The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1940, Page 5, Image 5

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    . 1
Hi OUSGOII CTATECJIA2L Satm. OreccBu Thuxs&xy
Local News Briefs
j . Rotary Sees 1 Light demon-
stratton emphasizing the improve
ment tn electric' lighting mince Its
Inception many years ago was pre
sented at the Salem Rotary club
luncheon on Wednesday by Wal
ter Potter of the General Electric
company, -who performed several
experiments with the aid of Act
ing Governor E. R. Fatland whom
he drafted as his asfistant, -;
Lats florist. P. 9592. 127 8 n' Lib.
Held for Larceny Chris II.
Hoffman waived preliminary
hearing and wag bound over to
the Marion county grand Jury
yesterday on a charge of larceny
by bailee of household goods
from Ed Warren when be ap
peared before Silverton Jasiice
of the Peace rAlf.O. Neteon. He
." was arrested by Salem officers.
1. i- ' ' .:-' .
Examiner Here Worthington
Blackman, -Portland, naturaliza
tion'' examJner, 'was at the, Mar
ion county courthouse yesterday
to Interview s applicants for na
tsrallzation .who will receive
v final examination before j Circuit
Judge L. G. Levelling tomorrow.
He ' Will continue interviews ; to
day .; - , -
Safety bt your savings Is Insured
at Salem Federal. 130 S. Liberty.
Dos Bites Boy Billy Peter
sen, , 2 'years old, Newport, was
treated by first aid men yester
day, after he had been bitten on
; the face by a dog at 767 North
. 18th street. The 'wound was not
seriQus. . -:-.m r
Brown to: Speak Ai. L. Brown,
democratic . candidate .for eecre-
tary ot:' state, 'will speak . before
tie Marlon County Democratic
society at 8 o'clock Friday night
la. the county courthouse, it was
announced yesterday, j
Guardianship sale, choice residen
tial lots. North 20th, 21st and Ne
braska avenue. Guardian will be
on these; lots this week. William
Sehreiber, 1110 N. 21st street.
Parse Stolen Agnes' Blain,
414 Belleviie street, , reported to
police yesterday that heif purse
containing about $4 was stolen
from her home while she was
away for several hours Tuesday
, To Open Bids The state high
v way , commission will meet In
Portland Thursday and. Friday to
i open bids on 22 projects, jinyolv-l-
lng $1,000,000 : worth of ; road
construction. . ' : ; I f
Cherries wanted-R.A., .Lam., B'gs.
Willamette Valley Prune Atsadc.
Will Show Films Colored mo
tion, pictures taken recently In
Mexico by R.-D Wpodrow will be
shown' tonight at 8 o'clock in the
lobby of the Salem YMCA, under
sponsorship" of the Y Breakfast
' club. The public Is Invited. '
: Jersey Club to Meet Marion
County Jersey Cattle club will
meet Sunday at the O. H. Brough
er home at Scotts Mills. A basket
dinner will be served at noon. All
Jersey breeders are invited.
Special gifts for father ties 25c,
BOc and 75c. Shirts $1.50, former
ly sod at $2. Sweaters $2.50 to
$4.95, Slacks $2.95 to $6.95. Spe
jcial On suits $13.60 and $19.95.
ThosJ Kay Woolen Mills. Retail
store located: at the mill, 260 8.
12th St. . .
- Clab Will Meet Swegle Town
.send club No.- lB will meet tonight
;t-8 o'clock at the J. J. Kleeman
home, on-Hollywood drive. Bulle
Jtins from Washington, DC, will
be- read. The public is Invited.
Putnam to Speak The Salem
Lions club will at its meeting to
day hear Rex Putnam, state super-
intendent of public instruction,
speak on "Education a Success."
From7 the ': Heart of. a Mighty
"Novel Thnhdefs thelYear's
Mightiest Love Drama , ';
I J"1" ' ' liUMHiu. , iiHW.)nnwai
From Howard . Spring's! beet
. v, selling novel : i '
Madeleine - Brian .
; Louis HAYWARD ,
7 Plus March of Time
."Information Please".
BxbtheT Bat and! a Baby
Priseilla Lane Wayne' Morris
.: - s . -S
nn TTCi
- i ' - m -
llUDAz and saiukuai ;
Coming Evenla
Jane 14 XebraskA club.
Centennial meeting. 965 North1
Fifth street.
June 13-17 Oregon state
grange convention.
, July 4 Independence day.
- July 81, Aug. 1-4 Salem
Centennial celebration.
