F0U3 n c: "No 'aiw Swotm tla: Aro fir ca Awr From first 8tatesmsta March IS. Bits for; Brealifast mortal Storm" ByB." THIS STAT KSM AN PUBI JSHtNQ COJ CHAKI.Ka A 8PRAUUH Preetdeat j - I HonM ot r AaaMirialed Preee tha Associated Pieee ewluaiteiy entitled to !? paWk-ailoci of e aWwa diapatebee credited to U or aot the. wtM eredltad la Xtvr die minds wertn-ttTta? on I "" ' '. . T--0 the Indian affairs- ? of Oregon la year ISM i . Uie skookum hoose at Slletxi Coming to the dealt of thla eol nmnitt la a com of the "Report f hjt CnmmimAioner of Indian Af fairs." Department of the JntaJ lor, for 1S5 oaiea nowmwr - tst that rear, nublished laliT rVnn Wl1lnr(fi1t. D.' C ' r.i iilitaHa volume!' COTrtaln- tn hAnft soft vnxea. has a lot of I Oregon news mat was; ui uu-i f Few Initiative Measures CA. 4V m Via nvocil mew? finds thnnphtS for fully OUPIW, lewer J- wtte 0- Aloa with this aid tea com. tneir sppetra cT"" T?I3 3 m, aeveral newspaper cuppings, uaiw eon initiative toaiiot tms ian wm not wo wuwusu r, ures. freak or otherwise. There will be only three. r. rLrrr?rV:l Tf K- with mean- HTerai wspaperp ffOn lniUaUve Ballot iau . .7 1 - lla 1S30 as a earner; - - ii M . i r CT nmjirmm Will AJS III II w ------ - hi m r I W K H h v w ? "Star prble i ij; not is eTidenee; sent ty Carter. Of coarse that was MJT. years vote in!538 which inr--SSd the number of aiatarea re- oton vote in -..V " " .... nT,v,- fn. iaw which prohibits navment of petition circulators, though it is a bit disconcert- well lBOWll early pioneer, p paynrent x t"" " Tv,ori - iMf fwn of the three! r. M. carter, who for IS yeaj mg 10 aavance u f.Wi"" iT M was roTernment physician at tlk measures for wmcn pemions were wiuw- of the coast maua ly "special interest" lejasiation. v-ii!,.,vtr,o resermtlon. and for fonr yaars. These are the proDosais for legalizing pinball rnachines prior to is9i, mdian AsMnt-at and nernTitW private sale of liqnor. Their inspiration is siiets. The -sileta News' mafc. olSSSraSW ftgr scarcely e crcal com- --gg-S ment-though it will be forthcoming never fear, and nghy bq ffind and pleMant th?t w. so for their opponents cannot afford to be too complacent hardly that it waswinter Uw. an issue upon which there is. room for a difference of nwed from 4S to;5 opinion. It is a complicated question which will require ol degree8. Not enoagh snow has ?vl rnWientious voter an amount of study which he can fallen to track a rabbit. stoekvu worus xi a uuu sjk ----- - . . jjt-r I some unprvBuMM be called upon to decide, even though the decision so directly itat on aU tnter. .ff vpVt citizen. The legislature has had the tailk con- - k trol svstem "on trial" since the 1939 session and might better l?l?VinirA dpciaion e&rlv next year. nave r" . : , ' . A-. I Its place a nlc The Oregon electorate snouia, now wias f hariag a nice past, express its gratitude that the list of measures is so short v ?! j v jw micxlinor over the usual M K-tejSiK Vh? lot crbelThas Sateful that the proposed amendment to the nnemployment Igs" thAa 89 as compensation law wai not successfully inlUatea; ior ii mere R warnliit: to the law breakers in anr function of state government SO complicated that it that they mast behare themselrea, U 52rr??e the province of the casual voter to attempt or la they so. its modification, it ia unemployment iiisurance. 