:GO:i CTATECMAIt. Sclera. Oregon. Tukday Hornlsg. .ia IM3 - . ; ': . i . - v , - - i - i -. 1 . -f . r . , ...... Buying Props Stock Market Defease Program, Politics Factors in Favoring , of Utilities ! -. - ; - :i ;?: v -- NEW TORK, June . Buylng, concentrated principally in utilities, .propped- theu sioc market -today tn the face of ad- - w nw and still cloudy trend! at " the opening of the vit.... toHnnol invention. Dealings were slack from tne ntart. but pleked op Wt near the finish as the power group . a -oiativplv active. While many leaders were a shade under water at the close, gains oi trac tions to more, than.; appoint were shown for favorites. . 1 .- The " Associated Press average of 60 'stocks waa up A oi a poini at 41.f.- Transfers . of Jf J shares compared with 333,320 . The. utility section, which has been , improving recently on the vn hir . defense . program would serve to lift power profits substantially and inspire a iriena it,. .nromniAntal attitude toward this Industry, was further heart- a KMttn aM. bv revived t.Arua weiArlnZ DOlltical WlnQS might shift to the side of elec tricity manufacturers. Kt1 Hold Own i Ktoole e-anerallr held their own notwithstanding an j esti mated dip in this week's mill tinn first In nine weeks. Air transports pointed higher as earnings forecast lor tne aeriai carriers were revised upward. Motors , were a shade higher,, -al-i though production of newj cars was believed approaching a size: hla liMnwn. i - Prominent stocks on the for-mrr-A tut included Consolidated Edison, North American, Electric Power and Light, common weaun a Southern referred. Public Service of KJ, American Power ft Ught. American Telephone, Westinghouse, Du Pont, Union Carbide, Eastman Kodak, Great Northern, Sears Roebuck, Wool worth, US SteelDouglas Aircraft, American Airlines, General moi (in and TTnited Air Lines. a ahnd In arrears were Santa Fe, Anaconda, Kennecott, United Aircraft, American Can and Inter national Harvester. i Early Wheat Loss Regained at Gose CHICAGO, June .2 4-(flV-Wheat prices fell cent In the first few minutes of trading today largely because of beneficial rains over the weekend in the spring wheat belt and then spent the rest of the session working back to around Saturday's close, i Buying credited to mills in con nection with government purch ases of white flour for relief dis tribution helped the rally. Fail ure of the new wheat movement to expand materially and reports of rust damage In soft and bard winter wheat areas added to the market's strength. At one time during the session prices showed net gains of as much as - cent. Wheat closed M lower to higher compared with Saturday, June 79-, September 79 !-80. House Has Apartment Advantages This small borne, one of a eerie of "westerm living boraes" ere ated by northwest retail Inm- -ber dealers for "lovrr ".-, structJon. offer the featawesof. a modem email elty prtett - ... a m A 4.. 1 mmm and, it is ciAinK9u v m w . a . . AavUSMltkn than for average rent- A"' f ea-. ri - tore of this : little noraer tne- -Wallowa, Is the combiaatlon of, closets Md dressing table , ba i the bedroom. It may be built j ln Its "present economical gar-.;-den-apartment aiae , bat withj . provision for future additions. 