The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 25, 1940, Page 6, Image 6

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    It OSMOII CTATECMiUr. Ccltzru Orca. Tusda7 llersia.' Jcn 23.
Wedding Is
Read at
- i , i :
'In the presence of the f w o
families on Saturday night. Miss
Josephine McGilchrist, daughter
of Mr. land Mrs. William McGil
christ, jjr. became the ' brideL of
rMr. Alpihens H. Buck,, of Milwau
kee, Wisconsin, son of Mrs. A. H.
Buck of Eugene. Rer. W. Irrin
Williams read the ceremony. The
wedding music was played by a
string I orchestra composed ' of
Mary jTslmadge Headrick. Wal
lace Graham, Jeannette Scott and
Wayne Allen. .
Mr. William McGilchrist, !sr
rare his granddaughter in mar
riage. She wore a white, marqui
sette, gown styled' with a- square
neck lace trim, short puffed
sleeresjend full skirt. There ,was
Hceerl fength veil wa2 of
tulle, bordered in Brussels lace
and caught in a cap of pearls.
en's wore long wnne giores sua
carried an all-white bouquet.
Her only attendant. Miss Eloise
Buck, wore a turquoise frock
with tight bodice and full skirt.
She wore a matching picture hat
an carried an arm bouquet
Mr." Robert Buck of Eugene
acted as best mans
The bride's mother wore a dress
of blue lace and a corsage of
pink and red roses. Mrs. Buck
wore a rose silk dress and a cor
sage of pastel flowers.
Directly following the cere
'mony the wedding party recetyed
guests at a large reception in the
garden. White sweet peas and
thalletrum and hurricane lamps
decorated the serving table. The
punch table was lighted with
white tapers and decorated with
white flowers.
Those pouring during the ere
ning were Mrs. Charles : A.
Sprague, Mrs. Ralph Cooler, Mrs.
Romeo Gouley, Mrs. B. F. Pound,
Mrs. Homer Smith, sr., Mrs.
George Alexander, Mrs. Warren
Fuller, of SL Louis, Mrs. Mar
garet Le Furgy, Mrs. J. C. Cur
rle and Miss Jean McGilchrist of
Portland. Assisting about the gar
den were: Mrs. Prince W. Byrd,
Mrs. Harry' N. Crain, Mrs. E. M.
Page, Mrs. Donald C. Roberts,
Mrs. Richard Slater, Mrs. E. J.
SceUars, Mrs. David Bennett Hill
and Mrs. Arch Jerman.
Serving were the Misses Mary
Star buck of Dallas, Dorothy Alex
ander, Rovena Eyre, Margaret
Wagner, Esther Baird. Emlyn
Griggs of Portland, Margaret
Simms, Mesdames - Carl G. .Col
lins, Homer Smith, Jr., Rosser At
kinson of, Hood River, George
amign oi roruua, wunam jjick,
Leon Perry, Robert Joseph, Ho-
Emigh of Portland, William Dick,
m er Goulet. Jr., Robert Needham,
Reynolds Allen, Kimball Page,
Bradford Collins and A. Terrence ;
For her wedding trip to Banff
and Lake Louise Mrs. Buck wore
a beige ensemble with matching
accessories and a corsage of gar-
denias. Following their trip the
couple will live in Milwaukee.
Mrs. anex attended St. Helen's 'ner home on North Summer
hull and is a graduate of the Uni- street for a late supper.
Tersity of Oregon where she Was ; Those bidden were Miss Doro
a member of Kappa Alpha Theta thy Alexander. Miss Esther Baird,
sorority. Mr, Buck also attended
the University of Oregon and atas
affUiated with Beta Theta PL
Uhoir Program
Is Tonight
The Lutheran Hour chorus will
appear at Leslie auditorium to-
night under the auspices of the
Lutheran Layman's league. The
following program will begin i at
Cantate Damino too Halcr
It Th6a fint Suffer God to Guide Tbee
. Keamark
Whea HeLce I Hmt Betake MeBack,
Tie Vast Unnnmbeied Throng. ZZMtieg
Let au tb People Prai.e th,siKrd
Twi cke.llM '
'iTrearer." Bach
Ad,de With Me L Monk
Q.d Misht w. p,.ue Tby N.m. i
I urt Mr Heart to Thee
a. ETen sons .Prothroe
gu.rtet nomber.
I Jrd God of UoSt3!
