The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 09, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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    PAC- hys
Local Kevs Briefs
- Beekod by Police -Charged by
city " police yesterday with, viola
tlon of basic rule were Clarence
R.: BadeTstrom, ; LemooTe, Calif.,
and Ben F. Doerksen. route tour.
Harold Reisers, Hubbard and
Margare A. Will, 1185 North
Commercial street; were charged
with failure to observe stop
signs. Charged with drunkenness
were John Anderson, transient.
George Holland. 8 9 5 Bellevne
street, and Joe Harris, Salem. .1,
Nelson, roots two. .was charged
with running: a red light and with
baring no driver's license. kV.C.
Joeekel, route' one. was charged
with reckless driving. W. J.
Farley, transient, was charged
with vagrancy, i .
Waitress wanted. Must have ex
perience. The Spa.
Enlist ia Army The two latest
Salem young men to enlist in the
army through the local recruiting
station are Panl. E. Banta. son of
Mrs. Carrie E. Wlnthrow, 236S
Clauds street, for the air. corps
west coast training center, Mof
fett field. Calif.; and Orris J.
Kongtser. 694 North Commercial
street, for the 75th coast artil
lery, . Forth Lwis, Wash. .
Waitress wasted. Must bars ex
perience. The Spa.
Health Director Hrre Ir.
Robert H. Riley, director of the
Maryland state department of
health, with headquarters la "Balti
more, called on Dr. Vernon A.
Douglas. Marion county health
officer, yesterday seeming. Dr.
Riley is making a tear of the
westers states.
Art Vleary at Cantos Tavern.
Chest Klekett Set 'The Com
munity Chest campaign executlvs
committee met yesterday boob for
routine business. The campaign
organization is fast taking form
aad la expected to be complete
soon. Tho date of the campaign
kiekoff Is set at September 20.
Doiflai McKay Is campaign
chairman. '
Views Pageant Oonstmctloa
Doris Smith, pageant director,
yesterday visited the fairgrounds
to check oa construction of the
huge stages for the Centennial
pageaat to be held on July 11,
August 1, 2 and 2. She expressed
her pleasure at the way the sets
are being built and stated that
this set was by far the finest she
had ever seen.
In Parade Tonight Salem
Whiskerlnos, booster organization
for the Centennial celebration
here July SI to Autvit 4. will
participate in the eterans of .For
eign Wars parade at Corrallls to
night. The annual state conren
tlon of the veterans la bow in
progress there.
Picnic Today The- Past Presi
dents' club of the Women's Re
lief corps will meet at the fair
grounds today for an all-day Pic
nic. ' ;
Club WW Meet The West Sa
lem To wnsend dab win bare an
Ice cream- social tonight In the
city halL The Mitchell entertain
ers are in charge et the program, j
, Board Meets Tharsday The
board f directors of the YMCA
win meet Thursday noon. July 11.
for the regular business meeting
for the month. v
McMnhffl -George
W. McMahlH, at the
residence, route 7, Salem, July 7,
at the age of 88 jean. SurvlTed
by a son. Edwin L. McMahUl of
Salem; sister. Mrs. Ella R. Taylor
f Gravity. Iowa. Services will be
held Tuesday, July f, at 2 P. m
from Clongh-Barrick chapel. In
terment IOOP cemetery. '
Aileen Josephine Garrison, late
resident of Aumsville, Ore., at a
local hospital, Jaly 8, at the age
of 21 years. Survived by husband,
Chester C Garrison, and infant
son. Ronald Chester Garrison, of
Aantsvtlle; parents. Mr. and Mrs.
R. R. Harmon, of Molalla, Ore.:
stoters, Kirs Betty Harmon of
Molalla, Mrs. Floyd Abrahameon
ef Canhy and Mrs. Archie Moore
ef PoTtlendr brothers, Derrell
sad Kenneth Harmon of Molalla,
Robert Hanson of Oakland.
CaDf.; grandmother. . Mrs. M. E.
Parker ef Lambertsoa, Minn. Fu
neral announcements later by
Clougk-Berriek company.
!. ' Beviagton
Julia May Bering-ton, 71. form
erly et Eugene, at a local hospital.
July t. Survived by a son. Lewis
of Boise, Idaho. . Faneral en
noan cements later from the Ter-wiinger-Edwsrds
Funeral hone.