0Uf WfA -3LJ U U I I ' Lu-riy uvino room n SCO ROOM rl ; :; v . I rrn. J poop ii Ctfl tTce rZZZJ , - Closing Quotations J 8 a 3 NEW YORK. June 24-6PV-T oday'a closing Quotations: Al Chem & Dye 153 Commer Solr 9 Nat Dairy Prod 1S American Stores ..5 Commonwlth - Sou lNat Dist American Can ..9SK Consolid Edison 28 Nat Pow ft Lt Am For Pow 1 Consolid Oil worm racino r t- t t A Pnm Products ..4 9 W Packard Am Rd ft St San 5 Curtlss Wright 7; J C Penney .84 Am Roll Mills ...11 Dourla Aircrft 173 'Phillips Pet U31H Am Smelt ft Rf L-37 Du Pont 161 Prssd Steel Car! ..9 Am Tel ft Tel .i!57 Elec Pow ft Lt A mar Tobacco ....77 Erie Am Wat Wks .J....9H Gen Electric Anaconda 1-201 Gen Foods Armour 111 5 Gen Motors Atchison RarTtRda.il ...7 Gr Northern Baltl & Ohio ,-i....3 Hudson Motors Bendix Avla ....28 U Illinois Central Bethlehem Steel 76 Insp Copper ;Pub Serr NJ 1-3 .J Pullman ...J...21 Return From 4H School x UNION HILL Marjorie Tate, Charles Morley and Donald Peters returned home on Friday from the 4H summer school in Corval 11s. " .32 ! Safeway Stores 1.41 40; Sears Roebuck 72 44 Shell Union 15 Goodyear Tires 1 6 Sou Cal Edison 2 2214 soutn raeuic sai sund Brands 15 -7 Stand Oil Cal 18 ..9 Stand Oil NJ 1-33 xi AAtnv A It- ill. Tntnrnat Hstt 4 5 Studebaker Boree Warner Internat Nickel -21 Sup Ofl ! 1 Budd Mfg 3 Inter Paper ftsP 49 Tmkn Roll Bear 42 California Pack Inter Tel ft Ti 3 Trans-Amerfca J 4 nnv -7 t 1 li TnVina Mknvlll . ESS Union Carbide wiMiau ........ a " w 7 "i Calumet Hec 5 Kennecott 2 7 4r United Aircraft 4-3 8 Canadian Pac 3 Libbey-O-Ford ; 33 United Airlines n t t ru 4SU lAer ft Mvcrs B 96 US Rubber 20 Cater Tractor 48 Loew'a 24 US Steel U3 Celanese 25 Monty Ward 39 Walworth 8 rertain.Tw. Nash Kelvlnator 44 Western Union -17 Chesa ft Ohio 3 7 Nat Biscuit 119 White Motors J 8 Chrvsler 63 Nat Cash 111 Wool worth 182 1CCD at Opening- Of Seed Company tlacHinery Is Installed; Darley, English Rye to Be Received ALBANY Unn and ' ; Benton county ( farmers were tmests at the opening;; of the :,i Charles J. Lilly Sed company's big . new plant'; here Saturday, "with, more than 1000 being' - present -J. - E. Bole, who lias .been' placed " In charge of the management of the plant, acted as host. At noon a! luncheon was served by the women; of the Lutheran ehrireh. andt rinrtn tha aftarnAAn the rlsitora wera talren en a tonr of the plant,- - ; - . Tliai Mttilldtnr waa tftrtrtnalW built for a cannery and later was knnrhl )it Itha TTn-n Ttrnthnm. who operated It for, two or three years, and In recent years It had rented It to j the Northwest Poul try and Dairy company who used part of it aq & killing and .dress ing plant during the turkey sea son.'.-1 . .- v - ' - i - Tha i T.nivl rnrananv has . taken a long; lease on the big building which covers approximately a city block, "and have remodeled It. Ma chinery for cleaning all kinds of seeds has either been or is being installed. One set of elevators leading . to the second floor are eomnleted and another set is well under way. jFrom the main floor is also I a portable conveyor to be used for elevating products des- unea ror storage in tne warnousa on the: second floor. - Although pie plant is not fully completed it! is already in opera tion and farm products will be received as available. Barley and English, rve arass. now being har vested. ! are expected to be the first seeds to arrive at the plant. 