7 a l.w4reaker has laa- Since there, will be pressure upon the legislature to en- thert ta days ront by aad act admendments to this law similar to those set forth In the 0fta thejrwere fed only a bread WtS S failed, it is appropriate to say in wat, wh did ao oft.. PMaing that the proposed cfaangea are vicious, for the moat jw be reputed on t aaae part. -liberalization" or tne compensauoa vkxu " -Discipline had to be very strict hoiany hmed fsatarea contracted. aim, and -this might have proven a uangerousiy jwpuiat to the early days of the raserra- -Then, Effsnll, thU xaeana that cause since the payroll tax Which supports this program 4s tion. Bnt these things hare all Uxiat Kllroor has beaa mardar rtT.T,firlv hv emnlovera. Actually, increasing payments to passed away and with It the edr That the odelrrered Am- the minimum "going wage'- is not in the public interest; t2u va, the indlaa people will Usttt't leaa to cob- elimination or experience raxing wouiu uavo wc w chuioaa, thenso.' Hon upon employers who maintain steady payrolls? and the I like . oOier chief inspector fallacy that employers alone are "stuck" for the costs may oe ." tu refuted by CUOting tnat OUtsxanaing cnampwa o buum also tree-of the white people, mritv. the nresident of the United States: "Taxes are paid I The decree went forth, lonr age in tne swear OI every naa wuy aw ' 0 o - J Mf . ,4gafc. 1 '" 1 1 1 DIovs Bohind Today's News -, 7?-':.:r -'-.Br PAUL MlLLOn "Mr. Kosydar has wrecked tha I old guard hoaso and has pat ia 1U place a alee cottage. Ho is also rarare duiic This imnrores his property very ranch. The old guard house. bS. ' iVsaw By Vca WyckMtioa 99 The Kgyptlaa eergeanfs that ytm must earn your living by CUts strode ia. vnahavea. bloodshot of eyes aad haggard. His dark! bine amtfersa was-paled by dast. -Morning. Captain,'" ae said dully. "I see yoa're becotaa as- . . a s a. ikM inn (vraimr - nminm iiuiiiiilv -ui opportunity to exercise their judgment i double liabihty of bank stockholders, increased legislative pay, the fall primaxy. lifting of theltenure restriction on two important state of- the white 1. "SOets was one of the most im- fiees, provision for tax bases for new municipalities, regula- portaatraUoas to tho United KUgoar?" t atroeltv. "Tee. Hoslaa asaiast hope. Hugh North pat the nestiea he dreaded to ask. MAay trace of Mfrndnm measnrea with a little more confidence; they have already endured the scrutiny of the legislature traced him as far as 1 niim erratlon.- eomoosed. ot aboat III n..n.t different tribes. They were taken ' vHlage downstream," froia-thflr aonM-: "ICHvo amphfled. !Ha was seea rldlnf with a wait maa la an open ear.": ! : "Ton got a description of the aa with Mar ir , -Tea." CSlvo dropped heavily lata a chair. "WhyT" dcrwcess in those parts requires theristfaur ad- aaaA ueoSol rniniatraUon T to nominate its auccessor, who willuthen be nt m m4rW to S"1 verbal akatck Democracy in Action IHexicarr Style aad fishing gronnds la the sonth era anil soath western part of Ore- Tha Wno-bath which the Mexicans On Sunday chose J rrrers of their home land, and to call an election is a fairly good indication of democracy brought npon tt. relation in action south of the border. Crudely atatea, xne peaceiui ; -r r- - 5 dealy. Be uttered a brittle langh. -WsU. she's making- aaoro head way than I thought," "Tea. It's half of the saxa la tended to purchase the late-lamented Folloasbee'a whole eargo. Iv no Idea where eh got ft." "Who signed itt" That's the eatch." was North's add comment. There's only a fingerprint and the odd part of it is your pretty -little protegee unite forgot no men tion wkoee it waa. - -' -Tom doa't sound as if you trusted her," Cllva observed. "Doat It" Korth sxaHed. -She knows plenty about what is back of these serter ktraage. lfnke ao mistake