Lob nsd Deck scen Wir Dir-Ton Hauler
Beaotiful Sarior r
Miss . Evelyn Leonard, daugh-
tpr of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Leonard
of Medford will marry Mr. Frank
lin Van Pelt, son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. E. Van Pelt of Salem in St.
Mark's Episcopal church In Med
ford on Friday.
The Woman's union of the First
Congregational church will have
a picnic and business meeting! at
the home of Mrs. S. J. Butter,
weanesaay at. 12:30. Mrs. E.
Donnell will be the assist n
.TVTliTrTaTlTl i hL'J&
7AotorDrivan Brush
Cleaner Complete
With Attachments
Save Yourself your lime.
your rugs and your
money. ; BUY NOw,
Terms f 1 Down f 1 Per Week
Headquarter for "GJu" j
474 South Ccmmercial .
3 Blocks Soulh " Phone
Ladd & Eusx 6414
U 5-
CELEBRATE TGGETHER Clara Jane deft) and Mary Ann.
twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bullis, who were hostesses
a a party on their birthday Sunday. (Photo by Bruno).
. .
Sons of Union Veterans of
the- Civil War and auxiliary,
no-host dinner at 860 street.
6 : 30 p.m.
St. .Elizabeth Guild of St.
Paul's Episcopal church with
Mrs. Wllmer Page, Chemeketa
street, 1 p.m. covered dish
Council of Church Women,
YMCA, 2 p.m.
Nebraska club auxiliary with
Mrs. Lucille Garner, High and
Union streets, covered dish
Woman's association of the
First Presbyterian church with
Mrs. Glen Adams, route one,
1 p.m. luncheon.
DAR sew all-day for Red
Cross at "Grant school.
Garden Kensington, with Mrs.
E.Long, route two.
ARYE auxiliary with Mrs,
Corine Irish, 2054 North-Cap-tol
street, 2 p.m.
Chemeketa chapter. Daugh
ters of the American Revolu
tion with Mrs. W. E. Hanson.
829 North Church street, 12:3
p.m., picnic.
Friday . I
Pro America joint meeting
at Woodburn.
Woman's Bible class of the
First Methodist church with
Mrs. Mettle - Schram, 8S0 K
streets 2:30 p.m.
c ' i I
ODinSterS at
T , - i
Line Party
Miss Dorothea Corey, Miss
Shirley Evenson, Miss Margaret
Wagner and Miss Mary Ellen"
Hammond entertained members
f the Spinsters with a line party
to the Grand theatre last night,
Later the group went to the Wag-
Miss Barbara Compton, Miss
Doris drager. Miss Margaret
Simms, Miss Rovena Eyre, Miss
Eleanor Swift, Miss Kay Laugh-
rige. Miss Marylee Fry, Mis night in St. Joseph's Catholic
Wilda Jerman, Miss Barbara church has announced her mar
Crain, Miss Patsy Llvesley, Miss riage plans. She is the daughter
Betty Simmons, Miss Virginia of Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Albrich.
Corey, Miss Shirley Evenson, Father T. J. : Bernards will read.
Miss Margaret Wagner and Miss
Mary Ellen Hammond.
Fncirrrino rrt
J- ill lUlllO
Informal Tea
f' ltl.. t trlnATi!nn
! "t- , . . . U "
with an informal tea Friday after-
soon at the bona of her Darents.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis E. Vincent
on Superior street. The affair
complimented a group of Miss
Vincent's friends. The tea table
was decorated with a bouquet of
garden flowers and tapers. .
Thtose bidden were: Miss Pa-
M,gg Marjorie Woot.
en. Miss Susanne Wilson, Miss
Betty Cooper, MISS Rosemary
Bell. Miss Peggy Reiuholdt. Miss
Florence Lllburn, Miss Frances
Elizabeth Ann Herrick, Miss Pa-
tricia Byrd. Miss Mary Ellen By-
water and Miss Betty Wirth
The women of the Knight Me-
t.C -; .,
home of Mrs. J. E. Long, route
two Wednesday afternoon. Tea
will be seryed and the public Is
inrited. The tea committee in-
eludes: Mrs. J. E. Long, Mrs. H.
L.Braden. Mrs. O 'B. Bowera.
Mra. Hvz Fished Mra. A. Rohl
ertson and Mrs. B
E. Edwards.
Salem chapter. Women of the
Moose, will sponsor a program of
Americanism Tuesday night at the
Moose nau, lztn ana. iesne. ine
public Is invited.
