IWroju) blhusrirr's r Full Coverage Ot local aad nathv-al rporte daily ta The-Slates- g TP QD DB TT Pitch; Senator. Sizing Follow 8alrma trustors with this page. Dally batting average. ' Fonr -Bit Sail RON GKMMRLI AVor 1 . a - t - Ygco-i I'' 4 Sposrt SpP'rjks By RON GKMMt 14 Eleven runs! the Spokane cored on our Senator in the four-same series that ended all ren with two wins each. BUT only two of the entire 11 tallies were earned. To say It another war, oar Senator pitchers were responsi ble for Jwt two tallies in 43 innings, of redhot baseball. That's "pitching; In any league, little alone this Western In ternational . where this year, at least, the -mound work has i left much to be desired. Honestly, and we say this no desire to "wax home townish" in our appraisal, our Senators should hare won all four games irom the Indians. Two or three bad boots afield and one or. two boots by the umpires was all that separ ated them from 'a clean' sweep ot the series, which would hare put our Senators within a half game of the top as they continued their battle with the kane tonight. The only runs Indians at Spo- for whjteh any of the Salem hnrlers were responsi ble for were the second and fourth tallied oil Joe Kraloritch in that 12-lnnlng, four hours and SS minutes, humdinger that held up Antelope Al IJghtners' wed ding for at least two hours. Boots Are Costly In game one of the series, Fri day nirht. Bad Brewer turned la that sweet 1-0 : blanking. Game two was the ls-rrame arxair. sa whirh ana two tir&ed rams were scored off Kraloritch. Game threw was Roy Kaiser's 8-1 Job, one ot bis better, efforts and the single run he allowed - was unearned Game four was the seren-lnning nightcap Sunday; won by Spokane 4-2, In which Dell Oliver was net charged with being responsible for a single one ot the tour tal lica. , . i j ' 'i Our Seanters, anenld hare won that 18-etaaa affair at least a dosen times. In the first place, by earned raa basts the score shoadd tave beea JS-t in Salem's favor at the end ot the ninth. In the second, Charles Baldy Petersen had ot lees than fire opportwnities ta bat home the winning rwa and ' failed in each. In the third, Spokane's winning runs came la the first of the 18tn after tha side shosdd hare bees retired. One bad boot by Umpire Nene tich and anotker bad one by Llffhtnar cost young Ollrer via tor? la the nightcap. Two Indians scored In tha fifth after Nenesich called McGinnia safe at first on a ball toned there by Olirer, when after the game even the fipe kanes admitted McGinnis was out Another Wigwam waltsed home in the seventh when Antelope Al did one of his famous nip-ups and let a ball bounce through, bis legs. 'Aden a Thief Also. Lest we forget to mtntloa it. that Guy Dwight Aden also robbed our Senators ot aot less than three opportunities to put the 18 -inning game away. That fieetfoott If he'd only learn to use his wrists more at the plate be could play ball for any major dub in either league. . Although "Aden is a coasls teat JSO& or better hitter de spite his "poke" swing, ho hasn't the Jower demanded fey the big leaguee of their ot .fielders. Jier will he ever set It wh tho Ued-p wrists he now employs is his swing. Should the Western s fjateraa tioaal's best oatXIelder leans ta loosen those Joints and pall tha ball, hell automatically be come worth a pot' of gold to Owner BUI ririch of the Wig wam, It yon happened to notice Just how our Senator outfield plays Aden, youll see what we mean. Coscarart in left plays him short and along the foul Una. Wilson In center plays right in behind short stop, and Petersen la right plays straight away leering about halt the outfield unprotected. Then the pitchers (except when one gets away as it did with young Oliver) keep that ball out side. That takes care of Aden at bat, but no one knows bow to take care ot him afield. Williams, Knoll