IWQZ MAXINE BUREN ' Editor Betrothal Is Told Sunday- vi.i mtxahMtti Ralston told of her engagement, to Mr.-Darid C. Leek, tt in S o'clock breakfast enniik nantar it the home of Mrs Irene Wirt, Miss Ralston is the 'daughter of Mr, and Mrs. t? ti n.utan formerlT at Salem and now of Martlnex. Calif. Mr Leek is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M 1 P. Leek. ThA news of the betrothal was rerealed on Scotch plaid houses which serred as placecards. No date was set for the wedding. Pink and blue hydrangeas were used to decorate the tables at whfch corers were placed for: Miss Dawn Bates. Miss Lois Hy ams, Mrs. M. P. Leek, MiaS Grace Leek', Mis Betty Beck. Miss Mary Jewell Ladd, Miss Bernice Cap linger, Miss Geraldine Arnett, Miss Vina Ralston, Mr. Gilbert Clansman. Mr. Rex Wirt, Mr. Ro land Wirt. " Mr.- George Bowen, Mr. Clifton Cass, Miss Elizabeth Ralston, Mrs. Irene Wirt and Mr. Darld Leek. ; Salem Guests at Reception Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Field of Sheridan were hosts at a recep tion held in the garden of their home on Sundsy following the wedding ceremony of their daugh ter, Ruth Field Mimnaugh, to Mr. Boatner Chamberlain, son of Dr. and Mrs. Charles T. 1 Chamberlain of Portland. ' A large number of Salem guests attended the wedding and recep tion. The attractire serring table was centered with an arrangement of olnk summer flowers. Pouring were Miss Delia Brown, an aunt of the bride, Mrs. C. H. Hauser of of the briae, rs. a. " Sheridan, Mrs. Horace Teris of Winioca, wasn., ana rarn. vawu berlain Wood of Portland. Serrin the wedding cake were Miss Sally Teris, Mrs. ' Showalter - . . TI..I.I.I- Lyucn ana xars. muian uuivum son. Mrs. Walter, Williamson and Mrs. Charles Thurston were at the punch bowl. Assisting in serring were Mrs Kenneth Newlin. Miss Jean John- son. Mrs. M. B. Dick. Mrs. C. L. Williams, Mrs. Frances Gruelich, Mrs. I Kyler Young, Mrs. Fred Daachey and, Miss Margaret Wil liams. For trareling the bride wore a white and brown print silk suit run ; maicaing accessories uu I'aylng the nostess in aarance Mrs. Helen scnenaei and Mr. Don- hostess last night when she enter corsage of white. orchids. Follow- Tm return high dividends in pop- aid Elliott. : . . .! tained members of the Beta Sig lng a trip south the couple will uiarity. Try. lorewkrning the Dressed in pink taffeta frocks ma Phi at her hoome on Leslie lire at S811 SW Taylor street, not;ta before your arrival, this will Misses Mary Helen and Ann Elixa- street. A ' dessert sunner was Portland. The bride, a former Salem resi dents is a graduate of the uni- rersaty. ot Oregon and a member ot Pi Beta Phi. Mr. Chamberlain attended Washington and Lee in Virginia , and the Unirersity of Chicago. He Is a member of Phi Kappa Psi. Mrs. Munger Is Hostess : Mrs. Tongue Munger enter tained with an informal tea yes terday afternoon honoring her daughter,, Miss Peggy Munger, who wilL marry Mr. James Edgar Payne of Kelsd next Friday after- noon at the First Presbyterian chnrch. The party was giren at Mrs. Munger home on1 North Winter treet., ...... , . ; i Thguesu included a group of Mis. MungeV close friends and the, hostess and her daughters ceired informally. Miss Rorena i;yre ana Mrs. wiiiiam ijica: pour- ed daring the tea hour and 'Mrs. Carl Q. Collins -assisted, with