Speeding Charged Carl IJ
Donovan, route two, and Louis
A. Drager, Malin. are charged
with violation of basic rule by
cjty i police.
Week end special on ladies sult-i
ings and coatings, formerly $2 yd.,
now! $1 and $1.50. Auto robes
$1.50 to $3.95. Thos. Kay Woolen
Mills, retail store located at the
mill.; 260 S. 12th St. .
Turnover Made A turnover
of $51,145.10 of 1940 tax money
was 1 made by the county treas
urer's office yesterday to City
Treasurer Paul H. Hauser.
Annual Kenwood Blanket sale,
month of June only. Select yours
now. Better Bedding Store.
Ask Marriage Lieense-'-Walter
K. Rush, of Portland and Ade-4
laide V. Winslow of Salem are
named in a' marriage license ap
plication filed in Portland.
Salem Art Center rummage, 340
State. Donations wanted. Ph. 6311.
Given Permit N. R .Yoder was
yesterday granted a permit by the
Marion county court to haul logs
over certain county roads. ' '
Use your credit for interior and
exterior painting and paperhang
ing. Harold Dunsmoor. P. 7447.
Club Meets Tonight Town
send club No. 16 will meet at S
o'clock tonight at the F. N. Berry:
home, 714 South 19th street.
At Summer School
Mires is attending summer school
for 4H clubs at Corvallls as a
guest of the local grange.
In this city, Monday, June 10.
Alice Marie Lane, aged 6 years,
daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Lane of route three, Salem. Sis
ter ?of Doris and Frances Lane of
Salem, granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lane of Independence
and Mrs. Nancy Peed of Longview,
Wash., 'niece of Mrs. N. D. Currie
of Monmouth, Mrs. Irene Fowler
of Portland, Miss Ftankie Mae
Lane of Independence and Mrs.
Herman Hahn of Salem. Funeral
services Will be held In the cha
pel of the W. T. Rigdon company
Thursday, June 13, at 2 p. m..
Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating. Con
cluding services in City View cem
etery Craven
Jasper Marion Craven, at the
residence 2172 Chemeketa street.
June 12, at the age of 72 years.
Survived by wife, Mrs. Effle Lelaa
Craven; daughter, Mrs. R. W.:
Remington, and granddaughter,:
Joan Remington, both of Salem;
sister, Mrs. Maurice Butler of In
dependence; three brothers, Wllr
lard of Independence, Riley of
Dallas and Alvah of . Monmouth.
Funeral services will be held Fri
day, June 14, at 2 p.m., from
Clough-Barrick chapel. Rev. Arno
Q. Weniger officiating. Interment
will be in IOOF cemetery. - i
Ervln Earl Berland, at a local
hospital, June 12, aged 85 years,
late resident of Mehama, Ore.
Survived by wife, Vlona; . daugh
ters, Reta Anita and Cleva Rae;
son, Gary Lee, all of Mehama;
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ber
land;: brothers, Vernon Leo and
Marvin O.,' all of Paradise, Ore
sister, Mrs. Gladys E. Newland of
Lewlston, Ida. Shipment was made
to Enterprise, ' Ore., for services
and interment by Clough-Barric
1 I- ". , Schwab l
, At the residence, 145 North
14th itreet, Wednesday, June 12.
Sarah: L. Schwab. Mother of Carl
L. Schwab of Bend, Fredrick W.
Schwab of Tacoma, Wash., Mrs.
Marie: S. Chambers and Miss Nel
lie E. Schwab of Salem; sister of
Marcus A. Wolfa of Kansas City,
Kans., W. G. Wolfe of Jackson
ville, 111., and Mrs. Emma Farley
of Philadelphia, Pa.; grandmoth
er of i Marie ' Schwab, Carl Lewis
Schwab, Jr., Patty Ann Schwab.
Charles Allen. Schwab and Philip
Chambers? Funeral services will
be held In the chapel of the W. T;
Rigdon company Friday, June 14.
at 3:15 p.m;-r. "r . . 1 jj
Mom, Pop and Un- m gg
married Kids :. alJlii
Single Admission 15c Kids 10c !
"uracie r ; n
Main Street !
i! :.c Quy" ;: :
Jackie Cooper
- Victor .
McLasrten -
TO 10 P. M. ;
, "... a r ,m,.. ''Tf':::?r.:r
TT;,V -7J 1 n
$1080 Damage
Award Verdict
Injury in DiVe From Boat
Basis; Scott-Madison
Trial Concluded
A jury yesterday awarded
$1000 damages to the plaintiff
in the case of Mae O. Sqott vs.