Shine. Among, the stars of the series were Johnny Williams and Fred die Knoll, the two new recruits of our Senators. Johnny, the per sonality plus boy,- not only ban- moke up your AppeitStfoW A Haw Tasfn Thrill Scotch Graham ' . st Tour Croccrsj Col em, Oregon, Tuesday Morning. July 9, 1943 It's Yankees ! y0 Nats Ail-Star Came Is Set Today One-ime Bombers Receive Croniia'a Call, Much to Sarprise of All ST. LOUIS. July 8-(IV-It will be the New Tork Yankees repre senting the American league arain tomorrow against the pick of the National league talent In the eighth annual all-star spec tarle. i - .- I - - , Fans congregating here tonight for the big mid-summer baseball show were jarred off balance. by Manager Joe Gronin's" selection of Plteher Red. Huffing and four others: of the fourth-place Yan kees to start the game at 11:30 a. m. f PSTI in Sportsman's park. Neither thai Detroit Tigers nor the Cleveland Indians, first and second i place clubs in the Junior circuit J were accorded a single starting assignment by Cronln, al though he said he expected S 3,6 00 fans would see- Lefty Al Milnar ot the Indians and Buck Newsora of the Tigere In three-inning mound appearances. . : ; Penluac or waiters Deacon Bill McKechnle, ger of the National league forces. coustered with stars from six of tbe eight teams la bis league. beaded by a battery from his own Cincinnati Reds. McKechnle stiH refused tonight to say whether big Paul Der ringer or slender Backy Walters would be bis opening pitcher but named i Ernie Lombardl ta eateh. tub oectsion or uroaia to ns a - rlghthanded 1 pitcher was re sponsible for McKechnle including three lefthanded batters In bis lineup - Arky Vanghan of the Pittsburgh Pirates at shortstop. Johnny Mise of the St. Lonts Car dinals at first base and the vet eran Mel Ott of the New Tork Giants in right field. Mfze Gets Call Use of Mise. the National league batting -ch am xl on, ahead of his own - Frank MeCormick was the most difficult choke for- Mc Kechnle ta make. MeCormick. a righthander, has been batting about zn points better than Mise and had never missed an inning of all-star competition since breaking into the majors.' The selections ot Chicago's BUI Herman at a a c o n d. Brooklyn's Harry Lavagetto at third, and Joe MMtwwt; of Brooklyn and Terry Moore of St. Louis In the out field were fairly obvious. Cronlft'i choices were uotblng abort of radical, although be em phasised his lineup was "subject to chan re. - I Tor his Ieadoff batter and third be sera in tbe scrappy pilot ot tbe Red Sax named Cecil Travis of tha Washington Senators, who wss not even chosen on tha origi nal squad of 2S American league stars. Travis got Into the ram when Had Haifa of tbe Yanks withdrew because, of injuries. However, the Senator is slugging potent: .lit; while Ken Kelt- ner of the Indians, tha other pos sible choice, is batting .22 f. Gordons Is Kamed But if this effort to cat 'bat ting power looked entirely rea sonable; the naming of New York's Joe Cordon, bailing .245, Is a bit surprizing when Second Baseman Ray Mack of Cleveland is hitting .IIS. likewise Bill Dicker, who will catch Ruffing, is batting JKSS tor RolUe Hemsley of Cleveland, j - . The Americas league was es tablished as a heavy favorite to Win. - ; -, i f - In the regular , mid-summer se ries the Americans have won five oat ot seven. , ' YTtitern Open I r . Entered h j. Fard . MINNBAPO LIS, July S-P-A field ot more than 100 amateur tlnksmen. Including .Marvin "Bud- Ward ot Spokane, the na tional champion, start a six-day chas-e after the title of the 41st Western Amateur . Golf tourna ment Tuesday. , Practice rounds turned in so far laaicata the tonga Minneapo lis - golf course may r ot . cause some of the club swingers s much trouble as first thought. M&r&hilelc! Two ItOSSBURO, July 3 -4' (A5) Marsiriald took two games in a fair; 12 to 4 and 11 to 6, from