WI I 1 1- i ! .1 1 V Stock Market Holds Steady .Nervous Session Receives Stabilization from I Rising Rails . , NEW.TORK.' June 19-(flF-Stocks held steady today' la the face of Wall Street' worry, over t e r m s of the Hitler-Mussolini 'peace dictam. Vib' It was a "nervous market but received a degree of stabilization throughout' the session, from tbe rails 'which, generally . rose, major . fractions on predictions of in creased revenues through capital goods shipments, v , .-, vr: l As counterpoise to the fear created by the capitulation of France were the steadily mtant- ; ins domestic Industrial indices of steel. production, carload fngs and electric power output- Tne noge United ' States rearmament pro gram was Tisualized as a solid foundation for much I industrial expansion. The Associated Press average of f" tO selected stocks gained .2 of a point at 41.3. Transactions ..totaled 5(0,350 shares, the fewest in two weeks, compared with 718, 10 veaterdav. 1 . Aircratts took an upward trend in the afternoon when Represent ative wiiison, chairman of the - house' naval affairs committee, said he opposed further limitation on ; the profits of plane manufac turers. -, ; Hopes of manufacturers f f o f continued uruisn munitions 'pur chasing were, highlighted by a surrey which showed Great Bri tain to bayjB sufficient, credits In this country-to be able to spend 1300,000,000 monthiy r here for the next 18 months. Gains of ma jor fractions to more than a point were recorded tor such leaders as Santa Fe, Southern Railway, Great Northern Preferred, Chesa peake St Ohio, Boeing, Glenn Mar tin. Lockheed, Case, i Harvester j Bears Roebuck, Chrysler, Ameri can' Telephone, Du Point, Allied Chemical, American Can, Loft, Canada Dry,, Westinghouse and American Woolen." The latter ben . efitted ; bya: US .army overcoat tngs contract of more than 1 4,0 00, aim . ..... tS it;. . Valley Wool Advances Vii" ' - -. -it.'.- -r-;-. ... PORTLAKD, - June 1M)-Wil-lamette valley: wool, bids showed a general adrance to -J 5 cents 'a pound today. -. Mohair. yas 'steady at J 5 cents alpound but little re mained ; unsold.' .-;;) v-v". ? : ' Salem Lady-i Was : She Tried KruGon t ru . . ... ... - , . - j Modern Cap sal Remedy , Eroughl About a "New Day . for Mrs. Georrjej With Proper ' Qlmlnatton Pains Left, Sleeps arid Bests Well; Foods Digest ! Properly loo - 1 I can recommend KruGon as being a medicine of merit and judging from my own : experience it is a remedy that Is honestly advertised," said. 'Mrs. Carrie George, 1510 Mill Street, Salem; i i - hVELS; CARRIE GEORGE a highly respected lady of this . dty' who, has lived here -for the past " twenty years. Every day there rare .more and more' local people calling at the Fred : Meyer Drug Store, .148 North , Liberty Street, Salem, to have a talk with the KruGon Representative and learn of the action of this modern v capsule remedy. ' .vk; , "For many years constipation . had been the 'dread of my, life and I had gradually taken an! awful toll in my general health," con tniued Mrs. George. "As sure as X ate a meal It was certain I would suffer 'terribly