the serring, - A . bououet of garden flowers centered the tea table. Pro America at Meejing.:: r,Z-l,rl'"U?? l n7 MnL , .f..V atm o-ciocic. . i ' Miss Carol Ferguson, Miss MarJ- ?fn n? iJS & 5". Mr- s- Itaynor Smith will be orie Friesen. jSlss Mary Doerk Carrteon - of deroUdnals and Mrs.1 .en. Mis. Arlene Ackerian. Miss ; iStUv. ?';.B'.;P tia Present the Gertrude Shade, Mr. Clarence presided Vt e burin " -:- .. . . . T. .dent. meeting uoii . wu : kuuunKai . Aiwns were;, made on the- joint meeting withooHurn. The program in- aa .ln w M.rrL ronTVnd a .alut n r n.v - " r"" ZZ. - Zs - Mr Warner Marsden ' of San PriBtUco iariaitlnc In the canttal - - :;.viU? TtP,.t r,rw:. ".r:, u. i:-' vrr " " errT- - Wake up your V A 'New Tc5f5 Thrill Scotch Graham 4 SOCIETY MUSIC ThellO Waters Are ; Hosts ; at Beach Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waters entertained with a 'party Sunday at their summer home at Ocean Lake. -The affair complimented a group of Salem and out-of-town friends.- : " ' 1 f - ThoM motoring brer were Mr. and Mrs. Clary Eggleston and Mr, and Mrs: Neil Edwards of Mon- mouth, Mr. and Mrs.- Russell Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. Kaipn Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Berg and Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waters. WON" A J P n v Br MAXINE BUREN We might make this "National Repay Your Hostess IWeek," be cause there are plenty; of millions of hostesses who ought to be re paid I for their hospitality. Whether you are the fortunate acquaintance of 4 i friends "who hare a beach cottage, or are just the country c o u sin who feels a sud den I attachment Iior leisures in the middlewest, whose home town you plan to pass through, you might offer gratitude for hos- pitallty in a practical I way. " JVa-M Tery nice to repa repay your hostess after the risif, but she'll appreciate being paid as you go, n. tin wbvk f vmn, vla .vvv.i.M. In the first place, fit into the family scheme of things. Come promptly to the breakfast table when the meal Is serrpd. lor eren a reallr funny Joke won't effec- t,T(llT-,Ar n the omelet thar fallen or the coffee that's cold. is all rery fine, if the hostess real- ly wants it. but jod may be a greater help reading on the rront porch, or herding ybur children out of sight and sound. glre them time to be or at least cancel all but of town, bridge dates and lar in a supply of fresh meat and vegetables. - Then after the risit is orer, as- 41 n 1 suiaing relations are still cordial, princess style, with a long train.; During the meeting, plan were send your hosts a nice gift tor Her full length rell was caught completed for the Elisabeth Wat their trouble. with a wreath of orange blossoms. rs dance recital which will b If the hostess herself wis, re- She carried a whit Bible with July.17. Cj.r sponsible for the hospitality, send cascade of pink and whit bou- Member include Mr. Frank her a bottle of nice perfume, a Tardla. . - Shafer, Mrs. Richard Derers, ne pair of nylon he, a pox ot Miss Agnes Friesen was the Mrs. Thomas Drynan, Mrs. Lynn hankies. . maid of honor.