Rosofrnrg la American Legion Junior baseball games at Marsh field yesterday, died tbe receiving chores flaw lessly but also hammered home five rana and did what few catchers have been able to do this year throw oknes Kino Maij- tines, tie league ton rase i&iex, out at second. Haoa, the l?a Dieg young ster who replaced Beer at sec ond, covered his patch, like no oecontH tsersA8i CAher than Me . claaJii Uas done it W-artors park this aeasoa-' To Lira also jroes at lot of tLa cr&I-'t tr Williams' throw-oct cf iriTtlisez, for he stayed on the Use or Martines r 4iies and pat tSis bsil on Lim : iik a vftt9ra It was close and," rrtNllie -had to dive under 2fIao " to acco:rj.Ish It, but he nTer You eaa a!l also the -name ot the Llttla Skipper, but since he's a star Lx a firmamert ail his own we hate to be repetitious. Weismuller Otto Jsrets f Chicago, stewest route to a new American awfaa Xree-fttyio race of the National AAU men's swimming and diving champioasbipa, held at Santa Barbara. His time was 2:UUt re placing Jcnnny weismauer's saam of 2:13.6, set several years ago. Salem Legion 9 . Books WoodDiirn Patterson to Hurl Caine $ HillaBoro. CcU 94 Win Over 'Bitra Salem's Junior Leirlon basAbai: einb goes into district alavoff ur on iu name oiauona for the nrst time this season Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m., meeting the Woodbaxn nine that, like Sa lam. baa. been defeated osice by Hiils- ooro..,.' . : in . . .fs Coach Ktbaa Grant annonnaad last night that Southpaw Ciar Patterson would open on tbe mound: for the Salems, ' with Ben uitiora ana Dick Hlchberrer held in reserve, r Little Pete Hauser will do the catching chores. - a. major lineup change will place Dutch Simmons at short in stead ot Eddie Salstrom. who mar get the rlghtfleld Job. Rollle Haag win, be at Hrst, Doit Bower at second and Georce HochateUer at third. Milton Freehaa will work nt-tert. Don Barnfck In center ana either Butte or Salstrom in right. : ! Hillsboro's Mclrwin Tet Wood- osrn down with three bits and a to ft blanking Sunday, la ad dition, he topped the nine-bit at tack on Woodburh's Day with two singles and ' a triple in four ap pearances at the piata, -Mclrwin. who lost a nltchlnn duel to Salem's Patterson dur ing tbe high: school tournament at Lrafleld last iprlaff, ttruckot II Wood burn battersv f WMte and Kiltie Report to Seals SAN FRANCISCO. July tWjPV- Ontflelder Don White and Hubert Kittle, right-banded pitcher, two new San Francisco baseball dab players purchased over the week end from Washington clubs, ar rived here tonight by plana. The Seals paid SS6a for Kit tle and sent tha Yakima 4 two rlghthanded hnrlers ia exchange. Bowes going outright and Charley scnani on option. The Tacoma club received : IS00 - for White and Outfielder Eugene Kiley and snorts top Don Trower. both en option. Kittle may take the place of Sam Gibson, Injured : ia sliding last week in a tilt against tbe Oakland acorns. . Outdoor Girl r Jean Clans sen shonldn''t need her lariat to climb to the title of flaest outdoor fjlrl at the Sn- - llna Calif rodeo. Shs Las al ready hen chosen "iss Co'.a . sales, and, judging from fcer . ' r I cture, - it wasn't becanse of her ability to break fcrencoa. ECS photo. PAGS CSVETI Mark Broken , swimming sensation, is plctnred en record as he annexed the 220 vard esuimng Inig! Sjpokane Four Her Split Pippin Clnb Wini Only League Contest on Monday tresterm bternatlonal ' . ! i W Spokane ; . 47 SALEM j S Yakima 42 Tacoma SI Vancouver 22 Wenatchee 4. 