about that." "I doa't," snapped the Eag llAnman. sad he flashed a lltle. -She's deneed clever, beautlfur and altogether the most r- -By the Lord Harry!" dive mlagltd also deoertp- - CUve started up, eyes aarrow od. -He's the one who had tha Cilatto-Putrtn automata- aad: the Grand Prix ammunltloal - oa." J -By Jove, T atro a let to lay my hand on aim. ; -No doubt, but ' what good would ft doT Tea caa't arrest nnrwvu Viw a moiml from another part of the country, or 1 trol them. It must be said ot the with another brand of voter-appeal. The two wffl: then go l Jm sapod ta asahat mJ through the motions of eampaigninjr for baJlotSjjeach fuUy & 'SSSPJAS yS& I? S V .Vn.,U V nnnAtiMlt will mTiV . " .T" biases OlA you g regard it as a victory in the first round of a fight which U indlaa win be eeem ao more ta ,T-Aboard Vkmipldes yacht. The by no means over. a , ' VvL To citizens of this country, used to the relatively quiet SF'tSl aboard. laeMeatailr. i-r tha -ruZ!zZr? Vv Inn annnlanted the votin- fffl'... ame f eflow wha ehaafieared mo t j a v.v.-rv. imm tf)i unrt f I .t.. ... ih..i..i. v. I the aigat Kacuca sues Bar xiuls vi ma uiucr auu v" "- i - . - ""iiira.1 political pnxe-iignung seems a uiue laracai. a .wb vl nZZZTZZ- rt, but the spiritdocratic totte sense fSSJSS fc which it is understood, in this republic seems to be totally w tlMltr ln thmt duty, iaissing, so that the votes cast by the Mexican electorate Dr. Carter was attempting; to seem to be of little more value than the "Ja" ballots of a euote James rentoore Cooper, Hitler plebescite. - BOt Tmj Jasper.) iy , But this election, however mishandled it may appear to The -snets News" eondudedr h in it Tfirni conaeauences. is bv no means funny. It is, -Mr. aad Mrs. Georxe P. Miller of on th ennfrnrv. a nractical demonstration of exactly how I Cottago Grove are on a visit at Ulna." u i iiZ4- rArVia. f omvnira horlGUes Ollp'a. They axe the father I "i caa. He carries weapoas !T S, - ,r -XTiW-T, u,d mother of Mrs. OMa. They without a permit," was the po- actually is down Mexico way. and exactly how competent the txLA tt. road was fine and they ucV omcer'airrttahle eontradio. Mexican people are to deal with the responsibilities of rep- made the trip from Cottars Grove tion. t vM.ntAtlv mvprnmmr to SDeU la six hours." (That was -That's so. But wevo ao posl This is not a new conclusion, nor a particularly original I Ume' Ten f or .1 . Uve proof of anythlag la coa- oae. It is one. however, which has particular significance "'"i .4? in the present era of pan-American solidarity based on a on th spot where had steed the I heim to the other's jangled "mmmnnitv of interest amonr the "democatic,' governments -skookam- house both show that I Mrr- - of the Americas. It shows as clearly as anything can show !SwArt toto T tt Si,,rtt. the fundamental political dichotomy which exists j between "f1 j otnanVa-1 America north of the border and that aouth. It shows fur- UeU was one of the moot COar. North's tact and pUence ther that social cleavages, cultural interest, forms of political important reservations in the were tried bat ha did not want rHnn nil Hiffor KntnVnllv mnd fnndAmntAllv onee lhe Ensr. United States: ia.lSSt more than uaihorne oJatnrbed II lust yet. lish tongue shades into the softness of the Spanish. . That paiKAmerican isolidarityis a Wili-the-wisp, now- eaL: II mu von were on Fhnllpldes : ooar. how did vow set back to town so quickly T - - ' j- It seemed wiser : to corns axhore." was tha dry rty. Ha pulled out the cheuue. "Ever sees a cheque for a quarter of n m&lioa doUATa?