afterwards! Gas pains would come and I; would bloat until I could hardly breathe at all. Then too . my kidneys be I gan acting so frequently my sleep . and rest .was disturbed at night, - pain settled ' across - my back and I 1 vu it a loss to know what to t . do for my stubborn condition. I J could Just see .myself r growing I steadily worse,', never , felt! ..well r and' it got so that everything I I did t was an awful effort for me. Finally my attention . was called to this KruGon but I was skepti cal of Its merit until I gave.it a trial myself." - i" -, . f: - "1 thought only . of mylother experiences and had' no faith j in -1 KruGon at all luktil It proved I to I f me i beyond a doubt , that It was 'I Just what I had wanted for years," I eohtinoed - Mrsi George "Ij, now h 'have proper elimination and those I f elogrged Intestinal impurities1 are I - relieved so that now I am able to t eat- and .enjoy the foods I want without "any - distressing etf ects f afterwards; Even my kidneys ire L acting normal now and I sleep the nights through without the least , ' disturbance. Pain a .were soon re- lleved too since- given proper1 ellm : tnatlon, get the rest. I need and t with proper' n&orishment il am I feeling strocger, have more pep 1 and Brgy and really 1 en Joyr liv ; lng more . than ' I .have In many years. ' It ' Is 'wonderful ' what' a I ceiiCne can7 do. If It fits", your -I : . T:.s KruGon Man Is daily tneet . S-;s'-tbo local public. at the Fred , ;:syer Drug Store, 148 North Lib erty Street. Salem, where be rges r.'J local people to call and have a izYt.- with him regarding tbe r-'Jca cf this nodern capsule t aedr. - ."r 1 Salem! IVIarliet Qnotationo t (Bsyiag Mcm) -' Tfc'e prices t(w 8ppUf v a local grocer MS fadictiT ! the Si!y sssrkat r rices pl to grower by Balma Tr t r bu fnarni4 by Xk Ststoa: cbbc. n. Csrrota. local, doa CanlifiowM loeaJ m Cueaasbcrs, dos Clry - I, Cbarries, IU, Lattuca, tcal ,.n . -Onionav CO tb. Grrea eniaaa. aoa. . fapiMtra. greaa VSaSTASZXS Potato, local, ewt. K. t- SO lb. bar pot astakas Kaspbarrirs. erat 8pinseh, ScSUi. box. HMrc to- Aaparasaa, aloa. Peaa. local, lb. 8 1 rawtxrru a, os- local Wnstar4 grocna. in Watrrercsa, alo. Bta, aoa. AS 1.80 .99 S.OO - .04, 1.60 S.00 JS . S.2S .TO ' -OS : J S.S0 -.to .OS J9 JOS .Tft AO AO AS Tttraipa. dos. - . , ... .1.-,. . OSaVW. L aVM0 &jujb trW, Hp. 1 rMlcanaa. ba. . ' .TS Oata. too V 00 Peed barley, torn , SO 00 Clover bay. loa . . , , , 10 00 Alfalfa hfr,'4oa i0O ZCK paaab So, 1 gTsda. SO lb. bag Dairy feed, SO lb. bas 1 0 Ben acratcb feed - 1.SO Craek4 eora 1-SO Wheat . . . 1.60 egos aan pouxtht CBaylns Price of ABdrtMa'a) Giade A Urge, dei .. ,,' 1 t J' Grade A Btedinm. doi , , J Grade B large do. 1 . . 4 Pulleta JO Colored Sea , Jl- Colored frys -- . Batterfat, Ko. U 2Tc; Ko. A S3c premium 23c, . -.-9, U . A crude print, 81c; ' B grade 80c; quarters 82c. Whit Leghorn, heavy. WbiMt Leg hora fry WbiU . Legoorsa, light Old rooitere - Hoary hoi. a, Ib. , JDS .11 (EuyUif ertca ai Maxion Czoajuery I Grade A lime, do - ' - - JO Grade A avediaaa. doa. J 4 Grade B rgo doa. .1 Uadergradra a ad Jl Lrge dirties .. 