-She wore a rose Heise. Mrs. George Scales, Mrs. If the family helped in enter- taffeta dress and carried a bou- Harry HWeinstein, Mr. Wheel Uialng, send; a nice gift, typical . auet of whit gladiolu. Th r!R. English, i. Mr. Robert Can of the Btate, or Sale in. A box of bridesmaids wer Mis Aletha non. Mis Viola Crosier. Mr. Jane fresh fruit to midwei terners, or a Broot. ui rwH vv.nir. Thomas'. Miss Velma May. Miss smalL, Chinook salmon will make remembered . kindly. AndOnaly, writefa letter, it's often hard to compose a thank- joa note, but no more difficult - than to be a hostess and to sched- ul work and budget! to accommo- ftpj' Thereji; something a eful nd r tn a JtUeLthan la ytherform of thunk- ; . I ? i t Wnmon ot I hlirrh Plrrn TkikTiT- corsage of rose buds and bourar- r iUIl IVltJttllliy - dia. Mr. Frank wore i 'heer The Woman's Foreign Mission--print dress and corsage of gar arr society, the Woman's Home denies. Missionary society land the La- A reception was held in' the dlrs Aid of Jason. Lee church will hoJd an' all-day meeting on Wed- neiday at the country home of Mi. Joseph 'Bartruff. A coTered dbih luncheon will I be serred at C will ieale the church le8ttftu'' A ft0-.fi ait BU. .. . ... - f - sirs.- Fisher d her daogh- tt.. Mrs ih hSwt iV. - ZZ'ZZLm Vll-VTV. - . 17.1 11; A cuZL Tr.V ' SLilTon -I " . V, - i.' t u. xKi.-Lv-' t'-iwJ :-MI PmJ? "u" cation. for gereral week. She wa joMSSl in.corraiiva by Her. mother, Mr. D. B. Thompson. - : ' - ''' :'.. Salem, Camp 11 Woo-iman of the World will bar a basket pie- me. tonight in ojlnger . para at 7," o'clock. McmWt and th;lr fanal - lies, are lnrlted'to ttend.- " " ;. Mr."nd"Irs;i CbariesWarBer Df Los "AngeleS.-Mrs. : Blower Is" and daughtr,MIssVAnlaWag-f.My4rsiate.'-r-'-- "'V;'v: ner, 'retarned "yesterday 'fforn va'' ' '"' " - v -1 " racation' trip to Seattle and . Mon- rntt. -1VaihlTir-tnn Irs.-"-' Mrs. Lloyd Myers la learin on Saturday-f6r a trip to San Fran- Cisco and other California points. ; -Past Presidents clab of the... biide was giren in mar- !. . .Woman's. Relief. Corp is baring a. riage by her father. I - Mr. and Mrs. Tlnkham G0bert corered dish, luncheon at 12:30 : . Following Hbe wedding a ! re aand children haTB taken a cot- o'clock this afternoon at the rentlon m held atitha hrt p tage at Neskowin Cor the week. f f ' . -""-" 1 ... - : : L..,.. . i, ,. , ,- -i i m- i CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY musscn, who are celebrating today at the home of their daughter ,': v-:.". ' ' - '-' : . : CLUB! CALENDAR ' Toeaday McCormick class of First Methodist church, picnic at Olln- ger para. p.. Yomarco class. First Meth odist church, E. B. Millard's 6: SO picnic supper. Englewood Woman's club, picnic supper at Olinger park, 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday Woman's Missionary society, First Presbyterian church,, with Mrs. C. M. Purrine, corered dish luncheon. American Lutheran guild at church. 2 p.m. Catholic Daughters with Mrs. Anna Alley, 1433 South Liberty street, picnic supper 6 p.m. Women of Jason Lee cburch, Joseph Bartruff 's. All day meeting. Cars leare church 10 a.m. for all-day meeting. Thursday Fruitland Woman's club with Mrs. Clark Ritchey, route fire, 2 p.m. P T A county picnic, Silrer Creek Falls, noon dinner. Friday -, ? National association of Let ter Carriers auxiliary, with Mrs. Dudley Taylor, Sunnyslde, :30 p.m. No-host supper. WCTD county picnic, Chil dren's Farm home. Monday Delta Tau Gamma, mother and daughter meeting, with Mrs. Norma Shaw, 