21 L 21 M 27. ST 44 42 Fct. .40 .522 .fit .421 .222 bXoaday Beenlts Yakima I, Yaneouver 4. Our Senators, who were in Wal- f wails lor am azhlbttlon game last uighx, are tonight in Spo kane to begin 4 three-game aeries that la more a continuation ot tbe tour-game skein that ended all e"en here Saaday night. Our Sen- atars won the first, S-l, .behind Boy Helser's seven hit nitchlnr. sad lost the seven-inning night cap -z with Deu Oliver the vio- bb of xonr unearned runs. ' For that matter, the single tal ly seoren on Heiaer was of the aot responsible for variety, and only two ot the 11 scored by the Indians in four games were earned. :t v, - The Solons. after finishing with Spokane Thursday, are back home Friday for a four-game series with Vancouver. j .Sunday's scores: sai- i i e - e - aS Wtllfa, T f i - 4 .f w f i - S S aervMn a Jfafe; ouvar eat Baiiwr. li " s Ttkiat , . I ; a a a IaiIaT, Oraaiai jaa Yolplj XHtU aaS Wamtcha '. ! is ie Taktma- --,.," , e 19 t . uarma ), Cristkar W Bipji meveaaau, aeiaua 17) Eraaa. Vaaooaver u. mil,l T S Llaytl; AlbtuMM-aai 1 " ' " Aid Plenina TAXIMA. July sWV-Yaklma Pippins Stranri totrether haavr bits tonight to nose out Yaneou ver 5-4 in a Western Internation al league game.! . Vancouver scored ones in tha second, but Yakima ta the same inning counted twice ! when Bill Johnson homered. Jack .Wbincle doubled and. Borneo Evans brought him home with a. single. The caps went Into tha lead In the sixth, when R. Oriels trisled. E. Stewart singled. Wimpy Qulnn uvsffHu ana moss .. jscy aouoiea I for; three runs. In their half of tha same lnnlnri tha Plnnina ! I chased - across I three: counters. Walt Bliss singled. Ed Wela-andt homered, Whipple smacked out a triple and came ! borne when Por ing singled, ; L ;'.- . The Pippins announced they bad ptioned Chuck Greer, pitch er, to Twin Falls, Ida., and had purchased Hal Schimling, catcher. Vancouver . 1 4 11 1! Wakima i 14 0 Osbora and I4oyd: H. Johnson j and Evans., j - ,,. End of Picking Stsells Lane Jobless to 2572 EUGENE, July 8-CTV-Lane county has 2S7fi unemployed per sona, 324 of them women, A. Bsy Martin, manager of the state un employment office reported today. The end of cherry picking swelled tbe number. ... f ; Say. stei CI e Ey frits nomiLi . COLTJMBTJ3, Ohio, July 9-GP)-Korthera Ohio Is trailing the In dianssouthern iOtio is rabid about the Redsbut central Ohio wishes they'd hurry and get this silly baseball business out cf tbe way. i Around tbe Buckeye capital there's only one j sport foothalL And football, around here, means Ohio State university. ; Opening of tbe grid eeason ts some : three ' hio&ths sway, but the faithful are getting a bit wild eyed already, as ; they surrey the Backs' chances of repeating as Big Ten champs. The staiiunt Waits Blank Paper Mil!,! si Don Caller i -TwirU 2-lHuer ' City Softball Lene . Pet. Square Deal t , 1 Kennedys - g .1 Pheasants , -,-,.'- ' S ' .271 .714 .C2S .422 Paper Mill , , , " , ' Waits',,,, t ' f .27$ Schoens Y - .00 Games Tonight Kennedys vs. Pheasants. Schoens vs. Waits. Rine-artned Rae Yoeom pitched four-hit. ls-strlkeout ball as the Pade-Barricks pounded oat a I to 2 win over the touted San Fran cisco Sherry's last night la tbe I first of a two-game series. Game two-is set for Thursday, night. Walts, showlsc the nower that put the Meatmen In possession of the 1939 pennant, bombed tbe Pa- permakers by an 8 to 0 count behind, Don Cutler's two-bit hurl ing in the opener. Yocom, known as "Mammy In some parts, had too much umoh on the agate tor the Bay City las sies, a husuing crew who' know their softbalL While two of the tour bits she allowed came In the Inning in which the Sherry's tal lied their two runs, Yocom wasn't I responsible for either. ' Pearmlne Starts Rally A fall-grown, single into rirht field off tbe bat of Nelly Pear- mine in the sixth broke a 2-2 tie that had existed from the first of the fourth and started the P-Ba cm a rally that netted four tal lies before Emms Wong, tbe Chi nese hnrler of tha invaders, abut it on. rearmxne'a blow tamed two. 1Tes WW PnaSsWfew twa an sasl com all connected for bits la tbe auy. while Morgan. Carsoa and Thomas drew walks; It was the second blows for both Pearmlne aad: Yocom. wbo