14 Psilt , f " , , . r JO Uehora bees ' JOi Legberat fryara. k J Colored fryrra, - ' - JS Colored baas - . Jl Bors fBaytng Prteei) to JO 1989 1940 contracts, lb. .. UVESXOCX (Bay tog price tor No. 1 eteck. bated oa ecaaitraa and aalea reported ap o p.aa. 199 ipriog usaos T.7 Lambs ; 4.00 to S.OO Ewe -. , - - , SO to 1.60 Her, top. 160-820 Ibo. ., S.76 Sow I,, 1.60 Beet - S 00 S.50 to 6.25 Heifer Dairy typo cow Live veal . Dressed eoal. lb. 60 to 4.80 to 50 .00 Jl WOOI, AMU MOBAJJl V Bnytna Price) Wool, caediam, lb Coarae, lb. Laatba, lb. - Mohair ., 3S JS Jl JO Quotations at Portland PORTLAND, Or, Job 19 (AP) Errs: Lance extra IT; itanaare a: aiediam extra Id; standard 14V. CAeeae: Triplets 14; load le. Butter: Extras 29 fe: standards 18; prime firsts 86 firsts 36. Portland Grain. POBTLAND, Ore., Joae 19--(P Beptua bar Tl iim Caab craln: Oata No. 3-88 lb. wbito 30.00: barley No. 2-45 lb. B. W. 19.00: Ha 1 flax 1.6SU. Cash wheat (bid): Boft whit IS; westers white TS; western red IS. Hard red winter ordinary 73; 11 Pr eent 76; 12 per eent 78; 12 per cent BO. Hare white-Baart 13 per cent S6; 13 per coat 92; 14 per eent 93- l 1 : -.Today's ear receipts: Wheat M flonr 9; com ; millieed 1. . . . .. . Portland Livestock ! PORTLAND. Orel Jon 19 (AP) (USDA) Hon: - Salable and total 4001 attrket active ; batchers strong to 10 kigber. r '- - ' - -. Barrows sad gins, gd-ca, 140-160 lbs.. b.sa do gd-eb 160-180 lbs do gd-cb 180-200 lbs do gd-CB..20Or329 lbs de gd-eb 220-240 lb .do. db: 340-370 lbs gd-Cb 27O-S0O IDS Cattle: Salable and total 15 : 'awtabl nominally steady. Steersr good. 900-lipO Ibs-f 9.75 Mediant 750-1100 lbe Co -en. 750-irOO Ai Heitere; ad, TeSeO Mediaam, SOO-POO Ibr. ftOO- HI lb .H-. rii' 5.65 &S S.OO S.90 6.10 .to;ao 5.600 6.00 5.3 543 65 i.00t 4.50 100; calves Cows, 'good alt - Jlediam'. all wts - Cat-eont,-ll Wt. Caaraer, nil -wt 10.31 7.7 5 & 9.75 .75 7.75 S.75& SUM 7.35 S.75 6.00 7.35 6.00 6.M .350 6JM 4.60g 6.35 S.75Q 4.50 T.OO 7.55 7.ooe.v.as S.35 7.00 6.35 6.25 9.00010.00 8.5'0 9.00 6.00 Q 6.50 Salable and total. 400 : spriag Uaabs Steady to 35 low jr. Spriag lambs, gd eh .... t 8.15 8.25 At medium and good T.sok? s.uo de cr.mmon , , ,, ., 7.00(a) T.35 Xwes (shoru) gd-cb - 3.75 g 8.00 da- eomntoa-medtant .- ... i.wvs 1.13 Ball (yearUng exclnded). - -gd, u- wttr r,;. , Sanange, gd, all wta do nted, -all wts . ... do eet-com. all Tealors, gd-cb, all wts, Com-wed, all wts -,. Cull, all -wts,;.,,-:,, Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore, Inn 19 (AP) Country Meats 8elltng price to retail ers: Coaatry-ktlled r nogs. . beat butener 125 150 lbs. 6 Sfee; venters, fancy. lSfe 14 lb.: licbt thin. 10-lie: heavy 10-11 lg.; lambs, spring 16c; - yearlings 10- 12c; owes 4-6 Ibt; good cutter cows, tue iUbany School Vote Is Qose ALBANY Little Interest, was takes in the District No. 8 school election Monday, f althongh the rote was heatier than in a nam ber of former years. -Cr E. S peace received 129 rotes and A, G. Senders 124. Both men were np for reelection to succeed themselves on the board of direct ors. Dr. C. E. Coles, the third as