ti. Wt.tlUwk. 'i.uT; U-ifc 4 .!f: Uw OSEGOM STATESMAN. Solera, Orgoiv Tuesday. Morning. Jtm 25, l$43 pags in::s- ULTS-. . Low .hex TzlSimW ' WMNTr ADS! IT OS1 JiJbs '3 i'j. VJt 2 Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising "' Three Insertions per UneU25e Six Insertions per tine ...... , 40c One month per linn f LJ5 Minimum charge 25c: S tl 'min imum 35c; 8 ti min. 456. No refunds. . - . . Copy for this page accepted oa ttl 4 SO the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after thi time win be run under -the beading Too Late tn piassify.- . . ; . . '' ' The Statesman assumes ho finan cial r (possibility for errors which may appear la adwertlaenMitai pub lished In Its columns and tnl case where this paper Is ar fault will re- firlnt that part of an advertisement a which the typographical mistake eocura. , i ' The Statesman reserre the right to reject questionable adTertlatng. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. I Al "Blind Ad an ad containing a Statesman bos number for an ad dress la for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to tfte identity -of an adver tiser using a "Blind ad. Livestock Phone 7330 - Phone 7330 ATTENTION WE PICK up" dead and worthless animals at a moment's notice. Top prices for fox-feed horses. i OREGON RENDERING & FERTILIZER CO. : Phone Salem T330. CoHecV, FARMERS ! MONTGOMERY RBNDERING WORKS PICKS UP.: FREE OF CHARGE DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS ANYWHERE IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. WE PAY TOP PRICES I PHONE US COLLECT. 4411 SALEM rxx ri nnnnr -1-1- - - - mm To O T C fin wnnnr frh milk foata Phone 4482. 1140 Wilier 6U ibalem, ure. I Phone Salem 5000 Attention WE PICK trp t dead and worthless stock at. a moment's notice. . 1 i Salem Fertilizer and i v By-Prodacts Works Phone Salem 50)0 Collect Help Wanted Male. 1C IX. WOOD cutters. Ph. 431. 9 no a v uitv - - - son. good pay, rapid advancement. In quire at ApLKow -4, -401 N. Capitol. June 17. to 3 P. m. ' - - HIGH SCHOOL or college student with local reference. Ten weeks! work guaranteed. Possiblr permanent. See Mr. Oieske. 381 State SL, Room 305, Tuesday.jtera.m. ,n ,., J" EXPER. BARBER. Good location, reaa. rent. 18SS J8. lJth, Salem, i Help Wanted -Female Lady, hswk, home nights. Box 1141. Salesman Wanted j SONOTONB CORP, -Elmsford. New Tork, has opening for sales represent ative, age 1 5-34. Territory is In Salem and lcinJty ; has established clientele. Car Is necessary. Apy at Branch Of fice, S31 Falling Building-, Portland. Situation Wanted EXPERIEKCED SALESMAN. hdw. snto or farm machinery rep. parts. For Interview. I2 N. Xvth. Ph. . DRESSMAK. Mrs. Adsitt. Ph. ! taj-yrtrrhr-sriisrarM SEPTIC TANK, cespool cleaning, repairing. E. Simon. Gen. DeL, Salem. u-rm.mOTckTv X? PCS f 1TNTTCD stenographer des. poHition. Box ,1140. MATrie or car for lawn. Ph. 3468. For Sale -Miscellaneona TRAILER HOUS15. good eond. reaa. 84 N. Ssth. Call fter S p. m. MsskysssajjjAssisi LOOANBEBRIES and blackberries. Ph. 12iS9. . FRLTIT Jars, Apt 1. 