8 p.m. Wedding Vows Are Said Saturday night In the Krange- ... " r. UsUc Tabernacle. Miss Irelyn uin senroer, aaugmer oi air. and Mrs. E. B. Schroeder became the bride of Mr. MUo Frank. -loa'P- F1yd Vandarwarka, Gordon of Mr. and Mrs. Will Frank. Rer. 6 Before the - wedding Mr. How- ard Olson sang "I Lore , You Truly" and Mrs. Clarence Franke sang "God Made Ton Mine." Th wedding marches were played by b e t h Schroeder, cousins of the bride, lighted the candles. - The bride who was escorted to the altar by her . father, wore a gown of heavy white satin mad Miss Frances Schmidt. They wore Dorothy BlalsdelL Miss Cynthia taffeta frocks in rainbow colore Delano, Miss Ida Jo Eaton, Miss and carried nosegay. LitU Mis Mary Whit and Mr. Kenneth GnC9 gChrocier was the flower BelL 1 . . ! i and was dressed in a yellow w, '. L ' taffeta frock - Mis Mildred P. Robertson baa Mr, clarence Franke acted a returned from a trip to California bert mmn . for kla brother Tne and Mawhfleldwhere he was th niheril mclttaed Mr. ' Ernes fflfti JiS; tS!? schroeder, Jr.. Mr. Lawrence . Jinki Mr, Schroeder, and Mr. Holland SfJV'iSJ iHw,t- Brooks. cheon Friday honoring her guest. -Tne nride' mother, wore a church following the ceremony. The bride' table waa centered with a large wedding .cake and. decorated with bouquet of paBtel flowers. Those assist inr were Mlsa Susie Friesen, Miss Edith Boise. Howard Olson and Xfra - A1frf fiTimMlr n v , ilnr. Mr. Alfred Schroeder sang dur? Followina a -w awuowmg ,-weaain; trip tn, couple will lire In Sllet. . - Mr., and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace and onQters. Paulie and Nancy, hare, taken a house at Neskowin here they wiU racation for a week. They "will hare .a. their t. Miss - Jane Carson and Mis Margaret Jane Emmon.. . - - . -ir. .Tbwa DeBeck Uresler and hr small enr Tommy, left last week: for -Canada where she will spend sereral weeks with her parent. - ' v 4 - f - . .- ; r ' m-mt tm . fw"v Umh t.M as their r nest S.Mr, and Mrs. Mr. a4 Mrs. George Lee Mark will leaTe u a i ouuoj , ur month's triD to Chicago. New York and Washington. DC. - - . Fairgrounds.' Mr. and iMrs. Hans Ras- their 60th wedding cmnlversary . (Photo by Statesman) at Costume Party ! T v, ,v J L In keeping with the spirit of Salem's approaching Centennial will be the party giren by the Rinksters of the Salem . Skating club tonight at th Mellow Moon rinlr Mon-r Intero.U Ralrr, people are expected to be on band f s tea f nYk t n a tnlnrtAta sah K Am and waiues. a. they are .kated by club members attired In Centen- nui .tnn.. ; quaint dresses and the men wear- ing bright colored shirts and large hats I Warren' Butler is president of the club, which Includes in it membership many of the city'a best skaters. Other officers for thls year include: Milo; Syrerson, rice-president; Josephine Burke, SS3S2;S.C!5...S,,S.J: licity chairman; Don Douris, so- cial chairman and Harold Douris, editor of the club paper. Th. ..fr..),M.n ,mfI-l tonight's party consists of Loyal Sheridan, chairman, Julia Pease, Nadine Lewis and John Zurcher. Features .of the erenlng will be the: old fashioned Virginia reel and Paul Jones dances , done on skates and a "pony express, re lay - race. Ihrlted in addition j to club members are: Frances Heinlein, ,T7; J w.raa.dUh WaVwarka.Theri: ma