pirant for director, received only 81 .votes - r .i Immediately following the re port of the election board, a meet ing of the school board' was held Land Virgil L. Calaran was named president of the board. y Daring, the. meeting a teaching contract waa offered Mildred Moo dy of Halsey to teach the third gratie at Maple school. Miss Moo dy . has. taught In the' Corbett school the past two years, .and for the previous six -years had tanght in the Halsey schools. , , lb.: earner cows 9e lb.: balls 13 lb. Live) Poaltry Baying price: Ho. 1 grade, tgioa broilers, lfe to 3 lbs 16e lb.; fryers, nnder 8 iba 15 lb. : S to 4 lba 17e lb.; roasters, over -4 lbs 18a lb.; Leghorn bona, over Sfe tbs 12e lb.; ador Sfe 4bs 10 v ib.i colored seas. over s lbs.. 19 lb.: 4 to 6 Ibsi, 18 ib. Old roosters U lb. 'Dmssed Tarkoys SeHiag price I Xo. t kens, lSfe-14c lb.; torn 9-10e. Onions Oregon Ko. 1, S.1S per SO lb. bag. Sets, whit 6 fee lb.; brow Sfee. New California wax, SOs. - 1.35 j rod 3.00. - . How Potatoes California White SOa, 1.30; 100s, 3.05-3.15. PoUtoes Deschutes S.15; KUatstb (Tnle Ike) 3.35 cwt.; local Whites 90s box; do sacka. 1.50-1.60 cental; Mai in S.OO cental; soot hern yams 8.40-3.(0 art. Hay Selling pric to retailers I Alfal fa. Ho. 1. 15 50 ton; oat votab. 13.00 J siover, 11.00 ton; timothy, oastora Ore gon 17-18; valley timothy 14.00 ton, - Wool 1140 eaatera Oregon, rang 36 16fe ; WiUsmetU valleq 12 enoaU aexa iaal. Me lb. . v- - Mohaii 1940, 13 months HO lb. Caacara 1940 peel 6oJb. - Hope Oregea 1989, 80-S5e: 1940 daairaet 85e lb j 1940 seedless 35c. Xoaiete rioar BclUng price, eity da S-ry I- to IS bbk-loU:-Umily patenns, 49a, 6.20-6.80; bakers', bard wheat, net. 4.60-9.95; - bakers" blnestem, 6.4O-6.S0; blended wheat floar 6:80-4.80; soft wboot 4J80-4.85; grabam 49s. 4.30; wbol WbW.49s.i4taS5,.. , Riird: Election r Results Given DATTON T h annual school -election of lb,e Dayton eity grade school and outlying rural districts held Monday night resulted as follows: ' Dayton- director, Mrs. Harry SLerman; c. 1 r k, Oscar Doirer, both reelected. , . - Dayton Prairie- director, Dolph Goodrich; clerk, Mrs. WiUiam Gar lock, both reelected. 1 Fair vie w-d irector, Charles Stephens; clerk. Dare Olke, both reelected; a. one' mill tax was voted. . . . . Grand Island director," George Asher;" cler k, Mrs. . Louis Will; both reelected; budget some high er last year. " , Unity director, Walter Zwick; clerk. Carl Bergman; moth re elected. Union vale director, John Coomler; cltrrk, George Westfall, reelected. - - , ' Hopeweli Lone Star .director, Douglas Bru sh; clerk, Leonard Hickerson, reelected. Pleasantdale director, George Robinson; clerk, Mrs. Wendell Willard, reelected. Webf oot director, James Rich ardson; clerk. Charles Carr, both reelected. " Wheaaand director, L. W. Scoggan; clerk, Mrs. Eugene, Wilson,- reelected; voted to buy a new and smaUer United SUtes flag-to replace one in use tor more than 25 years. -'',------- Grangers News UNION HlLL--TbV Union Hill grange will meets Fjiday, night tor its regular, business meeting. Luneh committee' is Mr. "and Mrs. John, Steinberger, ; M rT and Mrs. CUfford. White, Mr. and Mrs. C- C-Carter.:' '";' -: -1 , -. Mrs. Floyd Fox ! and Mrs. Car rie Town send entertained 5 the Union Hill Home Economic club At their home, on Tuesday after noon.": Mrs.' Lane of Salem was a visitor. Mrs." Carrie : Townsend gave a review of her recent" trip through the redwood (oreit of California. Mrs. John Steinberger won the prise, for the - contest, Mrav Wi J. Krens sang a solo. : 1 T. I. am. si. D. . 