- ; "A quarter all" CUva sat holt upright aad eagerly his hand ahot out to take 1 tho cheauo. Who gave it to youT" . -Tour friend. Holra McLeod.' -Moirat" I CUve'a eyallds flew wile upoa then narrowed snd faaelaatinr woman I've ever met." Awkwardly he shifted the sub ject. -I say, did you see anything of a chap ot ours aboard tho HUalT" "Tea. Did' he check la last night T -No." Cuvo lookoa up, sur prised. -Wkyt" "would no. u ae aaa gone ashore, come dowa hero straight oftt" "Tea. Bo knew wo wanted a traaalatioa ot tha scarab." Tho pouee ofneer looked so weary aad woebegone North hat- ea to say. raea I'm axraia yon t see . aim agaia, Be suppooed to have goao ashore at el Carraa.- -The devai" cuvo groanes then, leaping to tho phone, rang a air George JKutaven. oaco ao had heard reaaauow ever, to be sought only by idealistic American cabinet mem-lit was a section of the Coast bers and never found is not necessarily true. The current ervation, iat troa point Mexican disturbance jnerery proves that ; allowances .and ShlridSIcoaft corrections, not one but many, must be made in American ioS to Ui aottth cf the Ump policy to include the sham democracies. Any pan-American QHs, it was tho Coast reservation, structure, in other words, must be based on political real- and the suets section made a por im? end nwlui it Is nn rm.uxl it U a imiu at uTid. The onrv of matnUinlng perhaps remaining question, is whether American leadership Is real istic, or whether it is jousting with windmills, using a pen for a lance, i . . : - Two-Way Destiny Momentary fascination for every urban-dwelling small Report of the .Commismioner. ol L ff W i . a mm nS m it m. m 3900 Indians, and the whole Coast reservation not far from CCOO. r Frre forts with kookum" (strong) houses (guard houses) were required: one each at Fort TamhlU. Fort nosklna. fillets. Ta quiaa aad the Umpqua rirerw The copy of tha eld hook con-1 hmr nrivilec-pd to loiter near the end of a streetcar line, must I "a to this desk, containing tho have been held at some time by the simple mechanical iS'SttTSlV perlnteadeat of Indian affairs for Oregon. : n elahoraUon of these would make a man ef 11 vol aad a tercet- tag hlstorlcsil InformaUoa. - (Continued tomorrow.) 'rangements which avert the necessity for providing" turn- j about a aixth of its total space tables. Havihsr adjusted the trollev. the motorman picks uu f taken up with messages aad re- h! imveranor. moves to the rear of the car. inserts it in the DOrt oI General Joel Palmer, su- ' rrnfrr nar ftTirl TlTlPstn- the VPAl Vlfl lieMmA lh" f TOTlt-" Sometimes, depending upon the work-day schedule, this line. But the analogy does seem to hold. One motorman, Ws procedure varies; the motorman gets off, the relief motdr- day ended, has gotten off and the new motorman with his 'man brings his own governor and starts the car moving in governor- has boarded the other end of the car. Whether the opposite direction. And the small boy wonders what or not the warlike gestures of the last few days actually would happen if rival motormen, orie at each end, each with mean that France will fight her so-redsnt and,;, so-beloved his governor properly inserted, would attempt to propel the ally, it is a weird if not entirely unique" eiilsode . i -:-. i car in opposite directions. i v ii, i : France may have her logical motivesbut what of his- But, beyond a transitory interest In its mechanism, the tory t What is it going to say of a nation that fought valiant- f Beldam stirred bv a streetcar. It I Lv on one side and then, after1 three weeks rest, turned