registered four flf the six bits garnered off Wong. Tha F-Bs pounded one heme in the second oa a walk, hits bv Feamtiae aad Yocosa and Taoos- loft to second base, and a end set tbe third on Moore's bit. a walk and an error. Moore Harts Finger The game wss not without Its casualties. Dottle Moore, husky F-B catcher, suffered a dislocated finger when a pitched .ball- bit it in, the final frame; Helen Smith, snerrya second -baseman, twisted her ankle in the second inning snd was forced to retire: and Fer rari, Sherry s catcher, suffered . s dislocated finger! . Waits collected 12 blows off Bob Willis Nicholson. - Drynan. scales, uarbanno and McCaffery each retting a pair as the Meat men blanked the 'Makers. Cutler wss in rare form, allowing no runner beyond first base aad put- I tsng out four on. Only three runs were earned off WUlls despite the free hitting. Five errors behind him were el- 4ku MM- At J 11... it. bJtff. his own wildness, Sherry's 4 Fade-Barrick f E. Wong and B. Ferrari.' C. Pe ters: Rao Xocom . and Moors. weica. :.. .. t McCaffery It 1 2 1 W01U Paper Mill Cutler and jaad Scbnuelle. Younker Reported its xesung zzziiy YAKIMA. July t - fifrt - Rov Youker, catcher for the Yakima Pippins of the Western Interna-i tional ' league whose skull was j fractured by a thrown ball Sun. dan was reported "resting easily I tonight oy hospital attendants. . Can Dumler. Wenatchee twirl- er, threw in sa attempt to catch! looter on second base ia the game yesterday. The bail struck tbe catcher above tbe right ear as aesild back to the bass. w - .s JenniUffSe bmitil Lrad Qualifiers PORTLAND. Jsry.i-PV-Four Oregon golfers topped a field of SO in regional auallfying play hero yesterday to win entry into tae national publle links chsm- plonshpls at Detroit July 22-20. Tha ' nuartet Included Louis Jennings, Marty - Leotlch and Lloyd Mead of Portland, and Clif- and IS turnSnSacardseo??f; I Mead iff? Jlol6a LepUc3L li Drops Case o 1143 Montromerr-Ward adred out Gasco. 11 to. S, la aa Industrial I sort o&u sessioa last night - Gasco V 2 Mont-Ward 11 - 2 1 Creldl and Boesch; Ceardsleyt ana ueaxer. . out- ticket ofSco, open since May for the fall sales, has a stack of or ders that high. James L, "Gentleman Jim" Xlanlck, wbo beats the tom-toms fer Ohio, came up today with a prediction that the Bucks would do all right this year st the gate &nd on tha gridiron. The nnirersity records show that all of the returning veterans from last year's varsity (gradua tion took only a center, end and back) are eligible for the 1210 wards. It's tbe first time ia years that some ct tha beys didn't stumble over a scholastic hurdle. With that cheering news, the ticket c&lcs took a Jutaj. I ' Bat, in a special statement wire, the former Alma Hanson, just after their beautifully staged baseball wedding at the home plate la Waters park. Reverend George H. Swift, rector of the SL Paul Episcopal church, is in the fore ground; Biddy lUsbopV general manager of the Salem Senators, Just back of the kissing couple; Dor ris Ilansosu sister of the bride, who was maid of honor, stands pensively to the right; and members of the Salem aad Spokane baseball dabs are la the background. The wedding, scheduled for between ames of a doaUeheader, was held p until near midnight by the length of the first aad only game. Jocks, Nags Get Insurance Under tigacres Flan; Tickets Are krered by Hope Only By GAIL SEATTLE. July 8 W 1 jockey and horss lasurancs plan at th Lonaracres raes track I jw. ana so xx too uuiuvsuua u unag usuea uj jocjtejn, I exercise boys and owners Idike. The horses ha-ren'jt been probably vote ntlffh. Theyvt Trapguiiner Practice Finng With tbe exception of Clareaee Tewnseads 42x54 in tha lt-yard event,.