Don Madison, which' has been on
trial in circuit court for three
days before Circuit Judge L. H.
The suit resulted from injuries
received ; by the plaintiff when
she dived from Madison's motor
boat into the Willamette river
last summer.
Circuit Court -
William Martin vs. William
Peerenboom; complaint for $960
alleged due for work and serv
ices. Ef fie i Mae Perkins vs. Elmer
Howard Perkins; motion for $75
suit money.
James Henry Watson and oth
ers vs. 'George F. Clinton; ad
ii lnlstrator, and others; return
by Multnomah county sheriff
states writ wholly unsatisfied
and return made on request of
plaintiff's attorney.
Probate Court
James Lester Leighty estate;
order for sale of seven head of
livestock appraised at $1500; ap
praisal of Everett Milne, Mllo
Wilcox and John Tweed at $7187.
of which $4000 Is in real prop
erty. " Mary C. Chad wick estate;
Karl Steiwer appointed executor
and William S. Walton, Asa L.
Lewelling and George Graben
horst, appraisers, of real prop
erty valued at $12,500 and per
sonal property valued at $11,000.
Helen Podrahsky and Martha
Podrabsky guardianship; Joseph
Podrahsky named guardian of
800 estate ot each.
Marriage Licenses
victor J. Kadley, 14, truck
driver, and Dorothy C. Benson,
19, stenographer; both of 811
verton. Board Jurisdiction
Clarified in Ruing
r The state board of barber ex
aminers . has no authority to -refuse
to grant licenses to barber
shops merely because they are
not located in substantial, per
manent buildings. Attorney Gen
eral I. H, Van Winkle) ruled Wed
nesday. I .
Van Winkle also held that
the board has Jurisdiction over
sanitary ! conditions in barber
shops and may revoke a license
when such sanitary conditions do
not comply with the law.
The opinion was requested by
J. G. Rlsley, secretary-treasurer
of the board, in connection with
barber shops located in trucks
and trailers.
Sarah L. Schwab
Called by Death
r -
Mrs. Sarah L. Schwab, who
once operated a florist shop
here, died yesterday at the resi
dence, 145 North 14th street.
She came to Salem In 1904 with
her husband, Charles, C. Schwab,
Who died in 1921.
Mrs. Schwab, ah active mem
ber of the Christian science
church, was born in Canton, 111.
Survivors are the children,
Carl L. Schwab of Bend, .Freder
ick W. i Schwab of Tacoma,
Wash., Mrs. Marie S. Chambers
and Nellie E. Schwab of Salem;
brothers,! Marcus A. Wolfe of
Kansas City, Kas.. and W. G.
Wolfe of Jacksonville, 111.; sis
ter, Mrs.: Emma Farley, of Phil
adelphia, Pa.; grandchildren,
Marie Schwab, Carl Lewis
Schwab, Jr., Patty Ann Schwab,
Charles Allen Schwab and Philip
Fnneral services will be Fri
day at Stl5 p. m. in the W. T.
Rigdon chapeL J
Chaniber to Give
Program, Eugene
Floyd Miller, chairman of the
special goodwill tour committee
of the chamber of commerce, to
day announced the lineup of en
tertainment to be - presented be
fore thej Eugene chamber of
commerce Friday. 1
A special bus will leave Salem
at 10 a. I m. bearing a group of
about 40i Salem persons who will
advertise1 the coming Salem Cen
tennial, if ':'
Speakers Include E. H. Bln-
genhelmer, chamber president;
Dan Hay; Doris Smith, Centen
nial pageant director; IrY S. Mc
Sherry, Centennial general man
ager; E.A. Vandeneynde, and a
special number . featuring "Miss
1840." Centennial theme girl.
Greetings from the ' city of
Salem will be officially conveyed
by Mayor W. W. Chadwick. who
will also issue an Invitation to
the Eugene citizens to accept the
hospitality of Salem during the
Centennial. J
He's Sae but BelijM Th&jsn
It's only black, dirty smoke joa the horizon, but 1 1 tells a .tragic story of the fall of Dunkirk, French
channel port, where thousands of Allied troops, pushed to the sea, were evacuated by boatloads. The.
man at left is a Belgian soljdier, being evacuated t England. News of the Day NewsreeL I :
Descendants of Pioneers
i i
In Opening Scenes of
Pageant; Screens to Be Innovation
:j Doris Smith, pageant, director of the Salem Centennial,
today announced that cycle one of the pageant would present
direct descendants of early Salem pioneer families. The
opening scene brings to the platform th$ march of the years,
beginning with a little six-year-old girl and Tanging upward
to the present; day. I 1 . ,
Miss Eula McCully has beenO i ' '
placed in charge of this division
of the pageant and she has asked
that all persons Interested in hav
ing their children participate'. 3n
this phase of the pageant, call) her
at 6244., ' j ,'.
