The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1940, Page 9, Image 9

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ByJack Sord$
to M
1 ' l'" ' ' ' ' . .
- ' ' ' '
.'j.j--, . ' -. , t.
Brewer Loses
; i. ' ' , , .
. - I . . . . -. V . r . . "
: 5l J&i bawhs ms ssrBefJ - WSJ
Did you know: i.
That our Moose Clabaugh was once the leading light of
the most powerful outfield combination ever assembled in
the minor leagues? . . . The Moose, Stanley Keyes and Zach
Smith formed the garden, protectorate of the Nashville Vols
in the Southern league in 1931, where they had a composite
intntA of .373. . . Remaining to-V"
r ether throughout 193Z, cia-
bauga hit .383 to top the league
again. Smith batted .162 and
Keyee .341.
That not since 10S8 has
Wait beaten Square Dealt . .
Taeaday night's 0-2 wia was the
sevratl. consecutive victory In
a two-jear span, and what Is
on, HarUn Hank Stng-r
pitched every, bloomrn om of
That Hal Clemence, who trip
ped the Taks Tuesday ntfht. la a
school teacher when not playing
baseball? ... He tutors down Ari
zona -way and la aald to bare a
nice fast one In the readln', 'ritln
and 'rithmetic ranks.
That Bncky Harris, hammer
ing lotbario at ovr Salem Sen
ators, bas 6-foot- younger
brother patching oemlnro! bH .
for North American Ariatioa '
down In Englewood, Call f.T
The Bucko tried to get Brother
Fred, who Is a. righthander, to
come np and try- oat .with Grif
fttbV aav' '-y
Bearcatery Stormed.
We don't like to be a-tellin.
but:; '
M array O'FlynnMhe big right
hander who showed So much in
hia debut here with the Indiana
that we of the press box dabbed
him' the best looking serter yet to
show here to the Western Inter
national, ' learned to pitch by
hearing dirt clods at fence posts
back In old Kentucky. . . The big
fella, procured by Spokane from
Buffalo In the International, is
also a mighty nifty bat juggler. . .
He can make a fungo stick say
the same things that does a drum
major, hia baton.
Happy Howard Maple, j the .
Bearcat coach, the soft ball boss
and the atrocious golfer, has
t?jed down every invitation
tendered him for a golf game
this spring and summer: :,
, And the excuses be offers! ! .
Tsk, tsk. tsk. !
Already the athletes are begin
ning to flock, around his nibs, Roy
Servais "Spec" Keene, mentor of
the team that goes to Hawaii a
year from this December. . , If all
the football players who now! want
to come to the Bearcatery were
strung out, heads to- heels, the
chain of grldders would stretch
from ! Center street, Salem, . to
Hula avenue, Honolulu.
Bevos Dig 'nDigl
p, It'a so. so help us: - j
The 'Portland Bearers couldn't
bnrv themselves any " faster if
noa rKrA AHlla anil atoam
1 shovels. . i Those -Percherons cer
Ulnly plow like they thought hea
ren was down instead of up. , . .
Wonder when they're going to
more into a league more their
class? The Pioneer, for instance?
Clabaugh , played i hla first
pro baB with Topeka back 1
1023. . .In 1020 h bit A3 home
runs for Trier In the East Tex
an two more than Babe Ruth's
alt-time major league record. s
Scribe St rite of Eugene- be
lieves Tex Oliver baa bell-on-the-boof
ia Roger Johnson, 220-pound
tackle prospect from San Bemar
dinoiJC . . ."A raying terror on
the. field." la Strite's description
of the big guy who is expected to
understudy Jim , Stuart, the bur-
V. T. Xaaa, H. IX O.Ctaa.- JX.
Hitrhii remedies for ailments
of stomach, liver, kidney, akin.
blood, gland ana urinary jys
tem of men, and women, 12
years in service. Naturopathic
PhTatefana. Aak roar nelxhbors
abut C11AN UAU. I y.--.