6. Chan. a). O. Herbal remedies j for ' ailment! of stomach, Hver, kidney; skin, blood, glands and urinary sys tem of taea jind women. 12 rears in service. vNatnropathic Physicians. Ask your BeighborB.! aOOOl CHAM-LAM." - i 0m 4 - j) CI ur C t DC ! CO. tr 393 Vi Court Su. corner Liber ty. Office ..open -.Tuesday and Saturday only. 10 a. m. to 1 p. ta., C to 7 p. ta. Consultation, blood pressure and urtae tests ara free of chart;. - " ' ' Flax Eipiipment Jjicreasd EUGENE. June 19-()1-New construction and equipment to handle increased Lane county crops was announced today by Pete RItthaler, superintendent of the Oregon Fibre Flax Growers' association. Expansion of facilities will util ize eight acres at 'Springfield, where two new retting tanks will be built, . Crop estimates totaled 2000 tons compared with 600 a year o.-.. . , Leave for., Vacation . . . ' GRAND ; ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Will left by' train Monday afternoon on- a ' three weeks vacation trip which will take them as far east as Chi cago," where "they will get a new car.. They expect' to return home by way "of California, - where they will visit . with relatives. ' Whitman Rites Today - ' BILVERTON Funeral services for Mrs. Lydia M. .Whitman,-who died , here .Tuesday, will be held today at .2:30 from Ekman Fu neral home s: The body will be shipped to San Jose, CaliL.' for final services, i - . Stcc!b and Borids . r : Ulieat Prices up At Session's End Frof egslonal Transactions ; Keepj Ularket Active ' at Chicago 'CHICAGO, June,19-i!P-.Weat prices closed cent higher today after having been as much asj - lib " cents net " lower' earlier in the session. ' . July contrasts finished at 78 V and September at 7SH com pared with, early lows of 78 V. and , 7C respectively. ; - - Although many ' traders pre ferred to 4 await more definite news regarding the peace terms to be imposed on France, trade was moderately active but large ly represented professional trans actions. Early selling- and late buying appeared to be geared - to some extent to the varying trend of securities. . Some buying , was attributed to mills while the light marketward; movement of "new wheat In the southwest attracted attention, f '-;- - '. : -1 ; Wheat receipts at the. ll prin cipal terminals totaled a 05,0 00 bushels, about 52,000 more than a week ago but sharply below the 2,257,000, j bushels received a year ago. j Southwest terminals received only 420 cars against 2.S57: a year ago, ' enid .'getting 272 cars compared with 036 last year. ' '-.: .:. Traders said marketing of new wheat was! running behind last year because of the later, harvest and because much of the crop was going into storage, with prices below government loan rates, t ; Closing Quotations " 1 J '! 