Ottc '
Julius Otto, at . th residence,
2118 Center street. Jury 4, aged
at years. Survivors Include ' a
daughter. Mrs. C F.-Schalenbnrg
ef Sheridan, two other daughters
and four sens; 22 gran achildren
and five great grandchildren. Re
maine in care of Walker A How
ell funeral home. Services Friday.
July 12, at 2 p. nu from St John'a
Lutheran church. North lith and
A streets, with Walker A Howell
Funeral heme In charge. Rev. R.
W. Gross will officiate. Conclud
ing services at Lee Mission ceme
tery. is eowmtvrra iaki
e V
w. , .
n v s -
Coming Events
Jaly ft). to 10 Oregon state
bar examinations.
July 14 - Missouri society
picnic, Portland.
July 21- Indian picnic,
Corrallls. I
jHly 80-31, lAoay 1 1H lire
stock Judging and crops tour.
July 81. Aug. 1-4 Salem
Centennial celebration.
Mlakters to! Meet The 'minis
ters of Salem are Invited, by Rev.
Robert Hutchinson, president of
the Ministerial association, and C.
A. Hells, to attend a meeting at
the Centennial! headquarters this
morning at 10 o'clock. The ob
ject of the meeting Is to discuss
with Mrs. Doris Smith the
churches participation in the
pageant and to. complete plans
for the church observance on
Sunday, August 4.
Pay your bills by the 10th and
keep your credit good.
Picnic July 21 Former mem
bers of the old Third Oregon regi
ment, which served on the Mexi
can border in 191C and in the
World war, will hold their annual
picnic July 21 at Pat's Acres near
Can by. Jake Fahrer of Salem la
rice-president of the state organi
sation. Salem men on the picnle
committee are Phil Rtsgle, Law
rence A. Brown and Aubrey
Tusstng. j
Lars florist. P. 2SS2.12TS K. Lib.
Win Trmrti B Trimming Bar
bars Cook and father Arnold, ef
8alem will start swimming in
structions this morning at the
new pool at Silverten. The pool
opens at J a. nu, with, non-swimmers
and beginners 12 years and
Tr reeetvtng instruction to
:4I; sdalts, 8:eS to lt.'ie; non
swimmers and beginners 7 to 11
yeara old. 10:10 to 11:15; swim
mers. 11:15 to noon; life saving
classes. 12:15 to 1:36.
Licemeee Given -Among valley
folk receiving marriage licenses
yesterday at Taacourer, Wash.,
were Johnny Thomas Anderson,
Salem, and Dorothy 'Marie South
wick, Salem route four; Clinton
H. Lord and Lola R. Barker, both
of Willamlna, and Robert C. Rie
wald and Gertrude Anna Kuhn,
both of West Salem.
Held for Portland! Jefferson
Westfall, Carly Mo., was arrested
by city police let the bus depot
here yesterday ion an information
from the Portland police depart
ment charging him with larceny.
He was released later to Port
land police. I
Pasture Has Fire City Fire
men were yesterday called to ex
tinguish , the first grass tire of
the season in I Bush's pasture,
which suffers ! grass fires nearly
every year. The fire was a small
one in the center of the large pas
ture area In south Salem.
i '. ,"
Sincere to Broadcast The Sa
lem' Centennial Sincere will re
hearse at the i YMCA toniht at
7:10 and broadcast at Site. Et
erett Craven 1 the director and
Alice Crary 'Brown the accompa
nist. There are about 40 members
of the club. ,
Club No. S to. Meet Townsend
club No. 2, wilj meet tonight at 8
o'ciock at j. 7 in ana uourt streets.
Refreshments will be served.
Elsie Lundy, 48, in this city
July T. Late resident of 1555
Nortii Capitol
street Wife of
mother of Amid,
Barry Lnndy;
Alvln and Geraldine. all of Cali
fornia; sister of Kd, Fred and
Dorsey Bone of Denver, Colo.,
Emmett of Wyoming, Lettle But
terfleld, of Burlington, Calif., Arty
Hargraves of Colorado. Funeral
announcements later from W. T.
Rlgdon company.
' Hansen
Henry C Hansen, at the family
residence In Shaw, July f , at the
age of years. Survived by one
sister, Mrs. B. E. Brnemmer of
Klron, lows, Fuseral naneanee
uents later from the Waller es
Howell funeral home. .
WalLhaif -Jess
D "Bird" WalttnCat the
family heme la Polk, county San-
day, July T.
st the- es of 82
years. Survived by widow, Mrs.