1 -, i Townsend Qnb to Meet AUMSVILLE The Townsend Mnh will meat at the Godlove I hall Thursday night at S o'clock. Barricades for Recruits ; m 1 1 1 1 1 -- - ' w.,.,.- This barricade Is not to keep the enemy out. It was set up in Philadelphia to father in recruits, in the army V latest drive to build up its fighting strength. - Church Groups Have Joint Meet DALLAS The three circles of the Sisterhood of the First Chris tian church held their Quarterly meeting Friday afternoon in the church parlors. Preceding the meeting a 1 o'clock luncheon was served. - At the business meeting Mrs. Ray Johnston, president, presid ed. Reports from each of the cir cles were given. The group voted to sponsor helping some young people of the church attend the summer con ference at Turner. ! Mrs. Frank Dornhecker end Mrs. Frank Rose had charge of the devotions. 1 ' . j . I There were about 85 present for the meeting. T - Aurora Visitors ! AURORA Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ehlln end son Norman of Port land spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O; A. Ehlln. Newgent Elected Republican Head "WEST SALEM Ony New cent of West Salem was elected chairman of the Polk county re publican central committee at reorganization T meeting ; Saturday afternoon at Dallas. - - V v Other officers chosen Include Mrs. Stella Henry of Spring Val ley, secretary: Mrs. Agnes Hoag of -Monmouth, . vice chairman; Robert F. Kreason of Dallas, state central committeeman ; , Mrs. Fre da Peterson of Dallas, state cen tral commit tee woman ; L. .H. Me Bee of Oakdale, congressional committeeman; Mrs. Grace. Swope of Independence, congressional committeewoman and county trea surer. - - A republican -picnic during the summer and, a youth recognition day for 1940-41 are being planned by the group. 1 ' v : . r - Knee Is'Injored In Skating Fall 1 : iX t , tJNION Mary MeNnlty had her knee slashed open, the gash bar ing the kneecap when a crack-the- whip formation stumbled and plied up In a- corner of the Mid way skating rink at Hubbard. She was rushed to a doctor in Wood burn who have to make nine stitches to close the wound. B. Hughes has recovered, from the stroke he suffered and is fairly active again. iramiers Union News '-'AUMSVILLE The Farmers' Union will meet Tuesday night t the Godlove hall at 8 o'clock. Data regarding the organizing of a mu tlll benefit association - be ng sponsored by the Farmers union of this place, will be discussed. ; SPRING VALLEP Last meet ing or the season for Spring ai 1? Farmers Union will be held Wednesday nirhtat i o'clock. Sandwiches and cake will, he served after the meeting.- : Qifford Bichsel Found Guilty of Wreckles3 Driving . ! cttTrrBTfiK Clifford BIchsel 1 was found guilty in Justice court r . .. jl .i.u m. mnA wa riven OI recaieBS uuim-s -- : $100 fine and a 0-day Jail sen tence." Judge Alf O. Nelson gave BIchsel credit for the six days he spent in Jail awaiting ' trial, sus pended the other B4, and $75 of the fine on condition the remain der of the fine and costs were paid and he observe all laws for two years.' ' -: '.'