Bewley. Cherie Jones, Mary LaDoux, Jeannette Brown, Thel- ma Orayble, Edna Mae Poulln. Mrs. Floyd Vandarwarka. Pauline wvif TJt. nr.w n,Ji,- roughs, Geraldine Handley, Harry HuHin vinoi imi tjk , ix- "W;!Brt granan Ml IWWWm . ti staranau, Bill Watkins, V"-.9 . XrCf AAT"i .toVlfST 1Ca AVA lciiyuae HrTC lllCiCjTe xxuo V-Ut?oia Mrs. Lesli i Whitehouse was serred and the member honored Mrs. Richard Derers with a ahower. An arranrement of sink magnolia centered the serring table. ' " Miss Juse Loc bridge and Mis Lucille Mosher left Sunday for a sty In 'Seattle, Victoria and Vancourer, BC ' i Mis Jessie McDonald 1 spend ing her holiday with her family in euon P" i -L ,i-L-- viiT, VfXUtlrt-. AV--JIT hT "tarned from a week s stay at Neskowin; !' In -thei Valley Social, Realm j LYONS At "the regular meet ing of the Methodist Ladies Aid society neiaat tnercommunny clubhouse - Mrs. Hugh Garatte, Mrs. PaulJohnston and Mr., Jack Cornforth were hostesses for a shower honoring Mrs. Bob Reed. Refreshments iwer serred to the following; Mrs. Bob Reed, t Mrs. Hugh Johnston, Mrs. Ed Spa. Mrs. Oral Tolland, Mr. Daisy Johns- ton, Mr. Hugo Hallin,-Mrs. Clyd Breseler. Mrs. Joe WeLtman. Mrs. Earl Allen.- Mrs. .Dell Westen- house, .Mr. Rudolph Brader Mr. Paul Johnston,, Mis Lois Tolland, Mrs. Hugh Garette, Mrs.-Jack Cornforth and Mr, i, Carl Reed rrom Me ham a. .j. i -. . 1 . . WOODBURN Dorothy -Austin danghter. of Mr. and IMrs.. Harold M. Austin, and Donald. Blake )Jac MUIon of - Cdar. ,Raplds. r,Iowa; wereUnarried' Saiuxfiay afternoon 3:30 iP Str Paul's - Epjjcopal nr- T-.t. ".vv,m.r.:j '"i? 7 De" T J'; Vl can the bride's -parents In Wood burn, Anniversary. Honored at -Dinner ' Mr. and Mr. Hans Raamnssoa. who were married on J 1 y t, 1 8 8 0, will j eelebrat their anni versary t dinner party la home of Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Pit tender on Chemeketa etreet. - - EeTeral ot their lx lirlnR chil dren will be present, and other relatives and , friends hare been lnrited. ' - The guests will include Mr. and Mrs. George Jtasmusson of La Grande, Rudy A. Rasmusson, Ad rian Rasmusaon, Lola Rasmusson, Mri and Mrs. Carl Rice of Fort land, Mr. Emmanuel Johnson, Mr, and Mrs. B Johnson,' Mr. and Mrs. Nelson f Rochester,? all of Mercer Island, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Harry, Johnson of Ta comi, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Ras mnsson and Mr. and Mrs.. Pitten- -- vav - . - J Hans Rasmusson was born In XLltt9i!! 1865. He crossed with his mother and father i on a sdUing ; ressel which took nine weeks. Landing at Quebeck, they proceeded to Winona, ; Minnesota, where : the family settled. v,i C , . . He was married July 9, 1880, at Morehead, Minnesota to Lena Johnson, who was born in Huston County, Minnesota, October 14, mi. The couple lired In Minnesota for many years and later-migrat- . v'A nvnt. .a 'then-tn - , ,Z7:Z r.