Cora WalHnn
of Salem; daught-
era. Mrs. Era
Parnne of Amity,
Stewart of Oswego,
Mrs, Gertrude
lira Xlhel Mott )f Salem, sons.
Jesse XX of Salem, Harold C. of
Portland; brother; Great Walling
of Dayton, Ore.; sister, Mrs. Alice
Posneroy of Ktmberly, Idaho; fire
grandchildren! '.-.sad two sreat
grandehildrsni Sarvicss will be
held at the Clongh-Barrick chapel
Wednesday. Jaly IV, t 2 . m.
Interment in IZeas cemetery.
- -r - -. -:jj .'.v :
. ' if ' CUlswsy -
Martha CaUaway of Brownsville,
Or., July 8, at a local hospital.
8urvlvsd by widower, Ned Calla
way; sup-daughter, Mrs. William
A. Hlrjrlns of ' Seattle; ' sisters,
Maud E. Bell of Gresham, Mrs.
Homer MeDonongh of Salem, Mrs.
Michael Dick! of Oakland, Calif.,
Miss Vera Morris of Portland:
brothers, C. C Morris of Salem
and W. C Morris of Turner. Fu
neral announcements later from
the Qlough-Barrlck company,
Yfi bolaa
George BT.I Colgan, late resi
dent ef 1242 Waller street, Salem,
July 7, at the age- of 70 years.
Survived by Irldow, Mrs. Jennett
Ann Colgan Of Salem; daughter,
Mrs., Harriet DeLangh of Marion;
sons, Orral f Modesto, Calif.,
Francis and Harold of Salem.
Lester et GrsnU Pass; . seven
grandchildren also survive. Serv
ices will be held Tuesday, July 2,
at It: St a. t. at-Clocgh-Barrlck
chapel with P.v. Oscar W. Payne
officiating. Interment will be in
Belcrest Memorial park.
Vhy ;Bd Sic!:? ;
this s 3 t my fflcs en
or before Jaly 13, 1040, sntl Sfc
wta entitle yon to appoint
ment for s free spinal -tsy.
en. nor c cccnnji
: - Palmer CLlroprnrtor
40 CJ!. Dank Dl6g- - Pi-
Bassett Meld
30-Day Jail Penslr ataled
by Court; Appeal Is
Undertaken ! s
:": ; - -i ' S-'A'-l
Order 1 was signed yesterday
finding Raymond F. Bassett, de
fendant In a contempt case-arising
out of alleged non-payment of
2290 , in alimony 'assessments,
guilty of contempt of court for
failure to pay, and ordering him
confined to the Marion' eoonty
Jail for a 80-day peilod.' ' -
The defendant followed -the
court'a action at once by an- ap-
peari to the supreme court, ac
companied by a bond to cover the
coats of the appeat : ? j -It
remained questionable,5 how
ever, whether the appeal and ac
companying bond! would be suf
ficient to avoid the Jail sentence
while; the supreme, court i. con
siders the case.,- i. : ,:; ... .
Yesterday's order follows a
previous hearing in which! : the
court found ' Bassett in contempt.
and gave hlnv 10 days in which to
purge himself by payment of the
2390. . i ' ' -,?
; Circuit Court .
"Albert and Elizabeth Dorn
bnsch vs. Melvln Johnson and
others: answer of defendants.
Hawkins and Roberts vs. M.
Clifford Moynlhan; sherlfTa re
turn on 81027.94 Judgment
shows nothing collected.
L. F. Tucker ; and CUrenee
Morley as Tucker and Mor ley vs.
R. L. Harris; transcript of record
from Mt. Angel Justice coart
A. J. picker and others vs.
Victor Xavld; Judgment renewed
for 1 f-year period oa petition of
Rex Albright, attorney for plain
tiff, i
Brunetta MerrQI vs. Herbert
Merrill; divorce decree graatlng
eustody of child to plaintiff and
912.50 tnosrt&ly support mosey.
N. K. Winslow vs. Karl J. Barr
and others; plaintiffs waiver of
Jury trlaL t : j
Nancy IL Skewls and Leonard
B. Judson as Skewls and Judson
vs. E. E. Lindsay; supplementary
statement of account states ma
terials and labor were furnished
on reasonable value.
Velma Bradford vs. Elbert M.