Mrs. Waj-ne Robare of Gilchrist,
the former. Ruth Wilson, is visit-
ing . with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs.-J. C. Wilson and ;wlll remain
in Salem until after the Fourth.
Rainbow Rlrls, 'presklrd over
by Georgia Cook, will hold a short
business meeting tonight at. 7:30
in. .Masonic temple. They will
HILL nt 3rd.
1 ---V-
It ' - ! ' 'V ' . f I
it , 1 - - -
I". , ;r " - -' - - ' ;1 '
1 , .... L '.,., J '
1 ' ; ;
T.wiris Have Party
On Sunday
Clara Jane and Mary Ann
twin, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Bullis, celebrated their'
fourth birthday with an outdoor
party at the family residence on
North 14th street on Sunday. .
Each guest was given a balloon,
windmill and whistle. The : chil
dren's father, an Instructor at
Parrlsh Junior high school, took"
pictures in color, while guests
were assembled.
Guests present were: Jean Bow
land, Larry Vaughan, . Bobby
Noyea, Arno Wenlger, Jaquellne
Raymond, Billy Rogers, Joan
Crabtree, Bruce Dough ton, Joan
Hauge, Lois Monk, Lawrence
Monk, Marshall Jelderks, Mr. and
Mrs.. Edward Vaughan, Mr. and
Mrs. D. E. Bullis, Mrs. Marjorie
Rowland. ' -
Pianist Winner
Of Scholarship j
Clayton .Wheeler, Willamette
university student and pupil of
Miss Clara Eness, has been
awarded a six-weeks scholarship
under the nationally known' pian
ist and pedagogue Alfred Miro
ritch. Mr. Wheeler, whose home ia in
Sidney, Mont., has studied for
four years at Willamette univers
ity and graduated in June. He
won first place when trying i out
before Minovitch on Monday
morning in Portland, and will be
given the only full time scholar-
ship awarded. He will take pri-
rate, lessons and be a member of
the master classes while the
teacher is in Portland. Fpur
others competed,
Wedding Plans
Are Told
Miss Winifred Albrlch, who will
marry Mr. E. J. Fogle Thursday
the ceremony.
Miss Albrlch has asked her
sioter. Miss Theresa Albrlch i to
be her maid of honor. Dr. J. E.
Albrlch will act as best man for
Mr. Fogle and the ushers will be
Mr. Louis Folts and Mr. George
Hemann. The alter boys will be
Allen and Joseph Albrlch.
A recentlon at the Hemann
lwvep iz ,,T
home, on Mill street will follow
tne weaamg. Tnose assisting will
O B. Schuneman, wha
w; Pf,ur. Mf8- Lawrence Kelsh
j Portland'i!"- Hlnry ?frp and
"';s..Loiiu'8, F' JJ" BBZu
f?dZ and Eddie Hemann, will
d,f,i.rlute1 the wedding cakes. ;
Following a wedding trip south
the couple will live In Salem. ;
..r ..
Ware i" amily
if R csi i -j i
1 i-"
On Sunday, ! the nine children
of Mr. ' and , Mrs. R. H. Ware I of
family reunion dinner and after-
Present were Mr. and Mrs.
L "lt!r f .SJ
lem, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ware and
Cheryl of Dexter, Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Hayes, 1 Johnnie, ' Donna.
i - j V.,; 'i.
iirw ""if-ei,
Dickie, Verne and Barbara and
Bobbie of Portland. Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Ware of Mehama, Mr. Cecil
Ware of Vancouver, Miss Lillian
Ware of Salem, Richard and
Frank Ware of Salem,
Mr. and Mrs; Korral Edwards
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Mapes
returned -Sunday from. San Fran
cisco arter a. wee as stay,
" ".' f if .
- i; - . - -.
. r. and Mrs. Kenneth Barker
te. theif nephew, Johnny Lee
paiBden of San Francisco, as their
houseguest for the summer.
GREEN M r s . Ben
Clemens left early in the week
f o? Wasco, California to be pres
ent at the marriage of; her son,
Author ,B, Clemens and Miss
Eleanor. Logan on June 21;
The. bride is a graduateof Coi
ton high school land attended the
University of Redlands and Uni
versity of California at Los An
gelesShe has, been teaching the
past" tw6 years", in : Wasco. She is
a daughter of Mrs. ' Mabelle Lo
gan. . - , - : -i
. Mr. Clemens graduated from
Oregon State college, and was a
first lieutenant in the army sta
tioned at Fort Benning, Georgia.