It is necessary to use Jittle girls
as much as possible, although In
cases where small boys are! di
rectly descended from pioneerj Sa
lem families, they too will be
placed In this scene.
Another interesting idea 1 for
dramatizing .the march of ! the
years will be the incorporating In
the scenery of screens whlehiwtll
illuminate to present "then land
now'? pictures of the progress of
the city. This idea has never be
fore been used, and it is expected
to attract nationwide attention as
a direct departure from usual
stage procedure in pageantry:
Plans for the building of j the
300-foot-long stage are well j un
der way according to Ray Stumbo,
who 'heads this work. Initial sket
ches! have been submitted, and
definite scale drawings are now
being made. Scenery will depUt
the j Waldo Hills, colored n
shades of purple . and blue. iTbe
back scenery will be Intertwined
with ramps for horsemen jand
wagons to move from level to) lev
el. The pageant will be staged at
the fairgrounds on July 81, Aug
ust 1, 2, 3. i
Residence Permit
; Issued, $14,000
- ! .-' i' . 1
One of the largest permits! for
residential construction in a
number of months was issued
yesterday to Chandler P. Brown
by the city building department
for erection of a two-story duell
ing j at 2 77 West Washington
street which Is to cost $14000.
The house will . be built by
Hiram E. Wood. j
Other permits: Charles Cav
michael to erect . a one "story
dwelling at 23 8 S Claude street,
1600; Ted Symers to repair a
dwelling at . 686 North 20th
street, $100; Olive M. Dab to
rerobf dwelling at 925 North
Fifth street, $150: Gerti-Hde
StoUte to reroof woodshed at! 110
Division street, $25; J. H. Wrath
to erect private garage at oea
Portland road, $75.
Release Itinerary
Of Statewide Hop
The following is the itinerary
of S the Centennial Air Tour
which will take place on Tues-'
dayj June . 25. Members of the
toue party will be . Governor
Charles A. Sprague, Secretary of
State ?arl Snell, Mayor W.1 V(.
Chadwick of Salem, Irl S. Mf-
snerry, manager or tne yente
niali commission : E. HJ' Bingen
heimer, president of th chamber
of dommerce; Dr. Brace R.'. Bat
ter, ! president of . Willamette jun!
versity; Jerrold OwentijpubIIcity
chairman, and newspapermen of
Salem, . - . :.-::- ;4j
Leave Salem, .7: $3. . ta.t r-
rive! Eagene,. 8:05 : ; leaye- Eugene,
8:30; ' . arrived licdfordV-.'. 91
leate Madfordi. $ : 80 1 arriv
Aiamain fuis, iv;?u; ,ieay3
Klamath Falls, 10:40 arriv
Bend, 1 1 : 4 0 r ; leaye Bend, I ; 1J5
p. tn.; arrive Pendleton, 2 f SO;
4eaVe Pendleton, 1:00; - arrive
Portland. 4:40. ; ' " ; ; ' ' . L r
i ' ' ; t sr
ScHool Bleeting Set ;
school meeting, of Middle Grovte
school district No. 3 will be Mon
day night at 8 o'clock in the
schoolhonse. ; '. , ' . ; ; .
m , mum " imt T"1
MM.jfc 1, ,ln ' - J
Ronald; .. 1 r Ida " ?
Colman : - ..-Luplno
The tight That ;
Foiled" ...
Call Board
! exsixore
Today -Madeleine Car
roll, Brian Aherne and
. Louis Hayward in "My
. Son, My Son." Plus the
March of Time "The Phil-
ippines 1898-1946."
Saturday Ann Sherlday and
James Cagney in "Torrid.
Zone.' Plus "Cavalcade of
Academy Awards."
Today Bob Burns In
"Alias . the Deacon" with
Mlscha. Auer and Dennis
O'Keefe. Plus f'Brother
Hat and a Baby" with
Priscilla Lane, Wayne
Morris and Eddie Albert.