r-tn't mnch of a destiny. Having come to the end of the around and started fighting on the other side, even before line, it must reverse .a nmW hrr rlf9Teea VU J o , . ., 1. fw tia TnpnT.CO-rorilML . caapw t""h"ah judgment to assume that France, after episode, even in the light of full historical retrospect, France .rthntio-h occasionally interrupted progress through- is going to have difficulty : looking like anythins more in- rt the lt century and a half , has come to the end of the spiring thaa a streetcar. Lledico Shot I uu. i ......uw.n.i.f. v mwi-mmi tag, the man at the other end of tho phone must hare said much aad to tha point for tho unhappy chief inspectora fsatarea ware scarlet ere ha hung up. -He's furloaa because tha scar ab la loot. Ton can't blame aim either. Tom doat kaow whether PenhaUew cot a traaalatioal" North answered with, "It's ia-l Uresting about that traaalatioa. I heard two aUghtly varying in- terp-retAUons. -How waa thatT- V -a rrenchmaa called Lovas- sear translated it roafhly as To tha wearer a stroaa arm. many successful stratagems. XTteraal fe licity.' - -X see. aad what eUdL Doctor Ladd aayt It was his txanslaUon wo particularly waated." "Doctor Ladd had It, To tho mrer a strong arm. maay sne- cessful enterpiisee. Kteraal fall- clty. Of course, whaTs Interest ing fg to kaow whether tho loop literally meant stratagems, or fig uratively." ' -How aid the cuffereaeo come about! CUve demanded as he undid air Sam Brown belt aad hunt-it oa a aear-by hook. -Apparently, -stratagem' is the commoner interpretation or inat particular character, whereaa'en- tsrprise la unusual. Trust scholar like Ladd to notice it." (To bo contisued) Indian Is Killed Aa Auto Plunges KZJLMATH Fal.TJI. July t-Vft -Norma Riddle, 10-yeaT-old In dlaa from Beatty. was kliied la aa ta foot pluago of aa automo- bUe from a highway nil here yes terday. - .'--V. Two other Indiana, stove Swain, tho driver. . and Stella Swain. 4. were injured. Tho i ctdeat oeeurred after Swain's lights failed, as ho dimmed them to pan an oacoatrag ear. - Well-known tlmmshoot tho Cnlt . ed State as m peychlAtrist, Dr. I. J. Eraosh, 48, top, sssoclate prDfessor of aervone and men ' tal diseases at Western Reserve . mmiversity. ClevclABd, was shot ' and seriously wownded when he answered a ring at bis aoor near soMnht. A man who ' Identified himself as Abraham VartAnian. '(, of Akron, a tor- rfw-r patient, pictured oeiow, f m fcJmsJlf mp and Admitted - alaootins the medico because he waated to -make him svlfer for a rerwrt he wrote after . yTASJmiGrOTt July. Mr. null hM - aaaoBBced that chaaseo ta Wo trado agreement actio have bee. deal ta -strensthew t JBke jaorornrieat," hat ft Is evi- c3et ho only a1jrthenS mmd making saor officJeat a dead liorse. - M . . This is only the latest official attempt to make it appear tnat the reciprocal trade arrangements upon which Mr. unu n wowb ardently aad succesaiuiiy manj years -are still a Uvlag. breathing policy. Theue statements lately, however, have had an increasing ly hoUow ring, especially aa all tho European nations with, whom we hare such trade paetsare either conquered or Immersed la war aad tho remainder of our pacta with Latin America are be ing paralleled wita uua aomiBw tratlon's aubaUtnto cartel pians to compeU with tho barter pro- grama ot the dictators. When aaked why the depart- meat continued to hold out pub lic, hope for tho Hull reciprocity arrangement, a government offi cial (not In tho state department) replied with an unofficial grin: fWbtm a gentleman das oeea oat playing poker aad