1 ' " . '"' I ii i in . , Postmaster9 Sister Dies AURORA Mrs. Mathilda Lange of Portland, sister of C Fleischhauer, postmaster of Aur ora,! passed; the effects the throat. Calvary Wednesday. way Saturday from of a chicken bone' la Interment.' tn Mt, cemetery, ' - Portland, NEW T0HK, June lf-iff-Today's . closta?; Qnotatloni: r AI. Chem & Dye 152 - Coml Solvent t!4 Nat Dlst. ' American. Stores : Comlwth Sou 1 Nat Pow, St Lt, American Can 100 " Consol Edison 2CH Northern' Paclfie Am For. Pow 1 U Consol Oil t Packard . ,,...;., Am Pow b Lt , 24 Corn Produ eta, 80- J O Penney Am Rd ft St. San 54 Curtisi Wright- 1 Phil Petrol Am R0U Mills IlTi Doiig Aircraft 73 H Pressd Car Steel Am smelt ft, Ker, Du1 Pont : Xl Pub Sew NJ Am Tel Tel 157 Eleo .Pow Si Lt .4 Pullman Ameri Tobacco. .75 V4 Gen J Electric 32 Safeway Stores- Am Wa Works S General Foods 41 Sears Roebuck- 21 Gen Motors 44 Shell : Union i. 4 Goodyear Tlres- 15 Sou. Cal Edison 1 Great Northern-; 21 Sou Pacific 84 Hudson Motors- - 34 Stand j Brands. 8 Vl IUinoir CentraL. Anaconda Armour - III Atchison" Barnsdall. Bslti '& Ohio -I- Bendix Aviation . 20 Insp .Copper ' Beth. Steel Boeing Air Borgel Warner. Budd -i Mfg. Callahan Z-Lvv-Calumet HecL Canadian Paeifio J I Case 77 Int . Harvester. 14 Int Nickel 1 Int Pa A P 3 Int Tel ft Tel 7 Standard Oil Cal SUndard oa NJ ' 45 Studebaker 23 Sup Oil $8 Timk Roll Bear 3 Trans-America Caterpillar Trac 48 Celanese Certain-Teed i Chesa ft Ohio Cbrysler ! 1 Johns , Mafiville- .52 . Union . Cerbide- 5 Kennecott 28 United Aircraft-; 3 - Libbey-O-Ford. 33 United Airlines- 61 j Lig ft Myers B $ 5 Uniti S. Rubber- Loew's- .. 23 United S. Steel- 2f ' Montgom Ward 39 Walworth 4 Nash 4 Western,. Union 36 Nat Biscuit 18 White Motors 84 Nat Dairy Prod- 13 Woolworth lt 7 .5 S 82' 32 9 34 20 iV. 71 8 25 8 5 18 84 7 1 41 -4 68 40 17 21 .53 :i 8 18 9 31 Dai Biisiness Headed for Rodeo ' Senator Ruf us C. Holman's dairy business aeemsr by nature's workings to be headed for the rodeo i business. -.v .- : t At any rate,- he has advised Dr. W. H Lytle of the sUte de cartment of ! arricultural animal division that lot the last 28 calves born at bis' farm, 20 have been bulls. The senator v. adds - .that "since I am in the dairy and not the rodeo 'business, I would pre fer that the sex ratio should be reversed.":,- --' . ..? - , He points out that limited ex periments hafe been made else where in this country on control of sex in cattle and offers his herd for such; experimentation. . He has also addressed the same I appeal to. Dean William A. Scho- enfeld of the state college and J. J. Inskeep, . Clackamas . county agent and a conference between them and Dr. Lytle" soon will likely determine If such a project is to be conducted. . Recent European and Ameri can" research indicate : that, the project has promising possibilities. Jackson Named Political Chief ALBANY -Toni Jackson of Halsey , has been elected chair man ; of the- Linn county i demo cratic central committee, Mrs. J: K. Weatherford, Jr-, Albany, vice chairman, and- Lyon Lawrence, Lebanon, secretary. r ' Mrs. Mark V.