: on. conn im-
amnsz f-SDicnis co. ;
393 Court SU corner Libert
fv. office often Tuesday ; ana
Saturday only, 10 a. tn. to 1
n rn -etol n. m. Consultation.
.blood pressure and urine tests
Jare free of charge. ' y--
ricane from Hermiston who was
classed as one of the top tackles
of ; the coast last year.
! i
Heap Hooping, This.
IxKk, if yon want:
Regal record, we'd say, that of
the Kdmonton Grads the wom
en's hoop team of Kdmonton, Al
berta. . . Organised In 1915, this
outfit first won the Underwood
trophy in 1922 and won it yearly
from then on, Including the 1940
world's senior women's champion
ship. . . Since forming, the Grads
have had 220 teams, have won
528 games, lost but 22 and have
scored 19,971 points to oppon
ents' 8924. . . Opponents includ
ed those in the Olympic games in
Paris In 1924, Amsterdam in
1928, Los Angeles la 1932 and
Berlin in 1936. . . They ran one
winning streak up to 78 games
between 1926 and 1330.
! Klmer 3Iallorj-, the ex-Oregon
recently optioned to Tulsa
of the Texas league by Oakland,
will have the honor of playing
behind the once great Dizzy
Dean. . . On May S3 Ford Mul
len, another former Oregon,
was leading the East Texas
' league hitting parade with a
neat .400.
Iast heard, Wenatchee had
high hopes of obtaining Pitcher
Pat Tobin from the San Diego
Padres. . . O'Flynn, the new In
dian hurler of whom we were
speaking a few paragraphs back,
worked l in 46 ball games while
with Durham and Winston-Salem
of the Piedmont in 1937, winning
18 and loting 17.
Box Score
Wilson cf 4 1 2! S 0
Baer, 2b I 2 0 21 8 1
Coscarart. If - 4 0 0 2 0
Harris, lb 4 0 16 0
Clabaugh, rf 8 0 0). 1 0
Lightner, 3 b . 4 0 10 2
Griffiths, ss .... 4 0 0 1 8
Petersen, c 3 0 0' 6 0
Brewer, p - 8 110 1
tHelser 1 0 0t 0
rtls 32 2 7 24 7
Reese, lb . 4 1 H 10 l
Stamper, 2b S 0 0 2 3
Whipple, If S 2 3 8 0
Fernandez, as 4 0 3 2 5
Bliss, Sb 4 1 3! 0 . 2
Younr.ers, c . 5 9 if 5 0
Weigandt, ef 3 0 0 0 0
Springer, rf 3 0 14 0
McConnell, p 3 0 1 11
Totals 36 4 13 27 12
Score by innings: 1
Salem I.. . 000 020 000 2
Yakima ..... 101 000 20x 4
Errors Petersen, Reese. Rons
batted in Fernandex, Bliss 2,
Coscarart, i Springer. Two base
hits- Brewer, Harris, Whipple.
Stolen bases Fernandez 2. Sac
rifices Fernandez. Double -plays
fernandex to Stamper; Fernan
dei to Stamper to Reese; Left on
bases Salem 7; Yakima 14. Base
on balls off Brewer 4: McCon
nell 4. Struck out, by Brewer :
McConnell i. Earned runs oft
MeConnell 1; off Brewer 4. Hit
by pitcher Springer by Brewer;
wild pitches McConnell. Balk
B r e w e r. Umpires- Weisgerber
and Moran. Time of game 2;20.
Wake up your
Taste, Thrill
Scotch, Graham
xt Tour Grocer '
PC Loop Bans
Silver, White
Reaffirm Stand on Rocker
Shift; line Shift at
Scrim Line Only
SUN VALLEY, Idaho. June 12
-0?J)-I,ootban coaches of the Pa
cific coast conference voted today
to ban use of white or silver uni
forms in night games.
They also reaffirmed their
previous stand prohibiting rocker
and running shifts involving line
men. Light uniforms, it was pointed
out, tended to make players and
white or yellow balls indistin
guishable. Such color schemes,
under electric lights, also are con
fusing to spectators.