has lost nil bis money, be doee not come home and announce his loss to bis wife, does hoT? - The facts which are apparent to government economists are simply those: Eeclprocal trade agreements are impossible either ia a warring or a nast-fascist world. They caa work only when trade Is unfet tered. This is necessarily true be cause each tariff concession grant ed ta each -treaty la general, not ezeluslvo. For instance, if wo (-granted a tariff reduction to Ar- geattaa oa' wheat, every other nation baring trade treaty rela tions with us wonla be enUUed to tha same tariff concession. Tho Hitler barter plan are oxclaslro. If bo great Argen tina a prico-excbABge coaces eioa cm wheat (whkm ta tha last saselyeis is tKo tmas as a tartrr or price eowceestoa) only enjoys tnat prerer It would ba redkulous. there fore, for this government to con- tlnae a poller of generalised ta riff reduction by individual agreements against dictatorial competitors practicing axelastrs agreements. Wa would simply ho giving the whole world, including: Today's Garden By ULUg fl MADSKN J. D. The begonia leal you seat . me looks aa if t you had watered it ia a hot sun. This will scorch tho leaves. Tuberous be gonias need shade aad much moisture. Choose a good spot ia tho garden aad earefnr lift out tho plant. - SprlAkle tho foliage a coupia of times a - day, t Water at least oaco every day aad give it enough to permit water to run to tho roots. Drainage should bo good, of course. . jt? : Feed your chrysanthemums until tho buds show color. Only la very cold climates should you eeaoo- to feed them in early Jury. Give each plant a amaU trowel full ot . balanced fertiliser once every It days. Water thorough ly.-,. ' M. T. Stocks are heavy feed era. Give them plenty ef plant food, plenty of water. Cultivate shallow. Ton do aot 'say what variety you have so I cam not say how tall yea may expect them to grow. Tho Tea Week stocks usually grow about IS' laches tall. Giants of Nice will grow at least two feet aad Giant -Imperial 2U feet. Tour stocks may need lima. Whiten tho surface of tho . soil as ia a light snowstorm. Use hy drated lime. Put it oa oaa morn ing- aad tha next morning goatly stir it into tho sou. A. M. The Cowering -shrub' to whieh you refer a growing in froat of tho W. 8. Jack homo at Stlvartoa is undoubtedly the fus- ehata. It has grown there a num ber of years aad seems perfectly hardy. These grow .best la par tial shade. ; . possibly tho dictators If they signed up. the benefit of our ta riff concessions while they kept their concessions . excluslre. Few nations would want an agreement with us on that basis when they could get a restricted price-pro-" tectire agreement from the dicta tors. - ' ''- Tor this reason and many re lated one, (chiefly the fact that priee is no object to Hitler) thm Hull policy must bo put on the shelf not only for the duration, of tho war but as long as dictators control any substantial competl- tire percentage of world trade after the war. In other, words, only a British victory can retire tho Hull method. I The situation has already been recognized ln fact, although not yet la announcements, by this government. Various proposals for During juaun gooas wiin oiocs- dollars or buying surplus coffee for distribution in this country under relief stamp plans or other wise, acknowledge tho necessity for different methods. Eren the workings of our recip rocal agreement with our best neighbor, Canada, has been quiet ly interrupted -by action in friend- been made there of a 10 per cent excise tax on : tho Imports ot all