-Salem trapsbooters who tndalged la a practice round at tbe local club Sunday had lltUe to boast about. - ; Top 100 targets fired was W. D. Carter with 42, while Ernie Doerfier led 2S targets handicap shooting with,- 22. The scores: i ' 109 targets W. D. Carter 42, Frank Farmer 42. Jim Bird 41. Rav Dunkel li. Robert Ulff UL 2. J. Werline 41.' SO targets C, Townsend"42 Sam Stltchler 42. . 28 targets Ernie Doerfier 221 W. H. Wolf and Deaa Gerard 22, Frank Rock aad Fred Bernardl 21, Dan Fry IT, Lyle Storey IT. Handicap W. O. Carter SI, Tdii; sVDorfT.; and Lyie Storey 22. Red Sox. Albany Again Are on Top -Orscoa Stste XVsagss W U Ttt -W it r mrUm I t .tH Bui Aiboxr ' S t -Tie Jek-Jlll 4 tjll e att MarS , T t .TOS Pt.nkM S kaa .S- ,3S HUla Ck. 0 s .AM Eilvertoa's Bed Sox, dropping the theretofore league leading Medford : Craters twice, a v e d Into a tie with Albany for leader ship ot the second half ot State league play la weekend games. The Sox added a t to I Sunday win to their 7-4 defeat of Jimmy Hero Saturday. Albany bumped Hills Creek twice. Jack and. Jill split with tbe Portland Babes aad Bend and Eugene divided. . Sunday scores: HltU Crk , .04 AlSaay M IS e KaaiiH aad O. ataikux Jmimb aaa rptiek. M4ftd ....I, , ,i.;-;,",;,;.,T,,l o xe Silvtotoa ., , m TOO stn aa EUtrklas: WUm aad Km, EaSM - i - - i- " . S 4 Bb . S - IS I HatekMM. Etktarf m! Ur: rarta. ! sr Msraock, lieatcfeMV sitch aa sure Frtiaa4 Babaa' s s Jack JT1H aad aaueaar: Iaitkiw aa4 Uixa. . f : S IS Carataa aaS Aatclirt FaaSMSraatk' X. Wlttaka, raekay aas Wum. : U" SUrs Shed Meeting for Wednesday PU Salem's Hunters and Anglers club meets Wednesday night at o'clock in thslr quarters at the Eagles halL with business ia ret- rhce to the 11 10 hunting sea- ia preparauons xor tna zau liberation ot trout the principal tems ot ciscnsaioa. All members are urged by Seo reUry E. J. Church to attend. f or.-rOaogs Head Coach Francis A. Schmidt and Praise Agent Ztenlch hare proved miracle men at the art ot "packing 'em in" at the Suck eye . horseshoe. They hit Ohio together, back ia 1934, and they're been a top-notch team ever since, !.acs they took over, tbe Backs have played 48 games, - winning 25, losing 12 and tying one. Ohio has r'ied up 1029 points to23 for tie fee. They've wca sensa tions.! victories, and they've cut epectacultr defeat yoa all re meister bow Notre Dame score 3 three last-period touchdowns to win 18-12 in 1S25, snd how Cor t!l and llickix&a ortrcame It- to The Statesntan. admitted It was Via but Guvs Who Buv FOWLER - - Thevr trrinr out a ttaw heard from yet, but they'll sot to die to reap their im&ncial oeata. Here's bew the plan works: It a Jockey Is killed while ras ing, his estate gets 4000, If he's injured while racing he gets 22S a week while grounded, for not te exceed 120 weeks. It hospital ised, he gets aa additional 22S week for aot to exceed 20 weeks. U killed or Injured while exer cising, he gets xms-hait those rams. Exercise boys, if killed while exerclsiag, get 92000 for their estate. If injured while exercis ing, they get the same benefits. If a horse entered In a race is injured so badly its destruction is necessary, the owner will be paid the winner's share of the purse, or In any event no less than 2100 nor more than S1000. Under the Longacres plan, pre- nriums are pets by the following deductions from all purses award ed ta each race: 110, from the winning purse; 94 from the place parse ens xz from tha show purse. The first payment under the aew plan already has been made. - Jockey Lynn Josepbsoa, whs was cut over an eye when thrown from Qutballaa at the gate wait- ins the belt tor the firat race a week ag. received a Its cheek irom President 'Gottstela of tha Washington Jockey clnb. Tbe pay- meat was tor a week's inactivity, although Josephsoa'a time spent on tae grouaa was only two dsys. Lccguo Daccball EtlMrf VS SS Ulli Kflvtafc 4 X wu'w st ss at ovftaa sss si .at a uanrta SSS S .T Backer 1M St .tit WiUa 1ST. St .SM KmaU SS 11 9t ViM'tr SOS . St . Dttw n I .ISC rA'aa