Action on the shifts resulted
from a Question by Tex Oliver of
Oregon university as to whether
it would be permissible to switch
from a balanced to an unbalanced
line from the line of scrimmage.
This was a favorite maneuver of
Glenn Scobey "Pop" Warner and
of Notre Dame teams for years.
New Interpretation
, Interpretation of the line shift
rule now is that it may not be
accomplished from the scrimmage
line. r
The University of California
and Washington State college
have been criticised for employing
the so-called "rocker" and "jump"
shifts, respectively, although the
institutions were not singled Out
by name during the current ses
sion. The mentors of the- coast's two
major independents, Lawrence
"Buck" Shaw of Santa Clara and
Morman "Red" Shrader of St.
Mary's, sat in on the meetiag and
concurred with the action.
From the graduate managers'
private session came word they
were drafting a long range foot
ball schedule which would give
the orphan members of the ten
team Jeague Idaho and Montana
an Increased number of games
with the four southern universi
ties California, Southern Cali
fornia, Stanford and California
at Los Angeles- taking effect in
1942. N
Sugai Pins Ilaki
To Win Royal Mix
Salem's own Don Sugai emerged
kingpin of last night's battle
royal rasslln business at the ar
mory, the nimble Japanese pin
ning Prince Ilaki with a back flip
and press in the final setto on
the program.
Bob Kruse and Herb Parks,
firBt two to be ousted from the
royal ramble, came' back long
enough for Kruse to topple
Parks. Ernie Piluso and George
Kitxmiller were next, and the
Portland Italian slugged big Kits
Into submission in short order.
Sugai lost little time in down
ing the Arabian. He went jto work
at the bell and inside five min
utes had Baki pinned.
Carl Dumler, Moundsmaitf
It Farmed to Wenatchee
SAN DIEGO. Calif.. June 12-(V-The
San Diego Coast league
club today announced that Carl
Dnmler, a pitcher, had been
farmed to he Wenatchee club of
Western International league. ': f
Dumler will report to the club
immediately. ; 1
ere s
NEW YORK, June U.-yPr-Ofr
casionally Harry Markson gets a
chuckle out of-bli work, such as
Mushjky Jackson provides when
he called up from Joe Louis' camp
to inform Harry that "Louis will
work out at I o'chxk weekdays
and 3 p. m Saturdays and - Sun
days. but on (the w hol the Job
is a large daily headache. -
Harry shares the headache with
Walter St, Denis. The two, with a
corps of Mushkys and other
stamp llckers, handle ' the publi
city if or the 20 th Century Sporting
club, sometimes known as Mike
Jacobs. " ' : " 5.1.
For three years now Harry has
been telling the world about the
Jacobs' boxing enterprises. 'Mike
signs the fighters, then hands the
drumsticks to Ms tub-thumpers
i . I
Summer Ahead
m Means baseball and soft
baU, la Salem, they mean
The Statesman.
Pheasants Fly
By Waits, 8-6
'Makers Win 2d, Downing
Kennedys 9-3; Birds
i"Win in Seventh
Softball League
Paper Mill
Square! Deal
Squarsj Deal
Waits !
cellar-dwelling Paper-
makers of last year moved out
in front of the 1940 Softball race
with their second straight vic
tory of the season last night
while the champs of yesteryear.
took their second defeat
chin to settle into! the
on the
cellar, i j i i
The I 'Makers, on the three-hit
hurling of Bob Wllles, downed
Kennedys by a t to I count,
while the Golden Pheasants ham
mered Waits for an 8 to 6 vic
tory. 1 . 1 ' !
Willis, although wild enough
to walk eight and make six wild
heaves j whiffed 10 Cleaners in
a game that was full to the
brim f wild pitching. His two
pitching opponets, Eldon Bulkley
and Jod Comstock, walked four
between them and wild pitched
three times.
j Get S in First
After scoring three runs in
the Initial Inning on hits by Kek
Iy, Bill! Gentzkow and Bob Dunn,
the 'Makers put the game on ice
with aj three-run outburst in the
seventh on an error and hits, by
Bernie Gentzkow, Dunn and
Schnuelle. They also counted
once in the sixth and twice in
the eighth, with Dunn, Finn ell.