He Is now engaged . ia building
and construction at Wasco, where
the couple's new home Is under
construction. ' i . i .
Mrs. Ben "'Clemens .will be. a
guest of her son: and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Clemens
At Wasco. !
Mrs. Houseir Back
From.' Vacation :
Mrs. Paul B. Hauser returned
on -Saturday night after a two-
week's racation trip i to .Victoria
and VahcouTer. Mrs. lHanser met
Miss Margaret Hansen in Seattle,
and together they made the trip
to VictorIa and VanconTer, BU.
Mrs. .' Hauser returned - alone,,
leaving ner atagaier io cuuuuuo
her studies at the Western 1 Col-
lege of Education In pellingham.
i I
Miss Scptt Weds
Dr. Ballard
Miss DOrothy Scott,
of Mr. and Mrs
Quincy Boott.
of Portland, became the bride of
Dr. J. .Hudson Ballard, .sunaay,
afternoon fat the First Presby-
terian church Ih Portland. Rev. L.
P. Putnam officiated.
The bride was accompanied to
the alter by her father. She wore
a white moire gown; with long
sleeves and a short train. Her
full length rell was caught with
a small cap and she- carried a
bouquet Of white roses, sweet
V ThhrtdV: onW attkndant was
Mrs. Allen B.
... " :- -.--'
who wore a rrock ci Blue sua net
and carried a bouquet Of pink
flowers, j !
Mr. Robert H. Ballard of Los
Angeles acted as beat man for
his fatherJ ' The ushers included
Mr. Hugh Scott and Mr. Allen B.
Scott, brothers of the bride. John
Stark Evans played tijie wedding
music 1 1 welcome.
Mrs. Hugh SCott and "Mrs. Put- .
nam poured at -, the! reception .
which followed at the home of f-tolrlon A csirirrr
the bride's! parents. An arrange-A11010611 VV UUinCJ
ment of pastel roses and white T T5 T, i
Papers centered the bride's Uble. ill DlOOKS:
For her jwed ding trip Mrs. Bal- .
lard wore i a brown N linen dress. The golden wedding annlyr-.
large stravf hat and a beige coat.
She had
a corsage j of
On Sunday
' , ' v v -
Miss Carol Johnson, daughter
f anil lra B Tlarlrtw John-
V A w . " M. w
son or brants pass, Became
bride of ReT. Lawrence Edward
Guderlan, Son Of Mr. M. L. Gud-
erlan of Grants Pass on Sunday
at 3 o clock in Grants Pass.
Mrs. Guderlan completed her
sophomore j year at Willamette
university jand Rev. Quderlan is
a graduate of the university. He
is pastor at the Buena Vista
church. Rer. Johnson was form-
erly of the Leslie Methodist
church in Salem.
Girls Can Look
sfaag-...... . n-cfi mil1l iiiBLjjii'm r:- - n'-i
lftv white sharkVkln play smt and
i ; swim
r -
, fi f I ,
' 'Vt i h I
' ; ( i 1
-j A V t'
i ; ft
h- f -
s f
; : - 1 -
' j T t
I I- i i' f
' -." -
If there Is one place on earta. where a gtn -wants
to look her best. It is on the beach. The new beach
costumes attend to that, as you see above. The
rustenine; white sharkskin play suit t the left, is
an example. It is beautifully cut and with it comes
a full-length robe with a monogram In danger red.
Ginger Rogers has chosen a hooded robe of a
Xabrie resembling' an old-fashioned " candlewick
spread. jTne robe is la lemon yellow, the top fath-
Til nteffi
St V,. MM f ImJkmM - I
: - :Shover Given
.For Bride. . :
' Mrs. Arnold Jarrie and- Miss
Betty- Green entertained . with-a
miscellaneous shower Friday
night at . t h e Janris residence,
complimenting Mrs. Fred .Stoyell,
the formfer Miss Audrey Sellard.
The evening was spent informally.
'. Those bidden were:' Mrs. Daniel
nunuiou, an. mwouh uoatre,
Mrs. Delrin Durham, Mrs. Frank,
Miller, Mrs. LaVerne WhlttMn.