Today ! "Broadway Mel-
ody of 1940" with Tred
Astaire, Eleanor Powell
and George Murphy. Plus
"Smashing ' the Money
Rlng'j with Ronald Rea-
' San.
Thursday "Light that
Failed" with Ronald Cole-
man land Ida Luplno. Plus
"Star Dust" with Linda
Darnell and John Payne..,
Saturday midnight, show
"Northwest Passage" with
Spencer Tracy, , Robert
Young and Walter Bren-
- nan. : ' -:-
Today Pat O'Brien
and ! George Brent in
"Submarine D-1.V Plus
j "Hawaiian Nights" with
an all star east.
) Friday Gene Autry In
Montana : Skies"
Smiley Burnette.
Charlie Ruggles In
Exciting Night" and
2 "Dick Tracy's
Today "Miracle on
Main! Street" with Margo.
j Plus I Victor McLaglen and ,
"! Jackie Cooper in' "The
Big Guy." - . ,
Friday "The Llano Kid"
with) Tito Gulzar. Plus
"Television Spy? with
William Henry. ! Judith
Barrett and Wiftlam Col-
lier, j sr. fs '-; ; ;
! GRAND ; a
Today "Lillian Russell"
1 with ! Alice Faye, Don
Ameche, Henry ' Fonda
1 and Edward Arnold. Held
over.l v -
Saturday r"Mad Men of Eur-
ope. Plus "Son? of. the
Navy with James Dunn
and Jean Parker. ' --' ,
tervaiis Lad Firslvf
I sThe first local young man to
enlist in the regular arm? under1
tiie provisions of "Preparedness
iequlsltioa No. J ,; . is' pari TS
ifelnard, ' Km V.'lriar
Joseph J f Winter,; GeiralV Vho
enlisted last efo ihe99th
field, artlilleryvf it new- regiment
being formed at Fort Lewis,
Wash., according tof anl annouci
Sient made - 7 iUEini f Co
enel H. D. Bagnall, Portland re
4rultlng officer. . ' ! ;- vf f;?
I Earl Vas accepted, ; f or , enllst
ment by Sergeant Joseph-Scarpa,'
Salem recruiter, and i forwarded
to Portland 7-. for" final ' examina-.
lions' ' and! . actual enlistment. .
Pat O'Brien, George Btehi;
"Submarins T1"
-Plsss 2nd Hit
"Ha waiicra .
Sentenced to Two
Years for Fraud
ROSEBDRG, Jane ll-JP)-Con-victed
of fraud, J. W. Gearhart,
42, ef San Francisco, was senten
ced to the .state penitentiary for
two years in circuit court here to
day. ' ;. . .. . .
Gearhart, who has a record . of
fraud and petty swindles, pleaded
guilty of obtaining money nnder
false pretenses.
Otis E. White, 18, Portland,
who pleaded guilty to burglary
of several places at Drain, was
given a one-year sentence.
Ofiranp and
2:00 Iff 4:00 P. II. j
3 Blocks South Ladd & Bush Bcmk)
Under the' personal "direction of fcrrned General
Elecrtic home service kitchen economist
Iliss Esther Ilaernberger
who will conduct cookincj 'demonstrations ach
( afternoon in our large
I Of the millions of Calrods .in
i use in the past seven years, less
I than 1 lOtb of 1 have needed'
I replacement a record that ;
I cannot evpn be approached by,"
laay other, ' electric range heat
I iflgunit ; '
f jCALROEr is th Only Heating
$EAL-n exclusive, j patented
feature that means dependable, .
trouble-free performance and
long life.
l,.v:.-.o-V.',-,-'L' . :. . . ' "
Naw Cculrods hoot even
- faster and use less cur
rent then ever before!
Epedal Terms . . On
:- ! J-': r I
Only One Declines
July Jury Service
Elizabeth Glatt, Scollard,
Excused ; All Others
:':r Consent to Serve!'. i
: Only one person declined to
serve on the Jury panel drawn
yesterday , Jor I the July ' term of
court by County Clerk U. "G.
Boyer and S lerlff A. C. Burk.
Elizabeth M. Glatt, housewife,
Scollard, ; was excused. " . : .