. A second charge against BIch sel, that of escaping from an -officer, was dismissed by Deputy District Attorney Joe Felton, upon lack of sufficient evidence. i See 1 Us i Uhen 1 Yoa jj Heed 1 Ready Cash NO EMBARRASSING QUESTIONS! o irX STATE FlilAIICE CO. A?ulT "3" State Kion 8281 Rates i Lie S-215 WL-ZZ2 ! FOLLY AND EEB PALS Another Surrealist Picture? By CUFF STEHEET Salem Market Quotations (Buying rrtct Th prieca blow tnppHcd by ieeaj fToecr and indicative of taa aailr markat price paid to rrwer b; Bill" bojara bat ara sot suarantcad by Tka 6UU- BBB.) VTOETABLES Cabbage, lb. Carrot, local, doi. Cauliflower local Cueuaabara. dot. - Cnlirr Cherries, lb. Onions, 50 Ibi. Grfcn oniont, 001. Peppers grttn Potatoea. local, ewt., o. 1. 60 lb. bac IC,w potatoes, lb. .. K ad tabes Rpberrie, crata Spiaaeb, Seattle. bo4 ifhnbard. ib. . Asparagus, dos. - ... Peas, locat lb. - .01 - .85 - 1.10 90 S.aO .03 ' a.oo 1.75 - 25 -.8.12 - 10 . - .70 - .oa as - 8.50 .90 - .OS .90 - .05 .85 .30 .40 ... .85 a 5 GEAXN. HAT; AND REEDS Wheat, No. 1 rdasnei, bo. .75 Oata. ton - ,. , 17 00 Peed barley, ion 80 00 Clover hay. ton., . .. , , -10 00 Alfalfa bay, ton 12 00 Efg math.. No. 1 jTade. 80 lb. bac 1 80 Dairy feed. 80 lb. bac 135 Ben scratch feed 10 Crarked eon ,,. , 1 90 Wheat 1-60 Strawberries, do., local . Uustard greens, dos.1 Waterrresa. doa. Beets, dot. Turnips, dox. Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Ore,, Juna 24. (AP) . Eggs: Large axtraa 17;' atandarda 18; medium extras 15: atandarda 14 M. Cheese: Triplets 15e; loaf 15Vie. Batter: Xztraa 29H; atandarda 88;, prime first 26 H firsts 20. Butterfal 29-2914. Portland Grain POKTLAND, Ore., June 2. (AP) 'Wheat: Open High Low Close Bepteraber 72 73 72 i 73 Cash Grain: Oata, Ko. 2, 88-lb. white, 80.00. Barley. Ko. 2, -Ib. BW, 19.00. Ko. 1 flax 1.69. li Cash Wheat (Bid): Soft white 73; v westers white 78V4: western red 73. Hard red winter: ordinary 73; 11 per een 75; 18 per cent 77; 13 per cent 79. Hard white B art: 18 per cent 86; IS per cent 91. - . Today's Car Kereipts: Wheat 82; bar ley 8; floar 11; corn 10; ete 3; mill fejd 6. beef, good, all wte.... 7.00 7.25 do aaasage, good, ail wta 7.00 (fj 7.25 do aaediam. ail wta 6.25 7.00 H n rw-t rnm mil wta 5.25lrd 6.25 Tlan rd-rbnire. all Wta.. 9.00(01 10.00 do eommed, au wta o.aug .uu do call, all wta 6.00 (rf 0 s.i.Kl 9tna total S f)0 f mar. ket steady with laat week's low lose. Sirnnr lamb. Ill rh S 8 00(d) B IS do medium ana gooa i.oviqi .i.vu da common 7.00(a) 7.25 Ewes ) thorn) gd-ch 2.50 8.00 da eonnuca-niedium l.uodj 3.00 Portland LiTeslock PORTLaKD, Ora.. Juna 24 (AP) (U8DA) Hoga: . Salable 3200. total ."8000; bwtefeera mostly steady with last '0onday.vi - . .. j : Barrows and gilt, gd-ch, ' 10-160 Iba. 6.251?? 5.85 do gd-th 180-ieO ba Jo fd-th 180-200 lbs., de gd-eb. 800-231 lbs., de gd-th 820-340 lbs de gd ti 840 270 lbs.. d gd th 370-800 lbi., 5.65 6.00 5.906e 6.10 5.90 (.J 6.10 6.60 6.00 fi.25l 5.85 5.000 5.50 r.lla Salable 9500. total 2600: mar ket alow; fed ateere steady to weak. Bteers, good, 9OO-110O bs..t 9.651O00 A 75O-1100 Iba 7.50 ts 0.65 de common, 50-1 100 lbs 6.50 7.60 tl.if.ra. rood. 750 9C0 Iba- 8.50 0d 9.00 Am madinia. 600-900 lbs- 6.50. id 0,50 - de common. 500-90O lbs 6.50i? 6.50T Cows. goed. all via . de medrain, an wta de ewt-eom, all wta da cancer, all wta . Tiolla '-(yearlings excluded) 5.50 0 6.50 5.00(3 5.75 4.85? 