Brother Bernie, Schnuelle and
Willis leading the 15-hit assault
on the Kennedy pitchers. !
The Pheasant clan collected It
hits off! George Roth and Don Cutf
ler, clubbing home five runs on
six hits in the sixth and two tali
lies on two hits in the seventh
The Brass Ducks won despite
committing six errors afield. j
Shortstop Al Walden, with two
doubles and a single, led the
Pheasant attack, while Bennettj
Pangle I and Satter collected two
blows each. - I
Hal Smither allowed Waits but
six hits and two runs up to the
ninth, when four errors and one
hit forced him to vacate the;
mound in favor of Art Siebens j
George j Roth was the only Meati
man to register two blows off
Smither, both singles.
Paper Mill 9 IS t
Kennedys 8 8 2
Willis and Schnuelle; E. Bulk
ley, J.j Comstock (8) and J,
Pheasants 8 12 6
Walts X f 8 I
Smither, Siebens (9) and Pan-;
gler-Roth, Cutler (6) and Mc-
Caffery. I
Seek Open Crown
SEATTLE, June 12-WVThe
golfing jZimmermans of Portland
professionals Al and Emerr
rwere' listed definitely today as
challengers here next week for
Marvin j (Bud) Ward'a Pacifie
northwest open golf crown. Both
are foriner title holders.
Ward;, Spokane's national ama
teur champion who fell by the!
wayside in last week's national
open, will be on hand to defend
the title he won last year at Spo
kane in! a three-way playoff with
Neil Christian of Yakima and
Emery Zimmerman. Christian, who
won top professional money last
year, also is entered for the 1940
event. 1
The three-day tourney will open
next Wednesday at the Sand Point
Red Sox Defeat
SILVERTON-Roy Orrin's ninth
inning double, pins two errors,
gave Silverton'a Red Sox an 8 to
7 win over Valsetz'here Wednes
day night.
It was a close contest an the
way. .
Valseti J T It
Silvertoh .-.8 I I
Johnson and Dixon; Carstens
and Moe. ,
and lets them do the rest. ;
"The irest" is a dally program
of press .releases, training1 camp
trips, idea quests f or . dlxzy-mind-ed
scribes (ain't we all), arrang
ing press accommodations, com
piling records of fighters from the
greenest, four-roond boy on tip,
answering 5 dlxxy questions over
the telephone and other items too
numerous to mention.
On a fair day he'll bat out about
15 stories, ranging from Joe Lou
is' punching power to the 'prom
ise shown by Joe Doakes, who will
be making . his first - start in a
four-round preliminary. Releases
tor the big fights go to about 400
papers as far west as Chicago,
with special stories going to scat
tered .territories which . might be
interested in a particular fighter.
. How he does this with an inces
Salem, Oregon. Thnradcry Morning, June 13, 1919
Bosox Belt Indians, 9 to 5;
Both National Leaders Win
American League
W Li
Pet. W L Pet.
goatoa t 10
Detroit SS 1
CW'lMi SS 31
9. York Si 22
.030 Ckiesfe 34 85 .490
.STS St-Xxni 31 8S .43
.571 Wslis'ta SI SO .413
.532 PhiUdel 19 SS .404
-ZZ. . :
f BOSTON, June 12-Wr-By send-
iag 12 men jto bat for a six-run
rally in the eighth, the Red Sox
came from behind today to pro
tect their first-place lead with a
9-6 victory over Cleveland.
v They were two runs behind Al
Milnar today until they blasted
him from the mound with none
out in the eighth.
1 He was replaced by Mel Har
der with the score tied at aall
amd two runners on.
i The Indians, who ' outhit the
victor 13-11, made all but one
of their bingles before Starter
Mickey Harrlr was yanked with
none down la. the sixth. Jim Baa-
by held them to one hit during
the remainder of the game and
wound up as the winning pitcher.
Cleveland . 5 13 0
Boston 9 11 1
Milnar, Harder, Naymiek and
Hemsley; -Harris, Bagby and De-
sautels, Peacock.