Georre Smith. Mrs. Amos Jarvls
and Mrs. Claude Sellard.
mA Mrm Olanits Bollix ,
Thursday night Mrs. S to veil
was honored when members of
2i I tnSSaeS' TZ
tera union entertained at the
Quests were Mrs. -Stovel!, Mrs.
Richard Jerkins, i Mrs. Arnold
strayer, Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mrs.
Henry Giese, Mrs. Ernest Garrett.
Mrs. May Whitehead, Mrs. Bud
Davidson, Mrs. Albert Thomas,
Mrs. Melbee and Mrs. Claude Sell-
lJovl iJCTnCfZ
ANUVC1 -Lxuiiv-c?
.Colorful anopie. and flowers,
will transform the recreation
Mm , h. HTnxtnlo mnU tntn
' T;.r .;:. n"..
wiu d irom io i o cioca.
A anecial floor ahow ia belnr
arranged by those! in charge, with
singing waiters on the program.
and Mary Lou Hill singing "Say
It." There will an y admiasion
charge made, and all- people are
ary or Mr. and Mrs
Hunt Of
Brooks was celebrated at a family
dinner and reception on Sunday.
i . r i - i
the family called to greet the hon-
red eoupie
Mr. and Mrs Hunt van mar-
, . , r ' -
ried in Kansas on June 22, 1890
and came to Oregon in 1891. They
hare lired near Salem since their
. ,,.,! ,.
V. . . . . . .
In Ralnh Jtirinn a i a ur
Kenneth Hunt of Salem and Mrs.
m.. nw. ri....
,re the Children. Mrs. Cole was
unable1 to attend' ibe celebration.
4 ..Lk..)!..
ne xauoa uaociauoB or
Letter Carriers auxiliary will hold
a covered aisn oirtnaay supper in
the KP hall Wednesday at i:0
p. m. Hostesses will he Mrs. Mel-
Tin Scott, Mrs. Robert Garrett
and Mrs. Thomaa Kenagy. .
Their Best in New Beachwear
' '' J
-- n 'i iwriiiinrni-iiininsiti-ivriiiniiriiii-niii
robe; center, Ginger Rofeirs la
suit; miovr, pnaicd tie suu sathin;
erea at me anouiaer seams ror ruimess. Under
this she wears a satin swim suit in Hawaiian print
in lemon yellow and azure blue. The bathing suit
below was designed by Florence Gainor, and Is
made of pure tie silk in a geometric print rose
against a light blue background. . The bra top
is held firm by a rose-blue Jersey halter strap and
is attached to the belt of the little boy pants. XHw
.erectly covering but fine for run-taEnlnr. ";
Feted at i
Shower T
Mrs.- Carl G. Colllna la enter.
talnlng tonight in honor of Miss
YTonne Smith, bride-elect of Mr.
Glenn H. Woodry. The affair will
be glTen In the Colllna residence
on Stewart street.. A buffet , sud-
per will be serred and later tables
will be made uo for contract.
Wednesday night Mrs. Harry
'H.' Welnstein Is entertaining with
a kitchen shower for Miss Smith
Sereral hours of bridge will be
in play during the erening and at
the supper hour the hostess will
he assisted by . Miss Kreta Jans
- and Mrs. Deryl liyeri
Those bidden are: .Miss Smith
Hrs. Robert Mills, Mnui Jack Hy-
ett. Miss Nona woodry,. Mr. Don-
-aid .Woodry,: Mrs. Peryr Myers,
Mrs. Charles Cltggett, Miss Kreta
Jans, Mrs. T. Harold Tomlinson,
Mrs. .Glenn .Wilbur,; Mrs. J. Paul
Boumaa-: of Dallas, Mrs. Robert
Rsjnsden, -Mrs. , Carl G. Collins,
Mrs. MarTin Headrick, Mrs. F. A.
urT of Santa Monica,
and Mrs
- weiMww. . -.
1 ,j v -
i Ml OllO irUDllS
T-?-vi -! .
i ICVllVAi ' T.
Miss Margaret . Hogg, pianist,
will present her students in gen
ral recital .Wednesday I night at
.iv. nKt.
80fr North Summer vstreet. "Any
?"e "t!8""
one" Interested is invited to hear
ons: program. .
ao fv, v
Th. t.i.,.