non-empire products. Canada conformed to her agreement with as by atotify iag this goTorament of her in tended action. It was recognised hero aa a step to conserve dol ' bar exchange by discowraaing Caaadiaao from parchAsing lex- ary proaact rrom as ; particu larly. Hat it throws tho old trado agreement ont of kilter, aad keeps It from functioning. As Mr. Hull pointed out, the change of name effected a few dare ago (a the. trade agreements section does not of Itself mean: official recognition yet by tho de partment that: tho policy Is obso- "the trado agreements division" to -the division ot commercial treaties aad agreements." This waa originally suggested last De cember 4 by Assistant Secretary Ueaaersmlth, who roeommeaded it to a eengreeelouAl committee. At that tune the chances of congress AAMtvMMM ! . ' ' . f 1 1 a a uwuauoi hi, mu reciprocal trado authority wore not good. . Ia any qveat tho nsw nam will more accurately describe the nsw foreign trade policy to which this administration has beea forced ta tact, although aot yet la aa aouneements. (XMetrllMHe by Xiag ftars Sraal M, la. &tpr4atla la wtolt er ia part etHctlr piWaitea.) .'"-(., ' - Teacher Burned ! Wheii Gasoline - Becomes Ignited WIXCHES. Ore, July t-flV lira. Millie E. Folaad. Portland school . teacher, was seriously burned here Saturday, the after math Of a 10-year-old boy's ex periments with gasoline, a cup aad a bonfire. - Tho youngster, picnicking with a. group of students, poured a eap of gasoline from a ttve-gal-lea caa- oa tho porch of Mrs. Foland's summer cottage and dumped It oa tho fire. The cup caught fire aad boy attempted to pour tho bias ing gasoline back la tho can, causing It to traits. Mrs. Foland, burned la attsmptlag to kick the caa from tho porch, waa taken to a Portland hospital. the Construction of Tidal Dam and Dihm Postponed WASHINGTON. DC, July t-m -Tho times tor commencing aad eompletlag construction ot a dam aad dike to prevent tidal water flows ta North Slough, Coos county, were extended for one and three years, respectively today. Tha extension waa provided la HR 149. signed by President Roosevelt. . I -( , 1 , - -- (,,. Radio Programs aXJsv--TTJXg9AT--iag X : MiTVia Mlia, - 9:2 K1 V ;1 i Umlotf t OP Z OVfl""J"V CVhv - ik - - 8:4S Cartaxs ef ZUt Etxeti. . t:0 JMtor's Can. t:lS-Mtoy Mart. - . S-4S ICmv Pit te XtAts. 1S.06 Hmwm. - . . i 19:ltMa rrUma .. .: HUa f 0 Faefk 10 :4S Bckra Chitdi-M. 2 ll:dO Om rmAYj Kaisabeta, 11;1& Hi ma lnwifc ll:Sf--Mldr Ia"a -r 11:4 Vetl Varieties, H:00 Valaa FaraAa. ISilS Xmw.':- ' ---' 1; HlObWr ew- 1 1 ; WlHaitl Valter Optaiwa. lS:-aUiraai UU IsUraaliaJ Facta. 1-.S0 Joaaaea tVaUy. l:4S-SiS Sao Titaa '-.?; ii- S:0 i tiliairt Cam Ma. - S;1S -Let's hnn. ,k S:SO MaaaaoA Maaie. - j , t : Oraadata Traaia. S :0O Madox raatily aad . - : S:S Taar KairaWw ' S:45 Carol Xi-ata, BaOada, . j 4 :X Kewm. . 4:1S Maala 1 a KaTltwr M d. , - 4:SO Maatoal Miaiiilia, - . 4 : 4 S---Oor Piaae. S:0e-Wtbe Wiliiawa Kaajs. .. :15 Heraia Wanda Ortssalsfs. ' ' S;80 fiaaltw Parkar. . . S:4S VTaa filoa Beat.. , :00 Hard Onm BwimM. e:lSZjMal Ka-aa. Otis -Diaaar Htor SCalaalsa. ;tSwwiM Viw Jatu B HosU S:4SCaeat f ta Jceoa. 7 : T:00 Patiag! Faat. ' 7;1S ElUoU'Roaaatcit. ? ;39- Popular it a ait T :45 AoMricaa Taauly SiVmaasv : ', S:00 i ywa. ... g- - S:lS-Mect tka Btira. S:ae laa Caataaaial Elm far. S:45 TwiiUht Tri! , 9 .00 Nnrpapr tit Air. . ' S-1S Jianay ,y OrcBaabra. .0:80 lit lwia, Jr. . , :45 Oaa Aralwraa Orcaaatra. . , 10:00 Kay Naftl Oiraealra. . -10:10 Hal Baarhr Orckaatra.' 11:00 Sw. - 11:16 Jiiajna 2rf Orelkactra. " . , . 