Keller's Homer Wins
NEW YORK, June it-p.
Charley Keller's seventh borne
run of the year with two team
mates aboard in the seventh wiped
out a lot of early-inning monkey
shines today and gave the world
champion yankees a 7 to; 5 victory
over the Detroit Tigers.
Detroit . . 8 T O
New York -i. 7 12 1
Nswaom, Benton, McKain and
Sullivan; Breuer, Hadley and
Dickey. j
Homers Beat Lee
Thorton Lee, veteran Chicago
White Sox southpaw, held the
Athletics to three hits today but
two of tnem were home runs by
Bot Johnson and Sam Chapman
which gave the A's a S-I victory.
Chicago i 2 6 9
Philadelphia ! . 3 3 0
Lee and Tresh, Sllrestri; Pot
ter and Hayes.
Solons Bump Browns
WASHINGTON, June 12-(&y-Ken
Chase today broke the St.
Louis Brown's five game winning
streak their I longest since 1936
by pitching the Washington
Senators to a 3 to 2 victory. The
Washington a! o u t h p a w walked
five, but he allowed only sixJiits
and his mates! helped him out with
three double plays.
St.! Louis .-j 2 1
Washington :. 8 8 0
Auker and Swift: Chase and
Walt Cline Wins
1st Flight Match
Jennings of Portland Is
Leading, State Gold
Meet, 3d Round
I PORTLAND, Ore., June lt-0P)
-Lcrais Jennings of Portland
shook off the medalist jinx to
day, to lead the way into the third
round of the; Oregon State golf
championship at Riverside Golf
and Country club.
j The fairway-splitting public
links player had a narrow escape
in the morning first round but
experienced little trouble In his
second match! of the day against
Roy (Wiggins, former tltlist, whom
he defeated, $-4.
I Bfd Haskell of Olympla, Wash.,
pulled a mild! upset when he de
feated Dr. Kay Bridge of River
stldej 3-2, in i the second round.
Haskell defeated George Harring
ton Of Medford, 4-S; in the morn
ing. Harold Salvador of Portland,
finalist in 1938-39. pulled his
matdh against Vincent Dolp of
Portland out of . the fire on the
19th: and went on to score a sec
ond win over Glenn Splvey of The
Dalles, 4-3.
i. Otier second round results:
DickiHanen. Marshfield, beat Joe
Ahem, Portland, 5-4; Johnny
Robains, Portland, beat -Art
Green, Portland, 1 up; Roy
Hornsberger, Portland, beat Fits
AsheL Portland, 5-4; Johnny Ho
gan, i Portland, beat Cliff ! Folen,
OorvaUta; 3-2.
t Waiter Cllne of S a 1 e m beat
Leonard Holmes of Vancouver,
Wask., 4-J, In the first "round of
the second flight. Robert Utter
of Salem defaulted in the third
rag-at. . j ; - ;-y- -
sant stream of interruptions Is a
nxysUry, bat be does it,, la addi
tion to keeping np an amaxlngly
comprehensive I file on every, fight
aad fighter. In--fact. It ia tlila col
leetian of data that Is hi pride
anl J"3y. He's his own filing clerk,
and can find any Information with
his eyea shut. . - , w '
Harry's days
get longer as the
fight approaches.
day of a big
with the day of the fight bringing
the grandaddyj
of all headaches.
That's the day
the scribes roll ia,
front-row .seats.
all expecting
There; is always a substantial qno
ta; of 'phonies, but St. Denis, who
has developed press arrangements
to an -art, saysihe can smell them
a i mile away, i and .its a pretty
smart! Samuel who can (crash
through with fake credentials.
1 National League
I MT li Pet. W L Pet.
Brooklm SO IS .08 PUU4al 10 30 .381
Cfoeiaa S3 IS .081 Pittabfh 1ft 30 .800
M.Tork 38 IS .081 StOUS 18 Sw .841
CUeago SO 34 .530 Bota IS 37 .833
The Brooklm Dodgers held to
their narrow lead in the National
league championship race tonight
by chasing Fireman Mace Brown
with a two-ran eighth inning ral
ly which beat the Pittsburgh Pir
ates S to 4 before 20,179 fans.