13M State. NSsssaiSssNiss SICKNESS forces le J75 Brownell white Leghorn pullets. Had best care. 1 4 weeks old. All or part. T4 cents each. 1149 W. 13th. Albany. - eS"MSsasaisssS FOR SALE Stmbeam SbaTcmaster. like new. 8.5; Bt.J, Box 4. y-y- . ' 'advertising :': Uyr Western Adrertlslns; j RepresentJvtlYeg Georjre D. Close, Ine, I sin Francisco, Los Angeles. Seattle Eastern Adrertlstns '. RepresenUtlrea t Brvant GrlfHth A Branson. Ine. Chicago. New York. Detroit i -' . Boston, Atlanta 4 v Enfra at tfte Potloffic at Salem,, Oregon, m Second Class Uatter. Pbs lissed every mominp except Uodav. Business office tii Bomi Comsterovsi SDBSCRIPTIOH RATES: : Mall Subscription Rates In Advance Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday. Mo. 40 cents: 3 Mos. LS0 ; 4 Woe. 1 59; 1 year 35.00. Elsewhere SH certta per Mo. or SC. CO for 1 year In advance Per copy t cents. Newsstands I cents. Bv- City Carrier. 49 cent a month. 17 i r.iir in advance in li&rion and adjacent counties. BLONDE-. i ' . - - - - k gaw ' - V. ; )- - "f-t-'r ' I- :' ia.M-,aaM-eMs---aaSSSSSSSsasaaaaaaasi -V SSWS W a . . - , nW a - n LI . 8 L Jl 111 Mob? to Ioan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITB or nhone ItKSl to home managed finance Institution. Your fin octal affairs will be discussed and loans mad la strictest privacy You will be given every consideration in the re paying of your loss or granting of esteasioat. - 1 to 24 Months to Repay ' Too can pay in roil any time to reduce the coal. J , . Only Borrower ,Sins ' Ne endorsers. Loans made ea furniture or notst ROTR.8nntoNa.sfaR, ua'Ntt, m its ' ,- GENFRAL FINANCE CORPORATION 133 So Commercial EL' First door south of Ladd A Bush Bank Convenient ground Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. ITH FLOOR GUARDIAN BHILDINO UCENSB NO. M It PRIVATE MONEY A OTT AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFlNANPEn te re duce payments Uoney for new or used cars Ne delsy or red tana Yoo will retain ' possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 30 MONTHS TO PAT ROY H. SIMMONS 133 South Commercial Street Phone 9143 Lie' No M-IE3 FHA LOANS 4H stso prlv loans Abratns A Ellia fnc Masonic Bldg WE LOAN on farm, residential A business property. Will buy mortgages or contracta HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INCX. Realtora Guardian Building. 2 TO 31000 ON YOUR CAR. CONSUMERS CREDIT CO. 137 New Bitgh Bldg. Ph. 9291. Money' Immediately Lie. M-232. PRIVATE MONET to loan on real estate. CHAS. HUDKTNS. Phone 9494. 275 State Street ' ri ijvjv,srv"wjsfsruuApuAJ'Lr BENJ. FRANKLIN Federal Home Loan with reserve protection clause, safeguards borrowers in time of dif ficulties against foreclosure. For full details; see F. O. DELANO, 390 N. Church Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay Interest. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO REALTORS SsssasaaeaaaaSfc WANTED. PRIVATE money for city, farm and acreage loans Net In vestors m to C . Interest. Examine securities yourself It will pay you to see us for Investment CHILT3 A MILLER. rNC 344 State SL Phone 9J4L For Sale Miscellaneous WOODRY'S 474 S. Corri'l Used Davenports $4.95 AND UP TRAILER HOUSE, used 3 months, still Ilk new, fully guar., will paint, and give terms to suit. 3135. Roy. 405 Ninth St, Independence. YOUNG BERRIES, 24 BX. crate. 31.09. Blackberries. DeL Dial 22578. DAVENPORTS AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES $4.95 AND UP WOODRY'S 474 S. Com! PTE CHERRIES, lo A 2c lb. 2055 S. Cottage. Ph. 3484. NEW CU. ft- Gibson refrigerator; all steel cabinet, hermetically . sealed unit only $7935. Good Housekeeping Inc. 4S3 Court St. TOUNGBER-, CHERRIES. P. 3513. THE APRON Shoft 479 N High RUBBER STAMPS. 47T Cour 7404. WRECKING LARGE house. 344 $1. 