Bradford; divorce complaint al
leges cruel and Inhuman i treat
ment and asks custody of two
children tor plaintiff and $f
support money; married Jane 17,
1925 In Salem j
Frank J. Sherwood vs. J. L.
Calvin and others; plaintiffs cost
bill of 994.95 allowed.
Frederick A. W. Berger . vs. Pa
cific Greyhound lines and Buss
Clarence Quinby; defendant al
lowed to Jaly 18 to file amended
motion for new trial. - :
Edwin Jacebsoa and wife, vs.
Leland A. Moore and wife; i form
al order Impounds crop . involved
pending trial. I
E. H. White to. Harry Baurer;
return la gmrnlshment proceed
ings states Evergreen Timber
company holds none ef defend
ant's property. I
Carma Bell, admlnlstratrtx of
John L. Bell, vs. Frank-E. Brown;
order striking complaint and) al
lowing 20 days In which to file
amended complaint." . .
Probate Court ,
Joseph P. Bressler estate;! semi
annual account of Francis E.
Bressler, executrix, shows re
ceipts, 94160.25 and disburse
ments the same; cash on: hand
Jennie Lawrence " estate; ap
praisal of Bernard Plas, George
Haines and Mike Landwlng at
91010. of which. 8950 is in real
property. L !
Effie E. Hicks estate; inherit
ance tax of 8228.97 assessed on
931,769.54 legacy of Kerta Bon
dell, daughter, and eole heir; ex
ecutor's final account lists body
of estate at 888.028; final hear
ing; set for August 12. p
James Ernest Welch estate;
final decree awarded Dora M.
Welch. ,
Edna J. Brown estate; August
It set for final hearing.
Marvin L. Schuster estate; -(Joseph
B. Felton aamad. adminis
trator, and Herbert Chandler. Joel
Naalin and Chrlntena Chandler,
appraisers, of reel and personal
property valued, at 8500.
Elton Taylor Lafky estate; or
der waiving appraisal; Inventory
of Herman B. Lafky shows. 8288
received frets Lewis ; Jadson as
settlement of damages owing;
ward for ittjarles.
Richard Walker estate; final
account of Leonard Walker, es
ecater, shews receipts and dis
harsemeata of II07IJ4; trust
agreement fUed between executor
and Pearl Lodge Ko. 8t of the
Maaoas for sfkeep of cemetery
tl la Stolen Dan O'Brien, 881
North Commercial street, report
ed to potiee yesterday that a man
who had been staying at hie
hense stele two five' dollar bills
from a parse in a dresser drawer.
Name aad description of the sus
pect were fumiabtd police.
Has Arpendectoxsy Leonard
Hewitt of Delake underwent an
appendectomy Sunday st the Dea
coness hospital. Ills condition is
reported aa good4 yH-:-
' Clark lletnrns---First Aid Cap
tain Percy L. Clark has returned
to duty after spending two iweeks
st the Red Cross Aquatic school
at Issaquah, Wash, , -
Lrsxnax. 4iamiBss come yens
here. Lsrgti amounts ... tts&U
amonnts . we have plaos for
oota. uvstcifate new w-.tfcotrt
oUIcation. Ltp U or wriul
Servians ! & ' Lcccn Jlsa'a
129 S. liberty - rh. CC-01
Scions oi!i5ntM
- -
This groop of yonns; EnglUh nobfllry is pictured jnst afW diarmbarkins from liner that bronsztt them
to Montreal from England. Left to risfat, they are: Angus and Jeremy James, standing with Miss
Tesetia Fa wens; the Earl of March and the Hon. Gordon Lennox, sons of the Daks of Richmond; Lord
' Edward Cavendish and the Hon. George 8t. Lawrence Poneonby, eon of the Earl and Countess of Beee
borongh. : The children will remain in Canada for the dnraUom."-HW photo. i ' "
lots; final hearing set for An rust
12.- - J .
W. H. Barghardt setatej final
decree granted EmmeUne L Ludl
Barghardt, executrix, r n
Mary prodrabsky eaute; final
hearing set for Aagust t.
Howard Ernest Ostria guard
ianship' Gustavo A. Ostria au
thorised to disburse 818 monthly
for ward's wpporV 1 ? 1
Ole Dieted estate; Shepherd A
Briggs, adminUtrator, i authorised
to convey deed to real property to
A. S. Bartsoff. i
9. J. McKee estate final ac
count of Gertrude Dickinson Me
kee. administratrix, shows re
ceipts. 82891.(3; disbursements,
9816.11, turkey expense, 81
544.22; final hearing set for
August 5. !