ST S 43mea Bf 4 .14S ratr SS ' O 3S Brmc AS 0 Oaaa'S SOt -TS OAS Iavi , SS S JU Xsarat Li Pot , f 1 M IHtiwlt 44 IT . Cklc4S SS ST .4T1 Cir14 41 SS .SOS Sklaia SS 44 .41 BMtM v 41 St .SSS PkibkAU t 4S .40S K. Tata ST If 4U Waak. SO 40 aaasars SasaMe IHtrait S. St. , ClarfdaaS 1, Ckteasa S. Fila4aVata 0-lt, hew Tarfc 0-1. "" ' Vatioaal 2agse aeia. AS SS Vt Ptttaks II II 11 S Bcmkia 4S SS Att 8t.UA IS SO .400 K. Tark 49 SS .SSS fim SS SS .991 Cakes T .SOT rkflmlal tU AS J$ Baaaaye samna Btaa 1-S, BtMklra f-S, 'CMear a, Ciacfaaati A. ' RtvTwk l-. CkUaSXpkla 4-4. S. taala S. rUtafcarsk T. ractne Caat laafaa W Lt ret - W L yt Seattle SS S4 .S4S Sae'tata SS SI .483 Oaklaa ST AS .SSt 8. ra. 4f SJ .4TS S. Ihmm SI 4S .SIS HJ1t4 41 II Tt U Aas. .ate ?ru'icJ as sa ass aaaaairB nran Baaftle t-S, FnUa4 6-T. OakUaA J3a rnaeUea S-T. HUjrwW S-4, Ut4i(lN AS. ' Aamieaa Aatwdattos (Br Tk AtaaeiauS rm) ' atllvaaka 1, Coloaibaa S, Kaaaaa City S, Tatada A. St. ral S, laAiaaasaUf 1. aUaaaaselai S, laatsrlUa IS. BzatWttaa BaMkall DatMlt A II At 8iaW TM3L) SaaU. KeKaia ft aa4 SJ?.waa. T,V tiatta (); ItiaaU, Oattcckalk (4), ErM it aaa vtain,wfatapaat . , .. . S IS S At Maiiaa 1X1) , T II S Oiaaa. ! f4. Km T ' t'hU fS. Oavarratta ) aaA CtUaa Kaakr. Wtu (t). Seataiet (S) aad UataHr7.. point deficits last season to triumph.- But through It ail they've kept tbe ball where the tans could see It, . if 4 their . eyes . ' were i quick enough. The Bucks will kick on tbe first down, or run or fa&s on the fourth, but they play the kind of game the fans like. " the envy and despair of all rlrals. In the six years the Schmidt-Hen-l Ick duo bad been at Ohio, a total ct 2.18S.102 tars bare ellckei ta tamstlles. An average cf 45,313. for 20 home games tSa ati.esd ance has teen 1,280,22 9, an arerasi cf f2,3i." B worth It. It's Al Lightner and his Hollywood! Y7ar Relief Is Their Pnrpose To Bo Auctioned Between Benefit Games j Oilier I Acts on Program, : lTollywood Is sending solftballa to -Salam, ae less. And. so fiei Cross headquar ters here reports, the overslsed dlaraoad onions are to be auto graphed by lnema atarta. The balU, expected to arrive in Salem this morning, will be auc tioned off to the highest bidders between games of the big! double header war relief program at Sweetland field Wednesday night. Start earing up you may get a Shirley Temple. Or, maybe, a VI visa Leigh. Or, rf you are a woman, a Charles Boyer. That isn't all the additional en tertainment set fer fans who wish to contribute to the Bed Cross war relief fund by attending the games at prevailing prices. The program includes: A balancing act by Clarence Disney, alem amateur. VA tumbling and acrobatic per formance by the euartet ot Nelson sisters from Corvsllis. Several numbers by the Cen tennial singers, headed by Ronald Craven, who is to portray Joe Meek in the coming Centennial i pageant - j Preceding tbe games, which bring together Kennedy's Klda and Sevare Deal la oae tilt and the Fade-Barrtck Girls and Si berian ot Fortlaad la tbe other, a parade wilt form at Marlon square aad march to Sweetland field. It Is to be sponsored by the Whlsketinos. aided by the Cher rians and the Whiakertno Junior bead. Proceeds are to bo turned over to the Mariem eeaaty ahapter of tha American Bed Cress, to help fill oat tha 21000 stilt lacking la Its war relief quota. T, T, Laaa, ST. . O. Caa, M. O. Herbsl remedies tor ailments of stomach, liver, kidney, skin, bleed, glands and urinary sys tem of men A women. 22 years la service, ftatarosathic Physi cians. Ask your neighbors about CHAN LAM. en. conn LQI3' A"SjSe,ayne,"eesp ea ayaxg9ssjaaaaaay ga0paA ttS4 Caart St, aaraar Ukarty ' SrXCTAIi gOTXCS Tkfa rrttca will ka aaaa aa SaaAty Only Haara IS a.m. ta 1 p.m. aa4 S ta T p.au trm mow aa aatil Aarat lttk. Aftar Aart 14tk thU af'iea wilJ V aaaia araa aracy Taaaaay a4 SatarAar ' 4 f43 :tt;t. g?n(ojr