18th. Material for sale. Otto Timm. GOOD USED Universal wood range with colls. New grates. 329 Vista Ave. GD. OAT hay, $5 ton In field. Fred Kubtn, Box . 41. Ph. 47F2L LOGAN, TOUNGBERRXES. pie cher tiea Mrs. Emilia Gerlg. Rte. t. Box 421, cast of Salem on Garden Rd. SPINNING WHEEL Ph. 2-1324. Wanted Miscellaneons WNTU., day old calves. Ph. 32S7T. , WANT "USE of good cow until Sept. Phone 3244, Wanted Fiirnitnre r. N. A GLENN WOODRT. Auc tioneers A furniture dealers wul pay yon mors cash or trade for furniture A household goods, We buy or sell sv erythlng: Ph. 6110. hold goods. R. Forgex. nh. 144. , , i Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR 'i SERVICE " IN MOST 4 CASES ' ' Bring or Man Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER; DENTIST " AlUky Bldg. 3d A Morrison BR 2437 For Rent Room . HOTEL MARION -Rooms Special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests Marlon Coffee a nop ueuctous oieaiB w r nrmri sum hum i aweek. SLEEPINQ RM. In prtrata home. Ph. S53tL 1 i-; : Tj(ixixru-TinrnrijJir'Mi'" -- NEWLT fur. rm. with lavatory and semi-priT. bath. Ph. 4243. 458 Union Room and Board : SEE MA Bowen. 305 N. Liberty. hBaaaAs"SsSsSSssSkSsssSkiSsasB -?T TlfWSTP. !ma Ph. ' SC3L sasaa1MMMMrfa9)s444sWsSssaSssm -nrxr at iti tma iho MArinn. i i i V I I I I I ' 1 .'V I a . V. J J 1 I I III I 7 jk-xl ' V U I I U I I I '.J I I I ? L ?' V V . S . 1 I I At I y. . r i I I a S I I 3 .--" I . i S I I S x 14-1 f I Eloney to Loan Salem's eldest tersest home mwmA . J JIU CLARIE.ASST, ilH. 4Jc' No. 0 ft S W4 .- CbPB4)14 - f1o(r.'jrncatoQ Room and Board ' -R:s., BD. optional.-1130 Chemeketa, For Kent r-Apartraents PATTON APTS,82S State. : Fur. nUhe.1 Ph .4244 Apt a.-.-- . 1 A 3 R FURN apLj 443 Ferry. : S F.tna Mod. Clove in. Ph (884. - kAsstsasmskiakjSBjsfSjaVajaeakSaa SHALL, fURN apt, 259 S Cottage. 2 R. FURN Adulta Phone 8391. VAC Hawthorne Court. Adults. S ROOM FURN. apt, 646 Court. OLYMPIC S-rm. turn. apt. P. T748. APT- PRI. bath, hskpg. rm, abund ance of hot water. 2054 N. Capitol. FURN. APT., Its, wat, 151 N. 13th. FURN. HSKPG, prL e, 1431 N. Cot. 4s"SsssweASaAAaaaasksssaaHsSaahasksaM CHOICE 4 R. furn. The Derereaox. 4 RM. STRICTLY modern apt. fur nished or unfurnished. Can 148 N. 14th. LGE. APT., also single, or sip. rms. reaa. 1208 Court St. VACANCY 31 0 IESLIE. sasasssasMesM' FURN. 3 RM.. 477 Center. Ph. 4338. J S R. FURN, St. heat, bath, ga rage, 2005 N. Capitol. UN FURN. HSKPG. rm, 2184 Maple. 3 RM. APT- fr, 3 rm, pvt. bath,- 3 rm. cottage. 454 N. Church, Ph. 4001. 3 R, lights, water, 313. 34 Marion. LOVELY 1 R. FURN. Pull, kttch, bath, refrig, lady 844 S. Summer. 3 RM. APT, bath, 449 8. Cottage. 4 RM. furn. apt, gar, close In. 1047 S. Commercial. NICE 2 RM. apt, close in, 18. 891 N. Coin mere la L APARTMENT 1129 CENTER, Ph. C941. I "SsAAkAMSaAeSAAkaSaSaSaaSSahaaBaaaaaBfaaafSaaaA SMALL FURN, emulored singls lady or gentleman'water. light, phone. wasner, iztn sc. dus line, igf usjc, $10. ; '')'' NICE 1 RM. apt. Close in, 318. 891 N. Commercial. For Rrmt- Ronsea FURNISHED AND uhfurn. housea H, Pv GRANT, 629 Court. Phone 8744 estasesavasaassisjaaassSasSeasaaaaJ WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IP TOD wsnt to sell, escbange, lease, rent, see Mr. La r sen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A. Roberta. HOUSES. Marvin Johnson. Ph. 3733. 3 SM. UNFURNISHED houses, 419 ea. Hate Mickey, 815 S. 12th. P. 747L S RM. FURN, adulta, 1444 Ferry. 