Brooklyn 8 11 1
Pittsburgh 4 1
Tamnlls, Wyatt and Phelps;
Brown, Lanning and Fernandez,
Paul Derringer hung up his fifth
straight victory tonight for the
Cincinnati Reds, outlasting . Kirby
Hlgbe and SI Johnson for a 2 to 1
decision over the Philadelphia
Philadelphia 110
Cincinnati 2 8 1
Hlgbe. S. Johnson and Warren;
Derringer and Lombard!.
Navy Boats Are
At Poughkeepsie
Syracuse ' Favored Over
- 3
Huskies; Ulbrickson
not Satisfied
12. an Navy's crews arrived to
day to complete the field of eight
varsities training for next Tues
day's intercollegiate regatta, but
as the Midshipmen did not get en
the water, Syracuse and Wash
ington drew most of the attention.
More than one observer ex
pressed the opinion 'Syracuse
could beat, the Huskies the way
they1 rowed today.
Coach Al Ulbrickson admitted
ly has an "up and down" Wash
ington boatload for the varsity
race, and they were definitely
down today. Ulbrickson, who said
this morning the Huskies eventu
ally would have to drop out of the
regatta because of lack of train
ing time here unless the date is
changed to later In the season,
hoped to get in a four-mile work
out this afternoon. But after three
miles It was necessary to ' call a
halt for a "breather."
Husky Trial Set
"We'll try to get in a row over
the course tomorrow," said the
coach, who earlier had predicted
the Huskies would not reach their
peak for Tuesday's race. He added
that several of his Oarsmen are
suffering stomach trouble,
' Columbia went through the
day's hardest drill, a time trial
over the four-mile course. No of
ficial time was given, but It was
believed to be good.
Wisconsin . also rowed the
course, and Coach Ralph Hunn
said the time was good. Harrison
Sanford promised a time trial for
Cornell tomorrow, if conditions
are right. California beld only
brief workouts, but appeared to
be improving after the shifts In
the boatings made yesterday.
C. Davis, Medwick
Sold to Dodgers
ST. JOUIS, June 1 2-f;p)-Sale
of Outfielder Joe Medwick and
righthanded Pitcher Curt Davis
to the Brooklyn Dodgers for four
players and an unannounced cash
payment was announced tonight by
President Sam Breadon of the St.
Louis National league club. '
The Brooklyn players involved
were Outfielder Ernie Koy, Pitch
er Carl Doyle, a righthander; Sam
Nahem, plteher, now on option to
Louisville of the American As
sociation, and Infieldler Berthold
Haas, now with Montreal of the
International league on option.
Curt Davis was, prior to his
entrance into professional baseball.
resident or the RicXreall vicin
ity and pitched a few games-for
the Salem Senators in the Wil
lamette Valley league.
Lcaguo Baseball
Enutor Satttsf Avsxsgts
yy B H ;B- H Arm.
renter . 4 8 .780 Pat's 185 SS .344
Harris 1S0 19 .S7 Barkar SS Jf
Heiaar 47 IT .843 SoimU IS 4 -83
WilM : 70 IS ,354 O rift ha 103 SS Jtl9
Br ITS 59 .316 Darts . It t .18
Uff&t'v ITS 60 486 OliMT IS 9 lli
Clb'sa 1SS 481 Brwar 30 $ .07f
Cover' 180 60 .370 . WiUm 16 1 .007
Milwaukee! 17, Toledo 6.
Kansas City 6, Columbus f.
St, Paul 4, Louisville T.
Minneapolis 14, Indianapolis 7.
United Shirt 3uot
new i summer shade
1 I J J .W .. ..... v v t J
331 Ctoia Street
State Shoot .
Is set for Jane 0-23. Fol
low the trap gunner with
this page r -
New Card Boss
Billy Southworth, recently named
skipper of the St. Louis Cardin
als, replacing Bay Biaaes.