Pen? Xan 8ton i
waits in Bprtnmmc
.Rodf eri
i Wayoaa ShieUa
Oa U )( 8u. , Btelaheimer
Marrarct Mix
rtirjUn Jiasie
Ktnu Knu
lunoa vmB
Tambung Clown
Deletas fiaadeck
JHrktova BTUerg
David Kennedy
Jodeile Parker
La Bjoxlaaa
-Gleaa Oamtt
Ovar tka Waree Grant SchMf.r
Jtoasey onght i
tal Trala ; Bal
ymag sure
Harold Sviaiord
-Willi ami
Jean Doolittl
Ta Wo4 Kr!?D' Harp.
Gloria Karrell
Faitoral Zaao
Heloa Price
Sett? Winn
Sons of India ' Rimaky-Koriakov
Bam Barker
Trees oa a HilUide.. L Piaret
Harr Keaaedr
feapea Vauaata
June Ewinford
rouit a'aaeera
Sairley Aaisberry
The Serf
Boat- of Ike Volaa Boatmaa.
i Darid Simpson
German Dane, t
, qarolyn Cramer
. Eaendel
Koberta Faulua
- . uaanowa lavoay
uarotte Mifnoa
Betty Mae Pyre
siaronie rnce
t i Charlotte Cohea
jaSa Daaeo
Abb Tweedie
ir- . -xt . m.
aiu Tr.,un. MaoDow.ii
i Bettr Willia
W'i?J". -SZSi
. V, VrrrY I" "
uym a
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tavlor
and Mrs. Taylor's parents. Mr.
nd Mrs; L. E. Jordan of Enter-
prise, have Just returned - from
San Francisco, where they vaca-
tioned for two weeks. While in
the south they were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Larsen.
cand3cwlck' hooded robe, satia
Looking around and thinking
a bit ; over the weekend," weT
come to the conclusion that one
. of the greatest
talents a, person
can have, is that
for arrowing - old
rather early age,1
for youngsters
find it hardUo
take on duties of
increasing if
jaiier i n com
plete" freedom
of infancy. They,
like we older
r- folk, fail often
that the rewards a of
to realise
maturity are
at least equal to
its disadvantages.
If a mother Insists on cheerful
. . . , ...
faces and agreeable; dispositions
In her children, for no other rea-
son than for use In later years,
she will be well rewarded. Early
training reappears, "magnified . ln
Importance as one comes to mid-
die and old age.
Look around at the old men
or women who are good com
pany, contented with life, and
welcomed by friends and. family.
You'll find they were reasonably
unselfish In youth had other in-
terests than personal comfort.
and nine chances out offten were
hobbyists. ' i .
After all, most of us look for-
ward to the time when, retired
from business life, we may find
time for hobbles,' sports and read-
lng. Old age is something we
spend bur liTes trying to attain,;
We-read a book, enjoying erery,
episode that leads to a climax,
and -proTidlng we don't skip
ahead, its good reading to the
very end.
Today's Menu
Potato salad will begin a meal
for a hot day. .
Potato salad
Dill pickle dressing
, Cold sliced meats
Spiced beets '
Sliced tomatoea
Fresh youngberry cobbler
In the Valley
SILVERTON Hundreds ' Of
a-i m- i i - jt .-. -
' """V " ! " k" TV ,
Btreet nome of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
J- Adams to greet Mr. and Mrs.
Edward R. Adams on their golden
Mr.. Karl 1. Adama received.
. ... . .
guests a OOOr. Wallace
.t..... . i. kav
ViT ,,
ixv uuuui cuuyn sieekcu
guests in the living room.
Mrs. Adams bad as her COrsage
txrn mMt nrrhlrt. a-ifta frorn Vikn-
two gold orcnias, giits irom WlIO-
las and Sons and an orchid orchid
from the Karl Hartkes of Oregon
City. . .
Mrs. Ralph Adams, Mrs. Fred
Jensen of Bremerton and Mrs.
Milton Thostrud assisted, about
the rooms.
In charge of the dining room
were Mrs. Edward Ekman, Mrs,
R. B. Duncan and Mrs. Charles
Reynolds. Cutting the cake, were
Miss Emma Adamson, Mrs. H.- J.
Iverson and Mrs. Nora BaTT of
Portland. Cutting the ices were
Mrs. - Harry Riches, . Mrs. Russel
Scott and Mis. Alfred - Coote.
Pouring were pdrs. E. E. Chase,
of Portland.. Ms. Karl Hartke of
Oregon City, 4nd Mrs. Alfred
Adams. Assisting, in serving were
Miss Phyllis Adams, Miss Bonna.