4 ROOM FURN. duplex, piano, jra rags, adulta, 8 blka, from state house. 447 S. 18th. : i NEW. MODERN house. Tel. 8359. 4 R AT 1190 N. WINTER. Inq, 945 TBr St. Phone 7407. 1 e-m0mtmm 3305 RM- 845 NORWAT. 330 5 rms, Englewood. furn. $32 5 rms, Englewood, tin furn. 335 7 ires. Garden Kd. Unfura. H. P. GRANT 529 Court 6744. BUNGALOW. 1348 Chemeketa. 8 R. HOUSE, 322.50. 2 bedrm, re con ditiooed $19. R. duplex $18. WM. A. NOTES 910 NORWAY - Phone 8384 sMssaBasfcaaaaseaaJsfca,assaa S R. FURN. house. $1S. 450 N. 23rd. Inq. 11(0 Waller. Phone 8483. SM. V RM. hse, 330 Gaines. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS, 831 Stata Street. Inquire room 200. Tel. 37 13. For Sale Real Estate CHEAPER THAN rent. $100 down. Attractive 4 rm. house. ' BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Bush Bldg. ! Ph. 5965. SPECIAL-i BEAUTIFUL HOME. SL Salem. Large living rm. with unusual fire place. Two large bedrooms. Dining rm. with corner cupboards, j well-built In kitchen. Deep basement with piped furnace A -large floored attic. Good lot with largs oak A fir trees. For Quick sale, price reduced from 4G00 to. $3, 600. Place vaesnt see it today Call Mra Ellis with : CHILDS A .MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. i Phons 9241. $3500, fully modern 8 room home in that lovely -part of town located on 21st Just off Center St. i ' $3000, 4 room cottage built for Just a couple. 1 bedroom, utility, room, large garage. - -- ,""- $2750. 20 acres, fruit, nuts, timber and pasture. Very well Improved. Money to loan. - , i : P. H. BELL, Realtor s 429 Oreg. Bldg: .1 Phone 8131. ONLY $200 cash, baL low rent - We will build your home, furnish plans and lot near Sr. ill. school. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 13 Ladd A Bush Bids.' j . Ph. 6946. LARGE CORNER lot xoned for business on S. 12th street. ,7 rra. house, HOLC loan, an opportunity for a home and business, $1800. i - Attractive 3 room suDurbsa borne, furnace, fireplace, hwd. floors, . colon ial architecture, $3200. Mlkh consider some trade. ! , 5 room modern home, fireplace, 'au tomatic heat, corner lot. large walnut A fir .trees. An investment st $3000. YOU CANNOT GO WRONG ON HHIS. McKJnle'V district!. WINNIE PETTYJOHN.! REALTOR 477 Court Street Eloney to Loan GET SPOT-CASH im PERSONAL" Way f WHEN AT HOME " . rA "PersonalLban - 121 to 30. EaJBTTermg . , WHEN A WAT; USE A . ! 4iTTTCM.T 1 T II - miXaXJlX Ala .. . TJaod at 404 offIft PoaBt" te Coast -. JBIMPLE- TO-QUAL1FY x Come- in. :HOUSEKEiIPING MAGAZINE -" X4A advertised tbereim. Y- . :. v Finance Co.? , Second Floor. New BHgh Bide Op p. Court House, Cor.' State A High State License Numbers -8-123 M-145. - - - - - - -i-i-ii-ii-b i-nnrvM"M"irtnAJu Ypju Gin Money Here OUR CREDIT requirements are most reasonable. Loans here are based mainly on your sense of responsibility and earning : capacity. Therefore, you need not hesitate to apply for a loan tn any amount up to $300 00 You re pay the loan a little at a time, out of Income and eur E-q-u a-l-i-s-e-d Pay ment Plan makes It easier for yon to budget these sum a Amt. of loan 8 mo. IS mo. It m $ 40 00 $ $.79 4.03 3.89 80.00 Jl 40 8 04 5.38 100.00 1 14 28 10.05 8 71 200 00 i 28.49 80.09 13.44 . 800 00 i 42 74 39.14 20.18 UP TO 3500 00 ON AUTOMOBILES No co-makera No wage assignments. No extra feea No finea Single char ges on unpaid monthly balance enly No Information to employer, friends or relatives Money tn one day. Come In or phone: for more information No obligation, of course. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 201. 2nd nr First Nan. Bank Bids Salens. Oregon Phene 4448 S-228 A M-27S State Liceasca For Sale Real Estate A, EDGE OF city. Ph. 9583. 8 BEDROOM HOUSE. Full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, corner lot, paving. 219$ 8, Summer. Key at 2380 S. Church. Exchange Real Estate PORTLAND MODERN home for Salem property. Will assume. Ph. 6778. EXCHANGE HIQHWAY LOCATION north of Salem, 8 acres,, extra wide frontage, T pump service station, store, residence. Station' leased to oil company for $45 mo. Value $4500. Mtg. 31400. Will trade equity for 40- to 80 acre farm near Salem, or good 8alem borne. Call Mr. Bartlett with CHILDS A MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 924L For Sale Farms 177 A. 1$ ML FROM Salem. 30 A. In cult- all in crop. Price $42 per A. Will consider some trade. 75 A, 1 nU S. of Aurora, The best of land, fair Improvements, adjoining 99 hwy. Will take Salens prop, or small acreage near Salem as part payment. Price $7500. If sold at once crop will be Included, ' , i H. X. WEIR, SIS Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 941L4 Acreage S JL. BLDGS. AR or part. 1 A. f rurt. S A. Bya 1 ml. east of Salem, Ph. 5188. Wanted- Real Estate WE INVITE your "Icr sale' list ings if i f airly priced. HAWKINS A ROBERTS, INC, Realtors, Guardian Building. i Business Opportunities BEAUTY SfiOP, est. It yeartcora plete for S operators. Fine business to good town. Box 701. Statesman.-. Wood Sawing WOOD SAWING Ph.. 870. Card la this directory m on a monthly basis only. Rate: S1.25 per, line per Saoath. 1 , I' Anto Brakes Mike Fanek. , S78 South Commerclat Bicycles BICTCI.ES. NEW and reconditioned. Harry W. Scott. 141 8. Com'cL P. 4516. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 44S. Ti. B. Northnesa. Engineer Surveyor! -r Surreys, esttmstea.- speclflcsttona J. H, Neef SOS Guardian Bid. P. ti''--' Exeavatinst -; ' ' EXCAVATTNd 'OF all klndsv ' Bsss ments dug. Dirt hauled or mored. Dtrt for sale, salem Sand A OraTeL P. J40S. i:i - florists i Bretthaupra, 44T Court. Phone 1111. Funeral J Directors Terwintgar Funeral Borne. Ph. 4928. llonse Paiiltins PAXNT, KAIOaxpi'reaa,,Ph, S48S. Papering fainting NEAT Work, reaa, Johnson. Ph. V77S. For Sale T7ood - WOODC Ph. 137. Graen. 4 IS N. list. 0eajma1BlMfmm10m 18- DRY fir apedaL ph. 8119. ' MILL WOOD.: $3.6 load. Ph. 8853 or 634L Wood st west end Court SL DRY WOOD old fir A 2nd growth. Phone 47(8 for prfcea . - DRT.WOOD, AH kinds. Ph. 8888. alk4k44JMMJlg4s40ssssa SUPPLT LIMITED order -. now fir. 2nd A old. growth, oak A saa-Ph. 4l69, ... - - . . K- I 1-ATTENTION I Why not buy the bast. Supexki-ol4;irv $V Ph,.l54 , ; For Sale Used Cars . eNASH COtTPB. iood shape. Trade Mt -a ra. aeaft " XOt; t4V5ASVXl. JT IX. sve saaassBsssSaSlaSsasafSM4SasSas PANEL DEL. 37 Chev.- Excellent condition, $45. Iff Front .EL P4?rsonal LONELY f WORTHWHILE, sweet heart. husband, wifs for you. P. O, Box 71. los Angeiea I, WILL BE responsible for debts contracted hereafter by my wife Har old A. Blckell. i . : Transportation CAN TAKE' 8 passengers -to Minn. Leaving at once. Inq. Meredith's Cot Mneth of undernass. - Legal ! Notices EsUta of Josepn O Crotser NOTICE OP FINAL- ACCOUNT No. 974a In the County Court of the Stale . of Oregon, lor the Countj of Marion . j , In the? Matter of. the Estate of Joseph O. Crotser, Deceased: Notice la hereby riYen that the undersigned, as administrator with the will annexed of the es tate of Joseph O.1 Crotser, ' de ceased, has filed ' hla final ac count in the County Court Of the state of Oregon for Marlon Coun ty; and that Monday, the 15th day of July, 1940, at the hour of 19:00 o'clock In the forenoon of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said court as the time and j place for the' hear ins of objections thereto and the settlement there of. V. j' Dated and first published, June 11, 1S40- t Date of last publication,! July 9, 140. i A. WOYERHOLT. Administrator with will annexed.-. A L. v. LTJNDBTJRG, Attorney i00 Corbett BuUdlns, I Portland, Oregon. ! J 11-18-15; Jly S-t. MOTICk of apfointient of executors KoUce Is hereby siren that the undersigned hate been duly ap pointed, by the County Court of the Stat ; of Oregon, tor the County of Marion, at Executors of the last will ana testament and - MfAta efJ. B. AahbY. de ceased, and that they hare duly qualified as such Executors; all persona haring claims against the estate of aald decendent ar noti fied to present the same to us, at th office of Ronald C OtoTer. our attorney, 2 OS .Oregon Build ing, salem, Marlon Countyj Ore gon, within six months from th date of this notice, Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 2Sth day of May, 1140. CLAUDE CECIL ASHBT and WILLIAM BOYD A$HBY, Executors of the last, will . and' testament and estate of ' J. B. Ashby,. Deceased. RONALD C GLOVER. Attorney for Executors I Salem, Oregon. 4- r , a-ix-is-ae Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUO 4k MATTRESS Co. New mattresses, old remade, . rug cleaning is wearing. 8. 13th s Wilhnr. Tel. 3441, Zwicksra, - , r - - - - , CAPITOLrBEDDINO' CO; Phone 4 83. Plambing PLUMB IN a, GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 164 S. Liberty. Ph. 6S94. Printin? FOR STATIONERT. cards,-pa fripUets, programs, -bokor. any, kind of -print Ing. call the Statesman Printing-Da-partment. 316 S. COmnasrclsl. Tele phone tlOL -. ---- tP-railcr Honses'A: i GISSE TRAILER - CO. A modern factory for the production of modern trailers. 3223 up. .Tenna to suit. 406 8th St, Independence. - " - , .Transfer FOR. LOCAL or distant transfer stor age. . burner oil. call 3131, Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks to- Portland daily. r Upholstering ' V. FURN. R'FAIR" speev price rebuild. - t mm 9 -a,r V1 a. T w-.a aera WeH tlrillmfx . R. A. WEST.tt 8, Bx. 44S. P. 2-2 1 1 8. SUEED.t 2S05 Brooka St "Ph. 880S. WbmenWear it Left tVrlght; ' Care-free week-ends In the country are one of the things that mak summer such a. Joy. For the refreshlns; Interludes slacks not only are correct wearing- apparel, but they ar a practical and com fortable as they are smart. Olivia De Havilland la modeling- one-piece patio pa jama, with! banana coloredtoj and sag- green, voluminous trousers. A Llorgenthau Opposes Pay Cuts At senate finance committee hearing; in Washington, TJ. 8. Secre tary of the Treasury Henry Jaorgenthau, Jr. told hi listener that he was. opposed to pay cuts tunocg- gtrrernment employes to swell the TJ. fi. defense fund. Mocgeathau Is shown' exchanging cralps with Senators Arthur Vaadenberg of MTrJiigsn (finger tm) and John TqsiiibsiiiI of Delaware. Medical Leader Doctor Frank H. Lahey (above), head of the Lahey Clinic, Boston, jwas elected president of the Ameri can Medical Association at th con vention in New York for next year. In will talc office beginning next Legal Notice - KXKCTJTORS NOTICE OF - APTOiaTJtfEST Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned ; has been1 duly ap pointed, by the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for th County of -Marlon, as Executor of tberlast "will and- testament and estate .of Susie M.