Southworth Is a Cardinal vet.
, having played with and man
aged the Redbirds in 1029.
Iowa Champ In
Quarter Final
15-Year-Old Phyllis Otto
Only One Over Par; in
Trans-Miss. Meet
ST. LOUIS. June 12-iPH3tand-
lng right up against the big
name women golfsrs, Phyllis
Otto, 15-year-old Iowa state high
school champion from Atlantic,
Iowa, blasted her way into the
quarter-finals of the trans-Miss-.
isslppl tournament today.. 1
She defeated Mrs. Chester
Keating of St. Joseph, Mo., 8 and
6, in the second round today and
will face Kay . Pearson, Houston,
Tex., star, tomorrow.
The "Xid" stroked like a ma
chine for 12 holes over the soft
ened Glen Echo course In one
over par to gain her second vic
tory. For 80 successive holes, in
cluding practice rounds, she is
only one stroke above regulation
The little glfl Is in a class all
by herself against seven of the
nation's leading link atars who
advanced through the second
round. .
Betty Jameson, of San Antonio,
Texas, the women.'s national
champion; Patty Berg of Minne
apolis, defending champion, and
Marlon Miley of Lexington, Ky..
two-time winner of the T-M
crown, shot Identical sub-par
golf to win handily, but one of
this trio will be bounced out
The pairings bring Miss Jame
son and Miss Miley together In
a match that more than likely
will determine the upper bracket
finalist against Miss Berg, favor
ed, to sweep through the lower
San Diego Pounds
Rainiers, 9 to 2
Pacific Coast League
W V PeU W L Pet.
8mU1 10 10 .565 SeranU 30 38 .480
Oikl'd 43 83 .568 8. Prtae 34 8T .470
& Diao 80 88 .543 LAarI 88 87 .471
HoU'wd 8 85 .527 Portfs 34 44 .853
SAN DIEGO, Calif., June 12
LTVSan Diego pounded three Se
attle pitchers for 11 hits today to
defeat Seattle f to 2, and band
the Coast league pacesetters their
second successive setback, j
The Padres scored two runs on
walk, a single and a double in
the second inning to Jump into
the lead. The Rainlers tied the
score with runs in the third and
fourth innings, but San Diego re
gained the lead in its half of the
fourth with a three-run three-hit
splurge, featured by Bill Salk
eld's home run with a mate on
base. ' r: !
Dick Newsome, recording his
eleventh win of the season, held
Seattle scoreless the rest of the
w a y, . while the ' Padres ' picked
three more runs in the seventh
on four hits, and another tally In
the eighth on a double by New
some after Detore drew a walk.
Seattle . 1 I
San Diego . - t 12 t
Gregory, WllkJe Radunlch and
Campbell; Newsome and Salkeld.
Dr. Youngton to Retire -
After 27 Years Ministry
PORTLAND. Jane 1 2-UPY-Af-
ter 27 years in Methodist pulpits.
Dr. Willi -m Wallace Youngson,
Portland, will be retired this
month. The clergyman, Portland
area - director - of world service
and finance, was superintendent
of the church bare,' and pastor of
the Rose City Park church. He
also : served at Tillamook from
IS J5 to 1929,
Famou lor Ties
in high class hand made
Adolph Tldj.
Eiinsr Duel
. y . v
Caps, Chiefs Win to Leave
Standings Unchanged;
Hawkins Whiffs 10
SALEM - ,, ,.
Spokane ..
Vancouver , x.
.20 20 .606
.26 22 .621
.25 22 .521
.24 24 .500
.21 26 .447
.21 SO .412
- Wednesday's Results
Yakima 4, Salem 2. 1
Wenatchee 11, Spokane T.
Vancouver 5, Tacoma 3.