Laura Rand Terrill estate; "CY
T. Terrll, administrator, author
ised to seU stocks. j
Eatherlns Bradley, i knows as
Katie Bradley, estate; John
Joerg named executor and Earle
M. Dane, Berlin Atkins and W.
J. Moriarty, appraisers, of 12000
personal property estate; win
leaves 220 to Cloyce Joerg,
grandson, Portland, and remaind
er to John Joerg, son, Woodbum.
Milton Arthur and Altha Irene
McClaln gnardianshlp; J. Deo Mc
Claln shows receipts, 8858 and
disbursements, 9S23.11. In an
nual report i as guardian.
Thomas Kirk estate; lnherit
ance tax receipt for $781.88.
i Jastiee) Court
Richard D. Howard, defective
mufGer, fiaed 91. )
Harry A Fuller, 10 PUO 11
cenieilnid l,4.v4r-,i,-"
Albert J, McKay, j drunk cm
highway, pleaded guilty and sen
tence continued to July 12. On
charge of driving; an automobile
following revocation of driver's li
cense, pleaded gnllty atfd fined
$25 and sentenced to 20 days,
sentence suspended on payment
of costs and fine, but held in
abeyance oa granting of appeal in
coart ; i
Millard Orey, failure to give
right of way to pedestrian, fined
81. i r i "
Leroy H. Westergoerd, failure
to stop, fined $1.
- ftlarriage Lieeass
Dan A. Tarpler, 24, farmer,
route five, Silvertoa, and Jennie
R. Glsse, 18, domestic. Turner.
. Donald Blake MacMillaa, legal,
student Cedar Falls, ! Iowa, and
Dorothy Corrlnne Austin, legal,
student, Woodbum. :
DG&3 V0L1
ct th famcvt
FC3TUU:D 0:3
v Sm 1 tier i3 seliatai b ,
EKTfffsirhj 1:53 a, n. .
( lecesd Her) " :
aw Serf rizrIS assrs b Ita-
fx $a t&f, trriraj 83 ;.n.
. (inw tort?
SaTB 5-3 asarli it IU
Lsaia, sznrisj 73 a. xa. ..
fTMrs Cmrl
" Use this speedier servies as
; save yoej tim. Aix-eoaU-
ttened onlpment for all
" classes of tzaveL
- yjrsieascqeswl'A tke ' '
; PeriUsa Mmm, Uwit ef
Soatltern j Pacifle Agent, . or,
write J. C4CemmlBg, Con.'
rass. Agent, Fittock Clock,',
1 sZ)
) r' s
)) I liTTijllH' :. C f If! f I
FSA Panose Farms in Crounly;
Resettlement of Tenants Is Purpose
Purchase of at least fiva fanns in Marion county in the
next few months will be financed by the government through
the farm security administration' tenant farm purchase
Swimming Classes
To Start Thursday
Great enthusiasm Is being
shown for the seventh consecutive
"Lean to Swim" contest, spon
sored by the American Red Cross
In cooperation with the city
schools and the city of Salem. The
campaign starts Wednesday morn
ing, at Olinger and Leslie pools.
Registration win take place Wed
nesday and classes start Thurs
day. - 1 y '
The free classes are open to
everyone except those who are
too young, to take care of themselves.-'
Vernon Ollmere. director
of the playgrounds, points ont
that the main ides behind the
campaign is to teach safety in
water ia order to have pleasure
with safety. Each successful stu
dent will be awarded a Red Cross
certificate. Claasee will be held
THE STATESAIAN is gola to spend the Suittmer at the Oregon Beaches.
THE STATESMAN! eoins oyer crerr mondnir early, tlw Terr morning it is printed.
so that it can spend the day with you while you stretch' your toes and let the sunlight
tetUeintoyowliinV- ;..
THE STATESMAN) will keep you in touch with' things in Salem and the country
around it while you're fithing f or crahf and steeping the sand out of your hair. It will
be a good coiapaxuWibr yott on your vacation. .
THE STATESMAN has inade 8peal witli pottpfllce authorities and
stage lines In order to Join you at tho earliest possible hour every day. It will he delir-
rwl tK day it is
';.:-! , OneGoI:;: M o;,
WMMMMMiM0no-moiitli .50c V ;' ?; ; ': - . - .