-i Montana. They later took up land In Saskatchewan, Canada, but due to.8 f "op1.laPufe,t.er Came lu urtjua w lirlng In La Grande until 1939, when they xnored to Salem to tke up Ianent residence They hare six children liring. ana two Kranacmiaren u iuuuw. . . . . .. a Alma Rasmusson of AxteL Ne- J George A. Rasmusson of La Grande, Rudy A. Rasmusson ot Salem.Mrs. Helen Sander of Reodi, Colorado, Henry Rasmus-, n ot Alberta, Canada and Mra. Bertha Pittenger of Salem, Ore- on m - Engagement Is ,.; w , J AlUlOUnCea , , r Mrs. Ermal Cramer announced yesterday the engagement of her daughter. Miss Velma May, to Mr, John Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs.' J. Frank Hughes. Miss May at- eTned V.e nlI 1"' Willamette Unirersity and Oregon State college, where she was a member ot Pi Beta Phi. Mr. Hughes attended Oregon State college and Curtiss Wright School of Technology, in Glen- te mcmber of phl Delta Theta... , . . - JKSSS ?SHd i??Sm J1"6;. J1,'. iTt S fflL Sunday and is the guest of her .till tUtrm TnllTl T frnr Sll CM d kr mol Roberts. Mrs. Dawes ana aer mo- -"7 IUB. mer home at Agate Beach where . MT. weeks. tV , Mrs. Dawes was tUe former Mlldi Robert. - - . The Mlssovrt awrfHary will meet at S o'clock today la Marion square. Mrs. Alma Boyles . and trm "XXJaA WuoVIt will mrt BM hostesses. Hornemakers' Camp of Interest The Hornemakers racation camp planned for July S4-X8 at the Smith creek camp In the Sil rer Creek Recreation area, prom ises a delightful period ot ' rest and relaxation, and an Interest ing program, state County Agent' Harry L. Riches, who Is cooperat ing with the Oregon State Col leg Extension staff in making the arrangements; , v The specific " program, in which 'all Interested Marion county women are inrited to par ticipate la as follow: Wednesday, July 14, demonstration camp bed, relaxation, make a nam pin, get acquainted camp Are; Thursday, July 25, games tour, embroidered pars craft, rest, sing, metal craft, swimming, reaper, "My - Trip to Eu rope": Friday July 1 1 f, nature walk, sketching, the nurse ad-rises. rest, slat games, swimming, rea per, eampfir. stunts Saturday; July 27, hook talk, cratts7rest. complete crafts, election 01 camp committee, swimming,. facial, ras per and campfire stunts; Sunday, July 28, resper. i Registration for the i camp should be mad now with " th county agent In the ' postof flee building, phone ' 4111, who will furnish the needed list ot equip ment. - Excellent food - and good camp: beds will be supplied at. the camp,' but each-camper must pro ride her own bedding. . A fee of $4. SO Is charged to corer. the expenses ot the camp. Craft ma terials will be arailable at cost. The camp Is open to any Interest ed women orer' 20 year of age. and County - Agent, Riches .urges all interested women to enroll not later than Wednesday, July. 10th. .- . f , . . t .. Conserve'.Uses't Apricots" . - j. - I-- An apricot .eonserre recipe 1 practical for next winter's spread ing for hot biscuits. , -w- v' . APRICOT CONSERVE - f pound apricot - - , . . '4 cup" raisins 5 . 4 r - , , . JuJce o.2 lemon . 1 .! cups. sugar ; . 1 eups.water, -s .t Cut aprieoU: In mtvo: -remor pits. Add water. Cook slowly .until pulp ;.. may be ;..aSily pressed through a coarse strainer. Add raisins which hare been chopped,. ; lemon' juice and sugar. Cook slow ly untH a rkh.h e a r y , syrup Is formed; Pour In "sterilised Jars and ; fceaU' ' " . "i . 