- Others who consented to serve
were: Nick A. Klmllnger, farm-erj--West
Mt, -Angel; . Homer
Smith, jr., insurance salesman,
Salem 15; William C. Johnson,
salesman, Salem 13; Guy M. Aqp
perle,' f ajrmer, Jef f erson ; ' Carrie
Beechlerj housekeeper, Salem 16;
C. W. "'Sawyer, retired, Salem
Heights; j George' C. Weller, man
ufacturer, Salem 10; Winifred
It. Needham, merphant, Salem 1 9 ;
Harry J, . Pearcy, nurseryman,
Qulnaby; Earl Bear, farmer. Tur
ner; Frank W. Settlemeler, nur
seryman,; West Woodburn; Anton
A. Keldel, laborer, East Stay ton ;
Grace Robertson, clerk', Salem 2;.
Honora Reidy, clerk, Salem 8;
Edward V. Ferguson, clerk, Sal
em 23 ; Roger E. Mything. sales
man, Salem . 22; August Fisher,
caretaker, Salem 16; Lee lligh
berger, milleri Aumsville; Harry
F. Caldwell, accountant, . Salem
2; George S. Higgins, farmer,"
Croisan; John C. Baker, farmer,
Aumsville; Harold H."Vogts, bak
er. Salem 7 ; Fred B. Ireland,
service station operator, Salem
8; Ella M. Hallk, housewife;
Salem 13; Peter J. Rerger, clerk,
East Mt. Angel; Isam M. Dough
ten, merchant, Salem 24; Essie
Specht, housewife. West Silverr
ton; Martha M. Glenn, house
wife, Salem 22; Kenneth E. Wil
kinson, oil man, Salem Heights;.
Helen Starr, . housewife, . Salem :
13; Ottialla Shepherd, house
wife, West Mt. Angel.
Automobile Rams
Cow-Loaded Truck
Several cows In a pickup truck
driven by Phil Huber, Kenton
station, may have been shocked
General Electric
lowest . cost, Fastest besting, anest : feature ever offr4
; iaa Geaeral Electric Range 1 BesutiruUy styleoV Completely
' - CAXJtOD equipped. See it, compare it, aa4 it will be your
fiat thtct in an electric raage, Now on. display. Ask for -free
demoostrstioo. You'll always be plad you bought a
General Jtlectricl
t ' ' ' .-
p. I - r-i 1
1 1
Any Range Purchased. This Week
for a moment out of their be vine.
placidity, ' but so one was hurt
when Huber's truck was struck
last night by a car driven by
Harold Hastings 4 3 1 soutn a f. t n
street. In the 200 block on South
Commercial stret, '
Huber was making a left turn
into a - garage when Hastings'
car struck him, witnesses said..
Use of Electricity
In toolong yams
Connections of Stoves and ,
h "Water Heaters 3how 52 ,
, Per Cent Increase 1
; " -i . ' 1 '. ''
Use of electricity for cooking '
and water heating In this area i'
iDcreaBiug more rapiaiy tuna ci ;
any time since electric ranges ar.d i
water. heaters were placed on the!
market, according to W. M. Hani-
llton, Willamette valley ( division
manager for ' Portland General
Electric company. . - '
r . ' ..I m a . .
jonnec(.ions 01 ranges ana waifr ,
heaters to PGB lines in this trri-.
tory during the first five month
of 1940 have shown an Increase ' '
of 52 per cent over the same period "
last year, Hamilton states. '
Although PGE , does not sell
electrical merchandise or any sort. .
the company Is aggressively pro-
motlng sales of electric ranges and ' .
water heaters, through established
dealers. Cooperative . sales work . i
with these dealers, generally lu-'.X
proved business conditions and . 7
tower rates for electric service ,
made available this year after PG R
signed a contract for Bonneville
power have been responsible tor
n A (nivasaa.1 selaa UamtTf avi : w.
w wwwv WMaahVU .--t--
lieves. ' - - i ;
Miss Esther Noernberger 4
you at a glance which coc4uog
units arc on, sod at what beat.
2 Ttm-OYDC 3 ovens In 1 1 Speed
, orcn. Large ouster oven. Soper-
Broller with aa txclusivt Brouer
Meter, K
3 nrw ctuN-srtEi aitoi mkvti.
Cooking beats, from super speed
t:"" "", wiib one switch! '
. . No Down Payment
i'H A MFoia-Er.)iwai) I
I ' v ' m cal, J
j. ')'
HT''t, 'iWffifi' i ! I " '
'"-t Electnc CclroqJ
i and
Ccomrjiynmoior m
' V. ... a4A ' mm hut
;; Wltb An
All Stair Cast
XJnda .
if ft:. tit
.:" v;r3;:.. ; : ' iiht tand ; Day Trips j :,