Your local carrier will collect on your return. r
'. . . ... , ....... ... - .... -
Uh'ethVr you are sroihs to the sa ehcre cr the Mountains, THE STATESMAN will fol-to-
there too. Szzns Uzi e, 2in(j rate. 1 ,
Canadian Haven
program, caariee .noes, manager
of the local FSA office, said yes
terday. The program was extend
ed Saturday to this county along
with Deschutes aad Coos couatiee.
. Appointment of a county ten
ant purchase committee to re
view applicants, appraise farms
and recommend acceptance of
Qualified tenants will be made
within 20 days. -
Formerly only chattel loans
were made to needy farmers
through the local office. The new
extension enables farms to be
bought and then resold to farm
ers who do not own their own
farms. Payments win be extend
ed over a 40-year period.
With the addition of t h e s e
three counties, 10 Oregon coun
ties are how Included In terms of
the Bankhead-Jones act Others
are Clackamas. Linn. Lane. Jack
son, - Lincoln, Malheur and Wal
lows. for beginners. Intermediates,
swimmers, Junior life saving and
senior life saving.
printed at the following po
Taft "
Cullor City
Dopoo Bay
to nnvs men yc c:i youd vncanoii. ezo.3 oior
Burned Building
Win Be Repaired
Theuer and Hughes Given
$550.0 Permit; Many
Permits Issued ;
F. A. Theuer and S. A. Hughes
were issued a- building permit
yesterday tor- 85500 repairs on
their building at 240-242 South
Commercial street which was
gutted by fire a week ago Sun
day. .
The building I4 occupied by the
T L Kuhns 4 service station'
equipment ' company and the
Stevenson company, tiro recap
pers. The. upstairs portion of the
building, an apartment occupied
by the Theuera,!: was also dam
aged. -. .' .1'
Other permits 3 Mrs. Florence
Irwin to repair dwelling at 445
North 12th street 8100; S. J. Ar
nold, to erect one story dwelling
and garage at 2485 Myrtle av
enue, 82250; Hessle Donaldson
to alter dwelling at 1288 Marlon
street 825; Mrs. N. Bisson to re-roof-
dwelling': at 840 Richmond
avenue, 850; Kills II. Jonee . to
erect 1 story dwelling and ga
rage - at 2110 South ; Cottage
street 14400; Mrs. Blanche L.
Jonee to reroof dwelling at 808
South Church street, MS; L. K.
Cotterman to repair dwelling at
1078 Highland avenue. 888; Wil
lis S. Moore to reroof bouses at
22T South Winter street 840, and
1480 D street 845; L. A. Bird to
reroof shed at 481 North High
street 815, and Susan Lynee to
repair dwelling at 1(58 South
High Street 888.
Registration Low,
Non-Resident Cars
- Non-resident, motor vehicle reg
istrations in Oregon tor June,
1840, aggregated 18,788, as com
pared to 21,818 tor Jane last
year. Secretary of State Earl
Saell reported yesterday, r v
For the first six months of
Tost Thrill
Scotch Graham
cd You Grocer's
Oitor Hoclr
Ocean Pari:
ilgato Beach
m m
Seal Hoc!:
1840 non-resident registrations"
numbered 47,182 as against 52.
014 tor the similar period In
1228. -
Officials attributed the de
crease in registrations this yearr
to uncertainty resulting from
the war scare.
Election Supplies
Ordered by State
Ordering supplies for the No
vember election got under . way
here ' yesterday through Dave
O'Hara, head of the state elec
tions bureau. . ' ; J
O'Hara said a large number
of printed forms were required
for the election,, including poll
books and t a 1 1 y sheets. These
sup plies are furnished , to the
counties at state expense. The
eonnties -provide ballots and vot
ing booths and pay members of
the election boards. 1 -
The state elections bureau also
will direct the printing of the
combined voters and measures
pamphlets to be Issued prior to
the general election.
We are deeply gtateful to our
many friends for' the flowers and
kindness shown us in our sudden
loss of dear wife and mother.
' " B. J. TUCKER and Family.
1 ALL 3
v'l AmiAlJCES r
May Now So Purchased
for Only
. 8)2X3 j
Pet Veei
Per Me.
Per Mo.
Per Bio.
fetxi nun
teesn Electrie Iron :
With Any Combination ef
1 Two or Mors Norge
Anpllanees j ,
S3A X,
. Phone
IIILL at ?jv:1.
JL i
--( - . -.z- f-' . .- : ,