11 .r ... . ; - - Very - small children . can sleep 1 without pillows because their , heads are nearly as wide as their 4 shoulders. - Because an adult's shoulders are much wider tfcan . his head, a g r o wn person who sleeps on. his side needs the sup port f a pillow to arold straining his neck and shoulder muscles. Today's Menu Well hare wild blackberries In Die for dessert today. Tresh asparagus salad : Stuffed real and ; rice ' Corn oa the eoh ' ' Celery crisps ;' - - Wild blackberry pie STXJFFXD VEAJL ,AJfD RICE s cups rice ; ,v x: . l Teal breast or shoulder 1 pound pork shoulder ground r , vv : cup butter, thf -tit? wiTw '?.fe?I PORK TONGUE JARDINIERE of automaUc refriRerator; p o tt r X Ilhnn ?Ini.J? Water cook three potndiof Into howl and ieat with a rotary eiSSmBrifJ- Pork .tongue for 1 hp n r . Skin,r6eater until stiff. Fold into the choSped "nionf p?SSer Sd Dredge with flour and brown in' stiffened marshmallow mixture, sage? tll e boned "1 pasting pan. Corer with aj Uyer Pour into Uay of automat re shredded onion . to et a stock - t : -diced carrots, potatoes, celery.: frigerater and freete . until lirm. Sew with coarse i thread, and t onions and pett; Add a 'small When mixture fs partially f roren then rub the surface of ' the real amount of wter or tomato jjuice, stir thoroughly. , . - . - with salt, spread with; butter, eorer, cook slowl In the! oren i To serre, fill tall .glasses half Place the stuffed meat In s roast- 350 degrees 1 hour or until ten-, full with the frosenmiiture. Add ing pan. Add two cups of stock. der. Remore tongue, and jrege- regular-strength, freshly-made cof- Bake in a moderate oren . for table. Thicken grary with brown- fee chilled. Stir and" Serre. Make about 2 hours at 350 degrees. Re- ed flour. Serre with regeUbles as enough frozen- soixtiu tor serr- more the meat, thicken the grary f 1 I! . $ JL s49 T end S1.95 Whites, pastels, batistes, sheers. All reduced. I ' I : . c skminir fin rV"Wf ' It " Is an -. - -r m t SKIRTS T Si85 S2.95 S3.95 Blacks naries, tweed. All reduced. Blouses 1 -i f t 1 . 4, V-: I . I" . : g:ggLJ&51& ter with hot teri. with hot cooked rice. Poor the grary orer the rice serre th rrarr In a bowl with the rice mo mc. t v . j..... t senrings. . Tongue Cooks in Vegetable Mix I UM hoQ8e wires than lamb or beef but serre the same purpose Here's a recipe tnai aaapu Itself a garnish to the tongue. ' Smart Shop's semi-annual clear ance sale is the signal for a "Value-feast" for women. You'll haye to see this merchandise to appreciate the" savings! Fill out your wardrobe needs at this great sale! .... PRESSES -CJ&3- - 6 Dresses for sports, afternoon -or venlna wear. Blacks. rKP- vies. and cakiels. Ori rfece.-' end jacket styles. Were ikp'y to $24.75. - - Others $2.95 to $16.75 Tailored and dressma ker types were up to $19.75. - - ' ' Others $12.85 to $24.75 SAT Blacks, navies "and tweeds. You'll wear one of these coals Into the fall. Were, up to"$24.74. 510 Others $12.S5 to $39.50 Here's your chance to stock up on sweaters. All toIots. Were ; upto$2.95. ; " '': ' J mm and I H U''' if lI I it riCIS T ICXVOr, . . r - - ; A frosen specialty use coie. vvi - " COFFEE MELLOW FLOAT 82 marsbmallows . . 1 cup double strength freshlr- made coffee ' 1 cups evaporated milk .' coffee orer the marchmallowa and stir until dissoirea; cnm unui thoroughly by pouring into tray ings. 4 l Cmall Charge for Alteration The hat yon need 'now at a fraction of its or iginal prle . Were up to 7.95. , $1X3 : T ! $1.43 $1.95 - I JSpdrt i ' "4 - . : ". 1 . -oSsOS . All . drastically reduced. Were OP to I10.S5. , J i i f !J 2L y .7 '-s : HATS Jackets