- Weatherford of Albany hag ; been' named state eommitteewoman, and CP. Kli er, Harriaburg, - district committeeman.- j - . -.- Labish (Ihiircli MeetihgToiiight LABISH CENTER The Quart erly conference ' business meeting of the Evangelical church will be held la the local schoolhouse to night at 8 o'clock. Rev. Pettl eord, district superintendent, will speak. - Valmer r Klampe spent the weekend at the home of his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Will Klampe. Klampe is employed at Roseburg'. Mr." and Mrs. E. B. Klampe are enjoying a visit from their nieee and husband of California. ' ' 'Raymond Bibby of the ? coast guard 4s spending a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Bibby. .. i r Mrs. Reuben Boehm has recent ly returned from .Wisconsin, where she spent a' three month vacation with her parents. ' P. j. Russ had his car side swiped Sunday night at Four Corners where he . was stopping for "the stop sign while enroute to Turner to visit. Mrs. Rusa par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dow. Con siderable damage was done to the, car. :?'Vv ' . . ; : f-: :-; The monthly business meeting of the Labish Center Ladles' Aid will be held Wednesday, June 26, at the W. '-. R.' Daugherty grove- at 2 o'clock. Hostesses for the afternoon are Alice . Jefferson, Bernadeen Boise and ' Kathryn Daugherty. ' . The annual school , meeting o( the Lablah Center school district No. 142 was held in the school house, June 17. The local budget was approved. Elected for the coming year were, director, Chester Klampe; clerk, Harold Watenpaugh. Rf3quests$20fCC3 For Rlining riant SILVERTON Lon Shannon, With "interests 'In the ; Santiam mining, country,' appeared before the- SHverton a chamber of com- merce . Tuesday . night ; in . the In terest of raising j2 0,000 for the concentration plant - now being erected in the -Santiam - country. Shannon -assured the - SHverton members that if they should ralte this sum of money, furnish a 20 acre site for a metaiurgical plant, and furnish water, for the plant. a 9400,000 plant would be built at SHverton. - - ..-" . R. B. Duncan, president of the chamber presided at the meeting with M. G. Gunderson and T. T. Leonard of the Industrial commit tee leading in the discussion. Members assured Shannon- that if his proposition is all that he says it Is and that if local people can. te assured that the plant, would be built here 'provided the 820,- . 000 were raised, this sum would be provided. In the meanwhile a committee, consisting: of Leon ard,, DT. p. A. Loar, Glen Price, Mr. Duncan and- L. E. Inman was appointed to make investigations. TJipp the Slale Glean' . PAY YOUR OLD BILLS . WITH A LOW-RATE LOAN MONEY PROMPTLY V . . KO . EMBARRASSma QUESTIONS . - STATE FIIIAIICE CO. 344 State - Phone 82S1 Lie S-218 M-2-2 EES C3 TODAYI POLLY A1ID EER PALS Sut a Lcj W-l Doi By CLUT STETJUT AW, m X OUT MAO "VaS DCVE.. OH.BUSrXACS.1 i vr-suISc en : ABOVC'. I imm a w a If AM. U3j X BUT iXAO TUG Jl vvnhs!6jpf A DCVE .