE WV VOU AAUSSCO UP THIS BUSHWHACKER AFTER YOU CAPTURED HIM WA5- 1 DAD EJLAAAE IT 1 BtDStTT CAPTBSlst MIMf HE HAO THE 'DROP OM MS. X VvtAS STAMDIM "TWCRE REACHiM TOR THE 6KV WHEN UTTLE ANNIE. STtWtUUV-Wim A CHOTGUM ArPCHMTtM RtGHTAT cm m a J wrv-- r . J ciaaXaWW'wlaiar-j THE XXINGSTER TtTT EVEN KNOW SHE W44 A1M1M THE GUN AT HIM -BUT HE KMEWIT HE GOT SCAWEOAN BUMPEO WTO "THE' SOUTH END OF A4Y DiJRwOr AN THE BURRO KJCKCD HiM RIGHT U,' INTO W LAP THEN I SORTA p-rS PUT A FEW FINISH IN TOUCHES A'l' C4THE.DOB ANM1EAM- rr-J . jifrt . TOOT3 AND CASPE3 Just o FlaT-Boy! jSakinIj my koss pop a Job! " V. UA.UA1 iis uinn A miAMCC.ll k - ww - v sw w m wm ' -w . w w ww- - a a W- HSTS WS aVlTvf -TUB BOSS J aanaaii-i i . Coae. 191. jUafTmaiai Snlfiaai. lac Watal i i . . CASPKR'tVaS. UlAEO COLONS-' lla B W jSAar4jSa kasaa aamija Araaa. . U Sj9Skm'-fW1 W.. aal 4 IrS Yea. shrimp, START IN AT CT'-: I Z M-maj. I WHY OU X LET -THH COLON EL jT - 4 OVERHEAR ME DrSCUSSINaV J weu.A MY" sccRerr.? now hs has I rm rS&A cuia ovbr j , BE -I A ; I ' MY HEAD ! yy 1 "-" K t7 x had ?m: !-.: iV - BOSS. DO SUMPT4'! HOOFstsrS AJJTMORIYY MAS ONC TO.HIS ; : HEAD! .HE'S MAULtN. EVERYBODY ACAlajnl 1 ER.MCS JUST. A V Bl KID, . CASPER--', CJ?-ET? MS LIKES ffO. PLAY,, 7-9 Tlx i Heel Tiling i . ..aiijMa.ii.awii.i mi .iigiji,,Mft ,i. i; ?Jr Uh7; ...-i i iiii.i , . I Skiaaaa wi . I. ' 1 a ..... WEST OTHER 7AXX.I saa ar Cfcines rsn-cdhea. , Amaaiai; SUC CESS for fiOOO ears ia CHINA. No snattr with wast aitmsnt yon ara Ari'LICTEO - 4isor4rs, si nsitis, start, haf, Km, klJaer, svofcacS, aas. .eeasiipstion, alcera. dialxtia, fsver, skin, fmilt com. sxaiata . ... axilla B. B. FeaS Offlca I aanrs ta 8 p.m-. V azevpt Ssaiay o4 - . -. W'edaesday, 8 to 10 . a.m. . 1S2 V. Coal Bt, Saiejs, Ct. r. I JZ. IT rst uus; X LUCE riXATlM I OM A UUV POMD sX I FEE-L" L1KS .LtT9tM- LIKE V VJANNA f ajvvrr- "bm f bi -THTS UOOK LIKE A iTRAWELHOts MOVIE ,MUCH E.ETTEFE 7- 1 i . X "7-9 f-na? :s. t "T "i- k, .-v. - .-k-7jy f: ran 1 uj(r Tc:rcry L::il:: - n n n ULlJUUULCjLj J A W Sala AAavM v.i La. L. a. aw a a-AoMi V L.aa C ! a w. CM W i"fT