11:30 RKytias EaaejJa. 11:45 MiilBlrii UrtiMiSaa. raw TtrcsnAT x , 6:3 Snarlaa Saa - : hmm. -'. - ?:1S Hctat refka FraCa, t:3 Vii Ser. 'j"-".". ' T:4$ taa ?aea - , .. : " - . S:1S Tfc O'KeiJla. a;9 fttmn ef Today. S:00 Uatal Talk Orctt?v Sill kWaaar Baaaaralt, Stl -By gatkian Karria, S:45 4r. SX ISjO JUb af tha WacM. ! LOM Arsaia Orbaar Paast 1S Taliaat LaAy. - ' 10:4 Hjwaa 9t All OhBiaaAS. 11: tory ef it try liarua. tl:l Ma Packias ' - titaa - riiwimr't Psatfly.- - 11 Via aaa 84 ttO Parti Blik, Faa Ufa. ' IS:1S etelte Oalla-. -ll:SO-p4vasa Jwaaa. t.-OO Oirl AVMa. i, - 10 Kieatraaaa. ' t:4J Tka O MalllA - I'OO Sura at TaatArraw. t:SO-Agaiaa to Stem. .s S:4S 1a Oat4iac UcU. - SO Taraa Baaara a:lS Kava. - - S 14441. T. Caltaakara. ' - 4:30- Treaaara Ckaak. :00 fiaiaraar Paatiat. 0:80 Daela Walter DecaAaM. T;0 FiaA Wariac la flaaara T i 1 S K4 cvtar bwet Qaatoa Ttaa Jaaaay rranta. , ' S:0 Battle at taaSaaaa. t :00 liotal Leriactea Oraaaatra. " ' 10:00 ewa fftaakaa. 10:1S Haul ailtaaara Orcaaatr. , 10:80 Jaatae Orcaaatra. . llyo Nawa. -. UtlS Sir rraacia Drak Orckaatra. ro-r-roxsaaT iitt r. : t;0 Uaalcai Cctk. t:lS t taaacial oenUe. 't:0-rfr. Brack. S:1S Braakfaa dak. a. KaUoaal Paraa aad Kwaa S:1S -Betwara U. Beakaaaa. :S0 Haas laaUtste. :4S Maaiara at Sfaloay. 10:00 Keva. . ' 10:15 It a a Wonti't WarH. 1100 Orphan t ef iNvere.-11-80 Joka'a Otlmr Wife. -11:45 Jort pUfa BUI. 18:00 CS Depar'aaeat af Africa! tare. 18:88 Sears. , 18:45 Mrkt tVvorta. .1:00 Tee j!t lUn 1:89 Freak Wstnsak aad Areal. S00 Oarbataa .iia. . a:?s Aae-as.a4 tn Fawa. S :1S Karepeaa Neva. :S Time aaa Ybj :. 4:0O Bo Bartaa. 4:15 Portlaad ea Sarteer. 4:30 It'twa Wiekec ' 4:45 Msleelm Cxire. . . . . S :00 Kxpeaitiea Dead. S :S9 Fn wita ttia Krvtr. C:00 Karepeaa Kwa S:S0 aiy A.-?a - - :4$ Mr. Knrj Trw. - T.-C9 la'aroiaUoa, I'ieaxa: S:09 Kawa. - 3:15 latproTfag Tear Laws. S:S3 BaaaUlL. 19:15 f kmtimt Cariaea OrcVatr. 10:34 Hotel Aakataador OrJieatra. 10:4S Ratal 8c Fraaeta Orkaaara, 11:00 Taia ktaviac Wwld, 11:15 PertiaaS Police aeperta. 1:1S Taal Oaraea. Orcaaisa. . , arora rtrsaDAT oit aTaw S:0O Market aeperta. :0 KOUI Kleck TtlS BaaaOaera. T:0 Bek Oarrai aUeartlaa Ttta nOoaaaaaer Mews. S :0 Kaae Aak fa ask --SilS Wkea a 1H Uarriee. S:80 i P,aaaace ef Bale Treat. S:4S Oar Oal Saaaay. ' ! S:00 Tke Oel4kerrv t :1ft Ufa Oaa Be BeaotlfoL :tO rkt HaaiMaaaa. S:4A Alary tea Tajr lea. . Ii ta:fro4iic aieeac. - . lOiia Aaea Jeaay. . . ' 10:80 f-letefcer Wiley. 10M5 Hy See aa L liiCOSedaty GUI. 11:80 Life Bagiaa, 11 45 awa. . V' iinwwtn uuf aeuy. tl:le4frr aa4 alarre. 18:80 4iiUley liea. 1145 Stapntetaac. i 1:00 By Katklea sTarriS. 1:15 Hy CkUdra. 1:8S earta' Saaa ' ' i- ' 1 :45 Beataar-o4 Bafaea. J StOO Teeag Daetee ki4e. p -:88 - Jarre Jer4ea. i j. 1:45 Tke Weri4 Taiay. , ' 1:30 8eoa4 llataaaA 4 :00 Ta ir at Mies Zfetra. s?--ewaBee 4 ta Air. . 4: tsawa. S:80 . Larry 8? eat Orckaatra. S:0 ita ktir Oreaestra. S:15 Pebita Affairs. ., .8 Nawa ef tke Waa. -St43 art K44le. j S:5!V Naws. 'j .. T:0 Ase tf- Aa4. "! T:l& Laaay Rasa -T:SO llarry Jiaa Orehestra. 8:00 U a tit reoal S.ao PrefMaev (iats. :0 Kerra. -:S0 Xavirr Cayat Orekeetra. 10:00 n Star fiaat, . 10:15 Bmar u4auua Orckoatra. 10 : Jf.haay IVchar!. Orekeatra.' 11:30 htajtay atraa4 Orckaatra. . e a ;E0.i0 rV23DAt S Ea. :00 T4T'a rrofj-araa S-08 Tle HeaiMier near. - 10:00 rtrastker rfvrat. J2!lS M"itee Tiwa the Rtira. 10:40 CS Anay I'ro-r.a. UsOO Mevie l tke Juaatera,, 1 13:00 -Kawa. 11:15 rrn rjosB.-' s-oo vrw 8:15 Ktfwa. S:0 lina fJ-oT. 8:15 pw, tJ, rck S:ro M a:r af i tMvkMtortkla. -S;bi Crcoa ea 1 araae. .