Bell Savage and Miss Kreta Jans
of Salem.
The incite were Fred Jensen, Eleanor
Jenaen, Jean Thoatrnd, Ralpn Adama,
Anna Adama, Milton Thostrud, Mra. S.'
A. Ga, S. A, Gay. Marria Senter. Mr.
aad Mra. George Bar, . E. Carrol, Earl
J. Adams, Leta V. Adams, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bullard, Mrs. A. ti. Palmer,
Blanche Ekman, Edward Ekman, Oath!
aleen Riches, Emma Adamson, Peggy
Beott, Mrs. E. E.Xhase, Bob Adams, Bud
Thostrad, Roberta Adams, WaHer W.
Fbrter, Robert M. Eceaa, Donna Bella
Sarage, feophia Moores, Mr. aad Mra;
a. Starr, Betty KJeinaorfe, Mei and Atrs.
Mahlon Boblitt, Mr. and Mrs. Hoim,
bob, Fiofsie Johasoa Colleen Joerg, Mr.
and Mrs. win Graham, Mr. and Mrs.
MmTTc P-ltirVMa?"
Beier PemeroT. Mr. u M. -snwrt
rat, ira. Aiirea a a ami, xr. and Mrs.
A. J. MeCaaaeL Mrs. B. . J. Comatock.
Kiss Jennie Graham. P. E. . SvWeatn-'
Mr. aad Mrs. Alyia Legard, Mr. and Mrs!
E. O. OUen. Pan! Peters. Mr. . anil M r,
C. A. Reynolds, Dorothy Selby, Amanda
Schwabbaaer, MMly Shewabbanar, Mr.
and Mra. Letter Whitlock, Mr. Harold C,
Chase, Lou Aaa Chase, H. C. Chasfc, Ma
ria Abb Whitlock, Mrs. Peal Piiers. kreta
Jans, Mr. and. Mrs. U. S. Page, Or. and
Mrs. 8. K. Kleiasorge, Mrs. Sarah Adam,
son, Mrs. O. C- Hange,- Mra. Ester i Wea
er. Mr. end Mrs. H.. B. Jorgenion, Mr.
and Mrs. W. O.1 Larson, Mrs. Olga Miller,
Mrs. Seirart ran rue, Mrs. Elsie Wigle.
B. E. Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ad
ama, Mrs. Georga CnaiUr, Mr. and Mrs.
R F. lron, Mr, and Mrs. Bea Gifford.
Ethel P. Brown. Mrs. Will Linn. TT
Monnt, Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. A If or d, Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Jans, Mrs. DaUey Lane,
mi r. saa jira. X.
Hansen Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Morrlsoa,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Naegeli. Bert Day!
Luaetta Day, Mr. aad Mra. A. L. Coote!
Mrs. 8. R. Peek, Mrs. H. J. iTersoa, Mra!
Aekler. Mrs. -Ed LangleyV Mr.
-" mmi M. VIUDHWI, A. X. Jam,
S' John's LUtheran phurch Presents :
I; - alio'; L'uL'icfaii Eidnretcriis. : '
citC, iSs3 o 1119
This famous group on Radio . Network, will be heard in
Concert of sacred song-s and music
: e ' ; . " ot the
Lcslio Jcdcr Hi;! C:!:::!
- , , Howard C C Cc".ta
Adults 25c CHldrcn IZz . ,
8 Pi M.
Speaking of combinations, era
are several,' ready for today's uee-.
Lily Pons finds a combination
of fruit flavors good In a ; sot
weather drink. - f ,
1' quart ripe red currants "...
?i4cups water V f.
1 quart red raspberries ,
Juice of three lemons
cup sugar L
1 pint of chUled, ginger ale
UTaaK ' - ilva lit ' B mj VM CrVt ' 011
vskMten ssviiff - asfnKr,frtsa kAA 1 efnrk
a n a ?"" water and cook nnt currents be
old begins at a om- hit.- tr alir-fhranirb
eheeeeeloth and add an ear, lexson
water.. Mil thoronghlyJand ihi)l.
When ready to., serre, .com bio
with ginger ale Serve - ia ice-filled
glasses. Serves - .