5.00 8.75 dj) 6.84 ti l T. T. Lag. WD O. Cbaa. o. Herbal remedies for ailment lot tomach. UTer. kidney, sila blood, glandi and orinary. aya-1 tern of men and women zi years la cenrlex Natoropathlc Pbyslclaas. Ask your neltbbors about CHAN LAM. ' dil cmui laii cisrirss t Dicers co. 39SVi Conrt SU corner Uber- ty.. Office open Tneaday and Saturday oiuy. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m., to 7 p. m. Consul tatl on. blood pressure and arias tests are free o2 charge. . ' Bntterfat, No. 1, 2&ct No. 2, SMMc; premlaBft, SOc. A grm&e print 2?cj B grade 81 Wc; qirtri 3Jc. . "V SWEULONiy TVT VlUUAlN CND&D I 1 AjtT J I TrlCBjVJNTA A t30rVU O' H3Urr WTTH SOME V iZygj KJ ?' - - Stw female - - ( IN FRONT & ME V Ls. r.aa Avn pouutst (Baying Prices of Andxesea'c) Grade A mediam, dos.. Grade B large, doz. Pullet Colored best ,L Colored frya ,i White Legbomt, beary White Lecherai trya White Leghorns, ligbs. Old roosters .4 Heavy hi.i, Ib MICKEY MOUSS Ths Lady Rsnssl By WALT DISNEY (Baying Prices of Marlea Creamery) Rrad. A lirfn. dnx. Grade A mediam, dos.. Grade B large,: doi.. Pallet . Leghorn hens i Leghorn f ryer,;' 1 4 lb., Colored fryers, 2-3 ibs Colored hens . Bors (Baying Fxtees) J-ii J ! 1939 Iflid ennf rai-ra. Th.. " t.TVT.RTOCK (Baying price for Ko 1 stock, based en I ecnditiona and aaiea reponea qptop.m-i lveu BDrine inmos ;.-. U THEN SHE FAXES A SICK SkLLL, 50 bH HAS TO STAT A FEW DAYS! SECRETLY, SWrN LEARNS THE LAYOUT THtN ONfe WN Ni&HT l?a SME CENS THE ' r(Sr Ltrvckpqor kh& ImLI N 6O WITH KATl I POSSE! NEAT, Jgi -POKTCHA THINKS -tTftTmnffllS-Bt-naf-S M -nri n I -s IS NOT J Lamba Ewea Hogs, top, 160-220 Iba. Hows Beef cows Bulla Heifers Dairy type cowa Lira Teal Dressed Teal. lb. 4.00 to 6.00 8.00 to 3.60 5.85 4.00 to 4.25 6.50 to 6.00 I SO ta 6 95 6.60 to 7.76 4.00 to 5.00 8.50 UTILE ANNIE ROONEY ! Stacking the Cards Against Happy By BRANDON WALSH WOOL AND MOHAIX (Baying rrlces) Wool, mediam,! lb. Coarse, lb. ' Lambs, lb. ' Mohair ; ' Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Jnno 24. (AP) Country Ideate Selling price to retall . rVitamtr-killd ban. bat bntehora 185 150 Ibe. I Hci eealera. fancy. 18 Va lie lb.: light thin. 10 12e; heary 1011 lg.; lambs, spring le; yearling 10- lze; ewea e c io. r goon ewr cowa, tvg lb.; earner cowa 9e lb.; bulla 12o lb. -II.. PMiltnM.R.ri., nela? K i 1 grade. Legion broilers, l to 8 lb., 16e 10 ; irye s, nnder s d ioe id.; i h lb, 17a lb.; rotera, oer 4 lb tic lb.; Leghorn kens, erer 3 lbs, 13e lb.; .i nttmw a U. IK. I ftm lb.: awlofwd bans. atrr 6 iba.. 18e'lb.j 4 to 6 lbs, lie b. via roosters ot to. Drerted Turkeys rSelliag He Ko. 1 bent, 184 14 lb.; torn 9-10. . Unions Oregon o. l, i.JJ per eu lb bac Seta, white tte lb.: brews 6 the. New -Calif orain was, 60s, 1.35: red 3.00. ; -tl : - New pots toes-Ijot aL 2-2 He lb. retaioca uhcbhwi .,' auuu (TnU f . W . 9 t i.l ' laeml Wbitaa OAs box; do sacks 1.60-1.60 cental; Malta 8.00 cental; aonthern yams 3.40-3.80 evC : uay sailing price tn reiaiierss niiat-, r N 1 15 50 tan aat vetch. 18.00: ciorer. tl.00 ton: timothy, eastern Ore gon 1718; Telle timothy 14.00 ton. Wool 1040 eastern Oregon, range 36 38; Willamette Talleq 13-month nom inal, ore 10. Mobair 1940,; is monta, sac . Caacara 1940 eeel 6e lb. TSitm Orevi.a 1939. 40-41? 