- Hansen, de ceased, and . that he has. - duly Quallfied'as such' Executor; all persons haring claims against the estate -& said decedent ai-enotl-f led to -present the same, duly verified; to me, at' 205 Oregrm Building, Salem, Marion County, Oregon, within six: months .from the date of -this: notice, r Datedat Salem,; Oregon,' this 25th days of June,-1940,-. ; JEROME B-flLANSENT, " Executor of i the last will ! and testament and estate ' of Susie M. Hansen, De : eeased. J 15. Jly 2-9-16-23 Slacks, for Pare free - . . - v - -Li- OUvia Do HarUlaad,. Marlon Wrlxoa, IBflBjejBBBfjSW" -: :-. ? Cross Word Puzzle 12. (3 16 21 22 23 2& 26 21 32 33 2H 3 W2 HI S2 X777 C3 6 itOBIZONTAL : 1 refuse afer pressing. s a grapes 5 atir -8 quiet -12 avouch ; 15 hAunch ' 14 pilaster ' 15 ruined town . of GalLle 16 dIslik 18 runaway 20 prior to " ' 21 child's gam .23 adore : 25 large snake ' 27 narrow f.-v passabe- - - t'stweea c!L2 . ' ; SaU-ldad of rac 32 sTirpas in - cunning' . Si threaten S5 a color ' . -SSmalechUd 37 afternoon - collation. S3 ieeler 1 femal -antelop . , - 44 hearing - organ 45 hourly . 4S eternal 51 beverage , - 52 treak 63 profound ' . rverenc 54 town in England 55 tak4n ' poker . 55 lkalin solution 57 split . VE2T1CAL- 1 heavy staff 77 3 ;-o ' . v" 111 Answer to Saturday puixlsw Ate QA TON efA KtT AGAfvtAfA V IjRjAjgjS qqt A Gk:jN)AtV A; U 5lo" T E DjajA GjiO M, Abk-f N jO-;1TAf. 3 gl-Ur.?aTTloiNi7':A-;A Ararat baia ef sahrtl t 83 sifaunas. btrflmud kr XJas JmtUom Brafleata, las. Weekends - , . ! I 4 s i r Bette Darin The girdle and turban are of mustard fold. Karioa Wiixon wears natural colored slacks with a. gaily plaided shirt of naVy and beige. Th slacks h&ve suspenders of natural color, and belt of plaid.' Smartiy cut gabardine slacks have been selected by Bette Davis, and with them, she wears a soft blouse of whit jersey with broken stripes of sapphir. . Sues Over Hat Beeaaea aha ' allegedly called 4k rival ha designer's ' ereatloa nerrlble, m f 150,000 libel suit was broebt against Ireno as . tl ;HrTssfglt one-time world " faaaed .dancer, by Hollywood Designer Sonya, Zaranoff, who sees) BOtbiahf; fsuasiy In hats sho deaigma. Mlse Zaranoff Is pio- . tared In one of her proditcta.. Mrs, McfsinghMi leaJed tho criticisnL IIS pboto. Lodges FACHT0 ledge Ke. 50. A. F. 4 L M. sl. eagree WeSaesdaK t. T:0 pa. WsL A. X&KIOTT. W. 1C IO II 11 20 21 j 2M 2S 2? 30 31 21 3 3T 'A TT" t40 W6 HI 0 tl S4 S1 21 X pertaining to grand parents v 2 renew " ' 4 crinkly 1 J fabric - 5 exclamation 6 entertain i . T musical . - drama , .8 owns -. .. i -9 single ; .thing 10 portico 11 suspend 17 curtail '19-manag 23 gnaw 24 even . (contr.) " 25 morass 24 belonging i- tons 23 porous' : reddish day ' SO high card 81 affirmative . , vote 25 moist . J , S4 extinct bird S5 resembliE g .. . stalks of. . , grain . -59 dating-' " - - from birth " 40 reduce the degroo -41--prima donna - ' 43 foretoken 45 eject 43 soon 47 ive tei - porarily , ' 43 united : E eieltered side 2eMIjgSlSWsejsjsssjws8'e jji.jjiies SBgeaSBaaeSnsM sss L2 1 i ld-L--. 11 1 . .....