- 'eeaa
A reader OfTTheLSlatesman and
follower of 'Iheee j pages tried a
new jam of her .own lnventioa
yesterday . morning and called up
to report k m eiceueni. one coin-
Dinea two ipoanas rnuDero, two
pounds loganberries and slices
pineapple, cubed with I pounds
mnr f 1 -. ,
good berry combination for
pies was found to be equal parts
ot blackcaps an4 youngberries.
t-' T
.trlCniC iVienU IS
Regardless of the- weather, the
presence of a hot dish on the pic
nic menu is helpful; to the diges-
tion of the other food, and when
men are hungry, the paste casse-
roles with meat are welcome and
Inexpensive purveyors of food-,
entTnI. fre.h Varden aal-
ad offsets the sturdy character f
the casserole and relishes are sot
accessory but a working part jaf ;
f'f W olive.
amont; the easiest of picnic foods i
to get to the Js tion, la good con -
dlUon. Just earryUhe .can opener
aiong ana Qsanassecn when the
dinner bell slags. tCfcUl . the fruit
n the can by wrrljceratlon, if you
like, and protect Its welcome cool -
ness by wrapping Jthelcontalaer In
layers of newspapas. , )
" " If. . m m . . . I
sacarvni ana irmnaiurxer
' casserole' ; i
Swiss x cheese. " sandwiches
.Fresh garden salad
: ! , Ripe olives
Bread and butter pickles
Berry pie ...
'ft with
Cherry sauce
Root beer -. , TTlxermoa coffee T
Social 'Flocdrn
Georro Tielaekaa."jSr. mm Mra. . fc. '
Oeiaer." -Mra ' Minnie Preston. nuna .
I-Uisehman. Mr. and Mr.. C. H. Sawyer,
Dr. aad Ur.t:. W. Keene. Mrs. A. 11.
Wood- Mrs. H . JE Erans. Htlene Pnn-
Z 'a 'Zuir r;. 1f. . !i
?ra .at, rar El.o, Mr. and
Powell. Mr. and .Mrs. a. J. WeUaenfeltr
Mr- and Mr, Amvm W TTnK.
M.- Jaaa7Mr.aad Mra. Clay AHen, Mr! '
Mra. ri.a Atin i.i. T..r..
M R- "d Mrs. Date
t u j m- uj.i"
Mr. and Un. Urorc Anderaon. Mr,!
CharJe. Hartman. Et. Zimmerman, T. P.
Zimmerman, Mr. aad Mm. Gears. Buiurh,
Div M Un. q. jt Viob, Dr. aad Mr..
p. a. Loar. Mr. and Mra. R. b. Daiu-an.
Rev. and Mrs. D. Leeter Field. Mra. Zel-
' ma Ile, Kn. Helen Mnlkey. Mr. nd
Mra. R. A. Fiih, Lillie L. Madaeo. Mr.
atd Mra. fiobert Jana. R. W. Pickail.
Doris Bailer Marian Bailer. Mra. W. Pal
mer, Wallace Adamt, Charles Shelby. J
anna Jene, Clara Jane. John Jrn. Frank
Adama. Vernon Barkhnrat, Phrllia Ad
ama, Mr. and Mra. Karl A. Bartke.
- .v.- -.. ;
cella Myers, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. .Oscar Myers, will become the
bride of Floyd Lange of Hill City,
Kansas, In Portland Saturday,
Miss Eileen Myers will be her
sister's maid of honor and Orel
t"'""V u olHr w ine V VVV
be best mn- 1 ,
The tewlyweda will leave Imi
mediately after , the ceremony tov
njotor for Hill City, Kansas.
where they will spend the summer
"-nd return here In the fall.
Mrs. Fred " Viesko entertained
the ladies Of the State GUh club
Vrirtav at
"vw.t mmer home at
eskOWin. Those going from here
are the hostefes, Mrs. Van O. Kel-
ley. Mrs Bert L. Inn on
r. " ' ,TZ -L"-',0?eS
LEBANON- W Ith nnl rlnco
frll, .,Vf!TU . J ? .
rrIen - attending. Miss BerniceJ
Gregerson i was married at! the
B18le". Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Laj- .
ton, to Mr. Clifford RiidrJ T? or
read the service.
llcuanlB were Mr. and Mrsk
Larson. After an Informal recep-
1 &JF& l
Ueir new home on El more street.
V'nke up your . .
v . . New"
Taste Thrill
v Scotch Graham v ):
at Your Grocer's -
0Ps.IL - v
V J,