1940 cchtracts 85e lb.; 1940 seedless 40c. - uomestio rioer selling pneo. eity ao hare 1 ta 85 hbl lata: familr natania 49s, 6.00-6.69! bakers' bard wheat, net. blended wheat flonr 5:30 5.0; soft wheat 4.09-4.05; f rtita evs, a.u; waoie wneat, , ft.aj. Pack oil Black, Sour; Cherries Start Locally With the nk of Rnra.1 Anna rhwrrlpn nnnnAd Bn.1m etniierie are now receiving the first of the Blng and Lambert crop and will start red sour cherry pack at tha end of th week. Prices for sour cherries Is at 2 cents ponnd. - i-y- BlArV h"rrl m.r at rf -1 tlonnllw aroaA -annlltw ' thin ! Tear. packers report. The sour, cherry crop is expected to be some short ot last year.; Poptil QPoew ' fi GOOD U TALK WONT GET US ANY PLACE I 4 V r- IFWCWANWADRIVETHEM MtCKS I -I OFF THEIR HOMESTEADS -WC V ' I I GOTTA-START USf A LITTUE J cm iwatae )''' il in i t- fcfFtrp sjrtsi SHOES BUTTOMED ITS KLUGGtf WACKET NOTGTVE A.UV1U1 KLUGGS AJMTAS MILU AW GENTLE AS OU THINK f n t Zl yEAH-rrHE aob9 Busy 7c4T woRpy. Y SPREAQKIG THE NEWS f BEFORE I FINISH, A THAT HAPPy HAU.EE tS B MR HALLEE WILL, i " TDEAIING FROM THE. tl BE A SADDER J BOTTOAA-.BUTTHE. nV AND WISER ijf 1 RUSES IX3MT BEJ jf SO MR. KLUGG5 ALWAYS SMILES AND ScHEUuWHcHhE MEETS vru r vtEii n i KFrea rjaAiijaj RIGHT BACK BUT LXJNT TRUST THE SIDEWINDER ANY FUOTHEH THAN VCXJ KINTHBCWAN, tOJEPHANT 4. TOOTS AND CASPE3 A Sight to Beholdl By JIMMY MLTRFliT maiuiiutlwp Is Large as 1939 PORTLAND. June 24.-flA-The 1140 supply of Oregon walnuts will be almost an lnrce aa i laat year's, the Oregon Journal said in a crop report today. ; Soft-shelled Tarletles might be I the only shortage, the Journal said.' !'; ' i : . f i ! The filbert crop in western Oregon and Washington probably will be Ils-hter thnn m. year aco. although noma groves are In bet I ter condition. - 111 ' Who will ee ELECTED MAYOR isPPPAlRtS UNCTlOrfH ' CASPER OH C34 PLurmimt Do you picTT? EVERVBODV IN TOWN KNOWS CASPER , ANP TKATlS WHY MV LITTLE PLAN TO BEAT HIM WILL BE SO EFFECT rVB. 0. tm Kl IN "THIS BOX X HAVE 50ME 'SLEEPING PB.LSt.TMfri' MAKS A cair UNSTEADY ON HIS -- CCCT Aun IE up TDipe Trt WALK HE'LL STAGGER AS VP HE HAD BEEN INDULGING. 7 - :CA5PTO, LETTi "VOU AND M& STEP IN HERE. AND HAVE SOME 3QPAPOP. "T 1 I NOW ON THK ,LV fJSJT I JSHALL 4VIVE CASPE li EJUS 1 A ci rroiaj. on I pakMN irr II A HIM VTA46rER OOWKl - (sure. BOSS )r7, S 'Vh main , - x$$8 : TjyL If wa . COULO ONLV j..Ai.N3 THIMBLE iTJIiTBEtarrlng Popey -Sit VownJlYmttm Roddng th BooU" Stocks and Bonds Jnn 4 ' . STOCK ATXnAQZS CnmpiL.4 kf The aseeainte4 SO IS 15 - ' la-Ins Snils TJtil - Ket ennnt - A .4 A .1 A .7 Menday 5A.S 15.1 94.9 PrnTiMt iif M l 1S.0 S4.3i Monta ao 5.0 MI.I Sl.S: Tear ale ,, S.4 1T.S S.S : 1840 niik 74 9 S0.S 40. S 1944 lww M.S 11.0 SS.9 ' B0n ATXKAGXS : j 20 10 10 I Raila laden . L'til Ket ehann A A A .4 ' A .S lieaday . 63. 4 101.4 4.3 Vreviena day 53.0 101.S SS.Si Vnntn af 49.0 99.0 91.0 Tear a 54.8 100.S 96. S 1940 Bisk S9.S 103.4 07.5! 1140 ierar 4S.S SS.S 90. Presa lE2.POHT r1 xeia m wa . VAMPV. VJ?E dOtfvf HOME CaO I PLA XVE. WrTH 3LADNOUbAVI VJrSDOM 4 NOT TO TMSCT INOtCKTEO Mr? rr va onlv- A FOOL'S CHAcE- VJE MIGHT HAVE ENDED UP AS TEW IN THE. POT AT THE END OP OUR RAINBOW 4TTV I OR. PERCHANCE; OUR BOKE VJOULD -BLEACH ON OME FOWjOTTEN CHORES j VOLlRSVrb A VE DECroVON- TO TURN BACK. BEFORE IT VJr& i TOO LATE li S""' : TcsjOTTf L:i:a 173 S levs a EiLwCrl L2S-91 f. 3 n i . a " r 'e: V 1 - O