- E -a. i" V -' " -cor v-- - ' T ' ST V II I I I I I r,1 I Br-a-a-aasBa--- -m -! " MXC3ZY MOUSZ ,TWS WING 6 CA ' bt rr in. j-.-e- Cn?TT. .a Jt : : lWJ Z. I I - - tmJ un i..Jt e4o Pull up Your Pcmta, Bro&erl i- out to look MOCEY : -f stroPA STRAN , CREATURE ACROSS THE PESERT!' WHOA. TAPIOCA! r cosh WSXE3- IKSOOMtM'f C MCKEYt UH-KihgQ WARM " " L! U)OKSLtKE MJ2ilL I WEMT HAYWJ-- A wrmfi-fBpLANTouHa:) , z. V, ,,," , ; PETE WITH r-i , o Ali e&tf , By WALT DISNEY X SHOULD SAY NOT MUH f SCHEME WORKCD PERFECX! VT t LURED KIM Ali. RIGHT -Y .... : , IT WUr JUST TM" ' , LITTLE ANNIE EOONEY Am Ye Sow Sa Shall Ye Reap By ERANDOII WALSH if ."THE LTTTUE AAA MALLEE ORDERED ATUO-mfiM rCsRKACH EVOTAMO OIRLM MA-SS-Ur J mi VDU MEAM AHY KID -MHO YJJ-TTS AGAROCM CAN HAVE srxoc at VES-AS kOMS AS r TTHCy SPCINKVE AMD i WEED THE GAROeM DAILY IT BELONGS TO 1 TH-V-.AMOCV-ttyt I TKNG THEY RAISE IS n .11 -ruvis rT t-asa feSL.K-c -) rttSmmt. tW.f I'll THATtS A SWELL IDEA AM1 TU- TS f ANO AACt HAUUCE 13 V VIA. E3ETCHAM3U WIM BCOEveKlDINHCOUVsU GOtNGTOGlVETEM 7 A PrE,COaA-XAU5E 1 HAAGAIEM-FTHEANT V V P5 "ORTHe ALT KIDS TMIKIK t-7 DUMB THEY KIN A4AKC t I TEN BEST ; , . - 1 VdTRE SMART-AM1, 1 6AgQENS -. r TOOTS AND CASPER Nattve Son Casper SEEMS TO HAVE THE. OF A PC-TUCUN. VVGS THB VOTERS, VC-.MR I WAS CASRBR BORN ihl X WAS. ANCBRASKAr ' BORN CALIFORNIA. THEM WSTVB SOMETHINt H4 ; COMMON. MY ' DAD WAS BORN IM CAUFOPNIA . AND MV MOTHER " NEBRASKA )1 WAS BORN IN AIUTAH. NEW THDf-SLE THEATI-SUsrring Popty Vi m JiPRCM l mm MV DAD WAS BORN I hi NEW VORK AND MY WOTHER . 8N . UTAH. ISNT V THAT A CO-INC03ENC& I I'M Vi FROM FROM - J OHlO.AAEOR(rlA.j HAIU; X MY DAD WAS BORN IN ' OHIO AND MY MOTHER IN rEC?&rlA- WEU..W-U.- By jn.tr.iY MURPHY .r . ... i . : .s- -!-- . 1 WASl fMYOAOt.S BORN i BORN IN IN j: ' AI WAS i MICHIGAN MlCHIiiAM. J BORN 1 AND MY Kgf - N MOTHER IN rV - t MINNESOTA. MINNKSOTA- ELECT IOW -TAKES ; - Pt-ACE . IS1GDCT - vcy. WfUe , Casper - JOR . --NiAMiN Pluwwer : o - Tan !' STOCK AV-XAGES - Co pi 4 by Ta Asoesiated Press ' -. , . ao xa - is eo Ia.lu -Rails L'til 8toek eVarxs A .S . A . , A . .. A .1 Wednesday ,'68.6 15.1 83.6 .. 41.8 Previous day - 58.8 14 1 li t 4U Month Ao , . , 6S.8 1M 81.1 89.1 Year ao , 67.6 18.1 ST.S .47.6 140 bigs - T4.3 ' 30.5 : 40.6 62.3 1840 lew S3.S ': 13.0 80.r T.O . ' 20-fTD AVXBAGZS ' - 80 10 i - 16 V 16 . . Kail . lados ' L'til Torgn K eaaase A.T sack A .6 l J Wedaeaday Sl.fl 100.8 ' 8.T " 81.9 r-revtoM day 51.S 100.8 93.2 88.9 Moots era , 49.0 89.1 90.6 8T.T Year t 57.8 100.4 96.1 . 61.81 1940 fciga, r9.9 103.6 97.8 8S.5 I 1946 low 8.8 98.9 : SO. 85 J, CH. VDU MUST HELP Ml. LVOTlJU IVE-l DO YOU KNOW WHiSS Af-STF'-JV T-J i I llTTsiO 4 m 'A Man c Fw Words", j . . . . . . i Atp. very '1 s WHERE r U6jEME KNOW6 WHR& .W-STPEA" 7 ( .1 . ?iss 1 lCIitiCrr r EVEM It A tJEEP . DOE KNOW WHERE, HH CANT -THEY CAN DO l A4SWR VS"OR"MO" QUcSTJOKro . I NOW. HOW CAM 1 UKE THKT FOR 7 . UG M- TO . 1 rsAN-WE? ? . . t V -J - i m i 'XT' , ;1 Cm SMO. ' Ii - 1 : -I''1 W' . .ky a.-i AsU.l'S --' W .k- w - . (,, "3 ?' - - . f " J t it ' ! .. i r- ' . 1 aaW. . n .4 t.jf w AaU-taia j' W .--.. o lwt , , u . k, 4. . a a . , 1 ! , . , r. , -