YAKIMA, June 1 2.-jp)-Carl
McConnell'a tight pitching which
held Salem to seven scattered hits
while his Yakima teammates were
collecting IS safe blows brought a
4-t - victory for the Pippins lns) '
Western International league
game tonight, i . ' ' ' I
Yakima scored in the first and
third. Salem tied the count in the
fifth when Brewer doubled. Wil
son singled and both scored on'
Bill Reese's error In an attempted
double play. M
The Pippins counted twice in
the seventh on singles by Jack
Whipple, 'Walt Bliss and Boy
Younker, a sacrifice by Nanny
Fernandez, a walk by Ed Weigant
and a hit batter.
Salem :. . . 2 T
Yakima ...... 4 12 1
Brewer and Petersen: , McCon
nell and Younker. ' . ,
Chiefs Pound Indians
Jack. Hawkins struck out 10 Spo-
aane oatters while nis mates were
getting IS hits off three Spokane
pitchers as tfie Wenatchee Chiefs
evened up their Western Interna
tional league series by deteatlug
the Indians 11 to 7 here tonight.
Levi McCormach, who left. his
fielding post in the fifth to sitch.
allowed but two hits in four in
nings and hit a home run himself.
Dan Escobar homered for Wenatchee.-
Spokane . . 7 12 t
Wenatchee ..;. 11 IS '2
OTlynn. Klnnlman (2) MeCor-
mack (5) and McNamee; Hawk
ins and Volpi.
Cape Drop Tigers .
VANCOUVER, B. C, June 12.-(CP)-VancOuver
Caollanos made
it three straight In their current
four-game Western- International
baseball league series by defeat
ing Tacoma Tigers B-S here to
night. Tacoma grabbed a lead in 'the
first Inning when Tony Firpo
homered with Bob Garretson on
first. They brought in a third rnu
In the fifth, to take a 3-0 lead be
fore Caps counted.
Capilanos raced ahead in the
eighth, scoring four runs. Wimpy
Qulnn singled, Ross Edy walked
and Ed Stewart doubled scoring
Quinn Catcher Jim Crandall then
smashed a', home run to score
three runs before. Caps were re
tired. ., v N : . ( ' J,"
-i A last Inning rally in which Ta
coma got two men on bases was
checked by Charlie Elsenmann's
steady hurling. y
Tacoma L.:'.1...I '
Vancouver ,.5 i t f
Cadinha and O'Brien: Eieen-
mann and Crandall.
To Be Formulated
Hearing Set for July 13;
Doe Season in Grant
Is Big Problem
Regulations for the 1940 hunt
ing season will be formulated 7
next month by the Oregon State'
Game commission. The annual
hearing on this-subject has been1
set In the Portland offices of the
commission, 616 Oregon build
ing, at a. m. July IS.
Questionnaires have been for
warded to all sportsmen's organ-,,
lxations with the request that
they be filled : out and returned
to, the commission office as sooa
as possible. ,r
Perhaps the most controversial
subject to be determined by the
commission will be whether the
antlerless deer season In the
Mnrderer's Creek district ia
Grant county will be continued.
Open season on antlerless deer
was provided in a bill passed by
the .1239- legislaUve , assembly
and authority was granted to the
commission either, to continue or
dlMMltlnna (ha Miami In Itllt
No provision Was. made for proJ
vtamg a limited kill, if the sea
son Is left open in this district
na change can be made in the
present bag limit of oae forked
bora and one antlerless deer.
Other subjects to be considered K
Include the;, Issuance of special
tags for taking of cow elk in the
northeastern part of the state: V
open and closed seasons n Chin
ese pheasants, quail and grouse,:
as well as trapping regulations
on fur-bearing animals.
vrasa otbxks rami
ChtB4 rm4i. AmstlDf VO
CESS tot (000 yri ia CHI HA.1
H Ba(tr wiiti what llaat ?o
r irrUOTED dar4r. al
aa'tia, kMM. laar. Iiar. kldaaf.
temeh. raa. matlpatioa, alcara.
d tab st -a. teT. tkia. trmaU torn-
, Chinese Herb Co.
S B roag Otflct
koar 0 ta 0 .m
irapt Sunday aoa
Wtdotdr. 0 to 10 '
e s.
HI . C ! StH Sniam, Or.
i) ScUcr
. 1 Lender?